• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 16: Reignite the Heart

When I landed next to my friends, Thi was leaning against Scribble for support. Flitter was doing the same with Cloudchaser. The armed zebras encircled us, their eyes watching us. Eventually, a group of zebra stepped aside as a general clad zebra stallion walked forward. He removed his helm, revealing a handsome and slightly grizzled features.

“I heard the tales for quite some time. Glad to see the tales hold true.” The zebra said, his voice surprisingly smooth like caramel with an accent behind it. I arched a brow.

“And you are?” I asked. The zebra bowed.

“Gorgon Commanding Chief Officer Gladius Pyke. Born and bred warrior from the Scorched Sands, ex-General to the throne’s guards, exiled amongst his kin and bastard to the throne.” He said smoothly. Thi winced as she waved a hoof at him.

“Think you guys can spare some of grandma’s secret recipe?” She asked. Gladius nodded and motioned to his soldiers. They trotted forward and gave each of us a red liquid filled bottle. I scrunched my muzzle as I studied it. Thi uncorked it and chugged like no tomorrow. She drank the whole thing and tossed the bottle aside with a satisfying sigh of relief. “That’s the good shit.” My eyes narrowed when I saw some of her wounds began to mend themselves.

I then uncorked mine and took one sip, only the splutter at the strong, bitter taste. My friends exchanged glances before taking their own. Flitter had to pat her chest and stick her tongue out. Cloudchaser reacted indifferent and Scribble looked like he had something sour. I then chugged mine and dropped the bottle, coughing from the bitter taste. Gladius chuckled.

“Grandma’s secret recipe is varied in personal consumption. But it works like a charm.” The zebra general smiled. His look turned serious and looked past us. We turned to see several Gorgons dragging a limp Visar Galm over to him. They threw him on the ground and aimed their carbines. To my surprise, Galm was clutching his chest, weakly panting. Din chuckled.

“Well, my long living friend. You are not looking so hot.” Gladius said, walking around the griffon. The griffon rasped and panted weakly in response. I noticed Gladius had a look of cold satisfaction. He then leaned down and lifted the griffon up by the chin to face him. “Twenty moons of exile. Twenty moons of planning. Nothing compared to yours, but I can’t say that this is an outcome you should have saw coming. Those tainted by the desire out of their holds is not suitable for any power.” He coldly met the griffon’s gaze. “Your execution begins now.” He then forced the griffon aside before bucking him in the side, rolling him over.

Several Gorgons piled onto the limbs of the griffon, who look terrified now. My friends and I looked uneasy at the sight. The griffon weakly protested as Gladius unsheathed his sword and aimed the tip at his chest. I looked away as I heard the loud pained screech from the griffon. In the corner of my eye, I saw the zebra shift before pulling back and holding up something. I looked back to see a cracked looking pendant, the cracks glowing bright white. Aside from the crimson covering it, it looked like an old traditional and regal pendant.

Galm gripped the zebra’s foreleg, the Gorgons racking their carbines at him.

“….It…. Back!…” He rasped. Gladius gave the griffon a stoic look. “Give it… back… my… Roam…” Din suddenly stepped out from me, her look disgusted. The Gorgons were shocked to see a spectral fiery alicorn move over to the zebra. Gladius eyed the alicorn with suspicion. Din gave one last grin at the griffon before taking the relic out of the zebra’s hoof with her magic and crushed it with both of her hooves, dropping the pieces onto the sand. The griffon took his last breath, his prosthetic falling to the ground and his eyes rolled back. Gladius flexed his hoof before speaking.

“I’ve heard that Roam had acquired the champion of Equestria. Yet the display we witnessed was both fire and ice.” His eyes then met mine. “An unusual harmony.” I snorted.

“Yeah, well Roam is lucky they focused on taking their anger out on King Leo.” I replied. Gladius’s eyes widened a bit before softening into understanding. He said something in zebra I couldn’t understand before changing his dialect.

“Then it is indeed fate that has brought you all here. And that fate decided the end of Roam’s despair.” He looked down at the griffon, spitting before stepping away and over to us. “Perhaps we can speak more back at the Grotto. We have some kin to attend too.”

It was a bit of a trek through the rocky hills, but eventually, we came to a decrepit ruin that Thi couldn’t help but mention that the Gorgons took a page out of the Triad book for set ups. Old EMI crates painted over with the gorgon head. Weapons decaled to fit the Gorgon Mercenaries as well as armor and the metal behemoths parked in specific areas of the hidden base. Gladius took us further into where the intel room is located. Cloudchaser, Flitter and Scribble were taken to the infirmary while Thi and I stood at a spool table decorated in a disorganized manner of papers and a map. Behind Gladius was a board that displayed the entirety of Roam. From the looks of it, they’ve been quite busy.

There was a zebra that recognized Thi and gave her a sweet smile, making Thi awkwardly rub the back of her head. I was tempted to tease her, but I was too exhausted to bother. We were given a stiff drink as complimentary welcome, which Thi and I pulled, feeling that old warm fuzzy feeling rest in our bellies. Feeling a bit better now and a little loose, Gladius wasted no time in talking.

“What have you’ve learned during your time in the Underworld?” He asked. Thi sighed and stepped forward. She began to explain the moment she infiltrated Underworld. What she had saw, experienced and gathered from it all. Steel seemed understanding, however the reaction Gladius gave when she mentioned the Forsworne and Queen Zeuli was something less than pleasant. When she finished her explanation, Gladius took in the information steadily.

“We had our suspicions that Galm was still in contact with his old raiding group. But to have replaced half the guards in attendance with them without anycreature knowing is quite a feat. I’m glad you were able to save Zee from further harm.” He said with a relieved smile. The zebra, known as Zeke, smirked.

“Speaking of. She’s been waiting for you, general.” He said. Gladius’s expression became happy, however it quickly vanished as he held up a hoof.

“In due time. I must gather what I can first.” He replied. Zeke facehoofed and shook his head quietly. It was my turn to explain what I’ve learned. Thi was a little worried that I had somewhat considered unaliving myself in a brief moment of panic, but the info from King Leo had Gladius contemplating.

“Old friend… why didn’t you listen…?” He muttered to himself. “So a research facility in our motherlands maybe a key factor into Pony Land’s interference? Are you certain Leonidas didn’t mention anything else?” He asked. I sighed and shook my head.

“Din offed him as per his wish after.” I said. Gladius hummed.

“How many others are there of similar caliber?” He asked.

“Seven including me.” I replied. Gladius rubbed his chin before looking back at the map. Thi put a forceful hoof on the table.

“Look buddy. I’m glad the Gorgons are able to get a proper hoof into Roam now, but that’s about as far as our help is going to take you. We have our own issues to handle such as preventing a war in Equestria. We don’t have time to be fixing yours.” She stated seriously. Gladius met her look with his own.

“A shame. Your help would have been vital to operations of taking the throne.” He said. I arched a brow.

“But no creature is on the throne anymore. Aren’t you supposed to be next in line?” I asked. Gladius smiled.

“A long time ago, yes. But I realized something in my exile. You maybe born into something greater, but your family is who you choose. To me, the Gorgons are my Roam. And I don’t need a throne for that. However, that is to say there isn’t a likely candidate. Only… one issue.” He turned to the map and pointed at a knife stabbed into a part of Roam. “She has sided with the Triad and stationed at their main HQ. We had been plotting the downfall of Visar Galm and the liberation of Underworld that we have no conclusive plan to acquire the kin in question.”

Thi looked back at me with a defeated look. I gave her a reassuring smile.

“Hey, at least we get to have a bit of payback against them.” I said. Gladius looked over his shoulder.

“It is part of the war effort to take back the throne. I take it your mind has changed?” He asked. Thi glared at him yet she must have been too exhausted to retort. She reached with her magic to the full bottle of the drink we had earlier and wrapped a hoof around me.

“We’ll think about it. But don’t expect anything grand. We are off to Pony Land after.” She said. “Ain’t that right?” I rubbed the back of my head.

“Uhh… sure. Not going to lie, I could use a proper night’s rest…” I yawned. My body was screaming at me. Thi pat my back and rose the bottle in cheers to Gladius.

“Here’s to a New Roam. You can give us the details later.” She said. Gladius smiled softly before nodding.

“Tis only fair after what we’ve witnessed. Rest well, ladies.” He said. Thi pulled me along out of the room and we made our way past the busy bodies of Gorgons and over to the infirmary. Descending the steps into an area where hay beds were lined with injured Gorgons, I spied my friends in the beds at the far end. Flitter was almost a mummy, her forelegs and hind legs hung up with a neck cast. Cloudchaser had her entire torso wrapped and forehead bandaged along with several stitches along her forelegs. Scribble had a cast on his foreleg and his torso wrapped. I looked between each of them with relieved worry.

“Thank Celestia you guys are alive…” I said. Cloudchaser smirked and waved a hoof cooly.

“Nothing we couldn’t handle.” She replied before wincing. I turned to Flitter and eyed her worriedly.

“Flitter. Are you going to be able to make it?” I asked. Flitter spoke a little weakly but smiled through it.

“They gave me something that is supposed to mend my bones quicker. Not sure what magic they are using… some sort of special recipe from grandma.” She replied. Thi looked at her with surprise before rubbing her chin in thought.

“Okay… who is this grandma?” She muttered to herself. I walked to her bedside and put a gentle hoof on her bed.

“You deserve the rest. We even brought you a drink to dull the pain a little.” I smiled softly, nodding to Thi. Flitter snickered.

“Am I supposed to be drinking while bedridden?” She asked. Scribble spoke up.

“You’re supposed to be fed by spoon with your injuries. It is highly not recommended to drink while in that state.” He said. Thi waved a hoof dismissively.

“Ahh, c’mon! You all pulled through a griffon who wouldn’t die naturally. Safe to say you earned one too, egghead.” She grinned and winked. Scribble surprisingly was quiet about it. Cloudchaser grinned.

“Sure, why not? All’s in a days struggle of saving the day.” She said. Thi laughed.

“That’s the spirit!” She said before popping the cork. We spent the next couple of hours drinking (I helped Flitter with her own drink) and chatting away, but eventually the doctors had to silence us and scold us for drinking, especially Scribble and the sisters who were supposed to be resting. Flitter was fast asleep, her face flushed from her drink. Scribble was also sleeping, yet Cloudchaser was wide awake, sneaking towards us as we were rounding the corner. She bumped her flank with mine and grinned.

I was a little drunk myself and blushed brightly with a smile at the mare. Thi gave her a playful nudge, bumping her into me and to my pleasant surprise, she blushed herself.

“Not bad at all, CC. You kicked major griffon ass.” Thi complimented. Cloudchaser gave an embarrassed chuckle.

“We made a kick ass duo.” She replied. Thi shook her head.

“Quadruo! Seriously, I may have had a little more doubts, but you guys came through. Scribble, Flitter and you! What do ya’ think, Fie? Pretty awesome?” She asked me. I nervously smiled at Cloudchaser.

“I-I would like to hear more about it.” I stammered with a shy brush of my bangs. Cloudchaser put a hoof proudly to her chest.

“I’d be glad too. Gotta’ admit, starting to get much better at the heroing.” She rubbed her chin in marveled thought. “This must be how Captain Rainbow Dash feels from time to time.” Thi took a pull from the bottle before responding.

“I think you are times better than Rainbow Dash! I don’t think she would handle a griffon better than anypony I know. Except for Daring Doo.” She stated with a slight slur. Cloudchaser smirked and whispered to me.

“Wait until she hears about the Gilda situation.” She said. I giggled a little. We eventually found an empty hammock in the barracks and Thi crawled in, hugging the bottle to her chest. I wasn’t that tired, just in a feel good mood. That and a certain mare was distracting me from any thoughts of sleep. Cloudchaser and I left Thi to pass out on the hammock and we went to take a walk away from the noise of the Gorgons. We found a nice, little seclusive lookout point of the ruins over looking the barren sands. In the background far off into the distance is a Roam city.

The sun was beginning to set and a cool breeze began to blow through. Cloudchaser leaned against a pillar and whistled.

“Not a bad sight. If I hadn’t come to appreciate our travels, I would have considered this boring.” She said with a small smile. I returned it sweetly to her. I was suddenly getting nervous.

“S-so, you’ve been having fun despite being… mauled by a griffon?” I asked. Cloudchaser snickered.

“I nearly got mauled by a Bugbear trying to get Flitter to snap out of it. Not to say the Raptorians weren’t close, but I think they were more surprised by this generation. I think stopping an immortal griffon could be added to the list of things a Wonderbolt has gone up against.” She stated. I smiled and looked out to the sunset. I heard Cloudchaser shift awkwardly before she sighed and walked over next to me. “So… I’ve been thinking more about what you… confessed back in Hoofington.”

My brain suddenly sent panic signals. ‘Oh goddesses I’m not ready! Nononono! Okay okay, calm down, Fie. You got this. The prettiest mare you’ve met is about to answer you! Don’t buck this up more than you did on the ship. You got this girl! Face the day!’

“Fie?” Cloudchaser asked.

“Yes! I mean erm… ahem… y-yes?” I replied quickly, hoping to play off my stammer as swallowing dry air. She gave me a smile, one that made my heart flitter with joy. But then, the panic set in again. I don’t know what I should do! Should I say something first? What would I even say?! Cloudchaser’s look softened as she stared towards the sunset.

“You know, I always thought that I’d be too busy living the life of a Wonderbolt than care about what others thought of me. But here I am, on a grand adventure with a demi-god.” She began.

“P-partial!” I quickly corrected before mentally slapping my soul across the plane. Cloudchaser smiled.

“Partial demi-god. And yet, I can’t help but find myself noticing just how much you are undertaking. I still find it hard to believe I encouraged you to do all of this. And when you… confessed to me before the incident, I…” My heart was skipping several beats a minute as she bowed her head and pondered what she was planning to say. “Well, I’ll admit, I was not expecting it despite the amount of teasing I was getting from Flitter.”

“O-oh?” I replied, a little surprised to hear that she didn’t catch on quite as well as I thought she did. Cloudchaser smiled a bit.

“Yeah. And I did notice, but I guess I wasn’t being honest with myself and more importantly not being honest with you.” She met my look and I felt a very tight feeling in my chest. ‘Oh Celestia, here it comes…’ Cloudchaser then put a hoof on mine and I felt my ears whistle steam. “It’s only been over a month and a half and we’ve done so much in such a short amount of time. I can only see us getting more preoccupied with saving Equestria from Pony Land. Not only that, you have to deal with Ouroboros after. I look up to a lot of strong ponies not because of their capabilities, but their tendency to selflessly put their valor and morals on the line and become acknowledged through their actions.” She shrugged.

“Yes, they may not be the same ponies they were afterwords, but the ones I admire always stay true to themselves no matter how bleak. When you saved Bulk Biceps from one of the lackeys, I couldn’t help but notice another strong pony. And when you came to me scared and uncertain of the future, I couldn’t help but think what would my heroes believe themselves to keep going? So I said what I thought you needed to hear.” I couldn’t help but smile and put my free hoof over her’s.

“It really did mean a lot to me when you said that. I… I’m sorry you had to see me like that. I… I’m not the one to confide into ponies…” I replied. Cloudchaser brushed a bit of my bangs away which caused me to change to match my shredded up hoodie cloak. She must have realized what she did and blushed herself. I couldn’t help but finish her motion. We both then laughed softly, the air becoming quite light. We met each other’s gaze and suddenly, the whole world around us didn’t exist.

“So… have you come to an answer?” I asked with a dumb smile. Cloudchaser gave me a pretty smile in return.

“I have. We won’t have a lot of time to relax.” She winked. I giggled, my blush still bright.

“Whose to say we can’t find the time?” I cooed, leaning in closer. Cloudchaser suddenly got nervous. It is rather cute she did.

“H-heh. I uhh… wasn’t expecting to get this far.” She admitted embarrassingly. “Y-you’re the first pony I ever could… openly try this with.” I giggled again and put a hoof on her cheek, caressing it softly. Whether this was the drink’s doing or something else, I was feeling too good to question.

“I’m not the type to rush this kind of stuff. At your own pace. But I will do one thing.” I then wrapped my hooves around her into a hug, burying my muzzle into her neck. “I know I pulled you into this for selfish reasons at first. Thanks to Thi, I’d say I achieved a goal along this journey. Not out of selfishness like before.” I felt Cloudchaser shyly hug me back.

“I’ll try not to disappoint then.” She replied.

That night was the best night of my life. After bidding Cloudchaser good night back to her bed in the infirmary, I found myself unable to sleep in my hammock. I was hugging the small pillow happily, my mind aflutter with thoughts about my now special somepony. Yet one thing remained. Uncertainty. I held the pillow tightly, my happy expression softening to disheartening. I’ve been betrayed and ghosted before in my life. And I definitely messed somepony else’s life, who I’m now forever haunted by. I made a vow that night I would never let that happen again.

I found sleep to catch me quickly when exhaustion reared itself onto me. However, my dreams this time were not of Table Top or the casualties of Hoofington. I was floating through the sky, my hoof being held by Cloudchaser. We exchanged smiles as she led the way through the clouds, Luna’s moon shining brightly down on us. I let the cool breeze hit my face and sighed pleasantly. I blinked, seeing Princess Luna herself resting on a cloud we passed. I looked over my shoulder to see her smile softly and give a small nod.

I blinked once and she was gone. I smiled and focused back to the pretty mare next to me, who gave me a peck on the cheek and causing me to be more of a girl than I thought I was. I was quite enjoying my dream when all of a sudden, upon blinking once more, I was sitting on top of a throne. A tall one over looking an expansive field of golden flowers as far as I could see. There was no sky. Only the vast expanse of space and stars.

I looked around, seeing that there were other thrones scattered around the area in a poorly made circle. What a bizarre place to be. It wasn’t long until I began sensing presences. They were heavy and I could tell they were there, but I could not see them. I heard Din hum amusedly, causing me to look up and see her sitting on a jutted area above the throne I was on.

Of course, Ouroboros would be the last to appear. A distorted, incomprehensible voice spoke. One by one, the scattered thrones began to be occupied by others. Aquarius and Katlyn, Shiva and Steel, Tenebres and her vessel, Ventus and Zalas, Gaia and Sharp Eye. However, one was unaccounted for. Lux’s throne was by its’ lonesome. However, a snake began to slither up and around the throne before taking a seat, the snake morphing into a bald, scalene pony. I shot an angry glare at the creature. He only gave a wave and helped himself to a glass of molten magma.

Of all the times to be calling us to a meeting. Shiva sighed, rather annoyed. She then met mine and Din’s gaze. Din rolled her eyes and proceeded to not care at all.

On the contrary, dear Shiva. Ouroboros began as he tossed the glass aside. I wanted every being here to be in attendance for a special announcement. Yes, even to the one who has challenged the very beings helping the realm. His slit eyes glinted in my direction. Din gave a low growl, but surprisingly kept her muzzle shut. Tenebres was the one who cleared the air.

Get on with it then, serpent! I was in the middle of something important! She barked angrily. To my surprise again, the others quietly agreed.

Of course! As you are all aware, a certain sister has been absent and from recent reports by Din and others, her power is being given to others less desirable. Thanks to the efforts of every being, most of that power has been returned, allowing us to find where Lux has been hiding. I scrunched my muzzle in confusion.

‘Wait… Lux was lost? Is lost?’ I leaned forward. “Are you saying Lux was hiding? Even though it’s clear she is still known? I thought our elements could sense each other?” I asked. Din clicked her tongue.

Silence! What does it matter to us? We can all keep ourselves hidden from the others. I for one will not bother with anything being said here. She hissed. Ouroboros snickered.

But Din, after all you’ve been doing, leaving one factor alone isn’t something you can just sit idly by. Regardless if you are tied to the bylaws or not, it’s the only reasonable thing to you. He grinned. Din flared, my throne swirling with fire.

I don’t need to hear any snark from the laziest being in existence! What was the Creation Mother thinking keeping you around?! You should have stayed in that exhibit and perished like the rest! She barked. I furrowed my look worriedly but Ouroboros laughed and clapped his claws together.

And that is why you are on your way to becoming Lux’s savior! You cannot ignore the threat of your realm being threatened.

Her realm?!

My realm?!

The six elementals proclaimed in unison. Gaia towered over Ouroboros.

We grow tired of you, Ouroboros! You promise us nothing! Only sweet lies! She growled.

I will not be discarded like some filth! Aquarius protested, her calm demeanor eerily rising in tone.

Let’s kill him now! Tenebres cackled. Ouroboros grinned as the three began to advance on him. He then held up a claw and snapped his stubs. In a blink of an eye, Aquarius popped into droplets, Tenebres evaporated into shadowy mist and Gaia crumbled. My eyes widened and jaw dropped when I saw the three scream and fall off their thrones. My concern was on only two.

“Gwyen! Katlyn!” I cried out, standing up in my throne. I hopped out of my throne and cantered out to them, only for Ouroboros to appear in front of me. He smirked and waved his claw, lifting up all three vessels and hovered them limply overhead.

Untethered to the bylaws no longer. Din, you’ve certainly left quite an impression. He said. I readied myself as Din appeared behind me, her expression murderous and angry. Ouroboros held up a claw. At ease. They are only dead because I decided it. And I can change it back to how it is. He then snapped his claw stubs and the three jolted awake gasping for breath all at once.

Gaia, Aquarius and Tenebres had also reformed under them, dumfounded expressions on their faces. Ouroboros casually waved a claw and we all found ourselves back in our thrones.

Now that I have everybeing’s full concentration. The matter of Lux. She has been keeping herself relatively hidden for a while now. Perhaps in fear of repercussions of having given out her power. She has only ever made herself known to the rest of you when she feels she needs to be found. Which brings me to another matter. The spastic fluctuations of her power and her vessel’s activity. Her vessel has been quite busy. However, she has made her purpose known that attending these said gatherings are meaningless and serve to only waste time.

For once, I agree. Din muttered. Ouroboros turned his attention to us.

“But you make it sound like she is in trouble. Is that the reason you gathered all of us? To hunt her down now that her power has returned to her?” I asked.

I thought I made that clear. Shiva chimed in, only to be met with an ember from Din who grinned maniacally at her.

Shut up! Din replied. Ouroboros held up his claws.

At ease, ladies. Shiva is correct. She has been actively hunting her down while the rest of you are mindlessly off doing your own things. As much as I could care less of what you all do, need I remind you that regardless of circumstances, we will all cease to exist if we do not unify. We do not need to be allies until that time. Afterwords, I will grant each a wish. He smiled.

Oh, it’s wishes now? Ventus spoke, rather unpleased. Promises and wishes. Two of the same coin, snake. I was so close to figuring out the tree until you gathered us here. If Lux is so much trouble, she shouldn’t have given her power willingly to others. She’ll get her punishment. She said.

Tree? What kind of tree? Gaia asked. Ventus waved a hoof dismissively at her.

Not of your concern. It will matter when the time is right. She said. Din laughed.

Holding known information, sister? Or are you trying to prevent me from gaining what is rightfully mine? Din smirked evilly. Ventus eyed her carefully.

Wouldn’t you like to know? She asked. Din snorted, her expression disappointed.

Dumb snake. Do you have anything else worth while that isn’t wasting our time on known knowledge? She sighed. Ouroboros smiled and nodded.

He’s getting ever closer. In fact, I think he had already sent his agents of malice ahead of him. Clock’s ticking, ladies. If you happen to come across beings of malevolence, do your best not to die, but also do your best to get rid of them. That is all. Ouroboros clapped his claws together. One by one, the elementals vanished along with their vessels. All except for Din and I. Din hopped down the throne with me as we walked over to the serpent. He smiled at us.

Something I forgot to mention? He asked. I frowned up at him.

“How often are you communicating with all seven?” I asked. Ouroboros sighed.

All the time. Yet, one has made it impossible to talk to. He glanced at Din, who only scraped the ground challengingly.

“So, you’ve been communicating with Lux then? If she’s that much in trouble, why hasn’t anything been done about it earlier? Is it so much for an elemental to not fend for themselves?” I asked.

I could have explained that to you. Din growled. I gave her an annoyed look.

“You’re difficult to talk to sometimes.” I returned my attention back to Ouroboros. “What do you know of that you aren’t bringing up? Withholding information so you can keep us playing your dumb game? If this all matters to your status and you genuinely care about the balance of a mortal realm, why have us jump through hoops? Are you that stuck up that you want to flaunt us around? It’s almost as if you are compensating for something else other than your lackadaisical attitude of being dangerously fired.” Ouroboros studied me with an amused smile.

Asking the right questions. If you must know, there is a certain nuance to all this. One of them is keeping face despite how badly things are. I’ve watched your gods go about their days with their own agendas and such and have seen time and time again that they all speak honeyed words to prevent things from spiraling out of control. Some of them succeed in it. However, if one who holds the most vital importance fails to do so and not handle it, then more would be lost than reputation. Such is the steps we tend to fall upon. He then focused on Din. Take that to heart, little fire spark. Everything is in steps. Not like there won’t be opposition. He then wiggled his stubs in a wavey motion. Toodles.

Din and I found ourselves into a black abyss. I questioningly looked at Din, who was fuming.

I can’t wait to cut his head off… She growled before looking at me. The hell you’re looking at?! I sighed and sat on my haunches.

“Din. Are we sure we want to be going against Ouroboros after that?” I asked. Din grinned.

Aww did wittle filly get scared at the big bad serpent? She mockingly cooed. I met her look with stoicism. Din’s look softened to annoyance. I’m not here to entertain you with your what ifs and buts. Ask your question wisely. I lowered my head, my thoughts racing with a certain decision. One that from this point onward would change how both I and Din worked together. Din must have heard my thoughts as she gave an annoyed grumble. I then rose my head to face her.

“I’ve been thinking on what Shiva had said. About you specifically needing allies. And well… considering how Tenebres fought and was constantly hunting us before, even being overwhelmed by Shiva, I think it’s time we need to rethink our strategy.” I stated. No surprise that Din gave an unamused raise of her brow.

If I recall, I’m not the one that has her head in the clouds all the time. She snorted. I nodded and motioned to her.

“Precisely. I haven’t been entirely myself as of late and you’ve been picking up the slack way more than you should. I’ve been not only holding myself back, but you as well as much as I hate to admit it. These past couple of encounters has got me to think a little more on our approach. We are still trying to get the hang of synergy and we have been shown to work well together despite our differences. But it’s not enough.” I looked around the black void. The very thing that Din has been idly resting in. A shut heart to a being of fire. Din narrowed her eyes at me.

Oh? Doubts and hesitation? I’m not convinced. I’ve gotten used to the still quietness of the abyss here. Is what I would say if that damned serpent wasn’t interfering a lot. If I had my domain here, I’d have a better time shutting him out. She snarled. I nodded.

“And I hadn’t realized how dire it was until after that meeting. You and I both know he only brought us along because he was throwing it onto us. The rest were there for presentation. Shiva has already begun investigating Lux’s power thingy and we just blew it off for now.” Din barked a laugh.

If you weren’t shackled to your “friends” then we would have handled it much sooner! Allies only serve to slow you down. Better to put them to better use. Such as stepping stones for my ascension! She grinned smugly. I nodded, which got her to look at me suspiciously.

“That is a way to handle things. It only serves to be a means to an end and sometimes you’d have to tie up loose ends. But that’s just how we mortals have always been handling things. Even our princesses are victim and aggressors of that. Royalty, commoners, beggars, we all are sharing a singular plane of existence that ties us to everyday life. Even gods step into that. Remember what Twilight said to you when you possessed me? Friendship isn’t always a solution, even if it’s something we ponies tend to head towards. You want ascension. But you need allies to help you with that. If you have friends by the end of it, you’ll know. Because the decision you’ll likely make will be contested.

“We may not always see eye to eye, Din. But you’ve been stuck with me and know what I’m about. So far, I’ve only learned about the outside you. And I can only assume the real you is doing her damndest to keep everything from spiraling out of control and feel that the only solution is to start over and try again. It’s because of that fact that you have been picked for ascension. But you will not be able to do it alone.” I put a hoof to my chest. “I’m saying this from the bottom of my heart. Let me help you this time. You need to conserve most of your magic and energy for when we really need it.” I held out my hoof and smiled to her. “The odds have always been stacked against us, Din. But I will fight for you if you fight for what you believe in.”

Din studied me quietly. I was expecting a snarky comment or retort from her as usual, but this time, she turned her head.

You sound just as annoying as he was. But then again, the second option would probably have been even worse. She said. I was confused as to what she meant by this, but she bumped my hoof with her’s, albeit hesitatively. I will hold you to your word. But the moment I hear or sense any doubt from you about this matter, then it’s back to the drawing board for this pathetic excuse of a realm. I was about to reply when I then noticed my sleeve catching fire.

I yelped and pulled away quickly, patting it. That only seemed to make the fire worse as it clung to my other sleeve. I looked up at Din in panic, but she was grinning down at me smugly.

Do you feel pain? She asked with a smirk. I blinked quizzically and looked down at myself. The fire was beginning to spread, but I didn’t feel anything. I flexed my hooves in confusion. Din sighed pleasantly and turned away from me. She then flapped twice, gaining enough height before engulfing herself in fire. At last! My realm sings to me once more! She marveled. I shielded my eyes as a bright flash of fire shone throughout the abyss.

When the light dimmed down, I lowered my hoof and gasped. I honestly don’t know what I was expecting. Barren lands of fire, a volcano, anything relating to elements of fire. To my genuine shock and awe, I was a quarter percent correct. What I wasn’t expecting is a vast expansive field of grass colored to that of fire. A strangely cool breeze rippling the grass to look like flowing fire. The sky was a clear night, the stars shimmering off into the distance. Around the expansive field were trees with leaves matching the grass, yet there were strange budding blue flowers. I looked back to Din, only to see her sitting under a bizarre looking tree. The trunk and branches intertwining into each other and the leaves glimmering like crystals in a bright light.

The more I looked, the more I noticed that there were massive cobblestones jutting around us, like an old ancient ruin long forgotten and crumbled to the ages. Din looked pleased as she relaxed under the bizarre tree and tenderly brushed a blue flower. It budded at her touch, a small blue flame flowing out of the center. Her eyes then fell onto me.

I’ve always admired the singing of my subjects. She stated. I took a step forward, only to stop as the small blue flame in the center of the flower fell to the ground and began to sway around, bounding about the area before taking off into the field.

“I… what is all this?” I asked finally. Din smirked smugly.

My paradise. I suppose I should be grateful for you opening your heart to me. But remember I am holding your word. I will be… devastatingly upset if my paradise would vanish. She replied. I was dumbfounded. However, Din was too enamored with her scenery to care about my existence. I watched several embers dance about, my ears picking up a faint giggling before they fluttered away in the wind. Din finally noticed me and sighed.

I wouldn’t mind if you do not disturb me with your presence. Begone with you. She said, standing up. I felt myself suddenly flying upwards, the vast field shrinking further and further. The last thing I saw was the moon, big and bright beaming down at me. I woke up with a jolt.

“The time is now, my kin. Roam is close to becoming the free nation it has been promised to be! But like many others, it cannot go unruled! The battle continues as we will make our way through the Scorched Lands and raid the main HQ of these Triad scum. We are to capture the chosen heir unharmed. We will discuss options once she has safely been returned here. Any questions?” Gladius proclaimed. Several zebra rose their hooves.

“What should we come to expect in retaliation?” One asked.

“Aside from arc fire and artillery, there has been reports from our mole that they have fully developed a weapon to surpass even their Iron Curtain.” Gladius replied. “They had begun development of a second one.”

“What about inside? Prisoners? Defenses?” A unicorn zony mare asked. Gladius nodded.

“The only prisoner is the heir. It is their main HQ. They wouldn’t want to risk anything bringing on prisoners. You are all clear to engage without question.” He stated. “Any final questions?” Thi rose her hoof. The room went quiet.

“So I’ve been thinking. If the heir is sided with the Triad, why would you consider it captured? If anything, they are maybe extending their hooves out to other creatures. They’d usually extort or sell off every creature, including ponies, rather than recruit.” She stated. Gladius arched a brow.

“I’m not sure what you mean.” He replied. Thi kicked back in her seat.

“I know the Triad inside and out. I spent a year disguised under them as to keep myself from being killed or worse. They are an all pony exclusive organization. Going hoof to hoof with Sonata herself and her estranged generals, they have time and time again have made it clear that every other creature is beneath them. Extremely so. I don’t know what’s causing the sudden change in ideal, but the heir could be in much more danger than shown or heard about. What I’m trying to say is that they are probably already dead and only have a body double to lure the Gorgons in.”

Thi rolled her hoof as she continued in a gesticulate manner. “I wouldn’t put that past them. If they had open dealings with Galm and Leonidas, expect a lot worse than some secret plans or waves of armaments and artillery.” Gladius rubbed his chin.

“Then what would you suggest we approach this?” He asked. Thi tapped her chin in thought.

“Give me one of the behemoths and some of those arc launchers. I’ll be the distraction for the outside. I will need to talk to the others, but if your mole can find the weakest point in their defenses, you’ll be storming that as I’ll be drawing most of the agro.” She said with a smile. I gave her a worried look.

“Thi, I know you can handle yourself and have been a one mare army against the Triad, but your luck can only go so far. Don’t forget, you have me to help.” I said. Thi shook her head and grinned.

“Appreciate the thought, Fie. But the Triad would use you as a bargaining chip in my distraction.” She replied. I somehow felt a sting from those words, yet I couldn’t help but feel ashamed of my own focus. Din was right. I need to focus a bit more. I heard a soft hum in my head before Thi beamed. “Actually, you are going to be pulling your weight. Just not in the way you want it to. You are going to help the Gorgons infiltrate the weak side to ensure they get in and handle their own business. When you can ensure they are squared away, you can join me in making some noise.” She smiled, yet I was still worried.

I’ll have to keep an eye on her. Gladius nodded in approval.

“As admirable and skillful as you are, Ms. Billet, it would be wise to at least have some form of back up. Zeke will lead his team to support you, at least from afar.” He said. Thi shrunk back a little.

“So long as they don’t get in the way that’ll distract me from being a distraction.” She stated a little unpleasantly. I shot a glance at her as Gladius looked around to his kin.

“As for the rest, you will stand guard here. Intel team will be relaying progress to the others as we go. Stock up and get ready. We move phase one at noon rise.” He said. The Gorgons shouted something in zebra in unison before getting up and moving about. Thi stretched and was about to stand up when I pulled her aside and out of ear shot.

“Thi, are you sure about this?” I asked. Thi blinked questioningly at me.

“Yeah. I don’t see how it’s any different from what we usually do.” She replied. I sighed and shook my head.

“I know you are capable of going up against the odds way more than any pony I know. But you do realize that the injuries you acquire through it are going to bite you at some point. Not even grandma’s secret recipe could help.” I stated. Thi rubbed her chin.

“I’m still not sure who this ‘grandma’ is…” she pondered. I put my hoof roughly next to her head against the wall, glaring at her.

“Thi, listen to me. As your best friend and partner in crime, I’m only going to ask that you not over do it. Our friends are in a bad state as is. If all of you are incapacitated, what am I going to do?” I replied a little sourly. Thi furrowed her look.

“What’s the big deal? Is this about our triumph over an immortal griffon? Let me remind you that you were the one who wanted to bring CC and Flitter along when we weren’t even sure of their capabilities upon starting this journey.” She stated. She then put a hoof on my shoulder and smiled. “Don’t worry about me, Fie. You are still the key in all of this. Just consider yourself a… errr… trump card against the Triad.” She said.

“Thi, they’ve managed to capture us on three separate occasions. It doesn’t matter if I’m harboring a god. What matters is that we all need to ensure we are okay by the end of it all.” I lowered my head. “Seeing Flitter, Scribble, Cloudchaser and you in such a state… I can’t bear the thought of it.” I pulled away from her. “I did some thinking last night and I’ve decided. From this point on, I’m going to do better than what I’ve been doing.” It was Thi’s turn to cast me a worried look.

“Th-that’s great and all, Fie. But I’m fine. Scribble, CC and Flitter are going to be okay. We’re okay. Just trust me on this.” She smiled. I heard Din softly hum in thought. A rather strange sensation to sense her thinking. However, I met Thi’s gaze.

“I do trust you all…” I replied. Thi grinned and reached with her magic, levitating a bottle of Roam wine over to us. I studied the bottle.

“Then maybe a bit more higher spirits to lift the mood. Just a little.” She said. I opened my mouth to protest but decided it better not too. I denied the drink, much to Thi’s surprise, before heading to meet with our friends. Flitter was up, her casts removed and her body freshly bandaged. She was just as surprised as we were. Thi asked a passing earth zony who this “grandma” really is.

“No creature knows. Some say she’s as old as our late immortal griffon. Some say she has inspired the entirety of our realm to pursue medicine. What we do know is that the products are always sold under that moniker. At this point, it could just be something some creature wanted to have a bit of fun with.” That only raised more questions with Thi.

We explained to our friends what was going to happen and made a back up plan if things decide to go south. By the time noon came around and all the Gorgons and present company included were fed, they began skittering about like worker ants. I watched them work while my thoughts ran with certain ideas I’d considered side plans. Din chuckled a little eerily, grinning smugly.

And thus, it begins. My ascension.

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