• Member Since 13th Dec, 2015
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Time Waster

No! I'm almost enjoying my anger!

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Hello! You are a good and intelligent person! I hope you have a great day, always comment as if it’s the first and only impression anyone will ever get of you, and never let anyone discourage you from your passions! Don’t forget to keep in mind the same when critiquing other writers. Be kind, not discouraging. Always critique to build up, not tear down. If they don’t take it, don’t be mad or annoyed or discouraged. You did your job. Walk away and let them stay ignorant of good advice. They’ll learn eventually to appreciate good advice.

(Forgot to type this Thursday. It was so late and I was too tired to remember to do it the next day. Genuinely, have a great day!) 😁😁😁

1) this is why you use your words kindly. You don’t know what anyone is going through or how your words could affect someone. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Big lie. These days (and always) words kill more people ages (roughly, can’t be expected to remember the statistic verbatim) 18-24 than any other cause of death (I’m referring to suicide, if I was being too vague). I care VERY deeply about words and how they’re used and what they mean, hence why I’m being so hard on you right now about how you speak on here.

2) I know you were referring to that. I made a direct response to that providing proof for my previous argument (while also admitting that I did “make that one up”, but by mistake as I loosely paraphrased two of your comments into one off of memory and retranslated “don’t post on the internet” as “don’t write fanfics” which, honestly, is kind of the same thing since you usually post fanfics on the internet)

3) The easiest way to show people you do actually like several stories is to refer people to your favorites bookshelf (I’ll be honest, I didn’t notice that was public until I finally figured out how to see it on mobile, which is what I’m on right now). You could also do a few blog posts highlighting the best ones you’ve read that week or ones you think deserve some special praise! After all, if you aren’t gonna write stories, but you’ll still review and critique them, might as well make some “content” to show for it because guess what? Why did I come to your profile page? To find some proof that maybe you aren’t a mean or negative guy (hence why I make note of the fact that I read your comments on my first comment). Maybe there is something he actually likes and he’s just being particularly harsh? I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt… then the first page I’m hit with all this negativity, other people have clearly been offended in the same way, no stories posted, and no blog posts. I really did come to find positivity and give some too. I thought I at least gave some sound advice as well if not to you, maybe passers by.

4) And the William stories aren’t a nightmare to read? The editor in me is slowly dying while the reader in me says “wow, what a page turner!” (Figuratively speaking, obviously online there are no pages just scrolling 😂) But I give grace because I found out on the Editors group there’s people here that write where English Isn’t their first language, so they may need help.

Also, about your reply on “A Legend Returns”, no, I’m not trolling. Just please at least TRY to acknowledge the fact that no one actually died (or at least explain to me what your definition of a dead person is, because my definition is their soul has left their bodies to go either to heaven or hell leaving behind an empty shell that we bury in the ground…). If I recall correctly, no souls left bodies and no one was buried in a grave until they were good and old (or really sick).

I say this again and again because your original argument rests at one conclusion: Human genocide happened

My counter argument is that there was no actual murder accidental or otherwise.

Please define your idea of death to me and maybe I’ll see things more clearly from your perspective. But if you can’t explain what makes those transformed humans dead, there is no argument.

The author's mom is in ICU, I didn't know it at the time. it's understandable that they snapped at me.

I was refering to "YOU SHOULDN’T WRITE FANFICS!!!”)" part. I can see how the first quote can be interpreted that way now even if it wasn't my intention, my bad.

there is nothing even remotely constructive about these statements

True, but to be fair quotes one and three came after the guy deleted my actual criticism so it was just banter at that point. Quote two started it first)

the way of the world is that few will look beyond the surface of your words

So true.

All I’m saying is that you should be more public about stories you actually like,

Unfortunately, I can't force people to comment on my page. If people from strories I liked commented more, I'd praise them more.

Oh? Are you offering to beta my first story? Fair warning: my terrible writing is no for the faint of heart.

And you expect me to know that how exactly? I’m not a mind reader you know, and the author sure didn’t seem to share the sentiment.


If you are too thin-skinned to accept criticism, don't post anything on the internet. Your story is bad and deleting my review won't change it.

You don't need to get your panties in a twist just because some random guy didn't like one of your shitposts.

Millions of flies can't convince me that a pile of shit is tasty. Just because Gary Stu self-insert is a popular genre, doesn't mean it's good.

Direct quotes from your own comments on your own page. Perhaps I did end up compiling them into one comment, but there is nothing even remotely constructive about these statements and nothing even remotely useful about them (saying you don’t like something because it’s bad is a circular argument. Ex: it’s bad because I don’t like it/I don’t like it because it’s bad. Vs. The story is bad because the grammar needs work/the premise is flawed/purple prose galore!/etc). You could at least give bystanders a hint of your “nice” side because quite frankly you give off a horrible first impression. If your bio is meant to be a quote from a meme, put it in quotation marks with the author or whatever no name on Reddit came up with this. Some people do better things with their time than scroll through memes and thus have no context 😒

Do remember that as good of a guy as you might be, the way of the world is that few will look beyond the surface of your words (besides that, we aren’t mind readers. We can’t possibly know your intentions when you write dramatically negative reviews based on “a story is bad because it is or because even the author said so!” An author is their own worst enemy, no need to salt the wound). Lucky for you, I’m gonna simply assume you had some rough days and are a great guy. Believe what you want, but I’m not angry and I don’t hate you. I do think you could learn to soften your words though (calling people names and accusing them of being unable to take criticism, when in fact it was just you being rude, is not constructive criticism. And believe me, I’ve given plenty of constructive criticism even to stories you would deem legitimate “shitposts”). All I’m saying is that you should be more public about stories you actually like, go easy on the whole “too thin skinned” and “can’t take criticism, then don’t post” comments and just let it roll off your back.

Name calling is your biggest downfall. The sooner you can overcome that, the sooner people will take your criticism seriously.

(Side note: whenever you get around to writing a story, let me know and I’ll be glad to give it a read (as long as it’s not clopfic or gore or dark etc.). Just don’t forget your own advice when people give you criticism too. Take it, learn from it, and be a better writer than you were before.

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