• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 39: Discord: The Double Douche, and Squad Two: The Elements

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind
Chapter 39:

Spitfire trotted up the stairs and turned sharply to the right towards Soarin’s room.

What was it now? Soarin’s little issues had put enough dents in their plans and schedules already. She was starting to lose her patience. Soarin was her best friend and she cared about him, but she had responsibilities and an organization to run. He was in a position of high importance to the Wonderbolts, and if he continued this trend of not being able to perform his duties, she was bound by the Wonderbolt code to take action. She had already threatened him with it a few times. She didn’t know how much more she’d be able to bend the rules for him before it brought her down as well.

Soarin couldn’t have timed this specific event any worse. They had a show in Manehattan in a week and a half and they had barely practiced their routine. It was bad enough that they were trying to get Air Mach ready to perform on their higher standard.

The shows were important. They were what generated eighty percent of Wonderbolt funds. Lately their revenue had been incredibly low. The absence of the lead squad at recent shows had plunged ratings and attendance. The other squads weren’t bad… but their fans adored the lead squad’s performances. The other squads complemented them. Because of their decreased revenue, their expenses chopped off a much larger chunk of their funds… making profits barely a fraction of what they had been before the whole incident with Rapidfire. Things needed to change. Friendship aside, Spitfire wasn’t going to let the whole compound fall down for Soarin’s sake.

She stopped in front of Soarin’s door and took a deep breath before lifting her hoof to knock. Suddenly a hand reached out and caught it.

“Now now, ma capitan… It’s not very polite to knock on somepony’s door while they’re resting.”

Spitfire’s ears flattened the instant she heard the voice. She slowly turned her head to the left and glared directly into the smug eyes of Discord.

“You have five seconds to let go of me before you lose that arm,” she snarled at him, not in the mood for his antics. Discord leaned back, his arm detaching from his body as the hand remained clamped on her.

“Ha! Beat you to it!” Discord puffed his chest out with pride. Spitfire grabbed his arm, yanked his hand from her, and threw the disembodied appendage down the hall. Discord looked up and watched his arm fly down the hall and bounce to a stop near the stairs. “That wasn’t very polite either—” he was cut off as Spitfire hovered up, grabbed his ears and yanked him down so he was face to face with her.

“Listen you disgruntled pile of animal parts, if there’s a good reason for you coming here and annoying the hell out of me then OUT WITH IT! I’m not in the mood for any crap!” She growled in his face.

“Psh…” Discord scoffed as he lifted his head up, his ears detaching and remaining in Spitfire’s hooves. “Do you honestly you can scare me?” his arm walked by them on two fingers. Discord leaned down and let his arm hop back up into his shoulder. “It’s not MY fault you’re in the middle of an irritable bodily function,” he reached down and plucked his ears from Spitfire’s grip, snapping them back to the sides of his head. “Besides, I’ve seen much worse… want to see a truly terrifying mare when they are feeling the heat? You should see Celestia… there’s a reason I like to call her Sun Butt from time to time, you know…” Discord paused and glanced down at Spitfire. She was still glaring at him.

“Just shut up and tell me what’s wrong with him…” she demanded while scrunching her face. Discord sighed and leaned against the wall.

“Is that any way to ask nicely?” he pouted. Spitfire’s glare only sharpened further. Discord rolled his eyes. “Youngun’s these days… no respect…” he pushed off the wall and crossed his arms while looking seriously at Spitfire. “Well…” he began. “We had a little mishap during our last magic training session. I’m sure he’s told you about those.”

“He’s brought them up, yes… and he uses it every once in a while, go on…” Spitfire encouraged. Discord looked towards Soarin’s door.

“Let me put it this way… Celestia can be a real pain in whatever constitutes as my ass…” Discord scoffed. He shook his head and looked back towards Spitfire. “I honestly don’t know what she was thinking. She claims she wishes to meet an incoming threat to Equestria head on, but then effectively takes herself out of the picture...” he paused when he saw Spitfire glare again. “Oh, relax. I’m getting to the point,” he shifted and began pacing back and forth. “Celestia has done something that she really shouldn’t have… at least in my opinion. She’s released the bonds on a great destructive power that she herself has been holding down for a long time… and gave it to a mortal. I hate to say it, but she probably would have been better off letting him die.”

“EXCUSE ME?!” Spitfire snapped at him and leapt up, pressing her face angrily against his.

“You heard me,” Discord put up a finger. Chaos magic surrounded Spitfire. He moved his finger forward, and pointed down. In synch, Spitfire was moved away from him and placed back on the ground. “Celestia has put Equestria in danger by handing such power to Soarin. If I were a logical entity… I wouldn’t hesitate to kill Soarin and destroy the power before it grows any stronger…” he said with an unusually serious tone.

Spitfire’s eyes widened. Discord was being serious. This was… really bad.

“However…” Discord sighed. “Celestia would never do such a foolish thing unless she had a very good reason. She is one if not the only one I have ever come to fully trust over our timeless existence. If giving the power to Soarin was necessary… then I plan to make sure it stays with him. It may sound farfetched to you, but I do care about the future of the world I exist in.”

“But…” Spitfire flattened her brow. “You still haven’t told me what’s wrong with Soarin!” she complained. “What did Celestia do? What sort of power did she really put inside him?! It’s not just some random forbidden magic, is it?” she demanded to know. Discord stared at her for a moment and then looked away.

“It is not my place to say,” he said plainly.

“Oh, BULLSHIT!” Spitfire stomped. Discord glared down at her.

“I’m only honoring Celestia’s wishes. If you want to argue, take it up with her… but I doubt you’ll be able to right now…” Discord shrugged.

Spitfire held her breath and squinted her eyes shut. She shook her head and released a loud, annoyed grunt, whipping her tail out straight once before turning around and walking towards the stairs. Discord blinked as she moved away before vanishing and appearing right in her path.

“And just where are you going? Trudging off like that without speaking your mind makes others curious… and it’s not wise to make a god of chaos curious…” he snickered while twirling the end of his scraggily white beard with his finger. Spitfire didn’t glare at him. She gave him the flattest, most unamused expression she could muster.

“Soarin is slowing our schedule down. I have to release him from service until he sorts everything out. I have to think about the Wonderbolts before personal relationships,” she replied dutifully.

“You will do no such thing,” Discord instantly replied. Spitfire blinked and looked up at him in annoyed confusion.


“I said you won’t do that,” Discord confirmed. Spitfire cocked an eyebrow.

“Why not?” she asked. “You have five seconds to convince me.”

“Fullmasteryofthemagicrequireshimtohavefullaccesstohisregularworkingshedulesohecanremaininacomfortableandfamiliarenvironmentashisbodyadjuststothenewinternalstrain.” Discord fired the words out all in five seconds.

“Uh…” Spitfire couldn’t understand a word of it.

“That was the five second version… want to hear the three?” Discord chuckled and sneered.

“Just… tell me,” Spitfire sighed, realizing she wasn’t getting out of this unless she played along.

“Soarin needs to be on his normal routine. The most effective way for him to learn control over his power is to have him do so in an environment and schedule his body is already used to. So… you will not remove him from service. He’s already having issues due to certain mare screaming at him for no reason… I won’t let you throw him off more,” Discord stated while crossing his arms and bending his neck all the way down so his face was eye level with hers. Spitfire huffed and tried to walk past him.

“Fine. I’ll put him on a lower squad so—”

“No, you won’t do that either,” Discord shifted in front of her and lowered his face in front of hers again. Spitfire’s patience completely snapped. She growled and pointed at him.

“Look! You don’t make the rules around here! If I want to keep my job and lead the Wonderbolts in the right direction, I have to do something about Soarin! We are having expense issues and low profits! This is a REAL issue. A business issue! One that a dumbass god like yourself never has to worry about! Now get the hell out of my way!” Spitfire yelled as hard as she could into his face. Any saliva that shook free of her mouth took convenient, artificial arcs around Discord’s face as she belted.

Discord stood up straight as she walked by, looking down at her while slowly narrowing his eyes. A small, devilish smirk curled onto his lips. He held up his hand, sneered, and snapped his fingers.

Spitfire flinched and froze in place as a faint aura of chaos magic surrounded her. Her eyes widened considerably as she felt an intense… sensation in her stomach. She wasn’t quite sure how to describe it… it felt like cramping… but at the same time felt good?

“AH!” She lurched back and clutched her abdomen. It actually felt like… it was a little lower than her stomach. Suddenly a raging blush crossed her face and she curled down, nearly touching her head to the floor. “OH! AAAHH! WHAT THE HELL?!” she started to freak out as she staggered backwards.

“Hmmm… this should be a little familiar to you… as I do recall, you’ve had your mind overtaken by chaos magic in the past…” Discord began pacing around her as she clutched her body and shivered. “The Shadowbolt crystals are bred from wayward chaos magic… and one of their overzealous rookies used one to amplify your emotions and sent you into a crazed rampage…” he stopped and faced her with a sneer so wide that his grin extended past the boundaries of his face. “But that’s just boring… there’s so many other… better things it can do!”

“Shit!” Spitfire yelled as she fell onto her plot, but the impact sent an unexpected shockwave through her. “AH!” she yelped, her face turning redder by the second.

“In my opinion amplification of emotions is just the tip of the iceberg…” he snapped his fingers again. The glow around Spitfire brightened slightly.

“AYEYAIAYIAYAI!!!!” Spitfire curled up on the ground while breathing heavily.

“Amplification of the body… whether it be strength, function, or whatever might be convenient to the situation… that is where chaos magic shines in terms of boosting…” he snickered. “You heard me, bodily functions can be amplified…” he snapped his fingers again. The glow brightened once more.

“YOW!” Spitfire hopped up on all four hooves and frantically back-stepped until she fell down and tumbled into the wall. “STOP IT!” she yelled out as she blushed and clutched her abdomen with both her arms and wings.

“You thought you were feeling the heat? Well I can make it worse… still this isn’t even a fraction of how bad Celestia has it when the time comes around… imagine being the embodiment of the sun… in heat… it’s not pretty, I assure you.” Discord spoke to Spitfire casually as she writhed on the floor. “You know you should really consider relieving yourself… I can only imagine how much you want it now… seeing as how I’ve at least bumped it up seven or so notches.”

“WHAT IS AHHH! WRONG WITH YOU!?” Spitfire tried to chastise him as her body jittered and twitched within the natural urges he was amplifying. “THIS IS OOOAAHH!!!! THIS IS JUST WRONG! AH!” She curled up on the floor again.

“What’s wrong with me? Moi? Innocent, wittle old me?” Discord began prancing around her and an angel halo appeared above his head. “You’re the one that’s not listening to a god…” he mumbled. “Listen to me…” he leaned down to Spitfire as she moaned and groaned on the floor. “If you don’t change anything about Soarin… I will cancel the magic and leave you alone. Don’t challenge me, I could do MUCH worse than I’m doing right now,” he threatened as Spitfire looked up at him and glared through her blush.

“I ah! I will not be swayed by OW! Meaningless temptations!” she growled despite her female urges spiking so hard it was a wonder she hadn’t blown to pieces yet.

“You asked for it…” Discord shrugged and snapped his fingers again. Spitfire slammed her eyes shut, expecting another wave to pulse through her… but nothing happened. She slowly opened her eyes…

“WHA!?” She yelped as her eyes widened as much as they could. Discord did not amplify her body any more… instead he did something much… MUCH worse.

“Captain… are you alright?”

“Captain… are you alright?”

“Captain… are you alright?”

“Captain… are you alright?”

“Captain… are you alright?”

“Captain… are you alright?”

“Captain… are you alright?”

“Captain… are you alright?”

“Captain… are you alright?”

Spitfire’s jaw dropped. She was surrounded by Wave Chills. She couldn’t even count them all. There were at least twenty of them, maybe even more, she couldn’t see past them from the floor. They all approached and surrounded her, crouching down as if to check on her and make sure she was alright. Spitfire knew they weren’t real. She knew it was an illusion. That didn’t change the fact that she was surrounded by upwards of thirty of the stallion she wanted to be with… and her heated mare urges were being amplified at least ten times over… she couldn’t take it! It was too much!

“OKAY! OKAY! STOP, STOP, STOP! I WON’T DO IT! JUST STOP, PLEASE!!” Spitfire cried out while blushing furiously. She was almost driven to the point of tears, not because it hurt… because it felt too good and wasn’t real.

“Very well…” Discord’s voice hovered above her and all the Wave Chills disappeared. Discord floated down in front of her and snapped his fingers. The glow disappeared from around Spitfire and she exhaled loudly before finally getting to relax her body.

“You… are… a… bastard…” Spitfire grumbled as she panted and wheezed.

“A GLORIOUS one I might add… I apologize for going to extremes when there is no other way…” he threw his arms out. “This is your fault, not mine. I told you what needed to happen and you didn’t listen… maybe this will teach you to think that your word goes over a god’s…” he crossed his arms and scoffed. “Don’t do a thing to change how Soarin goes about his life. If you do… well, let’s just say I wasn’t trying very hard just now…” he stopped and looked up on the clock on the wall. “Oh dear, I’m afraid I have to get moving,” he leaned down to her as she slowly sat up. “I’ve got my eyes on you…” he said sinisterly. He slowly faded away, his eyes staying behind and blinking a few times before they disappeared as well.

Spitfire laid flat on the floor on her stomach, gasping and panting for a moment, just trying to capture her breath. Having her mind controlled was one thing… having her body controlled… and manipulated? That was less painful, more… absurdly unpleasant, especially how Discord manipulated her.

Although… what was worse… was when he made the fake…

“Ah!” Spitfire scrambled to her hooves and galloped towards her room a few doors down. She kicked her door open and dove in. She tumbled to a stop, quickly got up, slammed the door behind her, and propped her back against it. She was still panting… and her abdomen was still churning a little… but not necessarily in a way that hurt. She squeezed her eyes shut and slowly slid her back down the door until she was sitting on the floor. She hugged herself tightly.

What an asshat… Discord…

Messing with her and her current internal issues to get what he wanted. Spitfire had never known a more low, disgraceful, despicable, disgusting…

Spitfire opened her eyes.

“Huh?” she blinked. Was she dreaming? When she entered her room, it was empty save for her bed, closet, desk, and the like. She had shut her eyes as she slumped against the door… but when she opened them, there were multiple large burlap bags everywhere. She looked back and forth at all of them. Curiosity overpowered the desire to remain still for the rest of the day. She stood up and trotted towards the closest bag up against her bed. It was almost as large as her. She reached up, and forced the bag open.

She almost had to shield her eyes. Bits. It was filled with bits… to the brim. Spitfire’s jaw dropped as she stared. She quickly looked at the bag sitting on her desk. She darted over to it and ripped it open. She yelped as a bunch of spring loaded snakes fired out of it, but as soon as she looked back, it too, was filled with bits. She looked back at the rest of them.

There were at least twenty-five bags of bits the size of her in her room. If her estimate was correct based on the size of the bags, there was at least five thousand bits per bag… maybe even more.

“What the…” Spitfire was speechless. She flinched as a small piece of paper suddenly floated down in front of her face. She reached up and grabbed the paper, turning it over. On it was written:

Don’t worry about expenses… Worry about Soarin.

Sincerely (for once),

The Big D (you know you want it)

Spitfire rolled her eyes and crumpled up the piece of paper… but she held onto it as she stared at the bags of bits.

Discord confused her… as he did all. However, if he was willing to help for Soarin’s sake, then there really was something up.

Never in a million years did Spitfire think she’d say this… but she would trust Discord.

“Five… four… three…” Silver counted down. Twister burst into the gymnasium and stood among the recruits. “Two…” Thunderlane and a few others barely made it. “One…” Silver stopped and looked at the crowd. “Line Up!” He suddenly yelled. The recruits quickly scrambled to get into a straight line and stand at attention.

“Oof!” Dash grunted as she somehow managed to run into Matteo twice during the shift. She eventually stood between him and Thunderlane, standing perfectly still as Silver walked before them.

“Come on in!” Silver yelled into the air. Dash blinked and made very subtle glances at the other recruits. Good, she wasn’t the only one confused. Was that an order? Or…

Suddenly, Wave Chill, Blaze, and High Winds all glided over the top of them in full uniform and goggles on. They landed behind Silver, stood in a perfect line side by side, all folded their wings simultaneously, and stood perfectly still.

“Squad two, at ease!” Silver yelled to them as he turned and faced the recruits. Wave, Blaze, and Winds all relaxed, pulled their goggles down around their necks and stood comfortably. As soon as Silver’s back was to them, Blaze nudged Winds and started whispering to her.

Silver glanced back and forth at all the recruits, none had budged since his order and he was pleased with that.

“Now then! Which one of you thinks you’re smart?!” he barked while eying all of them. None of the recruits dared to move. Silver cracked a smile and chuckled. “At least none of ya are dumb enough to move or speak after I call attention! Alright then! You have my permission to raise your hoof and answer any REAL questions I ask! Now again, which one of you thinks you’re smart?!” he belted. Two hooves rose up from the recruits. “Good to know, now which of you are ACTUALLY smart?!” he continued. Another hoof went up. “PUT YOUR HOOF DOWN! I HAVENT ASKED A REAL QUESTION YET!”

Dash just decided not to move until it felt reasonable. Three ponies already got blasted for jumping the gun. Although something caught her attention. Blaze had stopped whispering to High Winds and was now quietly walking up behind Silver. Winds was already trying to stifle laughter. Wave just kept glancing between Blaze and Silver. He slowly shuffled his hooves and put more space between himself and Winds.

“I said a REAL question!” Silver yelled in the face of the recruit who just tried to confirm his intelligence. Blaze stood about a foot behind Silver, took a breath, and made a face that looked identical to the scowl Silver always greeted the recruits with.

Dash instantly puffed her cheeks out while trying to hold back a laugh as Blaze began to mimic all of Silver’s motions.

“If you actually were smart, you’d know that wasn’t a real question!” Silver poked the recruit in the chest and flared his wings out. Blaze copied the motions exactly and even copied his mouth movements. Behind them High Winds clutched her stomach with her wings, brought her hooves up to block the laughter from escaping her lips, and in doing so ended up with her face on the ground. Wave just stared up into a corner of the gym, he did NOT want to be dragged into this. Silver kept yelling at the recruit, now with his face so far forward, the recruit had to pull his neck back.

“I HAVE MORE INTELLIGENCE IN MY LEFT ASS CHEEK THAN YOU DO IN YOUR DAMN SHRUNKEN HEAD! I OUGHTTA— ” He swiftly turned and glared directly into Blaze’s eyes, pressing his nose to hers. It took her almost a full second to drop the expression and mocking gestures. Silver clearly saw it all. The recruits kept glancing elsewhere while he grilled the one. It wasn’t hard for him to put together, he knew his own squad well. “What. Are. You. Doing?” he asked putting extreme emphasis on every word.

Winds completely lost it and rolled onto her back laughing. Wave had moved at least ten extra feet away from her. Blaze quickly tried to cover it up.

“Sir! I was just observing and learning your damn fine, sublime technique, sir!” she said in a fake dutiful voice.

“If I catch you doing that again, I’ll show you damner, finer, sublimer technique when I invite you to dinner this weekend, strap you to the couch, prop your eyelids open, and pork my wife on the coffee table in front of you! NOW STEP THE HELL BACK!” he barked before turning right back around to the recruits, many of which who were clearly holding in chuckles. Blaze stuck her tongue out at him and grinded her hooves against the side of her head as she backed up towards Winds.

“There’s a Silver line to remember,” Winds nudged Blaze and the two shared giggles.

“Now that we’ve got that all cleared up… time for a REAL question!” Silver continued. “Which one of you can tell me… what the form and function of Wonderbolt squad two is?! Assuming at least one of you little knob stoppers actually stayed after the lead squad was done performing!” he paused and looked back and forth.

Dash blinked. She actually knew the answer to that. Only… she was afraid to raise her hoof. Silver had done a hell of a job intimidating them… even when he said it was okay, she was afraid to move unless ordered to do so.

Dash decided to take the chance. She took a deep breath, swallowed, and slowly put a hoof up in the air.

“Skittles!” Silver instantly pointed at her. He said nothing else. Dash figured he was waiting for an answer.

“Sir!” she remained firm and puffed her chest out. “The members of Wonderbolt squad two are known as ‘The Elements!’ They each are an expert in handling one of the four natural elements the Wonderbolts use in their shows! Not even the lead squad compares to them in this regard, sir!” she finished and kept still. Not even looking in Silver’s direction. Dash stiffened as she heard the sound of Silver’s hooves close in from the right. He eventually stood before her. She took a chance and glanced down to see him… smiling? At least it was what would pass for a smile on Silver’s face. It was more like a glare with a wide smirk.

“Check out the big brain on Skittles!” He reached up and tapped her forehead. She didn’t dare budge. “You’re a smart one, and you’re absolutely right!” He stepped back and looked over his shoulder at his squad. Wave was still standing attention, but Blaze and Winds were whispering. They quickly stopped and looked straight ahead with innocent smiles on their faces. Silver made a head motion towards him and let off a sharp, brief whistle.

As the three stepped up, Dash noticed Blaze reach into a well hidden pouch on the right side of her uniform. She pulled what looked like two hoof gloves out of it. She slipped them over her hooves. The other two merely stood at the ready.

Silver looked back at the recruits, the smile disappearing, replaced with his usual glare. He took a deep breath,

“Basic demonstration maneuver one-zero-one! Combination B! Mix and match! Go!” He yelled out.

The ears stood up on the other members of squad two as he spoke. Wave and Winds leapt back as Blaze sneered. She reared back, held her arms out unevenly, and thrust them back inward, the ends of the hoof covers striking together. There was a loud POP followed by a spark and a bright flash. Dash and the recruits all jumped in surprise as flames rose from Blaze’s hooves.


“That’s the good shit!” she said with a disturbing amount of satisfaction as she hovered into the air. She brought the flames in her hooves together, combining them into one large collection of fire, before swinging her arms back out, and spinning. The motion created a ring of fire around her. She dropped to the ground and struck her hooves together again, but this time swung her hooves up as the spark ignited. The air above her combusted and a tower of fire shot up through the ring of flames. It eventually expanded and engulfed the ring, creating a giant fireball that lingered in the air. Blaze leapt up and began hovering around it, pressing her hooves into it and moved them around it to keep the fire alight. It threatened to dissipate on all sides, with no base or fuel to keep it going, but Blaze kept it alive through manipulation of heat.

Dash couldn’t believe her eyes. She had basic knowledge of heat manipulation from her weather team training, but most definitely not to the point where she could keep a fire going IN MIDAIR.

“YOU’RE UP WINDY!” Blaze yelled towards Wave and High Winds. Wave hopped up and took off. He flew up above the recruits as Winds firmly placed her hooves on the ground and thrust her wings out at her sides. She took a deep breath and stretched her wings up above her.

Winds held the breath in for three seconds before her eyes snapped open. She twisted her wings so that the bottom of them tilted forward, and thrust them down, full swing around her body. A loud POOF sounded out from her.

Dash tipped her head in confusion as she eyed Winds… but then she felt a gentle breeze tap against her face… followed by loud POW as an invisible force comparable to a head on body slam smacked against her. Dash and the rest of the recruits were blown right off their hooves, save for Matteo who was forced two steps backwards before lowering himself a little and latching his talons into the floor. Silver however, didn’t budge an inch as the force plowed by him.


Dash couldn’t believe it. High Winds just produced a gust of wind with the strength of a hurricane with ONE wing beat.

Dash quickly sat up… only to see Blaze’s airborne flames flying at them. Matteo glanced back at all the recruits still recovering from their fall, then back at the incoming fire. Without a second thought, Matteo instinctively put himself in front of the fire’s path. He stood back on his hind legs and readied his talons as he wound up with the intention of batting the flames away.

Before he could though, High Winds twisted her body, and forced it to right, spinning while extending her left wing out. A spiral gust of wind propelled from her wings and shot towards the fireball. It lowered until it was beneath the fire, and then shot upward. It catapulted the flames high into the air.

“WHOOAAA!!” Matteo yelled as he swiped his talons, missing the flames horribly because of their change in course. He was also caught by the aftershock of the spiral gust, which spun him around and toppled the mighty griffon over.

“Yikes!” Dash rolled out of the way as Matteo fell… but Thunderlane didn’t quite react in time.

“Oh god…” was all Thunderlane said as Matteo landed back first on top of him with a solid THUMP. Dash cringed as she glanced at Thunderlane’s hooves flailing out from beneath the bulk of Matteo’s body accompanied by muffled screams, but she quickly looked to the ceiling. The fire was heading up towards Wave Chill.

Before the spiraling flame reached him, High Winds reared back, and repeated her first motions while angling her body towards the rising pillar of fire. She pumped her wings down again. The loud bursts of wind echoed throughout the gym again as a harsh blast shot towards the peak of the flames. Upon the wind and fire colliding, the flames were blown in all directions, shooting out and almost completely reaching the walls in all directions.

Dash winced as she felt the intense burst of heat from above. She squinted her eyes to shield them, but managed to barely catch Wave Chill as he began zipping about above them. It looked like he was just flying in circles. He made around ten passes around the gym before he stopped right above them. Dash felt a drip on her cheek. She reached up and wiped it off, staring at her hoof for a moment before looking back up in realization.


There was water dripping from Wave’s wings. It took a moment, but Dash put it together here too.

Heat rises, and as heat rises, it collects moisture in the air… when that moisture is brought together it forms…

Wave spun in a circle, sprinkling the water from his wings and whipping his hooves around to catch and push them together. The heat from the fire was still very present, and as soon as the droplets came together, mist began forming around Wave. The more and more the mist collected, it eventually turned into a small cloud.

Wave Chill created a cloud from moisture he gathered out of the air… that was damn impressive considering he had so little to work with. And once he had one cloud, it was much easier to make more.

Wave began puffing and expanding the cloud and he whipped his wings around to grab more moisture out of the air and added it to the cloud. He soon had four small clouds floating around him.

Fire, wind, and water… that mean Silver was…

Wave grabbed the clouds and one by one chucked them down towards Silver. Blaze sneered and struck her hooves together again, creating a flame that lingered upon her right hoof. She held it up in front of her and readied her left hoof behind it.

“COMIN’ IN HOT!” Blaze yelled out as she swiped her left hoof quickly over her right four times. Each flick sent a small burst of fire forward. They collided with the four clouds as they fell. As the flames touched the clouds, they darkened, but only a little. Little volts of electricity sparked to life as they approached Silver.

Silver stood up on his back hooves and reached his right arm forward Two of the clouds burst over his arm, small ribbons of electricity crackling and popping through his arm as they dissipated. He did the same with his left, absorbing the electricity from the other two clouds.

The recruits all stared in awe as Silver faced them and stiffly moved his hooves close together. Volts of electricity bounced and flared between his hooves. His mane stood up slightly and the ripples of electricity zipped to and fro over his body. He smirked and looked at all the recruits standing with their jaws on the floor.


“That’s right! We are ‘The Elements!’ And we will teach you how use the four base elements with precision and expertise!” He clapped his hooves firmly together and the electricity snapped and popped outward. Dash took a step back as a loose ribbon of electricity struck the ground near her hooves. Silver thrust his arms and wings out, just as Soarin had once explained to Dash, and just as Soarin had showed her, the electricity calmed, but it seemed to stay within Silver. “STAND LINE ATTENTION!” He yelled.

The recruits didn’t know what that one meant, but they all rested easy when the other members of squad two lined up behind him. Silver turned around and motioned to Wave Chill first.

“Wave Chill! Master at manipulating water!” Silver yelled out. As he did, Wave spread his wings and shook them out, sprinkling the remaining condensation off.

Silver moved on to High Winds.

“High Winds! Master at manipulating wind!” Silver patted her on the shoulder. Winds casually spread her wings. Dash’s eyes widened, she had never gotten a close look. Winds’ wings were normal sized, but her wing muscles at the base of the feathers were huge. They looked like Matteo’s wings, only smaller in scale. That explained how she could make such powerful gusts of wind.

Silver stepped up to Blaze.

“Blaze! Master at being a goddamn pyromaniac!” he switched it up. Blaze didn’t seem to mind though. She instantly cracked another flame between her hooves and tossed it up into the air.

“DAMN RIGHT!” She added.

“Shut up,” Silver said flatly to her as he turned and held a hoof up. The electricity in his body crackled around the arm until he shook it out and nodded. “And yours truly… Master of manipulating electricity,” he finished. None of the recruits budged, but Silver was looking around as if he expected an answer of some sort. “You all seem quiet… I guess that means I gotta convince you some more!” He yelled out. “YOU!” he pointed to Thunderlane who was still recovering from having an oversized griffon land on top of him.

“Wha? ER, YES SIR?!” Thunderlane quickly stood up straight. Silver pointed to a nearby wall.

“Go stand against that wall! Left side up against it!” he ordered. Thunderlane didn’t answer, he was against the wall, sideways with his right side facing out as he had been ordered. “Now don’t move!” He ordered.

“Wh-WHAT?!” Thunderlane flinched and looked towards Silver.

“DID I SAY ‘LOOK AT ME’ RECRUIT?!” Silver barked. Thunderlane quickly turned his head back. “DON’T MOVE! I DON’T CARE IF A FLY LANDS ON YOUR EYEBALL AND TAKES A TEN POUND SHIT! YOU DO NOT MOVE!” he made very clear.

Thunderlane whimpered quietly as Silver brought his limbs closer together. His mane spiked up and the electricity began running through his arms again. He fixed his eyes on Thunderlane and gritted his teeth.

“RAH!” Silver yelled as he reared back and punched his right arm forward. The electricity shot from his hoof, careened towards Thunderlane and struck the wall right in front of Thunderlane’s nose. Thunderlane shut his eyes as Silver began throwing wild punches into the air. Each punch fired more electricity from his hooves towards Thunderlane. The streams bent and lurched, smacking against the wall, but never hitting Thunderlane. Silver punched again and again and again and again… until finally he had released all of the electricity built up in him.

Thunderlane didn’t budge. He was holding his breath, shivering, and his eyes were shut tight. He didn’t dare open them. Silver sighed and shook his arms out.

“Alright, you can move,” Silver said in a surprisingly calm tone. Thunderlane’s eyes snapped open and he instantly took three quick steps away from the wall.

“Holy shit…” Dash spoke out as she eyed the wall. Thunderlane turned around and flinched.

There were singe marks all over the wall, but it was in a perfect outline of his body. It even had his mane shape right.

“So as you can see… we are experts in this field… so if there’s any time in this one month I don’t wanna hear any shit from you little runts, it’s during elemental training. It’s a difficult craft, but we will teach you!” Silver paced back and forth as Thunderlane rejoined the recruits. Blaze scoffed off to the side.

“Psh… it’s not that hard…” she shrugged. Winds turned to look at her, then looked slightly up.

“Blazey, your mane’s on fire again,” she said, absurdly casually. Blaze glanced up to see the very tip of her main alight like a candle. She instantly freaked out.

“AH! AH! SHIT! NOT AGAIN! PUT IT OUT! PUT IT—” she was cut off as a deluge of water fell on her from above. She stood completely still, her brow and ears flat with her mane completely pressed down against her head and neck. She glared up at Wave Chill.

“Sorry?” he said while smiling and shrugging. Silver didn’t look at the three of them throughout the whole little exchange. He kept a completely straight face as a few of the recruits snickered.

“Like I said… it’s a very difficult craft…”

--- To Be Continued ---

Author's Note:

whew got this out...

Sometimes i feel like im such a dick to Spitfire xD Well, it was Discord, so it's not like i could hold him back.

And i've FINALLY revealed the form and function of Squad two... about friggen time eh?

So something is seriously wrong with what Celestia did to Soarin... Did the almighty Sun Butt hide the truth? If it wasn't a random forbidden necromancy, just what kind of magic did she REALLY use on Soarin? We gotta get Dash to him STAT! I wonder if i'll get that whole process going next chapter... :trolololo:

Anyway, next chapter? i dunno, i would say thursday or friday... depends on how the week goes. I have a ton of work to do now, but i'm still finding time to write.

I hope you all enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

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