• Published 15th Apr 2014
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An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword

Adventure, Mayhem, Magic of unknown origins, and talking colorful Ponies. All being unrelated events have brought three friends together into the wildest holiday that anyone could imagine.

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34 - Remembrance

Extended Holiday
Chp 34: Remembrance
Act 4

The wind howled outside the hut, winter was once again in the Northern Isles and things had not been well. The plague was rampant, warriors graves lined the graveyard, entire families would be wiped out in a matter of weeks. Grif sat by the hearth, cooking the simple stew with the herbs he hoped would allow his father to overcome this. The small size of the hut had one advantage in that the hearthfire could serve to warm the entire space. To most gryphons it would be called cozy, possibly even on the warm side. Yet Graf lay in his bed, shivering from cold despite the several hides draped over his body.

There is much to be said about gryphons, they are strong, fierce fighters, loyal warriors, and they can endure most things with a smile. But there was not much to be said for their healers. The herbal remedies they did have were a few random plants that had been stumbled upon by accident. Their small settlement had neither a healer nor a wide supply of herbs and the few plants Grif could identify on the islands were of little help against such a malady.

“Grif.” The voice was faint, far quieter than the gravely, powerful voice of Grif’s youth. “Forget the stew and come to me.”

Grif instantly heeded the call as he walked towards his father. The old warrior’s feathers were worn thin, his fur ragged. Under the feathers of his father’s face Grif could see the skin, grey and degraded. “What do you need?” He asked.

Graf weakly raised his tallon and lifted something down to himself. It was a gryphon bow, a large one carved in polished black wood. The wisps of the wind seemed to play across it until it lead down to a small ruby redder than blood set in a thin sliver of gold.

Grif shook his head as Graf lifted the bow, it had been the one heirloom Graf had taken with him when he’d left his clan, an artifact specifically for his bloodline. The bow had been made for one of the five gryphons who had stopped the gryphon dog war of the lower kingdoms and who had personally seen to the death of the self announced King Olaf. The ruby itself had been one of the gems set in the crown. But for Graf to be taking it down now was neither impressive, nor comforting to Grif.

Graf placed a talon on his palm and with the strength he could muster he made a thin cut across it. “I go now. My ancestors have called for me. The spirits have sounded the horn for me to fly in the great winds.” Graf began, ignoring Grif’s pleas for him to stop, that this was not his end.

“Know that I will watch you. know that a piece of my soul stays with you.” With that, like his ancestors before him, Graf smeared a drop of blood onto the ruby. “To protect your friends. to guard your family. And to bring death on the north wind to your foes,” He pressed the pin, allowing the hinge to collapse the bow. Then he turned it to Grif. “Until you fly beside me once again.”

Grif stood there in front of his father, tears trickling down his face. It was done, the bow could not be refused now. To refuse the gift was to damn Graf to never rest. Grif took the bow in his claws shaking. “An- and until the wind calls me to you, I, I will continue to uphold the honor you have awarded me.” He responded.

Graf looked into his son’s face. “When I die, remove three of my primary feathers and fasten from them to three arrows, use these only in times when you cannot miss, and I will be with you.” Graf smiled at Grif. “I will be with you eternally, my son.” With that the gryphon laid back, his eye’s gently closing as his breath ceased. Grif embraced the dead gryphon, weeping openly. He hugged him till he felt all the warmth leave his form. He would weep until the dawn, but he would leave stone faced as he arranged for Graf to be placed in his grave. His spirit was amongst the winds now.

For the first time in his nineteen years, Grif was truly alone.

November Twentieth, 120 ADF

Pensword stood looking at his friends and family. He blinked back tears as he touched the cap with the eagle feather in it towards his father. “I, I did not think this would be where my cutie mark would take me.”

His father beamed, pride shining in his eyes. “Nor I, yet this last year I have noticed your writing when left to your own has been writing to the mayor and to Baron Happy Hooves on ways to improve the defenses.” A light chuckle escaped his father’s muzzle. “Still, you show them that the great grandson of Lexington Airstrike will be willing to serve.”

Pensword nodded. “Yes. I am the first offspring since his marriage to bear the armor of the Princesses. I just hope I survive induction and training.” He could hear the coach rolling down the street to pick him up. “Now I will be a three day’s flight from here, but don’t visit too much, they won’t take kindly to visitors. And mom… I’ll come here to visit.” He moved only to have his mother beat him and hug him first.

“I know, son. The princesses do not wish us to serve in the ranks. We are too wild.” She smiled as she kissed his cheek. “But I can say this, my young soldier. You shall live to see Thestrals become accepted in Equestria.” She pulled away and smiled as she began shifting her wings, raising her hoof, the town following suit. All were giving him the Thestral salute.

Pensword dressed in the cloth of a recruit stitched by the town’s own tailor returned the salute as well. “Thank you. I shall come to visit again in five years. Five years from now and I shall be, hopefully, a new officer in the ranks of the Military.” he looked to the direction of the manor. “I owe this privilege to both Baron Happy Hooves and the payroll of Lord Hammer Strike.” he smiled as he looked back on his home town. “I, I will come back and when I do it will be as an officer.”

The town cheered as Pensword turned and boarded the coach. The driver did not say anything and just stared at the hero’s farewell. He shook his head as he turned the coach away. Pensword leaned out the door and waved back to his family. He smiled as he looked to the sky and shouted out something that the driver could not help but over hear.

“Moon Burn, you better keep Whirlwind out of trouble. And tell any who court her that if they lay so much as a hoof on her that the wrath of a soldier will fall upon them. YOU HEAR!?”

The two siblings yelled back their own words of encouragement and the three stayed for a mile longer before, finally, the two turned away. The last advice he yelled out he would never regret. “Whirlwind you keep up your flying and you and I will race next time I see you, you hear me?”

His sister actually dropped and hovered a little at his eye level. “I will not lose next time, brother.” She moved forward and hugged Pensword. “I love you big brother, I want you to come back in armor and scare those bullies from that Unicorn port city.” She muttered in a serious, yet joking tone of voice.

“I will do that, my little student.” he replied as he gave her a noogie. She pulled away and smiling, darted back towards town. Pensword smiled, his heart aching. He would be gone for five years, the first two without any chance of leave. He already banked on not getting any due to his… heritage, but he was going to show those in the chain of command he was ready.” He shuffled to fully sit down and patted a saddle bag with letters of recommendation, including a report of his actions upon the death of his captain and mentor during the most recent attack only three months ago. He stared ahead. “Cadet Pensword, reporting for duty.” he whispered to himself.

Leaving home for the Academy Twenty August 115 ADF

Bored once again, Hammer Strike found himself in his forge smithing away at a new weapon. One that, strangely enough, confused him for why he was making it. It was meant for a more refined grip, needing hands. But for some reason, he knew he could use it. His mind was having trouble trying to remember why he knew that.

There was a sudden flash of light and Hammer Strike found himself looking up at a scroll, sealed by Celestia’s royal seal. With a questioning glance he put down his tools, broke the seal, and started reading.

Hello Hammer Strike,

I wanted to ask if you are available for tea today. It has been awhile since our last conversation and I thought it would be nice to catch up with each other. I hope to hear back from you soon. I know you can be busy from time to time.


Hammer Strike was puzzled by the request. “Tea? At this hour?” He said, looking around for the only clock in the room, which currently read noon.

“Oh.” He said, his gaze shifting back to the weapon he was working on and the letter. “Uh…”

Looking around he stepped out of the forge for a moment, trotting directly to his office. Quickly grabbing an empty parchment and his quill and ink, he wrote:

Good Day Celestia,

I would love to, but you might have to give me a little more time. I have to finish this project first and I will be headed out shortly afterwards.

~Hammer Strike

With a nod of approval, Hammer sealed it and reached for his coat pocket, only to realize with some chagrin that he had left it back in the forges. “Oh, come on.” He muttered, trotting back to the forge again, he roughly grabbed the lighter and sent the letter on its way.

Looking back at his tools he reached over to grab the hammer only for a flash to go off behind him, followed by the sound of hooves clopping on the floor. After a moment he turned to the source to find Celestia there with a couple of things held in her magic, one of the main things being a tea set.

“You do know I was almost finished with this, correct? It would not have taken me that long.” Hammer Strike said.

“Last time you said that, I waited four days.” Celestia said.

“Come on, I had just started the armor set when you sent that, and I just got absorbed in making it.” Hammer Strike replied.

“Your colossus armor, was it?” She asked.

“The Juggernaut armor.” Hammer Strike smiled. “Nothing but catapults can break through it. Though I have yet to try it against a catapult. The guards were running out of attack ideas for breaking through it.” He chuckled.

“It seems fine for you but what about those not heat deterrent? I imagine it could easily be turned against them.” Celestia pointed out with a raised brow.

“In all honesty, after more thought on it, I think it would be best to leave it for only a few to use. Though at this point it only fits myself.” He responded.

“I see.” Celestia nodded. “And what is this new project of yours?”

“I ... can not give you a full answer. It has been in the back of my mind for the last few years to make some weapons like this.” He shrugged, the blade in question was very interesting as from the hilt it traveled both ways, one top, one bottom.

“An interesting invention. Is it for a unicorn?” She asked, placing the tea set down nearby.

“I guess so, due to the fact that you need to have this weapon higher off the ground than most can provide.” Hammer Strike responded.

“My sources have told be the plague is bad in the Northern Isles, but the gryphons refuse to seek help.” Celestia mentioned as she poured them each a cup.

Hammer Strike paused for a second. “One day.” He responded. “Hopefully.”

“Gryphons are stubborn to a fault.” Celestia said. “But they would not let themselves die for want of something as simple as a healer.”

“As said, we can hope that one day they will seek for help.” He sighed. “Even with how things are tension wise, it still hurts to hear these things.”

“I wish the emperor were not so quick to pursue war. Your name has slowed proceedings but I fear open warfare will be unavoidable.” Celestia sighed. “So many gryphons to their deaths over something so trivial.”

“Do not think it will be easy, Celestia.” Hammer Strike warned. “Be ready for what is to come.”

“I have fought on the battlefield before. I am well aware of what warfare is.” She said.

Hammer Strike sighed inwardly. “We shall see how things go.”

“Besides, we have the great smith lord on our side. How can we lose?” Celestia grinned.

“I am not skilled enough for that.” Hammer Strike replied.

“You say that, yet I know you. When the war is joined you will be there, ready to defend Equestria as she needs you, always in her darkest hour.”

“As always...” He responded, lost in thought.

As always… June fifth, 112 ADF

Grif smiled for the first time in a long time as he walked down the village streets. Months of hunting animals, trading meat and furs, doing odd jobs for travelers needing a trained guide/ protector, Grif had finally collected the equivalent of seventy golden beaks. Beaks were the gryphon’s form of currency in the homeland. The beaks were miniature casts of the emperor's own beak and traded widely amongst the empire. And today, the trade caravans would pass through. With trade between Equestria and Gryphonia officially cut off, the caravans would stop at the northern isles on their way to the Stampede Ground of the minotaurs in order to get their hands on what goods they could by proxy.

Grif’s old blades were corroded from the salt of the sea and despite his regular cleanings he was losing a battle to rust. So Grif had been saving simply for a new set of swords. He found himself surrounded by others of his village flying out to the small island that the caravans would camp on. They used to come right to the villages, but with the plague still common, the caravans had chosen to camp outside of any settlement. And the ones allowed into the camps were carefully screened.

No one seemed to pay Grif any mind today as the group took across the sea between the islands. The flight was quick and uneventful, the group gracefully touching down on the beach. The Gryphons carefully checked Grif over and he passed almost immediately. Grif had never fully understood it, but the plague had ignored him. The gryphon could wander amongst the sick and not so much as cough. For many this had been confirmation he was in fact an old soul blessed by the spirits. Because of this the general opinion of him, for the first time, had been lighter.

Grif eyed the collection of booths that surrounded him. They were filled with everything from exotic meats to something new from Saddle Arabia. The traders referred to it as ‘chocolate.’ despite the wonders, Grif kept his distance from most of the traders. He had only met Gryphonians a few times in his life and he had never truly liked them. They were not haggling prices and they treated females and hatchlings cruelly. Still, currently, they were necessary for the survival of the fledgling country.

Grif approached a booth lined with weapon racks. Blades, axes, spears, bows, maces, and clubs lined the display. The styles varied incredibly, partially due to these weapons being a mix of the work of gryphon smiths, and those captured and looted in battle. The grey gryphon behind the counter eyed him, carefully inspecting him to see how far he thought he could push his luck.

“Good morrow, young warrior,” he spoke. His griphic carried a strange undertone, almost clumsey. “I see you have come to my shop. Tell me; what fine weapon I could offer a fierce predator such as yourself? A spear perhaps? Maybe a broadsword? This one came off the body of a minotaur berserker. No finer work for such a low price.”

Grif rolled his eyes as he went back to examining the weapons. Many were trash, so old or mistreated that they had little war left in them. Grif’s gaze stopped at a rather nicely lined chest. Hidden in a back corner, it made for a perfectly shielded space. An excellent place for a merchant to hide his true good stock. “Open the chest.” Grif spoke as he had seen Graf speak, his tone neither rude or polite. It was clear, however, that this wasn’t something for debate.

The grey gryphon looked in shock for a moment, having taken Grif for a young, headstrong upstart, he hadn’t expected him to discern there might be better stock. “I see you have an eye for stronger steel.” The gryphon nodded as he lifted the chest with a groan, turning the lock to open it. He removed several weapons, each carefully wrapped in oiled cloth. His face seemed more and more displeased as the gryphon shook away weapon after weapon. Finally, Grif stopped him as he examined a particularly intriguing set. The blades were long one handed swords that curved upwards towards the end. Made from polished steel, they came down to a lethal edge. The middle was flattened out and reinforced with bronze plates. The handles were straight and wrapped in some type of hide with a rounded hand guard, allowing the entire tallon to be shielded by it.

Without bothering to ask permission, Grif lifted the blades, a quick glare forestalling the objection by the booth owner. Standing back he gave them a few practice swings, testing their weight and movement. Stopping, he stood for a moment, his face assuming an expression of deep thought, though Grif was merely waiting a bit to make the merchant tense and hopefully make driving down the price easier. He set them on the counter. “How much?”

“Eighty five golden beaks,” The Merchant spoke. “Truly a steal for such weapons. Many have fallen to these blades.”

“Yes, the scratches and dents along the blade tell me that much.” Grif cut him off pointing out the various flaws that riddled the blades. To the untrained eye or the unobservent they might not have been noticed. “Fifty beaks. It will probably cost me more than that having them cleaned up by a smith.”

“For fifty beaks you couldn’t buy the bronze used to plate them.” The merchant spat. “You will lead me to ruin if I give them to you for seventy eight beaks.”

“They are used, and they are filthy.” Grif growled. “It will take hours to get this horrible fish oil you polished them with off.” Grif made a repulsed grimace. “I will take these abominations off your talons for fifty five.”

The merchant looked at Grif as though he were attempting to set him on fire. “Seventy three and I will throw in some sheaths.” The griffon offered. “And I shall not survive next winter.”

“I’m not buying sheaths. I will give you sixty beaks and I will still be overpaying.” Grif growled. The two gryphons proceeded to roar into the other’s faces. They held a solid glare for a minute before the booth owner backed off.

“Very well, sixty beaks.” His demeanor melted away, replaced by a much kinder one. “You barter well.” He laughed

Grif proceeded to count out the money, the equivalent of seventy Golden Beaks. His payments of gold beaks had been mixed in with gemstones and even some gold bits. After some careful calculations, Grif and the shopkeeper embraced arms talon to elbow, the sign of an honorable trade. Taking his new weapons, Grif turned to leave. However, something caught his eye as he walked away. From the booth selling meats, the butchers wife left the tent and for a moment Grifs eye’s caught something that horrified and disgusted him. In the tent stood a cage, and within the cage, one trembling, one bleak, stood Equestrian ponies.

Northern Isles gryphons did not eat sentient beings. It was a disgusting, horrible act. Grif’s talons lingered for a moment on his new acquisitions, part of him screaming to do justice’s work and destroy the offenders. But looking around he noted there were more traders, the islanders, each well armed and more than a few with armed guards. Swallowing hard, the gryphon held his head up. He would not be able to win in a direct confrontation. He would have to resort to cunning instead. Casually making his way past the butcher’s booth he sunk a talon into the side of the tent and continued to walk. The sound of tearing fabric caused several gryphons to turn and look at the suddenly visible caged ponies. The islanders began to shout loudly. Many began returning their meat, demanding things from there money back to personal duels. In the confusion Grif grasped the cage in his talons and with all his strength, pulled it into the nearby brush out of sight. Grif had no formal experience with lockpicking so the gryphon simply drove his knife into the lock, the lock broke as his knife snapped but the gryphon couldn’t care less. A weapon could be replaced. A life could not. Releasing the ponies he looked into their faces. “There is a cave down by the beach. Hide there till I come for you.” He ordered. The ponies stared at him strangely as they left the cage, galloping as fast as their hooves could carry them.

Grif exited the brush as the traders finally managed to bring order back. Grif would not let it remain calm for long. “We seceded Gryphonia so this evil would not come upon us, yet you bring the emperor’s corruption to us.” The islanders shouted loudly in agreement. “Give us this butcher to our justice and leave our shores!” Once again Grif’s words were met with cheers.

“You dare raise a blade to a Gryphonian? The emperor would raise this place to the ground.” The butcher growled back.

Grif lifted his sword, carefully looking down it. “The emperor lost power here. He agreed to let us live by our own power. You have defied him by defying our laws. The penalty is death still. Leave the butcher and leave us.” The crowd began to murmur. The butcher was obviously sweating, the guards were not sure, even with their greater numbers, if they could maintain their honor fighting the islanders. Honor was paramount in gryphon society. Even above death.

Finally, a large gryphon armed to the teeth and wearing fine armor approached. Lifting his voice he addressed the crowd.

“My northern brothers! I am Talos, leader of this caravan!” The crowd lifted it’s voice in anger at the gryphon. “My brothers, please. I had no knowledge of this upon my word of honor. Please leave this worm to my justice and let us continue our peaceful dealings!” The crowd murmured amongst themselves all eye’s seemed to turn to Grif.

“He will see proper justice?” Grif looked to Talos, his blade still raised. The two gryphons eyed each other, it was clear the other gryphon was the veteran of many battles, his body trailed with scars that labeled years of experience. In a fight, Grif was not confident he could win should this gryphon demand a duel…

“I shall present his head to your village personally.” Talos finally spoke, lowering his beak to Grif in acknowledgement.

“Then let it be so. If you fail, then I shall denounce you as oath breaker. All shall know your blood holds no truth.” Grif answered traditionally. With a flourish he returned his sword to it’s place. The crowd, appeased by the justice done, dispersed back to their dealings as the guards forcibly closed the butchers booth.

Three hours later Grif traveled to the cave.

“It’s only me. You are safe.” Grif spoke.

The two earth ponies, brother and sister, stared back in shock and fear and huddled in a corner. “Wh… Thank you.” The sister replied. “I, I am forever in your debt. They…” She sniffed. “They ate our parents.”

The Brother glared a little. “Will you teach me the blade so I can protect the only family I have left? I will do anything, even pledge to whatever ruler you have in your island as my sovereign. I will not let any more harm come to my sister.”

“On my oath, friend, I need nothing from you.” Grif smiled. “We of the Northern Isles live apart so that we may pursue peace with our Equestrian friends.” Speaking Equestrian was still tricky for Grif. He always found his accent strange. “We have no leader. All are bound by the law. The elder judge disputes. But none hold another by any bind save their own”

“Uh,” The sister muttered. “Well, in that case, I, I do know some herbs that might lessen the symptoms I have over heard in that cage. If you will help we could petition some of the nobles in the mainland. Please, let us do something to repay your kindness.”

The brother nodded. “I am Tall Oak and my Sister is Little Willow. I pledge both of our service to you for what you have done. We have no one left. We fear we are the last of the farming community on the plains border.”

Grif stared at them. “You know not the severity of what you say.” Grif said. “When a gryphon pledges to a lord, they only release the debt with their death. Please. No one will need know about this. I will fly you to the mainland and you can be amongst your kin.”

Little Willow looked at the Gryphon, “At least ask the lords to help if you take us. we shall help you all we can, and we shall pledge support the the first house that agrees to help your kin here.” She looked at her brother. “You helped all the kin I have left. Let us try and do the same with your isles.”

“I will take you to my island. My hut is small, but you are welcome to it. I will try my best to find something for you. I am afraid the only vegetables I have have already gone into my stew last night.”

Little Willow smiled. “I am sure we can find something. Just, when you take us to the mainland we will petition the Lords there for help. I will need herbs from there anyway to help with the sick here.”

“On my oath, I will keep you safe.” Grif said. “Not all gryphons are the same. The island gryphon will not eat pony meat. Remember there will be nothing to fear. You, stallion, shall stay here. I will take the mare first.” With that Grif dropped a wing and a leg, offering his back to the pony.

Learning to Stand, August Sixteenth, 122 ADF

Pensword stood in the office. It was a crude space with rough walls and a dirt floor. The desk, however, relayed the sense of power in the type of furniture built by Earth Ponies. Pensword remained at the stance he had been taught, a stance of attention. He had been ushered into the room and told to remain at attention until the Commandante of Fort Jasmine came to set his papers in order for the start of his military career.

On the desk a wooden nameplate featured prominently with the name ‘Commandante Supreme Sunrise’ carefully engraved. “Wow, that sure is a big desk,” a somewhat familiar voice said from beside him.

He did not even flinch, not even an ear moved from his stance

“Whatcha doiiing?” The female voice asked curiously.

Pensword did not respond, recalling mentally the order in which he could move as well as feeling this was a test of his ability to remain still, or at least following orders. He did, however, blink as blinking was allowed due to the fact that blinking was a natural occurring event that no pony could control.

“Oh that is right, you have to stand still till I say something. What was that something again..?” The mare scratched her head. “Oh yeah. OVER EASY, RECRUIT!” she, at least Pensword assumed it was a she, shouted in as stern a tone as she could muster.

Pensword took the order for what she meant to say. He still did not speak, but he knew it was really At Ease, Recruit. Still, he did blink and turned his head to his left where the voice had been, only there was no pony there. He turned to face the desk and saw a mare sitting behind it. A flour white Pegasus Mare with a curly poofy blond mane. He blinked again.

“So you're the hopeful that I have been hearing about.” She was quite suddenly in his face, standing sternly. “I’ve been hearing alot about you.” She poked his nose with a hoof. “But you know who else I’ve heard a lot about? Every noble’s sixth cousin twice removed because they can put their shirt on straight. So let’s skip the paperwork and get to the real meat of the situation.” She sat once again at her desk leaning in. “Who are you, and more importantly, why are you here? Ooh, and mostest importantly, what do you want to achieve?”

Pensword stood taller. “Pensword, Ma’am.” he spoke crisply as he looked at the desk. “I am here as the town of Mountainside Falls wishes to bring back knowledge to fight the encroaching bandits and Gryphon raiders invading our lands. I also wish to make my great grandfather proud if I can.” He took another breath. “Most important. I wish to achieve training and skills that can help prepare and protect those of my kin and family around me. No matter where I may be stationed nor what threat may be. Natural or Creature, or even War based.”

The mare nodded. “So then, you understand that we train ponies for the guard and the army.” The mare’s demeanor suddenly became very serious “Have you been made aware we are all but at war?” she asked.

“You refer to the closing of trade between Gryhonia and Equestria? How the borders are getting a little tighter? I am. I just feel that this is where I need to be, even though I want to be back home building a wall. I live a week’s flight from the borderlands, which is a two day flight of no entry zone just on our side.”

The pegasus nodded. “You realise with those teeth and those ears that things will be difficult for you?” she asked.

“I have faced ribbings and a black eye from school before. I have a goal in mind, with a goal in mind I can push through any problems sooner rather than later, Ma’am.” Once again he was calm and spoke with a polite yet firm tone of voice.

Supreme Sunrise nodded again. “It’s too bad about the restrictions. We could use more ponies with that sort of outlook. I have a general policy of no special treatment. I can’t speak for others but I can personally guarantee you will never receive either scorn or favors from me. You understand that recruit?”

“Crystal Clear, Commandante Supreme Sunrise. I shall leave my letters of recommendation and valor with you then. They are in the saddle bag, by, uh, that is to say the papers in your hooves, Ma’am.” Pensword could have sworn they were not there a moment ago. still, he blinked and fell silent.

“Well, Pensword, you obviously have the mindset. And from what I can tell, you're healthy or are there any conditions I should be aware of?” she asked.

He did not know why. But he spoke something. “None that I can think of. I can hear hoof falls better than others so I am good for sentry duty.” he blinked. Why did he just say a joke about his health and hearing to the Commandante?

“It says you are already well trained with a bow, a knife, and a small axe. Going by that eyetooth around your neck I will assume that this bear report is true. I take it you have all of your gear on you?” she asked.

“I did Ma’am. I hid it as I went to turn in the gear I brought with me for the first year so I can learn on regular issued gear. I have,” He did not smile but he spoke candidly. “Issues, with stuff never being returned to me. I took care of hiding my things.”

Supreme Sunrise perked up again with a large smile that Pensword would swear actually brightened the room. “Then you’re terrific. Proceed to get measured for a training uniform. We are waving the traditional forty bits for fitting and usual charges because you have been fully sponsored by Lord Hammer Strike. Quite an achievement. if we do go to war you may just already have a comission waiting for you.” She noted

“Spo.. sponsored?” He sputtered. “I knew I would be in his payroll, to be forwarded to my family, but, he… he is sponsoring my ENTIRE education here?” He reared his head back in total shock and wonderment. A Noble doing that. He could only blink as he stood there in shell shock.

“Yes. It was surprise for us as well. Lord Hammer Strike is a generally near silent Noble. At this stage his entire military power is mostly made up of separate mercenary groups he contracted. To catch his attention you must have really made an impression.” Supreme Sunrise nodded. “Well, I see no problem with you moving forward. And anyone who does will have to go through me. Welcome to the Academy Private Pensword.” The pegasus offered a wing salute.

Pensword returned the salute as the door opened and an aide to Supreme Sunrise held it for Pensword to exit. He did so promptly, ignoring the slight scowl that the aide had as he mentally told himself that she might have one all the time or she just woke up on the wrong side of the cott. Still, he mentally prepared himself for what might come next.

Welcome to the Academy Twenty Third August 115 ADF

“And so, sir, with this gryphon band that has been visiting the noble estates in the area obviously being a spying party I think it would be best if we stepped up security.” Silver Cane announced to Hammer Strike. The grey coloured unicorn was the current steward of house Strike.

Hammer Strike hummed in thought for a moment. “Do you have any names? There is bound to have been one.”

The steward produced a list. “Thran son of Thrask, Houn son of Haraan, Fesk daughter to Thrann, and Grif son of Graf. They are also accompanied by two earth ponies, a Tall Oak and Little Willow.”

“Repeat the last gryphon’s name,” Hammer Strike requested. “That one sounded familiar.”

“Grif, son of Graf? Milord, he is a nameless, clanless gryphon. From what I have been able to tell he has no name for himself.” Silver Cane seemed quite shocked by Hammer Strike’s sudden interest.

“And yet, for some reason I remember that name from somewhere.” Hammer replied, placing a hoof on his head. “I just can not place it. Leave security as it is. If you do a change so suddenly you could cause alarm.” He finished.

“Very well, milord.” Silver Cane nodded. “Shall I let the guards know to turn them away when they present themselves?”

“Let them in.” Hammer Strike said simply.

“Y, yes. Very well, milord.” Silver Cane nodded. “Is there anything else?”

“Nothing that I can remember at this time. I will be sure to alert you if something does happen.” Hammer Strike finished.

Silver Cane bowed before turning and leaving the room.

After he left the room Hammer Strike immediately opened the drawers of his desk, pulling out parchment, a quill, and inkwell.


I require an immediate teleportation to Unity. Time is approaching.

~Hammer Strike

Quickly taking out the enchanted lighter he sent the letter, not bothering to seal it this time.

Roughly five minutes and a flash of light later Hammer Strike found himself standing before Celestia in the throne room. clearly his message had been a convenient excuse to close court.

“Were you reading my mind? Can you read minds now? I literally just thought ‘Dear mother please let somepony have need of my immediate help so I can stop this circus,’ and then poof, your letter.” Celestia stared at him.

“Perhaps. We shall see. I do not know and now is not the time. I am trying to remember everything right now.” Hammer Strike said, almost immediately heading off in the direction of the library. “I need to return to my body, as well as release Moonshade.”

Celestia smiled. “It is finally time is it? I thought you seemed more…. committed than you have been for a while.”

Hammer Strike chuckled for the first time in ages . “It only took me thirty or more years to gain some true clarity.”

Celestia’s horn ignited and in an instant they were back in the secret library room.

“Shall we wake her first or set you back?” She asked.

“Wake her first. Then we shall get to work on myself.”

Celestia ignited her horn and focused. In short order, Moonshade stood before the broken portrait.

“Is it time for our meeting already?” Moonshade asked.

“Grif is on his way to Noble houses. You told me to keep an ear out for that. It has been thirty five years or more. It is nearly time.” Hammer Strike replied.

Moonshade, or rather Lunar Fang, brightened visibly at this. “And that means soon we shall see Pensword again.”

“And now, let us set you right.” Celestia looked to Hammer Strike. “Stand over there and prepare yourself.” She pointed to a spot next to the painting.

Following directions, Hammer Strike stood where he was directed to.

“I thought golems didn’t age.” Lunar Fang noted. “His eye’s look so ancient.”

“The eye’s are a window into the soul.” Celestia noted. “They will reflect your age no matter how young your face.” It was at that time Moonshade noted Celestia’s eyes looked younger than she remembered. The solar princess ignited her horn, a second layer of magic covering the first as she cast the two spells in tandem. Hammer Strike once again felt the feeling of inertia and dizziness. When the light died he stood in front of the broken painting. Not far off the golem stood as if asleep.

After blinking a couple of times he found himself putting a hoof to his neck and giving a small stretch before his hoof went to his chest. Pausing there a puzzled look came on his face. “Huh…” He muttered.

“Is something wrong?” Celestia asked.

“No… Just, feels odd having a pulse again…” He said, shaking his head as he put his hoof back onto the ground.

“You look amazing for being clinically dead all that time.” Lunar Fang laughed.

“Tell me about it…” He muttered for a moment, blinking a couple of times. “I feel very…” He stopped speaking for a moment. “Very…” His eyes closed and he fell off to the side, his body going limp.

Celestia sighed. “It will take some time for his mind to sort through thirty six years of information. I will teleport him to his bed and you to his study for now. If anypony asks simply claim to be a new hireling.” Lunar Fang had just enough time to nod as Celestia’s horn lit up. Then they vanished.

Time is upon us, November Second, 126 ADF

Hammer Strike awoke with a start, partially due to him feeling mentally refreshed, and also because of the startling idea of actually sleeping. After shaking his head for a moment and pushing himself up he immediately headed for his office, his mind following his daily routine. He walked through the hallways, the time being around three thirty two or so.

Upon opening the door he was greeted with the sight of Moonshade, his mind taking a moment to register that it actually was Moonshade.

“Hammer Strike?” She asked, shocked. “Shouldn’t you still be asleep?”

“How long was I asleep for?” He asked

“Just about three hours.” She noted. “Celestia was sure you’d be out longer.”

“Just because I am mentally exhausted does not mean I am physically.” Hammer Strike shrugged, heading to his desk and pulling out parchment and his writing tools.

“What are you doing now?” Moonshade asked.

“Writing a note.” He replied simply.

Dear Celestia

Thanks for the confident remark.

~Hammer Strike

With a quick motion he pulled out the enchanted lighter and sent the letter after sealing it.

Grif spat as he and his group left the pony lord’s hold. The ‘Honorable’ Lord Top Shelf had not been interested in sending healers to a non-equestrian land with no natural resources and promising a petty sum in return for help. Grif had not been angered by this. Many pony lords had refused them under the understandable terms that Equestria was needing to strengthen it’s resources for the war. What had angered Grif was the stuffed shirt had the audacity to have them escorted out by armed guard lest they “make off with anything of value.”

It had been two years since he brought Little Willow and Tall Oak to his home. The gryphons had been distrusting of the two Equestrians at first. Eventually though, Little Willow’s aid had not only eased the suffering of many of the sick, but the earth pony mare had managed to save a young hatchling as well.

Over the course of those years the mare and stallion had settled in with relative ease despite the conditions. Grif, to his own surprise, found the company welcome in the usually silent house. Little Willow had managed to acquire some seeds and with a small patch of earth amongst the rocks that surrounded the village she had managed to keep a somewhat successful garden for feeding her and her brother as well as providing herbs for treatment. Despite the peaceful path of healing she chose, both Grif and her brother had agreed she should learn to fight with a knife in case anything should arrive. As such Grif taught her as his father had taught him. It meant she went to bed with some extra bruises for a while, but much to Grif’s pleasure, she seemed to take to it well. Soon she was at the point where she could fight Grif himself to a standstill.

Tall Oak had picked a more violent path and had insisted on learning the ways of the warrior from Grif. The gryphon had trouble compressing so much in what little time they had, but Tall Oak had showed a keen skill with the bow and later a great flair for the broadsword.

Still, the gryphons around the colony had not found the idea of sending out requests for help to be necessary. Not until three months ago, when the plague surged, wiping out nearly a third of the island chain’s population. With much pushing and arguing Grif had managed to convince the elders to send himself and the Equestrians out with three other gryphons whose clans had been nearly wiped out by the plague.

Grif eyed his companions warily as they walked. Thran was a large blue gryphon from the same island as Grif, but he lived on the opposite end of the village so their interactions had been few. The large gryphon wore his family’s armor proudly with the ceremonial crest carved into the chest plate. Thran had come in hopes of saving his mother, who was weakening by the day.

Houn and Fesk were a newly paired couple from one of the farther islands. They had been some of the first gryphons to agree that asking for help from Equestria may be the only chance they had at this point. The emperor had made it clear when the northern islands seceded there would be no aid from Gryphonia for anything. Grif had heard rumors but he was not sure that Fesk’s sister really was ill. Still, if the rumors held true, this journey would be a last attempt to save her before she was lost like so many others.

Grif pulled his cougar skin closer. As they walked the wind was bitter and cold and the island gryphons were unused to the snow falling around them. Grif looked back to his two companions, both faring better than him in their simple deerskins. Earth ponies were a hardy stock. They took the cold in stride.

“That is the sixth lord.” Thran growled. “These ponies are no different than our Gryphonian brothers. We should turn back and spend time with those we left behind while we still can.”

“There is still one hold left. It is not far and we could make it there by nightfall if we keep going. Perhaps this Hammer Strike will be more honorable than the rest.” Grif said as he attempted to read the map while brushing snow from his eyes.

“We have been away for two weeks, foundling! Who knows if any of those we hope to save still live? We should fly home!” Thrann had turned to Grif, glaring.

“We cannot fly in this weather, my friend.” Houn spoke. “It would do us better to find a place to stay until the storm breaks. If this hold is close, perhaps this lord will give us a roof if nothing else. I say we head there”

Thran growled his disapproval for the situation but conceded that they did indeed need somewhere to stay. “To the hold then.”

Grif nodded appreciatively to Houn as they trudged in the direction of Hold Strike. Grif looked to his companions, they in turn nodding that they understood. The gryphon had been pleasantly surprised when the earth ponies picked up gryphic from their time together. But the Equestrian princesses were apparently fluent, despite lacking beaks. Maybe gryphons just underestimated them. Either way, things in the past were not of consequence right now. The gryphon trudged onward in the snow, still attempting to keep track of the map. He prayed that this Lord Hammer Strike had at least the decency to offer them a berth for the night.

He prayed Equis at least held some decency left…

A Journey of a Thousand Miles, November Third, 124 ADF

Pensword stood still at attention. He only blinked to keep the dust, and some spittle from the current Major in charge of his first year of training, out of his eyes. He didn’t even flinch as the rust red Pegasus took another deep breath and continued.

“You call this bed clean? You call this military regulated?” He moved to show the unmade bed that he had torn apart in his inspection. “I want you to make it again six times. Cold meal as well for your actions. Am I Clear?”

“Yes Major. Thank you Major.” He responded. One thing that Supreme Sunrise had added to the words that a Cadet year one could say other than yes and no, or I don’t know, was thank you.

The Major looked like he wanted to lay into him again over the words but turned around and stormed out of the room. Pensword did not move. He had not been ordered to fall out to fulfill his duty. A moment later Supreme Sunrise walked through while looking over a stack of papers. She did not even look up. “Fall Out, Private, and follow your orders. I will tell Major Sore Wing I gave the order to move.”

Pensword nodded. “Yes, Ma’am.” He responded and quickly went to work making his bed. He paused and wrote down the information only when he finished it once, twice. He was working an hour later on his final move to get inspected when Lieutenant Harsh Will walked in.

The Unicorn Stallion blinked and bellowed. “ATTENTION!!” Pensword had just tucked the last corner in and quickly turned, snapping to attention even as the voice started the echo phase. “What are you doing in here? You were suppose to eat chow with the rest of the cadets, or are you thinking you are too special with a sponsor?”

“No, Sir.” Pensword replied in a shout.

“Well, tell me, why were you not at chow?” Harsh Will stepped forward the temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees.

“No Excuses, Sir.” Pensword responded as he kept staring ahead. Harsh Will stepped forward into his line of sight.

“Very good. Now, tell me the real story. Tell me your excuse.” Harsh Will responded.

“Orders, Sir. I failed in inspection of my bed and had to remake it six times during chow, I shall eat later tonight I was told. Cold Chow.”

“Sore Wing.” came the annoyed sound of the Lieutenant. “Right, I will inform Sore Wing you have first watch, I will make sure you have a mini feed bag to eat while guarding the hallway. Just eat quickly while the cadets say their nightly praise to Luna… Thestrals, I hear, say theirs at the height of her night. You can say it after first shift.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Pensword replied with a stoic tone.

“Very good. Now what will you do since I passed your bunk test?” He walked back holding a gold bitcoin. “Also, good bounce.” he replied with a slight smile.

“Weapon polish on the Cadet chestplate. Mine appears to be smudged again. Parade is tomorrow.” He replied with the same flat tone.

“You do know you won’t be passed. Sore Wing made sure that you would either become too old for Cadets or drop out with him in charge.”

“Don’t Care. I have more then myself tomorrow to care for.” Pensword replied before flinching knowing that a smack was due for speaking candidly.

“Good, talked back a little on what is important tomorrow. I will ignore that outburst, I hope Blue Vase passes tomorrow as well. Good Mare. She will do well as a medic in later training.”

Pensword nodded. “I taught her the best I could to fly, Sir. She should pass her flight test.”

“And if she does not?”

“Then we both work on passing next year.” Pensword muttered. “I came in later then her, I know. But if you saw what I can see, sir.” He stopped. “No Excuses Sir.” he cut himself off.

“Please, right now you earned in my eyes the rights of a second year. Just keep that head in check. Go on, go polish your armor. Oh, and grab that feed bag on your way anyway… free time is two hours tonight, Lights out at Sundown.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.” Pensword responded.

“Dismissed Cadet.” Harsh Will replied. He watched Cadet Pensword leave then looked at the bunk and sighed. “Well, seems he is going to keep the locker in this room again.” He turned around to see Sore Wing enter the room and turn beet red. “I dismissed him, passed.”

“Lieutenant!” The bellow could be heard through the first year side of the camp. “He is MY CHARGE and MY WASH OUT!” he snorted steam from his nose. “But thanks to what you did.” he grinned wider. “I can ban him from even attending the ceremony, let’s see that flightless bird try without her little crutch… two worthless ponies sent home under my watch, this will be a good year.” He turned around with a malicious sneer and trotted out.

That night Pensword stood in the hallway to the first year cadet barracks. Tonight, he felt, was going to be the hardest watch. Every single year tradition spoke of the older classes playing all tartarus on the first years’ ceremony, stealing uniforms and placing them in hard to reach places, tying beds together. It was not good.

Pensword twitched an ear and turned as he held the wooden sword in his wing. He knew that the usual bribe would not be offered. The older cadets had made it clear that they would like to see the bat bird go home. Or washed out in the first month. He had lasted a year so far. He raised the sword and stepped into the light, scaring a Fifth year cadet as he stepped from the shadows. “Shouldn’t you be in bed, cadet? I can still call the Night Watch, and that would be a demerit on your part.”

Pensword smiled as the Cadet backed up. One thing he had also gotten through the academy in the outlands was that he did not bend the rules. He was the scourge to all those that tried to mess with the first years in their sleep. Even after all this time whenever he had an early shift or even when he was off duty, Pensword would find his own area the most attacked. Though it had been slowly tapering off of late. Still, he continued his patrol. He already knew he would not be attending tomorrow's event.

Pensword paused as the time appointed for the changing of the guard arrived and blinked. “Blue Vase?” he asked in shock.

The Pegasus mare smiled. She took a wrapped bundle from her bag and hoofed it to Pensword.”I thought you might be a little hungry. It was the brownie from tonight. Eat it, and, thank you for what you have done. No matter what I am staying in. Even if I have to retake year one again.”

Pensword actually smiled. “Good. We need healers like you. Do your best. I will be rooting for you from in here.” He gave a salute after placing the Brownie in his saddle bag. “I hand over this post to the next shift. Keep us safe.”

Blue Vase smiled and returned the salute. “I maintain the present in honor of the past.” She replied. Pensword had been teaching her the traditional words of the Empty tomb. To represent all the troops in Equestria’s past, and Discord's rampage who never were found. Pensword nodded and walked away to his bunk, but not before eating the brownie outside the hallway. He slipped into his cot and closed his eyes, dropping to sleep five minutes later.

Failed First Year. Thirty seconded of August 116 ADF

Grif pounded on the large wooden doors with his talon. “We request an audience.” He shouted at the top of his lungs.

The doors opened and a group of four guards were standing. “We shall lead you to the audience room. Our lord has been expecting your visit now for some time.”

The gryphons were a bit startled at the demeanor of these guards, completely devoid of either of the two tones they had come to expect, they held neither fear nor malice in their voices. Houn bowed his head to the guards. “Lead and we shall follow.”

The guards nodded and turned around, leading them through the large doors and to the left, down another hallway, and paused at some doors. “Our lord is behind this door, you shall be locked inside the room, while we wait outside. He will be wearing armor and have a weapon nearby. If you try anything, he will harm you. His scribe for the day is a Thestral, do not be alarmed, she too will be armored and armed with a short blade. You may keep your weapons with you if you wish.” The guards spoke in a tone that said they were actually looking forward to the reactions given. “This is a speech given to all guests.” The Guard kicked the door behind him, and the doors swung open to show the audience room with a carpeted path to a seat at the other end. What surprised them was instead of a raised area where the noble would sit, Hammerstrike sat on the floor on a simple cushion. Even more surprising were the extra cushions laid out for each of them in front of him.

Another guard spoke up. “He wishes to say he has crates of weapons behind the pillars if you wish to make it interesting. However, a fair warning, the last assassin who tried to kill him ... we have not found him. In fact, our Lord would not tell us what he has done to the last body.”

The unusual party entered the room slowly, keeping their heads low to show they respected the lord and his house. “You honor us with this chance to speak with you, Lord Hammer Strike. Please be assured we mean you and your house no harm.” Thran spoke at a careful and measured pace.

“I would not just leave you out in the cold now.” Hammer Strike replied. “Though I do want to ask you something.”

“Yes your lordship?” Thran asked.

“I want to ask why all of you are finding interest in the carpet.” They could tell he had a small smile on his muzzle.

“Is it not Equestrian tradition for those of the lower classes to keep their heads down in the presence of their nobles?” Houn asked.

“Perhaps. But I am not one to follow tradition.” Hammer replied. “If I remember correctly, the guards seemed to mention that I typically leave weapons around for any who wish to try and fight me.”

The gryphons raised their heads slowly, and warily, unsure if this lord was simply looking for a reason to remove them from his house.

“Lord Hammer Strike, we are from the Northern Isles, a small chain of islands only a few miles north east of here.” Grif spoke. “And we have come to ask for your help.”

“Okay.” Hammer Strike replied.

The gryphons looked to each other, confused. This Lord was unlike the last six in every way. “A plague had taken our islands and we are without healers. If you would just send a few to our islands we would be eternally in your debt. The islands are not wealthy in natural resources, but our villages have taken a fund and we can offer it as an immediate repayment with a promise we will have more as soon as we can attain it.”

“Only a few? I have around…” He paused. “Fifteen on standby that I can send to your aid.”

“Your generosity is boundless, Lord Hammer Strike.” Fesk spoke up, elated. “We will do everything to make sure you are suitably repaid.”

“Keep the payment.” Hammer Strike said simply.

“Then please let us give it to you for a bed for the night.” Grif said. “We fear we will not be able to make our way home in this weather.”

“You are free to stay, and as said, keep the payment. You will be able to put it to better use than I shall.” Hammer Strike replied.

The gryphon stared at Hammer Strike completely taken aback, but none more than Grif himself. Having lived with only his father for so long, he had not seen the generosity of others much. Still, even without experience on such matters he knew that for one to be so giving was unspeakable. Even in these difficult times this pony was willing to extend his hoof to others, and to a species that had been causing his so much trouble as well. Grif stepped forward.

“My Lord Hammer Strike, may I please see your sword?” Grif spoke calmly, the gryphons stared at him, partially confused at his actions. Gryphons as a species lived their life by a code of three laws. The first of which was to always uphold the the honor of your oath.

The Thestral at his left, who had remained silent, leaned in and whispered to Hammer Strike’s ear. The Gryphons did not hear her words. “Let him do what he will, this will be safe.”

Hammer Strike gave a slight shrug and reached over, pulling out his typical blade, which just so happened to be nearly twice his size.

Grif nicked his talon on the tip. Carefully he ran the blood down the length of the blade to the hilt. “I bend my knee to your honor, and I pledge my life to uphold that honor.” He spoke slowly. The second law: make your oath only to the one whom you would bend your knee.

Behind Grif the gryphons’ reactions changed from confusion to a mix of anger and horror. They said nothing but all was clear from the looks they shot Grif. Tall Oak and Little Willow both looked on, confused.

“Use me as your shield or your sword. my life is yours to keep, I make this vow to follow you until the winds call me back and to make a place of honor for you amongst the spirits, I Grif son of Graf give you my oath. Use me as you would see fit.” The gryphon bent both his front legs before Hammer Strike, thus breaking the last law: a gryphon must only bend knee to a gryphon.

Hammer Strike raised his brow in confusion. A slight hum came from him as he seemed to be thinking about it.

“A gryphon only offers their oath to a person who they deem better than themselves.” Moonshade spoke in a hushed tone. “At this point in time it was unheard of for a gryphon to give this oath willingly or otherwise to anything but another gryphon.”

“Are you sure of this, Grif?” Hammer Strike asked.

“My lord.” Grif spoke with a tone that left no room for doubt. “I have lived a life where what little mercy was given was openly punished.” He looked to the other gryphons with a cold expression. “I am a foundling. In our society such ones are supposed to be doomed to die out of neglect, labeled as an attempt to stave off weakness. My father gave up clan and title, wealth and honor, to raise me as his own. He trained me to fight and to live well, he died of this plague because our so called brothers would not even dare to sell us the medicine we need. In the last few weeks I have heard lord after lord turn us away for want of payment or out of outright hatred. Today you have stooped to help those you have no business nor benefit in helping. In our faith a gryphon who serves a stronger being makes themselves stronger. You have shown far greater strength on this day then any gryphon or pony I have ever met. I am not yet strong enough to stoop so low, it is my hope you will teach me this strength.” Grif answered.

“If you are sure of this, I have no reason to stop you.” Hammer Strike replied. “If you are to make this choice, I hope you are prepared for what will follow.”

“To the death. Beyond if necessary.” Grif answered.

Hammer Strike gave a nod as he turned toward Lunar Fang and told her something quietly. “Can you get the guards to direct them to their rooms? I want Grif to stay here.”

Moon Shade nodded as she stepped away from Hammer Strike’s side. A moment later eight guards walked out from the side entry. She nodded her head to the group. “If you would follow these stallions they shall led you to the guest rooms for the evening. I shall have our cooks prepare a Gryphon meal to our best abilities for breaking tonight’s fast. Grif, if you would stay for a moment, my lord would have a private audience.” She bowed her head again politely to the Gryphons.

As the Gryphons started to leave, Tall Oak moved a hoof to the blade at his side. “If Grif stays, we stay as well. Since the day he saved us, we have served him and his island home. What is said to him, will be said with us.”

To her credit, Little Willow actually moved to stand. “I agree with my brother. Where Grif goes we follow.”

“My companions are all I have and I am all they have, if it is alright I would pray they stay with me.” Grif spoke.

“I understand that you wish for them to stay with you, but there is something I must speak with you about in private.” Hammer Strike said, his tone apologetic. “It will only be for a moment or so.”

Grif looked back at them and nodded.. “Wait outside. I won’t be long.” He ushered them out. Though Tall Oak clearly didn’t like it and Little Willow’s eyes were filled with misgiving and concern.

After waiting a moment, Hammer Strike nodded and reached into his coat. “Here.” He said, pulling out a locket before giving it one last look. After a second he held it out towards Grif. “It shall make sense eventually, though even I do not know when.”

Grif took the locket gingerly from the pony. He examined it closely. Something about it seemed so familiar. Ever so carefully, he opened the lock, allowing the locket to reveal it’s pictures, and then it hit him. The feeling was like the cold shock of ice water splashing as memories flooded his mind. A whole other life, a whole other family, a whole other species even. The flood kept coming and coming and would not stop until finally Grif fell to the floor. With a deep groan he began to pick himself up. “How long was I gone?”

“Depends on what you mean.” Hammer Strike said, a bit confused.

“I mean I stopped to clear off a mirror and next thing I know I’m here, my mind is full of weird memories, and I feel like I’ve been shot in the head.” Grif said.

Hammer Strike smiled as he realised what was happening. “You remember?” He asked.

“Well, either I remember or you drugged me.” Grif said.

“Those ‘weird memories,’ if I am correct, is the life you have lived.” Hammer Strike replied.

“Where is Matthew?”

“Matthew?” Hammer Strike asked before he paused, thinking. “Pensword. It has been awhile since I have checked on his location.”

Grif got to his feet slowly, lifting his head to look Hammer Strike in the eye. “How long have you been waiting?”

“I… Have been around for a bit.” Hammer answered.

“You know me better than that, Shawn. How long?” Grif asked again.

“Shawn?” Hammer asked for a second before shaking his head. “Right…” He sighed. “The last time I saw you was… Thirty six years ago.” He paused. “I think…”

“And in that time how much sleep did you get?” Grif asked.

“In order to follow history I had to be placed inside a golem to keep myself from time.” He answered. “Golems... Do not allow the controller to sleep.”

Grif face talloned. “You are possibly the stupidest smart person ever. You know that?”

“You do realise we are a thousand years in the past, correct? The spells that could fix these problems do not exist. It was either that, or age.” Hammer responded. “Imagine in the blink of an eye, seeing me age thirty years.”

“You had to stay awake for thirty six years? You couldn’t do it in shifts? You realise what that kind of thing does to your brain?”

“I could not leave my noble house, there was no pony available to run it, and it would apparently fall apart should I have left.” He replied. “The golem was able to somewhat preserve my mind, though … there were some problems over the years. My memories are ... foggy at best.”

“No more skipping sleep.” Grif said “How far are we from the war?”

“A couple years away I believe.” Hammer Strike responded. “Tension is rising and whatnot.”

Grif sighed turning to the yet ignored party in the room. “It’s good to see you Moonshade, or is it Lunar Fang at this point in the time stream?”

“Ha Ha.” She muttered. “To be cryptic as payback for keeping that truth from Pensword and I, that is a mix of yes and no.”

“Uh huh. I’m sure you’ve met the doctor. You know how angry he’d get for the spoilers?” Grif asked.

The Thestral smirked. “Well, still, it lets me be cryptic once to you crazy ponies… Who have now gotten me to be just as crazy with what is going to happen.” She frowned a little. “I, I, this is going to hurt Pensword greatly… the history books mention it, but,” She looked right at Grif. “We are going to see it raw.” She shivered a little, drawing her wings closely around her.

“And we shall help him find the vengeance he so rightly deserves, I promise you that. There will be a trail of blood from me to whoever hurt my friend. But his pain, I cannot prevent.” Grif sighed. “All things in perspective.”

Time has arrived, November Third, 124 ADF

Pensword and Blue Vase stood in the Academy Infirmary as an Earth Pony was patched up. Sore Wing watched on, shaking his head. “How can you two even waste your time on this cadet? Not a thought in his head, just liked his name.” He turned to look at the Earth Pony Stallion. “Is that not right, Applecore?”

The large white earth pony with deep red mane looked nervously at Pensword.

Pensword simply nodded his head as he stood behind Sore Wing. Sore Wing did not even deign to notice this exchange between the two.

“Nope.” The pony glared back at the Major, the first syllable drawn out with his deep bass.

“Excuse me?” Sore Wing sputtered in anger, even forgetting that at the moment they were to say yes, sir or no, sir. Still, he was utterly baffled at what he just heard. “Explain how a simple Apple grower can have more thoughts than a Unicorn or a pure Pegasus?” He asked using yet another way to jab at Pensword.

“I said nope.” The large stallion’s deep bass rumbled with his country accent as he assumed his full height, towering over both ponies and causing a small, stern ahem to come from Blue Vase. “I ain’t dumb.” The earth pony stomped. “I ain’t stupid and I ain’t slow. I don’t make trouble for no pony. I don’t care if they are a pegasi or a unicorn, but I won’t be called dumb by no tribalist.” The words seemed to be coming easier to the Earth Pony. “I came here to serve the princesses and to protect mah kin, but I ain’t dumb and I won’t let you call me that no more.”

“We shall see about that. Lord Hammer Strike does not have deep pockets. I will see to it that you three won’t pass this year’s test. Talking back to an officer.” He smiled slowly. “However, you have gumption. You need to learn that these two are not going to go far in their careers. Leave this room and I shall put in a good word for you to the best of the crew leaders in the year two class.”

Applecore smiled. “Sir.” He saluted, but his salute was aimed behind the major.

“Tribalist remarks to encourage quitting, Sore Wing?” A voice spoke behind the major. Supreme Sunrise stood at the door as the major did a swift turn, his once smug expression now replaced with a nervous salute. “Must I remind you this is a united army?”

“Commandante, My duties are to sift the wheat from the chaff. Send those that are chaff home with a letter of at least thanks for trying. So they can go about the tasks that they should be doing. An apple shaped like a shield?” He shook his head. “A healer who has trouble flying? A Bat Bird? How can we trust a mixed loyalty in the military?” He stood his ground. “I think we can talk about this in private, Commandante. This is not something to discuss in front of the recruits.”

“Major, check your privilege. You will never use that word in my presence. And be happy it was just me, if the princesses were to hear you make that remark, you’d be out of this military.” She glared at him. “I’ve noticed several variations between your reports and Harsh Will’s reports. Explain, Major.”

Sore Wing saluted. “I shall prepare a report for your desk next week, Ma’am. I can also speak to you in your office now if you want.”

“I believe I said explain Major.” The Commandante spoke in a much sterner tone. “I did not ask for a report. I did not ask to see you in my office. I asked you to explain, and explain you will. Now.”

Sore Wing saluted. “Of course, Commandante.” He dropped the salute after she returned it. “I feel that Harsh Will is actually being too soft on what are becoming wash outs. With us needing to be ready for a war, we must have true leaders for what is to come. Not only these three, but two more. One has been written up with sticky hooves for parts and equipment. The other is one who seems to be very anti authority. If anything, he only respects action over words and I do not know how, but Pensword has gotten both to toe the line when he is around. What will we do when they all go their separate ways? I cannot and will not promote this type of tribe forming in the camp. When it dissolves at graduation, all we will do is put more work upon those in the field already. We cannot afford the time to get them re-acclimated into a new unit. Time is not our ally. Reports from the front already tell us how two towers have been burned down under mysterious circumstances. Now is not the time for being a charity for those that are on the border line. We have to be hard and firm.”

“You're not from a military family, are you Sore Wing? Your family were farmers during the last war with the gryphons weren’t they?” Supreme Sunrise asked.

Sore Wing nodded. “Yes, Commandante, that is correct.” his replied, his voice showing confusion.

“My great great grandfather was a general in the Thunderwalkers.” The Commandante spoke. “They were, if you recall, the most successful military unit in Equestrian history with victory in no less than fifty two separate military situations undefeated. Do you know when that streak was broken major?”

“I do not Commandante.”

“Three minutes and forty five seconds after battle was joined with the gryphons. Because we hadn’t adapted. Because we were still using tactics from the pre-discordian era. We were using earth ponies as support and unicorns as mortar fire. The gryphons clawed through our best soldiers in less than five minutes. Do you know how my great great grandfather and others escaped with their lives that day?”

Sore Wing was about to say the answer, however, he noticed Pensword was listening in intense concentration. That look frankly unnerved him. Still, he turned to face away from the cadets. “Ma’am, I may know, but there are three here who do not. Please, fill them in.” he did smile a little showing that he would like them to hear the answer.

Supreme Sunrise turned to Applecore “Soldier, Answer.”

“The Earthbreakers, ma’am.” Applecore didn’t even stop to think.

“And what is an Earthbreaker?” Supreme Sunrise asked.

“Special breed of earth pony, ma’am. Focus their magic into the stone, can send a boulder over miles without breaking a sweat. Gryphons were unprepared for boulders being bucked at them for accuracy, just trained for catapults.” Applecore answered. “Great great great grandpa Appleroot was there that day.” He said with pride.

Supreme Sunrise nodded in approval before turning back to Sore Wing. “We aren’t fighting ponies here, Sore Wing. Gryphons train to battle as soon as they can walk. They have spent centuries focusing merely on the art of war. Every time you defeat one, the others look for ways to counter you. When this war breaks Equestria we'll have to accept new tactics, new thoughts, or she will perish. These ‘washouts,’ as you put it, have already shown the roots for battle tactics Equestria will need if we are to win this war. I love this country. Great pop pop loved Equestria too and I will walk into Tartarus blindfolded before I will see her fall because the ignorant cut out what may be a winning strategy.”

Sore Wing only looked at her blankly before nodding. “Very well,” He said, slowly, his face trapped in a grimace. “It ... appears, Commandante, that we have reached a stage that may not be passed easily. How about this? I shall not wash any ponies out this term. All get a free term next year, but they will work together. I shall even put Harsh Will in charge of them so that I do not see them till the final ceremony.”

“Fine. But you will not be near these ponies, nor any of your cronies in the older years.” Sore Wing balked. “Thats right I know about what you’ve been doing, major.” Supreme Surnrise pressed her muzzle right up against him. “You so much as issue one of them an order to blow their nose and I will have you dishonorably discharged. And I want these ponies, all your ‘washouts,’ bunked together. They will bunk together, act together, eat together. If one misbehaves, they will be punished together. At the exam next year we will see what’s true and what’s not.”

“... As you command.” Sore Wing replied with a sharp salute. “Shall Blue Vase or Apple Core be the cadet leader for the group?” He asked.

Supreme Sunrise eyed Pensword, her grin ever so notable. “I think Cadet Private Pensword shall assume the post of squad leader.”

Pensword and Sore Wing both yelled the same word at the same time. “What?”

Team Creation. Thirty seconded of July 116 ADF

Grif pulled up the now tanned cougar skin cloak to check its condition. The deep red dye was taking nicely to the hide. After some thought the gryphon had decided to keep the cloak with him and worked tirelessly to get the cloth to match the colors of his new house. Setting the fabric back in the dye the gryphon took some time to consider their current situation. Little Willow and Tall Oak were at the Northern Isles to aid the healers in setting up. The two ponies had made it very clear they would be returning to Grif when they were done despite his protests that they were not tied to him.

His fellow gryphons had said nary a word to him as they set off. He was dead to them, to all gryphons. For some reason though, Grif found this turn of events liberating. No longer bound by a code of honor that drew away from compassion he could pursue a betterment for his own person.

Then there was Taze and his memories. To say the transition had been completed in that one instance would be a lie. The two personas were still clearly separated even if both had access to each other’s memories. Grif still acted as the gryphon raised in the Northern Islands even as Taze still acted like a creature stranded somewhere he was not at all prepared to be. Despite this mental boundary neither side had been fully able to determine just where the one began and the other ended. Grif found himself speaking strangely and acting stranger at times while Taze seemed more angry, obsessed with perfecting his training.

It would be a few more years before Pensword would be able to fully join House Strike, meaning he wouldn’t remember anything even if the gryphon could see him, which Hammer Strike had expressly forbid. And Taze still felt bound by such an order, though the apparent oath was made by Grif.

There were certain advantages to being an Equestrian Gryphon. Despite the current problems Hammer Strike’s guards and servants, of which there were few, seemed to take the gryphon about openly and without any ill will. The forests of Equestria were rich with non-sentient game and even a few beasts the gryphon had taken the chance to test his mettle against. It had caused quite a stir when the gryphon strolled into the hold one day, bleeding and battered before offering his Lord the tail of a Manticore.

Target practice had at first been difficult as the targets the mercenary guards had set up were made for the point of a pony arrow, not the wide blade of a gryphon arrow. The first shot tore through the target and sunk into the floor half an inch from a pony’s hoof. It had taken a fair amount of time before they were able to find a target sturdy enough to take the impact.

Grif finally pulled the hyde from the dye. It now was a deep blood red. He laid it out on the table before him and calmly began to work on adding the symbol of House Strike to it. Grif had been fitted for his armor last night and was prepared to see it at any point within the next few hours, knowing the speed Hammer Strike possessed in the forges.

He felt they were standing above a large chasm, waiting to drop into what would be one of the most extreme experiences in their lives.

…Grif hoped. Taze knew. Either way, it would be ok in the end.

Lunar Fang entered the commons where he was dying the cloak. “Morning, Gryphon.” She paused and shook her head. “That does not have the same ring to it.” She muttered as she moved to sit at the table and took to nursing a mug. “Grif, Just to let you know, finances are not in trouble. Hammer Strike is in fact payrolling an entire unit as an experiment in the borderlands.” She winked a little to the Gryphon, hoping he caught the hint of who he was supporting.

“I miss him too, Lunar Fang.” He responded as he worked. “How are you holding up? I imagine things haven’t been easy for you.”

“I’ve been growing a thick hide from the nobles that are starting to make rude comments in the hallways when they visit upon seeing me as a personal guard to Lord Hammer Strike. I am trying to remind him of his old memories.” She shook her muzzle. “No, it has not been easy. Every day I am out of the painting I expect to see Pensword turn the corner excited about something new he learned, so happy, so carefree…” She frowned. “The Pensword of the war is a completely different Pony. The events will break him hard. No Pony has to see what he saw when he returned home to celebrate being an Officer. He knew he would remain on the frontier all his life, and then the war happened.” She shook her head. “He must have loved his town a lot to do what he did.” She paused and smiled. “So, how does it feel being an older brother to two earth ponies?” She asked with a smirk. “Thought of what will happen when we have go back to “normal?” she used her wings to make air quotes.

“From all accounts Pensword’s first interaction with Grif was very painful. I’ve been preparing myself as best I can, hoping I can harbour that storm.” The gryphon looked up from his work. “There is so much history that hasn’t been recorded.”

Moon Shade smiled a little. “Happens when legends fade from the memory of those that know them. Like Princess Luna.” She muttered. “Still, we shall have to see what happens.”

Dying the Feathers December Second 124 ADF

Pensword turned around as he patrolled the second shift. His first years were bunking in a newly crafted area in the outpost. He had amazed himself and the thirteen cadets, there had been fourteen but even Pensword knew that the Pony would not do well in the military. At the moment he was at House Strike as a cook. This thought and a few other thoughts swirled in his mind. Tomorrow was the graduation ceremony, and while Harsh Will had been their cadre representative, he was not sure what they were doing. Based on the skills needed for just a first year. He had felt he had them prepared. Heck he had, during a moment of gumption, “borrowed” some lessons from the second years. He was learning and teaching his men what to do.

Thirteen ponies who were to be wash outs, given another chance and just last month guaranteed work no matter what under House Strike. How he could afford the costs he did not know but he was not going to question it. He was a smith. Smiths made things. Those things could be sold. And if made well enough, other nobles would pay top dollar for it. he turned around and froze. He saw at the other end of the hall, something, or rather a pony, that should not be there. The first thing he noticed was the old armor. Outdated and not even issued. He tightened the staff he was patrolling with. While those under Sore Wing were not bothering them, other cadets were joining forces to try and force the outcasts out themselves. He had been forced to use bruising force a few times to get the point across. Pensword stepped forward and it seemed something changed. The expression of the stallion who was looking in on his men turned to surprise as the stallion turned to looked at Pensword. Pensword took two more steps towards the intruder as his entire body read to identify themselves or he would attack. He realized something else. This face he had seen it somewhere before. Actually, he had seen the face watching all the cadets train outside, and… he narrowed his eyes. Where else had he seen this face?

“Pegasi these days, they have lost the meaning of honor.” The pegasus sighed. “Where did we go wrong?”

Pensword did not pause. “Who are you?” He growled, keeping his voice low. “This is a restricted area. Leave now and hope the guards do not catch you if you want to keep yourself unharmed. Stay and I will hit you.” He didn’t care at the moment about an old Pegasus wondering about the youth of a race. He had men to protect.

The pegasus looked at him, a little surprised. “You can see me, boy?” he asked.

Pensword looked at the Pegasus sharply. “Why? You think you have an invisibility spell a unicorn friend made you?” Something else was bothering his mind but he could not tell at all what it was. “I will have to confiscate that item.”

“I am dead, boy.” The pegasus told him flatly. “Long before your time.”

Pensword stepped back and it clicked what was wrong. He could see through this pegasus, he could see that while talking there was an erratic sense of movement of breathing. It was strange as he could not hear breathing. He could hear the words but not the breathing needed to produce it. However, he must have surprised the ghost again. “Well, Gramma would be interested to know that kin in her clan can see past the curtain again.” He shook his head. “Cousin Moon Sickle can Dream Stalk, mom can Dream Beyond. I have the See Beyond.” He shook his head in disbelief.

“And to think I once thought that was a simple myth.” The spirit chuckled morosely to himself. “Of all the times I’ve been here this is the first I’ve seen one of your kind here.”

“Well, if some in the command structure have their way, I won’t last all five years.” He huffed, bristling his feathers. “I have feathers, and I look like a Pegasus. Am I not enough to be considered one? I felt more like a Thestral because they accept me as one, even if I have feathers.” He glared. “It is no myth. I have seen the other two, and now I have seen the third. I see you, dead warrior.” he blinked and shifted again to a stance of aggression. “State thy name and rank, Warrior.”

“Storming Hurricane, Commander, Legate, Diplomat.” the ghost answered “and do not judge me for something of which you know nothing.”

“I judge not thee, Commander Hurricane.” Pensword replied in shock as he stepped back in surprise. “I speak of what you see as an anomaly in this camp. I took anger out upon one without thinking. My apologies, Supreme Commander.” A rank that in Equestria was reserved only for war time. The rank being given to Hurricane so if by some unforeseen circumstance he returned, he would become leader under Luna’s level of all Equestrian Military units.

“I did not want this division you know. I pressed for the Thestrals to be united with us, we had so much to learn from one another.” The pegasus told him.

Pensword stepped forward in curiosity. “R-really? You, but the books and stories never mentioned that.” He blinked and laughed. “Well, I guess it doesn’t fit the story of legends.” He shook his head. “I wonder what history would say about Commandante Supreme Sunrise.” He smiled a little as he turned and made another move around the hallway of his post. “Permission to call you Commander, sir?” he asked as he walked back to where he was standing. Only to find the ghost to be following his footsteps in his patrol.

“Call me what you like. What am I to do, court martial you?” The pegasus chuckled. “We are not so different as the powers that be would have everypony believe.” He laughed. “Pegasi and Thestrals, both warriors born and bred.”

“I have noticed that, Commander.” Pensword responded. “Still, I, I have to say I am disappointed by your current descendant, Storming Hurricane the Third.” he muttered in an irritated tone of voice. “He has currently been orchestrating an active first year campaign to see me removed from my post, wishing to lead the troops I already have. I just want to have him learn patience. You might have heard in where you are and all, but this role was put on me by the Commandante. I did not ask for this.”

“Boy it is we who do not ask for our office that fate has decided to force the role on.” He laughed. “Though I wish I had your calm when I was so young.”

Pensword looked at the ghost. “I am terrified about tomorrow. We all pass or we all fail. The only good news is that we have a safety net. Lord Hammer Strike will pay next year already whether we move up or have to repeat again.” He sighed. “I want my ponies to pass.” He paused and looked like he wanted to ask a question. Finally, he did. “What do you mean calm at my age?”

“Surely you have heard tales of the fearsome commander who dipped his hooves in the blood of other ponies in a civil war. The commander whose temper was so foul his subordinates would only go near him if absolutely necessary?” Hurricane asked.

“I have. I also heard of the Commander who put his men first, who was the first to volunteer for what was thought a suicide mission to find new lands during the Wendigo invasion. Who also was part of the charter of unification drafters, and first to sign the charter, as well as the first Commander of Equestria’s Military.”

“You are too kind, boy. I was a tyrant. I was a horrible monster who sought nothing but my own glory. I lost friends and family in my rage. If not for Pansy’s level head, who knows. we might not have been here.” The old pegasus said.

Pensword paused and looked right ahead. “Thou art too harsh on thine own head.” He muttered. “History remembers thee for the good thou hast done. We all have the demons in our heads. Thou didst fight that demon and it seems history has forgiven thee for thine actions. What thou didst later in life helped create a unified nation where no pony could ever do what thou didst do. In a way, thou createdst a means to prevent any others to fall down the hole thou didst and that is admirable.” Pensword paused and gulped as he stiffened, he had spoken to Commander Hurricane as a equal would in rank. He did not know what would happen next.

The pegasus smiled. “And you will do greater still.” The commander said. “Do not let them break you. Never let them win.”

Pensword looked at the ghost, then forward. “I have no plans to let them break me. I will return home and defend it as a place of hope on the border.”

“Go further, child. You have the blood of two warrior races within you. Let them see you represent the best of both our tribes, show them they are wrong!”

Pensword nodded his head and smiled. “Tha-thank you.” He realized that Hurricane knew that he was thinking on even bargaining his own dismissal to have his team move forward. He blinked and he smiled as he turned for a second. When he turned back he realized that he was alone in the hallway. Two minutes later another Pegasus appeared in the doorway and nodded to Pensword.

“I relieve you of guard duty.” The Jasmine Green coat and honey gold mane and tailed Pegasus spoke.

Pensword smiled. “I am relieved, Honey Dew.” he turned and entered the barracks they were living in and bunked down in the bunk they had built themselves. They started with cots but slowly were making it their own place. They had been told this would be their quarters next year as well.

Opening one’s eyes for the first time. Twenty Second August 117 ADF

Hammer Strike found himself leaning over a parchment, a quill in his hoof as he tried to think of anything to add to his current design. This time he wanted to try a halberd. Whilst he had already made a couple and practiced with them he wanted to give it another try with some different methods, and because it had been thirteen years since he last practiced. He had broken the last one due to one of the servants buying incorrect materials.

“Sorry again about the guards. I thought they were ready for fighting a gryphon.” Grif noted as he entered.

“As to be expected, they were not.” Hammer Strike responded. “They practice what they think they know is best, and they are soon afterwards shown wrong.”

“So what are you working on this time?” Grif asked.

“Halberd. It has been awhile since I have last practiced.” He responded, finally looking up towards Grif. “So what brings you here?”

“Didn’t have a lot to do at the moment.” Grif shrugged. “I’ve got enough meat stored away for a while.” He shrugged. “not in the mood for reading at the moment so I thought I’d check on how you were doing. Also, out of curiosity, how goes the Thaumaturgy experimentation?”

“I left the book behind. I should not mess with it at this point in time. Too many ponies would question things.” He responded.

“So you haven’t run into anything that might be related to it?” Grif asked. “I’d figured you’d have looked around for any of those crystallized aspects in the time you had.”

“Stored a couple in the vault. Should not be messed with until I have the book again.” Hammer Strike said, continuing to draw on the parchment. “That is, unless you want to essentially destroy your arm and part of your torso.”

“I’d figured crystallized heat would have made a handy little add on for any weapon you’d make.” Grif noted. “Would it keep the blade red hot?”

“Yes. Saving those plans for the future when we return.” Hammer Strike replied.

“So … How much do you remember exactly?” Grif asked.

Hammer Strike paused in his drawing. He shook his head lightly as he thought. “I do not think I could have recognized you, had Lunar Fang not helped me.” He responded, then turned towards Grif once again. “You are still younger than when we left, perhaps not by much…”

“You remember being Human right?”

“I still have faint memories of it, though the picture Lunar Fang gave me to keep helps me remember.” He responded, reaching into his coat to pull out a small framed object, an old photo from what was both a month ago, and years before.

“Rarity?” Grif asked.

This time his pause was longer before he finally shook his head. “I can not remember her face.” He sighed. “But I can still remember her voice, though only slightly.”

“The Crystal Empire?” Grif asked. “Which I guess we haven’t technically been to yet.”

“Yes, but only for the reason that it is still around.” Hammer responded.

“The invasion of Canterlot?” Grif asked.

“Canterlot…” Hammer Strike muttered. “Canterlot, Canterlot….” He closed his eyes thinking. “I can not.”

“This definitely isn’t good.” Grif said. “What’s the point in remembering if you can’t remember anything?”

“Perhaps one day I will remember everything, but it will return in short pops I shall hope.” He gave a small smile. “At least you, Pensword, and Lunar Fang will be able to help me remember.”

“You're never going to do that again, I hope.” Grif said.

“Should it be that you are sent long into the stream of time and it was either this, or you are lost, to never remember, I would do it again.” Hammer Strike said. “I may have forgotten some things, but you are still the reason I came back and did it.”

“And then there’d be nothing left for us when we got back.” Grif noted. “There has to have been a better way. Find it next time.”

“I asked the Doctor.” Hammer replied. “Other methods are possible, but have more hazards to them.”

“Do I even want to know?”

“One of the light hazards was that I remember nothing and you never remember a thing either.’ Hammer responded.

“What about having it all stored in a memory spell?” Grif asked.

“That one would have the problem of me not knowing why I was there, or what to do.” He responded.

“So you end up with some permanent damage and we all walk away? That was the only answer?”

“For once, I could not find something better.” Hammer Strike replied. “It was either this or leave you in the past to never remember.” He said, his tone raising slightly before he took a breath and calmed himself.

“If it meant you’d be ok I’d have gladly stayed.” Grif sighed. “But I suppose that logic goes both ways huh?”

Hammer Strike nodded. “At least I can remember some things, but I still need a reminder here and there.”

“I don’t want to sound ungrateful.” Grif spoke. “I’m thankful for everything you did. I just wish you didn’t need to do that to yourself to do it.”

“Had there been a way.” He said in response.

“i just hope we can work through this.” Grif said. “We need Shawn as much as we need Hammer Strike after all.”

Remembering and Forgetting the past, December Fifteenth, 124 ADF

Pensword and his ponies stood in the parade ground. He could hardly hide his amazement of being there. Of the last three years, this was the first time he had been allowed to be part of the ceremony.

He stood with his men. All had been finished save for one last test. One that had been a surprise to all present. It was already being called “The No Win.”

He waited for Supreme Sunrise to speak to his men and start the test. He looked to his men and already his first suggestion of taking a hit for them to advance had been shot down. So they were all standing, waiting patiently for the test to begin.

“Are you all ready?” She asked looking around the group.

“Yes Ma’am” Came the united thunder of voices as they stood waiting patiently.

“The situation is being handed to each of your squad leaders on paper, but I will be going over it so everypony knows it.” Supreme Sunrise spoke. “You and your squad have been assigned to take a four hundred thunderbolt payload storm cloud into the heart of enemy territory and detonate it. The only path to escort it there undetected takes you through the heart of a neutral party’s territory and the border runs closely to where you are supposed to drop this payload. Meaning if you are caught it will be considered a provocation and an act of war. Due to the payload of this cloud, activating it directly will result in instant electrocution and death. However, en route all your talismans are damaged. You have two enemy troops flanking you from the north and south as well as a heavy defense ahead and neutral military patrols directly leading past your route. This test is simple. You must get the payload to the target and detonate it. Your return is not priority in this mission. Equestria cannot afford to be at war with another nation at this time so being caught is not an option. You have one hour.” With that the Commandante left them and sat at a desk at the far end of the room.

Pensword looked at his ponies, while it was different than the others, it was still a tough decision. “Okay, priority one is that cloud’s delivery.” He looked at his men. “Thoughts on how to get it to the target area? I want ideas.” he commanded as he looked at the paper. He was already thinking on how to activate it safely. “Thunder Colt, you worked with your father. Any other ways to activate a cloud like this without use of talismans?” He looked to some of the others. “Glamour Horn, your mother was a magician, any way of… covering our tracks so to speak? Better yet, your stories about your brother, any way of making some documents look official for any patrols?”

“Give me ten minutes and I can have lightning damaged papers authorizing a cloud movement.” He muttered. “Would buy us time with a small patrol, but not if we keep bumping into them. It can work twice at max.”

Pensword nodded. “Get to it.” He returned to Thunder Colt. “Well, ideas? I rather not leave a soldier behind to activate it on their own.”

“Well, We have straw and materials that could create a dummy pony. We coul place it on the cloud and have the enemy activate the cloud themselves with their attacks?”

Pensword slowly nodded his head. “Right, I want you to take some clouds from the sky and create secondary platforms.” he turned his head. “Magic Swirl. Can you do a cloud walking spell? I know it is a new spell from the papers, but can you cast it?”

“I can try.” Magic Swirl replied confused before smiling. “Oh… with that spell we all ride the clouds and keep mobility. With the nation mostly land based they will think the clouds are a natural moving ones that crossed from our weather teams.”

Pensword nodded with a smile. “Yes, the documents will be a back up if they manage to get airborne.” He sighed and shook his head as he looked to the rest of team. “Am I missing anything at all?”

Blue Vase looked at the map. “The enemy. When it goes off, they will swarm on both sides and we cannot go back the way we came. The neutral party will be blocking our path out.”

Pensword looked at the ground. “Right, and the enemy is smart. Highly trained. We go by hoof and cause mayhem along the border. The cloud goes off and we use the fireworks to bunker down into a part of the border and hold out there, live off the land.”

“Sir, that is not in the manual.” Another pony, an Earth Pony, responded as he looked to Apple Core. “Help me out, we wouldn’t last out there.”

Apple Core only smiled. “Whistle Clean, Pensword grew up camping on the wilds almost weekly. I think he could keep us all safe.” Once again, his thick country accent shone through and through.

“Final fifteen minutes.” Supreme Sunrise called to the groups. “As you plant the cloud you find you have been found out by an enemy scout, the alarm has been raised and the enemy is swarming to you.”

Pensword looked to his men and what followed was a barely audible debate between them. The din between all the groups in the room was so great that Supreme Sunrise could not even tell what the groups were planning. Fifteen minutes went by fast, and the groups were quickly silenced by the banging of a gavel that the Commandante had acquired somewhere.

She looked at the four squads. “Very well. The order of answers will be Squad Leaders Hurricane, Hissy Fit, Javelin Thrust, and finally Pensword. Hurricane, what would you would do?”

“The answer seemed pretty simple.” The Squad Leader spoke. “The unicorn stays back to shield the cloud while the earth pony’s provide fire support. The pegasi retreat to the air and make sure of detonation before returning home to debrief.” Hurricane said pleased with himself.

“A sound strategy.” Supreme Sunrise nodded. She turned to Hissy Fit.

“I would be falling back while I leave Fallen Leaf to activate the cloud on his own. We cause massive damage and take out the enemy that swarms the cloud. If he falls the cloud goes off, they swarm the cloud, it goes off. Those that return home debrief and lead the next parties into the enemy lands after bribing the neutral nation to let passage occur.”

“Hmm…” Supreme Sunrise said nothing, turning to Javelin Thrust.

“We bring the cloud in form the sky, ma'am. The earth pony and unicorn troops serve as recon while we bring the cloud down to range without entering arrow range and then private dive bomb activates the cloud when the rest have retreated to minimum safe distance.” Javelin Thrust said.

Supreme Sunrise didn’t respond this time as her eyes and pretty much every set in the room turned to Pensword.

“We, as a team, have taken a vote. After bringing the cloud to the destination,” He looked at his ponies. “As well as realizing that as akin to most military stories from the past, we find the enemies have more numbers then we may have anticipated. We all stay and fight. Make as much of a ruckus as we can, and then as a team, activate the cloud, as we have used secondary clouds to make fast transport possible using cloud walking spells the extra clouds will act as a booster to the main cloud and enlarge the area of effect. We went in as a team. We fight as a team. We shall die as a team.”

Supreme Sunrise let nothing show as she nodded. “All viable strategies if a few are either tribalist or short sighted.” She said “Hurricane: half marks. Your strategy accomplished the goal but it showed true cowardice in leaving your earth pony and unicorn brothers to die while you escaped, that’s not harmony and harmony is what Equestria stands for.” Hurricane was dumbfounded by the Commandante’s remarks.

“Hissy Fit: fail. Not only do you leave the one objective possibly unfinished. You make capture of the cloud, and possibly fallen leaf into enemy hands possible. You did not anticipate for how the enemy would react and you misused your resources.”

HIssy Fit blinked and looked like she was about to do something. She even opened her mouth, before she pouted and glared at the table in front of her. Unsure of what to do, confident that she would at least move on to the next year with this over her head. However the Commandante saw something. Gears that were stuck were slowing turning or had jerked forward to a new line of thinking. She allowed herself a brief smile before turning to Javelin.

“Javelin Thrust you will be repeating both military history of Equestria and basic history of Equestria 101 until you learn what the unification meant.” The pegasus mare stomped. “Your answer was tribalist, selfish, and terribly underthought. You refused to use viable resources, alienated members of your team, and sacrificed a member to accomplish the plan by himself. I have half a mind to send you home right now. You are dismissed from this testing chamber.” Javelin Thrust was marched out of the room in shame.

“Now for you, Pensword. You sacrificed every life on your team to make sure you completed your objective. More so, your team chose to be there when the objective was completed rather than leave you or another member behind to die. You went down fighting in true Equestria spirit using your wings to their fullest assisted by an earth pony on one side and a unicorn on the other. You covered all the bases and when death became the answer, you accepted it with honor. You and your squad have given an answer reflecting the spirit of our country and truly what I believe our founders dreamed of. Your squad passes with full marks. Congratulations, Pensword. If I may see you in the hall for a moment.” She stood tall and steadily left the room.

Pensword looked to his men. “Fall out and attend to the mess for evening meal, I shall join you as soon as I can. You deserve it.” He replied as he slowly exited the room and entered the hallway that Supreme Sunrise was waiting in. He nodded to her as he stood at an informal stance. “You wished to see me?” he asked, curious on what she was going to say.

“It has recently come to my attention that Lord Hammer Strike has taken a further interest in your current squad. I have been sending him reports from Harsh Will as well as my own observations, and he has extended an offer to include the entire squad in his payroll presuming that it remain whole. As squad leader it is important I know your thoughts on this.”

Pensword blinked and he looked at her. “Only if you can guarantee our graduation as a squad due to our passing the courses if his house bankrupts.” he admitted, showing he was pragmatic. “If you can do that, I will accept that for the entire squad.” he muttered as he looked at the Commandante. “It will surprise all thirteen of us.”

“I can guarantee you will have the opportunity.” Supreme Sunrise said. “Princess Celestia was informed of the current issue a month prior and she has decided that the current system will remain until you either graduate or leave the academy. You will continue to learn and act as a squad under Harsh Will.”

Pensword saluted. “As you command, ma’am.” Pensword replied with a look of pride at the thought of being with his men longer. “We shall show that we will overcome anything.”

“I have no doubt of that private. Show more work like that and who knows, Equestria may have another Commander someday.” She smiled. “I’m giving you and your squad extra free time tonight, use it as you will. I must return to paperwork. Dismissed,” the Commandante said with a wing salute. Pensword noticed the tips of her feathers beginning to grey.

Pensword returned the salute. “Of course, ma’am. We might use the time to finish some of our lockers so we can use our personal gear next year.” He smiled. What surprised him was how well his and the other cadets gear were holding up in his hiding spot.

“Good luck, Pensword.” Supreme Sunrise grinned to herself as she turned and headed towards her office.

The Final Test of First Years Twenty Third August 117 ADF

Hammer Strike was sitting in his office, documents littered his table, and at the moment he was reading a report from Harsh Will. He had already finished reading the report from Supreme Sunrise.

He was muttering the lines as he read over them, thinking them through as he continued.

“You seem deep in thought.” Grif noted as he entered the room carrying a tray. “The cook asked me to bring this down.”

Hammer Strike stopped reading as he looked up before looking at the clock. “Yeah.” He said, shaking his head lightly. “Pensword is due to complete any day now.”

Grif winced. “And Mountainside Falls?” Grif asked.

“Not yet, but soon.” He responded.

“Mountainside Falls, his graduation, his formal meeting with you, our ‘first meeting’, Luna’s return from her tour, and then the war. It’s going to be a terrific next couple months isn’t it?”

“Going to be an interesting year more like it.” Hammer Strike said.

“Well we’ve done all we can to prepare, I guess.” Grif sighed. “Sometimes I just wish I was home playing Left 4 Dead.”

Hammer Strike paused and raised a brow in question before he shook his head. “Game, right.” He continued reading the document. “Whole squad is going to stick together.”

“Well at least they won’t need to get to know each other.” Grif shrugged. “How many are they at now?”

“Thirteen it seems.” He said, his eyes still scanning the document.

“That’s Matthew alright, always making friends.” Grif laughed.

Hammer Strike chuckled in response as he finished the document. “Time is almost upon us.” He said. “A few months at most.”

“Let’s agree when we get back, we’re taking a vacation.” Grif said. “I think we deserve it.”

“I would give it a day or two at most before something finds us.” Hammer chuckled. “It always seems to be that way.”

“I guess that’s right.” Grif said. “At least whenever we’re all together.”

“I would rather not have it any other way.” Hammer Strike commented with a small smile.

“You waited thirty six years for me. I guess I can’t begrudge you that.” The gryphon smiled. He set the tray down. “Eat something. I don’t know where you found that cook, but I wouldn’t want to be the one to tell him something went to waste.”

Hammer Strike chuckled. “I shall eat when I do not have documents and letters in front of me.”

January Thirty Second 125 ADF

Pensword looked to his squad. Over the last four years as a squad they had become some of the most trained cadets, at least Pensword and Blue Vase thought. While Blue Vase was a medical emphasis she had become second in command of their squad of Fifteen cadets. Pensword smiled as he looked at his friends, his fellow ponies. “Now, thanks to some hints given by Sore Wing before his transfer orders came through, we know that the survival course is five lanes. Also, as you know, the officer that replaced Sore Wing is from the Unity Cadet HQ, and she has been keen on having me washed out due to the law of no Thestrals in the military. So we must assume we will be given the middle route.”

Blue Vase nodded as she looked around the room and to the shut door. “As mentioned from Sore Wing’s letter that was tucked into our laundry, the middle route is between Gryphon Army A and B. It is the heaviest patrolled. Also, there is talk of a new rule. If a squad has all their members captured, the leader for the squad will be expelled with dishonorable discharge.” She looked to the table. “This is a rule that has not been seen in this camp. Problem is that thanks to Glamor Hooves’ digging, the orders come from House Pansy and that Supreme Sunrise is trying to get it rescinded. Problem is that the test is still being pushed forward. We will be the only year operating under this rule. It is believed in the cadet rumor mill that its sole purpose is to make Pensword forever black balled from ever getting near Unity, and as reason to have his town fully purged of the Thestrals, a process that was started under Usurper Baron Heavy Hooves after his takeover last year of his brother’s lands.”

The fifteen ponies around the table all looked at each other. Glamour Horn shook his head. “Yeah, not to mention the current warrant for the imprisonment of Pensword should he ever step hoof back into his home town for reading those books on tactics.”

A pegasus of yellow cream color looked at them. “At least House Strike is keeping Pensword’s family out of debtor’s prison.”

“That they are, Fox Feather.” Apple Core muttered, having been talkative with the others. “Though it is by sheer bribery that it is being kept safe.” He looked to Pensword. “Squad Leader, what are you going to do?”

Pensword smiled grimly. “Well, as the letter stated, A and B armies hate each other. Honor dictates that they try to show they are the better army. The goal tomorrow is to, if the cards are stacked against us, pull the troops from the other lanes. We go down, we cause a massive inner force fighting.” He grinned as he pulled a scroll from between his chest plate and fur. “Operation Cougar Strike is a go.” He looked at his squad. “We use wild animal-like attacks to take out the soldiers. We steal their logos, and plant them on other patrols. Meaning,”

“Meaning,” A Pegasus who was blue colored with a Red mane and tail interrupted. “They think the other squads are using this time of hunting for a scattered pony regiment to attack them.”

“Exactly, Blue Fire. As the rage builds, or pretend rage. IF they do catch a pony mark, it will be brushed off as a planted evidence.”

The fifteen squads looked at each other. “Has this tactic worked?”

“Nay,” Fox Feather replied. “All squads before have taken to saving as many lives as needed.” She smiled. “Since we are always slated to lose and the officers want to see how they can clean up our act, let’s just show what a left behind unit can do to the enemy.”

Pensword looked intently at his unit. “Lights out. I shall destroy our maps and plans. Rest now. We sleep early, all the others are already scrambling to form units. We shall arrive tomorrow, ready.”

The Next Day

Major Tepid Water looked over the cadets carefully. She held her light blue face high, nose in the air as she inspected the cadets for the exercise. The pegasus was meticulous to the point of it being a compulsion. There were rumors she had been assigned this position as a punishment when she crossed the wrong noble’s son simply because he had a stitch out of line on his uniform. She examined their gear, their uniforms, their stances, even the positioning of wings and horns could be needlessly scrutinized. Stopping before Pensword she gave an unpleasantly demeaning grin. “Well, cadet, would you mind explaining why your squad’s gear is in such poor condition?” She asked in a sickeningly sweet tone.

Pensword did not bat an eye. “These are the equipment issued to us by Cadet Command. Seeing as we come from less noble families these items are left overs from the second Gryphon War. They are in working order, and under Regulations of Cadet Scroll three, within regulations for training exercises. They will also be turned in to the Chief Supply Officer for the issument of our survival gear for todays test, Major Tepid Water.” He replied, brisk, to the point, and showing his knowledge of regulations.

“Very well.” She said. “Cadet Command has decided that you will be given a tiny boost. A higher scoring cadet is being assigned to pull the exercise with you under your command. Understood?”

Pensword looked right ahead. “I understand, Major Tepid Water. Any other orders from Cadet Command before the start of the mission?”

“Have you been made aware of the risks regarding this exercise? This is your last chance, cadet.” She smiled. “As you know, you won’t be getting another year.”

Pensword did not say a word, not rising to the bait of the challenge, nor was he going to be cocky and state that he was going to pass. He still could and would graduate if his squad made it. All they had to do was survive and see their plan put into action.

“Traditionally the exercise is extraction by twenty four hours, but Commandante Supreme Sunrise has decided to extend the time limit for all squads to fifty hours. You must be at extraction at fifty hours, not a minute later. Your score will of course depend on several aspects you have already been informed of. Is your squad prepared, cadet?”

“We are prepared. We only await our Sixteenth Squad member and we shall be ready for teleportation to our starting point.” He did not salute as they were outside and this was technically a war situation that they were operating in. Saluting now would only risk life of the leader.

A familiar light blue pegasus approached them clad in training gear. His silver mane and tail marking him easily in Pensword’s mind. “And here he is now.” Tepid Water said.

“Cadet Hurricane.” Pensword replied with a slight nod of his head. “I am surprised of your change of squads, but I welcome you to our team.” He was being very diplomatic and showing calm in front of his troops. “I hope you are ready for some of our, how did you call it. Surprise thinking?” It was not a dig at all, but rather a remark returning to his own remark earlier that year.

“Lets just get this over with.” The cadet said as he approached the group, he eyed Tepid Water suspiciously as he passed.

Pensword did not really respond to Hurricane before he turned to Tepid Water. “Very well. Ready for exchanging of items.” He looked to his squad before returning to Tepid Water. He did not know why, but something was unnerving him.

“As you know, the pretense of this exercise is that you must keep these.” Tepid Water handed him two scrolls. “Out of gryphon hands.”

Pensword took the scrolls into his hooves. “Understood, Major Tepid Water, consider that a done course of action. These scrolls shall not be read by Gryphon Eyes.”

“Everything else will be at the starting point.” She said. “When you are ready.”

Pensword finally nodded, hoping that this was not a problem. “Very well,” he turned to his group. “Disarm and remove your gear.” he called out as he saw the Quartermaster trotting over to them with a smile and an empty sled. He turned back to Major Tepid Water as he removed his own gear. He had already hidden his bear eyetooth from being confiscated before the test. He stood without armor or gear like the rest of his ponies. Even Hurricane was without anything. All gear would be provided at the starting point. Even theirs, as Supreme Sunrise stated, so as to keep all squads on the same level of fairness.

“Quartermaster.” Tepid Water spoke. “You may proceed.” And with that the nearby unicorn’s horn lit up and the world vanished in white light before returning.

The group of Sixteen ponies looked about their surroundings and the meadow that was to be their starting point. Pensword’s eyes immediately began to look for their gear that they would need, from armor to the fake weapons with little pads that would put chalk on the enemy to help note where a weapon had struck and if death would have occurred from the blow.

Their crates revealed a few useful things: fire making kits, rope, a small knife. But many other things were missing, including apparently, rations. Pensword looked and turned only to find the Quartermaster already gone from the field. Pensword turned to Cadet Hurricane. “I am in charge.” He grumbled as he moved to the crates. “We got armor, some sort of modified knife, but only one. We have a rope. Still.. we are going to have to improvise.”

He looked to his left. “Yes, Cadet Hurricane? You wish to say something?” He could tell that Hurricane wanted to say something very badly. “Yes we do know we are missing supplies, we are missing food, and that as long as we are in this meadow we have a safety window. We are going to plan. So, please, if you have something to add other than how we are messed over, I would like to hear it.”

Hurricane looked at him. “It is not about you this time.” Hurricane said. “You do not get why I am here, do you? I overheard Tepid Water talking with another pony, she is a pegasus supremacist. This whole exercise is being made to show the folly of having unicorn or earth pony soldiers.”

“What?” Applecore muttered. “Are, but Unicorns have always been long range weapon spell users.” He shook his head. He looked at the Squad leader. Pensword only looked at Apple Core and ignored Cadet Hurricane at the moment as he thought things over before he looked over to their new addition.

“Platoon Leader Hurricane, What else do you know? Is this why you are here? To help this mission?” He out right paused and shook his mane. “No, that wouldn’t be it, why are you with us?” He smirked a little. “After all wouldn’t this be to your advantage?”

“Because if I go back to Unity now then Princess Celestia won’t hesitate to take my word, but if I fail I am disgraced. If I am disgraced, my word means nothing to the noble.” Hurricane said. “When we lose, I lose my word.”

Pensword smiled faintly. “Follow my lead, follow my orders and we shall force a tie minimum.” He muttered before looking to the sky. “Anything you can inform us of what is against us, Hurricane?” He turned to another cadet. “Fox Feather, I want you sneaking around the border to find a means out of here, I got a feeling that Major Tepid Water is in charge of this route. We have to be more cunning than she thinks we can be.” He smiled as he tucked the scrolls into the provided armor.

“Sixth year troops, likely a few who trained in gryphon combat tactics. They will attack from the air predominantly.” Hurricane noted.

“Right, now, we just have to lure one of them…” he jerked his head up as three pegasus sixth years dove for them with anger. Pensword jumped back and hit one with the knife right between the eyes causing a bruise and then Applecore took the blade and weapon that had been dropped by the stunned sixth year and used it to attack the other sixth year. The third tried to flee before the rope was lassoed around him by Blue Vase.

Pensword smiled. “Take the knife and mark them like wolf claw marks. Tear the emblems from their uniforms and take their weapons.” he looked to Hurricane. “Seems to me that we were ambushed. Somepony leaked our starting point to the sixth years.” he sighed and heard the ripping of fabric. Pensword looked right at the opposition forces. “Tell those who gather the dead that you were killed by a wolf pack, yeah I know thou wilt not be believed but the marks will show that. The army will not act upon the death of three hot head recruits being killed by wild animals.” he smirked as he walked to the meadow. “We have been compromised, we find a cave, and…” he paused as he saw a sixth year moving something. “Apple Core take all documents as well from them. I don’t care if it is a poem written in boredom. They will be taken from the dead.” Pensword looked up as the second flare fired. Showing take down of troops, it also had the flare for the safe zone being left falling, yet he did not remember hearing the whistle of the flare. Still, there it was falling. He knew things were irregular, but to stay and fight the rule would result in forfeit.

“Gryphons attack fast and hard. It is likely there will be several more coming. we should head for the undergrowth.” Hurricane suggested.

The group all nodded as Pensword looked to the sky. “Ruined our planning.” he nodded his head. “Cougar Strike is a go.” he ordered as they moved out quickly, already having gained a few more items than they started with. He pulled up with Hurricane.

“Okay,” Once they were out of hearing of the sixth years. “Now with this as it showed us, I am going to assume that the extraction point is rigged as well. Also their map was smaller than us. meaning we were set up for failure already from moving out the moment we left the meadow. Us triggering the ambush earlier was lucky for us. It also means that the Sixth years will know our tactics.” He sighed. “But they will be forced to follow their SOPs, marks of wild animals can be left by leaders to teach even Opposition forces not to be reckless. They won’t act on us.” he was trying to sound confident. He fell silent to let Hurricane respond as they walked, or rather trotted, towards the cave. He looked to a Unicorn mare in the back. “Animal Control, can you use that magic to create a bear? With the sound effects as well? I want a magic glamour over us GH,” he ordered Glamor Horn as they continued to march. “We can use magic that the squad knows and thank goodness they did not restrict that any more. Most cadets learn battle magic, I am using the flare and skills of my squad.” he told Hurricane.

“There is only one way to pass at this point, Pensword: the Midnight Objective.” Hurricane said.

Pensword smiled. “Oh? Care to explain Midnight Objective?” He kept his face away from him as he smiled a little. “That is the last objective, or rather, it is the hardest one to obtain, and no cadet has given serious thought to it.”

“Take a gryphon base and hold it.” Hurricane answered.

Pensword smiled. “Well then, I guess welcome to Operation Cougar, only it was that we were going to cause a war between army A and B and let them duke it out while we wait on the ground.” he paused. “However, holding a fort, even a small one, would give our survival a better shot. We have a map and now we know where to go.” They were getting close to the cave where they could hear the roar of a bear and the screams of Sixth year cadets before the screaming turned into swearing.

Pensword smiled. “Seems we found a small Sixth year camp. We can scrounge supplies and rations from them.” he looked to Hurricane, I hope you do not find it ill to your senses that I am using Thestral tactics here.”

“Equestria first, Pensword.” Hurricane said. “No matter what, Equestria comes first.”

Pensword looked to Hurricane. As they walked into the camp and the cadets marked with chalk in the means of a bear attack. “Why the change, Hurricane?” he asked suddenly as a crate was being used as a table and more items taken to be used. “You have been hostile to me in the past, to my own squad mates, and now… you are helping me. Why? Why are you changing your tune now?”

“What would my great, great, great grandfather have wanted? Me to let his dream die over a stupid personal dispute or put it aside to preserve the country the way he wanted it?” Hurricane asked.

Pensword raised an eyebrow. “Very well, come this way. But if you try to backstab me, I will have Lord Hammer Strike deal with you.” He left the threat in the air to show he was trusting him on this.

A Sixth year cadet walked into the main area where Supreme Sunrise was looking over her three routes. “Oh, yes?” she asked, looking up and pausing at seeing three others behind her in ripped uniforms. Some faded chalk marks that looked like claw marks and indications of possible dismemberment. “Report.” She spoke to the first one, ignoring the other three as they were dead.

“Wolf Pack attack. We lost three scouts and their gear appears to be stolen. With some of the marks we found this.” He tossed a torn patch of Army B on her desk. “The wolf attack might not be real.” His expression fell. “I think it was those outcasts. They are taking this way too seriously and making too complicated tricks.”

“Too seriously? They are on the middle path, they’re treating this exercise like war, which is the point of a battlefield exercise.” Supreme Sunrise reminded him. “How are the other teams doing?”

“They attacked us in a cave. I thought our camps were off limits. They stole our ration packs and even the maps. They kept us from their meeting but they are planning something, Ma’am. They also stole our Army A patches.” He paused and laughed. “However, they were planning to zig into Army B’s operation zone, and as you know, Major Tepid Water is in charge there… they won’t last a minute.” He smirked a little.

“The bases off limits?” Supreme Sunrise replied. “Whoever said that?”

“Camp.” The cadet replied. “It was a camp, not a base. Where Sixth years can rest, keep our gear. They are supposed to be untouchable.”

The other cadet who was not eaten spoke up. “They are, if they are outside of the route areas. Was it outside of the range?”

The sheepish look was enough to show that they had set up a camp within the route boundaries. They looked up when the Commandante cleared her throat.

“What confuses me is that they are harvesting ration packs. They should have had enough food for the entire exercise.” She said

Another of the bear victims spoke up. “Uh, I noticed something strange. They also stole our pouches as well, and they appeared to only have their armor and one knife among them that was not marked as Sixth year gear. I thought they might have just been hiding it outside but they took our weapons and more documents and a map as well. We, uh had a real map and not a fake one with us.” He looked to the Commandante. “Were you in charge of supply today, Ma’am?”

“No. Tepid Water was.” Supreme Sunrise noted.

The only “Alive” Cadet blinked. “That might explain it. You have seen her views on Pensword’s mixed blood. Could she have sabotaged them? If so, is that grounds of a spoiled test and a redo at a later time?”

Supreme Sunrise considered the evidence carefully, taking some time before a sly grin grew across her muzzle. “Cadet, wouldn’t you say these patches prove camp B attacked us?”

“Well,” The cadet replied seeing the look. “We might need a little more evidence, but it looks like there are some tensions along the edges of who is in charge of what areas.” He slowly blinked, a smile coming to his muzzle as realization hit. “Shall we prepare a letter to warn them off this area?”

“Let it be known that army B has broken the current agreed upon ceasefire. As of now, other gryphons are to be counted along with your list of targets. Show no mercy. Give them no warning. This is war, cadet.” Her grin widened as her mane went from it’s normal regulation style to a fluffy curly mess resembling some kind of yellow fluff ball. “It’s time for a surprise.”

The Cadets all looked at each other, very worried over what they just saw. Before the only “alive” cadet saluted Supreme Sunrise. “As you command, Flight Leader.”

A sixth year knocked on the door with worry and gulped as he held the scroll in his hooves for Tepid Water to read. He shuffled a little, waiting for the words to enter. He looked back at the stats. Pensword’s squad appeared to have used a wild animal faint to steal intel and supplies. Also there was an unconfirmed report that cadets of Army B were not returning from their patrols. He did not know what was happening at the moment. He gulped and knocked again a little louder.

“Enter.” Tepid Water spoke, her tone was hard to read.

The cadet gulped again and pushed the door open, walked to the desk, and placed the scroll onto said desk. Then he stepped back and saluted. “Status Report on the routes. All other routes have only Pegasi remaining, as you commanded. However, a problem is developing in Route Three it seems. Further details in the report.”

Tepid Water opened the report and read it over. “We are being attacked by army A now?” She asked.

“Rumors seem to point to that Ma’am. Appears that one of the facts of the back story is being used against us. Also, we have lost three cadets to animal chalk attacks. It appears that the Thestral Bat Bird is also making it hard on us. What are your orders, commander?”

“Warn everypony still out there. We need to go on the defensive for now and have more guards around the base.” She ordered.

“As you command.” The Cadet saluted and turned away as he raced out the door, wings already twitching to move out and save what he could. Already, Tepid looked at the maps and was deciding to call all the troops from her other routes to this one. It would do well to crush this attack while actively searching for Pensword. If she could wipe that squad out, she would win back in Unity. She chuckled darkly.

Pensword paused as they hid under some trees. they saw a lot more pegasi flying off towards the other side of the route. Pensword smirked. “Seems like the two armies are going to battle each other over pride and honor.” Pensword looked to Compass Rose, a Pegasus with parchment colored coat and yellow mane and tail. “How goes the direction towards one of the smaller outposts? I hope we get there soon. We have been here for about twelve hours and we may need rest soon.”

“We have been leaving several false trails. By the time they find us we’ll be right on top of them.” Compass Rose explained.

Pensword smiled. He looked to his friends who could fly. “Now, We have to plan out the next attack. Be careful and storm the coming outpost. It might not be much, but it should give us a leg up in moving to a higher base.” He looked to Hurricane. “I am trusting you with all our flight capable squad members to take the walls and open the gates for me to lead the others into the outpost. Is that understood?” he asked one final time as they paused before moving to the edge of their cover.

Hurricane nodded. “Take your enemy apart one step at a time, right?” He asked.

Pensword nodded and smiled. “Exactly. We get a hoof hold with an open gate, we get what we want.” He looked around. “We go silent signals now.” he spoke before using a wing to indicate them to move towards the outpost where they settled into some bushes to observe, Find weaknesses, blind spots, and any guards that might be there.

Hurricane nodded, and gathering the pegasi, took off. They scouted from a cloud and blinked as they looked at each other. They saw the outpost. They could see the walls and the guard towers. What they did not see were Pegasi playing Gryphons. Compass Rose looked to Hurricane. “Shall I drop into the outpost and secure a tower corner for us?”

“Keep your guard up. Something smells fishy,” he said, nodding.

“As you command.” Compass Rose replied with a nod before she dropped from the cloud acting in a free fall before she spread her wings and landed a little hard on the outpost south east corner. She poked her head down the hole in the roof and dropped inside of the tower a second later she poked her head up and waved a spear from the hole. Indicating that it was clear. Hurricane looked to the other two. “We each take a corner now. We will risk a confrontation.” He dropped towards the North East while the others went to the other towers. Two minutes later they dropped from the walls and into the courtyard. What worried them was the gates were unbolted as Compass Rose was working to open the gate leading to Pensword’s group.

In the next five minutes the courtyard saw a squad of sixteen ponies preparing for a charge after bolting all the gates. With final nods to each other they quickly moved as a team, clearing each room and guarding each other’s back until they reached what had to be the main offices where they finally met resistance: three Gryphons (Ponies in reality). However, due to how high strung they were, the three were taken down with only a glancing blow hitting Pensword. Still it was almost laughable with what speed it happened. With a look at each other they looked to the door and were about to open it when it burst open on its own as little bits of colored dust floated into the hallway while a mare’s voice yelled out. “SURPRISE!”

The Commandante stood before them. Her uniform was dirty and torn in at least one place and her mane was a curly mess. “Looks like you’ve taken outpost A, Pensword. You know what that means.”

Pensword blinked and turned to Compass Rose. “Map.” He snapped. He was given the map and looked at the map and the marking. “Impossible. This was a supply outpost on the map.” he paused and looked up. “Unless you moved your HQ here… and..” He turned around. “Seal the doors and create a choke point in the hallways.” he turned to the Commandante. “We have to hold this outpost for an hour.” He paused and looked at the Commandante a little funny. “Unless there is another rule I do not know about concerning this part of the Midnight Directive.” He spoke and smiled. “However, we do have a POW it seems.” He looked to Hurricane. “Looks like we did make history, just not in the way Major Tepid Water was hoping.”

“I’d suggest checking the armory for better gear, but you were already going to order that, weren't you?” She smiled.

Pensword only nodded with a smirk. “Grab the armory, retrofit the armor to pony use as best as you can. Also bring out the heavy weapons of the Gryphons.” he replied as he turned to look down the hallways. We hold them off towards the front with at least two fall back points.” he looked to Hurricane. “I want you to keep watch from one of the windows for any returning patrols.” Hurrican saluted and left while Pensword turned and looked to his injured friend and Blue Vase. “Both of you secure the Flight Leader and hold her in the office. Tied to the chair if possible.” He got two more salutes. He looked down the hallway. “Time to defend.”

Pensword looked nervously to his left towards Hurricane. “Time?” he asked his friend. They were in better armor, had better weapons, and he even had a replica Gryphon Great Bow as the ponies called it. He did not know how or when the attack would come, but the main doors and windows were shut and locked. They would know if anypony was going to get in. It was the waiting game and he was wanting to know how much longer till the hour was up.

“Judging by the sun it is around five.” Hurricane noted. “This would be easier if we had been given that sundial.”

Pensword sighed. “How long have we held the Outpost? Also, have one of the squad members found a timer for us to use?” He knew he had been at least ten minutes into their capture. So far no word had been conveyed yet that the outpost was in enemy hooves so they only had to worry about small patrols.

“Roughly fifteen minutes since we opened the doors.” Hurricane said. “We have to hope they do not realise the switch of bases until it is too late.”

Pensword noded. “Right. I shall take the next watch for the next ten minutes.” he looked to the ceiling. “May Faust protect our ruse till it is too late.” He moved to the third floor where a room had been turned into a place to watch the outside. So far there had been no signs of the enemy armies. He would watch now for ten minutes while others moved to the hallway to defend. Each Pony knew of routes to fall back to all the way to the Flight Leader’s office.

Pensword looked as Compass Rose came back after Hurricane went to take her place, the entire time they had waited they were adding more items to hide behind as well as traps of chalk to hopefully harm the enemy if they did happen to breach the front doors. Still, he looked at the time piece next to him. “Half hour.” he muttered. “Stay on your toes, we cannot let up now.”

“Sir, gryphons sighted from our southern position.” Animal Control came into the room. “Looks like they found us, sir.”

Pensword nodded as he rang a triangle bell to bring the other squad members to their posts and to pull away from the windows. They didn’t know how much time they had, nor did they know how well the doors would hold up to an assault with them barricaded. They would now wait out the siege.

The gryphons of army B landed on the guard towers ten minutes later. They looked tired and sore. The first group was disabled within a few moments by Applecore and Blue Vase. Needless to say, the sounds of the chaos and shouting of the “dead” was music to the ears of those inside the outpost. However, they could hear more flapping. It seemed Army B had won over Army A and was planning an assault on the HQ.

Pensword was looking from one of his sentry points. He looked at the hourglass next to him. It was only twenty minutes to go when they all heard it: the thud of a battering ram. He did not know how, but the last guard tower that had not been over run had all the doors and windows shut tight. He smirked a little. Seems Apple Core and Blue Vase were still alive and kicking. It was now he could see more of Army B flying in to capture and resupply. His blood ran cold as he saw who was in the middle of this new wave. Tepid Water had landed and looking over the battering ram she blinked in shock at what she was seeing.

“That’s right. The Midnight Objective is in effect and your time is almost out.” Pensword whispered to himself as he smirked, crawling back away from the window. He sealed the door behind him, knowing if that window was breached flour would splatter any gryphon at the window. They were having to use flour now as their chalk supplies had run out. He moved to his new position and looked at the timer. “Eighteen Minutes to go.” Pensword whispered to Compass Rose next to him. At Seventeen minutes the doors were breached and the pegasi charged. Right into a chalk and flour mess. He did not poke his head up, but he was hearing a lot of angry words.

“Ignore the tower. They are trapped in there. We have to retake the main office. Focus on the hallways.” Tepid Water’s voice called from outside as this time Army B was slowly creeping into the corridors and trying to find the traps. Pensword knew that the first second was compromised somehow so he gave a sound signal and they fell back to another part of the fort where they closed the doors. They could hear through the doors that were barred and Earth Mover, an earth Pony, had moved a desk in front of the door to bar it. They would stay here and fall back to their actual weapons. Let them think they were still in the front part. Pensword looked at another hour glass. Fifteen minutes left. He smiled as he heard a few pots clatter. A sound warning. They only had fifteen minutes left to win the mission.

“Ice Arrows.” Pensword muttered. They had time to beat a retreat as already they could hear the work of the “Gryphons” trying to tear a bigger hole out of the door. Seven minutes left according to Password’s mental clock, which he felt might be a little longer than an hour but he wanted to err on safety.

They fell back as they heard a hinge being torn out of the door frame. As soon as they shut the last door, they waited. Once again traps activated as the Pegasi sixth years charged in anger and fury at being outthought by a smiling bat bird, as well as having been worked up by Tepid Water. Pensword was hearing that word thrown in anger on the others side and in the hallways. Still, he just smiled. Six minutes to go. Bam. The door was hit and cracked as Pensword readied his sword. They were in the hallway to the Commandante’s office. BAM the door was already nearly gone. He didn’t look at the time as the third hit happened and the door broke open. Pensword dropped as arrows fired from behind and into the doorway. Then the Sixth years flooded into the hallway and the battle ensued.

What Pensword did not know was that out of a force of twenty five cadets sent to attack them they were only facing five of the original group while another six attacked the tower, having not heard the command from Tepid Water. She was currently sitting on the stairs fuming as she nursed a white spot right over where her cutie mark was. It would bruise, but nothing more. However, she was not happy about being “dead.” She even knew where the arrow came from. Pensword had taken time to carve his first letter on the shaft of the arrows and one of his hit her where she had the weakest armor.

The battle cries tapered off and out marched Pensword and his group. They were covered in dust. Tepid Water’s eyes narrowed. They were all wounded, but not dead.

It was here that a bell was being rung as Supreme Sunrise walked out of her office, smiling. “One Hour and ten minutes have passed. They have won, as well as repelled an attack.” She smiled as she looked at the cadets. “You did well for the stack you had.” her eyes turned to looked at Tepid Water with a glare. “This means that you all graduate as officers, however,” She added while looking to Pensword. “We are going to have to wait for Unity to approve your situation. Lord Hammer Strike says that he will vouch for you. However we cannot know how long the council will debate your status on if you are considered Pegasi or Thestral. Till then, your squad, minus Hurricane, will remain here in limbo.”

The group did not know what to do. They just looked at each other and smiled. Hurricane smiled and knocked Pensword’s back with a wing. “Don’t worry. I’ll do my best with my house to help you get passage, just… don’t hold your breath too long.”

Operation Cougar is a Success thirty five August 122 ADF

Pensword did not know where he was, only that he was running. Running past buildings and fences. Running with others, others he knew to be friends from Mountainside. Yet in his chest he could feel it, cold and clawing, fear. A scream in the air. The sound of something descending upon the town. He felt his head turn as the eyes that he felt were not his own looked into the snow falling sky. From the snow came the images of shadows. Shadows that became Gryphons in full war gear. His eyes turned just in time to see himself run right into the pole of a lamp. The pain he could feel was disorienting and then he felt it, the hot coals of talons piercing his hide and the rough shove to the ground. With total fear and panic he saw the Gryphon screech in triumph as it lunged forward, beak open, right towards his chest.

His eyesight swam as he felt his legs moving again. This time his ears were ringing from the bells at the school and the town hall, when suddenly they both clattered to silence. Screams filled his ears as the bells rang no more. Now the wind was the only source of sound and it carried with it the screams of the villagers and the war cries of the Gryphons. The pony he was looking through was running only to ram himself into a rough rope net that yanked it off the ground. he could feel others trapped within the net with him, all screaming and pleading as they continued to rise higher and higher. He could feel the air growing colder as they ascended. Then, the sensation of being dropped. His stomach left him and he felt a scream come from his muzzle. He felt a jolt, but next thing he knew, was flying, dodging not just Gryphons but arrows and spears. A sudden pain in a wing caused him to look to his side and he mentally cried in horror.This was his brother he was seeing and an arrow was lodged in his wing, tearing the membrane. Still, he was flying hard only to feel something hit him from above and a snap in the arrow torn wing. He spiraled downwards, but before he could feel the impact, darkness claimed him.

The next scene Pensword experienced came from the perspective of one of the militia ponies who were fighting and bleeding. He gasped in pain as a club hit his head and he staggered. Above him the Gryphon only grinned as he attacked.This time the monster used its talons and he felt them tear at his armor and then at his chest, his now unprotected chest. As his eyesight faded he saw something he did not want to see, something pulsing and red held in the crimson talons of the Gryphon.

Again his head spun. He could feel himself crying, screaming in terror. He knew it all too well. His sister, his beloved little sister, was screaming. And as he watched through her eyes he felt her head forced up to witness as his father was killed, and then his mother. The Mayor soon followed suit, new meat to be fed to the gloating leader who was almost untouched with scars. His feathers glowed a fiery red, accented by the crimson fluid that spattered his armor. He chuckled and gloated as he raised a glass of something in a mocking toast while he spoke to the dead mayor’s body. “Surrender? Prey never surrender.” She, his sister, could only shiver. He shuddered mentally as a Gryphon walked into her field of vision and in broken Equish he heard him gloat. “I bet you will be tasty…” A pain in her neck and she felt no more.

Again his eyes saw from the viewpoint of another. This time he knew who it was, as well as where they were. This was the Hooves estate and he looked to the left and saw Heavy Hooves in full armor. He looked back to the front and saw the town swarming with Gryphons before they heard the screech from above as the Gryphons attacked the estate’s walls. In return, Unicorn mages with magic were firing attack spells from their horns, trying their best to kill the enemy. Magic took down five Gryphons, but it was of no use. More were swarming and the sounds of death and destruction filled his ears as visions of death branded his mind. He would never forget. A Gryphon laughed and a snap was heard. He felt pain beyond all belief. He looked with swimming eyesight and saw what happened. A horn lay broken on the ground. His own horn. With a final yelp of horror, he felt his magic welling up and could feel it inside his body as it expanded out. It ended with a bang.

Pensword felt worn out mentally. He had seen so much carnage and destruction, and now, now he could see through the eyes of the last Pony. He could see death and destruction and he knew who this was. It was his friend, and the last of the Mountainside Falls Militia who signed his papers. He was led to the table and forced to sit down. He noted the table had been taken from the mayor’s office.

He could not read the language but he was forced, with his bleeding hoof, to press into the parchment. He looked up and narrowed his eyes. He found words not his own speaking as the Gryphons smiled. “May Faust take-” he did not finish as the Leader with red feathers stood, sword drawn. He swung swiftly. Time seemed to slow as the blade arced, slowly driving home until it made contact … right at neck level.

Inside the barracks the rest of the squad had been awoken and were staring in fear as Pensword thrashed and screamed in sheer horror and agony. The blanket was thrown to the ground, and yet nothing they could do had woken him from whatever it was that was affecting him. They could hear him mutter, and Blue Vase could tell something was terribly wrong. Periodically his body would spasm, or a move would occur that to her newly trained eyes, indicated death blows.

She could hear as Fox Feather was racing back with the Cadre and hopefully some of the medical staff for Pensword. Why couldn’t he wake up? After she herself had been clocked in the head trying to wake him, no other pony had the courage to approach.

Suddenly Pensword shot up and let loose a protracted scream. “No!” it was loud, hoarse, and above all a raw emotion of something that they never heard from Pensword. Rage.

Major Tepid Water actually smirked as she entered the room. “So did the baby finally-” She did not finish her words as Pensword with lightning speed lunged, actually pinning her to the wall. She could not even feel the floor under her hind hooves and she felt her ears tick nervously. Pensword was strong, and fast. She mentally thought to herself, wondering how to get out of this pose when her ears were blasted with a loud bellow from Pensword into her muzzle.

“Wake the Commandante. Abandon the post. Abandon fort Jasmine!” His voice had not lessened and there was fear in his eyes. Not just fear Tepid Water realized, a fire as well. And for the first time in her life, she felt fear towards what she deemed a lesser being.

“Lieutenant Pensword! Release your superior Officer. Now!” Commandante Supreme Sunrise yelled as she walked into the barracks of the Last Chancers. “Explain what is happening, why di-” she cut herself off upon seeing Pensword’s eyes.

“They are coming. They are going to wipe out every post and Pony in this region. I..” he rippled in rage and something flickered on the edge of her vision, seeming to flow around the cadet. “Commandante, I resign. I have to go home and take care of them.”

“Them?” Blue Vase asked. “Them who?”

“Gryphons.” Pensword said hoarsely, his voice hollow, ragged. “They attacked... “ he looked up. “You have all heard the stories, the tales to scare ponies into fearing Thestrals and their ways of knowing secrets. They att-” his voice broke as he struggled to compose himself. Then he gulped and tried again. “They wiped out my town. I do not know when, but tonight I saw it. I experienced it.”

Tepid Water snorted derisively, which caused Pensword to spin, glaring right at her. Hatred and contempt radiated, unmasked in his eyes. She went rigid, still, and silent. She did not want to be pinned to the wall again so soon after getting her hooves onto the ground. Pensword spoke directly to her, quietly at first, but rising with a steady crescendo. “I felt my heart ripped out alive at least three times. I felt myself dropped to my death in a net. I felt talons ripping my wings off as I still breathed. Arrows pierced my hyde…” His chest was heaving as he listed off the atrocities. “I saw my town run red!” he roared, culminating his account, composure clearly gone.

Supreme Sunrise paled over, her white fur turning grey, then white once more. “Protocol Empty Nest.” She ordered, her voice hollow, her mane wilted and flat.

“You believe him? It was a nightmare. Thestrals control them. You-” Tepid Water started.

“You listen to me.” Supreme Sunrise said as she glared at Tepid Water. “There was an old pony in my town when I was a filly. He saw things and knew things. I heard the stories and was told that a day would come when I would know the stories were true. Tonight just from how Pensword is acting, I know he speaks the truth.” She turned to Pensword. “Resignation Denied, Lieutenant. You are to attack as an Equestrian military officer.”

The Squad smiled at one another before they looked to their leader. They had in the last three years of limbo grown to twenty strong. “Pensword, where you go, we all go. You led us through life here and we beat the living feathers off our enemies. We will face the demons with you.” Blue Vase spoke while the others nodded their heads around him.

Pensword almost looked like he was going to refuse, but then he nodded his head gravely. “You would go no matter my orders. Very well, I have one order to give tonight. One I want followed to the letter.” A single tear gleamed in the moonlight streaming from his window as he raised his head. “NO survivors.” He paused and spoke again. “If you find a Red Feathered Gryphon almost untouched by scars, leave him to me.” His eyes narrowed. “He killed my mother, father, and little sister. He killed our mayor. His life is mine.”

The silence from the others was deep. Tepid Water was the one to break it. “What? What?” She repeated a little louder.

“Two tried to surrender peacefully to the Gryphons. They were killed where they stood. If they will not accept Civilians surrendering, then neither will I accept their surrenders.” His voice and manner was changed that night. Something had snapped and was broken. He blinked back the remaining tears and it hit the others. Lieutenant Pensword of the Equestrian Military had just lost every reason why he first joined the Equestrian Army in one night. The only things he had left were those cadets who had stayed in limbo with him. The only fit course of action left that all could see in that room was to pay back the enemy for what they did to his family and town. Those monsters would learn to fear the name of Pensword.

Supreme Sunrise smiled grimly. “Pensword. I expect to see you in Unity by fall, if not sooner. And,” She paused, smiling grimly. “Pensword. IF you write, address me as Commandante Suprise. Only those in battle can call me that.”

What has been done, can never be undone. Five March 125 ADF

Hammer Strike, who had been waiting for the last hour, pacing, now found himself sorting through countless letters from nobles, his mind having found a way to search the letters effectively to determine if the noble was going to bother him with requests or be something more pleasant. He found himself distracted from his efforts by a flash of light and a scroll, bearing Celestia’s royal seal on it appearing.

He raised his brow, questioning the reason for the message as he looked over to his calendar. The date had next to no meaning for anything special. With a shake of his head he grabbed the letter and broke the seal, opening it.

Hammer Strike

It is with my deepest regrets that I must inform you that my scouts have notified me that Mountainside Falls has been attacked by the Gryphonian Army. There are currently no known survivors of this attack and a team has been dispatched accordingly. Under our current treaty this constitutes an act of war and I am afraid I must ask you and your army to join us in Unity so we may assemble to discuss the war. It is official now. We are at war.

I must also bring forth the matter of Lieutenant Pensword, as you know Mountainside Falls was his home and the posting he was hoping to be assigned to. With the town gone and war being declared I must first put the option to you to bring him into your service before placing him within another army.

… They are eating ponies, Hammer Strike. They are EATING my little ponies!

I need you now, my friend, ally, and devoted teacher. Please help us.


Princess Celestia Galaxia.

Hammer Strike placed the letter down on his table, a hoof to his head as he processed the information. "Oh Celestia, if only I could warn you of the horrors that await you..." he muttered as he looked heavenward. Grif entered the room a minute later.

“My lord, a messenger just came by and left screaming that we are at war. All nobles are being ordered to assemble in Unity. The men are arming themselves for a march now. We are awaiting your orders.”

Hammer’s eyes sharpened as he stood up. “We march for Mountainside. Unity can wait.”

“And may Faust have mercy on any gryphons we find in our path.” Grif said, stone faced. “My lord, I think it is time you properly adorned yourself to show them the powder keg they just lit up.”

“I shall be out with you shortly.” Hammer Strike noted, already heading for the door. “I should have a set prepared. Make sure all are prepared for the march to Mountainside.”

“Of course, my lord.” Grif nodded as he left the room. If looks could kill, the servants who crossed the usually calm gryphon’s path would have been massacred.

Hammer Strike took a different route than Grif, quickly finding himself in the forge before he took a seperate door inside, leading him somewhere extra. His personal armory.

Without much thought he wormed himself into a set of armor. He didn’t pay much attention to choice as they all seemed the same when it came to defense.

Without so much as a second thought he grabbed one of his blades, an old sword that still followed him.

Shaking his head he pulled himself out of his foggy mind and continued on, pushing himself out of the forge and into the yard.

Grif stood before his men: more than a hundred ponies of different tribes and genders. They had all been mercenaries hired onto his house and each was formidable in their own right. They stood in squares: five ponies breadth five ponies deep. At the center of each square stood a banner of dark blue cloth with the gold insignia of House Strike on the center. The cloth parts of each soldier's armor had been died the same shade of blue with the gold insignia engraved on the back of their armor.

Grif looked at Hammer Strike. “They are ready, my lord.” Grif smiled grimly “Let us just hope the other houses were half as prepared.”

“I would not trust them to be a quarter.” Hammer Strike replied, walking to the front.

“March!” Grif roared at the top of his lungs.

And with that they all set off, their destination close, but far.

To Mountainside Falls, they traveled, and the pain and carnage that lay in wait.

“Come on, you.” Grif dragged the beaten, bloody gryphon forward. “You said the camp was this way. We haven’t seen one gryphon on the air or on the ground. Where are the hoards you threatened us with? I was looking for some sport, not a fledgling who obviously ran away before he finished his training.” The gryphon in question had been part of a ten gryphon scouting party Hammer Strike’s military had come across on their trip over. The battle had been neither long nor clean and the other nine gryphons and this Gryphon's wings currently laid dead where they had fallen. Mountainside Falls was in ruins, smoke still billowing from some areas as the burnt wood fouled the air.

“Camp was right here.” The gryphon spoke weakly. “I do not know what happened to them. Please, just let me rest.”

Grif glanced casually over to Hammer Strike. In that moment an arrow gave the Gryphon his rather permanent rest. Around the camp and from the remains of the town buildings rose Ponies and Thestrals as they all pointed their bows at Grif. They hesitated for one reason: the emblems of House Strike upon his custom made armor.

A moment later a Navy Blue Pegasus with White Mane and Tail and blue eyes plummeted into the clearing from the skies with a scream. “What is the meaning of this?” He turned to the Earth Pony. “I am in charge of this military unit. I demand to know why you have a Gryphon in your ranks… He is already sentenced to death unless you can tell me otherwise.”

“Due to the fact that he swore his oath to me about three to four months prior to this, and he has not done anything untrustworthy yet. And he had plenty of chances.” Hammer Strike replied. “It has been awhile, Pensword.”

Pensword balked at Hammer Strike before turning and striking Grif on the cheek. “Is that true, blood feather? Did you actually swear an oath to prey?” He asked. Hammer Strike realized that the strike was to shock the truth out of the one being struck.

The surrounding mercenaries went completely, and quite suddenly, still. Many had fought this gryphon in sparring matches and despite what they thought they knew, most had been soundly thrashed. A few had even been placed in the infirmary from this gryphon’s actions. Most suspected within the next few moments this pegasus would be dead.

Grif, however, neither reached for his sword nor demanded a duel. He didn’t roar or screech. He didn’t draw his knife or attack with his claws. He simply lifted his head, and moved to expose the other cheek to the pony.

Pensword stared, his face a mask of shock at the reaction. This was Grif’s answer. Angrily, he moved his hoof and struck him again. “Okay,” he growled. “What were you doing with a member of the Emperor's Beak?” He pointed to the dead Gryphon in the clearing with them.

“Sending him to the hell he and all his deserve.” The gryphon responded. “And do not call a pony my prey. Gryphons of the Northern Isles do not prey on thinking creatures.” He spat to the ground beside him.

Pensword bristled, but did not say another word as he looked to Hammer Strike. He raised a wing and the ponies relaxed and backed away. “You are lucky I am in a talking mood, Lion. Otherwise you would have died with that pelt.” He took a deep breath, shaking a little. “Blue Vase.” he ordered. “Escort Lord Hammer Strike and those he wishes to join him to the Commander’s Tent. I must debrief the guests.” He turned and Grif saw him looking to a corner of the destroyed clearing that had once been the town square. He lingered on that empty spot a moment longer than usual before walking back towards the mountain and the falls. “Secure the town and the enemy records. Load the carts. we march for Unity in the morning.” He sounded disgusted with himself. He paused, and Grif and others heard his voice cracking. “I shall return to this place to keep it Equestrian.” He moved quickly away.

Blue Vase nodded towards Hammer Strike. “If you would follow me, milord, and apologies for not bowing. In a place like this, that could kill you.” She looked at the others. “You may only bring your advisors with you.”

Grif looked at the pegasus. “Do you still have the bodies? Or have you disposed of them yet?” The gryphon asked.

Blue Vase looked at the Gryphon. “They are being covered at the moment in the burned out school building.” She narrowed her eyes. “Why do you ask? That is a secure area as we are still digging the graves for them.”

“Because I would rather you let me chop them up and send a message to the Gryphon Empire until you return.” The gryphon answered bluntly. “They deserve no funeral rights.”

Blue Vase looked at Grif. “Captain Pensword had to quell that sentiment already in the camp. He wants to win this war, but as he put it, he will not stoop to their level of disrespect for the dead. They get Pony Funerals.”

“Well the fact you are insulting them far greater than what I suggested I must point out if you wish to keep this area you must show them that their talons will be cursed setting aground here.”

Blue Vase looked at the Gryphon with a blank expression, tinged by anger. “Then I suggest you give the suggestion to the Captain. He has final say on this matter, if you would follow me.” She gestured and soon it was just Grif, Hammer Strike, and Lunar Fang who walked into the tents of what was by far a very strange sight. Gryphon war tents being used and inhabited by Ponies. They soon reached a rather large tent that upon entering had all the finery of a Gryphon leader from the Emperor’s troops. Pensword was sitting at the desk looking over maps and trying to decipher the text of the documents that his troops had captured.

Grif approached Pensword. “Captain, we must talk about the gryphon bodies in the school.”

Pensword glanced up and looked down. “You need your Lord’s permission before I am to talk to you.” He was still giving Grif a cold shoulder.

“Go on.” Hammer Strike said simply as they walked.

Pensword at those words only nodded to the Gryphon to speak his mind. His face still stone cold as he avoided looking at the ruins around him

“Captian, while you issuing the gryphons pony rights is perfectly disrespectful and well what they deserve and more, I must ask that if you truly want this area saved, let me make a sign to keep the emperor's men off these lands.”

Pensword looked up and right at the Gryphon trying to look as intimidating as possible as he directed the flames in his eyes at Grif. “Very well. Speak what you wish to do, only after you tell me what you wish done can I make a proper decision. I will consider your request.”

“In death, how we are buried determines how we must carry on.” Grif began. “Those who have held their honor and bear their wings proudly fly with the north wind. Those who spoke with great cunning and flew swiftly fly with the west wind. Those who were wise and flew regaly to the eastwind, and they that were charitable and flew with pious wings fly to the south wind. But it is to walk the earth that all gryphons fear. I will remove their wings before burial and string them amongst this place. the ground will be cursed to talon and paw that should disturb it because of the mass of those who are forced to walk here.”

Pensword paused and seemed to stare behind Grif and to the left as he was thinking before nodding his head. “Granted, but on the condition that you know that the spirit is always made whole in death, no matter what damage the body receives.” He looked down at the papers and looked up again as he heard a gasp.

He blinked and jumped to his hooves. “Ma’am I am sorry I did not see you back there.” he addressed the third pony in the group. Moonshade only blushed at her outburst.

“May, I explain to milord and our friendly Gryphon the reason of my outburst?” She asked politely as if asking to share personal information with a stranger.

Pensword looked to Lord Hammer Strike and then nodded his head as he turned around to look at another map. “Go ahead, I am sure they would figure it out eventually … the rest of my men and my Gramma’s tribe know already.”

Lunar Fang nodded and looked to the other two in the room. “Well, there are those in Thestral communities that have a certain sight, we do not know why or where or even who will inherit it. But what Captain Pensword here is able to do, is see past the gate we all cannot see.” She blushed a little. “It is only close friends or family that are allowed to be told, however due to how, I guess, suddenly, this happened to Pensword, a lot more know than might have been wise to start with.”

Pensword turned around and looked at Grif. “You read High Gryphon, right? The language used for military dispatches?”

“Gryphic is its name and it is used for most actions. I can translate it but it may be encoded.” Grif answered honestly.

“Go for it. We have all the documents. We took them out before they could destroy them.” he paused. Why was he trusting this Gryphon? He bristled his wings and fluffed his fur a little before trying to calm down and looked again at the Thestral. “What is your name? Because I have the oddest sense of deja vu at the moment.”

“My name is Lunar Fang, though I am also called Moonshade of the Southern Lion Tribe.” She told him, trying her best to recall the teachings of her grandmother.

“A pleasure to meet you Lunar Fang of the Southern Lion Tribe. I am Moonkissed Pensword of the Northern Bear Clan.” He replied with a bow of his head and Thestral move of his wings in greeting.

“Well met under Moonlight.” She bowed back.

“Thank you.” Pensword replied with a smile and a few tears, however, he furrowed his brow as he twitched a wing as if to brush off someone talking to him. Then he walked forward and towards Moonshade, who at the moment was hearing what sounded like a whisper to kiss him, not knowing that Pensword was hearing the same words to kiss her. That moment his mind felt hazy and like he was on the verge of something important. He gulped a little as he was unsure just what his family was doing. Especially why his little sister was egging him on at the moment.

“I was employed to protect Lord Hammer Strike.” Lunar Fang said, attempting to keep the conversation going. “We’ve been encountering some strange creatures. We once fought a trio of hairless minotaurs.”

“Hairless? Is that some strange practice of the Minotaurs?” he muttered in confusion as he flicked an ear and he thought he heard some refrain of a song. Moonshade on the other hoof heard the song from New Years in her head and she was feeling frustrated in this memory trap.

“If you do not mind my asking, have you ever met an individual named Washington?” The Thestral asked. “I’ve heard he is quite famous.”

Pensword just stared at Lunar Fang. “I am sorry. But I have not met this pony, was he a Pegasus? Did he serve with Commander Hurricane?” He felt that name should mean something, but it was just that, another inkling of something there and yet not there. He remembered looking in a clear blue lake and the image at the bottom of the lake was distorted, just like this memory that was not quite a memory.

“Oh, for the dark side of the moon.” Moon Shade face hoofed before pulling the pegasus to her. “Come back to me, Pensword.” And with that the thestral pulled the pegasus’ muzzle into her own.

Pensword himself actually was shocked at the kiss. He was, why was Moonshade kissing him? What about Lunar… she was Lunar Fang, wait She was LUNAR FANG?! He mentally shouted only before another thought entered his mind.

“I bowed to royalty? You had ME bowed to a Baron? You have me beholded to laws… what about Washington and,” Pensword staggered back as Lunar Fang caught him and his first words out of his mouth was.

“Grif! So help me… You thought it funny not telling us that She is Lunar Fang? Do you know how many dates I could have been on?” He blinked and blinked again. “Wait… I am friends with a Gryphon.” He muttered and looked at Hammer Strike, more of his past self emerging as the waters within his mind began to calm. “Tell me you slept at least once on your march here.” He paused and shook his head. “But…” He began to bubble a little. “I…” he gulped and pulled Lunar Fang into a tight embrace. “They killed my family…” he voice took a hard tone. “They killed the only family I had left….” He shook a little before relaxing in grief. “They killed me, devoured me, dropped me on my head.” He looked up at his friends showing the true emotions of that night. “I lived that night over and over again.” he looked to the east wall and to another part of the city. “I see their faces, I saw just who each of those Gryphons killed and more of them escaped my justice….” He trailed off and wilted. “What have I done?” He whispered in shock.

“You have lived a second life, friend.” Hammer Strike replied. “And now, you can remember where the last one ended and the whole of this one.”

“You did what justice demanded.” Grif said. “Don’t feel pity for them, Pensword. There’ll be many more yet.”

Pensword nodded his head and gulped before smiling. “Well at least there is some silver lining to this raincloud.” He leaned in and kissed Lunar Fang on the check. “I get to marry a very pretty and perfect Thestral.” He paused and looked to the side. “Already, mom? Just three kisses and you start asking that question?” He paused and looked to the others… just as Blue Vase entered. She blinked. She could sense something had happened.

“Blue Vase, bring in the Gryphon Slayers. I have been honest with them my entire life, I have to be honest with them even now…. I just, something needs to be aired that will not work well outside of this group. After all, I am the crazy Captain who talks to the walls or objects.” He frowned a little. “Faust help any who anger my parents.” Blue Vase saluted and left. “I ask you to follow me to the burned… to the destroyed town hall. Something like I have in my head, needs to be done at Town Hall.” he sighed, moved outside, and looked to the sky. “They looted the town. They took everything from art to documents. The only thing they were destroying were the buildings themselves.” he looked to Grif. “They wanted Full Control.”

“The soul of the vanquished belongs to the victor.” Grif explained as he looked to Lunar Fang and Hammer Strike. “The actions of the one who kills another in battle can determine everything about the defeated future in the afterlife. Most of the time it’s expected to hand the body of another gryphon to their family for a proper burial. But in the case of a warrior that has cut off the wings, decapitated the corpse, or even the worst of all, burned it to ashes and scattered them. what happened here is the gryphons believe that ponies are guided by their princesses in the afterlife just as we are guided by the winds, or more importantly ponies are guided by the sun and moon, because the sun and moon are linked to Celestia and Luna they feared what would happen should the message get out too early about what they were doing. All these towns they’ve been wiping out they must have been trying to assure the souls never had a chance to alert the princesses of their presence.”

Pensword looked south now. South towards Unity. “Then let me be the one to ferry all the souls of Mountainside and the other towns to the Princesses.” his voice growling as he looked back to the path and the journey towards the town hall. “I am the last to live from this town. Only I survived because I was training others to fight. A fight and a war that will come. Faust guide their path away from here and into safety.”

“We’ll make them pay, make no mistake about that.” Grif said. “Every last one will pay for this. I’ll stuff your pillow with the feathers of the gryphons who did this.”

Pensword, no, Matthew actually, only smiled and used that to make Grif able to live near Pensword. “Consider it done, and a word of your honor. Do that and I shall not give you the same fate.” The words were harsh, but Grif could hear that slight warmth of caring that Matthew always had. That sound that only friends could hear from one another.

Lunar Fang smiled faintly as they stepped into the charred remains of Town Hall. The stone walls still stood and one could see areas that dropped into a basement. Damages indicated a floor had once been above their heads. Pensword moved and waited for the Nineteen ponies of his squad. In the corner a sheet lay out over a stretcher, the only casualty of the battle on the pony side.

Ten Minutes later, the ponies stood assembled. “My friends.” Pensword boomed. “My allies and family in blood and tears,” he kept moving his head to look at each one of them. “I ... you have rallied around me when I first lived the death of my home. So I must say that what I say next, is not the mad ravings of a mind broken, but healed.” He looked to the three others. “I truly am an old soul as the Thestrals say, you see…” Pensword with this beginning launched into his story while his squad watched with widening eyes. The entire time, Lunar Fang was shocked to see that those that were serving under him were believing every word spoken. She could only smile to herself as the story continued. These troops would be part of one of the greatest upsets in Gryphon history.

Author's Note:

There you are. Another part of the growing up. Please, let us know what you think in the comments below. What did you like about it? What did you not like about it? There are some stories behind the writing of this chapter that might be shared later. Still, hope you liked this chapter and see you next time.

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