• Published 15th Apr 2014
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An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword

Adventure, Mayhem, Magic of unknown origins, and talking colorful Ponies. All being unrelated events have brought three friends together into the wildest holiday that anyone could imagine.

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44 - I'm about to be Epic

Extended Holiday
Chp 44: I’m about to be Epic
Act 5

Grif stood up with his chest puffed out as he approached the female cautiously. “Greetings, and welcome to New Unity. I am-” Grif was cut off as an axe blade came somewhat dangerously close to his jugular.

“No pleasantries. Where are you supplies?” the gryphoness demanded in a cold tone.

Grif used a tallon to push the axe blade away. “You’ll forgive me, but you're not going to see our supply stocks. If you need to trade, I’m sure something can be arranged,” Grif said, letting his tone drop slightly. “That is, if you're willing to talk peacefully.”

This time Grif saw the other axe blade coming and answered it with a stiletto through the barb and a quick flick of the wrist. The axe thudded to the ground not far away.

“I don’t have time for negotiating trade,” she said. “We need supplies now.”

“If there is some emergency, I’m sure we can help if you’ll explain what the problem-” Grif dodged backwards, narrowly avoiding a swing aimed at his throat. “You really want to stop doing that,” Grif said.

“And why should I?” the gryphoness asked, her eyes burning as she glared at him. A slight wizzing sound flitted through the air followed by a shaft burying itself half way in the earth. One fletching was loose, slowing its flight and giving just enough warning for those with the ears to hear it.

“Because if you take one step more against my future mate, the next one goes through your head!” Shrial cried from her vantage on the rooftop next to their tower.

“I have archers hidden throughout the grounds. And likely by the time you find them all, your friends here, and those couple dozen hidden away up the path would be dead,” Grif explained cooly.

A ripple of shock passed across the gathered group when they realized the extent of Grif’s words. ‘They thought they fooled us,’ Grif mused in his head. ‘Never reveal your full strength: that’s rule one. Never underestimate the other side’s strength: thats rule two.’ Confident that his message was sinking in, Grif spoke aloud, once more extending the olive branch of peace. “If you will please follow me, I’m sure we can come to some kind of agreement regarding your supplies. Your companions can wait here,” Grif said, gesturing for the gryphoness to follow.

“Stupid stuck up she-noble and her puffed up peacock,” Grif heard the gryphoness grumble none too quietly as she passed by. He breathed deeply under his hood. He needed to keep in control. As long as he didn’t lose his temper, this would be over soon and the mercenaries would be on their way.

As the two moved towards the fort, a familiar white figure ran forwards. Sylvio looked at the new gryphon with confusion as he attempted to get her scent. The gryphoness attempted to push the timberwolf away. “Go on. Get out of here,” she said.

Still but a pup in his innocence, the timberwolf thought this was some sort of game and hopped back and forth attempting to follow the taloned hand. The gryphoness growled “I told you to leave, worthless mutt!” With that said, she swung her hand, talons exposed.

A deadly quiet stilled the air as the pup’s whine echoed across the yard. Chunks of bark and wood scattered to the cobblestones nearby, filling the silence with their hollow clacking. The troops looked upon the scene with a horrid fascination. Grif stopped moving. For a full minute he just stood there staring, saying nothing. Then, with a fluid grace belying his muscular form, he reached over and pulled back his hood, letting the anger burning in those blue eye’s show. For a moment a light gale seemed to blow in, but Grif shook his head, letting the wind die down. That was not the way to deal with an upstart like this.

“I open the door for you and you put an axe to my neck. I invite you into our fortress.” Grif glared at her as he looked to the nearby guards. “Circle, now.” The guards grabbed some nearby polearms and began to trace in the ground. “I try to handle this peacefully despite your aggressive behavior and you swing at me.” He pulled a strap under his cloak and let the armor fall with a clamor. “I could have you killed, but I offer you a chance. Then you insult me and my fiancè.” Grif removed his robe and harness in short order. The gryphoness looked across at him, her gaze defiant. Poles clattered to the ground as the circle was completed, echoing in the same manner Sylvio’s wood had as the ponies backed solemnly away. “And now you hurt my DOG!” Grif charged, instantly knocking the gryphoness’ remaining axe away before she could ready herself.

The other gryphons moved to help their leader only for several arrows to pepper the ground nearby. They could only watch, as the ponies did, as the two gryphons descended into a feral mess of claw and beak. Scraps of cloth, bits of fur, and feathers rained down. Screams ranging from eagle like sounds to lion roars echoed through the area. Finally, the fight ended with Grif standing over the gryphoness, his eyes bloodshot and pupils dilated as he held her down on her back. His talons were raised to strike. The gryphons looked away, as did more than a few of the ponies.

“Grif!” Shrial shouted from above. “Control yourself!” She arced down like an arrow, grabbing his arm even as he struggled to land the killing blow. “We have wounded coming to the gates.”

The gryphon struggled for a few more moments before his pupils returned to normal and he looked down, panting heavily. He stepped back, shaking. “B … bind her,” Grif ordered, huffing as he turned to shrial. “W-wounded?” The rage was leaving his eyes, even as he looked on his bride to be. Shrial carried on without so much as batting an eyelash. The two could talk later.

“An old gryphoness with two cubs flanking her. She’s limping badly.” The captured gryphoness inhaled sharply as her ears picked up the news. She struggled against the ponies as they brought the rope, but was soon restrained by Silver Spear and some other unicorns under his command while the earth ponies set to work on what they did best. In seconds, she was trussed up and ready for transport. The guards stood watch, their spears at the ready should any more trouble arise. As a final gesture, they saluted Grif with their spears as he passed before returning to their posts around the offender.

Grif moved slowly through the gate, still panting and shaking at what he had nearly done. He looked towards sylvio as the wood and bark began reattaching itself. The wound hadn’t even been that serious. What was happening to him? He turned to the old one as she drew near. Lowering his beak, he touched the tip with his talon, offering a token of respect. “I.. I hope we can handle things more peaceably,” he said as his eyes wandered back to the upstart.

The old gryphoness looked at the young warrior, her eyes searching. They shone with an ancient wisdom, reflected by the deep gray swimming with flecks of blue and gold. “You have seen much pain. And much battle. Your mind is not yet mastered, young warrior. That could be your downfall if you are not careful.” The gryphoness looked over his shoulder to see the younger gryphoness’ plight. “Thalia!” The elder gryphoness lunged forward, inadvertently placing a blackened paw to the earth as she looked to the young warrior, her heart in her eyes. She hissed in pain and collapsed, her weight suddenly taken out from under her to avoid further damage. “Damn this old leg.”

With the eyes of a veteran soldier, Grif knew the signs only too well. His guilt would have to wait. He snapped to attention, his manner grave as he barked his orders.“You, colts!” Grif pointed to some nearby ponies “Go find Little Willow.” He pointed to another couple of ponies. “You run to ponyville hospital and get the nurse.” The guard nodded his head vigorously and disappeared in a puff of smoke, the sound of rapidly racing hooves echoing back. Lastly, Grif turned to a young blue stallion. He stood there, his knees knocking as Grif’s terrifying gaze fell upon him. “And you, get Zecora!” The stallion was off like a shot as Grif moved to the older gryphoness and carefully picked her up in his talons. Young though he was, his father’s training had made him strong. “What happened to you? Are there other wounded amongst you?” he asked as he flew her into the courtyard. Getting some ponies to spread out a blanket, he set her down gently.

The young hatchlings ran next to her, looking anxious before Grif backed away. “It’s alright, little ones. No need to fear.” The old gryphoness smiled as she used her good hand to pat their heads. “You have been very brave.” She looked to Grif. “Our numbers used to be far greater. Until some dishonorable dogs tried to kill us in the night.” She spat. “The slayed five of us. The rest were able to give battle, but without our armor, many were wounded. They took most of our supplies with them, including our medical equipment. We have been able to sustain ourselves with wild herbs, but … well as you can see, it is not enough. I am one of the few who can still travel easily. Many cannot even fly. We had to fashion stretchers. I normally lead our band, but young Thalia deserved a chance. And we were all weary and in pain. I see her impulsiveness got the better of her common sense.” The old gryphoness shook her head sadly, her old grey feathers letting off a cloud of dust. “You mustn't blame the child. She’s just worried about an old mother who’s seen her fair share of battle.”

“If someone had told me, I would have helped.” Grif sighed, looking to Shrial. “Take as many as you need and get all the wounded in here. Tell the healers to spare nothing. I’ll cover whatever it takes.”

“Already on it.” Shrial forced herself to hold back the tears as she moved to Thalia. She slashed the ropes with her talons, freeing her legs and arms. “You! On your feet. I will need you to vouch for us as we go to reclaim your wounded. As for the rest of you lot, you will assist in carrying them. I will get some more ponies and unicorns from the hospital wing. You wait here. And if you make any other foolish attempts, I promise you, I will show little mercy. We mean no harm, but we fight well.” With that, Shrial stormed off, leaving the other gryphons to marvel and whisper amongst themselves under the careful watch of the guards.

“I’m telling you grandpa, it’s the real lord hammer strike,” Blast Shield beamed as he led the older pony to the royal forge.

“Don’t go tryin’ ta fool me, grandson. I may be old, but I’m not senile. The Hammer Strike the princesses made a lord isn’t the same. I’ve read the accounts. I know what he looks like. That young pony isn’t him.”

Before much else could be said, a loud metallic clang echoed through the hallway, halting the conversation. Soon after that, the sound of scraping metal could be heard followed by a stream of curses.

“What in the Celestia’s name was that?”

“It sounded like someone broke something” blast shield said.

“Broke? Sounded more like shattered. I haven’t heard a sound like that since a trebuchet landed a boulder next to me in the practice field. I had that private demoted so fast, he was scrubbing the floors with his tongue for a week,” The veteran growled with a light smile pulling at his mouth.

“Was that before or after you had the private scrubbing pots and pans with his tongue because he said something funny in passing?” Blast asked his grandfather, chuckling as they moved forwards.

“Now that one deserved what he got. But no, I made him scrub it clean after he licked ‘em clean. Double duty.” Buckler chuckled as they rounded the corner to where a somewhat larger stallion was pushing an anvil lightly with a hoof. Scars marked his body as he continued to work. A toolbelt hung from his waist as a burnt and scorched white noble shirt smoked while he pushed.

“This is why I had you tell them to bring a few anvils, Tower.” Hammer sighed. “They may be counted as better, but they still can not take the force required to shape Ursa bone.”

“Yes sir, Hammer Strike,” Tower Shield nodded. He turned to his brother and grandfather with a smile and a salute. “Glad to see you made it, gramps.”

Hammer Strike turned on hearing Tower greet the two entering. “Ah, Blast, there you are.” He turned fully to face them. “You must be Buckler. Am I correct?”

“And you’re the new Lord Hammer Strike. You sure seem to be living up to his name. It’s not an easy mantle to bear, ya know. And they’re some mighty large horseshoes to fill.”

“I find it easier to live up to a name when it is your own.”

“Then you’re a descendant? That would explain the strength. Could’ve skipped a few generations, I suppose.”

“Not quite. Haven’t had kids.” He responded. “One day perhaps.”

“Of course you haven’t. I’m talking ‘bout your ancestors, boy. Who’s your father?” The old pony glared, not liking his casual and playful tone. “Didn’t he teach you to respect your elders?”

“Yes, he did.” He responded. “He also-” Hammer Strike stopped mid-sentence as his ear twitched. “Luna, the repairs aren’t complete yet. Stop hiding.” He called out, turning towards the shadows in the room.

“I was just checking.” Princess Luna said sheepishly as she emerged from the shadows. “I… think Celestia is calling me.” Luna said, leaving quickly.

“Considering your Sister is still sore from training, I would assume she is having you still do some work. Remember, when I am done with this, we are to spar so I can see with my own eyes if you’ve been practicing.”

“Of course, teacher” Luna called as she left, a flush in her cheeks.

“Sorry about that.” Hammer Strike started as he turned back towards Buckler. “Where were we?”

Buckler gaped, first at Luna, then at hammer, then back to the shadows, then back to the door where Luna’s receding footsteps clopped along the castle floors. “How …?”

“Time.” Hammer Strike responded. “History states that I show up from time to time, and this is one of those points.”

“So you’re some sort of time traveler?” Buckler continued to gape as Hammer easily shifted the anvil fragments to the corner of the room and tossed them on top of a mounting pile.

“Somewhat, I guess. The Crystal Empire did travel a thousand years forward while Pensword, Grif, and myself were statues.”

“Hold still a minute.” Buckler zipped up faster than one would expect, a dust cloud wafting in behind him as he began a minute inspection of Hammer Strike’s scars and other battle wounds. At least the ones that were visible. He may have been brusque, but he wasn’t that disrespectful. “Hmmm … looks like it all checks out. Old many greats grand pappy kept a journal with all the medical work that was done on you. You’re the real mccoy alright.” The soldier nodded his head as he looked at Hammer Strike. “Permission to shake the hoof of one of my greatest heroes?”

“Permission granted.” Hammer Strike responded, holding out his hoof.

The old man gave several violent pumps, practically shaking himself into the air as he tried to shift Hammer the same way he did his recruits. Then he laughed as he settled down. “Hoooooey! You’re as strong as they say, alright.” He wiped a tear from his eye. “Alright, I’m convinced. No more foolin’.” He turned to the new captains, eyes shining. “And I couldn’t be prouder.”

“Perhaps we should see if we can get more of the family transferred over. What do you think, grandpa?” Tower asked.

“If House Strike would have us again, it would be an honor.”

“It sounds like a great idea,” Hammer responded with just a hint of a smile.

In the time it took to get all the injured gryphons inside new unity, the hospital staff and Zecora had arrived. As the hospital staff went through the gryphon ranks offering what help they could, Nurse Redheart, Little Willow and Zecora had all agreed that the infected back paw of the old gryphoness was beyond saving.

“The infection’s spread too far. It’s gone to the core and if we leave it there it will just spread through her body.” Redheart sighed.

Zecora looked over the claws, pads, and flesh, careful not to prod too hard.” The diagnosis the doctor has found, I must agree is very sound.” Zecora bowed her head sadly.

Little Willow shook her head. “We’re sorry, ma'am.” she looked at the old gryphoness, pity in her eyes.

“There must be some way. Please. She doesn’t deserve this.” Thalia begged, tears in her eyes.

“If they help her now, she’ll live,” Grif said. “If they don’t, she’ll die slowly and painfully. Do you really want that?” Grif asked her. In the time it had taken for the healers to get around, Grif had wandered amongst the mercenaries learning what he could of them. Shockingly enough, most of them hadn’t been warriors in the first place. They were outcasts from the homelands forced to fall back on the one thing all gryphons are known for to make ends meet. Farmers, craftsmen, merchants, many had simply had the misfortune of making the wrong enemies. He had been especially shocked when he found a certain brown and white gryphoness amongst the group. Confronting gilda would have to wait for another time, however. Thalia stood there, trembling as she looked on her mother. She blinked rapidly, struggling to hold back the tears.

Despite his words, Grif looked to Zecora. If anyone might know a way to save the paw, it was her. “Is there nothing that can be done? I have the gold to pay for it.”

“Gold and silver feed only greed. The truth from the heart is what I need.” Zecora said mysteriously. She looked carefully over the old gryphoness in her bed, even as Thalia looked on, guilt, fear, love, and sorrow dancing across her face as they blended together. Looking between the two with pondering eyes, Zecora spoke.

“There may be a way, though there is little time. To save the leg from decay and grime. Deep within the everfree lies a very special tree. Its fruit is savory, sublime, a greater treasure few stomachs can find. But what I require to cure this disease lies within this plant’s green leaves. If you would save her from a cruel fate, you must away and must not wait. The tree resides where the waters meet on a tiny island with nectars sweet. But dangerous obstacles bar the way. Will you face the trials or will you stay?”

“I’ll go right now. Just write down the directions,” Grif said.

Zecora shook her head before looking to Thalia with a piercing gaze, her wizened eyes searching. “The leader must lead and prove her worth. She alone must face the curse. Should she return, the leg will be saved, but she must go for disease to be stayed.”

Grif turned to Thalia “Will you go?”

“I will. But who will look after my mother? My people?” Thalia rambled off.

“They can stay here as long as you need. Longer, if necessary,” Grif said.

A moment later a single Pegasus landed in much heavier armor and wing blades then any of the other ponies around. “Sir Grif.” She spoke in a commanding voice. “We were just informed about the attack upon the White Wolf.” She spoke using a nickname they’d invented for Slyvio. “Also, gryphons are still coming in..” She twitched. “Your orders.” She turned as one of the Cubs made a sudden move, she was in a defensive stance. “Cubs? The empire employs cubs? They must be,” She cursed, before trailing off. A moment later she was shaking her head. “No, The Empire is an ocean away now.” She took a deep breath.

“These are refugees,” Grif told her. “For now, they need compassion. They have many injured and no one to aid them. I realise this may be awkward for you all.”

“Awkward, yes.” She muttered. “Refugees…. armed refugees,” She took a breath. “I had better go look up how to handle this in the manuals… I, we do not know how to handle refugees. … We’ll send medics as soon as we cite the proper protocols.” She quickly left the area as she took to the air and drifted towards one of the more defendable positions.

Grif turned to the patient. “How old are you?” he asked.

She smiled, a playful twinkle in her eye. “You know it’s not very nice to ask a woman her age. But I am about three hundred into my life. And a good one it has been, despite the setbacks.”

Grif’s eye’s widened as he grabbed her talon. “One of your age shouldn’t be traveling and fighting for her meals,” Grif said. “It squanders priceless wisdom.”

“Ah, but one can only gain more by experiencing life. I wouldn’t want to be cooped up in a sick room anyways, present circumstances excepted.” She winked playfully, then winced as her leg spasmed.

“Did you ever wear a clan symbol back in the old country?” Grif asked her.

“Once … It was a very long time ago.” The old creature blushed violently.

“Then would you wear one again?” Grif asked her. “My clan is new and it holds no strength, and probably a greater heap of dishonor then honor, but I would offer you and yours a home. I have great need of those old enough to be wise and those young enough to be stupid in turn. I am engaged, and neither me nor my bride have the slightest idea what that entitles from our culture. Would you join me, wise one?”

“That depends, youngling. Are you a battle born?”

“I know a little more and a little less on that subject than most,” Grif said. “I’m a foundling, discovered by my father on a coal bed in the middle of a heavy storm. My father always believed I was an old soul. Though I find myself having less and less an inclination to believe him,” Grif said. “I am trying to tame myself.”

“A difficult task, indeed.” She paused, observing the Gryphon carefully. “My Thalia’s father was a battleborn. He fought to his death, true to the nature others forced him to be. But you … you have potential. You are not set in your ways. Perhaps I can help you. It is the least I can do if this potion your zebra friend speaks of will work.”

“Then know that Grif, son of Graf, Warrior of the Northern Isles, thanks you wise one. And I welcome you to the Bladefeather family.” Once again he lowered his head and touched the tip of his beak with his talon.

The gryphons gasped, staring at the legend of old. For her part, the old gryphoness just smiled. “I suspected as much. You are not so infamous as you may think among some gryphons of the empire, sir Grif. You may yet found great honor for yourself, and for those who have been wronged in our homeland.” She smiled. “I think it is time for me to rest for a bit. Thalia, if you are going on this quest, you had best prepare. I believe the Zebra said there was not much time to waste. Be safe, my little one.” She smiled as she lay back on her pillow and closed her eyes. “Oh, and if anyone tries to kill this young man, I will personally see that they lose their wings before they die and I scatter their ashes. Do I make myself clear?” There were several brisk nods accompanied by wide eyed stares.

Grif stood and turned to the other gryphons. “And I extend you all the same offer!” he rose his voice. “Gather under my wings and let me share your burdens! Be my warriors and I will give you quality weapons and armor. Be my craftsmen and I will give you facilities and materials! Farm for me, hunt for me! I will see that your families are fed. I will see your wounded are taken care of, your elderly honored, and your dead given a proper place to rest. The empire has wronged you. Let me correct their mistake. Any gryphon who wears my symbol will carry their honor with them. I do not ask you to make my enemies your own; I ask you to let me make your enemies mine. Let me make it so your young have the luxury of going to a warm bed with a full stomach and buying candy with their money just because they can. I offer you all my talon as a brother.” Grif looked at them carefully, gaging their mood. “But do not decide now. Stay until your injured are healed and think on my words. Those who do not wish to join may leave when all are well, with a chest of gold in tow.”

The assembled gryphons laughed, clapped, and even screeched their agreement at the words. A few seemed more determined than others as they lowered their beaks and touched the tip with their talons. Grif smiled as he looked across them. Perhaps this was the meaning he needed; making their lives better. “Now, do I have volunteers to hunt?” Grif asked. He looked at Shrial as he motioned for his bow.

Fox Feather quickly landed in their place of defense as she looked towards one of the newer members of the Gryphon Slayers. “Moon Kicker, where are the manuals on Refugees and POW treatments? We’ll need information on how to handle gryphon diplomats as well.” She looked shaken as she looked back through one of the windows. “So many Gryphons,” she muttered.

“Not sure if I like it,” Animal Control said. “He really just invited a few dozen gryphons right inside with not even a second thought.”

Moon Kicker had vanished where the manuals and scrolls for procedures lay in storage. Fox Feather shivered as they heard the cries and screeches. She turned to look through the window and paused. “I,” She stopped. “Faust above,” She whispered. “They are bowing to him.” She blinked and looked back at the others. “Okay, plans. I want plans if they rebel. I want plans for if this is a means to attack from within. Finally, I want plans for if they do become,” She paused, choking on the word. “Peaceful. This is a thousand years in the future. The gryphons could be anything now.” She shook her head. “Yet they could stay the same.” She looked to the others. “When do we present ourselves to this crowd?”

“Why not just stay away unless absolutely necessary?” Animal Control asked.

“And show the Gryphons that we are cowards?” Blood Moon asked. “If anything, we should show them what they face if they go off the path they are on.” He growled and snorted. “Any band willing to press cubs into warfare are not good beings. I am surprised at how many are even wielding full weapons.”

“Need I remind you,” came the harsh tone of Blue Fire as he spread his wings, “That the Gryphons teach the art of war from the moment a Cub can walk? If anything, I find comfort in knowing that part of what I know is still true.”

“Stlil, it is wrong.” Blood Moon muttered as he looked to another Thestral, the strangest of the group. “What do you think, Prism?”

Night Prism looked up at the others. “We wait for the Commander. Till then, Blue,” he paused and his face fell. “Honey Dew and I shall assist in the healing arts down there.” He paused. “In full armor and emblems.” He snorted. “I shall not hide what unit I belong to. But they are in need of healing. It is very possible that they may have changed. I believe the true question here is, can we change?” Prism asked, his rainbow hued mane and tail swaying gently in the corridor’s drafts. “I, for one, fear that I am stuck in my ways, and so is the Commander. May Faust bless it to be different, that we may change to live in this new world.”

Fox Feather looked gravely on the two. “Night Prism, Honey Dew, you both know not to risk too much. Be safe, and come back alive.”

Night Prism snorted. “Do not worry, we shall not do anything too risky.” He looked back where the gryphons had gathered. “Besides. From what we can see, I think we can do a bit of harm to any that try to a dagger dance with any of us.” Night Prism fluffed his feathers smugly. “We are the Gryphon Slayers. We can handle a few ragtag Gryphons.”

“The commander isn’t going to like this.” Animal Control sighed.

“Nay, he shall not.” Fox Feather responded. “Tonight I shall write a letter informing him of the events here. May he return to us soon.” She muttered. “Hopefully with Thestral reinforcements.” She paused. “Maybe not. I keep forgetting there is no war happening.”

With only four anvils broken in the process and less time than Hammer Strike expected, he finished the repairs. He sighed as he rolled his shoulder.

Luna practically skipped out of the shadows. “It’s done?” she asked excitedly.

“Yes, it is.” He gave a small grin as he replied.

Luna hugged him happily before letting the earth pony go before turning to hug the armor. “Oh, how good it feels to have my finest armor ready for battle again.”

“We’ll put it through stress tests later.” Hammer Strike chuckled. “Let’s see. Next on the list is… our spar,” he thought aloud.

“Remember, teacher, I will not be as softened as Celestia.” Luna smiled. “I have trained every day.”

“Good. I’ll finally have a challenge.”

“I’ll go get prepared and warn the grounds keepers,” Luna said. “I fear the aftermath of your training with my sister will be a minor footnote to the damage we shall incur.”

“Minor? We damaged something with that?”

“The gardens, the turf, the stone foundations nearby. I heard something about the engineers needing to reinforce the supports keeping canterlot in place on the mountainside.” Luna shrugged. “Honestly, a city on a mountainside. What was Celestia thinking?”

“No idea. I’m actually shocked it’s as stable as it is.”

“So half an hour, then?” Luna asked.

Hammer Strike shrugged. “Whenever you want. I have plenty of time.”

Two hours later, Hammer Strike and Luna stood twenty miles outside of canterlot surrounded by craters and wreckage. Bits of rock lay strewn across the plain and Hammer Strike, for his part, couldn’t remember if that was smoke or dust that lingered in the air. The pair had started their spar in Canterlot, but had been forced to relocate when warnings came out that the mountain city was on the brink of structural failure. The relocating had been less of a hassle than expected. Neither party seemed to have ended their fight, even as they slid down the mountain slope, sword clashing with hammer.

Where Celestia’s fighting style had been rusty, but refined, Luna’s had been all out barbaric by comparison. As the Lunar princess rained down with her blows, hammer strike actually had to block against them. Despite being smaller than her sister, the dark alicorn fought with a ferocity and a power that few could match. Even now, she looked across at Hammer Strike, panting as her mane lay against her head, matted from sweat as it flopped without its usually starry look. The lunar princess beamed. “It...was….so good… too let loose.”

“Certainly,” Hammer Strike replied, rolling his shoulders as he tried to ignore some of the pain.

“Still, I think for now it would be best if I conceed,” she said. “Not that I couldn’t keep going, but i have to retrieve the Thestrals.”

“Ah.” Hammer Strike sighed. “And we were just getting to the good part.” He chuckled.

“I hope we will spar again, teacher.” Luna smiled “It is good to have a partner who can take a few … how do they say it now? Take a few G’s?”

“Agreed.” He replied. “I wonder what Tower and Blast are doing at the moment, considering they had to… watch from a distance.”

“They may be arranging to have your things moved to Unity,” Luna said. “There are quite a bit of your own things in the armory you will need.”

“Considering they’ve been there since the war, I’ll be repairing them as well.”

“Yes, but you should have them back in shape much faster than you did my armor. And they will be returning to their home at last when they get to New Unity” Luna smiled. “A most fitting name, by the way. You have been away considerably long, and you were well missed.”

Pensword stared out the windows of Canterlot Castle as he saw the damage of what happened. “Reminds me of the aftermath of the attacks she did on the Gryphons.” He smiled and looked to Lunar Fang, or rather, Moonshade. “So, you think the Thestrals will be shocked that their Moonshade is really Lunar Fang?”

“I certainly was.” Lunar Fang said, chuckling. “I do not know how they will accept it.”

“They will accept you as they did before,” Luna spoke assuringly as she entered the room. “It is myself we will have to be worried about.”

“How so, Luna?” Pensword asked, making a face. “After growing up a thousand years ago, that feels very strange.” He paused. “Yet it feels right.” He paused again, deep in thought. “How was the battle?”’

“Did you not feel the city shaking?” she grinned. “That was us before we had to move. Seriously, a city? On a mountain side?” she shook her head.

“Humans have built in stranger places,” Pensword muttered. “We filled in swamps, damned entire oceans with dikes, and took lands. We have built in many places.” He shook his head. “We have built in active Volcano ranges. We have residents in the coldest desert in the world, even. That in and of itself is a fascinating story..” He looked to the window. “This is no stranger, yet, I worried over the shaking..” he opened his wings. “This, however, would help me in saving lives, if needed.”

“You’ll forgive me for asking, pensword, but how many of these settlements required diagonal structural supports to keep them from rolling down a slant?” Luna asked. “It would have been wiser and more prudent to carve a flat surface from the mountain and build the city in such a fashion”

“Let’s see.” he muttered. “Actually, a few. Mine building, ghost towns that were abandoned only because the ore dried up ...” He shook his head. “We built part of a city on a landfill that was put into water… an earthquake hit and the land those homes were on liquified,” he muttered matter of factly, then paused. “I think that proves your point. I really do not know why thy sister built Canterlot like it is.”

“I’ve been thinking, pensword,” Luna noted as she checked the provisions that had been prepared for them. “Perhaps it is not best for two alicorns to occupy the same domain. Canterlot is a bright and cheery place. Perhaps the sun should remain here and the moon should reside somewhere more appropriate.”

Pensword raised an eyebrow. “What comes to thy mind?” He asked. “You have a location picked for the night court? Thou knowest that there shall be Ponies following thee, as thou art one of the rulers of Equestria.”

“The Maretonians have done some interesting things with architecture. Did you know they have carved temples into the faces of cliffs? One would think with a proper cliff, a palace could be carved in a similar manner,” Luna noted. “I would appreciate your thoughts on this idea. And yours as well, Lunar fang.”

“It is not such a bad thought in theory. But what of your sister? You have always lived together. Would this not be a hard blow to her?” Lunar Fang asked.

“Evidence has shown that the two of us cannot live in close proximity for long periods. Even now the night court is empty most nights, and we feel we may get more ponies coming if we rearrange my proximity to them.”

Pensword paused. “Why not reside with those that adopted thee as their leader? Grow the Thestral lands into their own duchy, grant them royal houses. Thou art a leader to them. And with thine armor repaired, thou art able to prove once more thy right to lead them. If thou must set court elsewhere, start with a place of strong support. However, make sure thy sister knows thou art doing this for the sake of thine own mind and mental health, and that she is still a beloved sister.” He paused and bowed his head in shame. “I speak out of turn, my Chieftess and Princess.” He sighed. “Even if I returned to Earth, I doubt I could return to being just a civilian any more.”

“You never speak out of turn, Pensword,” Luna responded. “Had you been there, I may never have fallen in the first place.” She smiled regretfully. “However, to even get the chance to go along with your suggestion, I must establish a traditional place of power. Otherwise, the nobility will not accept it. And beautiful though the great cave is, it lacks a recognized center.”

“Then I shall give up my barony of Fort Triumph for thy seat of power.” Pensword roared, slamming a hoof to the ground. “Let them see that the Fort that Commander Pensword took for Equestria, the seat of the Gryphon Empire’s holdings of this land. That holds their petty requirements, and is under Thestral rule as I speak.” Lunar Fang nodded her head in approval. Tears stood in Luna’s eyes as she looked on her trusted commanders.

“Thank you, my generous friends.” she hugged pensword and Lunar Fang with her wings. “You will, of course, be the duke and duchess of my capital?”

Pensword paused, “Actually, that cannot happen. Thou art ruler of those lands directly. Though there is still Mountainside Falls to consider. Nevertheless, I hope I speak for the both of us when I say,” he looked to his wife and mate. “That we will accept the rank and title.” He muttered, sighed, then spoke again. “On the condition that I be allowed to keep some of the emblems from my homeland as emblems of the Duchy.” He looked to his mate. “If thou dost approve, dear.” He turned his head. “I cannot stand still and hope to return home. I must live a life here.”

“You know I will follow you no matter what, Pensword.” Lunar fang said, nuzzling him gently.

Pensword returned the nuzzle gently. “Thank you, dear.” He whispered. “That shall leave the old lands still in the control of the Tribal Leaders.” He shook his head. “I am the Commander of a defunct Military with hopes of rising. A Night Phoenix might be a good symbol for them,” he muttered. “A Duke of unknown lands. It seems my future is to build upon an uncertain future.” He laughed a little. “Just like home.”

“Hmm..” Luna smiled “Then let it be known that when we return, it shall be the rise of the ‘fille de y’s” Luna smiled “thank you, my friends.”

Pensword raised a wing with a look that just screamed confused. “What is Fille De Y’s?” He looked to Lunar Fang who just grinned mischievously and allowed Luna to answer the question.

“It is Phrench,” Luna explained. “A city that supposedly vanished into the ocean years ago”

‘Like Atlantis,” Pensword muttered. “Not really a city, but a civilization that vanished below the ocean waves, reported to be very advanced for the time period.” He paused and blushed a little. “Are you planning to raise a city?” He asked in awe. For a moment the old Matthew was showing through, the one who still wondered at magic and had not been affected by the last war. He paused. “Or have I missed the point?”

“I hope the thestrals will build a city to rival canterlot around the fort. I merely am considering comparing what we shall build to that city.” Luna smiled. “The earth ponies have manehatten, the unicorns Canterlot, and the pegasi Cloudsdale. Do we not deserve a testament to our ingenuity?” Luna asked.

Lunar Fang smiled, pride beaming in her posture and voice. “That, will be a triumph to show. And it will be an honor to see this rise from mind to reality.” She turned to give Pensword a light wing tap over the head. “So, you know when she asked us to accept the titles of duke and duchess, it’s expected when royalty takes land from a noble to build a capital that the nobles gain those titles.”

“Oh…” Pensword muttered and blushed. “Remember, Matthew came from a non noble ruled nation, and Pensword, I … we came from a place not of nobility. So we never learned about- I never learned about that rule.”

“I hope it does not bother you?” Luna asked.

“To be honest,” Pensword muttered thinking back to something he said earlier and could not remember if Luna was present or not. So he spoke it again. “I need to move forward. I am married, I am about to be a father to a my first child, and I cannot run from what I have done. I created a nest. I might as well live in it, including any fallout that may come if we ever establish contact with my world.” He paused and looked to Luna, knowing she knew about the facade. “Our world. I still am shocked you let us galavant around making fools of ourselves with our hole filled story.”

“We had to take things slowly. We didn’t know what you were capable of, or if more where coming,” Luna said. “Playing along seemed to be the safer path”

“Well, it sure kept us from freaking. We, or at least I, was more concerned maintaining the cover story.” He muttered. “Still, now, I have been through three wars, seen things I wish on neither pony nor human, and frankly, I am ready to say yes just to avoid any more antics and politics or adventures.” He looked to Lunar Fang. “What about you, dear? You okay being a duchess?” He paused. “That would make her the first Thestral duchess since thine fall a thousand years ago, would it not?”

Luna nodded. “And it would also make a statement for my new capital.”

“So,” She asked trying to act in a manner similar to the silly actions the humans had taken in a time that seemed so very long ago. “Shall we begin?”

On the path to New Unity, Hammer Strike walked alongside six other ponies. Blast Shield and Tower shield were accompanied by some of their family. Grampa Buckler came along with Cold Shield, Metal Shield, and Sky Shield. Each of the group carried something of theirs along with them to New Unity.

Metal Shield was looking more at Hammer Strike and not around him. The red earth pony with black mane and tail finally asked a question at the gates“Uh, Milord, I was wondering, could I be of assistance with your work? If you need any ponies to test any new armor, I would be happy to help.”

“I’ll have to see how you work first, then we’ll talk about that,” Hammer responded. “We’ll figure this all out once we get set up. Welcome to New Unity,” he said, gesturing around only to pause at the number of gryphons on the inside of the fort. “Well then, that’s an obvious difference.”

Gryphons were spread all over new unity, many helping with reconstruction while others seemed to be aiding by training the troops in bowmanship. One or two could be seen in the far corner shaping stones to use in the repairs. Grif stood somewhat further down the courtyard looking over some schematics.

“Grif!” Hammer Strike called out as he walked over to him.

Grif turned his head in a very bird like fashion. “Oh, hello Hammer Strike.” He smiled “I am guessing you have a question or two for me?”

“I’m sure you can guess the main question, considering the visible difference.”

“Well, you know how Twilight mentioned a band of gryphon mercenaries who travel through this way yearly?” Grif asked.

“Wonderful.” Hammer Strike commented. “As long as I don’t have to deal with assassins, I guess it doesn’t really bother me.”

“Thats… good, cause at least a third of them may be staying for a long term,” Grif said. “... And that number could grow”

“I just love getting late news.” Hammer commented. “I think I’m going to go get the shields set up and then work on a few… projects that I remembered.”

“Okay. When you get some time, these swords may need to be looked after.” Grif said, motioning to his twin rapiers. “They seem too light for me now, and i’m worried they will throw off my swing.”

“I’ll add that to the long list of things I have to repair or rework.” Hammer Strike sighed. “The thousand years weren’t kind for the equipment left in the vault.”

“No rush. There shouldn’t be a major fight yet,” Grif said. “Actually, winter wrap up should be happening soon, shouldn’t it?”

“Yep.” Hammer Strike replied. “Though with us being in the Everfree, we will not be doing much of that.”

“I figured I’d take my troops into ponyville and help out.” Grif shrugged.

“You can if you want. I’ll most likely be working like usual.”

“Well, I should go and check how they're doing by the outer walls,” Grif noted. “We’ll talk later,” he said in farewell as he took to the air.

Hammer Strike turned back towards the Shields and gave a slight shake of his head. “Alright. Now we have to figure out what all of you can do and are willing to do,” he said. “Besides you, Blast and Tower. You technically know what you are doing.”

Sky Shield looked around. “Perhaps I can organise some pegasi and we can get some clouds together for some sort of outpost?” he offered. “From ponyville, of course.”

“I was about to say, good luck considering we are in the Everfree.” Hammer responded. “But that sounds reasonable, I guess.”

“Consider it done.” Sky Shield replied with a smart salute and left with about five other Pegasi towards Ponyville.

Metal Shield raised a hoof. “Can I have a space to tinker myself at the moment?” He actually smiled. “It would be nice to try some of the ideas I have in my head.”

“I’ll show you to the room in a moment. We’ll see how things play out from there.”

“Where should I be?” Buckler asked, looking around.

“Where do you think you’ll be best suited?”

“Not really sure,” Buckler answered. “I’ve been told I’m too old for combat. I’ve got a good eye for numbers, though. You need an armory officer?”

“We can get you settled in for that if you are up to it. Though keep in mind, because you are told something doesn’t mean that’s what it is. Technically, I’ve been told if I continued on my path, I would be dead already.”

“I’d fight if you’d let me” buckler said.

“It is up for you to decide.” Hammer shrugged. “Do you feel you are fit for that, or training others, or something else if you wanted?.”

“I’ll whip the younguns into shape.” Buckler smiled after some thought.

“Glad to hear it.”

A white Unicorn with ice blue mane and tail just looked at Hammer Strike. “I shall begin preparing for any invasions.” His voice fit his name well. Cold Shield stood stoically as he met his Lord’s eyes. “Also, I tend to do my own things. Please, do not get in my way. I shall say this. I work on paper tactics, running them in my head. If you wish to get involved, let me practice them on the field at some point.”

“Whatever works for you,” Hammer Strike replied. “With all this settled, I’ll show you all around momentarily. Then you are free to do your tasks.”

Pensword looked at his wife as they dressed in their armor from the Third Gryphon war. He liked her armor, well the second pair, seeing as her original had been left in the past to end up in the Museum. It was a little tight, but still fit for the moment. One could tell she was with a foal. “So, ready to return to our lands and, bring the Thestrals again into the light?” he paused. “And so help any pony who wishes to put them back,” he said as he raised a wing blade. “They shall face Me.” he paused. “As well as thee, my sweet Lunar Fang.”

“As always, I am with you.” She smiled. “I see a twilight coming for our species.”

“Uh, in my world, a Twilight is the ending of something. What, do you think of it in yours?”

“Twilight is one of the most beautiful times of night,” she reminded him. “It gives us both the light and the dark before the night fades. It is as much a beginning as an end: a symbol of change.”

“Ah. I like the Thestral view of Twilight better than my version.” Pensword replied. “A good twilight to come,” he muttered.

“No matter what happens, the thestrals will not only thrive, but for once, we will have a permanent place in Equestria.”

“Long live High Chieftess Luna.” Pensword whispered, kissing her on the muzzle. He pulled away as he heard the clock chiming softly in the room. His eyes widened. “We had better find Luna now. I would rather not be late arriving to the caves.” He paused as his eyes spotted something else. “Dear, I do believe that an occasion such as this would be an appropriate time to wear our wedding gifts.”

Lunar Fang followed her husband’s gaze. She snorted with mirth in her eyes. “More like you wish to prove without a word just who we are.” She smiled as her eyes twinkled. “Very well, my dear. We shall wear your kill that won you my courtship.” She smiled as the two walked towards the chest.

Pensword paused in shock. “Oh dear.” He muttered. “With all that has gone on, I Forgot something. I have a duel at nine tonight.” He shook his head. “I, I need a good authority to be my second, no way in all of Equis would I risk your life, nor the life of our foal.” He paced around the room, his expression grim. “I just wonder how, skilled this Gryphon is.” He looked to the window. “Who do you have in mind for my second?”

“What about Colonel Nightshade?” Lunar fang asked.

“Is he any good? Wouldst thou trust him with thine own life?” he asked as he moved to start donning his armor. “How do I reach him?”

“He is generally at Luna’s side when matters of the nightguard come up. I imagine that he’d be at the compound now, though.”

“Then let us pay him a visit. Would you lead the way? I have never been to your compound.” He paused and smiled a little. “I will get to see where you vanished to all those times.” He shook his head. “Seems so long and yet such a short time ago that you called me human to tease me.”

Then follow me, human.” She smiled as she turned as her husband followed behind. Together, they made their way to the Lunar compound.

“As you wish, my little Thestral,” he replied with a laugh.

The hour arrived. Three equines stood in the park waiting for the Gryphon, as the challenge had stated. Pensword stood dressed in his full armor, complete with wing blades for show. They challenged him. He would appear as a legend then. He looked to a clock tower as it struck nine. The bells began to toll. He swiveled his ears to catch the sound of anything approaching.

The gryphon in question approached from the opposite end flanked by another cloaked male gryphon. “I see you made it.”

“I am a stallion of my word. You challenged me and I accepted. Therefore, I am here.”

“Very well,” the gryphon said as the cloaked gryphon offered Pensword a rapier.

He held a hoof out to stop the Gryphon, then spread his wings as Lunar Fang and Nightshade moved to unclasp the wing blades. “It would be unfair for me to have more weapons than the prescribed weapon of choice.” As soon as the blades were removed, he took the rapier and held it before him as he took up his stance. “Now I am ready.”

“Excellent.” The gryphon second said from behind his hood. “This duel is to be a battle for honor, love of country, and family. The rules are simple. The combatants shall take their weapons and salute one another. At the challenger’s signal, the two shall begin. The duel shall be settled at first blood. These are the terms.

The gryphon assumed his own stance, holding the rapier diagonally towards pensword, the point trained just below his neck.

Pensword copied the move, only his blade was poised at the wing of the Gryphon. He waited for the signal to begin.

“Engarde!” the gryphon shouted, coming at pensword with a series of quick thrusts.

Pensword moved only to block or parry the moves. The blades clicked and slashed, glowing like liquid silver in the air. When they met head on, a bell-like tone pealed through the night, a mere shadow compared to the deep-throated clamour of the tower. He took a step back and the gryphon lunged. He could feel the Gryphon’s confidence growing. He smirked, parried, then with a quick thrust, he shifted from defensive to the offensive.

The gryphon managed to keep a reasonable guard, though it was quite clear he lacked Pensword’s battlefield experience as he gave far too much ground. Finally seeing an opening, the gryphon slashed forward putting pensword on guard again as he rained down blows attempting to regain what he had lost in their dance.

The ground the gryphon supposedly regained soon gave way to a terrible truth. Pensword shifted his stance and resumed the offensive. It was merely a ploy to get the challenger to expend more energy. He was glad to see the Gryphon had chosen to remain on the ground so far. An aerial rapier fight would be a little harder, but hopefully doable. He blocked a blow and found his opening as he attacked, pushing the Gryphon back again and finally nicking the Gryphon along the arm. “First blood.” Pensword said, stepping back.

The gryphon growled menacingly. He moved to attack again, only for Colonel Nightshade to clear his throat.

“What?” The gryphon snarled, about to rebuke the offender when he finally noticed the cross bow carefully brought to bear. “In accordance with the treaty and by your own account, this duel was to first blood. You lost, sir, fair and square. Now, if you move to attack again, you will die. And no one will be to blame but yourself.”

The gryphon looked to his second who silently shook his head. With a growl he snapped his rapier over his knee and stormed away.

Pensword paused and waited till the Gryphon was out of sight. “Lunar Fang, take a rag and gather the broken blade. I shall have it displayed in my office.” he looked to Colonel Nightshade. “Thank you for your help.” He looked around the park. “Now we need to return to our quarters and prepare for our trip tomorrow.”

“I’ll have an eye kept on those two while they’re here,” the one eyed thestral nodded. “If you need me again, just ask.”

“I shall do so if needed. Consider thee to be my second for any duels within the walls of Canterlot,” Pensword replied looking towards Lunar Fang. “However, we two can find our own way home from here.”

“Why, Pensword,” Lunar Fang said, blushing profusely as her mate walked to her side. Nightshade took this as his cue to leave and with a few wing flaps, he disappeared into the night, leaving the couple to themselves.

Shawn stood inside his bedroom for the first time in both days and years. Removing his hand from the bracelet he looked at it and its brother for a moment, clenching them into fists before rolling his wrists. He felt disoriented, but being a pony for thirty seven years would do that, considering that now he had technically been a pony longer than he had been a human.

He sighed aloud and blinked a few times as he focused on his balance again, his mind reworking itself for a bipedal stance. He looked around at his room. His belongings had been placed on the floor as requested, and he had sorted them where they needed to be. He sighed once again as he walked over to a mirror to take a look at himself.

While it was tougher to see his facial hair when it was thin as a pony, it was much more obvious with less fur. His mind drifted as his eyes came across a few scars that seemed to still be present on his face and one on his ear, specifically where the part had been torn off in his other form.

He removed his coat and draped it onto a chair nearby. He wore dark blue pants with his brown boots and a white dress shirt with a dark blue vest. Pushing up his sleeves, he found the same thing that he did with part of his face. Shaking his head, he rolled his sleeves down and walked away from the mirror towards his desk, where many of his old projects and research into Thaumaturgy had been placed.

Staring at the old Latin in front of him, his mind translated the language once again as he read his private notes. Projects that he wanted to test, and a few other important notes. Like one to…

His head shifted towards the small lockbox on his desk. Patting his pockets he found the object he was looking for and pulled it out. An odd shaped key.

Placing it into the lock, he gave it a turn and popped it open to reveal something he had been hiding from the others…

The crystal Grif had on his arm at the Crystal Empire.

When the burst had broken the crystal off, he had grabbed it, wanting to lock it away and ensure it was out of reach of anyone. And so he kept it near him always, locked away by a strange key in this magically enchanted box. The dark crystal seemed to periodically send a shock out of it while in the box, as if every now and then it was trying to send a message or break free. Yet it appeared the crystal lacked the power to do so. Was it possible that this shard contained some form of intelligence? And if so, whose or what kind did it hold?

Shaking his head, Hammer Strike closed the box again, looking around his room one last time. Certain that nopony else was present, he locking the box and returned things as they were before, always keeping the key close to his breast while the thing remained locked away where it could do no harm. He would guard it as long as he had to if it meant keeping his friends safe.

Half a mile outside the village of Lunar Haven, Lunar Fang, Pensword, and Luna materialized. Luna had been unable to stop grinning from within the helmet of her armor since she put it on. The refurbished armor seemed to breathe new life into the lunar princess. Her eyes shone with a look that Pensword had not seen since the time of their first venture to this town a thousand years ago. A confidence, a stance that stated that she knew her element, and she could and would push forward with her plan of action. It was to Lunar Fang, a look she had seen many times when she was on the battle field. The Lunar Princess, it seemed, was finally coming into her own and finding her place in this strange new time.

Pensword found himself unable to keep from cracking a smile himself. It was a contagious feeling. He had decided to wear the cloak he had made so long ago for his wedding, that of the Ursa Minor he had slain so long ago. His armor clinked beneath its covering as he turned his head to look at Lunar Fang. He beamed at her as she wore a slightly modified set of armor to allow for her belly. Shining like the stars at night, she bore her own wedding cloak, granting her a regal appearance while still maintaining the power of a warrior.

Lunar Fang found herself hiding a smile behind her wing at how Pensword was acting. Her heart was glad that Matthew was slowly re-emerging from the travesty of the war. The two looked at each other while Luna scanned their surroundings.

What was now Lunar Haven was much larger than Pensword remembered as thestrals, hybrids, and even some non thestral ponies strolled down the roads casually. They walked through a great wooden gate, watching as it swung ponderously closed. On either side of the gate, set into a stone wall, two towers rose to afford protection and reconnaissance for the town. As Pensword observed his surroundings, he noticed that this wall wrapped around just a ways outside of the small city’s limits. The houses were tiny, but sturdy, with farm fields all around them just waiting for spring and winter wrap up.

The group slowly began to walk forward as they entered the town limits. It felt like taking a step into the past for pensword as he saw several things he’d not seen in months by his memory. Thestrals worked in the open air tanning hides of various kills while others sorted cuts of meat. Farmers worked the fields with scythes and rakes, and others were selling their food and wares in a market. Pensword had to keep an impulse down to delay their time table to browse. All the while, foals played in the streets putting on faces of imaginary bravado against equally imaginary enemies. This caused Pensword to smile. But his eyes told a sadder story at the sight.

The crowds slowly quieted as the three newcomers approached a stone arch where the original entrance to the town had been. At the top of the arch, carefully carved into the keystone, Princess Luna’s cutie mark stood proudly. To the right and left, Pensword’s and Lunar Fang’s cutie marks lay as an accompaniment to the center. The marks stood at about eye level to a flying Thestral. The arch itself was two stories tall.

To Pensword’s mind, or rather Matthew’s mind, as he slowly found himself refering even to his human memories as Pensword’s, what played in his head was a smaller version of the Arch De Triumph from Paris. On the top of the arch a ball stood, the image of the moon stood carved on it for all to see from before Nightmare Moon covered its surface. Passing beneath, the trio found carvings depicting the many triumphs of the Thestrals, the most prominent being on the top of the arch showing the front of Fort Triumph with Luna and Pensword’s cutie marks in the middle while the emblems of the Tribes lay evenly spaced on either side. As they finished passing through the arch, they found a large plaza ringed with paving stones. A grassy field lay in the middle, giving the impression of peace and rest.

Next they saw a statue in the middle of the grass that caused all of them to pause. There they stood, staring at themselves. The statues appeared to be standing on what Pensword almost wanted to say was a stone grassy field somewhere. Within hoof’s reach, weapons stood in their racks, waiting for their owners to take up arms if needed. What surprised Pensword and Lunar Fang was how Pensword had one of his wings draped over Lunar Fang’s body in a loving yet protective manner. They both had their heads touching. Even in this pose, they could see that Princess Luna, while sleeping, was still positioned in a way to protect the other two even then. Around the sleeping forms, statues of other Thestrals lay in wait, smaller in stature, and all facing outwards as if guarding the three during their time of rest and sleep. An inkling in Pensword’s mind thought that these might be the images of chieftains past. At least until he noticed the Mare in front of his statue. There stood his grandmother, lovingly watching over the couple. He turned his head quickly to keep the tears from his eyes. He paused as his eyes caught the title under the statute. He read it aloud to the others. “The sleeping warriors: may they return well rested and willing to lead us again.” He paused and looked back to Luna and Lunar Fang. “It appears that this is a place of remembrance.”

“It would appear that they remember us,” Luna noted, looking around.

“I would concur.” Pensword muttered. The plaza had come to a stand still. “I shall have to lay some Moon Flowers in front of Grandma’s statue to honor her.”

“Shouldn’t we, uh, plan a hasty exit if needed?” Lunar Fang whispered to the other two as she turned her ears about under the articulated armor, only for Pensword to shake his head, using a wing to point around them. She looked around as she heard Luna step forward, closer to the statue.

“I doubt we would be successful.” Luna scanned the area. “But I also doubt it will be necessary. They are likely to know why we have come.”

“Once again,” Pensword started before trailing off as a slightly timid colt slowly walked forward. An Earth Pony with thestral eyes, ears, and coat shivered as he looked upon Luna in her armor.

“Ponies of Lunar haven,” Luna spoke, not wanting to risk the canterlot voice with so many thestrals around. “The exile of the Thestrals ends now.” She spread her wings as she said this. “And the age of unification has arrived!”

The bold declaration was met with silence. Luna looked at the thestrals, scanning from one end to another. Her eyes betrayed the fear and regret that churned underneath. At long last, somepony started stomping loudly in the back. From another part of the crowd, a Thestra cry of victory sounded. It spread like a wave as thestrals, ponies, and half breeds alike all cheered and shouted. Some wept, clinging to loved ones at the possibilities of what may come. Lost family that could be found again.

Pensword, feeling a little more confident and smiling, pulled something else from under his cloak. Concord gleamed in the sunlight as he felt that he needed to show a tool that had come from the forges of Lunar Haven. He smiled as he held it up. For the moment, losing himself in the celebratory atmosphere.

The crowd roared louder at the sight, the shout echoing in the mountain air. Some of the colts and fillies suddenly rushed the three with joy as they showcased the same fearlessness the CMC held. Pensword laughed as he lay down on the ground and let the foals look at the cloak. Others stared, wide eyed at High Chieftess Luna and her Ursa Major armor. They were all talking fast, overlapping one another to the point where no one could understand them. For once though, he didn’t care that he couldn’t understand. He could feel another piece of his old self falling into place as he gazed on his people. He paused, trying to hold back the tears.

Pain, joy, and many other emotions rushed through him at once as once again, he saw Mountainside Falls rising from the dust of memory. This time, it was as he remembered it from his foalhood. His siblings grinned at him from the city hall with the rest of the citizens. They waved at him. Some cried. There were the Hooves with their horns buffed and polished, the elder brother nodding his head in acknowledgement while the younger winked playfully. Their personal guard stood with the village guard behind them, their armor gleaming as they saluted the commander, his old teacher saluting beside the two lords. And there at the front stood the three most important people in his life. His grandmother, Moonbeam, and Iron Pen stood proudly with his family and the rest of the tribe. They smiled and waved, tears of gratitude and love in their eyes. At long last, the ghosts were at peace, confident that a new generation could rebuild where they had faced only destruction and segregation before.

“We promised, you know. We’ll visit to say hello, but no more pain. Alright?” Moonbeam asked, her beautiful voice ringing like a bell. Pensword nodded in acknowledgement, not trusting himself to speak. This time, the tears flowed freely.

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