• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 25,207 Views, 27,994 Comments

Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 25: Just Let Me Look At You

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 25:

What a busy day.

Soarin sighed as he waited in line to get food. The cadets were all packed into the mess hall and the Wonderbolts were taking their turn at the buffets. Thankfully, because of the sharp decrease in cadets from day one into day two, the chefs were able to prepare a more reasonable food selection.

While he was relieved the day was over and excited to get some better food (at least compared to the day before), Soarin still felt a little stressed. Spitfire was in charge of day one. Fleetfoot was in charge of day 2. It was his turn tomorrow and he had the toughest job.

He had to whittle down the last remaining fifty to twenty one, using rather physically demanding methods. There was sure to be some injuries tomorrow. Hopefully none of them would be severe, but they had to determine who’d be able to survive the grueling recruit training after the tryouts were over. Being a cadet was one thing… being a recruit… was different. Soarin sometimes wondered if their training and selection processes were too brutal, but then again, they were the best. The best of the best within the best.

Due to the ability to fly, pegasi had a natural advantage when it came to combat capabilities. While their military use was limited, the Wonderbolts could only afford to have the most astounding individuals in their ranks to meet any objective required of them. Soarin always felt their aerobatic shows were misleading. Not many ponies were aware of their combat capabilities. He was sure the chunk of cadets that ran off after reading the consent forms were in it for the shows.

He had too much on his mind. Dash, his magic, Dash, his duty tomorrow, Dash, the recruitment process, Dash, the difficult selection he had to make soon, Dash, Dash, Rainbow Dash, Dash, his bedroom, SON OF A…

Soarin shook his head out and moved along slowly behind Silver Lining. He was in line for the deli, hoping to get a nice fresh sandwich after dealing with all the horrible food they had had as of late. The line was moving really slowly.

He still couldn’t focus on much without Dash being a part of it. He was still worried about the selection for the elite spot. There was more than a pony’s skill going into making that decision. They had to exhibit certain qualities on top of that. Qualities like duty, compassion, loyalty, perseverance, etc. While he believed Dash was capable of all of these, particularly loyalty, it was his job to select the cadet that fit these qualities the best. There were more than a few potential candidates that exhibited these qualities along with her. It wasn’t going to be an easy choice, and she’d understand if he didn’t choose her right? But he was getting ahead of himself. There was still one more day of tryouts. Dash was sure to pull through with flying colors... figuratively and literally.

As he waited, he glanced over Silver’s shoulder to figure out what was taking so long. He was distracted however, by something going on right in front of Silver. Wave Chill was in line ahead of Silver. He was fidgeting and kept taking a brief step out of the line before going right back in. Soarin leaned further. High Winds and Blaze were in front of him, the two were conversing and laughing about something, but he couldn’t hear. In front of them however, next in line for the deli counter was Spitfire. Soarin glanced back at Wave and saw that every time he made a move to leave the line, he was glancing at her first.

Oh, what a wreck…

Was Wave thinking about talking to her now? Clearly. Soarin could read his body language. But time and place Wave… time and place. This would be a terrible time to do it. Trying to confront Spitfire about something personal when she’s hungry was like trying to convince a stop sign it needs to rethink its career choice. It just wasn’t gonna happen. Spitfire was grumpy as hell when she was hungry.

But at least Wave was thinking about it. It was good to see he actually took Soarin’s advice.

Then Soarin remembered he was trying to find out why the line was moving so slowly. He leaned over further to check, and wasn’t very surprised when he finally saw.

Fire Streak was taking sign language cues from Misty Fly. He was relaying it to the pony at the deli to get Misty a sandwich just the way she wanted it. Fire kept looking between her and speaking to the deli attendant. Eventually the pony placed the plate with the sandwich up on the counter. Misty examined it, then smiled wide and bounced up and down. She gave Fire a really big hug before grabbing her perfect sandwich and trotting happily towards the side room with Fire in tow. They passed Lightning Streak as they walked. He made a few vigorous motions with his arm while making “Unf Unf Unf” sounds. Without a second of hesitation, Fire gave him a quick kick to the leg.

“YEEOW!” Lightning yelped while limping towards the soup line.

Soarin smiled as he watched Fire and Misty. The two made it to the door. Fire balanced his tray on his wing and opened the door for Misty. She smiled and bowed her head slightly to him before entering. Fire took a deep breath and sighed heavily before entering behind her.




Soarin grunted and looked down. All this new romance floating around the compound… Dash was right here and he couldn’t do anything about it. He felt like he was at a museum. He had something beautiful and interesting right in front of him, but it was strictly: look, don’t touch.

Forget it. He wanted to spend time with her. He needed to spend time with her. Besides, as Discord said, Dash’s presence alone was physically healthy for him in his magical imbued state. No asking this time. Spitfire could deal with it. He was going to sneak Dash out tonight. He was a lead squad Wonderbolt… he could easily mask it as something else.

As the line shifted forward again, his curiosity got the better of him. He hovered up slightly into the air and scanned the cadets in the mess hall. It wasn’t that hard to find Dash. Rainbows were very vibrant after all. He quickly spotted her. Why he looked for her just now? No reason. She was just on his mind and he wanted to know where she was.

She was eating very fast. In fact, she finished right as he spotted her. She quickly took her tray over to the tray racks, stuffed it into the rack unevenly, and darted out the doors.

Soarin chuckled at her sense of urgency. No doubt she was rushing to check the rankings board for day two. They were just posted after all. He had already seen the rankings and knew that she had absolutely nothing to worry about. Perhaps she wanted to check on her friends as well. That would be so like her. She cared just as much about her friends’ success as her own.

Soarin blinked as something began moving slowly into his peripheral vision. It looked like a waffle cone from the dessert area. Soarin glanced to his right to see Fleetfoot slowly moving her face in the way of his, while wearing an eyes and mouth wide open expression, and holding an empty waffle cone, open end against her forehead.

Art by: Cantil

“Do you like rainbows?! I hear princesses LOVE rainbows!” Fleetfoot said in a very high pitched voice. Soarin flattened his ears, grabbed the cone from her grip and shoved the open end over her nose until it got firmly stuck on her face. He then took his wing and pushed her head down. They both landed, but Soarin kept his wing locked firmly over her head. “My lady! I apologize for my insolence!” She yelled, muffled by the cone, and still giggling in between.

“Not helping your case Fleet,” Soarin chuckled as he held her down.

All joking aside…

He was going to sneak Dash out tonight. Spitfire would just have to deal with it.

Rainbow Dash burst out of the mess hall, sliding across the floor with her hooves before turning and galloping down the main hallway. The results were posted up in the lobby again. She wasn’t the only pony with the same idea. In fact, there were already a few ponies already checking the board. Without the need to push through the crowd this time, Dash skidded to a stop and quickly focused on the board.


No way!

Dash’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened.

1st: Rainbow Dash

HOLY CRAP! She was still at the top?! Dash blinked and rubbed her eyes. She didn’t think she’d do so well after her slip ups in the tube course? Then again… she was a major part of solving the pie battle… and she took command in the random ass murder mystery scenario… Geez, she really had to stop focusing so much on what she did a little bit wrong and realize how much she was doing right! The Wonderbolts sure thought so.

Well then! She wasn’t worried about her rank, but it was quite an ego boost to see herself still at the top.

“Hmph!” a grunt came from beside her. She glanced to her right and saw a grey stallion with a messy brown mane glaring at the board. He was bigger than her. Not as big as Soarin, but he definitely came close. He glanced at Dash briefly, then back at the board, and then back at Dash again. He looked her over before grunting again. He turned and stomped away.

Dash blinked and watched him leave before shrugging. What the hell was his problem? Anyway, time to look the rest of the list over.

2nd: Squall

Squall… that name again. She saw it on the first day too in second. Realization hit Dash. She glanced over her shoulder again, but the grumpy stallion was gone. Squall, huh. She wondered if that was him. There were lots of cadets and she had completely missed some of their performances during the first day. Though how could she miss a pony doing well enough to be stuck in the second spot two days in a row?

She looked back to the board.

3rd: Little Star

Again, here too. Little Star was third last time. Dash hadn’t met either of these apparent super stars. She was sure she’d notice them tomorrow though.

She’d speculate on them later however. Dash was much, much more interested in finding her friends on the list. Only fifty were being taken into the third day… she hoped for the best as she began scanning down. She didn’t have to look very far.

5th: Twister

Twister had been bumped up! It made sense to Dash though. Today’s tests were about the ridiculous… and Dash had seen him work through all three. He handled each of them well. The last test he got pranked a bunch, but Fleetfoot said that test was to see who just went with it.

Dash scanned further. She was surprised to see that she recognized none of the names as she went down. It wasn’t until seventeen, that she found another name.

17th: Matteo

He got bumped down two places. While he played a key role in the defeating the pie machine, he did have that huge mishap in the pipe course. He must’ve also slipped a little in the murder mystery. Dash actually found herself chuckling. How DID Matteo handle that prank? Squad 3 must’ve had a field day with him.

Dash suddenly realized something. Where was Storm Front? Dash quickly scanned down the list while holding her breath.

25th: Storm Front

Dash released a heavy sigh of relief. Yikes! How did he fall so far on the list? He was awesome in both the first and second tests! Something must’ve gone horribly wrong for him in the third test. In fact, knowing him, he probably went hell bent on protecting the others from harm instead of solving the case. Either way, he got hit pretty hard in the rankings, but Dash was glad. Unlike a certain other pony she knew, Storm Front was very deserving of a spot as a Wonderbolt recruit. Such a nice guy deserves a well earned victory.

But last time, Arctic was in 25th. Dash had yet to see her. So she crossed her feathers and prayed Arctic would be long gone as she continued down.



And down.

She was at 40th. No sign of Arctic yet… but also no sign of Thunderlane or Derpy. Dash was half excited and half worried.

Arctic leaving = praise Celestia!

Thunderlane and/or Derpy leaving = depressing.

They both got farther than they expected they would, but it didn’t mean Dash felt they should keep going.




“Yes!” Dash pumped a hoof in the air. Thunderlane made it to the third day?! Oh, she couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he found out. Talk about being rewarded for taking your licks. Thunderlane hadn’t had the most… pleasant time here, but he was staying alive and getting a chance most pegasi could only dream of. She was compelled to be proud of him. He earned it.

But… Derpy?

Dash looked at 49th. No idea who that pony was.

Only one more spot could possibly be Derpy…

50th: Arctic Blast.

“WHAT?!?!” Dash yelled out, startling the other ponies around her. “Are you KIDDING ME?! ARGH!!!!!!” she reached up and yanked at her mane.


Why? Why? Why?!?!?

She just COULDN’T get rid of her! It was maddening! How did she barely pass?! She did terrible in the first and third tests, at least in Dash’s opinion. It looked like she got through the second mostly unscathed except for the big bruise on her side.


Such a mood killer.

Dash blinked… and her ears drooped. She looked down the list past the 50th mark. She stopped near the bottom.

82nd: Derpy Hooves

Dash sat down and sighed. Derpy had done well in the second test… and okay in the third. In the first, she locked up and hid. Knowing how the Wonderbolts truly were… Dash could see how that probably killed her chances. But… It felt wrong. It felt SO DAMN WRONG That a pony as rude and bitchy as Arctic was allowed through to the defining day of the tryouts… and a pony as sweet and kind as Derpy was left out. Personality didn’t decide if you made it or not… but it still just felt so wrong.

Dash had made it through. She was still at the very top, and very happy to be, but losing Derpy… it killed any reason for her to be happy.

Dash stood up and began slowly walking towards the barracks. It was easy to give Bulk Biceps a hearty pat on the back and get him to be happy… but Derpy was much more sensitive and had more than one reason to be sad about leaving. Sure, she couldn’t tryout with them any more… but there was something she’d have a much harder time dealing with.

Leaving Storm Front.

Just as Dash predicted, it wasn’t easy.

Like the night before, the cadets who didn’t make it were to pack up and head out with train tickets waiting for them at the station. They had plenty of time to do so however, so there was no rush.

Derpy sat on her bed, head down, but not crying. Dash and Thunderlane were there beside her bed, but neither knew what to say. Thunderlane was still a little flustered about making it to day three, and he felt it wouldn’t be his place to comfort a pony that didn’t make it. While Dash had a similar feeling, she felt compelled to say something. Derpy’s reason for coming to the tryouts was because she wanted to be more like her. Dash wanted to tell her what an amazing job she had done, but the words were so hard to find.

Dash sighed and set next to Derpy on the bed. She draped her wing over Derpy’s shoulder and rubbed it up and down gently.

“Sorry Derpy, I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better,” Dash openly admitted not knowing what to say. She felt it was better than saying nothing. At least Derpy would know that they were thinking about her. “You…” Dash tried to think and talk at the same time. “You did very well though. Please be proud of that. You also broke a record! I’m sure the Wonderbolts think highly of you for it.”

“I’m fine,” Derpy suddenly spoke up quietly. Dash flinched, but quickly relaxed and continued to rub her wing on Derpy’s shoulder. Thunderlane still couldn’t find any words, but he sat down on the other side of Derpy to at least show he was there for her too. Derpy smiled at them both. “It was so much fun… but… I’m not so sad about the tryouts,” she sniffled.

Dash knew it.

“I’m…” Derpy sniffled again. “I’m sad because… I’m leaving… Storm…”

Dash quickly pulled Derpy tighter against her as the sniffling became more frequent.

Of course. Storm Front. Just as Dash predicted. She didn’t blame Derpy for being so sad. Outside of Ponyville… hell, even IN Ponyville sometimes, Derpy didn’t get much love and respect. At least, not as much as Dash felt she deserved for being so friendly and sweet. Storm was a rare find for her. Not only was he quite possibly the friendliest stallion Dash had ever seen in her life, but he also showed a genuine respect for Derpy and enjoyment of her company. This was extremely rare for Derpy. She would possibly never know a stallion like this again.


Dash, Thunderlane, and Derpy all looked up.

Storm Front was standing in the aisle, looking in at them. Dash reached over and poked Thunderlane. He grunted and looked over at Dash. Dash made sweeping hoof motions towards him. He looked back at Storm as he moved towards Derpy, and then looked back to see Dash scoot away. Thunderlane caught on quickly and moved away himself.

Storm went right up to Derpy, reached out his arms and pulled her into a very tight hug. Derpy squeaked and blushed, but quickly wrapped her arms around him as well. Dash slid over to the other side of the mattress and hopped off before trotting around to join Thunderlane in the aisle. The two were giving them space.

“Derpy, I’m so sorry you have to leave already…” Storm said quietly as he released the hug. Derpy looked away from him, frowning and ears drooping.

“I know… but… I had fun,” she said with a weak smile. “And… I got to meet you!” she said, forcing her smile to be stronger. Storm pulled her back into a hug.

“It’s been… great for me too Derpy. You are such a fun mare… I’ll be honest… you made this experience for me so enjoyable so far. I hate seeing you go. Who’s gonna make me laugh now?” he said while giving her a light playful squeeze before putting her at arm’s length again. “Cloudsdale isn’t very far from Ponyville. If I don’t make it, I can come visit you as much as I can.”

Dash had to suppress an audible “awwww” when she saw just how much Derpy’s face lit up when he said that. He continued.

“And if I become a Wonderbolt, Ponyville’s just a short train ride away. With a Wonderbolt salary, I can easily afford as many tickets to see you as I want.”

Double dose of d’aww.

“Yay!!!” Derpy flung herself at him and hugged him again. He caught her and chuckled as he returned the embrace.

Dash was glad. Not just for Derpy, but for Storm. He had listened to her. He was willing to keep trying with Derpy despite a little distance. She sighed heavily as she watched. It wasn’t a dreamy sigh. It was a frustrated sigh.

The scene was reminding her of Soarin.

Soarin, Soarin, Soarin, and more Soarin, with a side of Soarin, and some extra Soarin for later.

It didn’t matter how hard she tried. Dash found it impossible to focus entirely on the tryouts, not when the stallion she loved with every fiber of her being was right there. She felt like she was being tortured. Something she desired greatly was taunting her. It was just out of her reach.

As much as she risked sounding like Shove-it Bitchalot, she felt it was another motivation for her to become a Wonderbolt. It was her dream to fly with them. It always had been her dream to fly with them… but now she had another reason too: to be with the love of her life.

“Derpy Hooves? Where’s Derpy Hooves?!” Spitfire’s voice suddenly echoed throughout the barracks.

They all turned to see Spitfire walking down the aisle, out of uniform for the night. She was holding something under her wing as she approached.

“Ah! There you are!” she smiled when she saw Derpy. Storm quickly backed away as the lead captain of the Wonderbolts made her way over to Derpy. “I was afraid you already left. We wouldn’t want you to leave without this…” she unfolded her wing and grabbed what was tucked beneath it, holding it out to Derpy. “It’s too bad you didn’t make it through, because we’ll definitely never forget you,” Spitfire winked at her.

Dash’s curiosity was piqued. She walked over to the other side of the bed to see what Spitfire was holding out to Derpy. It was a picture frame. In it was a picture of Derpy smiling very wide beside another pegasus mare.

Dash blinked. The mare looked familiar. She was old, not elderly, but her face had some age on it. More age than Silver Lining’s at least. The mare was yellow with a long, pure white mane. There was a faint signature on the picture. Dash leaned in and read it… then—

“WAIT!!!!!” yelled as her eyes widened. She flopped onto the mattress to get a closer look at the mare. “Tha…thaaaaaa…” she slurred and stuttered in disbelief. “IS THAT FLASHWIND?!?!?!?!” she finally blurted out. Flashwind… one of the two legendary Wonderbolt captains… who once saved her life in a weather mishap… and mother of Rapidfire…

“Mmhmm…” Spitfire nodded. “She held the record on the endurance test. Whenever a pony breaks a record, they get to meet to previous holder."

Dash looked at Derpy in disbelief.

“Derpy you met the Flashwind… and you didn’t tell me?!?! I’m SO JEALOUS!!!” Dash lightly shook Derpy while smiling widely. Derpy smiled back, slightly confused. She had no idea who Flashwind was.

“She was very nice,” Derpy commented while looking back at the picture. Spitfire tapped her hoof on the frame.

“This one is for you,” Spitfire explained. “There is another one just like it being hung up in the lobby by the record boards,” she smiled at Derpy and ruffled her mane. “That was quite a show you gave us yesterday. You may have fallen short this year, but we’d love to see you again next year.”

“Yay!” Derpy replied simply while hugging the picture and bouncing happily on the mattress.

Spitfire gave Derpy a nod and a pat on the shoulder before leaving to attend to other duties. Dash and the others quickly surrounded her again to congratulate her and express their awe. Derpy immediately set the picture down and gave Storm another big hug as he approached. It was unprovoked. She was just really happy and felt like doing it. It was not like he was going to complain anyway.

Dash was beyond happy for Derpy. She came into the tryouts hoping to be cool like Dash. She didn’t make it all the way through, but she had thoroughly impressed Dash and made her a little jealous on top of that. Derpy deserved all of it. She had a rough time in life and something like this was just the pick-me-up she deserved.

They all said their goodbyes. Derpy received one last hug and one more promise from Storm. They waved as Derpy trotted towards the doors to the barracks, turned and gave them one last smile, and left.

Derpy was gone, but she left the compound as happy as could be.

A half an hour passed and Dash couldn’t believe how empty the barracks felt now. With only fifty left, it felt like there was so much open space to move and interact with others. Even some of the beds were being removed by staff members. They would be shooed out soon to let the cadets relax, but Dash could understand if they wanted to lighten their workload a little for when they had to really dismantle the whole mock sleeping quarters.

Dash contemplated moving to a different bunk. She didn’t know why she hadn’t considered it the day before.

Dash glanced up and down the aisle as she tossed her cadet uniform into a passing laundry bin. There were so many open beds now. Well, the mattresses hadn’t been washed or anything, but she could easily have draped her sheet over one or something. She just wanted to get away from Arctic.

The only real thing that was stopping her from moving was that she’d have to move all of her stuff too. It wouldn’t be too hard to conceal the picture of her and Soarin as she moved, but she wasn’t sure if it was a risk she was willing to take.

She didn’t give a damn if Arctic found it. Dash wasn’t the only pony who was tired of her. She could see it every time she walked by. She received so many eye rolls and scowls. Everypony was sick of her. If Arctic saw the picture and began barking around about it, Dash doubted anypony would listen to her. She never shut up about Soarin to begin with, so it would come off as her trying to start false rumors.

The problem for Dash was everypony else. Should any other cadet besides Arctic catch a glimpse of the picture, it was sure to spread quickly. The last thing she and Soarin needed was that extra monkey on their backs.

Once she was IN the Wonderbolts, they could make it look like it happened after the fact. Until then however, it was best to not take any risks, at least that’s how Dash felt. If Soarin came in here and pulled her out, she wasn’t going to resist. She was keeping quiet for him mostly. She wanted to blurt it out and let everypony know, but that would definitely put him in a bind.


Speaking of the sexiest voice Dash knew…

She had just flopped onto her bed when Soarin’s voice reached through the barracks from the entry doors. She scooted forward on her mattress and looked out into the aisle… with more excitement than she let show.

Soarin, also out of uniform (and providing full eye candy for Dash) was walking slowly down the aisle. This was the first time he had addressed the cadets in the barracks. Dash was still getting used to the horn… but even with such a strange, attention diverting headpiece… Soarin still had an incredible presence that radiated off of him with each stride. All the cadets had stopped what they were doing and were focused on him.

A faint, “Eeeeee~” was coming from directly above Dash. Dash growled quietly as Arctic swooned above her. Dash waited for a moment when Soarin was looking away from them. As soon as his head turned, Dash reached up and jabbed her hoof hard between the metal grate that held Arctic’s mattress above hers. A sharp “EEP!” sounded out and Dash went right back to looking at Soarin. Arctic looked over the edge of her bed and huffed at Dash before instantly going gaga over Soarin again.

“First I would like to congratulate all of you for making it this far!” Soarin began as he slowly moved through the aisle. “I also want to express how impressed we are with each and every one of you! As some of you know… we had current recruits trying out amongst you for a chance to get the elite squadron spot. Well, guess what? None of them made it past this cut. We have an exceptional class of cadets here... unlike anything we’ve ever seen before!”

Dash couldn’t believe that. She had almost completely forgotten that there were current recruits going through the tryouts. The lure of an elite squad spot must’ve attracted the best of the best from all over Equestria. Not all fifty of the cadets here would become at least a phase one recruit, and even fewer after that would become a phase two recruit (a.k.a. a full-time recruit squad of five), but the Wonderbolts were definitely licking their chops with all these new faces to send tryout invites in the future.

“That being said…” Soarin continued. “I—” he stopped dead in his tracks as he came across Dash’s bunk and his face quickly wore a mortified expression. Dash eyed him curiously, wondering why he stopped, but then she realized he was looking into hers and Arctic’s personal space to her left.

Oh. Right. The poster.

Soarin stared directly at the Sexy Beach Soarin poster that was hanging on the wall. He sighed, flattening his ears and brow. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He looked at Dash and lifted an eyebrow. Dash quickly pointed up. Soarin looked up and reclined slightly to see Arctic nearly falling off of her bed as she tried to lean her face as close to him as possible from the top bunk. His ears flopped down and he scrunched his face as he glanced down at Dash again.

Dash couldn’t hold it in. She began to snicker. More chuckles started coming from around the bunks. Eventually it erupted into full out laughter as everypony became aware of the scene. Dash was trying so hard not to laugh at Soarin’s expense with him right in front of her, but she just couldn’t hold it in. Dash looked around to see Twister, Thunderlane, and Storm Front all losing it. Even stone faced Matteo had a smirk cracking on one side of his beak.

Dash looked back to Soarin as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, Dash immediately stopped laughing and her eyes grew slightly. His expression was hard and serious. He looked around at all the cadets laughing.

“Hahahaha!!!!” he started mocking them. “Hahahahaha SHUT IT!!!!!” his voice boomed.

It was unreal how quickly the place went dead silent. All the laughter instantly ceased and the cadets had all frozen in place, staring at him with a mix of surprise and fear. The tone was different. Dash had never seen Soarin lash out with such a heavy and demanding tone in his voice.

“Ha ha,” he slowly began to turn while glaring. “He he,” he kept turning. “Ho ho,” he made a full circle. “Hardy har har har!” he finished while slightly baring his teeth. “Are we done laughing now? I think we’re done laughing now!” he started walking again, moving past Dash’s bunk. “Today sure was fun wasn’t it? All the silly stuff and fun times… WELL GUESS WHAT?!” he made it halfway to the opposite wall and sharply turned around. “Fun time’s over!” he began walking back down the aisle. “There’s only fifty of you left… and tomorrow, it’s my job to see which of you is truly ready to be a Wonderbolt!” he barked loud and clear as he moved past Dash again.

This was… hot. Dash struggled to control her wings. The way he had taken full control of the situation… and how he held the focus of all the cadets through intimidation… Dash loved it. She had yet to see the more professional side of Soarin. She liked it. Oh, she liked it a little too much.

“Tomorrow, it’s my turn to run you through some tests. No jokes and no pranks! It’s going to be tough, and it’s going to be hard! Wonderbolts don’t become Wonderbolts by taking it easy!” he stopped halfway between Dash’s bunk and the entrance before slowly turning again. “When the lights go out tonight, do your body a favor and get right to sleep! Trust me… you’re going to need the rest for what’s coming tomorrow! If you don’t bring your A-game, you’re gonna find your ass sitting in a train car home faster than you can blink!” He faced down the aisle again and glanced back and forth. “That’ll be all!” he nodded before he turned and headed towards the door.

The hush faded quickly, but only enough for murmurs to pass through the cadets. The next day was going to be brutal, huh? This day was wacky and now it was back to the more serious grind.

Dash couldn’t help but wonder what Soarin had in store for them… Okay, she was really still internally swooning at how Soarin asserted his influence so fiercely over the cadets. She saw if first when he broke up the scrapping stallions on the first day… and now this. She’d be sure to show him her “interest” in this new quality of his he’d been hiding from her.

Dash flattened her expression as she heard Arctic release a heavenly sigh above her. That does it. Dash felt the need to really give Arctic a piece of her mind.

“Rainbow Dash?”

Dash stopped mid stand and glanced to her left. It was Soarin. He hadn’t left. Dash wanted to give him the usual smile, but his eyes were still locked in serious professional mode. Dash simply continued her motion and stepped off the bed.

“Yes?” replied. She could almost feel Arctic already glaring at her. Dash knew she was. Hooker McLadyBonerforSoarin was one of the most predictable mares Dash had ever met.

“That’s yes, SIR… cadet.” He said sternly. Dash froze. Okay, that was unexpected.

“Y—yes, sir?” she rephrased it, feeling a bit stiff. Soarin made a small head motion towards the doors.

“We need to speak with you. Follow me.” His face remained stoic throughout. Dash gulped and slowly followed behind as Soarin walked back out into the aisle. She felt nervous. She really couldn’t tell if Soarin was playing this up or not. If he was, he was doing a flawless job. A few other cadets gave them looks as they passed, and eventually the two were out the doors.

Back by Dash’s bunk, as Dash predicted, Arctic was still glaring. She had been glaring since Soarin approached Dash. She didn’t pay attention at all to what they were saying or the fact that Soarin was being super serious. All she saw was Soarin talking to another mare, but not just any mare: a mare that had more than once challenged her interest in Soarin. Arctic wasn’t buying it. All her brain could picture was this being some sort of set up by Rainbow Dash to steal Soarin from her.

The cadets had around an hour before lights out. If Dash wasn’t back in around thirty to forty-five minutes… Arctic decided she would “step-out” and thwart Rainbow Bitch’s scheming.

Dash stiffly followed Soarin down the hallway and to the stairs in the lobby.

What was going on? She couldn’t get a read on him… she could always get a read on him in the past. Had she actually done something wrong?

They started up the stairs. She wanted to say something, but there were other Wonderbolts still within earshot down on the first floor. Was he taking her to Spitfire’s office? She suddenly felt extremely anxious.

They got to the top of the stairs and Dash could see past him towards Spitfire’s office. The hall was mostly empty though. It seemed like aside from those still downstairs, most of the Wonderbolts had called it a night already. It didn’t surprise her though. They did get up earlier for Fleetfoot’s surprise wakeup call.

Dash took two steps towards Spitfires office—

“OOF!” she grunted as Soarin suddenly reached over and grabbed her around the waist. “Whoa!” She yelped as he suddenly yanked her towards the second flight of stairs to the third floor. He hopped up and kicked off the walls in a diamond pattern to reach the third floor before sharply turning left, skidding to a stop in front of his door. He threw the door open, and threw Dash in. “YIKES!!!” she yelped as she tumbled through the air and landed on his bed, back first.

“SHHHH!!!!!” Soarin shushed her as she looked up. He looked back and forth outside his room. Dash blinked and shut her mouth. Soarin closed the door behind him, grinned at Dash, and dove at her.

“Yipe!” Dash squeaked quietly as Soarin landed on the bed, bounced once, landed on top of her, and wrapped his arm around her, squeezing her tightly.

It was all a ruse. He really had her going!

“You ass…” she whispered as he nestled his head into her chest, being sure not to poke her eye out with the false horn. “I thought I was actually in trouble!” she repeatedly bopped her hoof against his head gently.

“Hey, if you believed me, everypony else would,” he said while resting his chin on her chest and looking up at her. Dash giggled, reached down, and pressed his cheeks in. He didn’t resist.

“So I take it you’re not worried about getting in deep shit with Spitfire?” she asked while removing her hooves from his face. He rolled his eyes.

“‘In deep shit with Spitfire' is just a different way for me to say: ‘another day at the office,’” he winked. Dash tried to suppress the chuckling as much as she could.

“I just really wanted to do something with you, okay? You’re a risk taker, are you complaining?” he asked as he pushed himself up and loomed over Dash. She smirked at him, crossed her back legs, and put her front hooves behind her head.

“I like risk takers,” she gave him bedroom eyes. Soarin bit his lip and quickly went in for a hard kiss. Dash kept her limbs where they were, allowing him full access. Soarin quickly broke the kiss as a quiet THUMP came from next door. They both quickly looked at the wall.

“Dammit… these walls are too damn thin,” Soarin grunted as he heard movement in Spitfire’s room.

“Do we have a choice?” Dash reached up and moved his head back to her. She pouted at him while glaring, wishing he hadn’t cut off the kiss so quickly. Soarin looked down at her, and then looked up at the window behind them.

“Actually… yes we do,” he grinned. “It’s cloudy tonight, I’m sure we can find a nice puffy cloud to… share our thoughts of the day on…” he chuckled as he and Dash got up off the bed.

“Oh, that's what you’re gonna call it?” she smirked. “But aren’t there… you know… other windows out there? How are we not gonna be seen?”

“Fly straight up,” Soarin pointed up. “Actually I was thinking we could go press our faces to Spitfire’s window first, I don’t think she’d find that suspicious at—”

“Okay, I get it, jerk,” she giggled as she pushed him towards the window. Soarin turned and faced her as he opened the window and climbed into the windowsill. Dash suddenly gave him puppy eyes.

“What?” he asked while trying not to laugh at how uncharacteristic it looked of Dash. She unfolded her wings and let them droop to the bed.

“Flying? Aren’t you gonna ask me if my wings are feeling okay? I did lots of tryout stuff you know,” she faked a lame tone. Soarin lifted an eyebrow.

“You’re fine, don’t bullshit me,” he quickly replied. Dash instantly burst into a fit of giggles, trying her hardest not to burst out laughing.

“Such a gentlestallion. Lead the way asshat,” Dash picked up her wings and stretched them out.

“Going up!” Soarin said comically before leaping backwards into the night and shooting upward. Dash quickly hopped out and spread her wings, following close behind.

The two flew gently skyward, finding a nice puffy cloud right above the Wonderbolt compound. Soarin popped up above the cloud first, waiting patiently for Dash. She didn’t come up though. Soarin glanced over the sides of the cloud, wondering where she was. As he looked around, Dash’s head slowly popped up behind him from within the cloud. Right as he turned to look, she leapt out and pounced on him, pinning his back to the cloud.

“Damn,” he chuckled as she looked down at him with desire in her eyes. Soarin sighed and tried to take a nice long look, but Dash was quickly upon him. She pushed herself down and slammed her lips against his, kissing him with all the built up passion from seeing him, but being unable to be with him. Soarin played along, wrapping his arms around her back as she nearly pushed him through the cloud with her body. She pulled back for a moment. Again, Soarin tried to look into her eyes, but she came right back at him.

“Hey, hey…” Soarin suddenly pushed her up. She eyed him quizzically .

“What?” she asked while tipping her head. “Oh, I get it,” she smirked. “You gotta fight me if you wanna be on top, buster.” She taunted while wiggling her body.”

“No… Dash…” Soarin shook his head and smiled. “First of all, I don’t want to get rough and hurt you by accident before tomorrow…” he trailed off. Dash blinked.

“What, are you implying I will get hurt tomorrow?” she asked. Soarin shook his head.

“That’s not what I meant. Tomorrow is going to be extremely physically demanding for all of you. You saw me earlier… the fun stuff is over, I have to be a hard ass about this.”

“Speaking of…” Dash interrupted as her wings fluttered and shuttered slightly. “I’ve never seen you be so… intimidating before,” she laid her body down on top of his and shivered. “It was… pretty damn sexy, I’m not gonna lie.” She inhaled sharply and sighed. Soarin bounced her eyebrows at her.

“Gotta be alpha if you want to keep control, especially with the stallions. The mares are harder to tame.”

“Oh? You don’t say,” Dash looked at him smugly.

“If you're any indication, I firmly stand by that statement,” he gave her his own smug look right back. He looked at her for another moment then frowned.

“What? Soarin, you’re being weird tonight,” Dash pouted. “Whoa!” she yelped as he suddenly pushed her gently until she rolled off and lay beside him. “Soarin? Seriously what’s the—” she stopped as Soarin turned on his side to face her. There was a different look in his eyes. Different from the usual competitive gaze. His eyes looked calm. They looked gentle. Dash remained silent as those eyes looked her over.

“You know Dash…” he began quietly. “I’m all for the roughhousing and wrestling…” he reached a hoof forward and gently stroked it against her face. “I don’t think… I really, truly show you how much I love you enough,” he ran his hoof over her cheek, around her ear into her mane, and stroked it all the way down the back of her neck.

Dash stared back at him. This was… different.

“Soarin…” she spoke up as a light blush crept on her face. “You’re getting super sappy on me…”

“I don’t care,” he said instantly. Dash flinched slightly and her eyes opened wider. “Just let me look at you… enjoy you…” he said while his light touch continued down her cheek again.

This was a much different situation than the usual. Dash was so used to the two of them fighting over who had who pinned. Soarin had put them side by side, facing each other. They were on equal terms with nothing to scrounge for. She felt her body tingle at his gentle touch. It sent delightful shivers through her. This was different… but she kind of liked it. Not that she would admit it. She was actually a little disappointed when Soarin suddenly stopped and pulled his hoof back, but he looked right into her eyes again, studying her features carefully.

“Dash, you’re a tough mare. You’re a badass. You’re a bundle of action. But…” Soarin reached his hoof out, but this time ran it from her neck down the curve of her physique. “But I feel like you need to be told… just how beautiful you are…”

“Huh…?” Dash felt her face heat up.

“I need to tell you how lost I get in your eyes…” he continued.

Dash didn’t know what to say or do. She thought he was being so damn sappy, but she was swooning like mad at his romantic words. She liked it so much more than she was willing to admit. He was completely in control. She could not move, and his words had frozen her in the warmest way imaginable.

“Sometimes… I want to dial back the roughness…” Soarin edged towards her and reached a hoof behind her head. “I want to be soft… and gentle… because you’re just that special to me…”

Dash instinctively closed her eyes as Soarin’s lips softly caressed hers. Dash felt her whole body heat up, but it wasn’t an untamable desire, it was more relaxed and comforting. She leaned her head in, completely locking their lips together, but keeping the feeling smooth and slow. Soarin continued. Making sure he left no part of her lips unattended to. There was no tongue battling, no nipping or play biting, just genuine romantic kissing.

When he finally pulled away from her, he did so very slowly so he could both hear her exhale in delight and feel her warm breath splash against his nose. He smiled as she slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. She looked confused, but at the same time very happy.

What did… what did Soarin just do to her? She was in love with him already and this sure as hell wasn’t the first time they had kissed… but that kiss was so much different. They had always been so rough… Dash just felt like that was how it would always go. Was this how true love felt? The way each and every small and gentle motion made every little piece of fur on her body tingle and stand on end… was unbelievable. Her body shivered with a delight that not even sex brought her. Just when she thought she had love figured out… this happened.

And… it was amazing. Absolutely amazing.

Art by: GlitterDash (Dev art: chessaw)

“I think I liked that more than I should have,” Dash’s voice was slightly higher than normal and squeaked slightly. “I just… Soarin… ahhh…” she hugged herself. This was so unnatural to her. She felt so… mushy. Soarin chuckled and stroked her mane with his hoof again. She stiffened, but then relaxed and sighed so much that it was a surprise she didn’t turn into a liquid and rain down from the clouds.

“It’s okay to be romantic and girly sometimes Dash. You don’t need to put that shield up with me,” he reassured her. She puffed her cheeks out and looked away from him while glaring. He couldn’t help but laugh at how adorable it looked with her face blushing madly at the same time.

“Fine,” Dash huffed. “But if you tell anypony about this, I’ll kill you.”

“Fair enough,” Soarin smiled. Dash looked him in the eyes and lay completely still. Soarin had the feeling she wanted something. “Yes?” he asked instinctively. Her eyes widened slightly and darted around a couple times.

“Um…” she closed her eyes tight and her face grew redder for a moment. “Um…" she opened her eyes. "Could you… do it again?” she asked very quietly before slamming her eyes shut once again. She felt so stupid. This wasn’t like her at all… but for him. He was a special case.

“I was going to anyway,” Soarin leaned into her again. Dash surrendered immediately, closing her eyes and reaching her face towards his. The shocks of delight surged through her again as she felt the gentle touch of both their lips and of his body against hers. Dash released a soft moan: a moan of pure delight, not pleasure. Dash reached her hooves up and gently placed them against the sides of his head, as if demanding he not stop.

Soarin obeyed, tipping his head to give their lips different angles as they moved softly over themselves.

Soarin pulled away again and watched with satisfaction as Dash pulled her legs up to her chest and shuddered with a content sigh.

“Gosh, Soarin… I don’t… I don’t know what…” she stopped as he placed a hoof gently over her lips.

“Nothing needs to be said,” he smiled at her. “I just… really wanted you to feel it. To feel what I feel whenever you’re on my mind,” he stuffed one arm into the cloud and reached his other arm over her to grab her around the midsection and draw her into a tight hug. He nuzzled the top of her head. “I love you so much, Dashie…” he said softly. Dash tingled in his grip, then smiled while nestling herself into him.

Fanart by: Fuzzette

“I love you too you big dumb—” she stopped. Soarin blinked and looked down at her. “Sorry…” she grinned sheepishly. “I love you too… Soarin,” she corrected herself while tipping her head up and giving him a light peck on the cheek.

She could get used to this. It was new… it was different… but it felt so damn good. Sweet romance was not her thing… but with Soarin she could make an exception… especially if it always felt that amazing.

Soarin sighed and glanced down at the compound.

“I’d love for this to last another few hours… but I should get you back,” he grunted in frustration.

“Aww…” Dash voiced her disapproval. Perfect timing… just when she had felt perfectly comfortable.

“If you aren’t in the barracks by lights out and I’m missing too, Spitfire will get suspicious. Hell, I bet Fleetfoot already noticed and is combing the whole damn base to find and spy on us,” he added, earning a chuckle from Dash.

“Okay… I guess…” Dash sighed. “When I become a Wonderbolt we won’t have this damn problem,” she said as they stood up.

“You still gotta earn that,” Soarin nudged her. She looked at him and pouted.

“What? You don’t think I will?”

“I never said that,” Soarin chuckled as the two lifted off and glided back towards the base. “To be honest I’m looking forward to the show you’ll be putting on tomorrow,” he reassured her as they glided down back to his window.

Soarin found his thoughts going to the elite selection again… nopony had earned it yet… but he was bound by his profession to make the best choices. He’d have to choose against her if she didn’t fit the mold, but it was still too early to determine any of that. Dash was perceptive and resourceful. He was sure she’d have no problem in figuring out and showing them what they wanted to see.

Why was he thinking about this now?

After such a tender moment, his head was still in a battle over what he should do. It would be over soon. Tomorrow he’d know for sure what he had to do.

He and Dash landed back on the windowsill and entered his room.

“I know she’s up to something, I just know it!” Arctic Blast mumbled to herself as she came across the stairs in the lobby.

It was fifteen minutes until lights out. She had just combed the whole ground floor. The Wonderbolt rooms were on the third floor… she had to check. She’d pull Dash right off of Soarin if she had too. He’d never let a pony like Dash get on him willingly.

Arctic slowly made her way up the stairs.

Soarin peeked out from his door before giving Dash a quick nod. They both stepped out, seeing absolutely nopony in the halls at all.

“Yeah, you better get back down there,” Soarin smiled. “Trust me, Silver Lining is in charge of cadet curfew tonight… and you don't want to piss him off.”

“I’ve actually gathered that much,” Dash chuckled, remembering Silver’s creative threats.

Arctic paused halfway between the second and third floors. She definitely heard some talking. She quickly trotted up the rest of the steps.

“Well, thanks for sneaking me out…” Dash smiled at him. “Screw the professionalism, I was dying to spend time with you,” she nuzzled her head against his neck.

“Likewise Dash…” Soarin replied while glancing back and forth to make sure the halls remained clear.

Arctic moved towards the main hallways of the third floor. She could hear voices coming from right around the left corner. She slid up against the wall and edged towards it.

“Good luck tomorrow Dash,” Soarin smiled. Dash looked back and forth.

“There’s nopony else around, gimme one more?” she puckered her lips and batted her eyelashes at him.

“Heh, I’ll never say no…”

Arctic reached the corner of the hall… and slowly peeked around the corner.

Soarin pulled Dash’s face towards his, and kissed her softly.

Arctic’s eyes slowly grew. They grew wider, and wider, and wider as they registered what lay no more than ten feet before her.

Soarin was kissing Rainbow Dash. Dash wasn’t forcing him. He was kissing her.

Arctic’s ears flopped down, her legs began to shake, her mouth hung open, and all the air left her lungs. Her brain was telling her to scream, but she had no air to create even a simple squeak.

“Love you Soarin,” Dash said as she broke away.

“Love you too, Dashie,” Soarin said back before moving back into his room.

Love you too, Dashie.

Love you too, Dashie.

Love you too, Dashie.

Love you too, Dashie.

Love you too, Dashie.

Love you too, Dashie.

Love you too, Dashie.

Each time the words swirled around in Arctic’s head she felt like somepony was breaking a chair over her back.



But Soarin was HERS!!! Not Dash’s! This wasn’t right at all!

She shuffled backwards, falling onto her plot. She didn’t know what to do or where to go. Her brain was literally broken. The sound of hooves came closer and closer.

Dash turned the corner and stopped dead in her tracks. She yelped in surprise and stared wide eyed.

Arctic Blast!?

Had Arctic seen them?

Judging by Arctic’s body language and “flick away from shattering” look… she had seen. She had seen them kiss.

Dash began to panic. Now what? An excuse? An explanation? What would she do to—

Dash instantly stopped herself. She had almost completely forgotten something she was thinking about before: Arctic had no credibility.

Arctic had literally been a thorn in everypony’s side the whole time she had been there. She could say anything she wanted about seeing Soarin and Dash… who was going to believe her? Nopony at all. It’s what she got for being such a bitch and never shutting up about “her stallion.”

Speaking of…

“Hmph…” Dash smirked. She felt… a frightening urge to pour salt on the wound. “You know… Arctic…” Dash began as she slowly walked beside the broken fan girl. “Normally I’d have sympathy in a situation like this…” she glared at Arctic. “But you’ve done nothing to earn it.”

She walked up real close to Arctic, who just stared into Dash’s eyes with disbelief.

“How about I take a page from your book here, hmmm?” Dash narrowed her eyes. “Back off.”

Arctic flinched and gasped as Dash said the words harshly. She wasn’t done either.

“He’s MY stallion. Not YOURS. In fact… he’s BEEN my stallion for almost a year… so BACKTHE HELLOFF,” Dash stomped her hoof down with each word.

Arctic quickly stood up on her shaking legs, turned, and sprinted back down the stairs.

“Good riddance…” Dash added for her own satisfaction after the fact.

Part of Dash felt like she was a bit harsh… but Arctic had been nothing but the most unpleasant pony she had ever met in her life. She had been a bitch to her friends and had been trying to climb all over Soarin since she got there. Arctic was here for Soarin, not for the Wonderbolts. Many others came and tried their hearts out, but she got farther than most with such idiotic intentions driving her.

Arctic just barely squeaked through. There was no way she’d make the top twenty-one, especially after the apparent brutal testing happening the next day.

Dash had never felt so much ill will towards another before… but Arctic had dug her own grave. It was time for her to roll in it.

--- To Be Continued ---

Author's Note:

Well i finally did it... Arctic finally got what was coming to her... but gee Dash... was that a bit... harsh?


FWUFF! Writing the SoarinDash scene made me feel all poofy on the inside.

It's too bad about Derpy... but she got to leave with plenty of reasons to be happy.


So... next chapter is going to be the end of part 1... but wait there's still one more whole day of the tryouts... exactly. You see, whenever i finish a story i like to make the final chapter nice and long for the readers to enjoy. I'm going to treat the end of each part the same way. Therefore, chapter 26 is going to be a honker of a chapter, probably 20K+ words, and cover the entirety of day 3 and conclude part 1.

THAT BEING SAID. it will probably take me about a week to write. So don't expect an update until... i dunno... saturday or sunday? That would be my best bet. But i'll make sure it's worth the wait ;)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as i enjoyed writing it! :D

Thanks for reading!

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