• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 113: The Death of a Dream

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 113: The Death of a Dream

“Where the hell are we?” Rapidfire complained as Soarin helped him along through the cramped tunnel, the light from his horn shining forth to light their way. The tunnel was winding and kept going up and down, but really, there was no way to tell if it actually led anywhere. The only thing Soarin knew was that they couldn’t just stand still and wait. “This tunnel looks no different than the other three we tried… is this the same one we were just in?”

“I swear to Celestia, Rapidfire…” Soarin growled as he shifted to re-prop Rapidfire’s weight over his shoulder. “If you don’t shut up, I’m going to purposely drop you again.”

“I dare you,” Rapidfire growled right back. “Ah!” Rapidfire yelped as Soarin feigned dropping him, clasping back onto Rapidfire’s arm before he could faceplant. Soarin winced as his body struggled to pull Rapidfire back up, but he turned his horn towards him and glared.

“Look, Rapidfire, I’m doing the best I can and I’m doing most of the work. I don‘t know where any of these tunnels lead, I don’t have a freaking map of beneath the northern mountains, I’m just trying to find a way out.” Soarin snorted as he looked forward. “So shut your trap and keep moving your hooves.”

“Hmph…” Rapidfire grunted in response.

“Though…” Soarin grunted and winced, the horn flickering as they kept moving along. The clitter-clatter of their hooves kicking pebbles and scrapes of their hooves dragging along the rocky floor echoed down the tunnel. “I think I might need a break soon… my body is getting sore and the magic is getting harder to keep lit.”

Rapidfire said nothing as Soarin explained his little dilemma and need for rest, which was good. Because if Rapidfire complained after how much ‘help’ he was being in their situation, Soarin would have dropped him again, for real this time.

“The echo is getting weaker,” Rapidfire suddenly pointed out.

“What?” Soarin glanced at him curiously as Rapidfire waved a hoof weakly in front of him.

“There’s something up ahead, the tunnel echo is getting softer. It’s either something bigger, or a dead end,” Rapidfire explained.

An effect specialist through and through…

Soarin quickly focused on the path before them, trusting Rapidfire’s claim that something laid ahead. Rapidfire was a master of special effects in their shows and deception in combat. Sound was something he had to work with on several occasions, so Soarin was quick to believe him.

“Ow! Ow! Hey!” Rapidfire grunted as Soarin picked up speed.

“Deal with it,” Soarin huffed as he tipped his head back and forth, trying to extend his light to find whatever Rapidfire had detected.

His eyes lit up when the light suddenly bent up ahead, suggesting there was, indeed, something different ahead.

“There!” Soarin pointed as he continued to pull Rapidfire along. Rapidfire only continued to painfully grunt in response until Soarin finally came to a stop and shined his light into the new area. “Huh…” Soarin blinked as he moved the light back and forth, his ears catching the sound of running and dripping water. “Not what I expected, but... it’s new.”

They had found a small cave, only a little larger than the one they woke up in. While it was close to the same dimensions from back to front and side to side, it had a higher ceiling. As they moved in, they found the source of the noise. There was a small spring that filled about a third of the cave. Water was flowing from a small hole in the wall into the small basin and gently trickling over the edges onto the floor. The runoff was forming together, and flowing towards another tunnel on the other side of the cave that led down, which explained why the cave itself wasn’t filled to the brim. Soarin led Rapidfire towards the water while directing his light towards it. The blue light caused a glistening, shimmering effect on the water’s surface, and they could see the bottom of the spring clear as day. It looked clean enough to drink.

Which was perfect because Soarin was incredibly thirsty. Not only had he gone through a whole battle, but then had been clambering through caves and tunnels, falling, climbing, and taking two hard blows to the head that left the horn damaged.

He needed a damn drink of water.

“Whoa!” Rapidfire yelped as Soarin let go of him. He fell, but caught himself to soften the fall, glaring at Soarin as he put his hooves on the edge of the spring and dipped his head down. The water tasted as clean as it looked, and was ice cold. Soarin’s parched throat tingled as he took down several gulps.

“Ah!” Soarin gasped as he came up and sighed in relief. “Good god… I needed that…” he said as he lowered himself and rested his chin on the side of the edge.

“Rggghh…” Rapidfire growled from behind him. Soarin turned his head to see Rapidfire pulling himself along the ground, his lame back leg twitching as he tried to reach the water. Soarin watched him for a moment before taking another quick drink and then turning towards him. Rapidfire shot him a glare when he moved to help, but by now he had learned his questioning wasn’t going to stop Soarin from helping him.

Soarin hoisted him up, and moved him up to the water. The moment Rapidfire got a hoof on the edge, he pushed Soarin off of him and dunked his head into the water, drinking the water and completely submerging his head and shoulders as he did.

“GAH! Ah…” Rapidfire gasped as he pulled his head out and the water dripped down his mane and chest.

“Just as thirsty as me?” Soarin asked as he me moved to take another drink, but Rapidfire had already dunked his head again. “I’ll take that as a yes,” Soarin answered himself as he drank more of the water.

“MRPH!” Rapidfire suddenly made a noise with his head under the water, several bubbles rising over his head. He roughly pulled his head out of the water, droplets whipping from his mane as he grabbed his chest and slammed his eyes shut. “Rgghhh! Argh…” he groaned as slivers of pink light shone from behind his eyelids. He slowly crumpled to the ground and shuddered.

Soarin only shook his head as he watched Rapidfire experience more withdrawal shocks without his crystal. He looked so pathetic, just as Descent described those who were disconnected. While Rapidfire sure hadn’t lost his attitude, he was clearly in a state of extreme pain and weakness. Soarin was lucky Rapidfire had at least found the strength to pull him up earlier.

“Let’s take a rest here,” Soarin decided. With some open space and water to drink, it was more than he was hoping for already. He turned and lowered himself to the floor, taking the weight off his hooves as he lied down. He took a deep breath and sighed as he readied to release the light and let his brain rest as well.

As Rapidfire’s pain seemed to subside and he rolled over to lie on his back. Soarin looked him over, letting the light dim, but keeping just enough of it lit to see Rapidfire. Rapidfire was breathing heavily, his breaths all sounding squeaky and wheezy. Soarin saw first hoof what happened over time to those who lost their crystals. He would bet bits that Rapidfire’s insides were giving him hell. He recalled when they faced off in Canterlot a while back, and after absorbing an entire crystal, he eventually threw up, coughing up blood as well as if his insides were being squeezed in a vice.

Was it really all worth it? Why would he let himself go like that? In general, how did he go downhill to the point that he’d easily accept such a dangerous thing?

Rapidfire’s breathing eventually calmed down and he just remained still, letting his body rest just as Soarin was. Soarin furrowed his brow and exhaled, allowing the light to dissipate and welcoming relief around his entire body, something he had needed for the past half hour.

But as the cave descended into pitch-black darkness, Soarin found one simple, little question was on his mind. A little question that he wanted a big answer for. He didn’t know if Rapidfire was currently in a state to talk, nor was he sure Rapidfire would oblige, but when was Soarin going to get another chance like this? He just wanted to know.

“So… Why?” he spoke in Rapidfire’s direction.

It was already quiet in the cave, but the silence that extended between them felt even emptier. The sound to trickling water was all that filled the void as he waited for Rapidfire to answer… or not answer.

“Why what?” Rapidfire finally replied after several moments, prompting another hush between them. Soarin waited, as if expecting Rapidfire to know damn well what he was talking about. When he went no further, Soarin elaborated to get his point across.

“Why did you desert the Wonderbolts?” he paused to let that one sink in. “You became a member of the lead squad… you earned high honors… You did what most pegasi could only dream of. But shortly after, it all went downhill. What happened?”

He got no answer, at least not immediately. Soarin had said everything he wanted to ask. If nothing else was said, so be it. He took the chance on something that had been a mystery to him and his friends for a long time.

“Why the fuck do you care?” Rapidfire finally responded sharply and vulgarly. Soarin snorted at the harsh reply.

“Why the hell do you think I do?” he snapped back through the darkness. “I think I’ve made it perfectly clear I don’t and that I’ve no reason to. I just want to know.”

Rapidfire didn’t reply. Soarin was about to give up, but he decided to give one last effort.

“We’ve never understood you and never knew why you were always acted the way you did. I’ll admit we never made an effort to figure it out, but can you really blame us? It’s not like we’re going anywhere right now, so dammit, just humor my curiosity,” Soarin was a straightforward as he could be.

After another brief silence, Soarin heard some shifting.


Soarin released a heavy, exasperated sigh.

“Nothing I say or tell you will mean a damn thing,” Rapidfire continued. “And frankly, your ‘curiosity’ pisses me off. I don’t owe you any explanation for anything.”

“Why not?” Soarin pushed, losing his patience. He was less willing to give up on this than he first thought.

“Because I don’t,” Rapidfire quickly and flatly shot back. Soarin grunted and scrunched his face.

“You know…” he began with the full intent to rip Rapidfire down with things he witnessed before their crash. “For somepony who’s apparently so hell-bent on earning recognition, being himself, and rebelling against authority… you sure don’t do a very good job at justifying yourself,” Soarin paused for a moment as he heard a low growl through the dark. He didn’t let up. “You’re very unconvincing. Are you as tough as you claim or are you just a lame dog that barks, but never bites? That would explain why you’re still just a peon and not a Shadowbolt commander.”

“SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!” Rapidfire shouted at him instantly.

“Come over here and make me… you fraud,” Soarin calmly plunged the dagger deeper. He could hear Rapidfire growling, but that’s all he did. He gave no other retort. “That’s what I thought.”

“You don’t know me!” Rapidfire yelled, his voice sounding slightly shaky as he repeated what he said during their battle above the mountains. “NOPONY knows me!” he yelled, his voice breaking up further. “And dammit, it’s YOUR fault!”

“What?” Soarin blinked.

With low effort, Soarin focused his magic and caused the horn to glow dimly, just enough so he could see Rapidfire. Rapidfire’s eyes were wide, a look of shock on his face as if realizing he let something slip.

“My fault?” Soarin asked while tipping his head, locking his eyes with Rapidfire.

Without a word, Rapidfire rolled over and lay on his side, facing away from Soarin.

“Care to explain?” Soarin pressed, but Rapidfire said nothing. He just kept facing the opposite direction. Soarin flattened his brow and sighed, shaking his head as he released the magic and the glow faded.


Soarin’s horn lit right back up and he looked towards Rapidfire again.

“I don’t care…” Rapidfire continued, his voice sounding like it was quivering slightly. “You really want to know, huh? You really want to know why I’m like this so badly? You really want to hear how my dreams died?”

Soarin’s ears pointed up.

How his dreams died?

“Yes,” Soarin answered quickly and simply, now more than ever curious about his former, unruly squadmate who he, nor Spitfire or Fleetfoot could ever figure out. Rapidfire sighed heavily as he slowly rolled back over to lie on his other side, facing Soarin with an expression of frustration and slight sadness. Soarin paid very close attention as Rapidfire began.

“Do you know what it’s like, Soarin? What it’s like to push and push and push for your goals… and when they finally right in front of you, to have them dangled just out of reach?” Rapidfire rested his head against the floor. “Who am I kidding? You haven’t a damn clue… because you’re at the top.”

Soarin opened his mouth to reply, but decided against it. He wanted to hear all of it without interrupting him. So he steeled his nerves, ready to take any insult or lash Rapidfire might dish out.

“I don’t think I have to explain how high the standards were set for me. I’m the son of the two ‘legendary’ Wonderbolt captains, two pegasi who were well known even before they were named the captains for how they forged their way to the top through hard work and determination. I had a hell of a lot to live up to… but I never once questioned whether or not I could succeed. I wanted to follow in their hoofsteps and they supported me, challenging me every single day to climb the long ladder. With their encouragement, I strived to be the best of the best. If somepony trained hard… I would train harder. If somepony was fast… I would be faster. If somepony was strong… I would be stronger. If somepony was skilled… I would be sharper. I always aimed to be higher than the next pony and the effort paid off. Through my constant, grueling training and practice, I ultimately never failed, never lost, and never wavered. I had my share of defeats, but I treated each one as incentive to train harder, come back, and win. If I ever fell short of an achievement, I pushed myself until it was mine. Anypony that bested me, I eventually bested them.”

Rapidfire paused as he shifted his eyes away from Soarin.

“It wasn’t long before my name became known. I was praised, followed, and seen as a rising star likely to take over for his legendary parents. It was no surprise. After all, with my genetics and guidance from my parents, everypony felt it was obvious. I’d be great, just like my mom and dad. It seemed like there was nothing that could stop me as I ploughed my way through every challenge on my way to the top, just like they did. And… I believed it just as much as everypony did. I felt like nothing could stand in my way and I trained everyday with the same mentality my dad taught me: ‘train every day assuming there is somepony better than you, even if you are at the top. Being at the top is something earned. Assuming you will never be challenged is asking for that honor to be taken away.’ I thrived on those words, and my parents were proud of me. Nothing would ever slow me down.”

Rapidfire released a long breath through his nose.

“I was ready to lead. I was ready to be the captain of the Wonderbolts. I tried out, made the recruits, quickly made my way up the ranks, and had the captainship in my sights. I was going to do it. I was going to lead. It was everything I worked for, everything I dreamed of. I wanted my decisions to influence the future of the Wonderbolts and all of Equestria. I was going to carry on my family name and go down in history as one of the greatest just like they did, to be remembered for all time. It was a magnificent feeling… the security of knowing I’d never be forgotten. It was only a matter of time before I reached that peak. It was so close… my life goal and my goals extending beyond it…”

Rapidfire paused… and remained silent for a long time. Soarin waited patiently for him to continue, but then his eyes widened slightly as Rapidfire suddenly turned his head back to him and glared.

“Then… it happened…” his glare hardened. “You three appeared…”

Soarin pulled his head backwards for a moment. It went from his fault to three? But… oh…

“You, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot showed up… and I was stuck on a squad with you, my father claiming it would be one of the most talented and skilled squads in the history of the Wonderbolts. At first it was just business as usual. I saw what you three could do… I was a little behind, but this was just business as usual for me, ponies that I had to best to earn my spot as the best. I never believed in limits or challenges that I couldn’t overcome and I wasn’t about to do so.”

Rapidfire shook his head.

“But… it wasn’t just another challenge. It wasn’t just another bar to reach for. I was determined to topple each one of you. I would work as hard as I possibly could and snatch victory as I always had… but it didn’t take long for me to realize where I stood. I tried, I trained, and I improved… but so did you three, and not only did you three improve, but I couldn’t keep up. You were all pulling ahead. Fleetfoot was faster than me…"

"Spitfire was sharper and more skilled than me…"

"And you were stronger than me…"

"All three focuses of my drive, my training… all blown away. Not one, not two, but THREE ponies all got the best of me in the core principles of my abilities and no matter how hard I tried, they were better than me. It went against everything I had ever known.”

He tore his eyes away from Soarin, once against focusing on the floor as if he couldn’t stand looking at Soarin.

“At first it didn’t hit me so hard. After all, my mother was never able to best my father, yet she still went down in history as a legend. I decided to be reasonable. If I couldn’t be the best, I’d be the second best. It was easy to see that I would never come close to beating Spitfire… she’s a complete freak of nature. But even when I tried to focus on you and Fleetfoot, I came up short. Fleetfoot’s speed is ridiculous and untouchable. And you worked just as hard, if not harder than I could in the gym… You were also bigger and more muscularly built than me. By default, naturally stronger. When you developed the Power Acceleration, it was another sign I had no chance. I was utterly defeated. That’s when it all came crashing down on me… I began to see how things were going and it crushed my spirit beyond repair. Here’s a simple fact of life… those who are recognized tend to be first, second, or third. Fourth? Who has ever been known for being the fourth best? As if that reality didn’t hit me hard enough, you three became this ‘symbol of greatness,’ and drew all the attention. It was literally identical to how my mother and father became the symbol of ‘Gold Squad.’”

Rapidfire released a hard scoff.

“Gold Squad… ‘Squad’ my ass…” he glared back at Soarin. “How many times have you heard about Hurricane and Jet Stream since Gold Squad was disbanded, huh?”

Soarin blinked and tipped his head down as he thought.

He was right… Whenever the previous generation was brought up, only two names ever mention? Blazetail and Flashwind. Soarin had remembered Hurricane, since he had met his father, Hurricane Drive. But he had admittedly forgotten Jet Stream’s name up until Rapidfire just mentioned her.

“That’s right,” Rapidfire continued. “Nothing. Whenever Gold Squad is mentioned, it’s all about my mom and dad. The legendary captains. The other two? Nopony remembers. They’ve been completely forgotten to all but the Wonderbolt archives and any old farts left over in the ranks. I refused to let that happen to me, but it was no use. I fought and I fought… for nothing. I was always behind you three… that fourth pony on the lead squad, the one that spectators had to sift through the program to remember the name of… the one who followed any order without grounds to give his opinion. ‘The effect specialist…’ What kind of designation is that for the lead squad?! The super freak, the speedy mare, and the strong brute… oh yeah, and that pony who does special effects for them. I was in the back, stranded and hidden in your looming shadows with no way out… I despised it, but there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.”

“My passion faded, my dreams slowly slipped away. With my ultimate goal just out of my reach, I could no longer see the point and no longer see what I was working so hard for. I had gotten so close, so close that I could taste fulfillment, but was denied it before I could take the very last step. Barred from earning the glory and recognition I had dreamed of and shed blood, sweat, and tears for. I had become just another Wonderbolt, doing things from the background where nopony was willing to look. I realized what was happening, I was falling into the same bottomless pit that Hurricane and Jet Stream disappeared into, doomed to be behind and forgotten. After all the work I had put in and the countless struggles and challenges I had overcome to constantly find success and earn my way up… It felt so unfair, so wrong. I wasn’t going to live up to the greatness of my parents. I had discovered a wall I couldn’t topple. Nothing had ever hit me harder in my life.”

Rapidfire paused and let out an annoyed grunt.

“My parents kept encouraging me… but it started to feel so empty. I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t beat you guys. They didn’t understand how I felt. They had what I wanted. They achieved their goals and dreams. Nothing they said had any positive effect anymore. In fact, their attempts only made it worse, constantly reminding me that they had no clue what I was going through… and it certainly didn’t help that they were the ones who both found and invited you to join the Wonderbolts.”

Soarin recalled Blazetail’s ‘opinion’ of Rapidfire that he had recently shown to the Wonderbolts. How he more or less spoke as if he disowned Rapidfire for his decisions and actions. It didn’t matter how much Flashwind tried to get Blazetail to take it back, he was furious at Rapidfire.

“I stopped caring…” Rapidfire continued, the bitterness in his voice growing stronger. “For the first time in my life I was without direction. If I couldn’t have what I always dreamed of, I decided to make use of what I did have. It had to be useful for something, right? I had some fame, I had some fortune, and some celebrity status by association and apparently being part of the lead ‘squad.’ All of it made it so easy to take the gap that had been punched in my life and flood it with simple pleasures. VIP access to parties, general celebrity recognition, and of course, any hot mare I wanted. But… the satisfaction was always short lived, never lasting more than a night or two. The gap would open right back up, convincing me I just had to temporarily fill it again. I started to lose standards for myself, I no longer felt good about myself or who I was. I had lost all reason or purpose in favor of easy lays and empty acknowledgement. So what if I got easy sex and countless ponies kissing my ass… it was all hollow. All soulless.”

“Nothing could truly make up for what I had lost. I became cold, bitter, and full of hatred for you, Fleetfoot, Spitfire, and the system in general. The Wonderbolts, just like my father, preach that all pegasi are capable of great things, it’s all just a matter of hard work and effort… Yeah, bullshit. The Wonderbolt ‘dream’ destroyed my life, but I kept wading through it because I knew nothing else. I had nowhere else to go and nothing else I could do.”

Soarin perked, he was barely producing enough light to see it, but a small smile appeared on the edges of Rapidfire’s lips?

“But then… they came to me. Lightning Dust approached me, speaking for the Shadowbolts. It was at a time when I was at the breaking point. I no longer gave even the slightest damn about anything related to the Wonderbolts, but the Shadowbolts and Nightshade… They offered me something I thought I’d never find again: An opportunity to climb a new mountain. I failed to fulfill my dream with the Wonderbolts, but maybe I could start from scratch with the Shadowbolts and work my way up through their ranks. In the Shadowbolts, as long as you are strong, you are given respect and recognition. They couldn’t offer me the fame, nor could they write me into history like the Wonderbolts could, but they offered me a chance I desperately wanted, a chance to prove myself. They had new means of training, new power to tap into… I wanted to make use of it. If I could prove myself to them, I could also prove myself to everypony that ignored me in the Wonderbolts. A new fire was alight in my stomach, a feeling that I had not felt for a long time, one that burned with a purpose and a passion to succeed. It felt amazing, so I took the leap. I joined the Shadowbolts and started on my path to grow stronger and earn the respect and satisfaction I had been denied.”

Soarin listened, but despite his firm decision not to speak, he simply couldn’t hold it back here.

“That’s sure going well for you,” Soarin spoke up, earning a huff and a glare in return.

“Don’t act like I’m some clueless nitwit, Soarin,” he hissed. “It has gone poorly so far, very poorly, but by now I’m used to things not going my way," he huffed and let his head rest on the floor. "I may be struggling, but it’s a struggle with something to hang on to. I don’t give a shit what that thing is, it’s better than nothing… it’s a purpose. Nightshade took me into the ranks and made me feel alive again, made me feel like I had a chance to once again chase dreams and goals… I felt like I belonged, a feeling that disappeared when everything came crashing down on me in the Wonderbolts. And isn’t that what life is all about? Finding where you belong?”

Soarin opened his mouth, but stopped. He couldn’t argue with that.

“You can tell me all you want that I’ve done terrible things, that I’ve hurt others, and that I’ve played with emotions and feelings… I really don’t care what you or anypony in the Wonderbolts think. The Shadowbolts gave me a chance to do it all over… so I took it.”

“You don’t care what we think,” Soarin tipped his head. “But you care what they think when they treat you like complete trash?” he asked, citing the way Blade treated him before their battle.

“So what if they do now, they’ll see it in due time. You don’t become the best overnight. If I have to bleed and struggle my way into their respect, then so be it. It’s what I did to chase my first dream, so it’s what I’ll do to chase my second. Either way I will make everypony see that they’ve underestimated me! I will have my recognition… it’s all I’ve ever wanted. I don’t care where I get it from.”

Rapidfire exhaled staring at Soarin for a long time before he snorted, turned over, and faced away.

So that was it… that’s how Rapidfire got to where he was. Soarin didn’t know what to say, not out of shock however. It was actually the opposite. Soarin listened, Soarin heard every word, and Soarin had come to a rather disappointed conclusion.

“There,” Rapidfire spoke up without looking. “Now you know what you did to me. Happy?”

“No,” Soarin quickly replied, causing Rapidfire to glance up over his shoulder at him. “What I did to you? What we did to you? Sorry Rapidfire, but no. After that long explanation, the only thing I concluded is that you gave up and turned into an asshole instead of appreciating the privileges you had rightfully earned. You failed to find a middle ground and accept it. That’s on you, not us.”

“You know who you sound like right now?” Rapidfire shot back. “My dad… and just like him, how the hell could you possibly know how I feel? You have what I wanted, just like my Dad did. Not everypony gets to live the dream, Soarin. That’s something I doubt you’ll ever understand.”

“You were part of the LEAD SQUAD!” Soarin yelled towards him, holding a hoof out and glaring, the light from the horn glowing slightly brighter. “All of the elites below us would have given everything to have that honor. Do you remember when they named us the successors to Gold Squad? Silver Lining was pissed for weeks after we were chosen over his squad. I don’t recall him turning his back and going rogue.”

“Silver didn’t have what I have!” Rapidfire snapped. “Neither he, nor anypony else came as close as I had. None of them got to see it so up close. Everything I ever wanted right in front of me, dangling just out of my reach. It crippled my spirit! All the hard work, everything, all denied when it was right there in front of me!”

“I heard you the first few times and ways you said that,” Soarin scoffed. “So that’s really all this is? It’s all because you’re incredibly bitter and salty?”

“Don’t act like you wouldn’t be if you were in my hooves,” Rapidfire snarled.

“I wouldn’t have turned into you,” Soarin retorted, earning a headshake.

“Can you really predict that?” Rapidfire narrowed his eyes. “You don’t realize just how irrelevant you three made me feel. I mean, look at what you did after I left… you put Air Mach of all ponies in my place. As if the job wasn’t already insignificant enough, you put the THIRD BEST effect specialist in my place and things have worked out as if I was never even there! If you, Spitfire, or Fleetfoot had gone down, the Wonderbolts would lose their minds trying to find anypony to take your place and fill all your functions! It would be disastrous… but me? No problem at all… you didn’t even replace me with the next best up!”

“That’s… not…” Soarin struggled to quickly respond. After all… that was what they did. Spitfire had her reasons for keeping squad three together, but what Rapidfire just said was true.

“Don’t try to deny it!” Rapidfire continued his rant. “It stung hard when I found out you guys replaced me with a pony from squad seven instead of Surprise. That only proves my point. I didn’t matter. You three were the show. I was just the fourth wheel. You bet your ass I’m bitter, but if you really think I’m the only one, you’re mistaken… do you know what happened to Hurricane and Jet Stream after Gold Squad disbanded?”

Soarin remained silent.

“Hurricane refuses to ever associate with the Wonderbolts and has slammed the door in my dad’s face every time he approaches him for the ‘Veteran Representation’ program. Jet Stream left Equestria to become a mercenary. My mom tried to convince her otherwise, but Jet threatened to kill her if she tried to stop her. It doesn’t help that I can completely relate to Hurricane. His dad, Hurricane Drive, is a legendary, remembered Wonderbolt from two generations ago along with former lead captain Shockwave! I feel his pain! He’s been lost despite being in the ‘highest’ squad because he was overshadowed by my parents, not living up to the legacy of his father. Face it Soarin, for every Wonderbolt success story, there is one of failure and effort gone to waste. I bet all the Wonderbolts who have been forced to leave under the retirement policy feel the same way. Dedicating your life to something and then just falling short of achieving it is a crushing weight, especially if you keep trying and trying to no avail. I saw which direction my career was heading. It tore me apart inside-out.”

Soarin sighed and rolled his eyes. Rapidfire was putting up an argument, one that he had clearly thought about a lot for it to be so long winded and in depth. But while it was in depth, it was laced with a tone that Soarin had a hard time taking seriously, as if Rapidfire was looking for reasons to sound like Soarin should have sympathy for him, not that Rapidfire was seeking it from him, obviously. But just in case he was, Soarin decided to quickly debunk any thought of it.

“So…” Soarin lifted an eyebrow. “Knowing all this, are you expecting me to feel sorry for you?”

“Says the asshole with ‘curiosity’… Keep your damn sympathy,” Rapidfire scoffed. “I don’t need it nor want it.”

“Then you’ll be happy to know my opinion hasn’t changed of you either,” Soarin added harshly.

“HA!” Rapidfire guffawed, cringing and clutching his chest for a moment before taking a few breaths and narrowing his eyes at Soarin. “Who said I was looking for forgiveness or anything stupid like that? I know what I’ve done, I did it all without hesitation. Egging you on to get you in trouble, banging and leaving mares, betraying you, attacking you, playing Spitfire for a fool and getting some hooves on experience…” he smirked as Soarin glared. “That’s right, hate me, I could care less. I don’t regret anything I’ve done. I’m not going to waste my life wondering if I could have done things differently. I only look forward. Screw the past… it screwed me.”

“Hmph…” Soarin snorted.

And just like that… it was over. The two kept their eyes locked for several more minutes, nothing but silence as a battle of gazes flew back and forth. Eventually, Soarin just shook his head at Rapidfire as the light slowly faded and left them in the darkness once again.

Now Soarin knew it all. He knew it all, but he didn’t know how to feel about it. How he felt about Rapidfire was unchanged, but knowing how everything happened shed light on something he had wanted to know for so long. In the end it was just as he thought it might be, Rapidfire putting reasons to his behavior with excuses or a sob story… but what Soarin hadn’t counted on was, in fact, feeling nothing from it. He was expecting to find several new reasons to hate Rapidfire, but instead he found some of Rapidfire’s speech to be… believable? Not towards his behavior, but towards what he had experienced.

Rapidfire was right about one thing: that Soarin didn’t know what it was like to be in his position. There were things Rapidfire had experienced that he didn’t understand because he achieved what Rapidfire wanted.

If there was any satisfaction to be had from this… it was simply that now he knew. While it wasn’t much to be happy about, he could close the book on wondering what created such a nasty, ill-mannered pony from a family deemed the best of the best.

But regardless, he still never trusted Rapidfire… and he never would.

---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

Images by: Foxenawolf


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