• Published 15th Apr 2014
  • 19,691 Views, 2,472 Comments

An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword

Adventure, Mayhem, Magic of unknown origins, and talking colorful Ponies. All being unrelated events have brought three friends together into the wildest holiday that anyone could imagine.

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40 - Turnabout War

Extended Holiday
Chp 40: Turnabout War
Act 5: The Case

“Noble invitation, noble invitation...” Grif mumbled tossing mail into the fire as he sorted out the ones worth looking at. “Oh, Shawn, this one looks important.” He tossed him a large envelope adorned with multiple seals.

“Wonderful.” Hammer Strike muttered as he looked to the envelope. Inside lay a simple letter on a few sheets of paper. He frowned as he read the contents aloud.

To Lord Hammer Strike, Commander Pensword, and Grif Bladefeather of the Northern Isles.

You are hereby summoned to Canterlot to stand trial before a United Equestrian and Gryphonian court for your actions of the Third Gryphon War and any war crimes perpetrated therein. You are hereby expected to serve upon this summons within the preceding 20 days to act in your own defense for any and all charges presented.

Should you not not appear within 20 days you will be taken as though you are accepting such charges and any consequences thereof and warrants for your immediate custody shall be issued forth.

Equestrian Justice Committee Director - Iron Gavel

Gryphonian Chair of Gryphon Legal Studies Cold Case Division - Miles Highworth

The pages that followed were reports regarding possible charges and information on legal definitions. But the gist of it was a summons to some version of an international court.

“Would you look at that... And here I thought we were done with the war.” Hammer Strike commented aloud to Grif.

“What now?” Grif asked

“Oh, you know, just a summons to court to stand trial for any war crimes we committed.” He replied. “The three of us.”

“Well at least they aren’t trying to charge Pensword’s guys for back taxes or something.” Grif said. “We can beat this, right?”

Hammer Strike simply shrugged. “Let us see how it goes. It seems we have to make plans to leave for some time.”

“It’s never ‘The Government of Canterlot hereby orders you to go to a tropical island for a month’ or anything.” Grif sighed. “Well… could be worse, I guess.” He looked to Shawn. “We’re going armed, right?”

“You ask that as though we leave this building unarmed.” Hammer joked.

“Point.” Grif laughed. “But still, I don’t like this. What did we possibly do that could warrant this?”

“Enough, apparently.” He responded. “Could you bring this bit of news to Pensword?”

“On it.” Grif said, heading out the door.

Pensword sat in his old office, comparing the old map of Unity one of the Slayers had brought from the past with the map of the current forest. “Looks like we are either going to be building bridges that will grow into a row of buildings and shops over this ravine, or we are going to have to build along the edges and create..” he paused in his speech to himself as his ears swiveled. He spoke without turning. “Enter, Grif.”

“Hello, Pensword,” Grif said, cheerily. “How are you today?”

“Good,” He looked at the two maps. “Just thinking on where to start once we finish with the castle. Cleaning up the rubble and, well, we need to remove the water from that quarry.” He pointed to the map that showed a lake. “What about you?”

“Could be better. Say, what would you say about a trip to canterlot?”

“Sounds good. I think I need to see what might remain of the land holdings of my house.” Grif noticed a letter on his desk. “Plus, I would rather not keep them waiting.” He moved a wing to point to the desk where a similar summons lay. “Thankfully, they are not going after the Gryphon Slayers, nor Lunar Fang. Though I think she is going to come no matter what. How do you feel about Fox Feather taking command while we are gone?”

“In general, thats fine. But Rook will, of course, be commanding my troops. He’ll still listen to her, but I don’t think the others would accept an outsider so easily,” Grif noted, smiling apologetically. “Still not sure what they think they have on us though.”

“Understood. Silver Spear is in charge of my troops and I am sure one of the Shields or a pony Hammer Strike trusts will lead his troops. I meant for Fox Feather to act as a head general with lower generals under him.” Pensword responded before moving to face his old friend. Worry shone in his eyes. “I just hope something good comes from this event. I also wonder how Luna’s bill is coming along.”

I just hope this doesn’t take too long.” Grif huffed.

“It is the legal system. I am banking on at least a month to two months of being in Canterlot.” A sigh escaped his muzzle. “I just hope Lunar Fang is not dragged into this. Though on the plus side, I think the hospitals in Canterlot will do well if she goes into labor.”

“I think she’s still technically dead.” Grif shrugged. “The bureaucrats won’t let anybody do anything to her as Lunar Fang until the paperwork processes.”

“Thank the Maker.” Pensword said in a subdued whisper. Relief flooded his system as he let his wings fully relax for the first time in hours. “She will be protected this round. And hopefully any time after.”

“Still. What are they really gonna do? I mean, it was a thousand years ago and any factual evidence about those events is only really available with those of us who were there,” Grif noted.

“After action reports,” Pensword muttered. “Even then, at least with the Gryphon Slayers, we already recorded our reports, bodycount, movements, and orders. I doubt my no survivors order was forgotten all these years later.” He looked to a blank wall before turning back to Grif again. “What about Gryphons? Did they record battles and reports? Heck, I would not be surprised if the charges will include killing of the Royal Family of a Gryphon King, being blamed for something the Black Tips did.”

“Well, maybe they’ll try and read our memories.” Grif shrugged. “About the only way I can think of it working.”

“Who or what would be allowed to read them? Also, I do not wish to put anypony through what I went through that night.” Pensword frowned. “This is going to be complicated. By all intents and purposes, this should be a cold case, unable to be prosecuted due to the statute of limitations.” He moved at a slow trot to the door. “I’ll get my gear. Also, a report arrived on my desk. One Dame Rarity, Holder of the Element of Harmony Generosity is looking for someone to teach her the art of fencing.” He smirked a little. “I think she heard a few leads on who might be able to teach her.”

Grif laughed. “Well, that should be fun.” He cracked his neck before following behind the commander. “Honestly,I think I’ll look forward to the challenge.”

“Good. Last report I heard, she was looking at the tapestries remaining in the old throne room. Find her there. Might do a trade and let her repair them, if possible.” He turned left and headed for their private quarters. “If you need me again, I shall be packing a wagon.” Pensword chuckled. “Strong enough to pull a small wagon now… imagine me saying that not even a year ago.” He paused, furrowing his brow. “Or was that over twenty years now?” He looked back at Grif. “Which time frame do I follow?”

“I’d say you go with the twenty seeing as you got the foal coming from that timeline. I’ll track the less than a year one and we’ll both stay ahead.” Grif laughed before shaking his head. “I really dislike Canterlot. This isn’t going to be fun, is it?”

“Not really. We will have to sit in court for a while and hear long, drawn out cases and words and cross examinations. To be honest, none of the courts act like those from the Phoenix Wright games.”

“Dang. We could really use an attorney like him, I think.”

“Same here.” Pensword replied with a laugh. “Same here. Now, I shall see you later. Oh, and pack your ceremonial garb. Just in case Princess Luna uses this event to reveal her bill. Still, all things considered, this is going to be an interesting visit. One that I hope does not end with more Gryphon body counts.”

“I don’t think the gryphons would officially go to war with Celestia. They can’t afford it. Not after what she did last time.”

“True, but there still is the shadow world to consider. Assassination, poisoning, Black Tips that are not Black Tips.” Pensword paused. “You want me to count the ways they can go after us without the legal ability to have Celestia counteract?”

Grif shrugged. “Stay in civilian zones. In public. If a single Equestrian pony gets hurt, the Gryphonians’ entire farmland ends up scorched earth. Or so the treaty says.”

“Very well,” Pensword nodded with his answer. “I think that can be done. However, we may have something else cooked up.” He shook his head. “I do not know why, but I have this gut feeling that Celestia is going have something extra planned.”

“Celestia always has something planned. It’s what she does. Anyway, I should go talk with Shrial and the others. Get Sylvio settled in. See what other stuff I can get done before we have to go.” Grif shrugged. “I guess we’ll convene tonight to discuss what we do?”

“Do not forget about Rarity.” Pensword said in parting. He clip clopped away on the cracked stones of the hall, marveling that this section of the castle was still intact after all these years.

“I won't, I won’t. Yeesh, it’s like he’s an old nanny goat or something.” Grif said, smirking as he made his way outside to find Shrial.

Grif strolled through ponyville at a quick, quiet pace, making a beeline for Carousel Boutique. In truth Grif, or rather Taze, was just a bit excited at the prospect. The one handed sword had always been limited primarily by the wielder's creativity in combat. The idea of teaching Rarity to sword fight was exciting because with her mind, the style she could create could be something truly extraordinary to see. As he approached Carousel Boutique, he took a minute to breathe before knocking harshly on the door. He then proceeded to enter the front area and wait for the seamstress to respond.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where-” Rarity paused and laughed as she recognized the Gryphon. “Oh, good day, Sir Grif.” She bowed, showing that she was trying to be good natured. “I take it that the little hints I dropped reached one of your ears?” She smiled coyly as she moved to a wooden case that she opened with her magic and pulled out the rapier. “A beautiful design. And one that I simply must learn to wield. I grew up with stories of the heroic noble who could fence and defeat their enemies. And after Prince Blueblood ...” Her tone bespoke a certain ire as Grif examined her, her countenance darkening. He smirked as he watched. Good. He could use that. Though she would have to master her anger and channel it before she could become truly proficient. Her magic would certainly make the training more fun as her levitation skills were clearly up to the task. At least for exercises. He made a mental note to see just how strong her telekinesis really was later.

“I think that I could use a trick or two to help show up that pompous, arrogant, pugnacious little ...” Rarity’s face was starting to turn red before her eyes widened and she stopped in her tracks. She took a deep breath to calm herself. “Excuse me, dear. I was about to say some things that are not repeatable in polite company.”

Grif chuckled “Well, thats probably the first time I’ve been considered polite company in practically my whole life.” Grif laughed as he looked at the rapier, recognizing it instantly. He looked it over with a critical eye, impressed. “He really took care of it since I last saw it. No dust. No rust on the edges. He definitely cared about getting this to you in excellent shape,” he commented, knowing only too well how the two felt about one another. Then he got straight to the point, his tone all business as he stared into her eyes. “I think before we start anything, you and I need to be on the same level here. You realize that fencing isn’t as… polite as those old tales say, right? You need to move as fast as you think. It’s like chess, really. You need to know how your opponent is going to move as he’s moving.”

“Oh, I don’t have any delusions. It’s just like how others think that I can wave my horn and create the fanciest dress out of whole cloth.” She voiced a chuckle. “No, I understand the work that will be involved. What I want, what I really want, is to know the secrets behind the art. To do what the heroes can do. What might not be polite is really in the eye of the beholder. Plus, I heard Fancy Pants is the head of the Canterlot Royal Fencing club and if I can prove that I am just as good as a noble, that would be one more step towards my dream. Not to mention that I could show any ruffians that this is one damsel in distress that can fight back.”

“That dream, I am guessing, may or may not include trying to impress a particular noble?” Grif smiled goodnaturedly as Rarity blushed. “First, you're going to need to agree to some terms that may seem somewhat ... unreasonable.” Grif dropped the smile. “Until I tell you you can,” he said, taking the rapier out of her magical grasp and placing it in her hoof. “No magic during lessons. Let your body learn what to do and your mind will follow. We’re not going to be using blades for the foreseeable start, more for the safety of my life than yours. Control of the blade isn’t always easy at the start. You're still going to oil and polish this sword once a day and sharpen it twice a week, however. This sword needs to become as important to you as your mane. And we both know how important that is,” he said, raising his eyebrows meaningfully. “Lastly, I am going to give you some exercises. I’m not telling you to spend your days as a filthy, sweaty mess, but you need to work on your speed and endurance. You’ll do these exercises starting every second day. Can you agree to these terms?”

She smiled in a way that worried Grif. “Only if I can design something practical to hold your weapons. Yes, I know you want functionality, but it can still be stylish. Oh, and at the very least you’ll be able to show up those Nobles in Canterlot next time you visit.”

Grif stared at her with a raised eyebrow. “You do realise how many weapons I carry on my person at any given time, right? Four sets of daggers, knives, throwing blades, bow and quiver, not to mention my own swords.”

“I can start on the sword belts,” Rarity replied, her gaze determined. “You forget. I designed the dress of one Sapphire Shore, and a few other nobles besides.” A determined glint shone in her eye. “I see it as a challenge. If Lord Hammer Strike is going to need clothing that hides armor and hiding places for weapons,” she said, making a strange face. “I must learn how to make them first.” She frowned. “Sorry, dear, but you could say you are my test subject on what works and what doesn’t. So I trust you to tell me if something is working or not. You are the only one that would even dare say those things to my face outside of Rainbow. And, well, the poor dear couldn’t hold still long enough to even let me try those things.”

Grif placed a talon in front of her, momentarily raising it when her hoof came towards it. “Three rules.” He said, firmly. “Nothing frilly, no modeling, and only emeralds, black stones, or sapphires if you have to use gems. Nothing outside those three, got it?” He lowered his talon again.

“Oh, very well,” She huffed. “It’s sad, really. I had this idea of creating a diamond pin that could be used both to hold a clock together, act as a lock pick, and even function as a small throwing device to harm your opponents.” She replied with a cheeky look. “But, if you insist on those materials, I guess I can stay with them. I’ll have to rework a few of my design patterns of course to compliment the new colors, but that shouldn’t be too bothersome.”

Grif took her hoof in his talons and shook. “I’ll have the list of exercises delivered to you by tomorrow evening at the latest. When I get back from Canterlot you should be far enough along to get started on more serious training and exercises. Goodbye, Miss Rarity. And sweetie belle, if you or the crusaders touch that sword or attempt to copy whatever you might see while spying on us, I will leave you four hanging off bloomberg by your tails covered in enough tree sap to be mistaken for a tree!” Grif threatened firmly.

“Oh, Come ON!” Sweetie Belle yelled out. “I mean, whatever exercises you get my sister to do would be good for Scootaloo … eeep.” They heard hooves clattering away and up the stairs as she realized she had been caught listening in on the conversation, outsmarted again.

Grif gave a half smile at rarity as he turned to leave. “Have a good day, Rarity. I hope things go smoothly for you.” With that, he left the boutique.

Rarity huffed and looked to the half finished cloak she had been working on. It had at least three pockets that were not visible and a slit that would allow his swords to fit underneath it. She had carefully waterproofed it over a period of many days, and while the material was rather thick, the cloak had an elegance to it that bespoke what was expected of the noble gentry.

She smiled as she took out the lock she had been using to practice the application of her final accessory. She levitated a small box over from the top shelf by her spools of thead and opened it to reveal a pin made of gold gilded steel and studded with enchanted diamonds. The piece would have the appearance of a common pin, yet her tinkering to shape it hid the fact she had reinforced it with spells. The idea had been floating around in her head ever since the Canterlot Wedding. The Changelings had taken them completely by surprise and the gentry had absolutely no means in place to protect themselves while wearing the official clothing of their status. She took the pin, the culmination of her research and placed it on the cloak. Then she placed the lock on the work table. Finally, she placed a small changeling-shaped mannequin she had special designed next to the pony mannequin that wore the cloak.

She brought the lock over and placed it up against the pin. Then she removed it and began to flick the tip around through the keyhole. The diamonds glowed white and she could feel the metal shifting as it adjusted to fit the tumblers. With a few simple twists and turns, the lock clicked open. Smiling at her success, she returned the lock to the work table again. The pin might not always work, but at least for the more basic locks it appeared to be the perfect tool. “Rarity, you sly mare, you truly have outdone yourself.” She took the pin out to admire it in the light as the sun played through the diamonds, dancing and splitting into a multitude of rainbows. Without warning, she spun and flung the pin like a throwing knife, speeding it toward her target. She gave a satisfied smirk as she retrieved the pin from the mannequin's “eye.” “Yes, I would call this a complete success. Hammer Strike is going to love it!” She squealed before blushing violently. “Come now, Rarity, get a hold of yourself. Don’t go turning into a jibbering fan girl. You’re better than that.” She kept herself composed for all of about thirty seconds before she let out another giddy squeal. “Oh, I just can’t stand it!”

About ten minutes or so later, she finally got all of the excitement out of her system. She wondered what Grif would do with her designs. She frowned as she contemplated the gems. Grif would not like the diamonds. But now that she had officially found success, it should be a simple matter to reproduce with emeralds instead of diamonds. Hopefully this would cause good things. In a way, she wanted to be the tailor for the troops who would need alterations. It certainly wasn't a bad occupation. It would give her good business. Being with Hammer Strike a little more often was just a side benefit. That was all, yes. A side benefit. She would be there for the troops. She stepped back a little to admire her work after remounting the pin, smiling smugly at her “sound” reasoning. “Rarity, old girl, you are a genius!”

“So, Shawn, you need to get wings.” Grif said. “Because frankly, if you had wings we wouldn’t need the train.”

“So sorry. Let me just magically modify myself to have wings.” Hammer Strike replied, his voice heavy laden with sarcasm.

“Thank you for your consideration,” Grif responded cheekily.

Pensword walked up at the end of the conversation, having left instructions with both Fox Feather and Silver Spear. “Well, at least we are getting a special express train to Canterlot.” He paused and looked to Grif. “Nice cloak. I like it. Should keep you warm in the mountain air. Got my winter gear packed for when we arrive, myself.”

“it was a... gift” Grif said. “In return for a favor I’m going to be helping with”

“Good to hear.” Pensword’s ear twitched and he smiled. “I can hear the train.” His expression took on a dreamy look.

“You know, it’s almost freaky how you do that,” Grif said.

“What do you mean?” Pensword asked, confused while Lunar Fang giggled behind a wing.

“Well...” Grif was cut off as the whistle sounded. “That’s how much longer ahead of us you could hear the train. Not sure if it’s just because it’s a train or what, but it’s definitely kinda freaky.” Within a few minutes the train was in view and a couple minutes after that, it slowly came to a halt at the station with a loud hiss.

“So, the usual place? Back of the train?” Pensword asked the group as the conductor stepped out to help any passengers who may be boarding. “I wonder if we could build WWI tanks at some point.” He asked in Draconic.

“No.” Hammer Strike said almost instantly, his tone adamant.

“Sorry, guys. No royal car this time.” The conductor said, responding to the original query. “The passenger car’s that way.” he paused and looked at Lunar Fang. “I am sorry, Ma'am, but you are not on the passenger list. I’ll have to ask you to remain on the platform.” He barely finished before Lunar Fang got into his face, fangs bared and hissing. A leathered bat wing lay at the base of his throat.

“I am going. Even if I have to hang onto the roof of the car, I am going. I shall not be denied the time with my mate and husband.”

The conductor gulped and nodded his head a little, slowly stepping away from the crazy looking Thestral and her wing. “Of, Of course.” He said, chuckling nervously. “One more to the car.

“No problem,” Hammer Strike responded, flat faced as usual.

Pensword looked out the passenger car’s window and blinked before turning around to face them. “Uh, we just took a switch. We are not heading to Grand Canterlot Station.” He paused. “Do you think ... could this be the private way? Like for the Princesses?” He paused as he whipped his head back to the window. The sun was suddenly swallowed by a vast curtain of darkness. “We just went into the mountain! Another tunnel?” he asked in shock and surprise. Hammer Strike only shrugged in response.

“So it’s a political arrest.” Grif huffed. “Well that’s comforting.”

“Political Arrest?” Pensword asked before shaking his head. “Just how bad will this be?” The historian asked as he looked away from the window. “Are we doing it on Earth? Ancient Equestrian? Modern Equestrian?” He tensed a little as they heard the train’s brakes applying, their car jolting as the train began to slow.

“It means, Pensword, that we are too important to publicly be taken into custody or jailed,” Grif said. “We will likely meet a procession of guards, probably no more than five or six, who will ‘escort’ us to our rooms and we’ll find out more from there.”

“Good. So a bit like the English and the Tower of London.” Pensword frowned. “How much is it for our safety? How much for our reputation? And how much for the safety of those outside of the wall?” He shook his head. “Very well. I think I shall wear my full dress uniform from the Third Gryphon War. Or rather, the ceremonial armor.” He walked to a corner of the train car, popped open a chest, and began to don the armor. “If I am to meet them like you say, I must show just who it is they are placing under arrest.”

“Pensword, these are guards. They are trained predominantly to stand and look intimidating with a minor in taking down pickpockets and such. We are three of the deadliest warriors in history. Each with over a hundred gryphon soldiers too our names. They are there to make the rest of the ponies and whatever gryphon officials there are believe Celestia and Luna could control us. I doubt any of them honestly believe they could stop us or protect us better than we could protect them,” the gryphon said.

“Yes, but this armor still denotes that they are taking in the Commander of the Third Grpyhon War: a hero in the schools from what Lunar Fang has said.” He smiled a little. “Moonshade’s idol. Sorry, I just, if I was human I would wear the best suit or uniform I owned and hold my head high and defiant. Still, I bet you dollars to Donuts that this is the Gryphons’ doing.”

“Well, Equestria really couldn’t risk angering the crystal empire by jailing national heroes, not to mention the various cities and villages that might take that the wrong way in the kingdom. So yeah, I think it’s pretty safe to say it was the gryphons,” Grif said.

“Hammer Strike? You sure are silent over there. Did you finally get the sleep you need?” Pensword asked as he placed the helmet on his head and turned to face the pony lord. “I wonder where we shall be staying under arrest during our time here.”

“Just thinking to myself.” Hammer Strike responded.

“About what?” Pensword asked as he finished walking to his seat. The brakes shrieked once again, throwing them against their seats a little harder than before. “We seem to be arriving at the station. And we are still underground, I think.” Pensword said as he looked out the blackened windows.

They were met by a squad of five armed solar guards followed by three armored gryphons. The gryphons approached the trio while the ponies stayed back, glaring at their backs.

“We are here to escort you to your rooms. Please surrender your weapons and follow us.” The gryphon said. Grif laughed raucously.

“Oh. Surrender your weapons. Thats a good one.” He kept laughing till he noted the guards’ silence. “Oh.” He looked to hammerstrike. “They’re serious?”

Hammer Strike only shrugged in response.

Pensword looked the Gryphon dead in the eyes. “Only one may ask me to give up the sword of my station. As I do not see her, I am legally unable to surrender my weapon at this time.” He did not laugh. He just glared at the Gryphon who stepped to stand before him.

“Let me put it this way, fellas.” Grif said, pointing to pensword. “He can’t give you his weapon.” He pointed to Hammer Strike “You’re welcome to try and lift his weapon.” He pointed to himself “And I’ll gladly give you as many throwing blades as you want. Should I start with the eyes?”

The gryphons looked at grif, then to the ponies who seemed to be totally ignorant of the situation, then back at them. “Just keep your weapons in their places.” the gryphon said, his voice straining.

Grif responded with something in Gryphic that neither pensword nor hammerstrike could pick up, but the gryphon’s eyes widened for a moment before they narrowed to a murderous glare. “Just follow,” he growled as he turned with his companions and they stalked off. The pony guards came into place, forming up around them as they moved forward.

They slowly left the stone platform and found themselves moving through corridors and areas that Pensword guessed were the servant paths. Before long they arrived in a long, well furnished corridor lined with doors that most likely lead to parts of this closed off section of living space. Pensword looked to his mate before looking at the Guards. “We room together.” It was a statement, not a request. At either end of the Hallway two large doors stood, waiting to lead the more adventurous pony to other areas of the castle.

“Very well.” The pony guards stepped in before the gryphon could talk. “Thank you for your help, gentlemen, but I believe the princess has stated that the gryphons are not allowed to know the location of the accused’s rooms on account of the last incident with the black tips. We will lead them on from here.” The lead gryphon was about to argue when something flashed through the air, clipping a feather from his crest. He looked to Grif, but the gryphon just smiled and nodded looking no different than he had before. All three gryphons headed off, growling as the pony led them through one of the doors while magic doubles went through the other set to divide and confuse any Gryphons that may have gotten “lost.”

The guards made their way through the seeming maze of corridors with ease. The leader smiled “So, what did you say to him?” he asked as they moved.

“Huh?” grif asked.

“What did you say to lieutenant Stick up his Flank back there to get that reaction?”

“Oh! Not much. I may have implied something about his mother and those words being the opposite of her wishes the other night.” To the guards’ credit, they managed to maintain their composure for a solid minute before they broke.

“So what’s the feel around the castle? I mean, you guys can’t tell me Equestria really believes they can make thousand year old charges stick?” Grif asked as they moved along.

“From what we can tell, this isn’t even from the emperor,” a pony beside grif noted. “It’s just some king who claims Hammer Strike killed his eighth granduncle twenty times removed or something and he wants petty revenge.”

“And what exactly are we looking at here on the astronomically off chance they win this trial?” Grif asked him

“Politics being what they are? The emperor won’t want to anger Equestria, Equestria won’t want to anger the crystal empire or risk doing something that destabilizes the peace, you might be banished from some gryphon kingdom and pay a fine. Even if celestia wanted to, she couldn’t hold you to more than that. Word is Queen Cadenza is sending over her own attorney from the crystal empire.”

“Oh? Do we have a name?” Pensword asked as they followed through the mazes. “Also, where are Luna’s Guards?” he noticed a lack of thestrals and felt surprisingly ill at ease. “Is there something amiss?”

“While Celestia was able to put limitations on the gryphon guards, the gryphon officials decided Thestrals were too risky to guard you. They might simply let you three escape or something. As for the name, it was … something Roost. Apparently he comes from a family who looks after birds?”

“Too Riksy?” Pensword chuckled at the words. “Well, I can say that I find that rather humorous. Thank You.” He smiled. “When are we meeting with the legal team?” He looked to his mate. “Seems we get a nice honeymoon on the Gryphon’s beak.” he spoke with a chuckle.

Lunar Fang smiled. “At least we don’t have to kill anything to stay together this time around.” She nuzzled under his chin a little.

The guards exited into a familiar hallway in the palace. “You're going to be staying in the rooms down here,” the guard explained. “Anything you need will be provided as you ask for it.”

“Wait, please tell me we are not sharing the same room? I am married now. I doubt that could work again.” Pensword replied upon realizing where they were. “Just how much of this area is for our personal use?”

“Princess Celestia had the entire wing sectioned off,” the guard explained. “There are plenty of rooms for the four of you to choose from.”

A sigh of relief passed out of Lunar Fang and Pensword’s muzzles at the same time. “Thank the maker.” Pensword muttered.

“Am I also under house arrest as I am staying with my mate?” Lunar Fang asked. “Because I am not leaving him alone. We married and pledged to stick through the tough times and the easy times.”

“Don’t worry, commander,” the guard said as they stopped before a door “Take this room if you’d like.”

“Very well, this shall be our room.” Lunar Fang smiled and nuzzled Pensword again. “Come on. We should retire early for tomorrow.”

The next morning the group found themselves hauled up in one of the larger audience chambers of the castle. It held a large round table and little else. It had taken nearly an hour for Grif to get one of the guards to agree to bring coffee and donuts from Joe’s. And no, the palace staff’s coffee and donuts were not an acceptable substitute, thank you very much.

Currently, the group was sitting around the table, each with a cup and a box of donuts on the table. “so…” Grif started, “when is this lawyer supposed to show?”

“Eventually.” Hammer Strike replied.

Pensword glared at Grif. “I do not drink Coffee. I would prefer a nice tea, please.” His tone showed he was joking with Grif at the fact a cup of coffee now sat in front of him. Their friendship was too strong to get into an argument over a simple cup of coffee. He paused a moment before pulling a small stalk of sugar cane from a saddle bag. After using a knife on his person to peel the outer bark off, he began to chew.

“Yeah? Well you can get tea from the palace kitchens.” Grif chuckled as he took a sip of his coffee “But Joe’s coffee, you can’t really get anywhere else.”

“True.” Pensword spoke around the stalk. He smiled as a tea trolley was rolled to the table by one of the servants in the castle. “Thank you, kindly.” he spoke with a nod of his head. Lunar Fang shook her head, smiling as she sipped her coffee. The tea kettle was poured and a tea cup placed in front of Pensword, who took a sip and sighed contentedly. “That hits the spot,” he muttered. He looked to a wall clock. “Well, another ten minutes and he will be counted late.”

“Sorry, sorry,” a new voice spoke hastily as the sound of rapid hooves echoed through the halls and into the room through the crack beneath the doors.

“That voice…” Grif looked to hammerstrike. “Did that sound familiar in any way?”

Hammer Strike only shrugged in response. “You are asking me, somepony who forgot practically everything about the present, if I recognize a voice?”

Grif turned to pensword. “You don’t think…?”

Before Pensword could answer, a blue earth pony entered the room. His mane was pitch black and spiked backwards. An attorney’s badge flashed on his flank, showing his special talent as a pony to be in the courts of law. He wore a blue suit with a white shirt and a red tie. As he attempted to stop, he lost his balance and ended up colliding head first into the table. It took him a few minutes to recover. “Sorry I’m late,” he said as he rose to his hooves. “The train was delayed.”

“Trains can do that at times.” Pensword replied in stunned silence. He turned to look at Grif to try and read his friend’s expression. Lunar Fang, on the other hoof, was trying to understand the reason why her mate looked like he had seen a ghost.

“Greetings, gentlemen. I am Phoenix Roost, and I am to be your attorney,” he said rubbing the back of his neck with a hoof.

Pensword let out a snort as he almost lost the stalk. “Well now ... I feel safer already with you on the case.” He frowned. “Hopefully it is an open and shut case, rather hard to build a case on thousand year old events.”

“Well, as far as I can derive from the information,” the pony said as he placed a briefcase on the table, “they’re claiming you each slaughtered over a hundred gryphons without mercy or caring and that a good half of them were dead before the war officially started,” he said, taking out his papers.

“Two hundred fifty eight.” Pensword muttered as he looked at the briefcase. “All drunk and certain of no reprisal for the slaughter and death and partial consumption of three hundred Pony lives, two hundred fifty of whom were civilians, and eighty of whom were children or young stallions or mares.” His hooves shook. “Don’t they dare say that.” He hissed. “The war started when they started raiding the towns ten years before official declaration was made after the failed assassination attempt of High Chieftess Princess Luna.” He had risen to his hooves, snorting in anger as Lunar Fang stood up to place a calming wing over his back. He looked at the briefcase on the table with a gaze that could maim at the very least.

“Then there was that 70 or so we tracked down on our way back to Unity,” Grif added. “And the ten before we met up with pensword. Hammer Strike, did you kill anyone before the war started?” grif asked.

Hammer Strike shook his head. “No. I did not kill any before the war.”

“There you go,” Grif said

“Ok, so you’re saying you're guilty?” Phoenix Roost asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I wasn’t aware it was a war crime to slaughter gryphon soldiers who were killing ponies on Equestrian soil,” grif noted rather cooly. “It’s not a question about being guilty or innocent here, Mr. Roost. The question is why.”

“Under Equestrian laws, even the laws from a thousand years ago, it is permissible for ponies who have no other options to fight to defend their lives, their families, their lords, and their lord’s property from death or destruction. Under those laws, I was within my right to do what I did.” Pensword looked at Mr. Roost. “I know the laws very well.” He snorted as he realized something else. “Either fight or die and be eaten is a rather cut and dry option, is it not?”

“Ok, I can use that.” Phoenix roost nodded, looking at grif “But that doesn’t cover you.”

Grif shrugged. “Technically, I can plead guilty to all charges and walk away untouched. I wasn’t Equestrian when I did those things. I am not even Equestrian now.” He held a claw up as roost opened his mouth. “Or Gryphonian. I can only be punished under the laws of the Northern Isles when it was its own nation. Seeing how it merged with Equestria, I am technically connected to no one till the bureaucrats figure it all out.”

“Are you sure that could even stand?” Pheonix Roost asked.

“How many war criminals have been in this situation before?” Grif returned.

“Not a lot of ponies can say they come from somewhere that hasn’t existed for a thousand years. I’m not sure how the courts will take it. If it does work then you can bet it wouldn’t work again. However, according to the information I have, you fought those battles under the banner of House Strike. So even if you're not Equestrian, you are still under its authority.”

Grif looked to hammerstrike. “And if I say I’m really sorry and it won’t happen again?” He asked the pony lord jokingly.

“You are fired.” Hammer Strike said instantly before turning with a smirk. “And re-hired. You would not leave anyways.”

“Someone has to make sure you actually sleep once a week.” Grif said, grinning.

“Don’t most ponies need to sleep more than once a week?” Phoenix Roost asked, confused.

“Most, yes.” Hammer Strike responded. “Myself on the other hand, no.”

“How are you still standing?”

“I have gone well over a year without sleep. I am sure a week will not bother me.” Hammer Strike replied.

“...” Phoenix stared at hammer strike, jaw open. “Well then,” he said, regaining his composure. “How would you three like to go through with proceedings? Are you all going to be present for every day of the trial? Or would you prefer to be there only when it’s necessary?”

“Depends on what is on my table.” Pensword replied, looking at a scroll in front of him. He had taken it from his pouch. “I am technically still Commander of the Equestrian Forces until the order from Princess Luna states I am to be placed on leave.” He snorted with a shake his his muzzle and set the scroll down.

“Is there some officer you need to talk to about leave during the trial?” Phoenix asked.

“Sure. One moment.” Pensword muttered, a glint suddenly shining in his eye. He picked up a polished tray that no longer had teacups on it. “Hello, Sir? I request permission for leave due to being indicted for War Crimes.”

Pensword lowered his voice. “Very well, I shall send a requisition to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia for the leave.” Pensword dropped the tray. “I, am, it.” Pensword growled, putting weight to every word. “I am the entire army of Equestria. Unless the Princesses want me at something, I have my time devoted to this trial. How could we go from over a thousand strong standing army with more in reserve to just me?”

“And you both say I need to see a therapist the most. Even with all that has happened to me, I do not talk to myself…” Hammer Strike muttered, rolling his eyes lightly as he joked.

Phoenix Roost stared at the group, wide eyed. “Why do I always get the crazy ponies?” he sighed, putting a hoof to his forehead.

“Oh, Pensword does need you to arrange for him to be allowed to leave the palace on a doctor’s appointment tomorrow,” Grif spoke up as he checked his own calendar for anything he needed to be at. “Just remembered you had me reschedule that appointment you and Lunar Fang had in Ponyville for Canterlot, remember?”

They both gaped, shocked as they looked to each other and then at her belly. “How could we forget?” They asked, their voices ringing as one. They looked back at the attorney. “Yes, we need to see a doctor.” He looked to his mate and wife. “Oh, my… I am nervous now. Even more so than before.” He took out the stalk he was chewing and cut more so he could finish it off, chewing as hard as he could to channel his emotions.

“Uh, I’ll see what i can do,” Phoenix said. “You’ll probably be required to take a guard with you, though.”

“As long as it is one solar and one lunar,” Lunar Fang muttered.

“Well then, I think that covers about everything. Trials start next week,” Pheonix said, passing them each several documents. “You’ll each naturally be expected to give a statement during the trials.”

“Understandable.” Pensword replied with a firm nod of his head. “I look forward to getting all of this over with.” A communal “Mmhmm” echoed through the room as the others nodded in agreement.

“What's going on?” Grif said as the three of them were rather forcibly shoved inside yet another conference room. It was a few hours after their meeting with Phoenix when the guards had suddenly come to their rooms and taken them to this one without so much as a hint of an explanation.

“What is going on now?” Pensword asked out of a human habit as he looked around the room, trying to understand just what was happening.

Hammer Strike simply took in the details of the room and who was in it. “Hello, Luna.” He said aloud.

From a shadow in the far corner of the room, Luna walked into view. “How do you keep doing that?” she asked.

Hammer Strike only shrugged in response.

“High Chieftess.” Pensword replied with a Thestral bow. “‘Tis good to see thee again.”

Luna nodded to pensword “There is no need to bow right now, commander.”

“I am only making up from the improper ways I have greeted thee in the past.” Pensword replied, standing up to look at the wall behind Princess Luna. “I shall assume it is thee who brought us to this room? May I ask for what purpose?”

“My sister has become complacent during my absence. When we were banished, she had the military disbanded. Only the guard serves to keep equestria safe. And while I am not one to disregard our royal protectors….”

“They are unprepared for full scale combat,” Grif said, cutting to the point.

“Laughably so,” Luna said with a sigh. “I wish to put forth a bill for the re-militarization of Equestria.”

“A smart choice.” Hammer Strike said. “Better safe than sorry.”

“Agreed. Especially if we face another war like the third. If that happened with only minimal palace guards to protect the land, we would have Gryphons in the heart of Equestria by year’s end.” Pensword muttered looking towards Lunar Fang.

“Equestria hasn’t had a full blown military in almost a millennium” Lunar Fang noted skeptically. “How would you fund it? Who would train them? Who would house them?”

“It just occurred to me…” Hammer Strike started. “I had a bank account in the past. Is my account still active?”

“Unless your death was confirmed, which it wasn’t.” Luna responded.

“I had put funds away… With interest…” Hammer Strike paused. “I will need to check that.”

“As for training,” Grif shrugged, “I think between Pensword’s formal training and my personal training with Graff, we could get a basic structure set up. Heck, aren't we already doing this in New Unity?”

“Yes, but that is with the washouts of the two groups of the Princess’ personal guards.” Pensword looked to Princess Luna, concerned. “What we are talking about here is the total and complete rebuilding of a military from the ground up. Where would the troops come from? Conscription? Mandatory service?”

“We could hire a few mercenaries,” Grif pointed out. “Round it out with some experienced fighters and have them teach the newer ones.”

Pensword looked from Grif to High Chieftess Luna. “Well I would assume that the High Chieftess will have an idea. May we hear it now? Or are we going to hear it later on?”

“I was hoping that if Unity were to establish a standing army for an example, the lords and nobles may move to acquire their own and we could then constitutionally tie their loyalty to the crown.”

“That ... could work. But it could also cause nobles to use said armies to take territories or manors they want from other nobles.” Pensword replied. “It would be a good example, but one that I caution greatly. At least that is what counsel I have to give from the mind of the human you gave me,” he replied with a wink.

“And if you, commander, were to police this military?” Luna asked. “If the paragon of strategy were to place his own force for the task of keeping others in order? In this very room stand three of Equestria's most potentially dangerous beings, aside from our self,” luna noted. “I am hoping that your combined reputation would be enough to cow them into order.”

“I can use that.” Pensword replied with a laugh. “Yes. I can see the forces of the Commander of Equestria to act as the military police.” He paused. “I wonder how many in House Hurricane would be willing to join this police force.” He paused and smirked. “We are still allowed to go on a campaign if needed? We will draw ire and attention by building an army. Also, I feel that with us building an army, that might prompt the Crystal Empire to build their military again as well.” He paused a second before laughing. “This land mass shall become a fortress if I let it.”

“So. Would you support this bill?” luna asked. “I am afraid my influence is not what it used to be in the house of lords. I need help.”

“Of course.” Hammer Strike responded.

“Thou hast my word and backing.” Pensword replied. He paused. “However, this will come at one request. When thou re-openest the communications with the Thestrals, I wish to be present.”

“I would not have it any other way.” Luna nodded.

“I’m all for this.” Grif nodded. “But building an army is going to take some time. And thats, unfortunately, the one thing we can’t force.”

“Too true.” Luna nodded. “Would it be reasonable to say Unity could have a small scale working military within 6 months?”

“A very crude working military example, I could have in 6 months. That is, if you do not mind me breaking up the Gryphon Slayers into all officer ranks.” He paused. “But yes, I can do that in six months.”

“Very good. I’ll be in touch. You may return to your rooms now.” luna said, nodding in dismissal with a smile on her muzzle. “And you, Hammer Strike, have an appointment.”

Pensword and Lunar Fang nodded their heads in thanks to High Chieftess Luna and left, showing that they would respect her request not to bow to her.

Hammer Strike raised a brow in question.

“We are ready to repair your memories.” Luna said.

Luna led Hammer Strike through the halls into a large sectioned off bare room. The room contained nothing except for the two of them. “This is where we will perform the spell.”

“Where is Celestia?” Hammer Strike asked before he paused. “Nevermind. Behind us.”

Princess Celestia cleared her voice. “I can see what my sister means about your hearing. Still, it’s good to hear that your hearing is still the same. Shall we begin when you are ready?” She asked with a chuckle. “Luna, if you would stand on the other side of the room, I think this spell could have a wide area of effect. So standing in opposite corners should hopefully help us contain it.”

Luna nodded as she moved to the indicated spot. “Mother knows the last thing we need is something going wrong.”

“Start whenever you are both ready. I am as ready as I will ever be.” Hammer Strike said aloud.

As either alicorn concentrated, their horns flared with Celestia’s golden aura and Luna’s dark blue respectively. From each horn a tendril crawled through the air to Hammer Strike. At last, the two magics met as they made contact with the earth pony, running across his body in waves of blue and gold, first separate as they met in the middle, then they combined, forming a series of gold and blue lines as they flowed over Hammer Strike’s body, wrapping, writhing, and shifting like snakes.

Pictures flashed by Hammer Strike’s eyes as he began to remember, the long lost memories boiling to the surface. His human counterpart, their arrival, the wedding, Chrysalis, Ponyville, all of it came flooding back to him. Then, within seconds, it was over. Taking a deep breath, he blinked a couple of times as he looked around again. “Wow.” Surprisingly, the room was undamaged. Though the area of effect was still rather visible for those who had the ability to see magical residue. The power had quite literally expanded to the point that it had almost touched the two sisters as they cast their spell.

“Take your time,” Luna said. “Such experiences generally take a while to sink in.”

“Considering I remembered around forty years worth of experiences all at once, Yeah…” He sighed. “That will take some time.” He gave a small smile of gratitude. “But it feels wonderful to remember again.”

“I am glad to hear that.” Princess Celestia replied. “While you finish processing those memories, I shall be meeting with some nobles that require my time.” She smiled and turned to the doors behind her, then walked away at a leisurely pace. She soon exited the room, the double doors shutting behind her with a soft boom.

“Well, I must attend to things,” Luna said, heading for the door.

“Hold it.” She heard Hammer Strike call out.

“Yes?” Luna asked, looking back.

“Take me to the armory.” Hammer Strike said aloud, his tone taking a darker turn.

Luna chuckled nervously, but nodded. “Right this way.” she said, the whites of her eyes a little larger than normal as they began the slow walk to the armory where he had been so recently before, and yet so very long ago.

Grif yawned as he looked up from his book. He had made a request about somewhere he could train while staying in the castle, but no answer had returned. So, the gryphon was stuck with his room and his book for now. “Don’t bother knocking!” he called out.

The door opened and Pensword and Lunar Fang entered smiling, blushing, and looking just a little nervous. “Well, she is pregnant.” Pensword said with a nervous laugh, which earned a prompt wing smack from Lunar Fang. “We have a nice developing baby that is five months along and we cannot be happier. We told them that even if they could tell, we do not want the gender be known.”

Lunar Fang smiled. “I want my first baby to be a surprise. As it was to the Thestrals and Ponies of the bygone years. It is my small way to pay respect to their actions during the war.”

“Congratulations, you two.” Grif smiled. “Couldn’t be happier for you. When this is all done, we’ll have to find something to toast.”

“Agreed.” Pensword replied. “This is,” he paused. “I wonder if we could get Pinkie to make candy cigars or something?” he muttered as he sat down, Lunar Fang soon joining him as she nuzzled the back of his neck.

“Uh uh. That’s my job.” Grif smiled “I’ll talk with bon bon when we get back. Your job is to keep with her and make sure there isn’t anything lacking, like pickles and ice cream.”

“Or Truffles,” Pensword replied with a laugh.

“Or Cake,” Grif responded with a shake of his avian head.

“Ooh, cake. I like that idea.” Lunar Fang replied with a smirk.

“Let’s go get cake then,” Pensword replied. “As soon as we are done here.” he paused and shook his head. “Before we get any more sidetracked, we did find a place to house the crib for the moment. At least till we get a proper bedroom set up later on. We will be staying in the main sleeping chamber as there is more then enough room for a bed and a crib and the needed supplies to dress and the like.”

“Good for morale too.” Grif said, smiling. “I imagine the troops are going to be happy to hear New Unity is getting its first baby. Seems more fitting that it would be the commander and the living legend, Lunar Fang, bringing it to them as well.”

“Very true. Seeing as it was legend that she was with foal before she vanished into the mists of history.”

“Well then, should we see if we can raid Celestia’s personal cake supply?” Grif asked. “I have it on reasonably good authority there is a red velvet cake waiting there.”

“Then we shall depart.” Pensword replied before blinking and taking on a sad look. “I miss my brother.” He muttered. “That was a phrase our family would use.” He shook his head. “Still, I think a velvet cake will do wonders for us. Let us go.”

Luna stared at hammerstrike nervously. It had been five minutes since she had removed the cover from the Ursa Armor and the earth pony lord had not said anything. He just stood there, stock still. “I found out upon my return that Celestia had it put in storage,” she said. “I have been trying to repair it when I can, but ... it is so far gone already…”

So much effort…” Hammer Strike started, his voice barely a whisper. Before Luna could say anything in response, he snorted, steam coming from his nose. “Effort put to waste.” He said aloud, his brows furrowed.

“I swear. Before my banishment I kept it maintained. I kept it clean and looked after it. I had no control over this.” Luna spoke in a tone she had not used in centuries. That of a child fearful of getting in trouble.

You. Aren’t in trouble.” Hammer Strike closed his eyes and sighed wearily.

Luna visibly calmed down. Thank goodness. He wasn’t blaming her. She wouldn’t have to worry about punishment. She opened her mouth to speak her gratitude only to be cut off.

Celestia, on the other hand...” Hammer Strike exhaled steam once again as he vented some of his growing anger out. “Is in deep trouble...” He sputtered, turned on the spot, and headed for the exit at a slow and steady walk.

Luna stared, her face agape with horror. She disappeared in a flash of blue light, re-appearing before Celestia as she sat on her throne, listening to Baron Blueblood speak. She raised a hoof, interrupting Blueblood in his speech and motioning for silence. Her eyebrow raised in confusion and inquiry at Luna’s sudden appearance and the strange look upon her muzzle.

“He knows!” Luna spoke breathlessly before vanishing again.

Celestia’s pupils shrunk into tiny black pinpricks. The solar princess immediately stood up, her wings fluttering nervously as her eyes darted across the room. “We shall have to reschedule this, Baron Blueblood. Something of an emergency has come up, and I need to….” she was interrupted as the large doors of the throne room burst open. Standing there in the doorframe, the very picture of doom, was Hammer Strike, a glare fixed solidly on his face.

The Guards who were to stand guard by the doors were both trying to pull back on the two lassos around Hammer Strike’s neck and torso. Yet all they were doing was making small scratches and scuff marks on the floor as the mighty lord of legend pulled them with him. Already she could hear the sounds of eight more guards rushing to try and stop the mad lord.

Celestia Solaria Galaxia!!” Hammer Strike called out. A hush fell upon the room as silence reigned throughout the court. The kind of silence that could only come from someone invoking a middle name with parental authority. Witnesses would later report the princess of the sun whimpered as she looked at Lord Hammer Strike.

You are in deep trouble, young lady!” Hammer Strike finished, jabbing a smoking hoof in her direction.

“Excuse me, lord Hammer Strike, but we were in the middle of an audience. If you have a grievance with the princess, you should-”

“Shut it, Baron Blueblood!” Hammer Strike snapped, fully walking into the throne room, dragging the guards, now ten ponies strong, behind him. A unicorn guard finally tried to tether a mana rope to one of the pillars outside the wall only to feel it stretch and snap with the group. “We can deal with your issues later. For now, leave this room.” Hammer Strike’s whole body was smoking.

The baron made his exit as quickly as possible, his eyes bugging out. “Wise decision.” Hammer Strike murmured before turning back to Celestia.

“In fact,” Hammer Strike continued as he looked to the ropes around him, slowly burning them to ash and slag. “All of you are to leave. EXCEPT for you, Celestia.”

Many of the guards heeded the lord’s words, but one or two remained standing nervously by, hooves grasping their halberds.

“That. Was. An. ORDER!” He shouted.

And with the sound of clanking metal the halberds lay clattering on the floor alone, their owners galloping out the door as fast as their hooves could carry them. Hammer kicked the doors, easily slamming them shut.

“Now then.” He said, turning his attention back to Celestia. “You. Have some explaining to do.” He said, walking towards her.

“Explaining?” she asked as she tried very hard to keep her tone even rather than reducing it to another whimper. “Explaining what?”

“Explaining why the armory consists of damaged, worn down, aged, and even broken gear.” He said.

“Well with the decommissioning of the army there wasn’t much need for weapons and arms. And maintaining them seemed to be a strain on resources. You know how hard it is to get a hold of ebony in these times?” She asked, her frame shaking like a frail leaf beneath his gaze. And she was about to get burned.

“So, you have no army. No weapons. No defense.” He counted on. “If another nation were to attack, what can you do in response?” He called out, trying to keep from yelling.

“After the third gryphon war, rumors started to spread. No nation would attack out of fear that I would burn their fields to the ground.” She said. “Diplomacy seemed the better option rather than war. And besides, we have the guard.”

“Oh yes, and we all know how the guard did such a splendid job during the wedding, didn’t they?” He said. “I can remember it now. A good sum of them wanted to run.”

“The training quality has gone down in the past few decades, I’ll admit, but surely with proper training they’ll be able to defend Equestria fine.” Celestia attempted to reason, feeling less and less wiggle room as Hammer Strike systematically cut down her arguments one by one.

“Had we not returned, I doubt they would get that training!” He said louder. “Luna has been trying to get you to open your eyes and realize this. Your guards aren’t trained that well. I’ll admit it though, I was amazed that they even TRIED to hold me back.”

“They’ve been getting over the absence of Shining Armor. They’ll adjust and get better.” she said.

“Adjusting to the fact they are missing their commander?” He asked, sighing heavily as he tried to keep at least somewhat calm.

“Qualified leaders don’t just randomly appear every day.” Celestia noted. “Who could have led them?”

“So if they had a changeling in front of them wanting to harm them, they would just sit there waiting for a command to attack?” He questioned, his tone a mixture of disbelief and disappointment.

“Well, no, but surely you remember how it is trying to keep a large group focused without a voice of authority amongst them.” Celestia said.

Hammer Strike placed a hoof on his head as he sighed. “What happened to you in that fight?” He asked, changing the topic to try and keep himself from getting worse than he was already.

“I haven’t led a combat force in almost a thousand years.” Celestia said. “And I was incapacitated by Chrysalis”

“Next you’re going to tell me you didn’t even train for those thousand years.” He sighed heavily, placing a hoof on his face as he exhaled, closing his eyes.

Celestia said nothing. Her eyes visibly widened.

When Hammer Strike received no response, even Celestia could feel the temperature in the room pick up. “Don’t you even dare…”

“I had too much-” celestia started.

Don’t you even DARE tell me another excuse!” He yelled out, his eyes literally sparking as he tried to keep himself from igniting the air. “One thousand years without training. Without practice...”

Hammer Strike shuddered, the smoke gradually dissipating. When he had regained his composure, he spoke again. “You have one hour. Get your schedule cleared for the next week. Possibly two weeks, if need be.” Hammer Strike said, his tone level as he kept his anger in check. “You will return right back to this room in one hour. Not a second more. Or so help me, I will hunt you down through this castle.” He sat down, sighing to himself.

Celestia said nothing, her head hanging low with her ears against her head like a shamed foal. She got to her hooves and headed for the door without a word, her usually flowing mane drooping in defeat.

Down in the kitchens, Grif shot up slightly, his eyes widening. “I just got the oddest feeling something extreme is happening, You two feel that rage in the air?” he asked.

Pensword paused and shook his head. “Not really. I felt nothing.” He looked to his wife.

“All I felt was that our child moved a little.” She admitted. Then she paused, her ears swivelling with Pensword’s. They both looked at each other and shuddered. “Now that you mention it, the air does seem different.”

“Well, Celestia had better hurry up,” Grif said, looking at the half eaten cake and cutting another slice. “She’s going to miss this cake.”

Twilight Sparkle sat lazily on the library floor reading her book. It had been a quiet day in Ponyville, something that had been in rather short supply of late. She was just getting to the climax of the third chapter when, in a flash, she found herself landing on the hard floor of Celestias room.

“Princess Celestia? What's wrong? Why did you teleport me here?” She asked, starting to her hooves as they clopped in the room. “Is Equestria in danger?”

“If only.” Celestia muttered. “I need you to meet with my sister, Luna, and help her with running Equestria for the next two weeks.” She held a wing, cutting off Twilight’s question before it could be voiced. “You’ll know why in a second.” She paused, closed her eyes, and teleported the two to the throne room. Twilight immediately saw Princess Luna and something else that completely confused her: Hammer Strike stood next to the throne wearing an expression other than the flat one she was so used to seeing. It unnerved her.

“Princess Luna? Lord Hammer Strike? What’s going on?” Twilight looked around, confused.

“Congratulations.” Hammer Strike said aloud. “Just. In. Time.” He said, frowning still. “As for why you are here, Twilight, I can’t answer that. Go ahead, Celestia. Tell your student why she is here.”

“I … may have neglected my martial training for an… extended period of time...” Celestia said.

“A thousand years.” Hammer Strike said bluntly.

“Yes.” She said, wincing. “So Lord Hammer Strike has decided to re-acquaint me with the great sword.” Celestia carried on. “For the next week.”

“Sword, hammer, mace, halberd, twinblade, spear, axe, and many more.” Hammer Strike corrected her.

“Yes.” She said dismally. “So I will need you to assist Luna with the extra duties until we’re finished.” Celestia finished weakly.

“Is now really the best time?” Twilight asked Celestia.

“My schedule just got cleared,” Celestia said. “Just trust me, Twilight.” Celestia lowered her tone “And pray for me.” she muttered near inaudibly.

“Praying won’t save you now.” Hammer Strike said aloud as he stood up. “Now move. We have years worth of training to do in a week!”

Celestia would have said more, but was not given the option as Hammer Strike pointed a hoof to the door and the two headed out of the room.

Twilight looked towards Luna, confused. “What just happened?” she asked.

“Celestia is grounded.” Luna answered plainly, leaving Twilight even more confused and more than a little scared.

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