• Member Since 23rd Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Knight of Crows

Luck? I don't need it, I just need everyone else's to plummet while I'm around.


Jason Wright fled Ponyville after his failed attempt on his life. Lost and in a haze, he didn't realize how far north he had gone until he awakened the slumbering entities of frost. Now, bound to them and gifted with a forgotten gift of the Goddess, both sustain each other as they go to Equestria with one goal in mind:

Finish what was started long ago.

Featured 1/19
Featured 1/20
Featured 2/20, it wasn't even up for 2 minutes...
Featured 3/1

Chapters (14)

(Code Vein crossover)

We had defeated Mido, put Silva out of his misery, and I took on the burdens of the Relics and the Gaol of the Mists. The Queen, Cruz, would remain at peace, unable to harm anyone again. How- why am I here? Wherever here is? Why am I a small humanoid horse?

Human/ Revenant turned newborn colt.
Takes place before season 1.

Chapters (2)

I may not have been the best student, but to be fair I never put in any more effort than necessary. I barely passed my classes not because I was a bad student, but I just didn't care, even when challenged to a duel I didn't even try to win. This time was the last time as I was caught in a bad mood and actually fought back for once, the loser didn't take too kindly to getting curb stomped by a low level mage who's just short of failing all his classes. You can see where that's going.

Some may recognize the cover art from Lord Despair's story, "A Wizard's Tale". I honestly just typed dark mage in google images and it was one of the first that popped up. How could I not?

Featured 10/7/20
Featured 11/14/20, not even up for a minute, damn!
Featured 12/8/21
Featured 8/9/22

Chapters (11)

The name's Cain, not too much to say about myself. Antisocial and spiteful to name a few things wrong with me. Working a shitty job and don't see a future I can be satisfied with, my only real source of income is from my only other hobby: Smithing. There's a surprisingly decent market for these kinds of weapons, real or replica, especially if said weapon was from a well known fictional series. After playing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, I forged a few Mortal Blades, 2 to keep and the rest to sell.

After shipping them off I woke up after the strangest dream in a land not my own, still trying to figure out if this is good for me.

Takes place before season 1.

Chapters (3)

Lust, Sloth, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Pride, and Gluttony. Every misdeed, every selfish desire, every act against others falls into one of these. No matter what we all pay the price eventually, some of us pay even higher prices though. Perhaps we deserve it.

A collection of short stories that try to give a back story to the deadly sins and live up to the whole definition instead of what some shows might do like Supernatural or FMA: Brotherhood.

Chapters (4)

My introduction to this world wasn't exactly what you would call warm. Long story short I accidentally unleashed the Starscourge and wasn't able to fix it, luckily I was imprisoned by the princesses before too much damage could be done. They managed to finish what I started and made great progress in keeping the plague away from most towns and cities, but unfortunately I wasn't able to get my side of the story out (not that they would believe me) and was branded a monster. Well thanks to 1,000+ years of being stoned and Discord being an idiot or just being himself I am free to correct my fuck up.

Chapters (3)

I found myself in Equestria with one gift, one that keeps giving in a way. I can make any deal I want for any price. The Deal itself grants it, we just need to agree. From reviving the parents of a foal for a few chocolate covered strawberries to granting a mad stallion eternal life in exchange for his wife and children (the family is fine BTW).

I can be the Devil looking for a soul to steal or an honest merchant who can make both our days. What do you want?

Chapters (4)

I decided to watch an anime that had been a favorite of mine since I was a kid and later play the game if only for old times sake, but when I called it a night I woke up surrounded by guards as the main character with a certain sword and it's other pieces. Hopefully I didn't get his habit of being short on money with this transformation.

In celebration of Orphen's 25th anniversay and reboot this year, I loved this show and the game as a child (looking back the game was meh).

Taking place during season 3.

Highly recommended you watch the first series to avoid the heavy spoilers early in the story, or watch it's remake this year.

Title still a WIP. Was originally called "Outcasted Sorcerer".

Chapters (3)

The Mayan calender was right in a way. The world ended not because of war or natural causes, but because of the idiots who saw the end as a reason to start a damn Purge and it was a test by God. Not that I'm truly capable of caring anymore. Now I've been given a way out of all that, out of the Hell my life has been, and I'm not looking back.

MC doesn't know about Kingdom Hearts, references he'll make, or worlds he'll visit if I choose to go that route.

Chapters (81)

This was my first convention and I chose to go as Estarossa from Seven Deadly Sins. I met the merchant and got the Rebellion blade I was missing for a rather cheap price, I didn't expect the rumors to be true about people disappearing, not that I'm complaining.

Will cross over with Sleepybear's story https://www.fimfiction.net/story/463422/monspeet-the-curse-of-silence. Taking place in the same world, but still separate stories that will cross over every now and then.

Holy shit! Featured if only for a few minutes!
Featured again!
Featured... I don't know how to respond given the timing of this...

Chapters (20)