• Member Since 16th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen March 17th

Snowflake Dissonance

Honestly, probably only here to read, and write, fanfiction about Sunset Shimmer and the Dazzlings. Also, canon is my clay and I shall shape it as I wish.


Update on Past Scars · 7:31am Jan 11th, 2023

Man, it's been a while... Anyway, for anyone who has noticed that I'm updating the Dazzling Sunset series, I just wanted to let you know that Past Scars will be getting another new chapter between Changing Norm and Worth to help the story flow better and set up information for the rest of the story. It's taking a small bit of time because

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No Excuses · 10:07pm Mar 10th, 2021

Yeah, I just randomly disappear at this point. I've tried slowing it down, stopping it, I dunno man. I'm just bad at remaining in one place for long. However, I do have some things in mind now that the new year is properly under way.

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I hate the flu · 10:50pm Mar 5th, 2020

I was working on a request, trying to fix it, and the next chapter for Compatibility and I fall freaking sick because my sleep schedule got messed up (through circumstances unrelated to the request and update). I just want one year where I can write uninhibited. I'm gonna take some meds and try to sleep it off for a few days.


Inspiration Why? · 6:28am Dec 29th, 2019

I am 10.5k words into a fic that's purely for self-gratification and yet I am:
200 words into the next chapter of Divine Intervention,
500 words into the next chapter of One and the Same Thing,
1783 words into the next chapter of A Packed Crowd, and
30 words into the next chapter of Compatibility
Why is inspiration such a dick to me...


Tomorrow is Christmas · 3:54am Dec 25th, 2019

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I FINALLY GOT A NEW LAPTOP!!! · 12:11am Jun 7th, 2018

And it's fucking BEAUTIFUL!

Just a heads up to everyone,
I'm going to update One in the Same Thing, Divine Intervention, and Adagio Alicornus tomorrow. As well as post the first chapter of Dazzling Sunset: Compatibility. The next chapter for A Packed Crowd should be up this weekend. I know I've made you wait, so here they come!


Where We Are · 4:18am May 4th, 2018

Alright, so everyone is probably wondering where we are! Well, I'm happy to say that I am making progress with Dazzling Sunset: Compatibility now that I've figured out what each of the Sirens' dates should be. I also have a request or two coming in, but I'm not sure when enough chapters for a buffer will be done for either of them to be posted at present.

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Crazy Uncle Starswirl · 7:00pm Apr 8th, 2018

The other night, I literally just wrote an entire nine-page fix of the Sirens going with Sunset and confronting Starswirl about his decisions. It's located here if anyone wants to see it. Based off a single line from Reborn: "It was Starswirl who exiled us, after all." That single line made me write this amalgamation of stuff. I'm keeping it in Google Doc form because people tend

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It's Not Exploded! · 3:19pm Mar 19th, 2018

Guess who finally got their new laptop charger.

Guess who's got a a lot of typing to do now?

Guess who's gonna handle that shit like a boss?

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Fourth Wall · 10:02am Feb 25th, 2018

Currently on Chapter Three of this request I received before the computer blew up, and wondering if I should make Discord's fourth wall-breaking more prominent... I like Discord fairly alright. I mean, he's fun when he's on screen, but doesn't really hold my attention enough for me to think about him when he's not on screen. Because of this, I'm wondering if I might be able to make him a little more fun for me by using his wit instead of just his wacky chaos magic.