• Published 17th Mar 2013
  • 13,380 Views, 369 Comments

Waning Moon - InsertAuthorHere

Sequel to My Little Alicorn. Luna gets regressed and is flung into a deeper mystery regarding the Arcanus E Draconus...

  • ...

Chapter One: Scouting Out

Princess Celestia stretched and yawned, her body threatening to tumble off the large bench she had parked herself on but a mere hour earlier. Fortunately, her control of her magic was not tied to the movement of her limbs, and the large scroll detailing Hoofington's proposed tax center managed to remain suspended in its golden aura. To her side, on a small table she had had the castle's staff set up for this occasion, sat a silver platter buried beneath forms, scrolls, quills and pots, and other such work-related objects and devices. And most importantly of all, there was her glass of freshly-squeezed lemonade, its citrus-y goodness just sitting there and begging her to take another sip.

The Princess sighed as she stifled another bored gasp. So far, not a single thing on the docket was capable of sustaining her interest, even for just a moment. Indeed, this was actually a rather slow day, all things considered. Every now and then, the universe would align in just the right way that Equestria would simply chug along without the direct intervention of either herself or Luna, leaving the two with only a few minor proposals and regulations to sift through. This was one of those days. Why else would she choose to attend to her duties in the garden rather than her throne room?

Still, it was enough to get her mind off that other, less palpable responsibility...

“A good welcome to you, sister.”

The sound of Luna's voice jarred Celestia out of her near-slumber. The Princess of the Moon had once again managed to stealthily approach her otherwise preoccupied sister, this time with a small picnic basket levitating to her side. The Sun Princess smiled as her younger half seated herself on a nearby bench. “And a good afternoon to you, Luna. Did you have any trouble with the salad?”

Luna floated the basket back onto the seat and shook her head. “No, of course not. The kitchen staff were very interested in finding a princess who could cook.”

Another flick of her magic popped the basket's lid open, allowing the mixed aromas of the various foodstuffs inside to hover about in the air momentarily before zeroing in on Celestia's nostrils. The Alicorn's wings flared just slightly as she caught wind of her sister's chopped almond salad, the raspberry parfait, and of course, the slab of triple-fudge chocolate cake. All of the meals had already been divided into their own separate containers, making it even easier for the two to levitate over their respective portions before digging in.

Luna did not speak again until after her third mouthful of salad. “Have you reviewed the proposed retirement system? We tried to hammer out the details last night, but we still need you to sell it to the committee.”

Celestia smiled and nodded, her lips stained with dark brown goodness. “Agreed. It's going to be a difficult one, that's for certain, but I'm certain we can get this approved.” She swallowed another bite of cake. “And what of the plans to preserve Hoofington's historical district?”

Luna nodded. “The buildings match the guidelines, and the city council is already drawing up the budget proposal to address the funds needed. We will have to review it before we give the plan our final blessing.” Another few bites were then followed by a wistful sigh. “This is a slow day, is it not?”

Celestia barely suppressed a rather unwelcome giggle. “Welcome them, little sister. A day where Equestria is not in danger of collapsing in on itself or getting destroyed by a passing dragon is a good one in my books.”

Luna's head slowly perked up towards Celestia, her lips curled just slightly in frustration. Once again, her sister was belittling her efforts to remain productive, even in the face of something as tragic as nothing going wrong. “There is one other matter we must discuss, though. It involves your upcoming trip to Ponyville.” Luna's voice instantaneously dropped to just the slightest whisper. “Are you still certain this is a good idea?”

Celestia's smile faded. Of all the pleasant lunchtime topics out there, this wasn't anywhere near being on the list. “Twilight and Pinkie Pie have assured me that the matter is settled. I understand your concerns, but this is something that must be done. Five hundred years of wrongs must be answered for.”

Luna nodded. “I hope you are right. You still have not told them why you have been so interested in...that."

The garden became smothered in the most uncomfortable silence imaginable, save perhaps for that time Twilight messed up that truth spell and blurted out that she had wet the bed all through Magic Kindergarten to her entire Psychology class. Neither princess dared to speak of the subject any more than they had to, instead turning their attention back to their sadly-neglected meals. The concept of sound only returned when Luna's head flew up so fast that her neck threatened to let her entire cranium go. “Ah, I almost forgot! I understand there is some sort of...scouting party in Ponyville?”

The older sister couldn't help but laugh at her sister's time-displaced ignorance. Even after improving so much, she still had much to learn. “You mean the Filly Scout Jamboree? Yes, that is being held in Ponyville this year.”

Luna cocked her head. “Yes, that. May I ask for some more information on the event? I must know more about these scouts.”

“A youth organization for fillies across Equestria.” Another bite, another swallow. “Every few years, they host a gathering of troops called the Jamboree, and Ponyville's Whitetail Woods just happens to have been selected this year.” She shook her head and smiled. “I even understand Twilight was quite insistent on assisting this year.”

“I see,” Luna said slowly. “And I understand a princess officiates the event?”

Celestia shrugged. “Pretty much. I just go over there every time, remind them of the values their sashes and hats represent, and finish my big speech with a rousing rendition of Equestria's national anthem.” She shook her head. “I was actually going to go to their offices after lunch. It seems my invitation was lost in the mail and I need a full headcount, some names, and a few other bits of information.”

It was right then that Celestia noticed Luna's expression. Gone was the look of contentment and joy, instead being replaced with a scrunching of the muzzle and slight twitching of the eyes. All of them were telltale signs of one thing... “Do you know something I don't, Luna?”

“Well...uh...” Luna hewed and hawed for a few seconds, but finally gave up the ghost and sighed. “I received a message from the Filly Scouts two weeks ago. They invited me to give the speech at their jamboree this year. Th-They said the fillies voted on it, and...”

Celestia cocked her head, her smile rapidly vanishing. “And?”

“A-And...they chose me by a considerable margin.” Luna looked away sheepishly. “As in...over five-to-one for me officiating the event.”

A certain word managed to crawl its way into Celestia's brain, representing the most unprincess-like of thoughts. Before it could force its way past her frozen lips, however, a nearby flock of pigeons spontaneously took off and dashed into the very heavens, rustling leaves and trees alike in their hurry. The momentary distraction gave Celestia the moment she needed to collect her thoughts. “I-I see. So they want you to officiate...despite knowing nothing about the Filly Scouts up to this point?”

Luna nodded, a small grin on her face. “It would appear so. I must say, it is quite an honor to be considered for such an event. That is why I must ask for your help. Do you have any copies of your former speeches and books on the organization I can study? I must have everything ready by the time we reach Ponyville.”

Celestia nodded, a few small beads of sweat crossing her forehead. “O-Of course...I'll have somepony bring them to you tonight...”

Luna nodded, a small smile forming on her own lips. “And there is one other thing Ruby Dream has informed me of. It seems these Filly Scouts have an even younger sister company, the Junior Filly Scouts. And a pony we are both familiar with has joined...”


Blueblood shook his head at the ridiculous sight before him. “Wait, you mean...”

The four fillies giggled in response, Lofty pausing just briefly to readjust her red beret. The others scratched occasionally at this foreign green fabric across their front sides, but otherwise made no efforts to push or pull at their uniforms. “Yep, we're all Junior Filly Scouts! Well, Gusty kind of joined first, but then her mom talked to ours, and...”

“We all got signed up together!” Ribbon added, her voice trembling with unfiltered excitement.

Blueblood's gaze shifted back and forth between the fillies and the other three colts in the room. Orange Peel, Snowball and Smokey had all agreed to join him on this epic quest into Ribbon's house, if only so they could get some cookies from the bakery downstairs in addition to their usual playtime. But now they were stuck watching the other half of their gang trot about in their scout uniforms like they were on a fashion runway. Needless to say, the actual colts in the room had no idea how to respond, while the former adult was just...unsure of what to say.

Sensing that they were not going to get any more help out of the four, Gusty sighed and rolled her eyes. “Well, I guess you guys aren't going to be interested in the little...camping trip we got next week!”

Those words were just the right ones to flip the switches in the foals' brains and bring them back to life once more. Snowball and Orange Peel jumped up alongside Blueblood, their little eyes quivering with excitement. “You mean you're already camping? Like, in the woods and all that?” asked Snowball.

Buttons shook her head affirmatively. “It's the Filly Scout Jamboree. We're all going to Ponyville to visit with other Troops and learn what it means to wear the Filly Scout Uniform.” The filly scratched at the underside of her chin. “At least that's what mom tells me. There was something else about her getting a vacation from me, but that's probably just some grown-up thing.”

Blueblood nodded along, looking more than a little nervous at Buttons' closing statement. “O-Of course. I'm make sure to say hello once I get there.”

“WHAT?!” was the collective response of every single filly, colt, insect, and microorganism in the bedroom. If one listened just carefully enough, they could even make out a few bread pans shaking from their racks and clattering against the ground. Blueblood almost jumped out of his own skin, but alas, his regression past puberty had managed to make him even more of a stallion than before and his muscles forced the skeleton to stay put.

“Why are you going to Ponyville?” asked Orange Peel. “That's, like, the country. The total opposite of Canterlot. The sticks.” He shuddered as he spoke the last words. “Can you imagine? A town built out of sticks!

The others...just kind of sighed and shook their heads at Orange Peel's ignorance. The colt had improved a great deal since the events that led to his removal from Canterlot Castle Royal Preschool, but he still had a little ways to go when ti came to the non-aristocratic world. “But seriously,” Gusty said, “why are you going to Ponyville? That's pretty far from Canterlot.”

Actually, it isn't, but... Blueblood shrugged. “Aunt Celestia just said that she had some official business and wanted me to come along. Something about some book she wanted to give back to whoever it belonged to, or something like that. I've lived with her for two foalhoods, and she still doesn't make sense to me half the time.”

“But the water park opens next week!” Smokey whined. “Orange Peel's dad said he'd get us all tickets, remember? Now the fillies are gonna be camping and you're going to go on some boring adult trip!”

Blueblood sighed and rolled his eyes, as did the fillies. “It's not too bad. I'll be back in plenty of time to hang out this summer, I promise. It's just some royal duty she has to do or something. I used to do them all the time when I was an adult.”

The other foals didn't quite understand the concept, but still nodded along. It was already hard enough coming to terms with one of their friends actually being a grown pony turned into a colt, but over the course of the last school year, they had managed to get along quite nicely. And as they turned their attention away from Blueblood and back to eagerly discussing camping and how awesome it was, the fallen prince could only smile at how horrible he felt.

After all, it's never a good thing when you have to lie to your friends.


The days passed without incident, which only made Celestia's doldrums even worse. Without the excitement of work to distract her, she could not help but notice how much things had changed the last few months. It was now two or three months less than a year since Luna first dug out the Arcanus E Draconus and changed everything, and now it was beginning to weigh heavily on her mind.

She had been looking forward to this royal duty almost since the last ended. Being able to speak to all the little ponies, reaffirming the virtues of harmony and love that made Equestria strong, and enjoying a few of the games and activities they had to offer was one of the highlights of the year. But now Luna had taken that away from her as well, leaving her to finally realize what was occurring.

She was not blind to the papers, the gossip rags, and the muttering of the ponies in her service. She could hear the comparisons being raised between the two ever since that article blasted her for dodging those hospital visits. Sure, Luna said that she had never intended for that to happen, and that it was the actions of a single reporter distorting the complexities of the situation, but the fact remained that not only had Celestia failed her subjects, but they had begun to take notice of everything about her, the good and the bad. And right now, the bad was selling.

Luna, meanwhile, was still riding on a surge of popularity. For the first time in over a thousand years, ponies were actively seeking out her advice, regarding her with respect and fondness during negotiations and private meetings, and once she had gotten over Nightmare Night's origins, showering her with more candy than ever before. (Granted, the candy was Celestia's idea. It was a great deal better than the abject terror and fear that used to come with the holiday.) It was everything she had ever wanted for Luna – what she had failed to provide a thousand years prior – and if her sister was happy, then she was happy.

Then why is it bothering me so much? Why can't I be glad for her? Why can't I...?

“Um...Your Highness?”

Celestia spun about, finally breaking back into reality. It was only then that she had realized she was sitting in the Royal Kitchens, her lips stained pink with bubblegum-flavored ice cream. It didn't help that there was an entire carton in her hooves, along with a few more empty ones lying next to her on the serving counter. The guard who had rustled her back to consciousness took a few apprehensive steps towards her before speaking again. “Is something troubling you, Your Highness?”

The princess' cheeks blushed a deep red as she regarded the half-empty container still being clutched next to her body. “Er...no. I was just...hungry for ice cream. Nothing like ice cream after a long day of reviewing the DHDC's new traffic regulations, right?”

The guard wanted to say something, but for the sake of his kids, wife and pension, wisely decided to keep his snout shut.


“Come on, we're gonna be late!”

Both Ruby Dream and Vantage Point rolled their eyes, albeit just enough to ensure that they still had both eyes on the road. Their wagon jostled and rustled behind them, shaking up the fillies and colts inside with every bump on the road. Fortunately, there was enough room in the small travel wagon for all seven foals and camping supplies for three of them; if Ribbon's mother hadn't taken her to the station, they would have been up the creek without a paddle.

Still, traffic was quite rough this morning. It was always difficult to move through Canterlot with a wagon harnessed to your back, especially with several excitable little ponies hanging about inside. But today was even worse for a multitude of reasons. It was a weekend, meaning many of the ponies had the day off. It was early in the month, meaning many of them had just received their wages and were finally ready to resupply the pantry and refrigerators. But worst of all, there were three other scout troops in Canterlot, and they were all also going to the Jamboree. Just about every five minutes, the ponies came across another mother or father and their adorable little fillies, dressed in their green sashes and berets and eager to start camping.

Lofty's whining wasn't making things any easier. “Moooooom, when are we gonna get there? I want to start camping nooooow! Why do you always take so long, mom? Mom mom mom mom! Dad, why isn't mom talking to me? I wanna go noooooooooooo-”

“We're here,” an exasperated Ruby Dream sighed as she and her husband came to a stop. The wagon lurched forward a few inches before finally settling, allowing the little foals to see the spectacle that awaited them.

The trip hand ended right at Canterlot's train station, and just like everything else in the city, it was bustling with activity. Almost the entire platform was awash in a sea of green hats and sashes, along with a few red ones standing out like a tomato sitting in a lettuce bowl. Some were tearfully hugging their parents goodbye for the trip, others were crying about leaving home for the first time without mommy and daddy to look over them, and even more were simply talking excitedly about how many merit badges they were going to earn this summer. The adults, meanwhile, handled the unimportant tasks, like making sure their fillies packed their toothbrushes and insect repellent, making sure they had enough tents and food to go around, and just keeping an eye on the littler ponies that were hanging rather dangerously close to the edge of the platform.

The fillies let out an excited squeal and jumped out of the wagon before Ruby and Vantage had even finished undoing the harness. Blueblood, Snowball, Smokey and Orange Peel simply waited for the wagon to be leaned back and the back strap undone before sensibly walking out, still feeling a little shaken after the trip but otherwise fine. Fortunately, their friends of the feminine persuasion had not ran off too far before encountering Ribbon and her mother, Sourdough, one of the adults going on the trip.

“Now are you sure you packed everything?” Sourdough said to Ribbon.

The filly rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. “Yes, mom.”

“Bug spray?”






“Mess kit?”


“Toilet pap-”

Ribbon spun about on her hooves, letting out an exasperated groan as she did so. “Moooooom! I got everything, okay? We went over all this last night!”

“I know, dear,” Sourdough said, bending over to nuzzle her little filly. “But it's a mom's job to make sure her little filly has everything she needs.”

Lofty rolled her eyes as Ruby tapped her on the shoulder. “See? Told you so.”

“So...where's your aunt?” asked Orange Peel.

Blueblood shrugged. “She said to go with the fillies on the train. She'd meet me in Ponyville.”

Before anything else could be said, the shrill whistle of the train echoed through the station, signaling everypony to grab their tickets and prepare to board. Miss Brightly, Assistant Scout Master to one of the troops, grabbed her banjo case with her magic and began to herd her little charges into the surprisingly sugary train carriages. Blueblood, the fillies and their male friends exchanged one last goodbye (without hugs, of course; the exchange of cross-gender germs still had to be considered, even after this long) before the five heading to Ponyville jumped on board.

As Blueblood settled into his seat, bag of bits at the ready for the passing donut cart, his mind slowly walked over everything this trip of his would entail. This is it. My last few days as a colt. Maybe...if I dealt with whatever it is my aunt has planned, then perhaps I can...

“Alright, everypony!” The colt and the countless surrounding fillies looked up towards Miss Brightly. “It's going to be a couple hours before we get off, so let's pass the time the Filly Scout way!”

Blueblood scoffed. What, with cookies and friendship stories?

“How about a rousing round of Kumbayah?”

That was the moment Blueblood realized the horrible, horrible truth of his predicament. He was not only surrounded by an endless horde of fillies, but now they were going to begin singing...for several hours...

It is said that, if a pony were to listen carefully when passing through the tunnel burrowed through Mount Canter, one could still hear Blueblood's scream, echoing forever.


To the outside observer, Ponyville was nothing much to talk about. While the town had grown substantially over the last year, especially thanks to the presence of Princess Celestia's personal student and the subsequent investment from Equestria's government and other entrepreneurs, it was still a small country village in just about every sense of the word. The small cottages and simple homes that dotted its streets were a far cry from Manehatten's skyscrapers or Trottingham's historical architecture, and its residents were equally trapped in the same small town mindset. Everypony seemingly knew everypony else, from what foods they purchased during market day to when they took their psychotic feline to the vet.

And yet, many found that to be the real charm of such a place. Life in Ponyville was relatively simple, even with it being situated right next to the Everfree Forest. The recent addition of a train station allowed for more adventurous ponies to strike out to the bigger cities, even if the cars looked like they had been designed by a very hungry madpony. And then there were the ponies themselves, many of whom were among the nicest equines in Equestria.


Cheerilee was not dealing with those ponies today.

The teacher sighed and shook the sudden disruption out of her ears, even as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo looked up at her with no small measure of displeasure. All four were already in their Filly Scouts uniforms, complete with little sashes and berets adorned with no small number of merit badges.

Around them, the Filly Scouts and other leaders and parents continued to busy themselves with the preparations for the big event. Tents were propped up with poles and staked into the earth with shoe-covered hooves, food areas and latrines were propped into position, and a final check of everything the campers would need the next few days was still in the process of being finished. That left Cheerilee to deal with the disgruntled Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“Like I said, you're going to be mentors to some of the Junior Filly Scouts. These ponies have just joined their Troop, so I want you to treat them with care and respect. After all, it's up to you to show them the Filly Scout Way!”

Cheerilee punctuated her closing words with a swing of her foreleg, an action that only further annoyed the CMC. “But they're from Canterlot!” Scootaloo whined. “They're probably just a bunch of rich crybabies!”

“And how are we supposed to get our Cutie Marks if we're having to foalsit?” whined Sweetie Belle, her voice just slightly cracking on the last word.

Poor Cheerilee could do no more than shake her head and sigh. “I thought we agreed that you three would be on your best behavior during the Jamboree.”

“B-But this is ah golden opportunity!” Apple Bloom groaned. “With all these neat events going on, we've just gotta get our Cutie Marks this time!”

“But this isn't some old-fashioned summer camp, it's the Filly Scout Jamboree.” Cheerilee swept her hoof across the many tents, stands, and other amenities for the scouts. The lake was being tested to ensure perfect swimming conditions, Pegasus ponies were reviewing the weather schedule to avoid any potential rainouts, and dutch ovens were being thoroughly inspected to avoid the disaster that befell the previous Jamboree. “Things like this only come up once every few years. You should be out there enjoying yourselves, not obsessing over whether or not you have your Cutie Marks.”

“B-But...!” Scootaloo's protests ceased, however, as Cheerilee knelt down, their faces practically touching.

“Please, promise me you'll take a break from 'crusading' for the next few days. We have some new scouts coming here that want to learn what being a Filly Scout is all about. They're going to need your guidance and leadership, and it'll be rather difficult to provide that if you're focusing more on yourself than the fillies. Now, do I make myself clear?”

The Crusaders looked about each other, but none could find the words to defy Miss Cheerilee. They finally sighed and turned to the ground in unison. “All right,” they said.

Cheerilee's smile returned at the prospect of a successful Jamboree at last. “Good job, girls. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go with the other adults to pick up our new friends. I'll expect you to have your campsite ready by the time I get back, okay?”

The fillies smiled and nodded. Cheerilee, now confident in her handling of the situation, turned about and trotted off to join the other leaders, never once noticing the mischievous grins that erupted on the Cutie Mark Crusaders faces...


The train slowly rattled into Ponyville Station, screeching to a halt in a cloud of steam. By the time the mist had cleared, the excited fillies were already pouring out of the doors, while the adults were busying themselves with the baggage claims. The few ponies going into Ponyville who weren't part of the camping event simply got off the platform as quickly as they could, while Blueblood clumsily tried to work his way out with his suitcase clasped firmly in his mouth.


The colt paused as he heard Ribbon's voice. The filly excitedly trotted up next to him, her cheeks looking a little rosy. “Where are you going?”

Blueblood shrugged. “Aunt Celestia said she'd meet up with me at the town library.” He pointed towards a massive tree in the distance, complete with a wooden door, windows, and a balcony. “And apparently, that's the library over there.”

Ribbon stared at the tree, cocking her head from the strangeness of it all. “Oh...Why'd they make a tree into a library?”

“It was a fad a few years ago,” Blueblood said with another shrug. “Equestria had all these big trees that nopony wanted to cut down, so they decided to turn them into public buildings. Libraries, schools, hospitals, town halls, just about every town had their own refitted tree. Ponyville just happens to have one of the last ones around, since it never suffered from what the others did.”

Ribbon gasped. “Oh, right, mom told me about that. Something about wood ticks...”

Before the lively conversation could continue, a shrill whistle echoed across the platform – not from the train, but instead from a number of adult ponies dressed in sashes and caps that matched those worn by the older fillies. Even a stranger to all this like Blueblood could recognize that these were the scout leaders from Ponyville. “Alright, scouts,” said the purplish-looking mare at the front, “welcome to Ponyville, and thank you for attending the Filly Scout Jamboree!”

The fillies erupted into a round of joyful screams and raucous applause, forcing Blueblood to cap his hooves over his ears for the sake of his hearing and sanity. The noise only died down as the mare banged her hoof against the wood beneath. “Now I know you're all excited, but today we are just going to be setting up our tents and going over the rest of our activities. We'll have hikes and merit badge courses and anything else you can imagine, but we can't do any of that without settling in first.”

She paused, cleared her throat, and pointed to an orange-colored mare wearing a brown cowboy hat. “Filly Scouts, you and your troop leaders can follow Miss Applejack to the campgrounds. Junior Filly Scouts, please come with me to meet your mentors for this occasion.”

Gusty's hoof shot up. “Mentors?”

“This is the first Jamboree we've invited our Junior Filly Scouts to,” Cheerilee explained. “Because this will be your first time camping and exploring with us, we've decided to partner you with some of our most distinguished scouts. They will teach you everything there is to know about what being a Filly Scout truly means, from the virtues we represent to the ways we spend time together.”

Another stamp of the hoof. “And now, everypony come with us! Adventure awaits!” Cheerilee's voice practically dripped with the call to action, as if it had been ripped straight out of a Daring-Do book. Fortunately, the fillies were already ready for adventure, as that was part of the reason anypony joined the Filly or Colt Scouts in the first place, and quickly began to trot in line after their respective adults. Blueblood gave Ribbon and his friends a final wave goodbye before trotting off to the library, where two other ponies were already stealthily making their approach...


“Are you sure this is wise?” Luna asked. “My magic can make us invisible to all but those we wish to see us, but...”

Celestia nodded. “I understand your concern, but please have some faith in me. Besides, Twilight would love to have you over for the night. I'd imagine she'll keep you up with all sorts of questions regarding Magnum Opus' Fifth Law...”

“And what of...that?”

Luna pointed a hoof at the brown package sitting on Celestia's back. Neither one had dared to address its existence up to this point, but nevertheless, it was still sitting there, refusing to go away. “We will discuss the matter over dinner. There is still one pony we must seek permission from before this project can begin. Until then, we make no mention of this to anypony.”

The younger sister nodded in agreement just as Blueblood galloped into the fold. “G-Good afternoon, Aunt Celestia, Aunt Luna,” the colt gasped.

“And a good afternoon to you, dear nephew,” Celestia responded, her lips assuming the form of a warm smile. Luna simply muttered a half-hearted greeting and hung her head low. While things had improved between the two since her attempts to ruin his rehabilitation, she was still far from Blueblood's biggest fan.

“So...what is this important business in Ponyville?” Blueblood asked, expecting a perfectly evasive response.

“Oh, you will know in good time.” And once again, the colt was right. Nothing was ever straightfoward with his aunt, and with something like this, that was hardly reassuring.

“Now come on,” Luna said. “We have spent too much time out here, and my horn is already beginning to throb. The sooner we begin this business, the happier we shall all be...”


Cheerilee nodded her head along as her hoof traced down the list. There were only a few names left, and only so many ponies she still had to pair up. Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Twist had already taken one set of fillies, as had Sunny Days, Peachy Pie, and Dinky. That left...

“Buttons, Gusty, Lofty and Ribbon...you will be with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.” The Assistant Scout Master motioned with her hoof to a trio of fillies, who were currently standing next to a well-pitched tent and perfectly-set fire circle. The four smaller ponies looked about each other as they followed Cheerilee to their mentors. “Girls, I would like to introduce you to Lofty, Gusty, Buttons, and Ribbon,” she continued, pointing a hoof to each new pony as she said their name. “As you already know, they're visiting us all the way from Canterlot. I'm sure you'll all become the best of friends!”

“Of course, Miss Cheerilee!” the three fillies said at once.

This seemed to satisfy their teacher, and Cheerilee quickly retreated to continue her quest to herd the little darlings into tightly-defined groups. As soon as she was gone, the four little fillies looked up slightly at the somewhat older fillies. At once, they were awed by the sheer majesty of their mighty berets and badge-filled sashes, surely denoting ponies of considerable rank. Their masters looked down on them with a mixture of contempt and frustration, no doubt having to abandon their long-contemplated battle strategies to look over these newcomers. And yet, they would learn so much wisdom from these mighty ponies that it made everything worth it.

The Pegasus sighed and tapped her hoof against the ground nervously. “Okay, my name's Scootaloo. This is Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. And we're going to be your Senior Scout Mentors for the rest of the Jamboree. You will be camping with us, participating in the same activities as us, and learning all about the Filly Scouts are all about. Now, any questions?”

Scootaloo smiled nervously, throwing the four fillies off their game. She was about to resume speaking when Gusty pointed a hoof at her. “Why don't you have your Cutie Marks?”

And in an instant, the previously pleasant-but-tense atmosphere was replaced with blanketed hostility. “Th-That's not important,” Scootaloo continued. “What is important is that...”

“Isn't it weird to not have your marks when you're that old?” asked Buttons.

“I know,” said Ribbon. “My mom said she was the last in her class to get a Cutie Mark, but she was older than they're supposed to-”


Everypony's eyes turned to Sweetie Belle, if only to verify where the most painful of screeches had escaped from. The little filly looked about, her cheeks burning red, before finally scrunching down and letting Scootaloo take back the reins. “Anyway, you fillies are with us for the rest of the Jamboree, so I expect to see all of you on your best behavior. If we tell you to do something, you do not question our authority, but just do it. We tell you to dig a ditch, you ask how deep. We tell you to climb a tree, you ask us which one. Stick to that, and we'll be all right. Understand?”

The Junior Filly Scouts looked about each other in confusion. They had expected their learning experience to be harsh, but nothing like the tyranny standing before them.

“It's not that we're trying tah be mean,” Apple Bloom added, her lips curling into a nervous smile, “but we've got an agenda of our, too. Just sitck with us, and Ah promise y'all have the best week of your lives.”

“Of course we will!” The three Kindergartners quickly parted sides to allow Lofty to pass. The filly's face burned with determination as pushed herself between Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. “For this is Ponyville, home to the greatest Pegasus who has ever lived!”

Scootaloo's face suddenly lit up like a light bulb. “That's right! And she's going to be here tomorrow to help us with our Weather Management Merit Badges!”

The rest of Lofty's friends let out gasps of amazement. They had heard tales of this great pony, but had never deigned to see her in action. Lofty sensed their excitement, and continued her rousing speech. “That's right! She always takes time out for all our fillies! What else can you expect from such a brave and heroic pony!”

“Of course!” Scootaloo added, her own little voice practically dripping with unreserved glee.

“She can take out dragons, battle wild beasts, and defeat evil gods!

“And she's fast, fierce, and not afraid of anything!”

Both ponies suddenly joined in unison. “The greatest pony of all time...”

Scootaloo first. “RAINBOW DASH!”

And a half-second later, Lofty chimed in. “FLUTTERSHY!”

In an instant, the unity and clandestine togetherness of the preceding moments was trampled like sacred ground beneath a Buffalo's hooves. Both Scootaloo's and Lofty's friends began to back away, having both experienced exactly what was to follow more than once. The two fanponies, meanwhile, simply stared at each other in disbelief. “I-I must have been hearing things,” Scootaloo muttered, her smile quickly becoming like that seen on one of those horror books Twilight kept out of reach of the foals. “You said that Fluttershy is the greatest pony ever?”

“No, your hearing is just fine,” said Lofty. “I've been reading all about her adventures, and how she saved Equestria time and again, and...”

“Um...kid?” Scootaloo's voice dropped half an octave, while her lips dipped into a concerned frown. “Fluttershy is an awesome pony and all, but you've got your facts a little mixed up. Rainbow Dash is the most awesome pony in Equestria.”

“Wait, isn't that Fluttershy's friend? The one with the rainbow mane?” Lofty stuck her tongue out and wretched. “She was a big jerk.”


Apple Bloom felt her heart jump a few beats. “Uh oh...”


Within Scootaloo, a small volcano erupted. Despite her better judgment, the filly leaned into the snout of the smaller pony, her eyes burning with fury. “A big jerk?! I'll have you know that Rainbow Dash is the greatest, nicest, most coolest pony who has ever lived! How dare a Canterlot pipsqueak like you act like you know her!”

Scootaloo's friends raced to her side, ready to pull her away from the weaker pony. What they didn't expect, however, was when Lofty pushed right back, almost knocking Scootaloo onto her flank with her own determination and will. “Fluttershy can defeat monsters by looking at them! What makes you think that your precious Rainbow Dash can do any better?!”

The fight would have continued had it not been for two things. The first was when Lofty's friends raced to her side and pulled her back, just in case their mentors needed protection. The second was when one of the Canterlot scout leaders walked up, instrument case strapped to her body. “Is everything all right here?”

The four kindergartners quickly pulled themselves into a straight line, staring up at their teacher with happy little eyes and cute smiles. “Yes, Miss Brightly!”

“That's good to hear,” the mare said, her voice dripping with sweetness and care. The older ponies simply shuddered a bit. “The Filly Scout Jamboree is about more than earning badges and events. It's about making and meeting friends from all over the land. Speaking of which...” She turned her gaze to Cheerilee, who was busy talking with some other foals in the distance. “I do have somepony I have not spoken to in a long time.”

And with that, she was gone. Once she was out of earshot, Apple Bloom quickly turned to the others. “So, you need help setting up your tents?”

The kindergartners quickly nodded in affirmation, and Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle set out to show them all the steps involved in hitching, staking, re-hitching, fetching, and finally anchoring a tent. The little fillies quickly began to grasp the concepts involved, and soon were laughing it up with each other like they had done it a thousand times. Everypony, that is, save for Lofty and Scootaloo, who eyed each other with no small amount of distrust.

For today, a rivalry had been formed that would shake the very foundations of the heavens.

Today, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's fans had met...and their feud would not end until the other's icon had fallen...


The Golden Oaks Library was one of the centers of learning for all of Ponyville, a place where ponies of all kinds could freely borrow books on any subject they could imagine. Said library was also home to Twilight Sparkle, a particularly bookish bookworm with a penchant for magic and a love of learning. Unfortunately, as much as she loved a tidy space, she also had an unfortunate tendency to lose focus when in the zone, as it were, as was the case today. The library's main floor was in almost complete disarray, with books and scrolls tossed about in an entirely flippant manner. Not that this mattered much to Spike, who was standing at the small podium Twilight had purchased for him some time ago and taking dictation.

“And that is the official history of the Saddlesore Conflict of 503 CE,” Twilight finished, adding just the right amount of flourish to the last few words. Spike moaned as the cramps in his claw pulsed through his body, but nonetheless continued to perform his duties as needed. After all, he was Twilight's Number One Assistant, and that carried with it a certain amount of responsibility. Besides, he couldn't let Owlowiscious show him up again, especially after the incident with the jelly bean cookies. How that happened to Rainbow Dash's mane was a mystery even to him...

“You get all that, Spike?” Twilight asked, her eyes gleaming like diamonds as the dragon nodded back. She was always so proud of her little dragon, even if he was a hoofful from time to time. Like that time he ran off to join the Dragon Migration, or when he went through his growth spurt almost destroyed Ponyville...

Or when he tried to turn everypony against Luna because of her letter.

Twilight's smile faded. For whatever reason, she just could not stop thinking about that entire incident, even months after it had happened. She had been called to Canterlot on false pretenses to help Luna humiliate Celestia, only to find herself facing off against the spirit of an evil Unicorn before finally finishing a counterspell that fixed the problem Luna started. Spike was barely even involved, but somehow, she just couldn't get that...

* Knock ~ Knock *

The gentle pounding on the library door was enough to jostle Twilight and Spike from their silence. “Spike, can you get that, please?”

“Just a minute,” the dragon grumbled as he set the parchment scroll aside and started walking towards the library entrance. His claw wrapped around the knob and pulled...and the minute he saw who was on the other side, he almost went swinging in the same direction as the door. And when Twilight also noticed exactly two-point-seven seconds after, she was ready to join him.

Standing on the other side were the Royal Pony Sisters, Celestia and Luna, supreme rulers of Equestria and those who controlled the sun and moon. No letter, no envoy, not even a short note letting Twilight know that they were about to come into her government-granted home. By the time the two stepped into the library itself (squeezed into the library in the case of Celestia; being taller than any other pony came with its drawbacks), she could feel the panic starting to creep through, a little bit at a time. Spike, sensing that doom was most likely impending, raced to his little podium to pack up the quills and scrolls he had already finished.

And then there was the small, white-coated, blonde-maned colt next to them. Twilight recognized the foal as Prince Blueblood, another unfortunate reminder of those rather eventful days in Canterlot, but she was far more concerned with the princesses. Fortunately, the same could be said of Spike; at the very least, he wasn't making any obvious moves to avenge the honor of his lady, Rarity.

“Good afternoon, my faithful student,” Celestia said, her voice as warm as the burning mass she controlled. “I trust your studies are going well?”

“Um...y-yes...” Twilight shot to her hooves like a cannonball, dashed to the nearby podium – pushing Spike, out of the way in the process – and pulled up a fresh scroll. “I-Is this because I haven't sent you a letter about friendship in a while?! I'm sorry! I-I can tell you about this time Fluttershy got a banana stuck in her ear and-”

“As...captivating as that story is, we have more urgent matters to discuss.” Luna said, her eyes scanning the various books and scrolls Twilight had left discarded about the library. There was a very implied tsk in her demeanor, but her face gave no obvious expression. “Spike, I want you to find Pinkie Pie and bring her here. This matter concerns her as well.”

The dragon looked to Twilight nervously, but soon departed once he saw the quiet pleading in the Unicorn's eyes. Once he was gone, Twilight nervously floated over a small candy dish from a nearby table and placed it before the princesses. “P-Please, help yourself! I-It's just some leftover Nightmare Night candy, anyway! Bought it on sale!” Her sweating intensified. “N-Not that I don't think full price is too much for you, Princess Luna! I-I just...!”

Celestia and Luna looked at each other, raised an eyebrow, and then turned back towards Twilight, who was by this point halfway to hyperventilation. Luna, sensing the mare's increasing agitation, gradually began to relax her own piercing gaze, eventually settling on a kind of doughy malaise. “It is quite all right, Twilight Sparkle. We...” She paused just a moment as Twilight's brow lifted. “That is, Celestia and I have an important matter to discuss. We have some important matters to discuss, and tomorrow I shall be...”

“She's presiding over the Filly Scouts Jamboree,” Celestia quickly added.

“Oh.” Twilight cocked her head to the left. “Don't you usually do that?”

For just a moment, Celestia's smile seemed to flash into a small scowl, but such a thing had to be impossible. Princess Celestia would never be upset of her sister's success, after all. “Luna has been doing very well for herself since we began alternating duties, and it seems the ponies are finally showing their appreciation for all her hard work. That is all.”

Twilight nodded along. “Uh huh. Well, there's...really not a whole lot of room here. I only have one guest bed at the moment, and it's not princess-sized or anything. B-But, I could go get another one, if...”

Luna raised a hoof. “Any bed you can offer will be fine. Celestia shall be returning to Canterlot tonight to oversee nighttime business. I merely request lodging for the night.”

“Oh...of course,” Twilight said, a sense of relief in her parched voice. Her eyes then turned to Blueblood, who was at this point munching merrily on the Nightmare Night candy. “And...what about him? Rarity said you'd...”

“Oh, that?” Blueblood shrugged, his lips still stained with chocolate. “Well, I was going to be turned back into an adult, but we decided to let me stay a colt a while longer.”

Twilight looked back at Celestia in confusion. Luna, however, was the one who answered. “His friends were quite persuasive. And...as strange as it is to admit, he has managed to grow in maturity far faster than in his adult years.” She eyed the candy dish, now half-empty if one didn't count the empty wrappers. “His manners regarding free candy, however, still seem to need work.”


By the time Pinkie came bounding into the library, dinner had already been prepared. Spike raced away from Pinkie to assist with setting the table and making last minute alterations, while the princesses and prince were more than content to simply visit with their host and each other. Not that they hadn't offered to help, but all that did was add more beads of sweat to Twilight's brow, so they finally decided to let the matter drop and move on.

For her part, Pinkie was just as bouncy as ever. “Oh oh oh! Are we having dinner? Is that why you invited me over? I just loooooooove having dinner with friends! Don't all of you love that, too?”

Celestia smiled as the bouncing pony took a seat to her left. Luna, who was seated at Celestia's right, simply rolled her eyes at the perpetual peppiness of the pony before her. “Of course we do, my dear. And I thank you for coming on such short notice. If we have interrupted any plans you may have had for tonight...”

“Eh, Gummy and I were just going to go over last year's party inventories,” Pinkie said, a small groan eliciting from her throat as she finished. “That little gator is the cutest thing to ever crawl out of a Neigh Orleans swamp, but he's a real stickler when it comes to balloon animal expenditures.” And with that, she faceplanted herself into her salad bowl, a mere half-second after Twilight had slid it into position.

Blueblood slowly looked around the room, if only to keep his eyes away from the pink...thing sitting across from him. He had never seen manners so terrible, and his most recent peers thought nothing of sticking their unwashed hooves into peanut butter jars and resented washing spills off of their coats. Luna shared his disgust to a degree, but her centuries of experience with diplomacy had trained her to mask her feelings, at least until the time was right.

As for Twilight...judging by the way she was scrunching her face into a warped smile and looking like the most awkward pony in the world, the less said about her reaction, the better. Either way, the air in the room was more than a little tense, despite the joy and exuberance Pinkie Pie was there to offer. All that accomplished was to make Celestia's heart beat even faster as she levitated the brown parcel over to the table.

“Oooh, is it present time?” Pinkie cooed. “Do I still need to pick something up? I've got gift wrap stuffed next to the Party Cannon if...”

“There's no need,” Celestia said quickly, thereby ending Pinkie's ramblings before they could truly begin. “No, this is not a present. It is an assignment...and a rather grave one, at that.”

The princess' eyes turned to Twilight. By now, the poor Unicorn was fidgeting like a foal in a high chair, ever terrified under her mentor's watchful gaze. “Twilight Sparkle, as my personal student, I believe it will be you who finishes this task. But whatever any of you do, you cannot speak a word of this to anypony else. Nopony can see what this is, nor can they know what we wish for Twilight to accomplish. Understood?”

Twilight and Spike were the first ones to nod, the latter looking more and more like he was just floating through the paces of the conversation. Blueblood shrugged, not having any idea what was going on, and Pinkie simply grinned and planted her front hooves on the table, just in case she needed to throw a Got-A-Secret-Project Party.

Seeing that the room was in agreement, the two princesses gave each other a silent tilt of the head to mark their unity, and together, they stripped away the paper and string that kept the package together. After but a small bit of pulling, the entire mess unfurled itself...and everypony but the two Alicorns let out a screech of horror.

Sitting on the table was the Arcanus E Draconus, the spellbook penned by Kuchen the Mad and the holder of the spell that had turned Celestia into a filly some months ago. Spike felt his stomach turn as he stared upon the dragonhide that constituted the book's exterior, and all that prevented him from letting loose of his lunch entirely was Twilight deftly sliding her hooves in front of his face. Blueblood felt a cold shiver run up the length of his spine as he caught a peek at the substance that bound the pages together; it was the kind of glue monsters and barbarians used to make out of ponies.

But the worst reaction was that of Pinkie Pie, Kuchen's descendant. Her jaw shuttered, her hooves trembled, and her eyes teared up at the spectacle before her. She had seen the book before, back when she and Twilight were working on a counterspell, but that was not enough to calm her nerves. “Wh-What is that doing here? Why'd you bring that thing all the way to Ponyville?!”

“After that splendid party you gave us, I had time to think about what had occurred.” Celestia lowered her head sadly. “Kuchen was my student, and I failed him. I let my wish to be reunited with Luna consume me, and denied him the love and guidance he needed. Countless ponies, griffins, and dragons perished at his hooves...but I still did nothing, because all I cared about was freeing Luna. The reason this book exists is because I was weak.”

Celestia could feel the desire to break into sobs, but stopped as she felt a hoof touch her back. Turning her head, she saw Luna standing behind her, resting a hoof along the curve of her spine and looking upon her with concern. As small as the gesture was, it was enough to give the elder sister the will to continue. “But it's time to begin making amends. That is why I have been so interested in your progress regarding the removal of Kuchen's influence. Are you certain he has been purged from all the minds of the Pie Clan?”

Pinkie was silent for a moment, then finally let out a dry squeak. “Y-Yeah.”

“Then there is no more reason to hide everything he has done.” Celestia's magic gripped the book in a telekinetic field and floated it closer to Twilight. The Unicorn recoiled at its approach, scooting back on her flanks with the same intensity of Spike digging for gems. “Not everything Kuchen had worked on is worthy of exclusion from history, not even from the Arcanus E Draconus. That is why I need both of you.”

“B-Both of us?” Twilight muttered.

“Not everything Kuchen wrote in the Arcanus E Draconus was penned after his descent into madness. This was the compilation of a lifetime of magical research and application. His...choice of materials was specifically to mock me, but some of the ideas he has in here should be preserved. Twilight, you are my most faithful student, and I am pleased with your progress in the study of magic and its applications. I know that you will be able to understand what spells should be allowed entry into the Canterlot Archives and what should not. And Pinkie Pie, your access to Kuchen's memories will be a great asset in separating what is legitimate and what is not. And of course, I promise you will both be compensated for your hard work.”

Twilight's eyes locked themselves upon the accursed book. The vile tome seemed to...just sit there, throbbing, ever-hateful in its composition and purpose. But that was nothing compared to the even more throbbing, ever-hateful gaze of Princess Celestia, waiting for a moment of weakness, wanting her to turn this down so she could disown her. As much as Twilight wanted to fight off those fears, they continued to ring through her mind with every waking moment. After all, she was just a regular old Unicorn and she was...


The sound of Pinkie's enraged scream was enough to cause everypony's hearts to skip a beat. The pink mare's hooves trembled with the fury of a thousand pounding hammers as she pressed the tip of her snout against Celestia's own. Luna attempted to move in to intercede, but the sudden jolt had caused Celestia's wings to unfurl themselves, slapping the younger sister in the face and causing her to back up just long enough for Pinkie to say here piece.

“Do you have any idea what you're trying to do?! Kuchen may not be a big meanie-pants anymore, but he was still a big meanie-pants when he wrote that Big Book for Big Meanie-Pants! And if you think I'm going to let any of you mess with that stuff, you have another thing coming! Now if you'll excuse me, looking at the actuaries for April has suddenly become a lot more interesting than any mere princess!”

And with that, Pinkie dashed away, leaving a perfect facsimile of her frame in the dust for but a moment before it collapsed completely. Celestia opened her mouth to speak, only for Twilight's own voice to break over the silence. “Well...um...I think it's time we went to bed. Wouldn't you agree, Spike?”

“Oh...yeah. Bed time...good,” the dragon muttered, his reptilian eyes never once leaving that book. That left only the princesses, Blueblood, and the Arcanus E Draconus sitting there.

Time seemed to slow around the three ponies as they, too, glared at the book. Nopony dared to make a sound, with only the pounding of Twilight and Spike setting up a bed upstairs to note that any life remained within their general confines. That is, until Celestia herself rose up and walked back down the stairs to the library's main floor, leaving only a worried Luna and confused Blueblood.

“Aunt Luna,” said the colt, “what just happened?”

“Reality,” Luna muttered back. “Harsh, unscrupulous reality.”


The night sky stretched out into the distant horizon, blanketing Equestria in a comforting blue glow against the light of the moon. The stars twinkled and danced about, creating a spectacle for all those ponies fortunate enough to still be up and moving about this time of the day. Indeed, this was the kind of night Luna usually reserved for lovers or poets; the kind that warmed the soul and made life worth living.

For Celestia, however, it just wasn't working.

Twilight, Spike and Blueblood were sound asleep inside. She had made sure of that before she dared to set a hoof on her student's balcony. She wanted nothing else to shatter her reflections on all that had transpired to this point. Her plan with the Arcanus E Draconus was in ruins. Pinkie Pie was enraged with her. There was no telling how Twilight was feeling.

But the worst of it all was that nothing had been resolved regarding her biggest problem: Luna. No matter how hard she tried to forget, her mind kept tracing itself back to the same pain. I should be happy. This is what we both wanted all along. But why isn't anything...


Celestia's ears perked towards Luna's voice. The princess slowly walked through the glass doorway, letting it slide to a graceful close behind her lest she awaken the ponies and dragon still sleeping inside. “Hello, Luna,” Celestia said softly, her head never turning once in her sister's direction. “Is everything all right?”

“I had thought so, but...”

Luna walked up alongside her sister, taking a seat on Twilight's balcony next to her. “Sister, I know things have not gone as well as you have hoped. We all must face failure in our lives, as we have time and again. But please, think of all that is to come. Think of all that tomorrow will bring.”

“I know.” Celestia grimaced. “Such as the Filly Scout Jamboree, the same one you'll be officiating. The same one I had looked over for years and years at a time, and didn't even get an invitation to this year. The same one you will be attending to while I'm back in Canterlot preparing for another debate on instituting a Pudding Tax.”

Luna was silent for a moment, her gaze slowly panning over the great land surrounding the library. Ponyville slumbered under her beautiful night, with but the distant fires of the campsite remaining to mark that anypony was alive. But a short time ago for her, she would have been incensed at such a disregard for her hard work. Now, she knew better. She knew that her subjects and sister loved her, and that she would, in the end, never have any reason to be...


Luna's ears twitched as she caught the full weight of Celestia's words. “Is that what this is about? Are you...jealous of me?”

Celestia scoffed. “Of course not, little sister. What reason do I have to be jealous of you? This is your first time hosting an event, and you shall do marvelously. Why, there is no point in my even attending. All the newspapers would say is that I was trying to outstage you and steal your thunder. After all, isn't that what I've been doing all these...”

That was the moment Celestia realized what she was saying. It was also the moment that she realized her telekinesis had taken hold of one of the books Twilight had left out here (one of those ones about the sparkly vamponies) and crushed it until little more than a tiny ball of leather and paper scraps remained. The two ponies eyed the remains with no small measure of concern, until Celestia finally turned back to Luna, her eyes brimming with tears. “E-Excuse me...”

“Sister, wait-!”

Before Luna's words could register, Celestia vanished in a cloud of yellow sparkles. The tiny beads of light that constituted her previous form danced about in a haze of color before finally dissipating against the wooden floor of the balcony. Luna's eyes widened in horror for a brief moment before calmness finally took hold. Sister...you have not vanished like that in some time. I had forgotten you even had a flair for such power.

Sighing, the mare returned her gaze to the Equestria around her; in particular, the sight of distant Canterlot, perched atop its mountain home, standing forever as a sign of ponykind's eternal drive to survive in the midst of a world that hates and fears it. No doubt Celestia will be back in her chambers, preparing for tonight's court. It...would be best if I gave her space, I suppose...

The mare smiled. She was jealous. I-It is a terrible thought, I know, but...in a way, it is...nice to know she can feel such a way. Still, I must find a way to include her into tomorrow's festivities. Perhaps when we...

Luna winced as she felt a bite at the back of her neck. Muttering a long-abandoned swear, she swatted at the offending insect, apparently knocking it loose and sending it tumbling into the bushes below. Accursed mosquitoes, she grumbled in her own head. Hopefully the fillies will not have to deal with you and your accursed sisters anytime...

She yawned. Strange...I was not tired when I was speaking with my sister. Perhaps this...

Another yawn, this time much longer and heavier. This...is a good time...for a nap...


“...rincess Luna...PRINCESS LUNA?!”

Luna awoke with a startled snort. The first thing to strike her vision was the sunlight beaming into her eyes, along with the gentle warmth of the early morning air. Even without moving her head, she could tell that the dawn had just begun.

Wait...does that mean I missed ending the night?! B-But why did I not wake with the natural rhythms of the celestial bodies! Why can I not remember willing the moon across the horizon? Why...?!

Luna let out a small groan, fighting desperately against the fatigue that threatened to push her back down. She could finally make out her surroundings; she was inside Twilight Sparkle's bedroom, lying on what felt like her bed. She could barely make out what looked like a large hole smashed through the window, especially thanks to Twilight herself blocking her vision. The Unicorn had a look of grave terror on her face, along with a small bandage over a spot on her neck. Strangely, despite how close she appeared to be, her voice sounded like it was farther away than usual. “Princess...are you all right?”

“Grah...Twilight Sparkle?” Luna's voice sounded much weaker than usual, which was a good approximation for how she felt. “Wh-What happened?”

“I was hoping you could answer that.”

Luna rolled her head just a bit to the left. Behind the glare, she could make out Celestia, looking at her with no small manner of concern. “Sister? What time is it? What happened?”

“When I noticed that you had not moved the moon out of position, I came to check on you.” She leaned in closer, her form seemingly engulfing Luna's entire field of vision. “Little sister...we have a problem. Last night, somepony broke into the library and...stole the Arcanus E Draconus.


Luna tried to throw herself up on the bed, but another force – Celestia's magic, judging by the glow coming from her horn – held her down. In the distance, she could hear the scrambling of small hooves and claws against the ground, no doubt belonging to Blueblood and Spike. Even with the strange smallness that tinged every word she said, the Princess of the Night squirmed and struggled against her invisible bonds. “We have to find that book now! If it has fallen into the wrong hooves...”

“Th-That's not the only issue,” Celestia said slowly. “You see...we found you on the balcony, and...”

Slowly, a small mirror floated into Luna's field of vision, carried by Twilight's magic and shaking with the young pony's uncertainty. The princess' eyes doubled, then tripled in size as she took in what was having them so troubled.

Staring back at her was not a mare, but a small, light blue filly.