• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,688 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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The Death of Vine(s)


The whipping vines closed in on Ariel's tail as she carried Rainbow Dash.

"We'll never make it!" Ariel's voice cracked as the deadly stalks rippled after them.

"You mean you will never make it!" Rainbow said.


Swooosh! Rainbow forward-flipped out of Ariel's grip, flapped her wings, and glided parallel to her. "We... on the other hoof..." She held her hoof out. "Grab ahold!"


"Just do it, girl!"

Ariel slapped her fetlock over, joining it with Rainbow's.

"Flap your wings!" Rainbow hollered, squinting against the beating winds. The rock formations came within spitting range. "Time it together!"


"Aaaaaaaand thrust!" Rainbow's wings blurred.

Ariel gnashed her teeth as she beat her feathers in time with Rainbow.

With their forelimbs hooked together, the two mares acted as one. They utilized their combined thrust to outfly the multiple lashing vines. As they came upon the rock formations, they ducked underneath the first arch, scaled a second ridge, then barrel-rolled around a third chunk of stone.



The air behind them filled with pebbles as the ravenous probisci struck the exposed formations.

"That was close!" Ariel stammered.

"About to get a lot closer!" Rainbow hollered—for ahead of them was a line of living forest already preparing a new volley of earthen chunks. "We gotta dodge 'em!"

"But where?!" Ariel shouted.

"To the left, Rainbow!" Rarity exclaimed. "Lose them through the porous arrangement of limestone and granite!"

Pinkie Pie glided upside down, dropping her head. "You know, Rare-Rare, those are two different things."


"Limestone and granite don't even belong in the same geological category—"

"Do you even think I can be feathered to care right now, Pinkie?!" Rarity shouted, her ghostly eyes bulging.

"Rainbow! Through the rocks!" Twilight exclaimed. "Like Rarity said!"

"Hard to port!" Rainbow wheezed, barreling left and dragging Ariel with her.

"Rainbow, no!" Ariel yelped.

"Rainbow, yes!"

The two pegasi awkwardly threaded their way through a hole in the looping structures just as a fresh wave of stones flew their way.

"Wooohooo!" Pinkie Pie pumped a hoof as she trailed behind them. "More sound effects!"




Rainbow and Ariel flew low to the ground, navigating the craggy hollow of limestone. The multiple impacts of the thrown rocks outside had an appropriately disastorous effect. The "ceiling" cracked in multiple places. A shower of dust and pebbles announced an inevitable cave-in.

"Quick! Fast as farts!" Rainbow's voice cracked. She continued holding onto Ariel's hoof, practically dragging her through the dim, claustrophobic echo chamber. "Go go go go go—!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh!" Ariel clenched her eyes shut, beating her wings blindly.


The overhanging stone split in twain, revealing twilight. Milliseconds after, the weight of the limestone took over, and a wave of collapsing rubble chased the tails of the two mares. They came upon a solid wall—solid, save for two narrow holes that could only fit a single pony each.

Rainbow wordlessly shoved Ariel to her right, all with a wave of debris cascading behind her frayed tail-hairs. The two mares held their breaths, flattened their bodies, and sailed through the two tiny holes. A single breath following that stunt, and the entire wall was pummeled by the collapsing structures behind it. Soon a mess of mortar followed them at the speed of screams.

"Up!" Rarity hollered. "Straight up!"

"It's an exit, Dashie!" Pinkie hollered.

"Got it!" Rainbow grabbed Ariel by the waist.

"Aaaack!" Ariel summoned the breath to shriek. "What now—?!"

FWOOOSH! Rainbow sailed the two of them straight up into a patch of twilight. The hollow earth below them exploded from the blast wave of impacting limestone. By the time they exited into the starry air, a cloud of ash and soot billowed up behind them. Soon, the two were sailing outward from a veritable crater of collapsing rock.

"We're... we're alive..." Ariel stammered, muzzle agape. She smiled. "Holy shit!"

Rainbow Dash opened her muzzle to say something—

"ROCKKK!" Pinkie shouted, left ear curling.

"!!!" Rainbow plowed into Ariel, sending the two of them earthward yet again.

Ariel grimaced. "Holy shit—!"

THWOOOOOOSH! The biggest boulder yet flew past them. This one slammed into the earth, bounced a few times, then broke up into hundreds of smaller pieces. Within a blink, surviving stalks emerged from the ground, wrapped around each shard, and then tossed their fresh ammo a the two pegasi.

"Back!" Rainbow hollered, turning tail. "Back!"

"Okay!" Ariel huffed, zipping after her. "Just don't tackle me this time—"

"No promises!" Rainbow panted, sweating profusely as she looked skyward. "We just gotta make a break for higher altitude before they throw their rocks over—!"

Just as she said this, the starlight was blotted out by a wave of projectiles... slowly hurdling down from their murderous arc.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww penguin lips," Rainbow cursed.

"Rainbow, you'll never outfly them in time!" Rarity said.

"Hate to say it, sugarcube, but t'ain't no easy way out of this'un!" Applejack added.

"Oh gosh..." Ariel winced as the ominous shadow fell over her. "...ah jeez! What do we do?"

Rainbow looked straight ahead.

A waving line of stalks rippled hungrily upon their arrival.

Rainbow's eyes fell to their bases.

Tiny pony-shaped spaces loomed around the vines' narrow trunks, right at ground level.

"No, Rainbow..." Twilight shook her head. "Don't do it!"

"We're doing it!" Rainbow shouted.

"Doing what?!" Ariel squeaked.

"Follow my tail!" Rainbow dove low.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh for the love of goddess!" Snarling, Ariel nevertheless followed her.

"Faster! Faster!" Rainbow grunted, flying so low her chestplate nearly scraped the arid stone of the ground. "Don't slow down for nothing—!"


"Stay close!" And just as Rainbow said this, she hurled her body straight into the living forest.

SW-SW-SW-SW-SW-SW-SWISSSSH! The dull, dark trunks of the vines zipped past. Almost instantly, they quivered and flexed and waved in order to throw the two pegasi off their daring track.

Compensating, the two mares bobbed and weaved their way through the living forest. Their serpentine motion paid out, because several hundred of the vines were curling over and stabbing down into their own numbers, lashing with scarlet tongues in a desperate attempt to lasso the pair. Within seconds, the stone shards thrown by the stalks' Edgeside cousins slammed into that very patch of the forest, smashing several vines and rendering their fleshy bodies to wet patches of scarlet-stained pulp.




"Rainbow!" Rarity's voice rippled through the dense madness.

"Kinda..." Rainbow panted. "...busy..." Rainbow sweated. "...Rarity!" Rainbow flew.

A pale ghostly muzzle phased through the blurring trunks. "Pull a hard left and fly into the nearest opening!"

"What?!" Rainbow stammered. She winced as her body narrowly grazed a collapsing stalk. "What for?!"

Fluttershy's face materialized next. "Just do it, Rainbow!" She stared at her anchor. "Trust us!"

"Ughhhhhhhh—" Rainbow shouted over her shoulder. "Veer left!"

"What, again?!" Ariel sputtered in mid-dodge.

"Just follow me!"

"Okaaaaaaaaaay—!" Ariel shrieked as more and more juice-stained stones landed closer and closer.

Rainbow jerked to the left—a difficult task in such a dense environment. Nevertheless, after pinballing off a vine's base or two, she found a narrow space to navigate. She flapped her wings, spiraling through with Ariel close behind. A swath of starlight glimmered through the trunks, and the two mares flew straight for the space beyond.

It was then that they heard a queer thunder—like cedar trees ripping out from their roots. One glance behind them was all it took to see a conjoined spiral of several dozen vines ripping through the thick forest and trailing after them like an enormous octopus limb. The reaching tendrils ripped a maddening path towards them.

"Go go go go—!"


At last, the two burst through the living forest's edge...

...and straight into a glinting axe.

"SPLIT!" Logan shouted, swinging his blade from the back of Flynn's wagon.

With a grunt, Rainbow kicked Ariel away. The two flew in opposite directions—just in time to avoid Logan hurling his weapon straight into the forest.

"SUCK ITTTTT!!!" He bellowed eloquently.

The sharp edge of his sword met the incoming "arm" of tentacles. They faired just as well as butter would to his blade. With a prolonged, satisfying splorrrrrrrrrrrch, the mass of tentacles ripped in twain, showering scarlet juices high into the air.

Rainbow and Ariel flew towards the opposite side of the strategically hovering wagon. They pressed their panting bodies to the rim, wincing from the hot rain splattering on all sides.

Kepler and Flynn likewise winced, watching as the attacking vines were rendered to meaty strings.

By the time Logan was done with his savage swing, the entire attack of the conjoined vines had met its end. The remaining tendrils slinked back into the bloodied forest, and a very unsubtle shrieking sound rippled across the chaotic landscape.

"Hrmmmfff..." Logan leaned back, drenched in his armor from head to tail. He spat a dollop of warm plant juices out of his muzzle. "You want fries with that?"

"Ha-Hah!" Kepler grinned, then motioned with his claw. "Flynn! Wildcarrd! Take us out, brrothers!"

"M'shrynmh L'fynym!"

And the hovering wagon glided swiftly away under the assistance of griffin wings.

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