• Published 17th Jun 2023
  • 3,323 Views, 103 Comments

Element of Balance - SamSwordsman123

What if Celestia had a son in Friendship is Magic? How would he fit into the story? Find out as he joins Twilight Sparkle and her friends on their journey.

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Chapter 5: Aurora of Friendship

Things were quiet in Ponyville as the construction of Fire’s Tower began, the unicorn thief hadn’t been heard from yet, but that was hardly a surprise. Less than a day had passed and the thief could be anywhere in Equestria by now. At least Twilight had contacted Celestia and she’d put the same spell around Canterlot with some other unicorns helping her.

Fire woke in his room in the Ponyville Grand Inn to a knock on the door. He yawned and stretched his hooves and wings then said, “Come in!”

A yellowish gray male unicorn wearing the Inn uniform entered levitating a tray with a pile of pancakes on it.

“Breakfast in bed as requested, Prince Fire Sword!” the unicorn said.

Fire smiled. “Thank you, sir!”

He opened the drawer in which he’d stashed the bits he’d been given from his mother Celestia. More would come every week, and he’d sooner or later get paid for his sheriff work. He levitated them to the pony who’d delivered his food right on time.

The server smiled and bowed before saying “Thank you.” and heading back out the door.

That left Fire alone with his food. He levitated the syrup that had come with the pancakes and spread it over each one then applied the butter as well. He ate them up and rubbed his belly in satisfaction when he was done. Then he took a shower and put on his armor and crown before looking at himself in the mirror. He looked… good, as a prince should. But, he didn’t quite look like a sheriff which was what he was now.

“I think I need a wardrobe change for this job,” Fire said taking off his crown and armor.

He felt a bit exposed, he was so used to wearing those things now it didn’t feel right to be without them. But knowing that most ponies didn’t usually wear clothes it wasn’t too major. A fair number of Canterlot ponies wore clothes but this wasn’t Canterlot. Still, Fire felt it would be best to look the part of Sheriff. He got out the badge that Mayor Mare had given him yesterday after he’d made his speech. He needed something to put it on like a sash or something.

“Hmm, need a sash,” he said. “Maybe a uniform.”

But where was he going to get those? Then he remembered, one of his new friends in Ponyville ran a clothing store. He headed out into Ponyville and soon arrived at Caresoul Boutique. He slowly opened the door to the shop/home.

“Rarity, you here?” he called.

“Fire?” she asked coming around from a row of dresses. “Oh good morning!”

She then noticed his lack of clothes. “Where are your crown and armor?”

“I decided since I’m Sheriff I needed a little change of wardrobe for the job,” Fire said. “I don’t suppose you have any uniforms in stock?”

“I do actually,” Rarity said.

She led him to the stallion section where a number of suits stood on mannequins. She looked at him.

“Don’t law enforcement typically wear blue?” she asked.

“I think so,” Fire said.

She retrieved a simple blue uniform. “I think I can spruce this one up just a little bit to make it extravagant, a Sheriff needs to look his best after all. Though your mane kind of clashes with blue, I think. Perhaps I should include a hat as well.”

“Thanks Rarity,” Fire said. “How much?”

She smiled at him. “You saved my life twice, or maybe thrice in the Nightmare Moon fiasco. Let me pay you back with a free uniform, Prince… or Sheriff Fire.”

He returned the smile with a blush. “Thanks Rarity.”

She worked for a few minutes, her magic and genius with stitching made a quick and accurate combination. But by the end, Fire had a blue uniform that stuck out on his white coat. Rarity also threw in a black tie and some fire symbols on the shoulders.

“Wow, Rarity!” Fire said as he inspected her work. “This is amazing, and so fast too!”

He then remembered something that happened a couple days ago.

“Hey, you mentioned you wanted to be royal fashion design for my mother right?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said.

“Well, I think this has earned a recommendation,” Fire said. “Also, I’m sorry for just snapping and flying off that day.”

“Its alright,” Rarity said. “I’m sorry as well, I didn’t know you had such a bad relationship with Blueblood.”

“Of course, you didn’t,” Fire said.

“Well, how about I just not mention him anymore? At least unless I have to,” Rarity said.

“That’s fine,” Fire Sword said. “If you really want him, fine.”

“Oh yes I do,” Rarity said. “I simply must meet the most eligible unicorn bachelor in all of Equestria. Then I will become a princess as well!”

So, she wanted him because he was the most eligible. Even above Fire himself. Of course, Fire was a bit younger then Blueblood and had been going to galas and parties through Canterlot a few years now. Blue was better known, at least, the image he presented of a handsome unicorn related to Celestia was.

“You want to become a princess?” he asked. “And a fashion designer for a princess?”

“Yes, well I have some very big dreams I suppose,” Rarity said.

“I’ll say,” Fire said. “I like that about you. Big dreams, and a big heart.”

It would be a shame for a mare like her to be wasted on Blueblood. Should he just tell her how he felt? She did want to marry royalty, and he was a prince too. But why wasn’t she thinking of him in that regard? Was it simply because he didn’t have as much of an eligible reputation?

She smiled at him. “Thank you, Fire. Well, I’m glad you like the uniform. You should probably get out there and see if you can catch that thief or any others.”

“Thanks Rarity,” Fire said as he slowly began to walk out but stopped. “Um, if you don’t mind can I ask you something? What do you think of me as a prince?”

“Oh, I think you’re very gracious and heroic,” she said. “You protected me and the others when we were brought down by Nightmare Moon. And you’ve been nothing but a gentlecolt to me. I’m happy to have you as a friend, Prince Fire Sword.”

So she only thought of him as a friend. Fire felt as though he had a small crack in his heart.

“T-thank you, Rarity,” Fire said. “I’m happy to have you as a friend as well. I’ll be sure to recommend you as a fashion designer to my mother. She might ask you to make something for her.”

Fire turned away and walked back out into Ponyville.

Rarity watched him go. “Oh sweet son of Celestia! He’s going to recommend me to her!”

This would be her biggest chance to shine. She’d present a marvelous dress to the Princess and then perhaps all of Canterlot would see her talent and she’d be able to set up a shop there. Then she would be invited to banquets with the princess and meet the prince. The one of her dreams that was. The one who’d captured her heart the very first time she’d seen his picture in a paper from Canterlot years ago. Prince Blueblood.

“Yes! Yes! All my dreams are going to come true soon!” Rarity said bouncing around her home like Pinkie Pie would whenever she was happy. “Thank you, Fire! Oh, I hope the mare he marries is one to just die for!”

She went over to her private office where she kept a collection of old Canterlot newspapers. There were several of Blueblood, but a few of Fire as well. She had at one point considered him since they were of the same age. But one of the pictures showed him in class with several young fillies when he was a colt. She looked at that one and was surprised to see Twilight among them. She’d never really paid much attention to the fillies or other colts in the picture before. He hung on his mother’s head as she sat with the class he had in the School of Magic. There was also one of him dancing in the company of several mares, ones that she recognized as the friends that had come and visited him.

“Fire is probably already engaged to some rich Canterlot mare,” Rarity said. “He hasn’t ever made any attempt to find a bride himself that I’m aware of. But surely Celestia would have already found a wonderful match for her son.”

Fire resumed his patrol. He found nothing out of the ordinary, for a while. He flew and walked through Ponyville as well as the nearby areas. The Everfree forest hugged it closely. He visited the areas that his friends here were at.

First he visited Sweet Apple Acres and saw Applejack and busy bucking trees and causing the apples to fall while Applebloom gathered the ones that had fallen into a bucket on a big red stallions back.

“Mornin Fire Sword!” Applejack said. “How’s everything going here?”

“Not bad Applejack. Hard at work, huh?” Fire asked.

“Yeah. Say have you met my family yet?” Applejack asked looking around.

Fire looked around at the filly and stallion. “I think I saw your sister the other day. Apple Bloom right?”

“Hi!” the filly said.

The red stallion didn’t reply but smiled.

“Hehe, sorry Fire. I guess I didn’t formally introduce ya. Apple Bloom’s my little sister and this here is Big Mcintosh, or Big Mac for short, he’s my big brother,” Applejack said.

Fire looked at Big Mac. “Hi Big Mac, having a good day so far?”

“Yep!” Big Mac said.

“Have any problems that a new sheriff in town could help with?” Fire asked.

“Nope!” Big Mac said.

Fire frowned at him slightly, not in resentment but confusion at the pair of short responses. Noticing this, Applejack put a hoof on him. “Big Mac doesn’t talk too much. But don’t worry he ain’t got no problems he can’t fix.”


Fire smiled. “I see. Well we all have different personalities. Don’t worry, I don’t bite, or burn I guess!”

The three apple siblings laughed.

“Good, cause the last thing we need is a FIRE here at Sweep Apple Acres!”

They laughed again with Fire joining this time.

“Well nice to meet you all,” Fire said. “I guess I’ll see you around.

“Everypony, breakfast is served, hope y’all worked up an appetite with your morning chores!” An elderly voice said from the direction of the home.

Fire looked and saw an old green pony with a white mane.

“Oh, thanks Granny Smith!” Applejack said before turning to Fire. “That’s my granny there as well!”

“Howdy do there, young whippersnapper!” Granny said.

“Granny, this is the son of Celestia!” Applejack said coming up and telling her close up.

“Oh my! The son of Celestia herself! What an honor!” Granny said coming forward slowly before looking off to something on the side. “Say what is that going on over there?”

She pointed to the hill nearby where pieces of wood were being put up.

“That would be our new neighbor here having his place built!” Applejack said.

“New neighbor? I don’t remember anything about a new neighbor!” Granny said.

“Uh, that would be me,” Fire said. “I won’t take up much space, Granny… or Miss Smith, I suppose,” Fire said, correcting himself

“Oh feel free to call me Granny, your highness. Everypony does,” Granny Smith said. “I was actually born with the name even before I became a grandmother.”

“Oh, very well, Granny Smith,” Fire said.

She smiled at him then suddenly clenched her teeth and clutched her hip. “Ooh! That old hip is really acting up.”

“You okay?” Fire asked in concern.

“Granny’s having some problems with her hip,” Apple Bloom said sadly.

“We would like to have her go through surgery and have it replaced. But that’s expensive,” Applejack said.

Fire looked at the old pony whose faced remained scrunched up in pain for a moment.

“I could give you the bits,” he offered. “I am a prince after all and money’s no problem for me.”

“That’s mighty generous and kind of ya, Fire,” Applejack said. “But we Apples don’t ask for handouts.”

“Darn tooting, we don’t!” Granny Smith said. “We earn our keep for ourselves!”

Fire looked around the farm, which could use some work. The barn was getting old and the roof ragged, also the equipment looked like it could use replacing. But he couldn’t force them.

“If you insist, but I’m always willing to help my friends and all my subjects out,” Fire said. “Just let me know if you change your mind. I’ll see you later!”

“Don’t you want to join us for breakfast?” Applebloom asked with sad eyes.

“I’m afraid I already ate, little one,” Fire said cupping the filly’s chin. “Thanks for the offer though. Maybe another time.”

“I’ll hold ya to that!” Applejack said. “After what we went through a while ago I’d say you’re practically part of the family already!”

Fire grinned nervously. “Thanks Applejack. I’m honored. See you soon future neighbor!”

He flapped his wings and flew off. So far the day was going by calmly. While that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, things could be boring without too much excitement. Fire flew around looking for any sort of trouble or crime. The ponies looked up at him, a few smiled and waved as well as addressed him.

“All Hail Prince Fire Sword!”

“Good afternoon Prince Sheriff sir!”

Prince Sheriff? That sounded kind of funny. Fire’s lips curled into a smile as he struggled to suppress a chuckle.

“Good morning everypony!” he said waving to his subjects as he landed on the ground. “If anypony has an problems that require the aid of the law you feel free to come straight to me!”

No pony came forward. The disadvantage of living in such a peaceful community was there wasn’t much need for law enforcement. Then Fire noticed something out of the ordinary, at least, a little out of the ordinary. He saw a young pegasus filly with an orange coat and pink mane riding a scooter. Now it wasn’t against the law, but Fire hadn’t seen many ponies do that. She was moving fast, a serious look on her face. She passed ponies, narrowly missing or even bumping into them, sending them spinning around. Fire frowned, she was being reckless with her scooter driving!

He followed her, seeing her heading straight toward a plank of wood that led onto a large pile. She went up it and flapped her wings, which seemed to be a bit small for her age. Fire doubted they could actually lift her off the ground, but she did use them to slow her fall and slightly glide down to the ground. She continued forward as Fire finally caught up.

“Hey kid,” Fire said as got by her side. “Careful where you’re going!”

“Careful?” she said with a chuckle. “Careful is not something Rainbow Dash would be!”

“You know Rainbow Dash?” Fire asked.

“Who doesn’t?” the filly asked. “She’s the coolest Pegasus in all of Ponyville. No! All of Equestria! I’m the head of her fan club!”

Rainbow Dash had a fan club? A slight amount of jealousy lit up in Fire. Of course he had been popular in Canterlot, being a prince and the son of Celestia. He’d gotten into a little trouble with his pranks on the nobility, but he’d also been studious and combative. He’d gone to the School for Gifted Unicorns most of the time, though he had flown around every so often during recess as a colt. His mother had to hire a Pegasus to keep an eye on him and make sure he didn’t wander too far. The other foals had looked up at him in admiration, and a bit of jealousy since he was the only one that could fly. Fire had never meant to show off though.

“Well, that’s cool kid,” Fire said. “Just try not to crash into anypony or I might have to have a word with your parents.”

She merely grinned. “My parents are out of town on long term! They’re adventurers!”

Fire frowned. “Well somepony has to be watching over you!”

Scootalloo smirked. “I have lots of ponies watching out for me like my aunts! Don’t worry!”

Fire sighed. “Alright, just don’t be too reckless now.”

“I make no promises,” she said defiantly. “But I will try not to run into everypony, but they need to watch out for me too!”

“I suppose that’s fair,” Fire said.

He flew back into the air. Coming to the area on the edge of the forest where Fluttershy lived, Fire headed down. He saw the yellow Pegasus out with a large group of animals, including rabbits, squirrels, birds, and a-

“Bear!” he shouted before diving down. “Fluttershy look out!”

“Ah! What’s going on! Who’s after me?” Fluttershy said in fright as she fell to the ground and covered her head with her hooves.

Fire got in front of her facing the bear, his horn at ready.

“Don’t worry I’ll protect you from this bear!”

The predator stepped back, strangely. Fluttershy meanwhile looked back over her shoulder and saw what Fire was doing.

“Oh, that’s just Harry. He’s one of my animal companions!” she said.

“Oh, sorry,” Fire said looking at the bear and sheathing his magic.

He made a soft growl as a sign of accepting the apology.

“Thank you for looking out for me though,” Fluttershy said. “Makes me feel safe having somepony to watch over me if I might be in danger.”

“Well, if you ever find anything scary just come and let me know,” Fire said with a grin.

“I will,” Fluttershy said.

Then a loud gust of wind passed by them and she screamed.

“Ah!” she ran over and hugged him frightfully.

Fire regretted the words. “Fluttershy its just the wind!”

“It was very loud wind!” she said.

Fire sighed. “Guess I’ll have to make it, dangerous and scary.”

He looked around at the animals she had. Then an idea occurred to him.

“Say, do you sell your animals?” Fire asked.

“Some of them,” she said. “I love them all but I always hope to be able to find some of them a good home elsewhere in Ponyville or beyond. Why? Do you want a pet?”

“I’m thinking about it,” he said. “Would be nice to have a little friend or two. My mom has a pet herself.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Oh Fire, I’m sure you’d be a wonderful friend to any of my animals.”

She led him toward her cottage where she kept an animal enclosure close by.

“Now what would you have in mind?” Fluttershy asked.

Fire put a hoof to his chin. “I might like a dog or a bird. Maybe both.”

“Hmm, I don’t have dogs, but I have many wonderful birds.”

She flapped her wings and lead him to a section of trees and clouds that birds were resting like Pegasi somehow.

“You are a prince, so I think you might like a falcon or eagle. Both of them are quite regal, like royalty,” Fluttershy said gesturing to both types of birds.

Fire saw a peregrine falcon and a bald eagle. Both did indeed look quite formidable. However, Fire’s attention was soon drawn to a smaller colorful bird. It had a curved beak with shades of black, green and blue on its head over a completely yellow body. He looked over to it.

“What kind of bird is this?” he asked.

“Oh, that’s a sunbird,” Fluttershy said. “They come from faraway. I found one while I was a safari trip seeing rare animals a few moons ago and I befriended a couple that let me take eggs home to raise. This is the last one. They’re very expensive though.”

“That won’t be a problem,” Fire said.

He looked at the sunbird and held out his hoof with a smile, “Hi friend.”

The sunbird tweeted beautifully and hopped onto his foreleg. It was a female.

“Hmm, I need a name for you,” Fire said.

He looked at the bird, noticing the many colors.

“You do have a lot of colors, but not the same as a rainbow,” he said. “And Rainbow Dash would probably not like it if I gave my pet the same name as her first one. Hmm, what would be another good name for something colorful?”

“Oh how about Aurora?” Fluttershy suggested.

Fire looked from her to the sunbird. “That might do nicely! Maybe not the same colors as an aurora but just as beautiful! Yeah I like it! Alright Aurora it is."

Aurora sang a small song in approval. Fire and Fluttershy hummed to it.

“Alright Aurora,” he said.

He paid Fluttershy the bits and got a bag of birdfood as well. He then went to a store in Ponyville and got a birdcage as well.

“Don’t worry I’ll let you out every so often, as long as you promise not to fly away,” he said as he put Aurora inside.

She tweeted in agreement. He then levitated the cage with him as he made his way back to the inn where he would stay until his tower was complete.

He passed a group of three Earth Pony stallions that watched him. He didn’t notice them.

“New Sheriff in town huh?” one of them said. “Could be trouble for us.”

“Yeah, but he’s got his hoofs full looking for that unicorn thief,” a second said.

“This little town will soon be abuzz, they have a false sense of security,” the third said. “Don’t worry, he maybe an alicorn but he’s just one pony. Plus, who better to steal from, then royalty?” the third one said. “Could be a chance to strike big.”

Author's Note:

I think this is a good amount to stop at. So Fire got a pet in the form of a sunbird. Fitting for the son of the princess of the sun, haha. Then we’re getting more bad guys here with these new stallions. I was at first gonna take that out but then I realized that it would take away from any real tension in this episode/chapter. As I recall I did mention I was gonna make a few new enemies besides the canon ones. We’ll see how far it goes though.

Now I think I’ll switch gears and go into the canon episodes starting with the ticket master. But I think I’ll do a few tweeks here and there as I go. Cause some of the episodes don’t really follow a realistic order, like Fall Weather Friends and Winter Wrap Up. You can’t have Winter Before Fall, I know this is a kids show but I think I want to add a little element of realism to my story. Maybe I’ll do some of those episodes in a different order like have the Hearth’s Warming one that was first there before Winter Wrap Up and make some new episodes in between. Anyway, see you next time. I might take next week off due to it being my birthday week, but we’ll see. I'll edit when I get the chance at some point.