• Published 15th Apr 2014
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An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword

Adventure, Mayhem, Magic of unknown origins, and talking colorful Ponies. All being unrelated events have brought three friends together into the wildest holiday that anyone could imagine.

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35 - Unity

Extended Holiday
Chp 35: Unity
Act 4

Much to the chagrin of Hammer Strike despite arriving more than a week late they were greeted with large crowds of ponies cheering. Unity was truly a marvel of earth pony architecture. Each building was built from large hewn stone blocks, rounded and carved lovingly into delicate houses and large ornate buildings. All over banners flew declaring to which house they belonged or which noble they followed. The golden legion, the pegasi and unicorns who guarded the royal palace, stood proudly on either end of the road as the army of House Strike crossed. Mares and stallions, colts and fillies all cheered loudly for yet another noble coming to pledge his army to Celestia.

Grif kept his head forward and the hood of his cloak covering his head. He could feel the intense stares coming from the crowd. He didn’t blame them, he couldn’t imagine having to trust what you’d taken to be your enemy.

Hammer Strike found himself not too focused on what was going on, instead he was thinking of what was to come. Everyone else was doing their own thing, but he was planning. Planning for a future he knew would be very dangerous.

Pensword was marching forward with Lunar Fang at his side, she being the advisor from House Strike to his unit. His unit had in fact been marching with the captured colors and insignias of the Gryphons that had attacked and destroyed his home town. Already he could tell that the showcasing of captured enemy equipment was a good moral boost after the realization that this war had already been going on for a few years before anypony even thought of putting two and two together. Pensword realized something. They were being led towards the castle itself. They were going to meet with the Princesses directly and Pensword was flabbergasted. He had never dreamed of seeing the Princesses in person. Matthew only chuckled and then they both wondered. What were they like now? Not a Thousand Years into the future, but now.

They soon found themselves in the presence of Princess Celestia herself. Only Hammer Strike, Pensword, Grif, and Lunar Fang were currently in the room with her. At the moment she was standing before a set of doors.

“Hello Celestia, have you been practicing with the Twinblade as I instructed?” Hammer Strike asked right away.

“When I have time, Yes.” Celestia nodded. “Though they seem small for me.”

“Give me a day when I have free time and I shall make a bigger one if you want.” Hammer Strike responded.

Pensword had almost bowed only to be stopped by Matthew’s resistance at bending a knee to a noble. No matter how good they might be, he was back to active service and he was going to try. However, Pensword was mortified that he was not bowing. Finally, Matthew relented, at least until he could impart more information to this fully formed second personality. He bowed, only to have Celestia move a wing while she spoke to Hammer Strike.

Pensword just looked to his friend and he did not know what to think about what this was happening, this, almost family casual speaking with one half of the diarchy. He only blinked still standing at attention while letting the conversation continue around him.

“Please do not take me for the emperor's gryphons, princess. I mean no ill will to Equestria.” Grif said lowering his head respectfully.

Celestia nodded. “The Northern Isles have made it clear they do not wish to be of any part of what is happening. It is good to see you, Hammer Strike. Yours is a head I trust most in a time like this.”

“I have been thinking about this situation for awhile, yes.” Hammer Strike responded.

“Well you be joining us on the battlefield?” Celestia asked.

“Do you have to ask? I can remember one thing you mentioned about me in times like this.” Hammer Strike responded.

Pensword shuffled his hooves a little and smiled. Yet he felt ... he shook his head mentally. They were not ignoring you because you look like a bat bird, there's a hierarchy for this, and you need to wait your turn. This is politics, not military. He paused and mentally blinked as he realized he had just combined two words together. What a lazy way of speaking, Pensword thought to himself.

“It is still good to hear it confirmed verbally. Naturally the other lords have pledged armies or resources, but not actual help,” Celestia said, leading the four with her into the throne room. “Luna returns tomorrow and I fear something may happen.”

Pensword looked at his Princess and spoke without realizing he had spoken out of turn. “Thy troops shall protect thee and thy sister.” he did not realize till this moment that he now sounded like Princess Luna as Matthew remembered her speaking. He did not smile outwardly but he did smile on the inside.

“Things shall turn out fine. If something were to happen, it will be dealt with quickly.” Hammer Strike said.

“I’m guessing by recent events her goodwill trip didn’t quite work out well?” Grif asked.

Pensword stared at Grif and the others in the room. “I was under the impression her trip was at least being received well, and all lives are accounted for. Although, I heard before the parade that she is returning with a delegation of Gryphons in hopes of settling a border tension.” He frowned. “Your Majesty. I apologize for speaking out of turn, it is just my unit has captured notes, supplies, and documentation concerning what happened to Mountainside. I already was informed by your letter. Shall I assume that the others do not know that they are eating citizens or is this only for the Strike House?”

“I imagine there would be more panicked fleeing into the center of the country.” Celestia said. “We have dispatched more guards to the surviving settlements but we will not be revealing anything official till the council of war meets formally.” Celestia explained.

Pensword raised a wing a little. “With your respect your majesty, may I ask if I shall also be attending this council of war or will I need to give Lord Hammer Strike my information to present to the council?”

“You will be coming with me.” Hammer Strike replied. “Should they have a problem with this choice, they can learn to tolerate it.” His brows furrowed slightly as he said this.

“If that is what you want, that is what will happen.” Celestia nodded.

“And with it, I am bound to deal with the comments of other nobles.” Hammer Strike replied with distaste. “Too bad I never cared for their view on myself.”

“As long as none of them try to kill me.” Grif noted.

“I will not allow them to even come close.” Hammer Strike said. “Not again.”

“Oookay.” Grif noted. “That wasn’t the least bit creepy.”

“I spent a long time trying to get you both back, I shall be damned before I let something happen again.” He responded before he took a breath, sighing as he tried to release tension from his shoulders.

Pensword raised an eyebrow. “Uh, I am not some colt with a cold you know. I just led a single unit to take command and wiped out over seventy Gryphons with the help of my Gramma’s tribe to reclaim my home.” He bristled a little before taking a breath. “Sorry, Sorry, I just ... it still hurts knowing I won’t see my mother again. I, That just reminds me of my mother and father and what they would do if I got bullied in the market.” He blinked and coughed and looked away as he tried to compose himself. “I spoke out of turn, milord. Forgive me.”

“You do not need to apologize.” Hammer Strike noted. “I started that. Let us just continue.”

“So shall I have your regular rooms prepared?” Celestia asked Hammer Strike.

“I think we should return to my home.” Hammer Strike replied. “I think it would be best to keep tension from other nobles until we are required to be here.” He gave a small smile. “I shall still be near should you want to talk later.”

“Then I will see you here for breakfast tomorrow.” Celestia said. “I need you nearby … just in case.”

“I shall be here.” Hammer replied.

Pensword stood in awe, his mouth agape after entering the entrance hall. He turned around and looked to the simple garden in front and the front entry. “I, This looks like the entrance hall of the Governors Palace in Williamsburg…” he blinked and looked to his left. “That is from the human times.” he muttered and looked back. “Only there were muskets and swords, maces, and,” he paused. “Is that a miniature catapult?” He muttered at the said item in the middle of the large entry. “Still impressive and only one room. I have yet to even see the stairs.”

“You three are welcome to wander around the building, no guard should give you trouble here.” Hammer Strike said, heading towards one of the hallways. “If you need me, ask one of the guards and they should know where I am.” He said.

“Is there somewhere high I can room?” Grif asked. “I’m more comfortable higher up.”

“Somewhere, I am sure.” Hammer replied, standing before a hallway, making sure they had no more questions for him.

“Uh. You do have three towers it looked like.” Pensword paused and looked around a little. “Do you have someplace I can be alone for the moment? I, I need time to recollect my thoughts and… talk it out with my great grandmother with what I saw and experienced.” he paused, “As well as finish collecting this information that I am far older than I thought I was.” He paused and frowned. “Or younger then I was….” he grunted. “Now I hate Time Travel even more.”

“The garden in the back is typically empty at this time.” Hammer Strike replied. “Both younger and older technically.” He pointed a hoof towards one of the hallways. “Head down and take the third left, you should find yourself there shortly.”

Pensword only nodded and gave a salute, that Shawn faintly remembered was something his friend Matthew would do at times before he turned around and followed the directions as he was asked. His hoof steps fading. Moonshade looked sad at his departing form.

“He has gone through so much recently. I, I shall stay in the shade and be there if he needs a physical shoulder to cry on.” She too departed, leaving Grif and Hammer Strike alone in the hall.

“I’m going to check my weapons.” Grif noted. “The war starts tomorrow after all. Can’t go to war without well maintained weapons.” With that, Griff strolled off.

Hammer Strike found himself alone again as he stood in the main hall. He blinked as he finally focused on the room again, realising that everypony had gone. Shaking his head he found himself heading down the hall he was standing before. Ever so slowly, a faint smile creeped onto his face. He had his friends back.

Pensword sighed as he stood in a part of the gardens that seemed nice. A fountain stood nearby, portraying what appeared to be a pegasus on a cloud spewing water into the basin. On closer inspection, he realized that the pegasus had fangs and pointed ear tufts. Pensword blinked and smiled a little. “He really missed us it seems.” He turned his head as he heard foot falls.

From around a bush walked not any of the ponies that he had seen before, but a face he had only seen in pictures ... and as an old man in real life. “G-” he started but fell silent in awe.

“Matthew.” The man spoke with a smile as he took off the hat from another era. His hair was thick and black. “My grandson.” he walked forward and sat down on the fountain’s edge. “Do you know why you can see me now?”

Pensword, no Matthew as a pony, shook his head in the negative. He still spoke though. “I am sorry, but I don’t know. Well … I think I do, but I am not sure. Was, was it because of what I experienced that night?”

His grandfather smiled a little. “Yes. If you did not have this gift where you can make peace and amends and allow those that wish to make amends with you to do so, you would have gone mad.” His grandfather looked to his grandson. “You may have wings and fur, but know this; your mind is still yours. I want you to know that. Also that you and I can have a little time here and there to talk.” He looked to the path he came down. “I know how much you look up to my Generation for what we did. We only did our duty and what we needed to be done. Just as you shall do what you need to do here.” He stood up and turned around, then smiled. “You have a long time to go before I can hug you again. Also, do not rescind that order. At the moment the Gryphons only understand brute force. Leaving survivors will only weaken their fear of Equestria. Also, Pensword needs his own healing. Do not make the mistake of faulting just now.” He turned to another pathway. “I might bring your grandmother to visit some of the sights here. It’s a rather beautiful place in its own right. See you around.” He walked towards the entrance to another path and placed his cap back on his head as his outfit changed to slacks, a white shirt and a blue sweater vest with the hat becoming a formless one. He tipped it to a Thestral that walked out of the path and smiled. “Moon Beam.” With a turn he was out of sight.

Pensword smiled as he looked to his right and saw Moonshade, or rather Lunar Fang just looking at him, bewildered. “Mom, is she going to be like that all the time? Seeing only one part of the conversation?”

His mother only gave a sly look. “Well, I think for the moment, yes. But it won’t take long after you two marry that she will at least see me. Still, I am only here to say to go be with her. Hug her, cry in her mane. Just be with the living. You cannot always rely on us ghosts to keep you happy. There are many who have had your gift who have chosen to waste away to be with the ones they miss rather than be with the ones who need them in the world of the living. Be with Moonshade today. Be together as two lost ships in time. That is my advice as your mother today in Pony society. Also, no, your mother from earth is alive and strong. Do not worry about her.”

Pensword saw his mother from Equestria fade away before he smiled and slowly walked over to Lunar Fang. He sat down next to her in the shade and just smiled as he watched the scenery around him. “Can, can I give you a wing hug?” He asked with a slight blush. The only response he got was a sudden jerking as he was enveloped by Moon Shade’s wings. So he returned the motion and the two just sat there listening to nature and being silent. Pensword gave a sigh of contentment. “It is nice to see undamaged artwork and stonework.”

Grif sighed as he placed the last of his weapons down before him, a whet stone, an oiled rag and a large tankard of water lay on the table beside them. Skillfully and efficiently, he began to work on his weapons. Graf had always been very strict about how weapons should be cared for. The Northern Isles lacked large amounts of iron, so weapons had to be bought or looted. The salty seawater and the high winds were not beneficial to the weapon’s condition, and neither was the constant temperature change. So weapons needed to be well looked after to last a long time. The gryphon casually ground at his knife blades pausing every so often to observe the edge.

Grif pondered the last few months carefully, not just the months in the past but also the months in the future. He shook his head as the complexity of time travel gave him a headache. A few months ago in his human mind they had been three regular humans who by some astronomical fluke ended up in a world of brightly coloured cartoon ponies, and promptly ended up fighting a war for them. A while later they had been changed into other creatures, been sent to a land of crystalline cartoon ponies, partially fought a battle for them before getting sent back in time, and then fighting a war for them at that time! And now months later and a thousand years in the past, here he was preparing himself for yet another war. This time, at least, he felt more prepared in the training he had acquired over the last few years. It bugged at the back of his mind, was this going to be their thing? Fight a war, relax a few months, then fight another war?.

Testing his stiletto’s edge he set it down before grabbing his first sword. Was relaxing on a beach somewhere too much to ask for really? Grif sighed, silently promising to himself as soon as things were stable when they returned, he was going on a vacation.

Hammer Strike found himself in his office, sorting through letters and other miscellaneous notes, his journal lay off to the side, locked away in a special container. Having just finished writing an entry, he felt obligated to respond to the messages, despite wanting to spend time with Grif, Pensword, and Lunar Fang, he knew that to them, it hadn’t been all that long mentally.

He found himself lost in his thoughts, no longer focusing on the message in front of him as he thought on the three. He felt angered by other nobles talking to him about Grif. Their rude remarks caused him to dismiss them before he lost his temper. Having all three of his friends back made him feel relieved, but at the same time he dreaded what was to come.

Nobles verbally judged him constantly and through it all he ignored them, not caring what they thought. He heard their remarks behind his back. Some feared him, others hated him. They questioned him. They bothered him, tried to gain favors from him, acted like they cared-


He blinked a couple of times, refocusing his vision as he looked around before finally stopping on the quill in his hoof. It had been snapped in half on the desk. His mind had not registered what he had been doing.

With a sigh he tossed the quill into a small bin at the side of his desk before placing a hoof on his forehead and slumping on the desk, taking a deep breath to try and calm himself.

Not even ten seconds later a couple of knocks came from his door before it opened slightly, revealing one of the servants as she leaned in to speak. “Lord Hammer Strike, Count Promethean Flame has come to talk with you. Shall I let him in, or tell him you are busy?” The servant asked, knowing Hammer Strike’s opinion of Promethean.

“Send him in, lest he bother me at another time.” He heaved a sigh, a hoof going to the bridge of his nose. The servant nodded before heading back out, closing the door.

Silently he counted the time, knowing it would take around four minutes and eight seconds to get from his office to the front door, open said door, and then bring said guest from the front door to the office again. Overall, about five hundred and twenty three pony steps.

Exactly on time, there was another knock on the door. “Come in.” Hammer Strike called out, his face blank.

In walked Promethean Flame, a stuck up unicorn who seemed more interested in the clouds than the one he was talking to. He had a white coat with a pink streak, parted down the middle mane. He seemed to be in a more sour mood judging by what Hammer Strike could read in his walk and expression.

The door closed after he entered, leaving the two to themselves. “Promethean, what brings you here today?” Hammer Strike asked, his tone indicating nothing.

“Your poor respect for tradition.” The unicorn snorted. “Thestrals? A gryphon? What are you thinking? We are going to war, Hammer Strike!” The unicorn glared at him with a stare that would wither most others.

“Yes, we are going to war. What is your point?” Hammer Strike asked, his tone as flat as his expression.

“We are going to war with gryphons. Do you not think that maybe marching a gryphon into Unity might be just a tad dangerous?” The unicorn shouted.

“A gryphon from the Northern Isles.” Hammer Strike noted. “One who has sworn his loyalty to myself by his honor.”

Promethean Flame gave a short snort, “And what good is the oath of an enemy?” The unicorn yelled. “Thestrals at least can be bought. They are simple that way. But gryphons? How could you bring that feathered savage here?”

“That ‘feathered savage,’ as you stated, can provide more than you think you ignorant fool.” Hammer Strike replied, his tone shifting to a darker, more threatening tone. “And I for one do not pay for the loyalty of a Thestral, nor do I disrespect them.”

“What is there to disrespect?” The unicorn scoffed. “I do not know why the princesses have such faith in you, but this is an insult all the way back to Commander Hurricane and King Bullion.”

“They put faith in me because I am not a close minded fool.” Hammer Strike replied, his voice raised. “Unlike you and the others who think of your rank as something you deserve.”

“I am a direct descendant of King Silver Bar the Eighth.” Promethean said “I do deserve my rank.”

“Believe that as much as you want.” Hammer Strike said, not caring about ‘why he deserves it’. “To the point, Promethean.”

“You can not be parading your freakish underlings around Unity. The last thing ponies need to see is the face of the enemy as they are planning for war.” Promethean sneered.

“Fine. I shall not bring the enemy to the planning.” Hammer said. “I shall just bring Grif the gryphon along with Pensword and Lunar Fang, the Thestral.” He said, his expression hardening. “Is there a problem with this? I want to hear it.”

“They are the problem!” Promethean waved his hooves as though this should be obvious.

“I have yet to find a knife in my back.” Hammer Strike responded. “Now, before you say something you should not, I would suggest thinking very, very carefully what you say next.”

“Says the pony who does not think how he shall act!” Promethean shouted.

“Promethean, enough of this!” Hammer Strike said aloud, his hoof hammering his desk. “You have done nothing but insult me and those who serve me.”

The unicorn stopped, taken aback by the earth pony’s shout, or the closest he had come to shouting, which was just louder than he normally spoke. “Just get the bat bird and the featherbrain out of Unity.” He finally spoke.

The temperature in the room seemed to spike for a moment. “What did you call them?” Hammer Strike asked darkly.

“The bat bird and featherbrain.” Promethean repeated.

Hammer Strike glared at the unicorn before him. “Promethean Flame. Leave this building at once.” He spoke, his tone dark and defensive. This was an order, not a request.

“How dare yo-” The unicorn began.

Promethean! You have done nothing but insult myself, my servants, and my house.” Hammer Strike started, his glare hardening. “You are to leave this building at once. You are not welcome here!” He yelled at the unicorn, his glare burned with a barely contained fury.

The unicorn backed off, showing fear for the first time. In a few moments he was out the door and gone, the guards having burst in, taking him out of the building in mere moments for his safety more than anyone else’s.

Hammer Strike once again sat in his empty office, his breathing long and heavy as he tried to calm his nerves. For the first time in ages, he saw something he had nearly forgotten.


Pensword blinked to clear his vision as he woke from his impromptu nap and looked around. The garden was bathed in twilight and Lunar Fang lay resting at his side. He smiled and leaned in to her side, breathing in her scent before he kissed her lightly on the forehead. Then he turned his head only to see Grif standing there and smiling. “Yeah, we look cute.” He muttered happily. “To think, Moonshade really did get caught up in our insanity and is Lunar Fang. That makes me happy.”

“Good. I think we both deserve a little happiness right now.” The gryphon chuckled as he brought out a tray. “Figured you’d get hungry.”

Pensword blinked and smiled a little. “Yeah, I am a little hungry, though I hope there is enough for Lunar Fang as well.”

“I’m sure there is. How are you feeling? I know getting those memories back can make you dizzy for a bit.” The gryphon laughed.

Pensword looked at the horizon and blinked a few times. “I am sad. I am horrified. I am fascinated at the tech of both worlds, the life I have lived in both worlds.” He sighed and looked to Grif. “I do not know. I want to bring the tech of my old life to Equestria, the ease of communication and travel, it can bring society closer together, just… I also see the turmoil that weapon can cause.” Pensword paused and smirked. “I wonder how humanity would do when given magic to play with.”

“Probably not well. I mean we kinda failed with the atom, and nuclear energy.” Grif shrugged.

Pensword paused and smiled a little. “I don’t think we failed. We are just pushing the edges a lot more than Equestria.”

“Our greatest move for two nigh infinite energy sources was to blow stuff up, other humans for the most part. To me, thats a failure.” Grif shrugged.

Pensword looked at his friend. “To me it saved my life and my father’s life. the lives of my uncles, and my grandfather’s life. As well as the life of my Grandmother’s uncle.” He looked to Moonshade a little and smiled. “Just think on that. If we did a normal invasion, my grandfather would have died most likely. Meaning my father and siblings would not be born, he would not have met my mom, and I would not have been born. She would not meet me, and a wedding in the future would not have happened.” He shook his head. “But that is an old hat for you and I, is it not?” He chuckled and sighed. “It is good to have you back, Taze.”

“Same, Vulpix.” The gryphon smiled using the old nickname. “Still, tomorrow, a whole other can of worms opens.”

Pensword nodded his head as he frowned. “Tomorrow is going to change the world and bring the respect that Thestrals need and deserve, as well as making a big impression on Luna, I believe.” He sighed and smiled as he nudged Lunar Fang away. “Come on, we need to eat. And let us use this moment for an impromptu date.” He smiled and looked to the sky. “I look forward to when Luna gets her sky back to looking like this, but then again, the Crystal Empire is busy. Look at the borealis in the sky tonight.” he looked to Taze and gave a whistle, a trait that as a human he could never master.

“First thing we do when we get stable, we’re going to take a vacation.” Grif said. “We’ve fought three wars. I think Equestria owes us some downtime.”

Pensword only smirked and it was Lunar Fang who responded. “I think they will owe us what a human calls a Honeymoon.” She smirked and nudged Pensword. “I remember you talking about that before all of this.” She said, sweeping her hoof through the air.

“Well I’m going to leave you two love birds to talk. I got some reading to catch up on.” Grif said, turning to leave.

Pensword must have surprised Grif when he only smiled. “Okay, you take care and don’t worry we will have a nice dinner and that is about it. Though I will need a best warrior for the wedding and you are one of the best I know.” Pensword hoped he had said it in a way that meant that he was just trying to be friendly after the whole almost killing a friend in a fit of rage thing a few days ago.

Grif stopped for a moment. “It would be an honor.” He said, looking back and smiling. Then turning, he headed inside.

Pensword was radiant as he set out the dishes for the impromptu picnic, laying out the simple peasant spread. Just the two of them together. They were silent for a time, then he looked to Lunar Fang. “I still prefer Vampire Bat, but this is still tasty.”

Lunar Fang just looked at him and smirked. “Needs Garlic.” She muttered.

Pensword walked into the house about half an hour after the end of his impromptu date with Lunar Fang. It was dark now and as the staff was going about lighting candles, he looked around in confusion at the rather strange atmosphere that had descended upon the inside of the house. He found a maid who was, of all things, shaking as he slowly walked up to her. When he cleared his throat he was shocked as she jumped at the noise. “Uh, what has occurred? something seems ... off at the moment.”

“L-Lord Hammer Strike has just dealt with a guest, all we know is that one moment the guest entered, he yelled, and the guest was escorted out by guards.” She responded.

Pensword stood for a moment, blinking while he processed that statement and what it could mean before sighing. Then he turned around and walked to the stairs. The silent pointing of hooves led him to the door of Hammer Strike’s office. He knocked once and opened it afterwards. He took one look, saw the embers rising from Hammer Strike’s body, and spoke. “Alright, what happened?”

Hammer Strike looked up from his letter as he sighed. “A noble visited and spoke his mind.” He responded.

“You let him anger you?” He asked. “What, did he insult us?” He could guess something was directed either at him, Grif, or both. “Because whatever it was he said I highly doubt it should anger you.”

“I would prefer not to repeat it. Let us leave it as is. He spent his whole time here insulting myself, you, Grif, and Lunar Fang. He was shortly after removed from the building.” Hammer responded.

“Let me guess, he called me a bat bird?” He saw Hammerstrike grimace and of all things, Pensword laughed. “Trust me. Coming from the Unicorns, it is an insult and made to be very ill worded. However, let me tell you what my mother said. It is a name that means that the pony does not hide his mixed heritage. For me, my gramma taught me that a Bat Bird is a pony of boldness who is strong and willing to accept their ancestry.” he smirked. “Doesn’t make the sting stop hurting, but it hurts for a lesser amount of time.”

“You may hear it as such, but I have heard it as an insult for the entirety of my time here.” Hammer Strike replied. “Always an insult.” He sighed.

“So hearing it applied to your friend, who is literally a bat bird, set you off. Trust me I had a magic test on my blood done at the Military academy in an attempt to get me expelled. I have whatever it is that shows bloodlines of the tribes.” He paused and chuckled. “Actually, I have Unicorn markers, Earth Pony Markers, Thestral Markers, and Pegasus markers. Based on colors the paper turns when blood is applied to them.” He shook his head, “When we get back I want a full blood test for my ancestry markers.” He paused as the gravity of what his friend had just said fully hit him. “How long?” Pensword asked bluntly.

“Please do not make me answer that again.” Hammer replied after a pause. “It was long enough.”

Pensword stared Hammerstrike down. “Imagine the hurt I realize I caused you when I did not recognize you, and even bowed to you as a normal citizen of Equestria would have done when I was young. Thinking back to the past I was fully ready to live and die a life here in the past, never knowing my greatness or the heritage I truly have. Yet I cannot and I shall not deny my heritage here. I know we have to stay and fight, but given the choice, I still would stay and fight. You look as you did back then. How have you remained unaged?”

“I have my ways.” He responded. “I made sure of it.”

Pensword looked deep into hammer strike’s eyes. A hurt expression crossed his own muzzle and eyes. “Why? At least tell me why you are avoiding this topic? Afraid to hurt my feelings? Have me look at you differently? I assure you after… Look, you tell me this, and I shall tell you why I was there, how I know what I did.” He paused and did not look back at his face. “Your eyes look so old. Then again, so do mine.”

Hammer Strike muttered something as he sighed.

“Please say it again or I shall mutter my answers as well from now on. Please, my ears are ringing a little.” he said, trying to make a joke. It fell flat.

“I waited and worked for thirty six years.” Hammer finally said aloud. “As for how I did not age, I had to use a golem while my body was placed in a moment in time.”

Pensword just looked at his friend before leaning forward and wrapping his hooves around Hammerstrike’s neck. “I am ... we have suffered this time around. But I can say we are together again as friends and as a full team. I think those Gryphons will not fully realize just what they will have happen to them now that we have something to put all our attention on.

“Yeah. It is nice to have you both back.” Hammer Strike replied.

“I shall be honest,” Hammer Strike said. At the moment he was seated next to Celestia in a small dining hall, though it was still large enough to hold an extra ten ponies. For now it was just the two of them. “Yesterday could have gone better.”

“I take it you had a visitor last night?” She asked. Her tone of voice light, calm, and inquisitive.

“An unpleasant one. But that was bound to happen.” Hammer Strike replied. “Promethean, once again.”

“I am sorry you had to go through with that.” She said. “His family is low on the ladder, but too old to simply remove. I will talk with his cousin and see if she can’t keep him away from you.” Celestia assured him.

“As said, it was bound to happen. Though he did not tread lightly this time.” Hammer Strike said with a sigh. “Most of the nobility here always have something to say. But enough on that. How has your day been so far?”

“Long and exhausting. I had to rise before the sun today getting things organized.” She said. “Planning both the reception and the security for the reception.” The princess sighed.

“Such things do take time. But at least you finished them.” Hammer Strike paused. “When do you expect Luna to return today?”

“By midday if everything goes well.” Celestia said. “Her trip was peaceful, but the kings were less than hospitable hosts.”

“Due to their actions in the past and currently, I would assume so.” Hammer Strike replied. “At least she is returning home safe.”

“Yes, she is at least in Equestrian borders.” Celestia nodded. “But I would say she is still in danger.”

“Always keep an eye out.” Hammer Strike said. “For you never know what lurks out of sight.” He sighed. “I have a feeling I am going to hate this meeting.” Hammer said. “But I hate most meetings so it means nothing really.”

The unicorn guard was covered casually, the cloaked figure above it moving quickly to hide the body while his companions stood watch. The Gryphons had entered the pony city in the early hours before the sun rose, moving quickly and quietly as they were trained. They kept to the shadows and back alleyways, killing anypony unfortunate enough to get in their way. The emperor had been very blunt about this contract. it was success or death if they got caught. And if they were killed they would not be acknowledged by the empire. However, if they succeeded, then Equestria’s power would be broken, making their war all the easier.

Daggers, talons, and darts were their weapons of choice. Quick, silent kills leaving nothing to reveal their presence. They were Black Tips, Gryphonia’s deadliest killers. And today they had the largest job in the planet's history. Today, they would slay an alicorn. From the large back alley they could make out the broad street by which the princess would be returning to her home, the point where she would be most open. Plans had been worked on for weeks for this one target and they would show the ponies their princesses would fall like the rest of them. The leader looked to the sharpshooter carefully. “You have the Fires of Tartarus?” He asked, referring to the poison.

“Yes, it is ready in this sealed bottle.” Another of the cloaked Gryphons replied with a verbal smirk. “Let me know when you wish to have it ready and it shall be done.”

“We have only one shot.” The gryphon reminded him. “Do not miss.” The Fires of Tartarus was a rare poison distilled from the bloodflower that grew in the depths of Tartarus itself. Many gryphons had died in the attempt to retrieve the one flower they had gotten. The poison distilled from the flower burned the being injected with it from within their own internal magic field. The larger the field, the more powerful the burn would be. It was well known that alicorns had a magic field many times larger than other living beings save for very old dragons. The gryphons were sure the poison would be able to kill the seemingly invulnerable ponies. “Do you see a good roost to make your shot from?” The gryphon asked.

He looked to a small apartment window. “I can make the shot from up there. The porch is covered. I will be well concealed. I just need it cleared of any of the ponies who are living there. Let their sleep be eternal tonight.”

The gryphon nodded signaling the others to follow him, conveniently the building had an open ground level window. it took moments for the entire party to enter the house. Before dawn’s first light everything else in the house was dead.

The meeting hall was full to bursting with grumbling and bickering nobles all seated around Celestia in terms of their actual importance. While war was now unavoidable, many of the nobles had figured the best approach was to simply try and wait it out, hauling the ponies they deemed as important into cities and towns and fortifying them until the gryphon army lost interest.

Traditionally in the such a meeting it was customary for no one to be armed. As many as fifty nobles populated the room and none of them carried anything more deadly than a quill. However, much to the chagrin of her guards, Celestia had made one exception for Hammer Strike and his two aides, who had refused to disarm vehemently.

Grif sat behind Hammer Strike’s right in full armor and weapons, looking around the room of nobles with a mixture of boredom and disgust. He clacked his talons casually against the stone floor as he waited for things to be called to order.

Hammer Strike looked bored, as usual. At the same time he was evaluating those around him, specifically the nobles who were supposed to be of high rank arguing with one another. Jokingly he thought of the fact that they might be arguing about who got a better seat.

Pensword looked at his stack of the parchment and at the other noble houses. He gulped, a little nervous. He was going to be one of the key speakers on the state of affairs at the border. He shivered, hoping Moon-, he allowed a small smile, he meant Lunar Fang, was going to meet Princess Luna. He moved a feathered wing to touch the blade at his side. He moved it away as he looked back to the stack of parchments, tuning out the arguments and causing his mind to compact it all into a small box that he could then ignore whenever he pleased. What worried him was the absence of two noble houses, one of them being the Hooves, whose barony was what had been his birth town. Taking a deep breath, he stood calmly, forcing his worry into a pit in his stomach as he waited at attention.

“SILENCE!” The royal alicorn voice echoed through the room as Celestia attempted to gain order. “Is everypony present?” Celestia asked.

Her Senscenail at her left looked at a roster. “Nay, your highness. We are missing the complete house of Hooves and the house of Red Feathers, As well as thine Sister, who shall arrive later. However, Red Feathers have been missing for a month, presumed victims of the Border crisis.” She looked to her right at the Princess. “We still have quorum of all the nobles houses to begin.”

“Send a messenger to house Hooves. On second thought, send a guard.” Celestia said. An aide left the room who was standing near the doors to relay messages at a moments notice. The other nobles waited to see what Princess Celestia would say next. Would they wait for word or would they start now?

“Now, esteemed nobles of Equestria, as you already know the gryphon empire known as Gryphonia has declared open war against Equestria.” Celestia said. “What you are not aware is that they have already breached our borders.” Celestia paused waiting for a reaction.

The chamber erupted in noise and shouts and murmuring most of it being of the effect that it was a lie that they wouldn’t dare attack before the declaration. This and many other conversation were feeding in on itself to a frenzy.

Celestia waited for a few moments before banging a hoof on the table again. Placing it over the metal plate made for that one purpose. The banging slowly quieted the room again as they looked at their Princess. She could see the looks of all the nobles. They wanted proof. Celestia looked to Pensword. “Lieutenant Pensword, if you could please give an account of what you and your squad encountered?”

Pensword stood up and saw all the heads of the nobility look his way. “Due to events that are currently classified, I learned of an event that occurred in the mountains of Hurricane Peaks where a small settlement was created fifty years ago named Mountainside Falls.” he grimaced. “We force marched there in three days from the training post under Commandant Supreme Sunrise’s command. What we found was the looted burned remains of the town. All citizens were either carried off captive or…” He gulped and steeled his nerves. “Partially eaten as prey.” He blinked back some tears and continued. “The maps captured shows a breach along every major mountain pass, valley, and river that dictates our natural boundaries. My unit combined took out seventy Gryphons.” he looked at the notes and back up at the room. “Any questions?” he asked almost on habit and paused and bowed to Princess Celestia. “If that is your wish, your majesty.”

“Amongst these maps there were other documents pointing towards something darker with the captured ponies.” Celestia paused steeling herself. “They are eating captured ponies.”

Pensword nodded. “My findings found the remains of Barons Happy Hooves and Steel Hooves in the commander’s tent’s mess table.” His verdict tipped the room from shocked silence into an utter uproar that Princess Celestia knew she could not reign in. The shock that they were eating ponies, including nobles, was causing a state of panic to almost bring about utter chaos. However, a few houses were whispered in quiet conference before a loud voice boomed.

“House Hurricane wishes to speak.” Storm Hurricane the second stood and there at his side was the freshly minited Captain of the military, Storm Hurricane the third. The voice shook the Room still as one of the founding houses spoke. He waited for the voices to reduce to a dull whisper before he spoke. “Before any nobles shall try and destroy this pony’s word, it is with the request, Princess Celestia, to adopt orphan Pensword into our house and into my blood line directly. As both barons are dead, Pensword is without a house. Therefore, I move for the adoption to allow his presence to remain.”

He glared at House Sapphire as the matriarch stood to speak. Her voice rang through the hall. “I move for his banishment from Unity. That, that pegasus is trying to rile us up. What if it was some Thestral attack on that poor town?”

Hurricane the Third thundered. “That is complete Pony Feathers! The thestrals were protecting that area. Steel Hooves’ forceful eviction allowed a net to open for those creatures to cross over.” He shuddered, a mask of horror consuming his viage. He spoke next in a hollow voice. “I was part of the cadet command who evacuated the post. Intel said they were going to attack us. We slipped out through a pass. However, we saw the remains of a caravan partially scavenged. We do not know how we got out, but by Faust’s good fortune we did. I was sent here with that information. Commandante Supreme Sunrise and troops are fortifying the frontier town of Seaddle. Hopefully we can hold them off there.”

Sapphire looked like she was about to rebuke the Hurricanes for speaking out of turn when Celestia intervened with a bang of her hoof.

“I am afraid talk of banishments and adoptions will have to wait.” Celestia said. “This is a council of war, gentleponies. We are at WAR. There are no longer any fancy labels we can put in front of it. We are to fight or be eradicated. I, for one, plan to fight.” As Celestia spoke a purple sheet slid off the table behind her before her magic encased and lifted a massive bastard sword forged out of polished steel. It reflected the sunlight powerfully into the room. Carved out of a topaz at the hilt was Celestia’s cutie mark, the sun. “I am not here to ask for your help. As is the right of my crown, I am here to demand your allegiance and your backing as we defend our country and our way of life. As of this moment your choice in this matter has been removed. Is that clear?” Celestia’s eyes glowed brightly as the air around her warped and shimmered.

Lunar Fang scanned the area carefully. If what the history books said held true, Luna’s attacker would be coming from a westward angle. The Thestral ran over the area once more. The sound of many hooves marching in unison thundered through the street. Tracing possible lines of fire, she eyed a conspicuously open window. Conspicuous because it was the only window of the building not covered in a black curtain. Her view was obscured as the royal procession began to walk past her. Fifty well armed grey unicorns, each dressed in dark blue armor and bearing a banner of the moon, marched past her. As Luna’s chariot began its approach, Lunar Fang’s eye caught the glint of sunlight shining off a tiny protrusion. In the audience, several cloaked figures stood at attention, their eyes glinting. Their stance bespoke a rigid military bearing, too still for the casual onlooker.

Two stories up Lunar Fang’s gaze locked on the glint in the mid-day light. She cursed. “A blow dart, and a rather fancy one at that.” she muttered under her breath. Her guard training kicked into gear with one thing on her mind: Protect Princess Luna. Without a second thought she snapped her wings open. Before a Unicorn could react she charged the window and the veiled assassin she knew lay hiding in the shadows . The pipe moved to face her and she ducked to the left as the dart whistled past. Moments later the veiled windows shattered as over twenty five cloaked figures charged the guards, some from the building, others from the crowd. Lunar’s face was grim. Her suspicions had proven correct. Flapping her wings, she immediately got airborne. The assassins would be too busy with the unicorns to go after her. At least she hoped.

The unicorns cried out, some in pain, others in shock as they engaged the enemy. Lunar Fang soared through the open window, dagger drawn. She immediately retracted her wings and rolled downward. She could feel the displacement of the air as the enemy’s blade passed over. Without slowing down she headbutted the assassin. She was thankful to be wearing her armor as the weight knocked the wind out of the enemy, throwing him to the ground with his wings flailing. A well placed armored shoe soon ended the would-be assassin’s life. She spun and kicked another form that lunged at her, knocking the cloaked figure back. She heard something smash before screams filled the air. She turned around as the air was suddenly rent by the sound of thunder. As she moved onto the porch she could see the remaining attackers lying dead in the street. Luna’s horn glowed a billowing blue as she snorted in rage. Up and down the road ponies who had scattered for shelter were moving out of their homes and alleys to see just what the tumult was all about. It was here that Princess Luna looked up to see Lunar Fang tossing the cloaked assassin over the banister. As the corpse fell the hood fell off, revealing the black dyed feathers on the crown of a Gryphon. She stood still even as she could see the six remaining unicorn guards aiming their glowing horns right at her. She remained calm, even as she wondered why the stories never mentioned her being threatened after her deed.

“Stand down.” Came the clear, commanding voice. It was a bit younger than Lunar Fang remembered, but most definitely Luna’s. “Cans’t thou not see this Thestral hath saved our lives?” Luna spoke, gingerly holding the dart in her magic. “Yon gryphon sharpshooter panicked when she charged. A few more centimeters and we would have been no more.” The alicorn said.

The guards all looked at their Princess. “No more? But thou cans’t not die,” one responded in utter shock; a moment that was forgivable due to the situation that just happened. Lunar Fang looked nervous and ducked back into the apartment to head down the stairs only to see the carnage left behind by the assassins. She exited into the main streets, not hearing the answer Luna had given to the guard. She stood nervously in her armor as she met the steely gaze of Luna’s guards.

“Why dids’t thou charge, child?” Luna asked.

Lunar Fang looked at the ground to show proper respect. “Thy life was in danger. Equestria has need of a leader more than it would the outcasts of the shadows.” She did not say that it was because she knew she would win. “If the rumors the lord that has hired me has let slip are correct, then my life would not be important in the coming battles. Thy life, however, is. Chaos would befall the kingdom with your death. I could not allow that to happen.”

“But thy kind are treated so poorly. Surely the life or death of a pony such as myself is not the business of a Thestral.” Luna said.

“It is if I believe the words of Lord Hammer Strike that the coming war is against every one of us four legged beings.” She shot back in shock at the words of Princess Luna. “It won’t matter if my wings had feathers or the leather of the bat. I shall be hunted along with the Pegasi by those invading from the land from whence thou hast only just returned. If my death saves your life at this point, so be it.”

“What is thy name, child?” Luna asked.

She blinked and looked at the hooves of the younger of the two Princesses. “My name is Lunar Fang, Princess of Equestria.” Lunar Fang said, her eyes still averted.

“Raise thy head and attend to me, Lunar Fang. Thou shalt accompany us.” The princess declared.

Lunar Fang jerked her head up. The guards stood stock still. She only nodded her head and bowed in acknowledgment before stepping to the princess’ side. She blinked as she realized that she was stepping into a role of history.

“Perhaps it is time we talked with our sister about your tribe. We believe it is time we give them a stronger role within Equestria.” Luna smiled as they started for the castle.

Lunar Fang looked forward. “Then one of the Princesses shall have to give restitution for the grievances of the actions against our tribes in the past.” Lunar Fang replied, flat toned.

“As would be expected for a unicorn, pegasus, or earth pony. We are curious how your tribe was left out of Unity.” Luna said

“Because we were the first settlers and while most tried to include us, others saw us as a means to unite over and drive from their colonies. Pushed further and further into the outlands and away from civilization, I think part of it was because of our fangs and our ability to both graze and hunt.”

“If it is not too much to ask, how dost thou govern thineselves?” Luna asked

“The thestrals are governed by the council of chiefs for each of our separate tribal societies.” Lunar Fang said. “Major decisions must be agreed upon by a vote. A tie is broken by the grand chief, when there is one.” Lunar Fang noted. “But there has not been one for a long time.”

“Why? Would thou not simply choose one?” Luna asked

“The title can only be claimed by one who can both kill and skin an ursa major, my princess. Such a feat is nigh impossible. The hide is difficult to properly skin.” Lunar Fang explained. “Only one who accomplishes this task may claim the throne of high chief.”

“Interesting.” Luna nodded. “Tell us more of this Ursa Major.”

“Princess if we are to get a foothold in this war we need to slow their advance.” Grif spoke as calmly as he could, noting the icy glares of the nobles. “Your best strategy is to take Fort Triumph.” Grif pointed on the map. Fort Triumph was a fort guarding a narrow pass by the border, this pass was notably the easiest way to and from Gryphonia. “If you take this fort you cut them in twain, send a force to head off the oncoming and send another force to eradicate those within the border. You could never stop them at full power, but this way you stand a chance.”

Princess Celestia shook her head. “We have tried several times to take that fort during the last gryphon war. It is too well defended. The gryphons can keep bringing new troops against us and we do not have the ability to keep throwing ponies at them…..”

Further conversation was cut off as the door opened suddenly and a unicorn ran into the room. “Princess Luna has been attacked!” he cried.

“We shall discuss this later. For now this war council is in recess. Does anypony have a problem with that?” Celestia’s face was placid, but her eyes sparked with an inner fire. No pony was bold enough to object. “Good. Take me to her.” Celestia ordered the guard as the two barreled from the room. Grif took to the air and followed after them.

Pensword paused, looking at the maps. He stood there, studying them, moving a wing along paths, making circles or jabs at the papers. However, he knew he was missing key elements. He looked up and across the table seeing a sight only he could see. His mother smiled and opened her wings as if to say ‘what about us?’ Pensword smiled and turned to one of the guards. “I request an audience with Grif and the Princesses. I have an idea that might just work.”

The guards were about to protest when Hurricane the Third walked up. “Do you think you can?” he asked Pensword. He nodded grimly. Hurricane turned to address the guard directly. “Well, you heard the pegasus. Lead us to the room. Or do you want me to report back to my father that you are hindering the much needed planning of Equestria’s defenses.” Pensword smiled as the guard moved and started to lead them through the halls. His friend, Hurricane, leaned in and whispered. ‘If my father gets his way you will have the weight of the house Hurricane behind your words. Others will learn what I know. When you say you will do something, you succeed. Remember the fort capture?” he asked with a chuckle.

“Sister.” Celestia moved forward to nuzzle Luna. “We were so worried.” Celestia spoke.

“Tis nothing, sister. We are fine.” Luna responded looking down to the thestral beside her. “This one proved instrumental in saving us.”

Lunar Fang, seeing that Celestia was looking at her, only bowed her head as required of the subjects of Equestria at the time. “Tis but what I am sure any of those in thy Kingdom would have done if they had seen what I saw.”

“You still have our gratitude.” Celestia said. “Rise, Thestral.” Lunar Fang did as she was bidden and rose to all four hooves, looking forward, not daring to raise her head to look at Celestia’s face. It was a custom of the past. She knew if this was modern Equestria she could, but not here. Not now at least. She remained silent while Celestia spoke, maintaining a composure of calm and respect.

“It has occurred to us, sister, that we have overlooked the Thestrals in Equestria.” Luna spoke. “I believe, if war is unavoidable, that it is something we must remedy.”

“The Thestrals govern themselves, sister. I do not see how we can do anything when their leaders will not even speak with us.” Celestia noted.

“Well, have you tried?” Grif’s voice cut in, approaching from behind.

Lunar Fang stiffened in shock and fear and looked ready to attack at the sudden interruption. These were not the Celestia and Luna of a thousand years hence, they were different, she thought, and so merited caution. If they moved to hurt Grif, she would interfere. For now though, she would have to wait and see what would happen. So she stood at attention, carefully gaging the mood of the room. A small part of her wondered if Celestia was going to let this pass due to Hammer Strike employing Grif.

Celestia gave an irritated sigh. Before she spoke she took a deep breath. “I will let that go because you are a close friend of Lord Hammer Strike, but watch your tone next time, gryphon.”

“The question still stands.” Grif said. “Have you ever gone to them? This isn’t like King Bullion handing you the power over the unicorns. These are leaders who have lead their kind for as long as they know by a strict code of tradition. Maybe Equestria should go to them.” Grif suggested.

“Even so, the Thestrals have kept their meeting place from me no matter what I have tried. Who would show a princess of Equestria where the Thestrals gather?” Celestia asked.

Lunar Fang shuffled but did not speak out of turn. She knew where the old meeting grounds were, yet she was not yet able to take them. She blinked as Pensword walked into the small antichamber with Hurricane the Third and a few guards. Almost the moment. Pensword snapped to a rigid stance and stared at the other wall as one of the guards spoke.

“Captain Hopeful Pensword has an … idea on how to achieve the impossible with Fort Triumph, your majesties. Do you wish him to speak or shall he hold his peace?” Lunar Fang realized that the Pony speaking was the Captain of the entire Royal Guard, or rather as war was declared, a General now in rank.

“Let us go to the throne room and then he will speak. Tell the lords to disperse for now until we summon them. And bring Lords Strike and Hurricane to me.” Celestia spoke.

The Captain gave a salute and turned to the guard next to him. “Go retrieve Lords Strike and Hurricane. I shall lead Captain hopeful Pensword and Captain Hurricane to the throne room.” The other guard gave a salute to the Captain and turned to fulfill his orders. The Captain then turned back to the Princesses. “The orders have been given. I await your orders to move to the Throne Room.”

“Proceed.” Celestia nodded.

The Captain of the Guard saluted and lead the group of ponies consisting of Celestia, Luna, The Captain of the Guard, Storming Hurricane the Third, Lunar Fang, two more guards, Pensword, Grif, and right before the doors Lords Hammer Strike and Hurricane. Celestia opened the doors and entered. Once they were all inside she slammed the doors, the locks audibly clicking into place as her horn glowed.

Celestia and Luna took their places at their thrones before looking down. “Speak Pensword.”

“Your Majesties, what I propose is simple: a siege from the forestlands. We dig in, blend in, and tunnel. However, to make it succeed I request that I be allowed to journey to the Thestral councils. I can navigate their meetings if they are like those of my Grandmother’s Tribe. I plan on subjecting the Gryphons with Nightmares for three weeks and attacking on the night of the end of that week. During that time we shall raid smaller camps, forts, outposts and caravans. Our hit and run tactics will draw supplies and energy away from the threatened cities and gives those you wish to command the fronts time to prepare and build up.” Princess Luna’s ear twitched. She noticed that his voice was laced with a little more emotion than one might consider wise. Being the Princess of the Night, she had a gut feeling that this was not just for the good of Equestria that Pensword had asked this of them.

“And you are certain this plan would work?” Celestia asked.

Pensword looked at the tapatries behind the thrones with a glare. “It will either succeed or I shall join my town in the Glades trying to disrupt this invasion. You only need worry about supplies and weapons. I have my men already picked out for the core… We fought the Gryphons at Mountainside Falls.”

“And you know where the thestrals meet?” Celestia asked.

Pensword paused for a time, then sadly shook his head. “I do not. I do know they will be meeting as called by my grandmother due to what happened in the borders. They will call a war council and that means if you wish to even have a voice the most adapt warrior should be sent to represent the nation of Equestria. Do not expect open wings. They will be tested.”

Celestia looked to Lunar Fang “What say you, Thestral?”

Lunar Fang looked forward, “What he says is true. The Warrior you send will be asked to complete tasks or a single task to compensate for how we have been driven from the caves of our homes. However, I may be able to help if I am to accompany the warrior to the meeting grounds to help guide them through any sticky moments. Pensword does not count. In the eyes of Thestrals he is as much a Thestral as he is a citizen of your realm. He cannot be your warrior. Though his words may help in allowing entrance.”

“If the princess of the sun cannot enter, perhaps they would allow the moon to attend this meeting?” Luna asked.

“The moon watches, and remains aloft of those that hunt by her light. If anything it will bring us to judge the Princess of the Moon fully. With two Thestrals saying thou art worthy to enter the halls and meet, they should allow thee passage. However, thou art also the warrior of Equestria. So it shall be thee who shall be tasked to atone for the actions of Equestria.” Lunar Fang responded.

Luna turned to Celestia. “Sister I will go to meet the thestrals. Perhaps they will be more willing to speak with me.” The lunar princess said rising to her feet. “Will I need anything?”

“Thou wilt be coming as a warrior. Wear your best armor and weapon to the meeting. Also if a warrior bares a weapon to thee, return the favor and bare thy weapon as well.” Lunar Fang replied as she looked to Pensword. The two locked gazes as she spoke. “Princess Luna shall have audience first. Then Pensword shall meet alone. That is how the meeting will go.”

Luna nodded. “Very well. I will retrieve my mace.” Luna said. “Meet me at the gate within the next two hours.” Luna said before heading out of the room.

“Very well” Celestia spoke. “Should you secure the help you seek I will allow you this siege, Pensword, provided House Hurricane will accompany you.”

The two Hurricanes looked at each other before looking at Celestia. “That will be acceptable. However, may we speak with thee on a matter in private?”

“In a moment.” Celestia said looking to Grif. “I would also like you to be present at this battle, Grif.” Celestia said.

“If I can help then I will be there, princess.” The gryphon nodded.

“Very well I will let you leave to get ready. I believe Lord Hurricane wanted to speak with me, and I would appreciate it if you would stay Lord Hammer Strike.”

Hammer Strike shrugged. “What am I to do then?”

“I am afraid your army is the only army fully prepared at the moment. I will need you to advise me on briefings and any extra training necessary for troops.” Celestia said.

“I guess I shall see to that then.” Hammer Strike said, shrugging.

Pensword blinked as he stood on the northwest corner of the parapet. He allowed the wind to blow across his muzzle to dry the tears he had allowed himself to cry as he remembered not just his Pony family, but his Earth family as well. He looked to his left and saw his father. It was here that he realized he had seen the two already before his time adventure. They were the images only he could see when the Black Tips had attacked. “I bet you liked what you saw, mom.” he muttered as he felt her presence on his right.

“My dear, dear son. I am proud of you no matter the form you take, even if it is that human form you miss so much.” She chuckled and it sent a trail of ice water down his heart and spine. “You know why you see us, do you not?”

“The open heart surgeries and accepting of my heritage as part Thestral?” he asked, but felt that there was more to it. “Also living all those deaths that night. I became able to see to help me not to go mad with rage and grief.” He muttered as his ears picked up another sound. “I am so happy she is Lunar Fang, she is going to do awesome in this war.” He whispered as he felt his parents vanish from his side. Another stepped up next to him to look out over the land. Three guards were present on the rampart with them. Thankfully, they were far enough away not to have heard his conversation with his parents. “Hello Lunar Fang.” He blinked and looked to his side before gazing back out. “This is a sight that I am coming to terms with. Beyond that wonderful horizon lies an enemy that is worse than any nation from Earth. And in a thousand years this land will be covered in thick, untamed forest that runs off its own magic. I am also trying to remain positive over the fact that they killed my family.” He took a sharp breath. “I am just happy you are here.”

“You can’t escape me that easily, human.” She said the last part in draconic. “How are you faring?”

“Not well. It is … hard to know that i shall not see my family in this life again.” He narrowed his eyes. “I already have resolved that my orders will stand. I shall take no prisoners. They showed no mercy to my family, to my home. My mother even warned them that based on their actions that one would come that would treat them how they were treated that day.” He paused and frowned. “Can you still love a soldier who does that? Can, can you still be friends with what I shall have to do to keep this nation safe?”

“I will love you no matter what. If you come back soaked in blood then I will be the one to bathe it off of you.”

Pensword turned and embraced her suddenly as he whispered the next words twice, once in Dragonic, “Thank you from Matthew.” Then he repeated it in Equestrian. “Thank you from Pensword.” he whispered, his voice cracking a little.

She hugged him back. “Together forever. Remember that.” She whispered to him.

Pensword only smiled and nuzzled the side of her muzzle as he drew away. “Of course. I look forward to forever with thee.” He pulled back and looked to the horizon once again. “The Gryphons shall not know what is about to befall them. I shall humiliate them at every single turn.”

“You will make them suffer for what they have done.” She nodded. “And show them that our people are worthy of being a part of Equestria.”

“You know what is funny?” he asked with a smirk. “I know this is the past, so I have the confidence that this will happen, that we shall succeed. And now, all we need to do is help reintegrate them when we get home.” He muttered as his ears twitched a little. “It seems a pony is trying to find us. Shall we turn and meet our visitor?” He asked as he turned to go.

“I’ll follow you.”

From one of the passageways, flanked by two armed guards, Princess Luna walked onto the rampart and looked at the two ponies. A strange smile formed on her lips as she walked forward, still wearing the same smile as she stood before them. “We do not wish to break up the budding of romance. Yet we have need of thee. And if a grandson of a Thestral wishes to as well, we must prepare for the coming trip to this council. We hereby request we meet to further plan this avenue of attack against the Gryphons.”

“Hold on a moment. You want me to prepare, how much armor and weapons?” Hammer Strike questioned Celestia.

“Enough for the guard at the very least.” Celestia answered. “I can provide steel and apprentices but I need you working on them.”

“Even then, I do not know how long it will take to do this.” Hammer Strike said, humming lightly to himself as he thought.

“We can not leave the city without a proper guard and the armories have been emptied as it is.” Celestia said. “With Luna away there is no other smith I know who could turn things we need so efficiently.”

“I shall see what I can accomplish there.” He replied.

“Anything you can do.” Celestia said. “Please.”

“When do I head out for Whinniesberg?” Hammer Strike asked.

The trip had been long and hard, the three ponies had been mostly quiet on their trek. Princess Luna had changed her form to that of a regular unicorn in the hopes of remaining unnoticed. An ancient mace hung by a leather strap at her side. The head resembled the surface of the moon with craters covering it’s head. A simple blue metal breastplate adorned her torso. “Is it much farther?” She asked as they walked onward. Pensword looked to Luna for a moment as he was pulling a cart with their supplies and weapons. A canvas cover was tied down to keep the contents from shaking out, as well as to pass through unmolested.

“I do not know. This is the first time I have been to this location. I know the signs of where to go, but not how far it is. However, I do recall that there is a small farming community near the meeting grounds where we can stay.” He paused. “I am not the first bat bird as thine subjects call me. The farm is mostly made of of those who were driven from their homes, or found in the wild. I am one of the few to have been raised in both Equestrian and Thestral Society.”

Luna nodded. “I have heard stories about them, but we were so caught up in other matters we never thought to look into how these ponies were treated.”

Pensword knew that Lunar Fang was more focused on the road and leading them to their destination than she was on the topic of mistreatment of mixed breeds. “I will say this, Lunamoon.” he found it interesting that Luna picked that for her unicorn name. “You shall learn with thine own eyes what they have built for themselves.” He paused and looked to the sky. “I have a gut feeling we are being watched.”

Luna grabbed her mace with her horn raising it carefully. But set it back in it’s place as a fox scurried by them. “Twas just a fox.” she noted “Nothing dangerous.”

Pensword only breathed out. “That is good. I am a little jumpy. We are heading to a place that if a wrong hoof happens, I could be ostracized by the Thestrals.” He shook his head. “However it is thee I am worried about Lunamoon. Follow Lunar Fang’s words to the letter.” He paused as they came out of the forested path and they blinked at the thatched roof with stone buildings. A very medieval village lay nestled in the valley below them. “Well, there it is. I recall them calling it Feather Village.” Pensword already could see both a blacksmith and what appeared to be a gathering open air building.

“It is quite a scenic little settlement.” Luna noted looking down.

“Tomorrow we will likely reach the meeting grounds.” Lunar Fang noted.

Pensword looked to the sky. “I am guessing we are going to stay the night at the village and continue tomorrow?” he asked Lunar Fang as they walked down the path to the village. The path, he could see, lead past some farms and a hay field. He noticed a thatched building that looked like a barn of sorts as they continued to trot forward.

“The villagers are friendly enough as long as you do not object to sleeping in a barn.” She said

“I do not mind. It will be a roof over my head and it will be nice to have a bed to sleep in, even it is straw for tonight.” Pensword muttered cheerfully, his mouth twitching a little. “I might even help in the fields, earn a little bit of staying here instead of out of charity.”

“It will do for the night,” luna said.

“That is good to hear.” They continued on the road till they reached the first farm and they saw an Earth Pony with the color of a dark Thestral coat and a mane and tail of pale gold. He was working with a pitchfork and paused to look up at the small group. He moved a little and they could tell that he was already being defensive. “Yes?” he asked.

“Excuse me, sir, but we’re heading to the meeting grounds.” Lunar Fang explained. “I am Lunar Fang, this is Pensword and that is Lunamoon. Is there by chance a place we could spend the night? We will work for our bed if need be.”

The Earth Pony paused and looked at the three before moving his head to the thatched barn structure behind him. “The Mares could help in the kitchen. You, stallion, I think can help in the field. There is a Pitchfork by the barn. Dinner will be at sundown.” he had relaxed and Pensword felt it might be that he thought they were being brought to the village as newcomers..

“Thank you for your kindness.” Lunar Fang responded as she signaled Luna to follow her into the house. Luna inclined her head in gratitude and followed Lunar Fang. Pensword moved to the barn, found the said Pitchfork and picked it up with his hooves. During that time The Earth Pony had helped to unhitch the wagon Pensword was pulling and was pulled it into the barn. Afterwards he pointed to a pile of weeds and a cart. “Mulch.” He muttered to himself. Pensword had just pushed the pitchfork into the pile when he heard a sound from the sky and a roar. He looked to the sky in awe and wonderment at the noise he was hearing.

The shadow passed over him first before he looked up to see bright orange scales shimmering above them as a large dragon flew overhead. The beast roared loudly, its head pointed upwards with the points of his four large horns pointed down at them.

Pensword paused. Looked to the dragon a few more minutes as it flew to the center of town. Down to his hooves, and the tool in his hooves. He sighed and looked back up. “Of course. Why not right now?” he asked the thin air before he started to gallop with the pitchfork.

“HEY!” the Earth Pony yelled as he came out, seeing Pensword running away from his chore with his farm tool and then he heard the roar again and he blinked and spun around. “Are you mad? You can’t battle a dragon with that!” he shouted but Pensword was not listening. He was racing and even starting to flap his wings to take to the air to catch the orange dragon. He had a momentary thought that if that dragon had a flame on its tail, it would look like a strange horned Charizard.

The dragon growled at him. “So they sent me a live sacrifice this time.” He said in a dark tone. The Dragon had turned around and was smiling. Crude, Pensword thought to himself. The Dragon knew he was coming.

“No, I am here to beat you. I saw your flight path and a dragon and a city and your tone has confirmed you are here for something that would cause grief and pain to all living here. It shall not stand.” His wings made a crack of air as they snapped from his burst of anger with the word stand. “Another village being destroyed for greed or hunger.” He gripped the pitchfork and glared at the dragon. He was hovering now but he hoped to be quick if he needed to be.

The dragon growled and turned his head as he snapped at him with it’s massive jaws. Pensword saw the attack coming and was about to dodge before an odd idea came to his mind. It was reckless, but it just might work. He held the pitchfork and let the jaws clamp down around him. However at the exact moment that he knew he would carry through he raised the pitchfork and hoped the prongs would hit the roof of the dragon’s mouth. He knew he could not hit the scales, so he went for what thought would be the only weak spot the dragon could have. He hoped that his taking the fort in the future meant he survived this plan. Pensword thought that he heard Lunar Fang screaming right before all sound seemed cut off.

The dragon’s mouth stopped it’s decent as the prongs began to sink into the roof. Pensword sat there on the tongue of the large serpent and he felt the trickle of blood dripping down on him. Neither one moved.

The two remained in a standoff. The dragon was careful not even to land lest the tongs go further. Pensword did not want to appear weak but he knew that if he did not do something soon, the dragon might come up with a plan to kill him before he could kill it. He paused as he calmly realized the dragon could breath fire or something. But why hadn’t it done so yet? Could it be that it would it be hurting itself if it did that? Pensword took a deep breath. “We are going nowhere. You kill me, I kill you. Neither of us wants to die today. How about I move the pitchfork down a little, let you land … and we talk out a truce?” He paused. “If you agree, stick your tongue out of your mouth.”

After a few minutes the dragons tongue slid out of it’s mouth. Pensword slowly lowered the pitchfork but the dragon knew any moves and it would be a struck through the throat. Pensword slowly breathed in and out to keep himself calm.

There was a loud thump as the dragon landed carefully on the ground. Leaning down, he opened his mouth. Pensword gulped and using the pitchfork to defend himself, he stepped onto the solid ground. He glared at the dragon. He did not realize he was covered in Dragon Blood.

The dragon rose it’s head glaring hard at the pony. He said nothing, just waited. Pensword looked the dragon in the eyes. “Why did you attack this town?” He held the pitchfork which was soaked in its blood. What surprised the dragon was this pony was speaking fluent Dragonic. An accent was audible but it was fully dragonic.

“I came for my tribute for living on my territory.” The dragon scoffed as he stared down at the pony standing before him.

Pensword narrowed his eyes. “Did the village know you were coming?” the pony responded once more in Dragonic. “Your path showed you were planning a big scare. And what constitutes your tribute?” Pensword was suddenly a little worried he messed something up. Was this the wrong dragon? he wondered.

“I chased out the feathered ones. I keep the feathered ones away. This is how things have been for centuries.” he snarled.

Pensword heard the sounds of the hooves behind him. “What say the villagers? How do they see thee?” he asked in Equestrian. “I am covered in your blood, I have a right to know the truth of this accord.” he finished in Dragonic.

“What are we supposed to do?” A stallion form the gathering crowd shouted. “It is a dragon!”

Pensword’s wings twitched. “Find out why he is coming to the village all the time?” Pensword’s words were deadpanned. He looked to the Dragon. “What is your tribute?” his voice taking a serious turn. “As for the feathered ones, are they quadruped but beaks instead of muzzles for mouths?”

“Yes, the feathered ones from across the sea. I could not fight them and hunt enough to eat. They provided me with meat or jewels and I kept the feathered ones away.” he responded.

Pensword looked at the Dragon. “What type of meat?” He asked, his tone suddenly flat. “Before you answer, the feathered ones attacked and devoured my entire village to where only I remain of those kin. Choose your words carefully or I shall plunge this very tool into your own two eyes.” He shook the pitchfork as blood spattered the ground, his voice still echoing in Dragonic. “They are coming to all the lands to see all those they see as prey eaten or reduced to stockpiles. That means no more tribute. And hard times are coming to all these lands.” He growled and shook the pitchfork. “So answer my questions.”

“These are kin to the night stalkers, are they not? I take whatever they offer.” The dragon responded. “Whatever they have.”

“What of their well being afterwards?” Pensword’s expression was hidden by his standoff with the dragon. He would not betray emotion to the creature. “What do they have to live on? We all need meat as well as hay. Unity and other traders demand higher prices here than elsewhere. You ask for what they have? What do you leave them so they can survive in the future?”

“I follow the contract.” he roared in Equestrian.

“What contract?” Another villager asked in confusion and shock as the scene had started to draw a crowd.

“They know not of this contract. Did you tell the rising generations why you came? Or did you expect it to be given every time you came?” Pensword spoke low in Dragonic as he continued to meet its gaze.

“It was expected that their ancestors would explain it to them” the dragon said.

“As with some things, a plague hits, or a death happens by accident. The second Gryphon War happened before Discord. You thought that Discord might have done something to make this? Chaotic mess is his motif and he loved to see ponies suffer under chaos that they could not control.” Pensword replied. “Expectations always lead to failure in the future.” He looked at the Dragon. “I feel a negotiation is in order to bring to terms a new contract. Is that not in my right at this moment?”

“It is your right.” The dragon admitted, grumbling.

“Then,” Pensword sat down with a slight smile. “I think as you are the protector, a tenth of the proceeds bartered would go to you. That includes coin from the merchants who set up shop. A dragon is allowed under this contract to look for those merchants that do not pay their tenth to be allowed to barter here. Trust me, instead of taking all they have each year, let it be a tenth. It may be small now, but give them means of growing what they have left and you will find your tithes growing steadily larger than they are now. That takes time. Time which you have plenty of, dragon.”

His face darkened making him all the more intimidating, the blood making him look all the more gruesome. “However, as the Gryphons will now be attacking, they shall come to this land in armies great and small. It Is here that I ask you to lend your wings to this war in helping. We plan on attacking a fortress. I would like your help in keeping reinforcements at bay. Your reward? All loot from those reinforcements and a tenth of the Gryphon treasures in the fortress. Anything Pony is off limits.” His face sneered. “To make it in terms you would understand, I lost my horde to them and I plan on taking it back.”

The dragon contemplated his offer for a while before finally nodding his head. “Very well, but I will require a healer.” He said.

Pensword nodded. “Of course.” he turned around and spoke in Equestrian. “Get me a healer for the dragon. And a scribe to record the new contract so it shall be posted on the doors of the town meeting places. This time, the contract will not be forgotten.” he turned to the dragon.

“The ponies are my horde, I lost my family and kin to the gryphons and I fight for all the lives I can save. I rashly attacked, yet it seems we both have gained from this encounter.” he was still harsh and looked at the dragon. “I also know that any dragon that meets me from now on shall know I spilt dragon blood, yet you live to see this day end. May we have a few stories to share and horde by years end.”

The dragon responded with a nod and a roar. “Send up a flare when you have need of me and I will come.” he said before walking towards the village.

Pensword heard Lunar Fang walk up beside him. “Well…. I got a dragon to join Equestria’s war.” he muttered. He blinked a little. “I need a bath.” he deadpanned. He looked to the Farmer. “Ten bits for the pitchfork. I think I would like to keep it.”

Grif marched with Captain Hurricane with his hood on. He had been receiving glares from the hurricane army ever since they set out and so far Hurricane himself seemed to be only passively aggressive towards him. “So...” The gryphon spoke trying to break the silence. “How come you haven’t just drowned out this base? Gryphons have a harder time flying in the rain then pegasi after all.”

Captain Hurricane the Second just looked sideways and decided to be honest. “Because the nobles leading the unicorn forces would have a fit if they had to fight in the rain and storms we wanted to bring. Another problem is their ability to flank the weather front and attack from above. If we could find a way to keep reinforcements from arriving, as well as keeping desperate Gryphons from attacking the storm clouds directly, it can work. At the moment it has not been feasible. If your friend does pull through, I will push to adopt him into the Hurricane clan as no Pony should be without a hearth to call home after the war.”

“Have you thought of shielding the cloud with unicorns and making it so massive and soaked that by the time the gryphons can organize to meet the downfall their feathers will be too wet to make the ascension?” The gryphon asked. “You have the advantage of magic and surprise here.”

“Noble infighting,” Hurricane muttered. “Besides the fortress was built during peace times and that large scale of an attack would have brought war and poor support from the population. we doubt that any noble could fund an army as well as appease an angry peasantry. We were also rebuilding from Discord’s ruin.”

“That was then.” Grif said. “If this leads to an air battle you know pony blood will be pooling at your hooves.” Grif said. “Hammer Strike’s army are all seasoned mercenaries, by all rights more skilled at single combat than most and they were not prepared.”

“That is why I asked you to come with me. I want you to leave training and help drill some of the cadre. We have little time and Pensword is trying a daring move that, if nothing else, will be a morale boost to the others. As well as buy us time to train.” He closed his eyes. “We do not plan to have an air battle. If Pensword comes back a successful diplomat, I shall personally pull all my pegasus connections to create that storm front. We shall drown them by the tears of heaven over the lost souls they consumed.” He paused and smiled a little. “It is usually my wife who comes up with the poetic imagery.”

“Then start now.” Grif said. “One squad collecting and melding storm clouds every day while we wait. A battle is won by those who are prepared.”

Hurricane smirked cryptically. “Tell me, do you see any Pegasus in your travels of my camp?” he asked and Grif slowly realized that he had not seen any for some time now.

“It seems I misjudged you.” Grif chuckled. “You are only half as green as I thought.”

“Which I hope shall vanish each passing day. I only wish I had Commander Hurricane’s tactical mind. I pray Faust protect our foolish endeavors and give us the chance at victory.”

“I would rather be a lucky fool than a dead mastermind any day.” Grif smiled. “I want your men maintaining their weapons and armor twice a day. You have engineers?”

Hurricane paused and let Grif enter his tent before entering after him. “That is already occurring. Ever since the letter arrived I moved from once daily to morning and night.” he paused and looked to Grif. “Why do you need engineers? I have them, but what do you have in mind?”

“How far can your best archer fire a shot?” Grif asked.

“Three hundred seventy trots.” Hurricane replied. “The archers in my military have the best range. However Gryphons, I heard, can shoot farther.”

In answer, Grif removed the black bow from his back and triggered the mechanism causing the bow to snap to it’s full size. “This is a gryphon bow. It is longer and has more draw weight then the highest powered pony bow, inscribed with runes to prevent unicorn magic from touching it. Too strong for a wing to draw, too awkward for a hoof to fire.” Grif explained setting it in front of the pegasus. “With this I can lop the head straight off of three of your archers before I am within even your farthest range. There are likely over a hundred of these on the walls. Every gryphon in that fort has been trained to fire one with decent accuracy. our siege is not going to last long if they can pick us off without getting close.” He noted before retrieving a scroll from his pack. “My Lord Hammer Strike has donated these schematics for what he’s called the Ballista crossbow. With these we can fire large pike sized bolts at their walls from safety.”

Hurricane smiled as he looked over the schematics. “I say that they shall start work on it right away. I hope to have at least three finished by the time word arrives on the status on this trip into Thestral lands.”

“Have you addressed your men about how they will respond to the thestrals?” Grif asked “they have been somewhat less than hospitable in my direction and while this is understandable, thestrals are less ... patient then I am.”

“I have addressed them. Also I await more detailed papers on their customs to see what I can do to help.” Hurricane smirked. “I did say that anypony who disrespects them will face Pensword’s judgement. And there are rumors that he took out five gryphons on his own during the recapture of his home village.”

“All myths are born of truth.” Grif smiled. “And I saw the bodies myself.”

Captain Hurricane grinned back. “I take it that there were more?” His tone indicated that he was not surprised. “I saw the fire and the pain in his eyes. He will achieve his goals. One way, or another.”

“And I will do everything in my power to help him.” Grif nodded.

Hurricane looked at a map. “So shall I. He changed my son to something better, and he wishes Equestria’s safety above his own. I shall be there as well.”

“So we have a rare opportunity presented to us right here.” Grif smiled “You are going to need some ordinary steel armor in my size, and some shackles.”

“What is your plan? Because that can be arranged. Sadly, the shackles more happily than the armor. Still, It will be granted. What do you have in mind?”

“As of yet the Gryphonians have no clue who Grif, son of Graf is. They could not tell me from another gryphon. Perhaps a captured soldier from a raiding party? Something to be used as a bargaining chip maybe?” Grif smiled.

“They will not know you are working for us.” Hurricane brightened considerably, his smile growing shrewd. “They shall never know what hit them.” He guessed. “It shall be as a discord storm.”

“I can get inside and you can demand anypony possibly alive in exchange. I can gather intel, mark weaknesses, even find a door or two to leave open.”

“Very well,” Hurricane muttered. “We shall work forward from this point.”

Out on a small hill in the early evening, Hammer Strike found himself lost in thought on what was to come. Celestia had entrusted him with this objective, though he found himself questioning his ability to do so. Making equipment is one thing. But enough for two cities? With their short amount of time he was granted some apprentices to help him work, but he had no idea of their skill level, and no idea how quickly they could work. He needed to think of a simple and effective design for the armor. Whilst it seemed like an easy idea, he couldn’t think on it much given he had no idea how much materials would be available.

The sound of the grating of wheels filled the forge as ponies began to enter with large carts of various ores. One pony approached him quickly, a small mare with a blotched coat of grey and copper coloured fur. Her mane and tail where a steel grey. “Lord Hammer Strike, Princess Celestia has made the forges ready.”

Coming out of his thoughts he turned towards the mare. “Ah, already finished?” He asked as he looked around for a moment. “I shall be there shortly. Just lost in thought at the moment.”

“May I ask about what?”

“How we are to accomplish this goal of ours, combined with trying to think of a design that would work for the benefit of speed, but still be made well.” He responded.

“Would it not work to have the armor made of individual parts a single pony or a team of two could craft and have everypony make a single part?” She asked.

“I have to evaluate the speed each of you are able to do certain parts before I can get that under way.” He responded. “I have not been told the skill each of you possess. Whilst I would like to think you are all skilled, I must be prepared should something not be accomplishable.” Hammer Strike responded.

“Forgive my boldness but would it not be the best way to find out be out with us?” She asked.

“I believe so, though it may be odd.” He said. “I have not worked with others for quite some time. Most of my projects I have done by myself.”

The trek from the town started early the next morning. The villagers had been grateful for Pensword’s actions, but were at the same time glad to see the trio off. The last thing they needed now was more action in such a quiet place. Over the next day they trekked through the foothills of the mountains. Just when Pensword and Luna were beginning to think Lunar Fang was lost, the thestral called a halt near a cliffside. “We will need to camp here till dusk.” She said.

Pensword only nodded his head and started to unpack some of the equipment they had for tents and rolls if they wanted to rest before dusk. He did not set up a fire, but he kept an ear tilted for any noises around them. He was still mulling over the events with the dragon in his head.

“Why have we stopped?” Luna questioned staring at the rock face, “It is just a solid wall of stone.”

“The sacred meeting grounds can only be opened when the moonlight touches the stone face. Thestrals are primarily nocturnal after all.” Lunar Fang reminded the princess.

Pensword only smirked and looked to the sky. “Rest now. Tonight will be an all nighter.” he muttered as he lay down on the mat and closed his eyes, slowing his breathing. “Enjoy the cool forest.”

The hours ticked by slowly and Luna eyed the area, somewhat worried at being so exposed. Finally, time came and the moon made it’s nightly call to Luna to be moved into place. As the lunar princess brought the moon up and the sun set the first rays of silvery light fell upon the door. As it did, much to Luna’s shock, the stone crumbled away, revealing a large entry hole into the mountain itself.

“Come on.” Lunar Fang said. “We must enter. Leave the tents. They will be fine where they are.” And with that she trotted inside.

Pensword quickly followed suit and Luna could only smile as she saw the love and care the two had from one another. She would have to craft a special night for them sometime. She was the last to enter the newly revealed cave as the pair followed Lunar Fang into the mountain. Pensword muttered something in Dragonic. “Into the hall of the mountain king.”

Behind the two of them the light of the moon passed beyond the door and the entrance vanished leaving only a thick wall of stone again. Luna lit her horn only for Lunar Fang to shake her head, causing her to put it out. “Just follow me. I can see well enough.” she said.

Princess Luna scowled a little but she complied and followed based on the hoof-falls of the road ahead; at least till her eyesight began to see shapes and she thanked her mother that she was an alicorn. She liked being able to see in dark places as if she was born to rule from the shadows. She shook the thought away from her head as she maintained her focus.

Pensword trusted his senses and while he was still part pegasus, he could feel something in the air that reminded him of his gramma’s tribe and camping for parts of the year around Mountainside Falls. He blinked hard and focused on Lunar Fang’s hoof steps.

They entered into a large cavern illuminated by glowing blue fungi. Thousands of caves lined the walls and thestrals flew between them chatting or selling or buying or simply living. Luna had not even been aware so many thestrals could be in one place at a time. They were always moving in small little groups connected to larger tribes.

“Name yourself.” A thestral spoke near the doorway. He was dressed in armor that seemed primarily made from plates of black onyx.

“I am Lunar Fang of the southern lion tribe. I bring a warrior from Equestria who wishes to consult the chieftains.” Lunar Fang spoke.

The thestral turned to Pensword. “And you? Name yourself, Moonkissed.”

“Moon Kissed Pensword of the Dream Clan of the Northern Bear Tribe and sole kin of the tribe Mountainside Falls.” he replied, his tone dark. He did not see the guard’s reaction.

“Elder Shimmering Star said you may show up.” The thestral nodded. “The manticore tribe weep for your loss.”

Pensword bowed his head. “I accept your weeping and am humbled as well.” he spoke politely. “May I ask where the Dream Clan is currently staying?”

The guard pointed with a wing to the ground, the tribal animals were carved into a shallow pit on the floor around the head of a larger bear with a star carved onto it’s forehead. “The bear clan resides in the north, of course. I believe the dream clan has been placed to the west of the rest of their tribe to allow them their grieving.”

Pensword nodded his head as sorrow washed over his visgae. “I only wish my first visit would not have been under such a sad day.” he looked to Luna and blinked. “Listen to Lunar Fang. This is where we part ways. Listen.” he finished and turned to walked towards his tribe. For a brief moment Luna thought she saw more than just Pensword trotting away and she blinked a little, realizing what she had seen. Alicorns could see the dead in some places and this place was a thin place. She looked to Lunar Fang for guidance. She missed the comforting feel of her wings in this disguise.

Pensword looked to his left and frowned. “I wish you were in the flesh, mom.” He muttered as he followed the directions he had been given. “West of the north star,” he muttered. A moment later he was embraced by a hug and he returned it as he embraced his gramma, soon to be followed by other members of her clan ... of his clan. His last home, the last tie to the familiar time of his youth. He had been holding it in for days now. And as he was led to their caves, he wept openly. This time there was no need to hold the tears back.

It had taken several hours to assemble the chieftains and their advisors. Drums were beat and horns were called and some instrument was played that luna could not fully fathom. To Pensword, he knew what it reminded him of as he sat with his clan while wearing black dyed cloth straps wrapped around his wings for mourning. It was the sound of the Australian Didgeridoo.

The thestrals, it seemed, had a complex system of government, Luna found herself noting internally as six thestrals took up a place above each of the animals carved into the pit.

Snarl Fang of the eastern vipers was an older looking mare. Her fangs were slightly overdeveloped where the tooth met the mouth giving her upper lips a slightly snarling and glaring look. She wore a thick black robe with a hood covering her head. Her wings had strange gold piercings on each side. A blowpipe rested at her side and a dagger of volcanic glass was holstered to her left foreleg.

Weathered Storm was the chief of the central manticore tribe. He was a large stallion with ornately carved onyx armor, his visible fur was dotted with both scars and puncture wounds. Rolled up at his side was a whip made from the bones of a manticore tail strung together, ending in the large barb.

Crescent Mane was the undisputed chieftain of the wolf tribe of the north eastern forests. the young thestral stallion stood, neither the tallest, nor the most intimidating of his tribe, but the most patient. Hides wrapped carefully around his body decorated with painted designs and beads. An axe hung at his side. Throwing knives of stone where holstered haphazardly all over his chest and a bow with a full quiver of owl feather arrows was strapped to his back.

Piercing Roar was the chieftess of the lion tribe, the number of which from the beginning of recorded time the thestrals could count with their front hooves. She wore an ebony pauldron and gauntlet down to her wrist and only skins besides. A massive shield was strapped to her other leg and a large spear was strapped to her back. Her eyes told a story of many battles both outside her tribe and in as she constantly fought off challengers for her title.

Golden Glint was a weird Thestral, he stood with a stare that seemed to go on forever and right into the soul of the unfortunate pony to meet his gaze. He wore an armor made from numerous chips of onyx placed together like scales. Crossed on his chest were the fangs of a dragon that had been slain in battle by the first chief of their tribe. At the thestral’s side was a club made from bone with a large chunk of stone tied to it. The weird thing Pensword and Luna both had a hard time not staring at was the strip of gold running down his mane.

Night Singer was the only Thestral to carry an Equestrian made weapon amongst the chiefs. The war axe hung at his side out of place amongst the armaments of the others. He dressed in ebony crafted armor plates. His eyes seemed to withhold a scheme in them and the mystery of this drew you forward daring you to jump into the abyss simply to glimpse the secret held within. Fittingly, he sat above a carving of a Fox.

The last was Star Cub of the northern bear tribe, the chieftess held the name as all of the bear tribe did in respect to the seat of the high chief. For the bear tribe stood by the lesser bear, the ursa minor, the tribe that had spawned the first chief to unify the Thestrals against the greatest threat they had ever known and set the traditions they held today. That chief had slain a great bear, an ursa major in his life, and it had become his mark. The high chief was tribeless to tradition, represented only by the great bear they slew.

“As is tradition.” Crescent Mane spoke up after everyone settled. “The wolf shall speak to you, stranger. Reveal yourself. You are not wearing your true skin.”

Luna looked startled and found Lunar Fang stepping back. She blinked once before she smiled cryptically. “Truly far and few ponies nor other creatures have seen through my disguise.” She closed her eyes and raised her horn. It glowed as magic akin to liquid moonlight flowed forth. And as it passed she slowly regained her original regal stance and posture. She opened her eyes as the magic dissipated around her hoofs. There, standing in the halls, was Princess Luna of Equestria.

“Know your species and your title win you no favors here, Princess of Equestria. You were allowed here on your merit as a warrior wishing to address us. Thestrals respect all those who will follow the warrior’s path, but we will not give you more than what we would give any warrior.” Crescent Mane said, responding to her change.

“Tis all I need,” Luna responded. She turned her eyes as she drew the weapon she had held concealed at her side while a unicorn. It was a mace that she dropped to the ground with a thud that echoed. “That is the sound of war on the borders. As we speak Gryphons are marching to deal to Equestria, and all who live, what they have done to Mountainside Falls.”

The wolf looked to the others who nodded before returning to her. “We are aware of the gryphon threat.” he responded.

“Dost thou know that they see thee as much prey as they see us? They wished to kill the keepers of the moon and sun with poisons harvested from the depths of the blackest parts of Equis.” She looked to each one of the chiefs. “Words do not show resolve, we, Luna Warrior and forger of weapons hereby ask what it is that can prove Equestria wishes to fight with thee as one united front against the darkest nights ahead. If ponies do not stand, more families shall find sorrow. More children will find in a day they no longer have a close herd. We stand together. We shall stop the bellies of the Gryphons for time eternal.”

“Suppose we were to observe these gryphons as they defeated you.” Piercing Roar spoke up, surprising Luna. “We would learn their tactics and then defeat them, ridding ourselves of them and of you. No more would our hunters be thrown in your dungeons for hunting on grounds we have used long before your kind came, all because your lords decide that they deserve them.”

“They shall then hunt thee as thine entire race hath hunted the rabbit. The Gryphons do not give up. They shall hunt and pillage and drive thee far from thine lands, more so and more brutally than any noble unicorn has in the past.” Luna shot back.

“We have the dark.” Snarl Fang spoke. “We have the night. We have the herbs and the plants whose poisons will aid us to victory. They would no more pillage us than your ponies have when they have taken our fishing lands for themselves.” She said. “You speak of war with the gryphons; yet our peace with you has stripped us of our lives.”

Luna looked at the Thestrals and around her surroundings before speaking. “In this chamber my rank and name mean nothing. It is as a warrior then that I shall say this. In Equestria, my word is law. No more will you be stripped of your lives. I shall make laws that will return thine rights of movement again in Equestria which were wrongly taken in the first place. These wrongs have continued beneath our very eyes and we have not noticed them. It is a shame and a slap of a wing to the muzzle for Unity and Equestria. I can only offer my sincerest apologies and seek to be your advocate from hence forth.”

Star Cub glared dryly at Luna. “Much you laws did for those of Mountainside Falls, much your laws did for those who grieve within the dream clan. Much your laws did as they burned!” The chieftess’ words grew in tone and force as she spoke behind her the rest of her tribe hollered in support and fury. “Tell me, princess. What of the ones who died in horror? Pain? Panic?” She roared. “We have seen the laws of equestrian princesses in action. And they have given us nothing. We have trusted you for too long!” The chamber erupted in shouts and hollers, anger and rage seething throughout the cavern. Luna took it all in and bowed her head in sorrow as she wondered how they could have failed these ponies for so long.

A violent crack filled the cavern, calling for silence to reign once again as Withered Storm stood, his whip in his wing. He eyed luna slowly. “Warrior Luna, you have come to us seeking help for Equestria. You have presented your case and it has been heard.” He eyed the other chieftains carefully. “We will convene and we will discuss. It is enough respect that you have dared to come to us on the eve the chieftains meet to discuss our reckoning with Equestria. We shall consider your plea.” He stomped his hoof. “We shall summon you when we have reached a verdict.” Luna only nodded and allowed herself to be led out of the chamber to await the end result.

“Moonkissed Pensword, you have come to address the council. Gather the stars and approach the family, child. And know that all here weep with you.” Crescent Mane called out.

He gathered up the stone stars that represented his family in this meeting and stepped forward. Bowing his head, he placed them in front of him in the order of those most significant to him. “Thank you for your words of comfort in my time of grief.” He paused and looked at them. “Chieftess Star Cub. To answer the question posed to the Equestrians here, as I am counted by census as a subject of theirs as well who holds rank in their military, I feel the horror, the pain, the panic, the fear. I felt their lives as they were extinguished one by one by Gryphons who treated all in the town as we would pick fish from the river.” He shivered and he looked at the gathering. “I ask. No. I come pleading for the strength of warriors. I have found where the Gryphon who ordered the death of my other half’s clan. He sits in a fortress that, yes, is a major objective of Equestrian safety. It is also a place where I wish to show the fury of the Thestrals. I wish to bring upon them what they have sown in our village. I wish to take their so called honor and hope and pride and sunder it to the ground.” He knew Lunar Fang was listening, but he did not care. The great Pensword that fought the great fortress for Equestria did so for one reason: Revenge against tearing his second family away from him. “The Gryphons who live there shall not live to see many more moons. I wish to have them meet their victims in the fields of beyond.” He bowed his head as he whispered the last part. “May I have only five from each tribe to help?”

Crescent Mane turned to the rest. There was a quiet mumbling amongst the chieftains which seemed to turn into angry whispers between them. With a sigh, Crescent Mane turned to Pensword. “As you know, there is no high chief.” He spoke. “Your request must be considered.” He looked apologetically down to Pensword. “We shall call you when we are decided.”

Pensword flared his wings and bowed his head in a traditional Thestral farewell. He left, leaving the stars where he had placed them to remind the chiefs of why he was there. Not just for him, but for the justice of those who no longer could speak.

Pensword walked into the small waiting cave and saw Princess Luna before looking back to the chamber, then to Princess Luna again. He walked up to Luna and to her mild surprise he spoke to her differently. “Warrior Luna of the Moon.” he spoke, his tone piercing and commanding. “There is a way around all of this: The seat that lay empty on the pedestal in the middle of the crescent pit. It is for the high chief. You may be able to become the high chief, but you will have to do the impossible.” He could see Luna’s eyes almost wanting to ask the question. “You must hunt, track, kill, and skin an Ursa Major, whose pelt is made of the stars themselves.”

“What do you mean?” Luna raised a brow. “That seems like something they would not allow an Equestrian to do.” she noted.

“The high chief dictates the rules and customs of the Thestrals.” Pensword responded. “Thou heard their respect to the warriors. Didst thou not see the weapons they carried?” He looked at Luna, her eyes questioning as she returned his gaze. “I shall not carry a weapon for my time of mourning. A warrior in mourning is more of danger to both himself and others. I wrap my wings in black cloth to signify that.” he raised a hoof, “This, too, is a weapon.” He shook his head. “Off topic. Another reason is that we Thestrals honor the moon. We hunt by the moonlight. We live by it. Thou art the one to raise and lower it. If thou camest with the pelt, many shall see thee returning to the warrior ways of our birth and that thou dost acknowledge the children hidden from thy view.”

Luna stood silent for a time. “You truly believe this will work?”

“Yes. It is the sign of one who can unite the tribes. And frankly,” he looked at the grounds. “Anything could help with what we as a species are facing.” He looked to the side. “Yes, Whirl Wing, I think she would make a nice high chief.” he said, speaking to the thin air.

“Are you well?” Luna asked.

Pensword jerked his head back to look at Princess Luna. “Yes, yes I am alright. Just ...” he took a breath in and let it out slowly. “I still see my family. I have a gift of the thestrals and that is really all I feel I can speak about it to one who is not in the tribes.” He smirked. “Consider it another part of learning of Thestrals. That is, if you do choose to follow through.”

“We swear, pensword. We cannot bring them back, but we will do everything in our power to make this right.”

Pensword nodded in agreement. “That is all one can ask of another in a time of need.” He turned his head and saw a few Thestrals walking towards them. “It appears it is time to hear the verdict.”

The thestrals had reassembled and the chieftains each looked angry and grim as Crescent Mane spoke. “Warrior Luna, Moonkissed Pensword, at this time the chieftains have decided that we are not ready as of yet to go to war. Regretfully, we cannot dispatch warriors until we are sure they are prepared.”

Pensword only nodded his head and bowed to sweep up the stars he had left, tenderly placing them into a saddle bag. He did not look at the chiefs. He only looked to Luna. “Meet me again in the chambers. I will need to see some others before we leave again. Don’t wait up for me.”

“Thank you for seeing me.” Luna called to them before she left the room. She followed Pensword’s directions and made her way straight for the chambers,her heart pounding.

Pensword moved to the side and knew that there would be a small adjournment before the next case set before the council. He smiled as he bowed to Chieftess Piercing Roar who paused and looked at him with a bemused smirk. “May I speak to thee in private? I have another question to ask that does not pertain to my request to the entire clans.”

“Come into my chamber and we shall speak.” The chieftess nodded, leading him slowly. Pensword slowly followed her to the meeting chamber for the Lion Clan.

The chamber was covered primarily in the skins of previous kills. Bones and fangs were mounted in various designs and patterns to give the feel of the wild and strength of the killer, a silent message of intimidation and warning. Black onyx cups and bowls were also common, laid out on large rocks and stones. Weapons, of course, lay on a rack in the corner. “What is your request then, Pensword?” She asked.

“Within your tribe, there is a mare that,” he shuffled a hoof a little. “That I have fallen in love with. I wish to ask for your blessing and permission to begin a courtship.” He looked up and steeled his nerves. “I wish to marry outside my Tribe into your Tribe.” He would, if needed, present the permission that his grandmother had given from the Dream Clan.

“And would I be wrong to say it is the Equestrian Lord Hammer Strike’s aid that you have fallen for?” The chieftess asked him.

“You are correct in your assumptions, Chieftess. It is the very same mare.” he knew he was treading on thin clouds here, but he wanted to show the nobles in Equestria that he would not deny his mixed heritage. He was as much a Thestral as a Pegasus in his mind.

“You are aware that punishments for any misconduct towards a marriage mate are more severe in our clan then in your own?” The lion chieftess asked.

“If I ever did misconduct I would willingly lay my neck on the ground for my marriage mate to do as she sees fit. I highly doubt I would mistreat her nor any of our offspring. As for any stallion or mare who threatens her, they will find my blade in their back.”

“And does this mare return your feelings?” She asked.

Pensword nodded his head. “Yes.” He said, his voice full of conviction and belief. “She and I share the common belief. And I would rather marry one whom I love and who knows what I have gone through than one who would use means of control to sever the last ties to my heritage and family.”

Piercing Roar considered the matter casually as she laid on her bed of skins, much like a large cat considering its prey. “Your grandmother speaks with pride that your first hunt was a bear.” The chieftess spoke. “This is true?” she asked.

Pensword moved a hoof to his neck. “I wear the eye tooth of a bear. Do I not have the right to wear a piece of the first kill? I carry this to remind me that any predator, no matter how fierce of mad of mind, can and should be handled. I am just lucky the arrow killed first.”

“There is a large she-bear roaming the forest north of here. she is without cubs at the moment. You will hunt her and slay her. Skin the bear and bring me the pelt. Give the meat to Star Cub and give a tooth to each elder within the bear tribe and you will have your permission.” She said, finally. “Is this fair?”

“It is fair, unless she is with cubs, at which point I shall return with a sketch of her form to prove I saw her. I shall not kill a mother about to have child.” His face darkened, “I shall not become akin to the Gryphons who attacked my village.”

“Then do as we have discussed. May the moonlight shield you from those that would harm you.” She spoke.

“And may the Moon’s rays grant thee wisdom and speed in battle,” Pensword replied. Piercing Roar waved a wing to show he had been dismissed. Pensword flared his wings and bowed to the Chieftess before leaving her chambers to start his hunt. First he would need to find some pelts to wear while hunting this bear.

Lunar Fang slowly approached the entrance of the chamber and looked nervous at being called to her tribe’s leader. A leader that to her history had been dead for over nine hundred years if maybe a little less. She stopped at the entrance, waiting to be called into the chamber.

“Enter.” Piercing Roar spoke from within. Lunar Fang slowly entered the room Piercing Roar eyed her like a cat looking at something that had drawn its attention. She blinked once. Lunar Fang stood, waiting to be addressed. In this situation she knew she could only speak when spoken to. To do anything more would be a show of disrespect resulting in dire consequences.

“Lunar Fang,” she spoke, “You are the aid to Lord Hammer Strike, correct?”

Lunar Fang nodded. “That is correct, my chief.”

“I have received a request from the bear tribe for the right to court you. What are your feelings on Pensword?” she asked.

Lunar Fang blushed violently. Her reaction had said plenty, but she decided to speak regardless. “I feel like I could walk on a cloud on a clear night. When he is near, I feel that I could fight a wolf bear hooved.” She smiled a little. “I want to be there for him, and I must admit His combat skills are impressive. He is simply amazing.” She bared her fangs. “I want to be there to help his grief as well.”

“And who are you?” Piercing Roar asked. “None of my tribe seem to know you.” She said.

“I am Lunar Fang, orphan from the Lost clan of the Lion Tribe. Lord Hammer Strike found me as a foal. What I learned of our customs and traditions came from mercenaries he hired and reports he would read on our people. Not even Lord Hammer Strike knows what destroyed the clan. All I know from the stories is that he found me in the ruins of a destroyed tent.”

“When did you perform your hunt?” She asked.

Lunar Fang looked at her chief. “I performed my hunt in the fall months on the estates of Lord Hammer Strike. It was a lone wolf who seemed to be unafraid of the ponies in the area.”

“I see. And I am guessing that those are its fangs in your shoulder pads?” She asked.

Lunar Fang nodded. “That is correct.” She replied.

“I am afraid I must ask you to hunt again.” Piercing Roar said.

“What do you wish for me to hunt?” She asked her with a raised eyebrow. “And where?”

“You will be leaving with Pensword when he heads on his hunt, no? Hunt there. Bring me a wolf if you can, but anything will do. Your first hunt was not under the observation of an elder so I must know of your ability myself.”

“As you wish, Chieftess of the Lion Clan. I shall hunt for a wolf, or another animal if I cannot find it.”

“May you be safe in the moon’s embrace.” The chieftess gestured with her wing that Lunar Fang could leave.

Lunar Fang slowly bowed, her wings flared. “And may the Moon’s rays grant thee wisdom and speed in battle.” She muttered before turning and leaving the chamber, leaving Piercing Roar alone to her thoughts.

“We have heard tell of this Ursa Major, but we have never encountered one. What is it like?” Luna asked the two as they waited by the stone wall for the moon to pass over as Luna was about to start raising it to let them out of the meeting grounds.

Pensword looked at the wall and pondered. “Like a bear the size of a small hill. It has a purple pelt.” He shuddered. “I never saw one, but the legends are passed through the tribes. They have a bright blue star over their forehead and it is said you can see the stars and skies of the days before the ponies came to these lands. Or another world’s sky, even.” He paused and gulped. “Claws that are as long as trees, a temperament that is fueled by anger if they ever leave the caves they live in. They are able to blend into the night and will sooner step on you then eat you with a mouth full of fangs as strong as diamonds and as large as mountain peaks. I have heard tales that they have two fangs that hang out of the mouth on either side.” he shook his feathers. “A image that could scare any predator out there.”

“Obviously, thou didst not learn to fight from Lord Hammer Strike.” Luna grinned in a fashion that almost made the two question her sanity. “As he would say: ‘that sounds like fun.’”

Pensword looked to Lunar Fang, an expression on his muzzle clearly read something akin to. ‘Just how long was Hammer Strike waiting for us?’ He did not know that Lunar Fang was thinking almost the exact same thought. Just when did he have time? Still Pensword knew now was not the time to be pondering such things. “Princess, from what little I have heard of Lord Hammer Strike, I do not know whether to be more impressed or slightly scared over this news.”

“When we first met him he was positively the most frightening caretaker we had ever seen. Still, he has taught us much and we are very grateful.” Luna noted.

Lunar Fang paused as the time was drawing near for Luna to raise the moon. “Wait, Caretaker? Lord Hammer Strike? But ... surely house Strike is not that old, is it?”

“We were not always royalty, Lunar Fang. When we were fillies we were simply alicorn children. The first time we met Hammer Strike we were but half your size.” She laughed. “The trouble we used to get into. We still remember when we tried to make our first dagger. It ended up being a spoon-like device that we have to date been unable to fully describe.”

Pensword’s left eye twitched and he did not say anything before Lunar Fang whispered into his ear. “I know, my thestral. You hate time travel.” Thankfully it was in a language Pensword could hear but not speak due to not having the vocals for it. It was the native Thestral tongue.

“So how will we track this beast?” Luna asked. Her question caused the two to fall silent and look to the door as she moved her head and her horn started to glow. She was raising the moon now to let them pass out of the cave.

“By finding signs of nature being angry and being very good at our job. Thankfully we do not have to track scat. Can you imagine droppings that size?” he shuddered. “It shall be by other means. Stars warping a little, ways that might be better felt they thee, star bringer. We shall find the signs on the ground. I feel thou cans’t find signs in the heavens.”

Luna nodded as they walked. She drew her mace and quite suddenly swung it into a nearby boulder with her magic. Dust and gravel shot into the air as the boulder seemed to simply disintegrate into the air. “Let us hunt.” She smiled.

Pensword paused, looked to Luna Fang, and blinked. “Faust protect us if we make her angry.” he gulped as thoughts of Nightmare Moon crossed his mind. He hoped that it was due to being half insane that things happened as they did. Still they would have to trek this entire forest in hopes of finding this creature. Hopefully there, he paused, there was time. This was his future and present, and yet, strangely enough, his past. They would find the creatures they needed to bring a happy ending to their lives.

The trail had been simple enough to find at first. Large footprints in the ground, torn down tree’s, the signs were far from subtle. However, over the next two hours it would seem as though a bear the size of a large building had simply vanished. The footprints were harder to see and the tree’s were untouched. It was near midnight when the three stopped in front of a large cave to take a rest.

Pensword settled down looking at the cave’s mouth. Then he looked to Luna, his princess that in his life before his memories returned, he had sworn allegiance to directly in his oath as an officer. He looked back at the cave. “If this was an adventure story, that cave would hold our query, or at least one of the three of ours.” He shook his head. “Then again, my father was a wordsmith so I could see the world different than it really is. Why, do you know to this day I still think some clouds are made of wool? Or that the stars were diamonds sprinkled into the sky by some long forgotten Alicorn?” He chuckled a little.

“Well perhaps we should take a look.” Luna said. “Truth, as they say, is stranger than fiction.”

Pensword looked to Luna. “Let me guess. As a subject of thine Lord Hammer Strike taught thee that saying?” He looked to the mouth of the cave. “Still, if we shall move forward, we must treat it as if it were the home of our subject.”

Luna brandished her mace. “Let us go, then.” She said with a glint in her eye as she slowly marched to the cave’s entrance. She lit her horn with moonlight as it showed only a little bit of the cave itself. As the others entered with her they found the light swallowed up by the darkness. There were no sides, no ceiling, only the floor. To Pensword it felt as though he were in one of the cathedrals in Europe. They slowly trecked down the tunnel, unable to really find a wall nor any other signs of much. He also felt like he was in a void between worlds, as if at any moment a door of light would appear and he would find himself in yet another alien world.

Pensword was so distracted walking with these thoughts swirling around his head he did not notice the terrain ahead.One moment he was walking on flat stone. The next, his hoof hit something, causing him to trip and stumble into a depression. He grunted as he got up and brushed some of the dust clinging to his fur from his tumble. “Please your highness, can you make sure if this is a footprint that I have fallen into?” He found an area where the ground had caved in, allowing him a way out as he heard Luna and Lunar Fang take to the air in the silence of the cave to look at the hole he had fallen into.

“It seems your instincts were correct, Pensword. This is indeed our target’s home.” Luna’s voice rang from the silence like the report of a rifle. He spread his wings in shock as he realized that he actually could have flown out of the hole. He grumbled at his own lapses of judgement and slowly rose from the ground to find that Luna had directed the beam to the floor. He shuddered. They had truly found a pawprint. He turned only to freeze as he swung a hoof up to point behind Princess Luna where a purple night sky was visible as it grew larger and larger, spreading to fill the ceiling. Then two yellow eyes opened in the purple starlight sky and the black pupils slowly focused on the form of the largest of three fliers in the cave. It moved forward a little more as it raised a paw.

Lunar Fang turned and screamed the words that Pensword was thinking. Behind you!” It was fast, and maybe a little rude to address the princess in such a casual manner, but a mouth was now opening to snap the Princess up.

Luna turned around just as the paw came for her. She had little time except to swing her mace. The sound of the mace impacting the paw was heard just seconds before said paw carried on to impact her comparatively tiny frame. Luna went flying into the caveside. The large purple paw, however, reeled back and was now hanging from the equally giant leg at an odd angle as the ursa major howled in pain and fury.

Pensword looked like he was about to charge forward only to have Lunar Fang dart forward and clamp her teeth on his tail. After Pensword was yanked back with a sound effect that he would swear sounded like a yoink he turned and hovered in front of Lunar Fang. His expression in the moon and star light said it all. “Why did you stop me?” Yet no words were spoken.

Lunar Fang shook her head and spoke softly. “Because Princess Luna did and has to do this on her own. Custom is that the killing blow and fight must be one on one. Our only job is to keep the creature from running or allowing any others to join in the fight.”

Penswords’ expression read one word, a word that Lunar Fang had grown used to seeing on her three friends. “Joy.”

Luna got to her hooves carefully as she moved to confront the Ursa. Her coat was covered in dust and her fur seemed to turn purple where blood leaked from her cuts. Pensword could see that she had been thrown through at least two rock pillars and left an impression in the wall if the light could be trusted. No time to get closer. The two ponies had to scatter as the Ursa tried to go after them. Still, the princess seemed undaunted as she charged. The beast swiped it’s paw again only for Luna to appear above it in a flash of magic and bring her mace onto it’s face. The bear roared in pain as its skull cracked from the impact. It thrust both paws at her, knocking Luna to the ground with a grazing strike. Any other creature and it would have ended there. However Luna was an Alicorn and could take more than a few hits like this. Luna was quickly on her hooves and struck again, her Mace swinging as she performed another teleportation attack. This time her blow landed on its chest, smashing it to the ground.

The great bear snapped its jaws at her as she moved to its chest, it briefly caught her wing and luna grunted before she hit it in the jaw again. Another crack and the jaw broke, hanging at an odd angle. Dazed, the bear growled, shaking its head. Luna her mace slowly, then her horn grew radiant, the cavern filled with white moonlight. With a mighty yell, her mace came crashing down on the bear’s windpipe, turning its angry roar into a choking gasp before she dropped her mace. Its metallic clang rang through the cave as Luna grasped the beast’s neck in her telepathic grasp and twisted. The head bent to an odd angle as the cave filled with cracks and pops. Finally, and mercifully, the beast’s body fell limp. It twitched a few times, then stopped. The beast gurgled, the windpipe so crushed it could not even utter a proper rattle.

The lunar princess stood triumphantly over her prey, her body bruised and bloody, her right wing missing several feathers. But while she may have been battered, she stood victorious. She struck an imposing visage, the glow of battle shining from her eyes as the light of the moon’s gentle glow surrounded her. She was inspiring, yet she fought in a way that almost made her look more like a Thestral in action and deeds, a hunter taking pride in her kill. It was something rather akin, Pensword noted, to those that hunted in Africa at the turn of the century.

Lunar Fang just stared from her rock ledge, pensword huddling with her as they watched the battle. Lunar Fang finally spoke, her voice dry. “Hail, High Chieftess of all Thestrals.” It was weak, tinged with fear. Yet at the same time there was an overpowering sense of awe and humble respect. She knew and saw the moment where Luna had cemented herself as a leader to all Thestrals and a Princess adored by those of the night.

Pensword gulped as he heard a sound from behind him. He knew it well. He was dreading already, but still, he turned around and saw something that sent a chill down his spine. There was a female bear, most likely the bear he had been asked to hunt. Only she looked like she was undergoing some kind of metamorphosis. Small pinpricks of light shone among her fur and a patch of fur he noticed where her left hind leg was was starting to turn a familiar blue tinge he remembered from the TV show. The bear, upon seeing the ponies, rose to her hind legs, revealing that she was now twice the size of a normal Grizzly. Pensword slowed his breathing as he pulled his bow and arrow out. His grizzly was turning into an Ursa Minor. Was this how an Ursa grew? Corruption? Infection? Something else? He wondered, but the bear did not let him think any more as it roared and dropped down. A moment later Pensword released his arrow. True to its course, it buried itself into the forehead of the bear. Nothing but the fletchings remained outside the creature’s head. He paused at the ready, another arrow drawn in fear, but it seemed in his fear he had pulled back a little too hard on his bow and while the bow still worked, it quivered. Or were his hooves shaking? He let out a growl of frustration, threw down the bow and dropped to his haunches, sighing heavily. “Why do all the bears startle me and attack me?” he wondered. He also noticed in his shocked state, that the fur was still letting off the glow of the sky. He could see the light bouncing on the walls. The Ursa Major was still glowing.

“Lunar Fang?” Luna spoke up. “We know thou hast a hunt of thine own, but wouldst thou keep watch over this whilst we create some sort of device to move it outside that we may have a better vantage to contrive how we may remove the hide?”

“Of course, your majesty. I think at the moment Pensword and I would be willing. We, we seem to have killed a strange Grizzly as well.” She shivered as she wondered just what was going on and why did ... was this how Ursa were born?

Luna nodded as she teleported away. An hour later she returned with a large device. It appeared to be a mixture of wagon and sled, made from whole tree logs strung together. With a great show of magical strength she managed to shift the entire bear on to the sled and with some strain began to move it from the cave. “Come. We shall set up a camp, then thou shalt hunt, Lunar Fang.”

Lunar Fang nodded brusquely. “As you wish, your majesty. It is almost dawn, a time that the wolf hunts in this area of the forest. The blood and meat shall bring them to see if they might have an easy meal. This hunt may not be very long or hard.” She muttered as she saw Pensword pacing where Luna had tucked his own bear onto the sled, placed on one of the massive paws of the Ursa Major. His mind wondered what had caused what he was seeing. The bear’s fur, he thought, was still being consumed by the sky. But what was causing this change in subspecies? He stood there, brooding while they made camp. As soon as they were finished, Lunar Fang left even as the howls of wolves filled the air.

Luna scanned the pelt with her horn taking a long time to determine the best way to remove it with the least amount of damage before she began to carefully cut the fur. She was especially cautious around the stars and constellations, desiring to maintain their integrity for further use and proof to the council. As she worked, Pensword continued watching the fur change. He was just flabbergasted. It was an hour later that Lunar Fang returned pulling a dead wolf on a sled behind her. She blinked as she saw the sight of the camp before turning and starting to prepare her own presentation for the Elders the next night. What had been planned for a week minimum of hunting had been accomplished as the sun continued to rise and bring light to the world. In fact as the light touched the fur of the Ursa’s both Pensword and Luna could see just what to do now to prepare it properly. That day only Faust knew just what had changed. The rest of Equestria, and the Gryphons did not know that a tie was being forged that would soon bring about a swift end to the projected five year war.

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