• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,688 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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Four Words Is Hard

"Aaaaaaaaand..." Kepler rummaged through an unfolded bag of edible greenery. "Therre you have it, Rrainbow One!" He smiled through his tusks as he handed her a sampling of food. "Fourr leaves of Bleakweed!"

Rainbow Dash squatted on a partially unrolled blanket. She looked at the offering while members of the Herald continued unpacking a portion of the supplies all around her. Ariel was throwing up a tent and securing its canvas edges directly behind her.

"Uhm..." Rainbow Dash squinted at the food that Kepler was offering. "Remind me, Keppy. Just how much can a normal body go on when it comes to this midnighter delish?"

"I beg yourr parrdon?"

"I've had a lot on my mind as of late." Rainbow rubbed her brow and squinted at the wyvern. "I know you gave us the run-around way back when on the Light Side... but give me a refresher course, if you wouldn't mind. Wasn't it three leaves that a normal equine can sustain for a few hours?"

"Well... errm..." Kepler fidgeted a bit where he stood. "Yes."

"So, why are you handing me four leaves?"

"Because..." He adjusted his spectacles, then smiled innocently at her. "Because you arre the Austrraeoh! The most imporrtant memberr of this expedition!"

Ariel leaned in with a smirk. "Gotta keep those chubby cheeks of yours adorabadass!"

"... ... ..." Rainbow glared at her.

Ariel swiveled her smile until she was fixing the tent again. "Oooookay!"

"Kepler..." Rainbow sighed. "I don't deserve any bigger a meal than the rest of the group."

"Of courrse you do—!" He began.

"No. I don't." Rainbow frowned. "Eljunbyro is just as important as Austraeoh—if not more so. We each get equal helpings unless we're sick or injured!"

"Well... of courrse, Rrainbow, I'm inclined to agrree, but—"

"Good. Then it's settled." Rainbow Dash craned her neck until she was looking at the rest of the Herald. "You hear that? No more putting me on a pedestal! If we wanna get through this crazy darkness in one piece, then none of us gets allowed to hog any of the food from the others! Including me!"

"Heh..." Flynn looked over at Logan with a smug grin. "You hear that, Big Show? The way I see it, the Dark Side's gonna be the best diet you ever tried!"

"Ain't no skinnier than skinned alive, baldy," Logan grunted as he finished pitching a tent. "So watch your smart ass."

Flynn gulped and returned to tweaking the Cylindrimanian sphere. "Gotcha."

Rainbow sighed again. She peeled off one of the four large, edible leaves and gave it back to Kepler. "Thanks, Keps. I know you're trying to be thoughtful. It's... very Heraldic of you."

"Mmmmmm... perrhaps." Kepler took the morsel back without protest. "Albeit, it wasn't simply courrage that the Motherr Matrron taught us, but patience and wisdom as well. I do apprreciate the rreminderr."

As Kepler returned to the food crates, Ariel looked up. "Of course... conserving the sarosian bounty isn't going to last forever. What do we do when it's time to find new food?"

Rainbow nibbled on the edge of a leaf, grimacing at the bitter, sea-salt taste. "It's just a matter of time before we find something we can subsist on." She nibbled some more, swallowing "The Emeraldinians had to do it for a long, long time—didn't they?"

"Yeah... but they had tons and tons of supplies ferried over via alicorn magic," Ariel said. "Here we are centuries later... and so far Fluttershy hasn't sensed anything yet."

Rainbow bit off a length of leaf and squinted at the mare. "Meaning..."

"Well..." Ariel shrugged. "Y'know..." She shrugged again. "...there's gotta be something to hunt."

"Maybe for the rest of you guys, sure." Rainbow continued munching through the large leafs. "Mrmmmff... me, on the other hoof..."

"Rainbow, there's no sunlight here," Ariel said. "But—if there is indeed a food chain—there just might something we can catch and roast and—"

"And you guys can have it," Rainbow growled slightly. "I'll find something else to munch on."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. I... I just will!"

Ariel opened her muzzle to say something. She gave up, exhaling through her nostrils while giving Rainbow a melancholic expression. Quietly—and obediently—she returned to finish setting up her tent.

As the Herald continued settling down around Rainbow, the pegasus' friends stirred out of ghostly hiding. Twilight Sparkle hovered the closest, clearing her throat.

"Uhm... Rainbow...?"

"Mrmfff...?" Rainbow swallowed and moved on to her second leaf. "...egghead?"

"Ariel... uh... has a point..."

"I'm sure she does." Rainbow exhaled. "She should sharpen it and then skewer it through the spine of a chaos rat so she won't starve."

"It's not her that we're worried about," Twilight said, staring intently at their anchor. "This isn't Equestria. The Dark Side doesn't have a bunch of green fields and open plains for harvesting crops."

"Or grazing!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Don't forget that!"

"Brbrrbrbbrrbbrrrr..." Rarity shivered all over. "Grazing..." Her teeth chattered as she brushed her bangs aside. "...could we actually sink so far?"

Applejack cleared her throat. "Point is, sugarcube..." She floated towards Rainbow. "...if you wanna make it even a fraction of the distrance that the Dark Side has to offer, then you'd probably better learn real quick how to make do with the Dark Side."

"And if the Dark Side doesn't have any leaves or plants in abundance—" Twilight began.

"Ledomare, Alafreo, and Rohbredden were chock fulllll of meat eaters," Rainbow Dash muttered. "I got through those lands just fine. I didn't have to compromise anything."

"But Rainbow, none of those lands are anything like what you're facing now!" Twilight protested.

"Even in the Grand Choke, I managed—"

"Nor is the Grand Choke!" Twilight frowned. "Stop being stubborn about this! At some point or another—if you're going to want to live—then you're going to have to listen to the options that the Herald are giving you!"

Rainbow looked up from eating halfway through her second leaf. "Twilight... if you were in my place... would you eat whatever they put on your plate?"

Twilight blinked. Her muzzle hung open, searching for words.

Rainbow looked at the others. "Would any of you?"

The other mares squirmed, avoiding her gaze.

Rainbow took a deep breath. "My biggest goal is getting back to Equestria... bringing you gals back... and restoring harmony. But second to that...?" She nibbled pathetically on the end of the leaf. "...it's being able to live with myself and have as few regrets as possible."

"I wish I could say I expect all of that from you, sugarcube..." Applejack looked up with firm eyes. "But one of them goals is impossible. And it ain't the one ya think."

Rainbow Dash bit her lip.

The rest of the mares hung their heads—except for Fluttershy. She looked up with a remarkable brightness to her gaze. "Do you girls hear that?"

The rest looked all around, blinking.

"Hear what, darling?" Rarity asked.

"I don't hear a thing!" Pinkie squeaked.

"Exactly..." Fluttershy's ghostly cheeks went rosy. "It's so... quiet."

"Oh yeah...?" Twilight spun around. "I think there's a reason for that."

Rainbow craned her neck in the sleds' direction. A feathered figure sandwiched by alicorn metals lay perfectly dormant on one of them. She was still as a tombstone.

Wildcard's goggles caught Rainbow's gaze. He turned to look in the same direction.

Seraphimus was perfectly still.

"Did..." Rainbow blinked. "...did she finally wear herself out?"

"Hmmm?" Flynn looked over. Curious, the stallion marched across the space between rocky pillars and stood before the cart. Holding his breath, he leaned in. He looked squarely between Seraphimus' eyes—

—and they flew open. "HERETICS!!!"

"Gaaah!" Flynn scampered backwards, landing on his hind quarters. "Rrnnngh—sssssshit biscuits! Goddess damn it—!"

"Murderers of children!" Seraphimus shook and thrashed in her restraints. Her voice was passionate, but noticeably hoarse and winded. "Rnnnngh! You infidels will never make it to the Spring Havens! I shall drown you myeslf!"

"Hah hah hah hah hah!" Logan laughed as he trotted past Flynn. He paused to swat the panting stallion atop his bald crown. "What's that, now? Eighty-Nine?! You've lost track, ya numbskull!"

Flynn fumed and fumed. With an angry jerk, he hopped to his hooves, brushed himself off, and limped away under the fresh cadence of angry shouts.

Wildcard sighed, shrugged his shoulders, and continued polishing Bard's staff clean of bloodstains.

"Well, so much for that," Fluttershy sighed, her yellow body deflating until she was halfway phased through the stone earth. "And here I was hoping she was having pleasant dreams."

"Yeah!" Pinkie giggled. "Dreams about playing Whack-a-Dashie!"

"I guess sleep is out of the option now," Rarity said, wincing.

Rainbow looked at Seraphimus, at her meal, then at Seraphimus again. "Mrmmff... enough of this crud." She stood up.

Twilight looked at her. "Rainbow...?"

"Stay alert, gals..." Rainbow muttered. She passed by Kepler's mat, grabbed three leaves of edible bleakweed, and made a bee-line for Seraphimus' sled. "...I'm gonna need all the help I can get in talking this parrot down the mental ledge."

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