• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 27: Call of Canterlot

The interrogation room of the CCPD. The lights flicked on and a figure was silhouetted behind the lamp. The iconic trench coat and hat accompanying the figure, whose face is hidden by the shadows. The man leaned back in his chair with a note pad and pen. The only thing he asked the people he interviewed:

“Noticed anything unusual in your kidnapping?”

The first was the museum curator. The balding man was stricken with nervousness and sweat. The silhouetted man reassured him that he is well under care and just needs to know the answer to the question from their perspective. The curator dabbed his head with a cloth.

“I-it was dark. A-a-and cold. And the screaming… oh god the screaming…” The curator replied, his look terrified. “I-i-it was like sinking into an ocean… An ocean of the damned…”

“And this person who pulled you to safety. Did you get a good look at her?” The man asked. The curator nodded hesitantly.

“I-I-I didn’t know… she… she was that troublemaker I kicked out of my museum! She… she’s a monster… no one is able to move like she did…”

After getting the info from the curator, he went onto the next, calling them in. A young man with green hair and a beanie.

“Would a monster go out of her way to save everyone? Those people were scared. They had every right to be. But she saved us. I don’t understand why the officers are so adamant on arresting her.” He said sternly. The man took note of this before finishing up the interview and calling the next one in. They described their experience as exhilarating as it’s’ not every day to be in the events of danger and excitement. The man took note on the pad for the individual to potentially seek therapy before calling the next one in.

This one spoke about how it felt like the shadows were whispering sweet words into their ear. Listing off their darkest desires (which the interviewee was kind enough not to spill for the record). Another spoke about how the girl saved his girlfriend from the dark shadowy creatures. When he got to a pair of sisters, one who is from Crystal Prep and the other a Canterlot High student, the Crystal Prep student seemed to provide some solid information.

“It happened all so fast; I wasn’t able to comprehend it until Cloudchaser was being pulled in. It was dark, cold, scary. So much screaming. I wasn’t sure if I was holding onto Cloudchaser anymore. Suddenly, the darkness vanished and we looked to see that girl looking at us.” Flitter said.

“She was amazing! I’ve never seen someone move around so skillfully like that!” Cloudchaser chimed in. Flitter nudged her and Cloudhaser smiled bashfully. “B-but of course, I had to ensure Flitter was alright. She told us to get away, and we did, but Flitter…” She looked to her and Flitter leaned onto the table, her hand on her head as if trying to comprehend it all.

“That girl… I at first wasn’t sure why she was familiar. But seeing her eyes and a glimpse of a fiery head of hair… she was that girl I met in Crystal Prep. Principal Cadence wanted me to show her around the school. She was nice. A little curious. Didn’t seem at all off. Well… except for her eyes. They had this strange swirling fire inside the irises. It was really freaky. I just thought it was some sort of special contact lens she wanted to walk around with. You know, since everyone is usually out for the next big trend. She even wore a rather filthy looking cloak. Like she had slept outside for weeks and got into a fight with a stray animal or something.”

The man jotted this down. “Did you manage to get a name?” He asked her. Flitter tapped her chin.

“I think her name is Quiet Fire. That’s… about all I can really say.” Flitter looked at the man with concern. “Is she really that fiery comet that fought that giant spider?” The man shifted in his seat.

“That is what we are trying to find out. And you two have been extremely helpful. One last thing. Did she mention anything about looking for something? Or somebody? Any reason as to why she is doing what she is doing?” Flitter was quiet in thought before shaking her head.

“I’m sorry, sir. That’s all I know.” She replied. The man jotted something down before nodding to them.

“You both are free to go.” He said. The two stood up and exchanged concerned glances before being escorted out by an officer. When the door closed, the man re-read his notes. ‘Everything is there, but the vital clue is still missing. What is her relation to the shadow creatures? And this “Tenebres” Quiet Fire called out. Latin. Fitting for the monstrosities. But from what the witnesses reports it seems like she’s been fighting them for a while.’ The man tapped his mouth with the pen in thought. ‘I won’t really know for sure until I can find her. But the moment the officers get close, she just escapes.’ He sighs. ‘If the CCPD weren’t on edge lately, they are certainly on high alert now. Someone is going to get hurt with just normal activities on their watch.’

The man sighed before standing up and adjusting his hat before stepping out of the room. He turned and walked down the hall into the next room where three individuals were waiting. One was holding a sketch book and scribbling something on it. The other two, a male officer and a female in a business suite, turned to him. He nodded.

“Chief. Secretary.” He greeted. The chief of police nodded in return.

“Detective. Nice of you to join us. What were you able to gleam from the witnesses?” He asked. The man whipped out his notepad and flipped to the pages.

“Young female, possibly between the ages of seventeen and twenty. Orchid eyes, detailed with a strange characteristic of swirling fire in the irises, fiery red hair, was last seen wearing a rather run down cloak of some kind now possibly wearing a red hoodie with a white hood and black sleeves. And from what we’ve all seen on the news, has the ability to control fire.” He flipped through his notebook. “Oh, and your wife also says to don’t forget to take the chicken out of the freezer.” The chief nodded.

“Such an endearing character. Did you get everything, Pallet?” The chief asked. The one holding the sketch book was scribbling hurriedly down for a moment before turning the sketch around. The secretary rubbed her chin.

“Just a normal kid with bizarre characteristics.” She said.

“That ‘bizarre’ kid is the key to stopping all the kidnappings and we need her to aid us in anymore information about who’s causing all these strange creatures to appear in the first place.” The chief stated as the sketch person handed them the sketch. He then handed it to the secretary. “Make sure this gets out to all outlets, we need every eye, every ear.” The secretary took the page and nodded.

“Very well, sir.” She said before stepping out of the room. The detective rubbed his chin curiously.

“Haven’t seen those Rainbooms lately. Perhaps they might know something as well.” He suggested.

“The Rainbooms are not twenty-four seven heroes and while their help has been vital in simple burglaries, construction mishap or a cat stuck in the tree, have we’ve actually seen them do anything about the shadow creatures?” He replied to the detective before walking out of the room, the detective following him.

“So it’s been established. But the events at Canterlot High. She-demons, magical portals, rampaging plant monsters and science projects. It’s clear that this world is changing, chief, and we need to look at our options.” He said. The chief chuckled.

“You worry too much, old friend. You still believe in magic?” He said with a smile. The detective side-eyed him.

“Your inability to think of it as a stand in fact is a mystery I’ll probably never be able to solve.” He muttered under his breath. The chief pat his shoulder.

“You’ve been working too hard, Wild Fire. Take the day off. Go spend time with the wife and kids.” He said.

“I’ve never married nor fathered.” Wild Fire replied stoically. The chief nudged him with a wink.

“Then relax with someone who you fancy. Perhaps a certain female cop?” The chief grinned.

“Officer Cloud Mist is just as busy as I am. If anything, she needs the break because she has two kids and as a single mother, her work isn’t healthy.” Wild replied.

“I never mentioned Officer Mist, Wild. Using the full name in mention though?” The chief replied rather amusedly. Wild Fire gave a look of annoyance before tipping his hat.

“I’ve got work to do, chief.” He said before turning down the hall.

“I enjoy these talks, detective!” The chief called out before continuing walking the other way. Wild Fire reached his office and opened the door. The room was a bit of a mess with chinese take-outs missing the can and a ruffled rug from the many pacings the detective had. Wild Fire walked in and removed his trench coat and hat, putting them onto the coat hanger. Handsome features, golden eyes and ironically has a bed ridden fiery head of hair. He loosened his tie before walking over to a cork board. The entire wall around it was littered with notes, pictures and string. Several bigger pictures were the center of the board, each X'd out with his mark the center of it all with several question mark post-it notes around the man. For months he had been tailing this man. Trying to find an angle of how to catch him guilty. He would have gotten him too if these strange magical occurrences haven't been going on and sucked his mark into a black abyss.

He then spun around to the opposite wall, another cork board in a similar, yet less so, fashion. In the center was a picture of Canterlot High. Around it were the Rainboom's portraits from their yearbook. Notes around the pictures each noting every girl's power and quirks. He had the honor of meeting each one individually during a missing diamond that was stolen over the summer break. The Rarity girl seemed to be much more enthusiastic about it than the others, who were more inclined to search everywhere they could think with less than expected finds. On the board above the picture of Twilight and Sunset were the pictures of Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. Charming ladies who each hold a high regard to every student, not just the Rainbooms.

Dotting also on the board was a picture of Sunset when she had transformed into a she-demon, Twilight as Midnight Sparkle, the students boarding the buses to Camp Everfree as well as certain events of the Friendship Games (one note had "Is this even school appropriate?" written above the moto cross arena). Above the board was a plastered collage of words spelling out "magic?". He walked over to the board and whipped out his note pad. Making some final touches, he ripped out the paper, showing to have a nicely drawn sketch of the witness's description of this new girl that had appeared out of nowhere. He pinned the sketch on the board and took a green string, connecting it to Canterlot High. Writing several notes on the post-it notes, he stuck them around the sketch. One having in red ink: "Connected?". Wild stood back and was quiet as his eyes darted around the board. His brain piecing together what he can. He then went to his desk, sitting down and slouching against the back of his chair.

He gave a soft sight before pulling out a flask and taking a swig of it before pocketing it back, then placing his revolver on the desk and went to lean forward, vanilla files spread out over the table. He glanced over to a picture of his younger days. Bright eyed and ready to take on the world. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself and put the picture face down before booting up his computer. He spent a couple of hours scrolling through his case files, doing reports and even checking up on the news. His eyes fell onto a video that was posted six seconds ago, showing the factory near the edge of the city. It had a dark, grainy filter about it, but when he clicked the video and it played, the dark and graininess of it made sense. He couldn't believe his eyes. A dark haze had enshrouded the factory. The camera person ducked back behind a corner when they spotted three figures flying out of the haze and soaring overhead. The video ended and the detective stood up quickly. Holstering his revolver, he rushed to his coat and hat, putting them on before jogging out of his office, nearly knocking over the secretary.

"Oh, uh, detective! I have your... coffee." She said, slowing her words as the detective was already out the door. Wild rushed to his car and got in, swiping his phone and sticking it to his holder. He started the car and sped off the lot, several officers looking confused. One, however, found the hurried detective to be interesting and turned her vehicle on before speeding out as well, tailing the detective. Wild removed his tie and tossed it aside into the passenger seat, making his way down the road with his lights and sirens blaring. He looked in the rear view and noticed an officer vehicle following him, the lights turning on and alarms blaring. He only smirked before continuing his speed down the road. It took him several minutes to reach the area, coming to a halt just a block away from the factory. He stepped out and removed his hat, looking on in awe at the dark haze, the several onlookers filming already. He glanced over his shoulder to see the officer vehicle pull up and the officer stepping out. A pretty, ponytail blonde haired woman with sharp eyes and a stoic look narrowed her eyes.

She walked over to the detective and studied the dark haze. She pressed on her walkie.

"Five eighty-nine, requesting back up over at Daisy Metal Smelting Factory, over." She said. There was a garbled reply before she nodded to Wild, drawing her gun and holding it down in front of her. "Detective." She greeted stoically. Wild coolly smiled at her before drawing his own revolver and checking it.

"Always a pleasure to work with you, Ms. Mist." He said. The officer and the detective waited a bit for the other officers to arrive, sirens blaring. One of the officers told the others to block off the roads and get the onlookers back. With back up taken care of, the two proceeded forward, hurrying down towards the factory.

Quiet Fire's POV

I snapped my finger and a fire lit at my tip. I looked around the darkened factory. So much graffiti plastered the walls and floor as I walked forward. My senses on full alert, making my way to the middle of the factory. Tall, empty kiln vats lined with each other symmetrically, a strange machine that I would assume where the molten metal would pour out of for the workers to cast and cool the metal. Walking past the machinery, I looked up to the ceiling, seeing catwalks and a chained cauldron hanging over head. I hummed in thought to myself.

'Hey, Din. Shouldn't we do something to Tenebres to goad her out?' I asked.

Fair idea. Let's try it. She grinned evilly. The flame at my tip grew brighter that I had to open my hand for it to grow. I furrowed my look before crushing the fire and knelt down, slamming my palm into the ground. The whole factory lit up and I heard a scream from somewhere. I stood up and looked around, getting into a defensive stance.

"Ow! That really hurt, you big meanie!" A child like voice said. Din cackled.

Afraid of a little fire, little one? You know what happens when you get too close. She grinned smugly.

"Say what you want, but mistress isn't going back to that dumb realm!" The child like voice echoed around us.

"She's making a big mistake trying to meddle in this realm! She's coming back with us!" I retorted. Another voice rang out, one that was distorted and deep.

"Do you not want to be mistress's friend? She is quite fun to play with." The voice spoke. There was then a chorus of giggles and the skittering of feet that made me put my head on a swivel. Another voice echoed out of the darkness.

"Come play with us. Everyday is a fun day in the darkness." A feminine voice spoke.

"Hide and seek! Hide and seek!" Two childlike voices spoke gleefully. I grit my teeth and spun around, hearing the pattering of feet behind me. The giggles began to echo around me. Everything went quiet. I calmed my breathing and stood still in my stance. I then sensed a presence behind me and I quickly spun around, lighting my fist on fire and holding it out to a horrifying slender like creature with beady yellow eyes. It hissed with a jagged maw before retreating into the darkness. Din growled.

Fun time is over. Time to take a long, excruciating nap. Din spoke. I then felt myself warming up before raising my hand overhead. A fire bolt shot out and hit the bottom of the cauldron, the firebolt exploding into magma and filling up the kiln vats, creating a red glow in the factory. Several hisses could be heard around me and I quickly spun around, readying myself.

"This one is mean!" the voices echoed. "Nasty, evil adult! Wants to ruin playtime! What should we do, Mitzi?" Everything went quiet as a child giggled. I then spun around and my eyes widened in surprise at hooded winter jacket childlike figure was hanging upside down. Their beady eyes meeting mine and the maw split open into a wide grin.

"I know! Let's play tag! Mistress always love playing that game!" The creature said eerily childlike. Din grinned widely and confident.

Heh. Goodluck, brat. I don't play fair! She hissed. The child put their sleeves together happily.

"Then I won't play fair either! Heeheehee! This'll be fun!" They giggled before the ceiling began to drip with black substance. I looked up and gasped, seeing the slender creature looking down at me. The maw opened and lashed down at me.

When Wild Fire and Cloud Mist got close to the factory, they aimed their weapons over to the gate, seeing several unconscious people resting at the open gate. Both recognized the attires as belonging to gangs. Wild and Cloud approached cautiously before Wild knelt down to check the pulse of one of the gangers.

"Breathing. But it doesn't appear that these two gangs knocked each other out." He said. There was the sound of a grunt and the two aimed their weapons at a figure emerging from the black haze, a flame bobbing around her. The girl panted and trudged over to them before placing down the knocked-out ganger. She rolled her arm and did a double take at the two authority figures. She slumped and held up her hands.

"Look, officers. This is a big misunderstanding." She said. Cloud eased her aim while Wild lowered his.

"Well. No surprise officer Billet's daughter is hanging out with bad crowd. Fortunately, you aren't going to be arrested. Yet." Wild stated. Thi Billet grimaced. But her expression softened before she turned around.

"Then you're going to have to wait. Fie is still in there." She said. The two exchanged glances.

"Friend of yours?" Cloud asked stoically. Thi turned to them and glared.

"She quickly became one. What's it to you, miss no friends?" She retorted. Cloud only raised an unamused brow while Wild stepped forward.

"Are there anymore inside?" He asked. Thi shouldered her bat, hesitating. She then shook her head.

"I... managed to get everyone out." She replied. Wild smiled softly.

"Then stay here. We'll check out the factory." He said, taking a step forward. But Thi grabbed ahold of his trench coat quickly and stopped him.

"You're better off sticking with me." She said seriously. Wild studied the look on the girl. He then looked at the bobbing fire. He was quick to piece things together. His excitement rising a bit. He then looked over to Cloud.

"What do you say, officer? This'll be your chance to finally question the fire starter." He said. Cloud nodded before cocking her gun and walking over to them. Thi took the lead.

"Fie said to stick near the flames. It's what keeps the shadows from surrounding us." She explained. Cloud's eyes darted quietly around the area.

"And where does this shadowy haze even come from?" She asked. Thi shrugged.

"It just rolled in when we confronted The Dazzlings. You'll never believe this, but they are apparently monsters from another realm." She said. Wild hummed.

"That much I gathered with the shadowy creatures. Would you believe that some still don't believe in magic after all this?" He smirked at her. Cloud shushed them and aimed her weapon ahead of them. Wild and Thi readied themselves, their eyes watching the area around them. They then heard the sound of wings flapping. Thi looked up and gasped before ducking with the two as a shadowy creatures swooped down over them.

Cloud Mist aimed up, locking onto a creature before firing off two shots. Wild was always impressed by the officer’s aim. The detective then turned, seeing three bat like creatures swoop down again. Being quick on the trigger he managed to hit two out of three. The last one shrieked and dived at him. Thi shoved him aside and brought her bat over her head and swung down, crushing the creature in a black sticky puddle. Thi gave a disgusted look and shook her hand.

“Ew, what the hell is this stuff??” She asked partially annoyed. More shrieks could be heard.

“Anyone has a bright idea?” Wild asked, reloading the three shots he spent. Thi hummed, looking at the fire around them. She then had an idea that could turn the tide.

“We need to get to the factory! It’s safer there!” She called out, patting Cloud’s back and motioning for them to follow. Cloud fired off two shots before quickly following Thi and Wild. They sped through the haze, the fire pushing it around them before coming to an open area in front of the factory. Quiet Fire’s staff still planted in the ground to keep the darkness at bay. They had made it just in time as the bat like creatures that were chasing them began to break and only two unfortunately were burned flying into the open area.

Cloud Mist, Wild Fire and Thi Billet took a moment, Cloud reloading while Wild looked up at the factory. He then looked around the area, the distant sounds of screams coming from inside the haze.

“What is even all this? And how is this fire keeping the shadows at bay?” Wild Fire asked, more to himself aloud. Cloud Mist scanned the area, her senses high alert. Thi jogged up to the factory and was about to open the door when she froze, seeing the black substance form all over it. She gritted her teeth and looked around.

“Fie is inside the factory! There has to be another way in!” She stated. Wild and Cloud exchanged stoic glances before Wild stuffed his hand in his pocket.

“Didn’t you say that the fire keeps the shadows at bay? Then perhaps we just need to heat things up a little.” He said, his eyes falling to the staff. Thi blinked and scratched her head a little.

“Right! Which is totally what I had in mind!” She lied.

“Do you really think it’ll work?” Cloud asked calmly. Wild shook his head.

“This is magic. Way beyond what we normally deal with. And since we can’t back out now, we have to try something.” He said. Cloud crossed her arms.

“Resourceful.” She commented. Wild took a hold of the staff and tried to pull it out. It didn’t budge. He arched a brow before holstering his revolver and grasping the staff with both hands. He took a deep breath before trying to lift it up. Nothing. Cloud rubbed her chin before walking over and grasping the staff with both hands and together the two tried to lift it up. Still nothing. The two pulled away, panting a little.

“How is it so heavy?” Wild asked. Thi jogged over to them.

“Huh. Fie was able to swing that thing around like nothing. Is it really that heavy?” She asked, taking the staff in her hand and pulling. It still refused to budge. Thi hummed. All at once, the three had a singular idea. They looked to the bobbing fire. Thi stuck her tongue out and reached for it. It flared a bit when her hand got close and she hissed in response, shaking her hand. “Ouch! That stung!” She stated.

Wild Fire rubbed his chin. He then took Thi’s bat out of her hand (much to her protest) before sticking it out. The fire didn’t flare. In fact, when he started to wave it softly under the flames, it followed. Without a second thought, he carefully directed the flame over to the staff. When he managed to have the flame hover over the staff, that’s when it flared greatly, as if it had ignited from a bonfire. The screams around them were louder, exclaiming the pain of shadows.

The three backed away as a pillar of fire shot high into the air, splitting the haze before washing over the area. The shadows retreated or melted into puddles of black substances. Wild handed the bat back to Thi as all three were staring in awe at the sight.

“This is going to be an interesting report to file.” Cloud commented. Thi looked over to the factory and pointed.

“Hey, look!” She said. They turned to see the black substance burn away. The three nodded to each other before jogging to the door. Wild took point and counted with his fingers quietly from three. When he reached one, he then shifted and kicked the door a few times, knocking it open and a cold breeze greeted them in the darkness. Yet, they could see the red glow from further within. The three made their way in and came to the main area of the factory.

“Fie? Fie are you here?!” Thi called out.

“Lookie! New friends!” A child like voice echoed around them. All three felt a chill go down their spine as the atmosphere grew heavy. They readied themselves, the detective and officer darting their eyes while Thi looked for any sign of Quiet Fire. The child like giggle was then followed by two more children giggling. Cloud Mist looked up and aimed her pistol, taking a step back as a long and slender shadowy figure with beady yellow eyes stepped down from the ceiling.

It unnervingly swayed with the movements as it circled them. They felt the ground tremble rhythmically, causing them to look and see a bulky mass of shadows stamp around the side of an active kiln. It opened its’ massive jagged maw to reveal a bloodshot eye staring at them. They then looked to see two tiny plant like shadows giggling childishly as they danced above the catwalk.

“What the hell did you do with Fie?!” Thi growled, aiming her bat at the massive creature.

“Din’s vessel? Why we are taking great care of her.” A childlike voice replied around them. “She is being quite stubborn to be our friend. But she’ll come around eventually.” The child then giggled. Wild Fire aimed his revolver at the slender figure.

“So, what’s your game, then? Why are you kidnapping people?” He asked, keeping his revolver trained on the figure.

“Mistress has been lonely since as long as she can remember. It was so sad to see. But then we came along and made it all better for her! Now she wants to show that her friends can be our friends! And in turn, that’ll make our friends her friends! It’ll be a friendship bonanza!” The child like voice cheered. Cloud narrowed her eyes.

“What is your ultimatum? There has to be more to it than that.” She stated coldly. The childlike voice sounded very pouty.

“There is no ultimatum, dummy. We just want to be happy with mistress! Not like you’ll understand! Adults never understand!” There was a loud sound and the three watched as a sickening squelching sound was followed by a winter jacket wearing childlike figure descending from the ceiling. A giant blob of shadow connected to the back of the figure. The child shadow put its’ sleeves to its’ maw, giggling. Thi looked disturbed. Swallowing the disgust, she readied her bat.

“What did you do with Fie?!” She asked. The child swayed above them, head tilting to the side in a shrug.

“She’s in timeout. A bit of time in the embrace of our mistress’s shadows will surely make her become our friend!” The child replied. The figure then crossed their arms. “And we don’t need adults to ruin our playtime! In fact, I don’t think you are fit to be mistress’s friends! So, make like a sheep and get lost!” The slender figure shuttered before opening its’ maw. Cloud shoulder shoved Wild and Thi away before diving to avoiding the creature. Cloud Mist rolled deftly onto her feet and fired at the creature.

The slender figure swayed and shifted, slithering over to the wall and merging into it. Thi and Wild scrambled to their feet. Wild balked and pushed Thi aside, tripping back on his feet and landing on his rump as the bulky monster snapped at them. Thi grit her teeth and booked it up the catwalk, only to stop when the two flower like creatures bounded and danced around her. She felt a wet slap that stung her cheek.

“Ow! That hurt, dammit!” Thi exclaimed angrily. The second shadow creature lashed out tendrils the wrapped around Thi’s arm and hand that holding the bat, causing Thi to tug back while the other creature jumped onto her back and covered her eyes while pulling on her. She grunted and stumbled along with the creatures. “Let go!” She shouted. Down below, Cloud Mist dodged around a pillar, narrowly avoiding the piercing limb of the slender creature. She took a deep breath before dashing out and firing at the monster, the bullets only going through it with no injury.

She narrowed her eyes, having to roll to avoid another tendril lashing out. The creature seemed to laugh at the officer’s attempts. Cloud retreated out in between the kilns, grazing a burn on her arm that singed the sleeve. She dove and rolled to avoid several tendrils that slithered and lashed out at her. She was about to run around the opposite kiln when she tripped.

She looked down and tugged her leg, seeing that the black substance stuck to her. It then began to drag her around the kiln. Not too far off, Wild was pressed against a corner and a pillar, keeping himself from being snapped into the maw of the creature. It squirmed its’ way in as Wild managed to squeeze through and ran behind it. The creature pulled away, breaking the pillar in the process before turning to the detective.

It roared loudly at him. However, it was a mistake that worked in Wild’s favor. Without hesitation, he fired his entire cylinder into the eye, black liquid spewing out from the wounds. The creature shook itself violently, knocking over a kiln that burned the tendrils around Cloud’s legs. She quickly kicked off the last tendril and scramble to avoid burning alive as the molten magma flowed out of it. The slender creature shrieked in pain. Above in the catwalk, Thi managed to yank away the bat and punt the flower creature away into a railing before reaching back and ripping the creature riding on her back.

She then chucked it onto the ground and began stomping on it. Black liquid splattered onto her, but the creature managed to wrap itself around her leg and throw her over and down the catwalk stairs, tumbling onto her side and nearly knocking the wind out of her.

She looked up and gasped as the flailing bulky creature stomped around. Wild grit his teeth, about to charge to save her when in a blur, Cloud Mist slid by and yanked Thi by the leg just in time when the creature stamped at where she was a second ago. Wild let out a quiet sigh of relief before rushing over and helping both of them up. The child like figure began to shake angrily.

“Grrrrrghhh! What are you doing?! The adults are winning! Punish them!” It cried out angrily. The three stood side by side, readying themselves as the wounded creatures began to advance on them. Suddenly, a blinding flame roared in front of the child like creature, causing her to gasp. The other creatures hissed and shrieked in fear. The three looked on in shock.

Quiet Fire’s POV

Well, this sucks. I found myself sitting cross legged with my arms crossed over my chest. I tapped my finger against my arm as I was floating in a black void.

As annoying as that was, I feel this is a good chance to go over a way on how to handle everything. Din said matter-of-factly.

“Oh yeah? I’m all for suggestions.” I replied with a sigh.

We’ll play victim long enough for the creature to drop its’ guard. I already have our escape covered. Now then, what have we’ve learned so far of this world? Din asked. I hummed in thought.

“Clothes are important. Magic is known. Meat based foods are delicious. Tenebres and her vessel have been running rampant for about two weeks in this world. My question for that is, how did they even get here?” I listed. Din snorted.

It’ll be too much of a pain to hunt down every portal from Equestria to this world. We shouldn’t focus on that. What we need to focus on is finding where Tenebres and her brat are hiding. Tenbres’s stench is starting to become overwhelming in this realm that it’s hard to pinpoint where the source is coming from. Din explained. I sighed.

“So, what, do we just tackle every shadowy creature we come across until we draw her out? Because frankly, if we are to go off the behavior of that Mitzi creature, Tenebres is fully aware we are here. Perhaps she’s just biding her time right now.” I replied.

Yet she doesn’t learn her lesson. Much like a child who has no awareness in their infancy. But no, we don’t need to hit every back alley to draw her out. Din grinned smugly. We make enough noise that even her “friends” can’t handle. She has to eventually do things by herself.

“But what if she doesn’t? She just continues to sit in the shadows and do nothing? We are better off finding her heart to get her to stand down.” I said.

And I agree. If I know my sister, I think I have several ideas of where she might have her heart close to. Din chuckled softly. A child is always closer to their dolls and toys more than the relationships of others. They don’t judge or treat you any different much like rocks. I tilted my head questioningly.

“So… we go and burn down toy stores?” I asked. Din shook her head.

As much as some toys need to be burned, I’m talking more organic. Like that Mitzi creature. She said. I only nodded as that made as much sense as the rock metaphor.

“So then, how long do we plan on being in here?” I asked. Din hummed pleasantly.

Give it a few more moments. The show is just getting good. She said. I raised a brow.

“What show? What do you see?” I asked, taking her eyes. Her eyes pierced through the veil of shadows and I could see the factory floor. My jaw dropped as I saw three people facing off against the shadowy creatures.

“Mom?? Dad??” I spoke aloud. The resemblance was uncanny. My parallel mother as a police officer and, to some ironic degree, my dad pulling off the detective look. Thi Billet was struggling with two creatures while Mizti seemed in a bliss state. I stood up and Din sighed.

You remember they aren’t your parents and friend. Din spoke. My fist clenched and I looked at her with a glare. Din rolled her eyes. Alright, fine. Just because I don’t want to hear you whining and having a repeat of the Star Bright festival. Din snorted. Stupid name. She then stood up and I softened my expression. I then put a hand gently on her neck and she glanced at me with a hint of disgust.

“Think of it this way. We’ll not only be clearing up my conscience, but I’ll also…” I darted my eyes in thought before smirking at an idea. “I’ll also double the crepes.” Din shifted a frown.

You’re a terrible bargainer. But wishful thinking and all that. She sighed with a shake of her head. She then swished her head and cut a fiery opening into the veil of shadows. Din phased into the back of my mind and I grinned.

‘Shock and awe.’ I thought to myself. I then ran forward and jumped into the opening, my hand reaching out. I then grabbed the head of the child like figure as I jumped out of the opening and planted both my feet into the black and sticky body. The beady eyed child widened their eyes in shock.

“H-how?! That veil was fool proof! No light could reach there!!” They shrieked. I grinned determinedly.

“Then allow me to burn that mistake into your mind!” I replied before gripping the face. I then felt a burning warmth surround me and I transferred it into the creature. A massive flame erupted around Mitzi, causing it to shrilly scream in pain. She protested loudly how much the burning hurts, calling out her mistress’s name.

“FICKLE!! MISTRESS FICKLE HELP ME!! IT HUUUUUUURRRTTTTTSSSS!!!” It screamed. Mitzi began to flail around, but I held on. I noticed the spilled out molten magma. I held out my free hand to it, drawing in the heat of it to make the fire burn even hotter to the point the flames turned blue and the magma hardening. I held on for as long as I could, the body of Mitzi shrinking and melting. As she melted, I noticed several silhouettes of people inside of the body. I grit my teeth tightly.

‘I will not burn them! Our flames are to protect balance! These people belong to the balance! I will not burn them!’ I thought furiously in my head. When Mitzi melted enough, I then lessened the flames and yanked the creature back, the both of us tumbling as the shadowy blob exploded. I shielded myself and saw the many people Mitzi has absorbed fall onto the floor, scattering about. They all looked like party goers and several ship workers. The people groaned and began to come to.

I stood up and shook myself off before looking around. The slender figure that had taken me by surprise earlier writhed before melting into a black puddle. A muscular man laid unconscious on the ground. I saw a bigger creature melt into a puddle blob of black shadows. From the looks of it, it was an actual manifestation and not a person powered one. The two creatures that Thi had fought off also melted, revealing two kids. The one who was the slender figure came too and looked around. When he spied the kids, he scrambled to his feet and rushed over to them.

The kids stirred awake and they called him “dad” in relief before hugging him. I crossed my arms with a satisfied smile at the relief of the people being okay. I then noticed Thi jogging over, giving me a surprise hug before pulling away.

“That was intense, Fie! What even happened to you?? What happened to everyone here?? What do you know of those Dazzlings?? What in the wide world is Equestria?? Who even are you?? Why did I even hug you?? I have so many questions!!” She exclaimed. I gave a nervous smile and pat her shoulder.

“Err… let’s just focus on getting these people out of here.” I told her. We then heard a cough as my parallel parents approached us. We looked to see the child like figure sit up and began to shake angrily before flailing its’ arms and legs.

“No fair, no fair, no fair! No, no, no, no, no!! Adults are so mean!! And ugly and smelly!!” Mitzi growled angrily before pointing at us. “Why do you have to exist?! Why can’t you all just be friends to my mistress?! Why must you fight the darkness so much?! We only want to protect you!! To be your friends!!” I raised a brow.

“Tenebres really needs to rethink her creativity.” I stated before walking over to the creature. Mitzi suddenly froze and shrunk down as I stood over them. “Fickle, is it? Your mistress? Where is she?” The child shook their head furiously, covering what would be ears if it had any.

“No! I will not tell! I’m not telling a dumb adult!! Snitches get stitches!” She shrieked. I sighed and shook my head. I then held up a hand and snapped my fingers, igniting a ball of fire in my palm. Mitzi whimpered. “You should be thankful I’m in control. If it were Din’s way, well, she would do a lot worse than just asking questions.” I then knelt down and smiled. “So, why don’t you play nice and I’ll even give you a special reward. One that I think you’re going to like.” I said happily. Mitzi shook her head.

“I-I don’t trust you!! I’m not telling you anything!!” They screamed.

“Then perhaps you can tell me.” My mom said. Err, well parallel mother. Mitzi moved away from me slightly as my mom got down on her feet and wrapped her arms around her legs. “It’ll be alright. We all make mistakes. I am an officer of the law. I promise everything you say will not be used against you. I’m sure Fickle is very worried about you, but we need to know where she is so we can take you to her.” She said in a strangely kind and motherly way yet keeping her iconic stoic look.

Somehow, I was feeling a mix of jealousy and envy. Mitzi continued to whimper, uncertain about the officer. My dad then stepped forward and knelt down.

“You can trust us. You clearly care about your mistress and… surprisingly show a lot of human behavior. I don’t know how I should feel about this, but as protectors of peace and servers of justice, officer Mist and I can ensure that nothing bad will happen. But you need to understand. You cannot be kidnapping people.” He rubbed the back of his head, clearly conflicted about going along with this. My parallel mother made it hard to tell what she was thinking. Mitzi looked between them before eyeing me terrified.

I shifted a small frown. ‘I’m not sure what my parents are thinking, but let’s go along with it for now.’ I thought to Din. Din scoffed.

We need to get rid of it. Very well. We will do so once it takes us to Tenebres’s vessel. She sighed with an unamused cross of her forelegs. I doused the flame in my palm by crushing it and stood up.

“Be on your best behavior and I’ll be on mine. All I want to do is talk to your mistress. I will keep Din in check for you.” I said. Mitzi shook her head slowly.

“N-no… you don’t follow. Only they follow.” Mitzi spoke. I narrowed my eyes.

“Then I don’t trust you to be with them. You tried earlier. You sure you want to encur my fire again?” I asked a bit coldly. Mitzi whimpered but my mom stood up and put a hand on my shoulder.

“I believe you have some other business to attend to, don’t you?” She asked me. I met her eyes and she remained stoic. I sighed and rubbed the back of my head before looking over to Thi.

“Sorry, Thi. I’ll explain myself later. But my pare- err- officers are right. I need to check up on something. Maybe we can meet up later?” I spoke towards Thi. Thi crossed her arms and pursed her lips in thought.

“How about… Coinky-Dink? It’s an old school diner. I could really go for a burger.” She said with a cool smile. I smiled and pressed my fist gently at her shoulder before walking past her. I looked over my shoulder to my folks.

“Becareful you two. When things get too much, just run. I’ve dealt with other power elements and they do not care for the well beings of mortals. Do not try to kill her either. If either one of us dies, the realm is doomed to nothing.” I then reached for my hood, only to find that I had burned my hoodie to ashes. Only my shirt, pants and shoes remained. I frowned and looked around. I appeared to have burnt my backpack too.

Though, amongst the black, I saw red. I walked over to it and pulled my hoodie cloak from the substance. With a quick wave of my hand, I burned off the substance and threw my cloak on. Throwing up my hood, I then proceeded to head to the door. Before I stepped out, I looked over my shoulder one last time, seeing the awe struck and confused looks of the people at me. I then nodded to my folks before Din’s wings unfurled brilliantly and I took off into the sky, calling my staff back as I did.

‘Up for a little game of follow the mouse?’ I asked Din. Din gave a stretch before smirking smugly.

I have our options covered. She replied.

Back at the factory, Cloud Mist put a hand to her hip and eyed Wild Fire.

“She has a striking resemblance to you, detective.” She commented. Wild Fire rubbed his chin.

“Noticed it too? Didn’t think I’d have a mini-me running around with fire powers. Though, I’ll admit, I don’t know who. She kind of reminds me of you to some degree.” He replied. She raised a brow in small amusement.

“What’s your clue?” She asked. Wild Fire smiled coolly.

“Has a certain… fire in her eyes. And seems to have a kind heart.” He replied with a small cough. Cloud Mist smiled softly.

“Smooth, detective.”

Equestria Girl’s POV

Word got out about the factory attack. The images of three figures soaring overhead and out of sight brought up a lot of theories among the students. However, seven certain students knew exactly. Rainbow Dash bounced her leg restlessly as she leaned against her locker, swiping her phone. Sunset rubbed her chin as she read the report over twice now.

“‘Ah jus’ don’ get it. Didn’t they lose their magic? How did they get it back?” Applejack spoke unamused.

“They probably got it back during that earthquake." Rainbow commented a little annoyed by the sighting of the three.

"And it also seems like they have a connection to those shadow creatures too. I think we have a source." Sunset spoke with a determined smile.

"But... wasn't their magic music?" Fluttershy asked as she tossed a dog treat to Spike, who caught it. "I may not know much about mythology, but didn't Princess Twilight mention they feed off of negative energy?"

"All the more reason why they may be causing it. They could have found an Equestrian artifact and are using it to regain their magic. All the despair from kidnappings. They've been probably enjoying every single second of it." Sunset replied with disgust.

"Or, perhaps it's something external that isn't supposed to exist?" A voice spoke. The girls looked to see Discord walking down the hall with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. Sunset looked between them before exchanging a confused glance to the others.

"What do you mean?" Sunset asked carefully. Celestia and Luna crossed their arms in confusion. Discord gave a small grin.

"Oh, just trying to get in on this whole trend thing you kids seem to be doing now a days." He replied with a small chuckle. Sunset crossed her arms and raised a brow suspiciously.

"Uh huh..." She said.

"Is there something we can help you with?" Twilight asked, adjusting her glasses. Celestia spoke up.

"Professor Discord wanted to show us something and thought it'd be nice to invite some students to participate in a small out of class project with us supervising." She said.

"Out of class project?" Rainbow asked. Discord nodded and walked past them.

"Indeed! I think you'll like it! Quite the game changer might I add." He winked to Sunset. Sunset and Wallflower exchanged confused glances. "Oh, and Wallflower. Do be a dear and see if you can find us a fortuna acchidemia, if you will." He told her. Wallflower blinked.

"A fortuna what?" She asked with a scratch of her head.

"It should be an plant growing in your garden. You should know, you've been keeping good care of it." He said. Wallflower raised a brow.

"But... none of the plants are even ready to sprout. How could anything have grown yet?" She asked.

"Magic." He stated with a wiggle of his fingers. Everyone exchanged glances.

"Err... Professor Discord. Is there a point to this? You haven't even told us specifically what this out of class project is." Luna stated. Discord flourished his hand.

"In due time, dear Luna. Girls, if you would be so kind?" He said, motioning gentlemanly towards the school doors. The confusion was clear on everyone’s face. But deciding since Celestia and Luna are supervising, it shouldn’t be that bad they all thought. Sunset eyed Wallflower who seemed puzzled. She put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

“C’mon. With Celestia and Luna around, they’ll see Discord isn’t all he’s cracked up to be.” Sunset smiled. Wallflower returned it with her own before the two walked after their friends. Discord had gathered everyone in front of the pedestal while Wallflower walked down towards her garden. Discord leaned coolly against the pedestal and reached into his suite, pulling out some chalk. He then opened the box and began passing the chalk out to each one, save for Celestia and Luna.

“Uhhh… what are we even doing?” Rainbow asked, scratching her head.

“We are going to do a simple, artistic diagram. Each of you has received a represented color of chalk. Basic, I know, but trust me, this is for the betterment of all your classmates and even the citizens of Canterlot City if my math is correct.” Discord replied. Sunset arched a suspicious brow.

“Alright then, Discord. What do you want us to do for this ‘project’?’” Sunset asked. Discord cleared his throat and withdrew a scroll. He then opened it, showing a strange looking diagram of a circle with strange symbols spread around it. Rarity blinked.

"Is that supposed to be Canterlot High?" She asked.

“You might want to take a picture to keep yourself memorized, but each one of you will be drawing these symbols based on the colored chalk you are holding and in these specific locations around the school. Think of it as an independent study slash group project for funsies." He said.

"And uhh... how exactly is going around the school and drawing some weird symbols on the ground a project?" Applejack replied. Discord pointed at the scroll.

"It's a good friendship activity, I would think. Isn't that what the Wonder Colt's school spirit represents?" He asked with a sly grin. The girls scratched their heads and exchanged glances, unsure of what point Discord was trying to make. Regardless, the girls decided to go along with it for now, taking a picture on their phone of the scroll before separating. Celestia and Luna approached Discord as Sunset walked over not too far away from them. In fact, her color symbol is only a few feet in front of the pedestal. She knelt down and glancing at her phone, she began to sketch the symbol.

“So, professor. What would you have us do? Watch the girls draw in the areas?” Celestia asked. Discord casually waved a hand towards her.

“Actually, yes. Once the girls are finished and regroup here, I need you both to go to the areas and spend at least a minute of observing the area. Be on the lookout for anything colorfully off.” He explained. Celestia and Luna exchanged confused glances.

“Colorfully off?” Luna asked. Discord nodded as he withdrew a book and opened to a page.

“In due time. For now, just enjoy the fresh air.” He said with a smile. Sunset frowned as she had finished up her symbol. She stood up and dusted herself off before turning to Discord.

“Alright, ‘professor’. I’m going to go check on Wallflower. Don’t pull anything funny.” She said with a narrowed expression. Discord sighed.

“Sunset, it’ll only be difficult for everybody if you don’t have hope or trust that this study activity is beneficial. For once, I am directly trying to help. Believe me, this calls for my intervention.” He said with a bored look without looking up from his book. Sunset rolled her eyes before turning to jog down the path towards the garden. When she arrived, she slowed herself and looked around.

“Wallflower?” She called out.

“Over here!” The panicked voice of Wallflower spoke. Sunset jogged hurriedly over to the area and saw Wallflower on the ground and wrestling with a wriggling plant. The bud hissed and snapped at her. Sunset balked and rushed over to her, grabbing at the entangling stems.

“What happened?!” Sunset spoke as she pulled at the stems, freeing Wallflower’s arm.

“I-I don’t know! I noticed this plant growing and figured this is what Discord wanted me to get!” She grunted, struggling against the stems. “I wasn’t expecting it to spring to life!” Sunset and Wallflower wrestled with the snapping and hissing plant. Wallflower reached into the back of her jeans and withdrew the statue horn of the broken statuette and began to jab at a stem. What the two weren’t expecting was the flower suddenly screeching and the statuette’s horn glowed brightly in a rainbow prismatic fashion.

Sunset saw the stems loosening and she pulled Wallflower out of the flower’s hold. The two fell back as the flower hissed and snapped its’ buds. Wallflower looked down at the horn, puzzled. Sunset gasped and stood in front of Wallflower as the plant lashed out at them. Sunset held up her hands in brace for the attack. Sunset’s hands suddenly glowed and a yellow beam of magic pushed the flower back. It hissed and flailed in front of them.

Sunset looked down at her hands in shock.

‘Magic… laser?’ She thought. Suddenly, she felt a surge of determination and faced the plant. It almost felt natural to her. Despite being in this world without her prior use of magical abilities, she knew this one pretty well. Sunset brought up her hands outstretched in front of her and smirked, unleashing the magic. The flower shrieked as it washed over it, shrinking in size. Wallflower stared in awe as the flower shrunk to that of a normal sized flower.

Sunset closed her hands to cancel the magic and began to laugh excitably.

“My magic… I can actually use my magic again!” Sunset beamed. Her eyes then fell onto the flower. Dainty and still. She hummed before smiling. She used her magic, grasping the stem of the flower and plucking it before levitating it over to her. Sunset laughed again and punched her fist in the air. “Yesyesyesyes! It’s like re-experiencing magic all over again!” She beamed. Wallflower stood up, dumbfounded.

“What just… happened?” She asked, looking down at the horn. Sunset turned, happily taking her by the arm and pulling her along.

“Come on! We have to show the others!” She laughed. Sunset felt like a little filly again. So much so that she had a bit of a skip to her step, the flower still levitating next to them. Wallflower, still puzzled, had a different take on the matter. When the two arrived, Discord looked up with a raised brow.

“Something exciting about picking a flower?” He asked. Sunset chuckled as the others began to show up.

“You aren’t going to believe this, but… well, here!” Sunset smiled. She reached for Discord’s book and the magic grasped it. She yanked it from his hold and levitated the book over to her, catching it and coolly closing the book. The girls circled her excitably.

“Wow! You can do that now??” Fluttershy marveled.

“Awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“But… I don’t understand.” Twilight spoke. She then waved her hand and levitated over her backpack, catching it. “I thought magic gave you telepathy?” Sunset beamed.

“I know, right! I can do magic again!” She beamed. Discord cleared his throat and the girls looked at him.

“Yes, yes. The flower, then?” He asked, holding out his hand. Sunset narrowed her look before waving the levitating flower over and putting it in his palm. He clasped it and smiled. He then snapped his fingers and the flower poofed on top of the pedestal. It lowered itself and suddenly, the roots entangled around it. The flower began to grow and then blossom. The petals began to shimmer with a rainbow color. The girls oohed and awed in wonder. Celestia and Luna looked dumbfounded.

“What is going on??” Celestia asked. Sunset turned to them.

“Professor Discord isn’t really a professor. He’s the god of chaos from Equestria.” Sunset began. The two women eyed him and Discord turned and bowed.

“At your pleasure.” He said. Celestia and Luna looked a bit unnerved by this revelation.

“Wait… a ‘god of chaos’?” Luna asked. Sunset crossed her arms and side-eyed him.

“Long story. But he’s a bit of a troublemaker in Equestria.” She began. “Which is why we were so on the fence about him suddenly wanting us to do this. So, Discord. Why are we doing this?” The others looked at him, not pleased by this. Discord looked a bit stung by everyone glaring at him.

“Your looks wound me. I’m a changed draconequus! The Princess of Friendship will vouch for me! Fluttershy will also tell you how wonderful of a tea party host I am!” He said, popping in a tea plate and tea cup, taking a sip from it.

“Then explain.” Celestia said, raising a brow. Discord looked between everyone. He then slouched and sighed.

“Alright, fine. You win.” He said defeatedly. “But I haven’t been deceiving or causing mischief this time, I swear! I never lied to you when I said that I am not supposed to be here.” He checked his nails as he spoke. “The balance of this realm is already in chaos as is. What with all the news outlets and social media this world runs on. They won’t be able to see the magic around them now that it is here, slowly seeping into this world from Equestria.” He then looked at the flower. “This flower feeds off of Equestrian magic. Not in a parasitic way, but to lessen the… volatility of the magic. In Equestria, magic is tamed, discovered and explored upon. Here, you humans think the magical thing is something from the 50’s.

“Those ‘symbols’ I had you draw were nodes to channel the magic flowing throughout the school evenly. And from the looks of it, it appeared to have worked.” Discord smiled smugly as he looked to Sunset. Sunset’s jaw dropped a little as she studied her hands. She then looked to the pedestal.

“So… the magic from Equestria is flowing from the pedestal?” She asked. Discord casually nodded and gestured with his hand.

“But of course. Thanks to Twilight keeping the portal open, the magic has been freely moving in and out. But instead of just the portal, it is also funneling out through another means. If I recall, Princess Twilight explained to her friends about a certain issue that came up here involving a desire to know magic?” He then looked to Twilight, who flushed and shrunk back. Rainbow Dash and Applejack positioned themselves in front of her. Sunset clenched her hands.

“So then… my friends and I can control our magic… better?” She asked. Discord nodded.

“Precisely. Though I wanted it to be a surprise for you all. Because we will certainly be needing you seven to have better control of your magic. Not just for the sake of the city, but for the sake of Quiet Fire.” He then put a finger to his lips. “I won’t kiss and tell. I’ll leave that explanation to her. This question was your one and only freebie.” He winked. Sunset and the others looked at each other. “Celestia, Luna. Please, won’t you do as I have said? Your valuable inputs would be beneficial.”

The two principals exchanged glances worriedly. They then walked off, leaving the girls to turn and discuss amongst themselves the possible new magic they might acquire. Wallflower hung back, unsure if she should join or not. She held the horn in her hand and studied it. It was glowing in the grooves a rainbow-like color. Discord’s eyes glinted mischievously as he spied the horn in her hand.

'It’s only a matter of when.' He thought.

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