• Member Since 11th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


All these moments will be lost, like tears in the rain.


This story is a sequel to Fairlight - Blood of the Foal

The land of the eternal herd is one of light, joy, sunshine and happiness. Or at least, it should be. Fairlight's corpse, frozen and stolen away by his thestral mate, lies in the heart of the ruins of his ancestral home whilst his spirit is finally reunited with his dead wife and daughter. However it would appear the tapestry of Fate has not quite finished the story of this stallion, nor that of his family. Things long since dead begin to stir once more as history begins to wake from its slumber, bringing with it a power that could threaten both the world of mortals and that of the gods themselves.

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to Fairlight - The Fortress of the Four Winds

A potential plot by disenchanted nobles to overthrow the princesses is discovered by Equus, the clandestine agency headed by Princess Luna herself. Restricted by the laws that govern the very land she is dedicated to protecting, she is forced to seek out the aid of one who can operate outside the rule of law - Fairlight, a former watch officer and last living descendant of the tribe of wendigo. With his help, Luna and her agents must act quickly to help track down the plotters and bring them to justice before they can attack the royal wedding. But helping the princesses comes at an unforeseen cost that pushes Equestria towards the brink of all out war with an ancient foe, and takes from Fairlight that most precious of gifts - his own son.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Fairlight - The Frozen Heart

Fairlight, still in the employ of Equus, embarks on a mission to rescue the kidnapped ponies being held in the human world. Upon his return he finds all is not well within the agency, with the insidious shadow of treachery and betrayal never far away. After a trip to Ponyville, Fairlight learns more about his heritage and with the help of his partner, Tingles, seeks out the ruins of his ancestral home. A terrifying revelation threatens to unhinge his mind and he runs afoul of the wendigo's ancient foe, the White Witch herself. Banished from the home he loves, Fairlight must decide whether to go willingly into exile or fight to clear his name and rescue his beloved Shadow from her unknown fate in the Wither World.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Fairlight - Memories of a Perfect Sky

You never know what you have until it's gone, they say. A warm fire and the love of a mare with your foal by your side? It had always been the happiest of dreams, but the reality has become quite, quite different. Friends and family - all gone now. Only the emptiness and bitter chill of the northern winters blow through the silent valley where once the heart beat strong and proud. Nothing remains. Only revenge.
Picture by Unknown Artist

Chapters (8)

An officer in the Manehattan Watch. A loving Husband. Plaything of the mare on the mountain as she weaves her tapestry of lives, thread by thread. Fairlight, the child of fate and pawn of the gods, fights against powers that throw him around like a leaf on a storm swollen river. Only time will tell whether he will become the master of his own destiny, or simply become a slave to the whims of the equestrian gods.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Where the Sunflowers Grow

The Spoon family fortunes have declined over the last millennia following their ancestor's involvement in the defeat of Nightmare Moon and her legion. Still influential in the royal court of Canterlot however, Lord Spoon becomes the centre of a web of intrigue that uses his love of his daughter as a puppeteer pulls the strings of a marionette. No longer certain who he can believe or trust, Lord Spoon puts his faith in himself and his new found friends to help save his beloved daughter from the sickness that is taking her ever closer to the gates of the eternal herd. Cover art is a commission piece by Pridark.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Ice Fall

Rush, the pony born on another world, is finally home. While trying to adjust to his new body, his trial's have only just begun as he is met with both suspicion and mistrust by a people still recovering from the war with Nightmare Moon and the Legion.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to When The Snow Melts

The unthinkable has happened. Celestia, wounded and pursued by her enemies, falls from the sky behind enemy lines. Watching in horror, the Celestian army falls back in disarray as the forces of Nightmare Moon push ever onward. Enlisting with the promise of excitement and adventure, two young friends leave their country village to join in the fight against the Legion. Reality however, is a cruel teacher. Perhaps somewhere in the ashes of defeat, there is still hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Chapters (58)

The bamboo forest, a quiet haven for Rush the reed worker. His quiet life of self imposed isolation comes to an end one night when he goes to investigate unusual noises near his home. There, half covered in the first snow fall of the winter, he finds the still form of one who will change his life forever.

Edited by JBL

Chapters (42)