• Published 3rd Jun 2014
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Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 93: It's Raining...

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind
(This Chapter was duo edited by both Kestrel and Lucky424)

Chapter 93: It’s Raining…

“It’s raining?” Soarin blinked as he walked side by side with Spitfire through the west hallway towards the lobby. A pall of dark clouds had spread over Canterlot and the light pitter patter of a gentle rainfall sounded against the windows beside them.

“Looks like it,” Spitfire noticed as well. “With all the commotion and evacuation going on in town, I bet the Canterlot weather team is a bit scattered…” she scrunched her face as she looked out at the courtyard. “The front yard is all torn up too… it’s going to be all muddy and nasty after this…”

The two of them entered the lobby as they guided the last members of the staff back up from taking shelter in the basement.

“Now YOU…” Spitfire glared at Soarin. “Need to finally go get looked at… really, I could have taken care of the staff myself,” she suggested. Soarin shook his head.

“I’ve just got some scratches, I’ll live.” He reached over and poked her in the shoulder. “I didn’t want you to shoulder anymore burden. You’ve had enough today to last you a few years,” Soarin explained himself. He had dropped Dash off at Bliss before going to find Spitfire. He still had yet to go get himself treated, but he wanted to go make sure Spitfire wasn’t pulling her mane out. Plus, he knew Bliss and the medical team were busy with Wonderbolts who were much more injured than him.

“And… I appreciate that Soarin,” Spitfire sighed as she reached one of her wings around and rubbed it against her forehead. “This has been the most chaotic day of my life… morning espionage, dogfight in our front yard, Renegades, Luna, info piled on my head… then we lose a Wonderbolt on top of it. I wish it were easy to just buckle down and focus, but there are so many things I have to address before the end of the day… I don’t even know what time it is,” Spitfire looked around for a clock in the lobby.

“It’s five thirty,” Soarin clarified as he pointed to the clock above the now very broken hangar window.

“It took us that long to clean up the aftermath… thank Celestia we got them all inside before it started raining,” Spitfire said as she shook her head.

“What else do you have to do?” Soarin asked as they moved into the east hallway towards Bliss’ infirmary. It had now been officially renamed since they had to break out the actual medical beds. The trainer tables weren’t going to cut it with some of the injuries that had been received.

“We still have to finalize our defense plan. Then I have to figure out how we’re going to house the Renegades. Apparently they have outposts scattered around, but they want to be on site. I need to talk to Rivet about possible fortifications to the compound that can be done quickly… in less than a day if possible. Then I have to come up with something to tell the media so they stay the hell away... Figure out what I’m going to say to Midnight’s family…” she paused as Soarin cringed. He still had to talk to Fleetfoot about helping her with that. “And a few other things.” She didn’t sound very enthused.

“Sounds rough… to state the obvious,” Soarin cringed as they stopped in front of the infirmary.

“I’ll manage,” Spitfire nodded. “If I’m not used to being under pressure by now… don’t think I’d still be the lead captain.” She stepped behind Soarin and pushed him into the door. “Now go get treatment, dammit!” She forced him in.

“Alright! I’m going!” he chuckled as he stepped through the door into the busy infirmary.

Busy was an understatement. The place was a mess. The first thing Soarin did upon entering was dodge Bliss as she ran by to grab something from her desk. Soarin couldn’t see them all well enough to get a good count, but it looked like at least fifty Wonderbolts were receiving medical attention, thirty of which were in the new medical beds that had been rolled in. As if the pushed aside trainer tables didn’t congest the room enough, the medical staff was also dodging other Wonderbolts who had come in to check in or be beside their squadmates as they were tended to. There was a little bit of yelling going on, but the Wonderbolts tried their best to stay out of the way so the medical teams could do their jobs. Soarin also noticed a few familiar doctors from the Canterlot Central Hospital who had arrived earlier to help with a few who had suffered more drastic injuries. Among them was Doctor Red Cross, who treated Soarin a year ago before Celestia performed the magic transfer.

“You need help?” Bliss asked him frantically as she stopped right beside him. Soarin shook his head.

“Nothing too serious, I can wait if you’re busy,” he clarified. Bliss pointed to the most immediate area in the long aisle of the training room. Most of the trainer tables had been pushed there to make room for all the medical beds further back. There were a few Wonderbolts already up on them and few members of Bliss’ staff were helping them out. They were being directed by Mahogany so Bliss could focus on helping the doctors. Among the Wonderbolts on the tables were Fleetfoot and Storm Front, who had an open table right beside them.

“Hop up on one of those and Mahogany will get around to you. Sorry, it’s a bit nuts in here right now!” Bliss said before instantly breaking away. “One side! Coming through!” she shouted out to warn anypony in the aisle as she cantered back towards the doctors.

Soarin walked towards Fleetfoot and Storm, smiling and nodding at them both as he approached, but he got little response. He heard Fleetfoot explaining everything that happened with Descent before Storm showed up and it didn’t look like Storm was taking it very well, not to mention he looked quite shocked. Soarin decided to let Fleetfoot finish explaining before he tried to say anything else. So he hopped up on the trainer table, told Mahogany what he needed, and started looking towards the injured, now that he had a better view.

The first thing that he saw was on the medical bed closest to his position. Blaze occupied it. She was cringing, grinding her teeth together, muttering curses, and slightly arching her back off the bed as one of the doctors carefully cleaned off the energy sword wound that extended from her left shoulder, down diagonally across her chest and to the right side of her abdomen. She had taken the sword’s full length to the body. It didn’t leave quite a deep slash as it had to Squall with the tip of Blade’s weapon, but it left a big enough cut to be pretty painful. Not to mention treating it looked very painful too. To Blaze’s left was High Winds, who had already had her light burn wounds treated. She was holding onto Blaze’s left hoof, clutching it as hard as she could as Blaze squeezed back with equal intensity. High Winds looked completely awake, which was rare, but Blaze was hurt so she would there for her. Winds had a look of complete worry on her face as Blaze tried to hold herself back from writhing in pain.

Soarin looked past them and immediately to their left. The four members of squad zero were all in a line on the next four beds. Playbitz being treated for the explosion wounds, Swift for his burn wounds, Shine for the bruises from the tiny magic bolts, and Calm… who seemed to have it the worst, being treated for the sword blow to his back. He was clutching the sheets of his bed and twitching as Bliss cleaned the cut across his back while six of her assistants helped hold him down. Rivet was walking up and down between their beds, checking on all of them constantly.

Squad zero looked a little down, and it was definitely not because they were hurt. A lot was expected of them and even though the situation was impossible before the Renegades showed up, it was still the first time they were called upon, and it certainly didn’t go well. They were skilled and talented, but if there was one thing Soarin had always agreed on with Silver about them, it was their overconfidence. It’s not often that one suddenly gets selected to be part of an elite special force among the best flyers in Equestria. Even the most timid of egos would swell in such a case. It didn’t make Soarin grunt and glare at them like Silver did, but it definitely concerned him. Perhaps this would be a humbling experience for them. Spitfire wasn’t just going to give up on them after one battle, and the more they were exposed to the reality of their work, the closer they would get to being like the rest of them.

Soarin could barely see past them, but he caught a glimpse of a rainbow mane. Once he spotted Dash, he figured the green and yellow colors were Twister and Star, and the big thing near them was Matteo. He had to guess that they were in to see Squall. Soarin had gotten no updates on how Squall was doing aside from knowing he was nearly in the back corner of the training room with more than one doctor nearby. They probably had him way in the back of the training room so the amount of commotion around him wouldn’t get in the way.

Soarin was deeply concerned about Squall and if he was doing alright. Squall had received his serious injury while fighting beside him after all, not to mention Squall had earned quite a bit of respect from Soarin for the insanely gutsy move that earned him the first and only clean hit any of them got on Blade. It may have come at a cost, but in dire situations, risks have to be taken in order to achieve any sort of success. He almost felt a little responsible for it too. He was within range to assist Squall, but his wariness of the sword caused him to hesitate. He may not have saved Squall from a wound, but he may have been able to pull him back a little and made it less painful. As Silver always told him, it wasn’t good to dwell on what ifs, but when it was his friends and comrades in question, Soarin couldn’t always stop himself from wondering if he could have done things better.

Soarin shook his head as he started scanning the rest of the beds against the wall opposite of him. Several Wonderbolts occupied these beds as well, but his eyes landed specifically on the bed directly across from Blaze and High Winds.

The Streak twins and Misty Fly were all gathered around it as Surprise lay back with her freshly applied bandages. She had gotten luckier than Blaze, taking a lighter blow across the chest instead of down half her body. From what Soarin had seen during the battle, the cut wasn’t as serious either, but still didn’t look too pleasant. The other three were all patched up, having received their own punishment from the new Shadowbolts, but Surprise had had it far worse than the rest of them.

Lighting Streak was on one side of the bed, patting Surprise on the shoulder. Fire Streak was gently rubbing Misty Fly’s back as Misty herself was literally sprawled out, reaching her body onto Surprise’s bed while hugging her as tightly as she could without hurting her.

Soarin frowned as he looked upon the scene. Misty was clutching Surprise with a purpose. She was crying too. The tears dripped down her face steadily as she held onto her squadmate for dear life. Soarin could see the sad look in Fire’s eyes as he gently stroked his hoof up and down her back to comfort her as she held on.

The Wonderbolts held each other dear, like family… however, he was aware that to Misty, the Wonderbolts were much more. Misty’s disability had denied her many things in life, but becoming a Wonderbolt had given her all of those opportunities and more. Friends, family, and in general, ponies who respected her and didn’t see her as a chore or just as somepony that was hard to communicate with. She would have had help and guidance outside of the Wonderbolts, but each and every one of them had made some effort for her and that meant so much to her.

What made Soarin particularly sad… was that Misty and Midnight were actually good friends. Misty had always been a real social bunny around the compound and one thing that made her happy was the fact that so many of the Wonderbolts, even if they had trouble talking to her, were friendly to her regardless. Midnight was one of a few who had made the extra effort to learn a little bit of her sign language, although she had never gotten very far past ‘hello’ and ‘how are you.’ She never quite understood Misty’s responses either, but the fact that she knew how to ask was more than enough and Misty loved her dearly for trying.

It was hard for all of them to lose even just one Wonderbolt with how connected they all were, but it had to be especially hard for Misty. As with Rainbow Dash, it made her overjoyed whenever somepony made the extra effort. Not many did… and now one of them was taken from her.

Soarin perked up as a very recognizable figure appeared in his peripheral vision. He looked to his right as Princess Luna suddenly slowly walked by. He looked directly at her, but she avoided all eye contact.

As she passed, Soarin narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brow. Luna looked rather unhappy…but Soarin found it hard to feel much sympathy towards her. He understood her motives, and Descent’s involvement in some of the decisions made, but as he looked around at all of the injured Wonderbolts he couldn’t help but feel it all could have been avoided. Had they come forward quickly, they could have been ready for the new Shadowbolts. All the information on how to deflect the pink magic and how to easily dispatch the clones would have been REALLY NICE TO KNOW. Not to mention it would have saved them a lot of pain... and possibly saved a life.

It seemed that Soarin was not the only one either. Several Wonderbolts who saw Luna walk in gave her similar looks of distrust and disappointment. Luna was clearly aware of it, and she’d have to live with knowing her error cost them a lot. At least she seemed to be checking on them… not that doing so would breed any immediate forgiveness.

Soarin blinked in surprise as Lightning Dust suddenly trotted by. She moved right past Luna and towards Dash. Upon seeing her pass, Luna turned and looked back, once again avoiding eye contact with everypony.

“Luna!” Starry’s voice came from the entrance, turning Soarin’s attention towards her. Descent was with her as well. Soarin instantly looked towards Storm as he perked up and saw Descent. Storm’s ears quickly drooped down upon seeing that Descent wasn’t looking in his direction, nor did he once break eye contact with Luna to do so. Fleetfoot paused in her explanation as she watched Luna go by, taking note of the Renegades as well.

He had to ask Descent about Storm. There was definitely something about the whole situation that only Descent knew, and if he wasn’t willing to talk about it with Storm, somepony had to get the info out of him.

They were clearly occupied with Luna at the moment, discussing something out of earshot, but it no doubt had to do with the defense plans. In curiosity, Soarin turned his head back towards Lightning Dust as she approached Dash.

“I haven’t decided,” Matteo shook his head as he and Dash stood slightly further away from Squall’s bed than Star and Twister.

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Dash threw her arms out while looking up at Matteo in disbelief. “How can it even cross your mind?! He’s our friend!” she glared at him sternly.

“I do indeed respect Storm Front,” Matteo shook his head. “But his father is the killer of mine. That makes him my sworn enemy.”

ABSOLUTELY not,” Dash reached forwards and roughly poked his arm. “I’m not going to let your traditions affect a pony that the rest of us… and you consider to be a good friend. Besides, he has done absolutely NOTHING to deserve a title like that,” she narrowed her eyes at him as he snorted down at her.

“Griffon code states—”

“Is Storm a goddamn griffon?!” Dash cut him off while rolling her eyes. “Matteo, I respect the griffon code and your way of life. Hell, I find it fascinating, especially the part where you almost killed your future wife before putting a baby in her, but we’re not in the Griffon Kingdom!” she hovered up and got in his face. He held firm, but she was not intimidated by his glare. “I don’t give a damn about you pursuing your prideful revenge on Descent… but when your cultural practices start to directly involve and affect Wonderbolts, I’m drawing a line there,” she reached up and tapped her hoof against his beak. “Storm is a Wonderbolt elite, a comrade, and a friend. I won’t allow your personal views to make him your enemy. Not under the Wonderbolt code.”

“You’re a pony,” Matteo sharply said back. “I don’t expect you to even begin to understand.”

“I understand that you’re being irrational and not thinking straight because of what you just found out,” Dash pulled away and hovered back to the ground. “You better cool the jets, Matty. Come back to me when you’re not blowing smoke out of your ears and we’ll see if you still think the same thing.”

She turned away from Matteo before he could say anything else. He sat back with a huff as Dash moved forward to examine Squall.

“That was pretty impressive.”

Dash’s ears stood up as a familiar, snarky voice met her ears.

“Heh,” Dash turned around, looking directly into the eyes of Lightning Dust as she walked towards her. “Look who finally says hello…” Dash said with a smirk.

“Looks like somepony’s become a captain,” Dust said as she glanced at Matteo.

“Oh, that?” Dash chuckled. “That was nothing, I’ve had a few great examples to go by,” Dash passed off the compliment, wishing she could be as hard and influential as Spitfire or Silver.

“Is that… humbleness?” Lightning Dust blinked. “Rainbow Dash? Humble? Those words don’t really match,” she joked as she walked up and gave Dash a playful nudge. Dash shrugged.

“Humble? I ain’t no sissy, Dust…” Dash nudged her back. “If you knew some of the ponies I’ve been taking orders from, you’d agree.”

“Still,” Dust nodded with a look that suggested she was impressed. “I’ve dealt with griffons and believe me, male Griffon warriors listen to two things: the voice of authority, and their wife,” she said clearly in earshot of Matteo as he let out a grunt. “And I know you and Soarin are banging, so that narrows it down. It’s hard to earn a respect of a griffon warrior, they’re stubborn as hell.”

Dash kept glancing between her and Matteo sitting right by them, only pausing in between once to wince slightly when she mentioned her and Soarin in a sexual way.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Dust giggled while making a hoof motion towards Matteo. “He knows it’s true.”

Dash chuckled as Matteo grunted again before getting up and joining Star and Twister as they watched the doctors help Squall.

Dash and Dust shared a good laugh as Matteo left before the two of them just stared at each other for a moment. Dash shook her head.

“Funny how life works out. My rival and reckless flying partner ends up becoming a member of a rival flight group. Now here we are laughing at each other like we did in flight camp like nothing has changed.”

“Oh, believe me,” Dust sighed. “Plenty has changed, I’m just glad we’re still our usual selves through it all. The past year has been very difficult and eye opening.”

Dash nodded, agreeing with Dust that the past year had really changed her as well. However, they had truly experienced it in different ways. Dash had pushed through the hard times with friends and wingmates at her side, while Dust had mostly gone solo and become the victim of quite a lot of physical and mental pain at the hooves of Nightshade. She really had no one by her side until Descent and Starry sympathized with her. She had also caused quite a bit of trouble and pain herself, specifically to Spitfire.

“So how has life been with the Renegades?” Dash asked her. Dust blinked when she was posed the question and looked away from Dash, but after a moment, a small smile crept on her lips.

“It’s been… fun,” she said as the smile slowly grew wider.

“Fun?” Dash smirked. “I dunno, with a leaders like Descent and Starry Skies I have a hard time picturing that.”

“Ha! That’s so true…” Dust chuckled. “Descent’s pretty awesome, but he’s a bit stone-faced. But I swear, Starry doesn’t know how to be happy. It feels like she’s pissed twenty-four seven, but after a while it stopped being intimidating. Apparently that’s just how she is, the others have convinced me that she cares regardless, and it’s just rare to see it slip through,” Dust nodded. “But the rest of the Shadowbolts? Let me tell you, not all of them are gruff and stiff. There are quite a few characters, lovable idiots, stylish mares and gentlestallions… they’re a fun bunch and they’ve made me feel at home. The Renegades are not quite as strict as the Wonderbolts, the atmosphere is based less on established rules, more on just not being a prick and respecting each other. Of course this means less discipline and it’s not uncommon for scuffles to end in fights, but it also means less is expected of us. There’s enough camaraderie that if things get out of hoof, other will step in to break it up. And oh man… it’s been even better since the old Wonderbolts showed, those ponies know how to have a good time.”

“So I’ve heard,” Dash chuckled, recalling the stories Silver had told her about his old friends. She was really hoping she’d get a chance to meet all of them once they got a break in the action or when things calmed down.

“It’s been very… welcoming,” Dust turned and looked towards Descent and Starry Skies. “Everything was weird under Nightshade. When I arrived in the Shadowbolts, everypony was mean, bitter, and nasty. It was everypony for themselves and Nightshade clearly didn’t give a damn about any of us. Once Descent got me away and managed to break many of the Shadowbolts free as well as gathering up others who had fled… I got to see how they really were…” she reached a hoof over and rubbed her opposite arm. “I had done… a lot of terrible things. I had given up on having anypony being nice to me or considering me a friend, but when I met the real Shadowbolts… they were all just like me. Pegasi who joined up while looking for direction and reason… all misfits in their own way. They chose the mercenary life to break free from the struggles of the lives they once had. Becoming a Shadowbolt has nothing to do with how good or how strong you are. The only rule is that the strongest leads. Otherwise, they are a tight knit group who watch each other’s backs while taking on jobs for money. We have a code about how we handle jobs and such, but during downtime, it almost feels like a family… one that didn’t care about who I was before.”

Dash listened with great interest as Dust described the Shadowbolts. She had never heard about them this way. It was hard to imagine them as friendly and welcoming, but that’s what happened when Dash associated them with Nightshade. Dash had heard about how the Shadowbolts were formed from Descent, a pony that was discharged from the Wonderbolts because he wanted more out of the profession than he was allowed. While the main lure was probably from the power of the crystal, perhaps that’s what really inspired Rapidfire to desert as well. Not to mention the former Wonderbolts, who were all forced to retire before their time was truly up, found a place among the Renegades, who followed the true Shadowbolt code, not Nightshade’s brutal version.

Upon thinking over them both… Dash found herself pondering…

All this time she felt like the Shadowbolts were wrong in their practice… and to a point she still felt that way. They were mercenaries. They would kill if the job called for it or if anypony got in their way. To her, that would always be morally wrong unless the reasons were truly justified. However after hearing about the atmosphere in their ranks, seeing how happy Lightning Dust was for being accepted by them, and knowing how sad the former Wonderbolts were with their forced retirement…

Maybe the Wonderbolts as an organization had a few things to think about?

The name ‘Renegade’ seemed to hold meaning for both Shadowbolt and Wonderbolt alike. The Shadowbolts had abandoned their former captain to rebel against her corrupted reign. The old Wonderbolts had refused to accept being retired, and joined up with the Renegades, perhaps in defiance of the retirement policy Silver spoke so sourly of.

Descent’s jab at the Wonderbolt code now seemed very justified. Dash wondered how these events would affect Spitfire… she had already changed the demeanor of the Wonderbolts from stiff soldiers to warriors held together by camaraderie… would she have the guts to suggest they fully reform the code? Only time would tell… and they had to live long enough to find out first.

“I felt like I had a chance…” Lightning Dust continued, re-catching Dash’s attention. “A chance to start over and make up for all the horrible things I had done. Some of the mercenary work can still be a bit brutal, but still… A second chance was something I had never considered before, but after how great all the Shadowbolt Renegades have been to me, I began to feel guilt pushing back against the good feelings. So that’s what’s driving me now. Only…” she sighed. “Seeing Spitfire again was a harsh reminder of how much of a bitch I used to be. I don’t blame her if she never forgives me.”

“She’ll come around,” Dash reached forward and patted her on the shoulder. “You’ve gotta try again when we’re not in a crisis situation… trust me, Spitfire turns into an emotionless statue when talking business and managing the whole force. You’ll have your chance.”

“I hope so…” Dust looked up and smiled. Dash smiled right back.

“Hey, it’s good to see you again,” Dash reached forward and gave Dust a friendly hug. Dust looked surprised, but returned it.

Things between the two of them had been rocky, but they never forgot how much fun they had together at flight camp before things went sour. Not to mention she was partly responsible for her and Soarin still being alive. It was she who convinced Starry and Descent to fly back and catch them after the explosion that tore apart the Shadowbolt compound.

“You too, Dash,” Dust replied as they let go.

“Lightning Dust!” Starry’s voice called out from across the infirmary. Dust and Dash both turned to see Starry flagging her down and beckoning her over as Descent and Luna looked in her direction as well.

“Looks like they need me,” Dust winked at Dash. “Catch ya round!” she quickly turned and walked back down the aisle.

Dash smiled as she watched Dust leave, but a sudden raspy groan from the bed behind her drew her attention.

She turned and shifted between Star and Twister so she could see Squall.

It was the third time she looked at him, but the sight made her heart sink each time. They had the wound covered, but it was still seeping blood, drenching the cloths and pads they used to control it as the doctors prepared. Squall was clearly still in pain, clutching the sheets of the bed with his hooves as he groaned and grunted.

“Alright,” Bliss’ voice caught their attention as she turned away from Dr. Red Cross and his assistants.

“Bliss!” Dash quickly walked around the bed and up to her as she checked over Squall. “So what’s going on? Is he going to be fine? What about his face?” she asked a bit frantically. Bliss gently placed a hoof on Dash’s shoulder.

“Deep breath honey, we’ve just discussed what to do… he’s going to be fine,” she said first to get Dash to calm down a little. “He’s lucky, to be honest. If he had gotten cut on the chin or the cheek, the scarring may have had a slight altering effect on the shape of his face, but the skin isn’t as thickly layered down the forehead and over the top of the nose. It’s going to be difficult for us to stitch it up, but his face won’t suffer any visible changes in shape or form. He’ll look just as he always has, only with a scar down the middle of his face.”

“Won’t there be marks from the stitches?” Star suddenly hovered up beside Dash, just as curious about the aftermath as Dash. Bliss smiled and shook her head.

“We have the best materials straight from the Canterlot Central Hospital. From what Dr. Red Cross told me, we are going to use dissolving stitches. They’ll disappear within a week and then we can use simple skin soothing magic to relieve and stress marks caused by them. The scar will remain though.”

“That’s good to hear at least…” Dash sighed in relief as she and Star moved back around to get out of the way as the doctors started approaching with tools and rolling tables. “Doing alright?” Dash looked down at Star, realizing she didn’t respond after Bliss’ explanation.

“No,” she said quickly with a sniffle. Dash frowned as she examined Star. She was really taking it hard. They all were, but it wasn’t a mystery that Star really enjoyed Squall and cared about him after all the times she had stepped up to comfort or defend him.

The two of them took their places beside the bed again, Star hovering up to get another look, but put her hooves up to her chin and whimpered when she saw Squall again.

She sharply turned and latched onto Twister’s shoulder, digging her face into it as she shivered. Twister blinked several times before turning his head to look at her. His eyebrows alternated moving up and down as he examined her before he glanced up at Dash. Dash just smiled weakly at Twister before turning back to Squall… but the moment she looked, she was yanked towards Twister. Twister now had both her and Star in a bear hug, looking towards Squall with a face that was silly, but clearly not at ease. Once Dash realized what had happened, she initially looked up with frustration towards Twister, but the way he looked towards Squall was one with just as much concern as the others, even if it was a tad on the goofy side. It was Twister after all, that was to be expected.

Dash shifted so Star’s wing wasn’t jammed into her cheek, but as she turned, she caught a glimpse of Matteo right before he looked away from Storm’s direction and back towards Squall.

Dash flattened her brow. Matteo had better leave Storm alone or else she wasn’t going to be a happy rainbow.

Speaking of Storm… Dash wondered how he was doing.

“And that’s everything we know… right up to just now,” Fleetfoot finished explaining everything about Descent up to the moment he and Storm met outside.

Storm sat in silence, his eyes wide and empty with his mouth slightly ajar. He and Fleetfoot were both fully tended to, covered with patches and a few bandages to cover any wounds that were a little more than minor. Soarin frowned as Mahogany gave him similar attention, clearly seeing the look of calm shock on Storm’s face even though he only had a view from the side.

“I… don’t get it… Why?” Storm shook his head slowly. “Why did he keep so many things from me? Why did he tell me so many lies? Descent? I’ve never even heard that name before… he told me his name was Charger…”

“I have no doubt Descent had a reason for all of it,” Soarin spoke up as Storm paused. “He’s not the type to play tricks.”

“But how do I know that?” Storm tipped his head down. “Is he really my father? If he kept so many things from me could that have been a lie too?” He looked towards Soarin. “And to top it all off he’s a Shadowbolt? A mercenary? He’s killed for money! Was that… Oh god…” Storm quivered. “Were some of the bits he left with me at the expense of somepony else’s life?!”

“Storm…” Soarin reached for him, but stopped as Storm slammed his head to the trainer table pad and put his hooves over the back of his head.

“And then he not only almost killed you… but he’s hurt the Streak twins in the past and killed Matteo’s father?!” he groaned into the table padding as Soarin pulled his own hoof back. “That doesn’t line up at all! He was always so kind… so caring… so helpful… Always there for me with a smile and a hug… he’s not a killer… he’s not…”

“You never asked what he did for a living?” Fleetfoot cut in. Storm shook his head.

“He always dodged the subject or got sad when I pressed him about it. I decided to stop asking eventually because I barely got to see him… and I wanted him to be happy when we were spending the short times we had together. Of course I wondered what happened when the scars appeared all over him, but he just said it was an accident at work. Now I know he got them from Matteo’s father before killing him… I just assumed he had a rough job and…” Storm began going in circles and trailed off as Soarin and Fleetfoot just sat speechless.

“All finished,” Mahogany informed Soarin as she lightly patted the last small patch she stuck over a small wound on his side.

“Thanks,” Soarin nodded as Mahogany went to attend to other less injured Wonderbolts.

Soarin flinched as Luna suddenly passed by him again, but instead of looking at her, he immediately looked towards Descent, Starry Skies, and Lightning Dust. Dust had already left, but Descent and Starry were still conversing at the front of the training room. Soarin had not been watching, but he safely assumed that Descent still hadn’t stolen a single glance towards Storm Front.

And then they both turned and started leaving… without Descent taking one look at Storm.

“That’s it…” Soarin growled as he stood up and hopped down from the bed. The freshly applied patches and bandages tugged at his skin and fur a little, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to get to the bottom of it. He was tired of seeing Storm in such a dejected state. He wanted answers.

“Soarin?” Fleetfoot blinked and looked towards the door as Descent and Starry opened it to leave. The next thing she knew, Soarin was moving past her towards the door. “Where are you going?” she asked as she blinked.

“To get the truth,” Soarin stated adamantly as he gave chase.

“Huh?” Fleetfoot looked at Storm, who was more or less frozen in place by his own thoughts. “But…” It was too late. Soarin was already out the door. Fleetfoot looked back and forth between Storm and the door before rolling her eyes and sighing. “Hey, Storm,” she hopped down, cringing from the fresh bandages shifting on her body as she did. “Let’s go.”

“Wha?” Storm blinked and glanced at her.

“You heard me.”

Soarin stopped for a moment as the door to the training room closed behind him. He stared directly forward at the window across from the door. The rain had picked up while he was in the training room, going from a light drizzle to a stronger, constant rainfall. Not a downpour, but strong enough that he could hear the quiet pattering of rain on the roof, even from two floors down as well as the rain falling on the roof of the lobby.

Pushing the thought aside, he looked right, then left, spotting Descent and Starry Skies to his left, moving further into the east hallway. Soarin wasted no time in calling out his target.

“DESCENT!” Soarin yelled down the hallway as he began trotting towards them. Descent and Starry both stopped in their tracks and turned to look at him. “Hold it RIGHT there!” he demanded as he approached.

The two watched in silence as Soarin approached, the only noises echoing through the hallway the CLIP-CLOP of Soarin’s hooves and the faint distant sound of the rain from three floors above accompanied by an uneven PIT-PAT against the glass of the windows beside them.

Soarin walked straight up to Descent, not once looking at Starry as he passed by three windows and a nearby classroom to reach them.

“Yes?” Descent asked as if oblivious to any current issue at present. Soarin did not take a reserved approach. He reached right out, and roughly pressed a hoof to Descent’s chest as he glared up at his scarred face.

“Why are you avoiding Storm Front?”

It went dead quiet between the two of them. Starry Skies glanced between the two, but neither moved nor changed their expression for several seconds. Eventually Descent exhaled through his nose and shook his head.

“Because now isn’t the time,” he said as he turned away from Soarin.

“Isn’t the time?!” Soarin quickly stepped forward and put himself back in front of Descent. “Look Descent, I know what we’re facing right now, but do you expect me to believe you’re currently mentally sound? I saw the look on your face when Storm approached you!” Soarin paused as Descent’s eyes widened slightly. “Don’t go telling me he isn’t on your mind right now… you owe him and a lot of us an explanation. The way you pushed him aside is making us question a lot of things… Storm knows everything, Descent. We told him all about you…” as Soarin kept going, Descents eyes continued to slowly grow wider. “He isn’t even sure if you are really his father—”

Starry flinched and stepped back as Descent suddenly jammed his hoof forward, striking Soarin in the chest and pushing him back. Soarin grunted in surprise, but quickly anchored his back hooves to the floor and skidded to a halt, stopping Descent’s strength with his own as he pushed against him. Descent was growling at him while glaring so sharply it was surprising his gaze hadn’t cut Soarin in half.


Soarin didn’t waver under the pressure of Descent’s voice, but Starry was staring at Descent like she didn’t even recognize him.

“Then why are you avoiding him?” Soarin spoke calmly as he held himself firmly against Descent’s strength. “Why are you leaving him alone to question everything he knows?” Soarin felt the strength behind Descent hoof fade from against his chest. “If you’re not going to tell him… or don’t wish to face him… tell me. He deserves to know through somepony. He talks non-stop about you… I want to know the truth.”

“Tell me too, dammit,” Starry stepped up beside them, reached up and pushed Descent’s hoof off of Soarin. Descent gave her a confused look.

“Why do you care?” Descent asked her sharply.

“Gee, I dunno…” Starry began sarcastically. “I’ve only known you for almost thirty years and you never told me about a son! When the hell did you have time for a family?!”

“I…” Descent sighed, looking defeated. It was a rare look for him. “I didn’t.” He turned his back to them and started walking towards one of the windows as droplets of rain slowly fell down the glass on the outside. “He was an accident…”

“But you always went back to be a father for him…” Soarin spoke up, recalling Storm’s stories. Descent remained quiet as he looked down at the floor. “You wouldn’t have made the effort if you didn’t care… and I know for a fact that you do. Storm has told me all about what you’ve done for him, and how despite how awful his mother has spoken of you and how poorly she treats him, you balanced it out…” Soarin trailed off, waiting for Descent to speak.

“Do you remember what I said after confronted by Massimo’s son?” Descent finally spoke up as he slowly looked out the window at the rain. “About how some have little joy in their lives to hold onto?” Descent shook his head slowly. “It doesn’t matter how it happened… he’s my son, my flesh, and my blood. I refuse to leave something like that behind… not after how my parents did so with me. Storm is my joy… the only little bit I have.”

“Pfff…” Starry scoffed. “Who are you, and what have you done with Descent? You’re going super soft on me out of nowhere. I’ve left so many things in my life behind without a second thought, how hard could it be to leave behind something I don’t have time for?”

“Starry…” Descent turned and glanced at Starry while furrowing his brow. “If one day Tartarus froze over and you became a mother… I wonder if you’d be so willing to say that?”

“From what I just heard, your partner in crime doesn’t seem to care too much…” she shot back. Soarin stepped up and pushed Starry aside. “Hey!” Starry growled, but Soarin ignored her and focused on Descent.

“Descent… how did it happen?” Soarin asked.

“It’s a long story,” Descent said reluctantly.

“We’re all ears then,” Soarin encouraged.

Descent sighed as he looked back out the window and remained silent for a few moments as he watched the rain fall against the glass.

“It was roughly twenty-one years ago…”

I was only eighteen years old at the time, and had been a full-fledged Shadowbolt for a while, the youngest to ever be allowed to wear the uniform at age twelve. I even earned it before Nightshade. My teenage years were full of ego-inflating success. I was fierce, I was strong, and I was a phenomenon to the rest of the Shadowbolts. Dante, our former leader, had told me himself that he had never seen a colt as strong as I. I had a bright future in the Shadowbolts and a lot going for me among the ranks… needless to say I was full of myself… VERY full of myself.

On the day I turned eighteen, a few of the stallions among the Shadowbolts decided to take me to a bar to celebrate. If I remember correctly the Shadowbolts were T-Bone, Razor, Falcon, and Blade, who was only a year older than me and had been my best friend outside of Nightshade and Starry. We went to a bar in Cloudsdale… and as soon as they told me I couldn’t handle alcohol, I was downing shots of trotka like no tomorrow.

And after eight or nine shots… I started not acting like myself. And that’s when I saw her…

Radiant Shine…

She was a professional dancer, known pretty far and wide, even performed on Bridleway many times with a bright career ahead of her. She was quite an attractive young mare at the age of nineteen. I had heard about her and seen her in a couple of magazines… and at my age, all I knew was that she was sexy… and I was being controlled by liquid confidence. The guys all cheered as I pushed away from my seat and approached her. They all knew full well who she was, and what a way to celebrate my eighteenth birthday! Score with a young, attractive celebrity!

Fortune would have it that she had already had her share of alcohol as well… and what did she see when she looked at me? A big, rugged, muscular, and confident pegasus. We were both drunk… and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what eventually happened.

There is a very good reason why I haven’t touched alcohol since that night. Because even though our actions gave me Storm… it completely destroyed her life and career as I’m sure she told him countless times. I got her pregnant… and with her fame, it wasn’t long before the media tore her apart, labeling her as reckless, loose, slutty… sleeping around while drunk. It ruined her reputation, forced her to quit her career, and she was left to fend for herself with a foal on the way.

After the night I spent with her, I didn’t hear a word about it until almost a year later. A few of my buddies and I were reading a news story about celebrities that had hit rock bottom while laughing and joking at their expense. I was enjoying it just as much as them until Radiant Shine’s picture showed up. It was a picture of her yelling at whoever took the picture, and she looked completely ragged and disheveled. I had not once thought about that night I spent with her. I simply went about my work as usual. But as my friends read on and laughed, I found myself completely silent. What stood out the most… was reading that she had had a foal recently, and the father was unknown. My friends turned to me and asked me what had me so quiet all of a sudden. I quickly played it off and said I forgot about something important I had to do.

I can still remember standing on the courtyard deck of the flying compound. We had landed for the night in a densely forested area and just happened to be near Cloudsdale. I was contemplating whether or not to go see Radiant. The evening was murky, the sky was completely covered with clouds, and it smelled of rain possibly later in the night.

Should I go confront her? Should I leave it be? Was the foal my doing? Or was I mistaken? Something in my heart needed to know. I didn’t know why I cared, but something was pushing me to find out. I removed my goggles and shed my uniform, simply dropping them on the deck before spreading my wings and heading for Cloudsdale.

After a brief stop at the local library to page through a directory, I found out where she lived and made my way to the suburbs near the edge of town. I felt a knot in my throat as I landed on her front lawn. What was I going to say to her? I didn’t even think about that. There was only one thing I wanted to know… and I still didn’t even know why I wanted that. I was blindly moving without understanding my own purpose.

The moment she opened her door and saw me… she lashed out, pointing at me in rage as she blamed me for everything that had happened to her. I was speechless. She looked absolutely horrible… far from the flawless beautiful mare I remembered her being. There was a nasty smell of alcohol on her breath that splashed against my face with each shout, threat, and obscenity she threw at me. After taking the verbal beating, she slammed the door in my face. I reached up to open the door, but stopped, shook my head, and turned to leave.

What a waste of my time. I don’t know what I expected to happen, but I more or less got the answer I wanted. She claimed I was responsible for her terrible life, so the foal had to be mine. That was it, I knew. Now I would just forget about it and go about my life. I spread my wings to fly…

But I found I couldn’t move them.

Why couldn’t I leave? What more did I want from this little adventure? I knew the foal was mine, or… at least I assumed. The scent of booze on her breath and the way she slurred her words suggested she was drunk. She could have just unloaded her frustration for all I knew.

I wanted to see it.

I wanted to see the foal for myself.

I had never been so confused about my actions before in my life. I had spent all of my days fighting and killing without a care in the world aside from my own personal gain and satisfaction, and here I was unable to tear myself away from a petty personal matter that had no significance to my lifestyle. How I was acting was bothering me almost as much as the situation. I wouldn’t be able to leave until I had it all figured out.

So I waited outside. I waited until it got dark and kept an eye on the house until I was certain Radiant was asleep. I climbed through a window she left open and froze for a moment when I saw her on the couch, but she was passed out drunk, surrounded with empty bottles of liquor.

The whole house was in very sad shape. All the furniture was old and worn. The kitchen was a mess and had an unpleasant scent of rotten food coming from it. There were used, dirty dishes stacked in random places both in and out of the kitchen. The walls were stained with what I assumed either had to be liquor or vomit from drinking too much. Everywhere I looked there was a bottle of some sort of alcoholic beverage in my field of view, stacked on shelves, on countertops, on tables. On the coffee table in front of the couch, stacks of bills and bank statements were piled up, some strewn about on the floor among the empty bottles. Half of the lights were burnt out, leaving the house in a dim state, only adding to the effect that made the house seem less like a home and more like an abandoned prison ward.

I took a step towards her and flinched as my hoof crunched against a pile of broken glass on the floor, luckily the flat side of a bottle piece. I looked down and examined all bottles on the floor, shaking my head at what a sorry state everything was in before carefully making my way around and approaching Radiant on the couch.

I looked her over, pausing for a moment as a soft pitter-patter of rain began tapping against the roof. I had made it inside, and luckily just beat the rain. I looked around the living room as the rain outside turned from a soft drizzle to a heavy downpour.

I didn’t have a chance to really look at her when she was yelling at me, but now I could really see just how far gone she was. Her mane used to be silky smooth. It now looked dirty and knotted. As a dancer she once had a svelte, toned body. She had gained a lot of weight, most likely due to excessive drinking and poor eating habits. Her face was flawless the last time I saw her, now it looked ragged, the skin under her eyes wrinkled from either lack of sleep or lack of good sleep from the alcohol. She was a pale, murky reflection of what she used to be

Had I really done this to her? It felt so odd that the image of her struck me so negatively. I had killed ponies for money, why was this making me question my actions? She had already made it clear that she’d never give me the light of day. And why should she? I knocked her up and it destroyed her bright future. She would never care if I felt bad, so I wouldn’t bother trying to apologize. She was a lost cause… but what of the foal? I still wanted to see the foal.

I took a single step away from her, ready to search the house, assuming that the foal was even alive with how well Radiant was handling herself. But then… a new noise caught my ears.

A cry…

A wail…

The sound of a foal coming from another room.

Something lit up in the pit of my stomach and before I could even think about it, I was moving towards the source of the cry. In seconds I found the room. It was a makeshift nursery or at least a very low effort nursery. The room was stuffed full of random paraphernalia, making it look more like a room Radiant simply threw things into, and in the corner was a crib beside a table. I quickly felt around the wall beside the doorway for the light switch and flipped it on, but only one of the five lights in the room flickered on, a stand up lamp next to the crib. The light was very dim and barely illuminated the room save for the corner with the crib.

Every step I took felt like a mile as I made my way towards the crib and source of the wailing. I was walking so softly that my hooves made little to no sound at all, making the only other noise the constant rush of the rainfall pelting the rooftop.

I stopped one pace away from the crib and held my breath as I took the final step… and peered over the top.

A little brown foal… with a bright yellow mane. Its eyes were slammed shut as it wailed and kicked its little arms and legs around.

Now… I had never had parents. They had abandoned me long before I could remember them. I knew nothing of love or care. There was nothing in my past that gave me a reason to have any emotional response to what I saw.

But then the foal opened its eyes… and stared up at me with the very same eyes I see when I look in a mirror.

The foal had my eyes.

Art by: Colorstirke

Something happened to me. I didn’t know what at the time, but I went from giving less of a damn to a small state of panic. However, it wasn’t a panic that made me want to flee, it was a panic that… I had to do something?

I reclined slightly when the foal saw me and extended its little arms towards me, crying and crying as if it was reaching out to me for help.

I knew absolutely nothing about taking care of foals, but in my travels, I had seen plenty of mothers handling foals. If there was one thing that I took away from every brief moment, it was that a foal cried when it wanted something or needed something. Once again feeling the need to act, I looked around, my eyes spotting a foal bottle that lay tipped over on the table beside the crib. It was full, the cap still tightly on, but it was steadily dripping onto the table.

Without a second thought, I reached into the crib and scooped the little foal out as quickly and gently as I could, continuously asking myself the same question I had been from the start. Why? Why was I doing all this?

I held him a little awkwardly, but I managed to get him to the table and sat down in a folding chair beside it. Resting the foal on my arm and shoulder, I grabbed the bottle and slowly tipped it towards him. His eyes widened when he saw the bottle and he immediately stopped crying. He reached out and grasped the sides of the bottle eagerly as he closed his mouth around the end and drank.

The little guy was clearly beyond hungry. He slowly, but surely drank down the entire contents of the bottle, not leaving a single drop behind. He released the bottle from his mouth and let out a little sigh… but then began shivering. Again, I found myself acting as I looked around for something to help keep him warm. There was a foal blanket on the floor beneath the table. I quickly reached for it and did my best to wrap it around the foal snugly, leaving only his head and front arms exposed.

Once he was warm and comfortable, the foal settled down… and stared up at me curiously. I looked right down into his eyes, still not sure what I was feeling. But with the foal finally taken care of, and the two of us sitting with nothing but each other, and the constant sound of the rain on the roof, I took a moment to think over everything that had just happened and why I felt like I did.

Every motion, every move, everything I had done to find and help the foal… was done without a thought… without hesitation. Was it an instinct? Something I couldn’t stop myself from doing because of a past experience or something I simply felt was right despite my lack of experience?

It gave me an interesting thought. The foal was clearly mine, the eyes said it all. The life that I currently lived was a result of an excruciatingly painful colthood. I had no parents to protect me, and I lived on the streets of Canterlot’s slums, scratching and clawing every day to just survive, beaten up and left to die at one point. Perhaps it was that life… that experience… that was causing me to act like such a… parent.

The hell I lived through as a colt was something I would never wish upon anypony even though I had grown into a violent mercenary who would kill if the job called for it. The pain, the suffering, and the trauma I experienced before becoming a Shadowbolt were all unbearable. After seeing the sorry state of the house and Radiant… if somepony didn’t do something, the foal’s life would be incredibly unpleasant, and it might not even survive with so much neglect in its care. The mere thought of such terrible things happening to the foal was causing me to act in ways I never had before. I felt a strange warmth in my body as I held him close.

I was a fierce warrior, well known in the Shadowbolts for being a relentless killer, wild, untamed, ruthless, at times compared to a wild beast… But when I looked into the foal’s eyes and saw my own eyes looking back up at me… all that I was and everything that I knew just… vanished.

My mind was at peace… my body relaxed… I had never felt so calm and comfortable. I was just as curious about the little foal as he was about me.

And then…

The foal smiled happily, reached his tiny hooves towards my face and released a tiny noise.


It was just foal gibberish… a sound you would hear any foal make. But with the situation, what I had learned, and what I had felt…

The only word I could think of when I heard it was…


Suddenly, my face felt wet. I quickly pulled the foal closer to my chest and looked up, searching for a leak in the roof. The house was pretty run down after all, and with the hard rainfall outside I wouldn’t have been surprised if there was a leak. But the ceiling was completely dry…

The water was coming from my eyes?


I was crying?

I had never cried before in my life, not even when I was abandoned and beaten as a colt.

I didn’t know what I was feeling nor what was happening. My heart felt light, my body was tingling, there was water falling out of my eyes, and it was all happening because of this foal?

Maybe it was because I had never known the caring touch of my parents… never known the feeling of the hug… never known the comfort of security…

When I looked at the foal in my arms, new instincts were surfacing, just as I had thought. I wanted the foal to never feel alone… I wanted him to never be abandoned… I wanted him to NEVER experience the hell I did.

The foal kept reaching towards my face, cooing happily while smiling wide. I was filled with something I had never felt before.


And as I continued to look into the happy eyes of the foal, the feeling of joy refused to fade.

I pulled the foal closer to me while hugging him gently. The tears were still running from my eyes and I smiled as the foal touched his little hooves to my face, uttering happy little noises and giggles.

For the first time in my life… I cared about something other than myself. It was only one thing… but it now meant more to me than anything else because it brought me such uncontrollable happiness that I had never had the privilege of knowing until now… and I loved it.

I was a father…

And this… was my son.

Art by: Foxenawolf

Descent continued to stare out the window into the rain falling over the courtyard as he paused for a long time.

Soarin and Starry both stood, speechless as Descent poured more emotion into the story than anything the two ever expected from him. It was even more of a shock to Starry, watching a stallion she knew to be endlessly hard and serious barely hold back tears as he recalled his story. Neither Soarin nor Starry knew how to feel, their faces wrought with blank looks with their mouths slightly ajar.

“Eventually…” Descent began again. “My son fell asleep, peacefully stirring in my arms as I moved him back to his crib and made sure he was comfortable, covered up, nice and warm. It was at that point that I finally noticed a small nameplate on the floor. It looked like it had fallen off the crib. I reached down, and turned it over. It read ‘Storm Front.’” Descent turned and looked at the two of them. “Storm Front, my son. I wanted so badly to take him with me, to free him from his life with a mother that clearly didn’t care about him. He had made me feel things I never knew I could feel… things that were completely foreign to me, but they were so pleasant I couldn’t even describe it. But…” he reached up tapped his hoof against his uniform on his chest. “I was a Shadowbolt… and I wasn’t about to abandon what I had done all my life… what had defined me. There was no way I could take a foal back with me to the compound… besides, I didn’t want his life to be anything like mine. Including my time with the Shadowbolts. There was no doubt that if I suddenly quit the Shadowbolts it would have raised questions and brought them out looking for me. I wanted Storm to know nothing of it or ever be exposed to it.”

“You kept this under wraps for twenty-one years?” Starry spoke up in disbelief.

“I did,” Descent nodded. “I made a vow to myself to never speak of him to my peers and to never reveal what I was to Storm. I started making as many trips as I could to visit him. After what I saw the very first night I would fly miles and miles if I had to, just to check up and make sure he was fed and shown some love. I also tried to clean up the house and pick up the messes left by Radiant. Even though I didn’t live there, I wanted to make sure the place was as sanitary, clean, and safe for Storm. I washed the dishes, cleaned up the bottles, replaced the burnt out lights, even tried to reorganize the nursery so it was less of storage room and more a place for Storm to be comfortable. I did all of these things on my short visits, going as many nights as I could, making sure to also spend time with Storm too, so I could see that smile and he could know, even at that age, that he had a father to take care of him.”

“Wait a minute…” Starry’s eyes widened. “I remember you suddenly up and disappearing a bunch every night for a while! THAT’S what you were doing?”

“I’m surprised you remember that specifically from so long ago,” Descent turned and looked at her curiously. Starry scoffed.

“It’s kind of hard to forget, you dope,” she shook her head. “You have no idea how many Shadowbolts continuously asked Nightshade and I where you kept going at night. Hell if we knew, it was your business… but to see your son? To be a housekeeper? That was the LAST thing I would’ve expected.”

“Indeed,” Descent nodded. “I made sure to split my life up. When I was with the Shadowbolts, I let my usual violent and warrior nature run free, going on about our jobs and hires as I always had. But whenever I was with Storm, I was at peace, free from the beast within. I had changed… completely changed with the discovery of my son. I was still the same stallion in my line of work, but now I had a release from it all, a way I could escape it every now and then. And a new reason to survive in my line of work.”

Descent turned back away from them and stared out the window again as if the rain reminded him of the very night he first spoke of.

“Radiant became a low pay cloudscaper eventually… but even then she spent a majority of her bits on alcohol and very little towards Storm. I tried approaching her once or twice again, but it was always the same outcome, her yelling and screaming at me until I left. So I continued to sneak back as many nights as I could. As time went on I got to watch him grow up into fine young stallion. He became attached to me, always greeting me with the same joyful smile that has barely changed since he was a foal. Once he was old enough, I didn’t visit quite as often, setting aside bits from my completed contracts to take to him and help provide what I could. I knew Radiant wouldn’t try very hard for him, so it was up to me to be the parent he could rely on.”

Descent paused for a few moments again before taking a deep breath and sighed heavily.

“Of course he questioned me often on what I do and how I got the money, especially as he got older and more aware that I didn’t just find bits and bring them to him… but as I said, I never wanted him to know the life his father had lived, I wanted him to be happy and forge his own path. I had a hell of a time deflecting his questions when I showed up with all these…” he motioned to his scars. “But in the end, he understood that I was doing whatever I did for him, and that was enough to make him understand how much I cared,” he shook his head. “It pained me to suddenly not be able to visit him with the crisis and the corruption of the Shadowbolts… but I knew he was all grown up and he’d be able to handle himself until I could see him again…”

“And then you saw him here…” Soarin cut in.

“Something I never expected would happen,” Descent nodded. “When I saw Storm standing there in his Wonderbolt uniform… I panicked. With the Renegades, I have taken up the position of the leader in a similar manner to the Shadowbolt code, a leader who is the strongest, fearless, and never shows weakness. Storm Front had always put me at ease, relieving me of the strict image and mindset I swore to uphold at all times around my peers. When I saw Storm and looked into his eyes… I began to feel relaxed, my demeanor calming. It terrified me… I was among my fellow warriors, a place where I never wanted Storm to be… and a place I never wanted to show softness. My two worlds that had remained perfectly separate for so long… had suddenly collided. So… I turned my back on him and ran away because I was completely unprepared for it… I was scared.”

“That explains it then…” Starry said while looking Descent up and down carefully. “Any other deep dark secrets you wanna share while we’re at it?” she said sarcastically, but Descent completely ignored her and turned towards Soarin.

“Storm means more to me than anything in the world. He’s the one thing, the one joy that I truly have. My motivation to fight… is the Shadowbolts. They have been my life and my pride is driving me to restore them to their true glory. To make them what they once were and to save all of those who have fallen into the clutches of Kayn Ost. But Storm brings me peace that I can find nowhere else… the only true family I have. And I would do anything for him.”

A sniffle sounded out from behind them.

All three of them turned sharply towards the noise, tracing it to a door to a nearby classroom that was slightly ajar. Descent just stared silently as Soarin looked between him and the door. He sighed and shook his head.

“Come out you two…” Soarin called towards the door.

For a moment, nothing emerged, but then the door opened a little further and Fleetfoot stepped out, grinning sheepishly. Behind her though, Storm Front stepped out, with droplets in the corners of his eyes. Storm and Descent stared directly at each other, neither moving nor saying a word. Fleetfoot glanced at Storm before smiling weakly and reaching over to nudge Storm forward.

“Well? Go on…” she encouraged. “Go say hello to your amazing daddy.”

Storm looked towards Descent, swallowed, and slowly started walking forward.

Soarin smiled and looked back at Descent.

“Looks like he heard it all anyway,” Soarin nodded. “Saves you the trouble,” Soarin said as he turned and grabbed Starry Skies by the arm.

“What the—?” she flinched and glared at Soarin. “What?”

“You are a riot,” Soarin shook his head. “Come on…let’s give them some privacy.”

“Sheesh…” Starry ripped her arm free. “Fine. Whatever, just don’t touch me,” she demanded and followed as she and Soarin started walking. As they passed Storm, Soarin reached up and patted Storm on the shoulder, giving him a smile.

Fleetfoot sighed with a warm smile on her face and put a hoof to her mouth with slightly misty eyes as Soarin and Starry reached her.

“Look…” she said quietly and pointed as Storm stopped in front of Descent. Soarin and Starry both turned to watch. Storm looked up into his father’s eyes as Descent looked down into his son’s.

“Dad?” Storm spoke first as the tears in his eyes began to slowly drip down. Descent’s eyes widened and he suddenly slammed his eyes shut while looking away.

“Dammit…” Descent cursed and tipped his head down. “Ceiling’s leaking again…” he said as he looked back towards Storm, trying to wear a serious expression, but it didn’t prevent a tear running down his face as well.

“Dad…” Storm’s lips quivered as Descent shook his head.

“Come here…” Descent reached an arm around Storm and pulled him into a tight hug. Both of the dams broke, and within seconds the two of them were crying, rivers rushing down their faces as father and son embraced for the first time without any secrets stuck in between them.

Art by: Foxenawolf

“Awww…” Fleetfoot quietly cooed as she leaned sideways and fell right into Starry Skies.

“You have three seconds to get the hell off of me,” Starry hissed at her.

“And ruin the moment? Naw, you can deal with it,” Fleetfoot waved her hoof at Starry as she continued to watch Storm and Descent.

“Alright, we should leave them be,” Soarin suggested as he started pulling them away. His hoof was quickly swatted aside by Starry.

“Son of a bitch, what did I just say about touching me?” Starry growled as they began walking away from Storm and Descent.

“Yikes, sorry,” Soarin folded his ears back and lifted an eyebrow as he walked between the two of them. Fleetfoot suddenly stepped up so Starry could see her behind Soarin.

“Hate to break it to ya Toots, but if you don’t like being touched you came to the wrong neighborhood!” she said while jabbing Soarin in the side with her elbow.

“Ow, ow, stop,” Soarin chuckled.

“That’s just dandy,” Starry rolled her eyes. “Just keep your damn hooves off of me.”

“Oooo… I know your type,” Fleetfoot winked towards Starry. “Playing hard to get and then when they get you… WOW they get you hard!” Fleetfoot giggled as Starry looked at her in utter confusion.

“What the hell are you even talking about?” she tipped her head to the side as Fleetfoot waved her hoof in front of her face.

“Oh, don’t play so innocent!” she continued to giggle. “The Shadowbolts had like, three hundredish members right? So much more to choose from than here and if you’ve got more than a few stallions as big and buff as Descent…”

“You’re crazy,” Starry said flatly while scoffing.

“And YOU are in denial!” Fleetfoot beamed as Soarin continued to look between the two of them. “Come on, you can tell me! Are you built for smooth or rough riding?” she continued to press.

“I’m built to kick your ass if you don’t shut up,” Starry’s glare sharpened but Fleetfoot kept being silly.

“Mmmmm…” Fleetfoot bit her lip and rolled her eyes back while reaching her opposite wing up into the air behind her head and shaking it back and forth. “Shadowbolt brand sausage… as mysterious as it is satisfying! Especially when you pay in advance! Always gets the job done and kills anything in its way into you!”

Soarin snorted and held his teeth closed as he snickered loudly. Starry just stared grumpily at Fleetfoot as she continued to make weird faces.

Art by: Foxenawolf

“You need help,” Starry stated flatly.

“Apparently you do too!” Fleetfoot teased as she stepped around Soarin. Starry immediately reclined away as Fleetfoot drew close. “If you’re that nervous we can make it a threesome! Trust me, Wonderbolts are trained to stay in formations, you’ll just have to follow my lead!” Fleetfoot said while bouncing her eyebrows. Starry growled, but Soarin stepped between them while laughing.

“Wow… I can tell you two are going to be a hooffull,” he chuckled, pushing them apart as Fleetfoot quietly whispered the words ‘thick… juicy… sausage…’ towards Starry.

It was… both interesting and refreshing to Soarin, seeing Fleetfoot and Starry Skies, Wonderbolt and Shadowbolt interact casually. Starry clearly wasn’t enjoying it, but there was a time when these two would keep their distance on sight and end up locked in battle shortly after. It was the same with having Descent just around instead of facing him down as an enemy… It was too bad that Nightshade, if she was really still alive as the corrupted Shadowbolts claimed, would probably never be in a spot to look eye to eye with Spitfire as an ally. As much as Nightshade creeped out Soarin, she was an unbelievable fighter, and would be a very valuable addition against the threats they faced.

Soarin grunted as Starry made an aggressive move towards Fleetfoot while bumping into him, Soarin pushed his wings out to force them both as far away from each other as he could as Starry growled and Fleetfoot giggled uncontrollably. With the two of them separated again, they continued on down the hall, Soarin caught between the two of them and the shenanigans as they moved towards the lobby.

“Bliss…” Luna spoke up as she approached Bliss at her desk in the training room.

“Yes?” Bliss asked while looking up from more than a dozen medical reports lying on her desk. She got up and started moving back down the aisle.

“Pray tell us,” Luna asked nervously as she walked behind her. “How fare your patients? Most will be fine with a little rest we hope?”

Bliss stopped in her tracks, causing Luna to almost bump into her. She sighed and shook her head.

“I wish I could give you better news, Luna,” she looked over her shoulder. “About half of them will be fine with a few days of rest, I’m afraid the other half may be out for a few weeks. Some have sustained injuries that may directly impact their capabilities in the future and quite a few will be left with scars.”

Luna cringed and looked down. Bliss frowned as she looked upon the princess, she had made a critical blunder in her judgment and many paid the price for it, she was no doubt feeling down. Not too many knew of it, but Luna and Bliss were actually good friends. Back before Celestia disappeared, Luna made frequent visits to the sick and injured in hospitals. They had met and conversed many times during Bliss’ apprenticeship at Canterlot Central Hospital. Over time, they became friends and frequently met to have tea.

As a friend, Bliss could read Luna and she could tell she felt terrible about what her actions had led to, but there wasn’t much she could do for her right now… because somepony else needed her help.

“I wish we could talk more right now, Luna,” Bliss began as she reached up and gently placed a hoof on the side of Luna’s arm. “But I need to help Dr. Red Cross stitch up Squall right now. We’ll talk later if we can, I promise.”

Before Luna could respond, Bliss gave her a smile and hurried down the aisle towards Squall’s bed, where multiple doctors had gathered. Luna stared towards the commotion, and perked up when she saw the rest of squad Foxtrot reluctantly moving away per the request of the doctors. Matteo, Rainbow Dash, and Twister, who was holding Little Star like a teddy bear, all stepped back and sat down on a vacant bed nearby. Luna’s eyes fixed on Dash and she decided to go check up on her, knowing her a little better than the rest for obvious reasons.

Luna kept her eyes angled down towards the floor. While the infirmary had cleared out a bit, a few had to stay a little longer and possibly overnight due to the nature of their injuries. Luna could not bring herself to look at any of them. She passed by Blaze, almost feeling the harsh glare being shot at her as she walked by. Surprise was asleep, but no doubt even the bubbly, party Wonderbolt would not be too happy with her. Not every bed was occupied, so there was less disappointment to feel, but every pair of eyes on her still hurt.

The walk felt like it took forever, but eventually Luna stopped behind Squad Foxtrot as they all kept their eyes on the doctors. Luna looked past them at the doctors and Bliss as they prepared the anesthetic. No doubt it would be greatly required, working with such a sensitive part of the body. The last thing any of them saw was Squall looking around at all the doctors with a nervous look on his face before he disappeared behind them, cutting both Luna and Foxtrot off from seeing them work on him.

Taking the opportunity, Luna approached from behind and tapped Rainbow Dash on the shoulder.

“Rainbow Dash,” she said her name quietly, but they all turned and looked at her. She winced as their eyes landed on her. Matteo and Twister didn’t change their expressions, but Dash was clearly trying not to show how she felt… and Little Star was glaring at her.

“Princess? What’s up?” Dash asked being both formal and informal, which didn’t go unnoticed by her squadmates.

“We…” Luna hesitated. She didn’t really think about what to say beforehand. “Are you, alright?” Luna asked awkwardly. Dash tipped her head slightly, but Luna asked, so she’d answer.

“Well, physically, I’m fine. I can take a few bumps and bruises… a little shaken up here though…” Dash tapped a hoof to her head.

“Ah,” Luna nodded, and then stared for a moment before looking away and scrunching her face. “We’re sorry…” Luna quickly turned around and prepared to leave, but Dash stopped her.

“Whoa, whoa, hold on…” Dash stood up on the bed, putting her at eye level with Luna. “Are you okay?”

The question took Luna by surprise as she turned back around and stared at Dash quizzically. She didn’t expect anypony to care, at least not for a little while after how much she messed up the Wonderbolts’ situation. When she didn’t respond, Dash rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, Luna, I asked. I’m not okay with what you did,” she paused and looked back at Little Star, who was still glaring daggers at Luna. “And neither are… pretty much everypony else, but we still need you… you’re Princess Freaking Luna.”

Luna blinked, unsure what to say in response.

“In fact I wanted to ask you two things I’ve been thinking about since the battle ended and we got the full story,” Dash pressed. Wanting to make it up to them all in any way she could, Luna quickly nodded.

“Ask away,” she complied with Dash’s request.

“So Princess Celestia really is… ‘missing?’” Dash asked right off the bat. Luna frowned and nodded.

“All we told of Celestia was the full truth…” she looked up and her eyes narrowed. “At least what we know…” she said sharply.

“Huh?” Dash blinked. “What do you…?”

“ACK TWISTER! CAN’T BREATHE!” Star suddenly spoke up. Dash and Luna looked up to see Twister staring at Luna with creepily wide eyes as he listened, squeezing Star tightly. Before Dash could say anything, Matteo balled up his talons and bopped Twister over the head, making him fall down and drop Little Star.

“Welcome to my band of idiots,” Dash shrugged as she turned back to Luna. “You were saying?”

“Well…” Luna narrowed her eyes again. “Discord… has hinted that he knows something about our sister… but,” Luna sighed. “You know how it is with that ignoramus… we can never tell if he’s telling the truth or leading us on.”

“I had a feeling you were gonna say him,” Dash sighed. “It was written all over your face.”

“You said you had two questions for us?” Luna asked, eager to help in any way she could.

Without thinking about the fact that she had never brought it up before… Dash asked away.

“Do you think I should write to Twilight? I wasn’t sure if we needed them at first, but after all of this… do you think we should have the Elements of Harmony here just in case?” Dash realized what she had done less than a second later. She turned and looked at her squadmates. Matteo, Star, and Twister were all staring directly at her. Luna was just as aware as Dash that the identities of the Elements of Harmony were unknown by the general public, but due to the situation, she answered without hesitation.

“We have considered that option…” Luna began, causing Dash to look back towards her. “While the Elements of Harmony are indeed the mightiest weapon at our disposal, getting them involved is risky,” Luna explained. “The elements are cumbersome… you know well that in order to unleash their full power, the six elements must be within close proximity of each other, and the target must be no further than twenty yards away to ensure accuracy. They also have a charge time, leaving the users very vulnerable. With the unpredictable and swift nature of our enemies… not only would we put the elements in a risky situation… but if an attempt were to fail, and the enemy were to learn the true identities of the Elements of Harmony, it would put them in grave danger, and possibly hand the elements right to them… which would be catastrophic, believe me.”

“Hold on,” Dash stopped her. “Back when he saved Soarin and I, Descent mentioned that Kayn Ost hired the Shadowbolts to scatter the Elements of Harmony by destroying Ponyville! Doesn’t he already know who they are?” Dash questioned.

“That is something we cannot explain,” Luna shook her head. “Our best guess is that he knew the general location of the elements, not their specific identities. And the fact that he has not tried again… suggests that the failure to snuff them out convinced him they were elsewhere, the orders were meant to keep something from the Shadowbolts, or his interest was drawn by a new target.”

“Soarin…” Dash put together.

“Indeed, that may be so,” Luna agreed. “Also, we have to consider the fact that they may not work on the Shadowbolts. The elements are a weapon against pure evil… and the Shadowbolts are being controlled. They are not the source of the evil itself. Until we can fully see and identify the true source of it all, we fear they will just be in danger. We feel it is in our best interest to not risk the elements until we know we can effectively and safely use them… and we believe you don’t wish to put your friends in that danger either.”

“You’re completely right about that,” Dash sighed, thinking over all the different variables in play with the situation. This was the first time her enemy was not right out in front of them. “Applejack, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie might be able to handle this, but I doubt Rarity and Fluttershy would stay calm in this situation,” Dash smiled. “Well, thanks for being completely honest with me, Luna.”

“It is something we should have done from the start,” Luna sighed as she looked up at the doctors working. “We shall take our leave now, we pray your friend is alright,” she said while motioning to Squall.

Luna turned before Dash could say anything else and began walking back down the aisle towards the exit. She glanced behind her back at Dash and her squadmates as she moved.

“OH MY GAWD!” Twister zipped up to Dash, his voice high and squeaky like a fanfilly. “You’re an Element of Harmony?!” he held Star upside down towards Dash. “CAN YOU SIGN MY MIDGET?!”

“HEY!” Star glared at him as he bounced eagerly.

Luna chuckled as she turned and kept walking. She wished she had a friend or two that could help her out right now. She could really use the comfort. But talking to Dash had put a thought in her mind, and she was already contemplating it as she approached the door.

She flinched as Twister suddenly appeared in front of her face and squished her royal cheeks.

“Hey! I know an Element of Harmony!” he said directly into Luna’s face before backing away and cheering while tipping his head back and flailing about enthusiastically like puppet before turning and heading right out the door, pushing it open even though it was a pull door.

“What a strange pony, that one…” Luna blinked and shook her head as she pulled the door open with her magic and stepped out. She first turned towards the lobby with the intention of finding Spitfire, but she stopped after taking two steps.

The words she exchanged with Rainbow Dash were still flowing in her mind… specifically a few things right before she was questioned.

She blinked as she looked to her left and out the window. It was still raining. In fact, it had picked up a bit, showing no sign of letting up anytime soon. She stepped towards the window and looked out into the downpour, her eyes moving across the droplet covered pane until her eyes landed on the Canterlot Castle. She could only see the front of the castle, the two buildings being side by side, but she kept her eyes on it for a moment, the view slightly distorted as the droplets of rain slowly made their way down the glass.

She looked back towards the lobby.

Then back out the window towards the castle again.

She looked down.

I’m not okay with what you did…

Luna looked back up with a new wave of determination in her eyes. She quickly turned back down the east hallway and started trotting towards the underground passage that led back to the castle. To any she passed, it looked much faster than a trot, but with Luna’s size and longer limbs, it was just naturally that way.

She passed by Descent and Storm as she moved. The two looked up from their conversation, but she didn’t even glance at them. She was on a path, and she wasn’t going to stop until she reached her destination.

She roughly pushed the doors of the passage aside and spread her wings to float down the set of stairs into the connecting tunnel between the premises.

And neither are… pretty much everypony else…

Luna’s trot accelerated into a canter, going the distance of the tunnel much faster than most ponies could. She threw the doors at the end open, almost knocking the royal guards guarding it aside.

“We apologize,” Luna said simply as she turned the opposite direction of the throne room and cantered towards a long staircase. She skipped steps as she scaled the stairs, turning down the first hallway on the left, and stopping in front of a large door with a moon on it. A batpony guard stood outside and bowed as she approached. Without even looking at the guard, Luna gently shifted him aside with her magic. He yelped in surprise and looked on with confusion as Luna opened the door and entered her bedroom.

She slowed down as she entered the spacious room, walking right past her wardrobe, a large mirror, and a dresser before coming up to a closet door that was firmly locked. She stared at the door in the silence of her room, the pitter patter of rain on the roof above filling the quiet void of the moment. Her magic came to life, opening the top drawer of her dresser without looking at it and shifting the contents around until a small key lifted out of it. She hovered the key over to the door and inserted it into the lock, slowly turning it and opening the closet.

But we still need you…

Shivers went down Luna’s spine as she stared into the closet.

There was only one thing behind the secured door.

A large armor stand… that held all the pieces of her blue, magically enchanted battle armor.

The sight made her cringe at first. She had purposely locked the armor away and not even looked at it for quite some time. For the last time she donned it was when she was possessed by the fiendish Nightmare Miasma that transformed her into Nightmare Moon.

“After all…” A snide voice met her ears, startling her so much that she squeaked and nearly leapt to the ceiling. She turned around sharply and glared at the familiar owner of the voice. Discord was reclined on her bed in a sultry pose. “You’re ‘Princess Freaking Luna,’” he chuckled as he stood up on the bed, a foam tiara similar to Luna’s appearing on his head as he started waving a big flag that said ‘#1 princess’ with Luna’s face on one side and on the other, the words ‘Like the sun? Check out my MOON’ with Luna’s plot beside it.

He stopped and stared in surprise as Luna said nothing and simply turned back around to face the set of armor. His props disappeared and he flopped onto her bed like a penguin before slithering off the side like a snake towards her, popping back up when she was right beside her.

“You know there are much better things to call me than an ignoramus…” he chuckled, hoping she’d turn and question him sneaking around the compound and listening in on private conversations, but she still kept staring at the armor and ignoring him. He huffed and crossed his arms. “Fine, you’ve got my attention.” He turned and faced the armor with her. “Tell me Luna, what exactly are you planning to do with… this…” He waved his hand towards it.

“We plan to fight alongside them,” Luna stated adamantly. Discord burst out laughing falling over on his back as Luna remained unfazed by his response. She waited patiently as he stood back up, still chuckling.

“Good one Lulu! Very good one and—” Discord paused and stared at her. “Oh my, you really are being serious, aren’t you?” Discord sneered as he twirled his scraggly beard with a finger. He slithered around Luna and appeared on her other side. “Pretty little Lulu is going to fight?”

“We are no dainty flower, Discord. Lest you forget it was our sister and I that battled against the black dragons before sealing them away.”

“Oh, I haven’t forgotten,” Discord snickered. “How could I not? You and Celestia weren’t quite so skinny back then,” he joked as he reached out and squeezed Luna’s arm. She yanked it away and finally turned to glare at him. “I recall the two of you being quite the warriors back then… your appearances true to the term ‘battle goddesses’ for sure… oooo hoo hoo, I’m shivering remembering it. But alas, I guess when countless years of peace come into play it’s easy for one to lose a bit of tone, even for goddesses…” Luna stared at him awkwardly as Discord continued to make comments about her and her sister’s bodies. He chuckled when he saw her looking slightly disturbed. “Hey, a guy can look, you should be flattered! But enough about how I may or may not have always been carefully watching you two back then,” Discord purposely joked to make her feel more awkward. “You really believe this is a good idea?” he asked as Luna struck the previous conversation from her mind.

“Of course it is, we’ve already made enough of a mess, we have to make up for it and this is how we choose to do so,” Luna stared back at the armor as her magic came to life and she hovered the pieces of the armor towards her. Discord stepped back as Luna moved the pieces one by one into place on her body, finishing with the armored helmet as she stepped over to the mirror and looked herself over. Her image suddenly became distorted and was replaced with Discord in the mirror.

“Looking lovely, Lulu… but aren’t you forgetting something?” he slowly pulled himself out of the mirror and stood directly in front of her. He reached a finger forward and teasingly tapped it against the tip of her horn. “You were not among the fighting in Celestia’s vision… are you risking fate again?”

Luna’s eyes narrowed into a sharp glare as her horn came to life and forced Discord’s hand off of it.

TO HELL with my sister’s vision!” she snapped at Discord, who blinked as Luna yelled. “No more games… No more deception… and no more avoiding… It’s time for ME to repay all the debts I now owe!” she yelled as she dropped the formal royal speech. “I don’t care about a vision of the future! I care about stopping the threat to Equestria, and I’ll gladly defy fate to save its citizens from harm!”

Discords lips curled into a devilish smile as he stepped around Luna, allowing her to look at herself in the mirror.

“Lulu, I’m proud of you,” Discord began as he sauntered across the room towards the window and looked outside at the rain. He chuckled and spun around. “You’re finally starting to sound and ACT like your dear, dear sister… it’s reminding me of how much I miss her, really…”

Luna watched him curiously as he continued to snicker and chuckle. She blinked as she picked out a specific thing he just said.

“What dost thou mean… ‘act’ like her?” she asked. Discord disappeared in a puff of smoke and reappeared beside her, draping his arm over her shoulders while poking her in the chest.

“Oh Lulu… must I always be a plot device in such a crazy story full of unexpected twists and turns?” he joked as Luna blinked and the two of them were suddenly standing right in front of the window, looking out through the rain towards the Wonderbolt compound. “You weren’t in Celestia’s premonition…”

Discord slowly leaned in towards Luna’s ear.

“But guess what she didn’t tell you?”

His sneer grew incredibly wide.

“Neither was Soarin.”

Luna’s eyes shot open, her jaw dropped, and she gasped as she turned and looked at Discord, but he was gone.

“Well, well, well…” Discord’s voice came from behind her. She turned and looked over her shoulder, but he wasn’t there either. She looked in all directions until she faced the window again and Discord was leaning with his back up against it. “It looks like you aren’t the only one who’s trying to alter the vision!”

A bright flash of lightning suddenly lit up the room. Luna closed her eyes to shield them from the brightness, but when she opened them up…

Discord was gone…

“Wow, it’s storming now too,” Soarin commented, looking out the window as he and Dash carried one side of Matteo’s mattress down the east hallway. Matteo was carrying the other end by himself. “As silly as it sounds, I’m glad the Shadowbolts attacked this morning instead of waiting.”

“I guess we scared off the weather team…” Dash pondered. “I dunno, I haven’t been reading the scheduled weather reports.”

“We could easily go clean away the clouds, but like you said, we don’t know the weather schedule,” Soarin agreed as they stopped in front of the infirmary and set the mattress down. “Can you take it from here, big fella?” Soarin asked as Matteo cracked his wrists.

“I should be fine once I get it on its side, just didn’t want to drag it all the way from the barracks, thank you,” Matteo nodded. He reached down to tilt it up, but right before he did, Twister dropped from above and landed face first, spread eagle into the mattress. He didn’t bounce, just flat out slammed to it.

“Oh sure,” Dash began, not even slightly surprised like Soarin was. “You would show up after we’re done moving something heavy,” she pouted at Twister, but he only released muffled guffaws into the mattress.

Matteo reached down and tipped up the mattress on its side. Not surprisingly, Twister remained glued to it as Matteo began sliding the mattress along the floor and into the infirmary.

“Where’s your fifth?” Soarin asked while chuckling at the scene.

“Oh, Star? She’s already in there. We’ve had a hard time getting her away from Squall’s side since they finished stitching him up,” Dash explained with a weak smile.

“Really cares about him, huh?” Soarin smiled back.

“Yeah… the two of them have been an interesting mix from the start. She’s stood up for him more than once and he always seems to want to be where she is. It’s pretty cute, actually,” Dash said as she looked towards the infirmary door.

“Are they a thing?” Soarin asked while lifting an eyebrow.

“I wouldn’t say that, at least not yet,” Dash chuckled and nudged him. “If anything… I think she’s helping Squall a lot. From what I understand, he hasn’t had many ponies who’ve genuinely cared about him… with how easily he pushes others away and all. Star is definitely already breaking through to him… I’m hoping all of us can be on the same wavelength eventually…”

She paused for a moment, she and Soarin locking eyes before she remembered something else.

“Oh! How’s Storm doing? I saw Fleetfoot drag him out of the infirmary earlier, what was that about?”

“Heh…” Soarin smiled. “Bit of a long story, but the short version? Descent is definitely his father, and the two finally got a chance to speak in private. It was a touching thing to see. I’m sure he’s still a little shocked about who his father really is, but I have no doubt Storm is going to be in very high spirits tomorrow.”

“That’s good to hear,” Dash breathed a sigh of relief. As worried as she was about Squall, she had been just as curious to the mental state of Storm. He looked completely dejected after the run-in with Descent… it was good to know it got cleared up and he would be happy. And Descent really WAS his father… Imagine that. She’d have to get the full story at some point.

The two of them jumped and looked towards the window as a rumble of thunder rolled by outside.

“So you’re sure about this? I dunno if Bliss is going to like you guys spending the night in the infirmary if you’re not hurt,” Soarin chuckled. Dash nodded.

“I’ll make sure all my fellow dopes keep quiet,” Dash said with a wink. “Besides, I’ll be damned if I let Squall wake up alone after all this. I want him to see his whole squad there for him.”

“And that, is one of the many reasons you’re awesome,” Soarin smiled at her and reached a hoof towards her face. “I’ll leave you to it then, and I’ll see you in the morning, alright?”

“You got it,” Dash smiled back at him as the two leaned in and shared a soft, brief, goodnight kiss.

“Goodnight!” they said to each other in unison as Dash entered the infirmary and Soarin turned back towards the lobby, taking a moment to stop and look out at the thunderstorm before continuing on.

A loud, strong boom of thunder echoed outside, causing the compound to shake a little as it rolled through the air and slowly died down.

The noise woke Squall. He opened both of his eyes, but he only saw through one of them. He was angled up in his bed, his left eye seeing the tops of the elevated cabinets that lined the opposite wall of the training room/infirmary.

His face was still a little tingly from the anesthetic, but he could feel something covering his face on one side, which explained why he could see out of his right eye.

“Ugh…” he groaned quietly as he reached his left hoof up and touched his forehead, but as soon as he touched the bandages covering the stitches, he winced and pulled his hoof away while hissing quietly in pain, grinding his teeth together and squeezing his left eyelids hard.

The pain subsided as another, less intense roll of thunder echoed outside. There were no windows in the infirmary, but Squall could hear the rain falling hard against the compound. It was relaxing. At least he had that to soothe him as he sat there… in the infirmary… in pain… alone…

He let his left hoof drop back down to the bed, but his eye opened in surprise as his arm brushed up against something upon landing on the mattress.

It felt like fur and it wasn’t his. It was a little dark in the room, but his eye was already beginning to adjust. He tipped up slightly…

And looked around him…

Art by: Scootafail

His whole squad…

They were all there with him?

In the infirmary?

Dash had pushed one of the trainer tables up to the left side of his bed and was sleeping soundly on it. To his right, Matteo had his mattress all the way from the barracks on the floor and was fast asleep with Twister comically draped over his back, a snot bubble rising and falling from his nose. Squall looked right down to his left and saw Little Star completely curled up in a little ball right there on his bed beside him. She stirred and shifted, inadvertently resting her little head right on Squall’s arm.

Squall stared… utterly perplexed, bewildered, and confused.


Why were they there? The barracks had much more comfortable beds, not to mention much more space. It didn’t make any sense. Why would they be packed and crammed around him like this?


Squall blinked as he continued to look at each and every one of them…

But at least…

Squall looked down at Little Star. She shifted again and her head began to roll off his arm. He quickly moved his arm slightly, stopping her head from falling off. He took one more, long look at each of them.

But at least he wasn’t alone now?

They could have easily left him there and gone back to their comfortable beds in the barracks… They could have easily left him to the doctors and but they were there earlier too…

But they didn’t… they sacrificed their free time and comfort to stay by his side…

They were there for him… and now he wasn’t alone.

Nopony had ever done something like that for him before and here…

“So stupid…” Squall quietly uttered in denial as he leaned his head back against his pillow and stared directly up at the ceiling. “Such a waste…” he sniffled. “Of time…” he slammed his left eye shut and a tear ran down the side of his face. “Wh…Whatever…”

It was definitely raining...

---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

I promise i'm not crying... :fluttercry:

Wowee that was a long one huh? Full of emotion and Both Fleetfoot and Twister casually derailing the feels in magnificent ways :rainbowlaugh:

Luna's done playing around! :pinkiegasp:



Celestia... LIED about Soarin being in her vision?! Meaning that he was SUPPOSED to die back in head in the clouds?! BWUH?! Oh me oh my just WHAT am i up to? :pinkiecrazy: (You thought i was done throwing you mysteries eh Jimmy Hox? :rainbowlaugh:)

I really, REALLY feel like this was one of my best chapters, and i hope you all feel the same! :rainbowkiss:

Now i want to take a moment to acknowledge how well Foxena did something...

Lining these up to look the same past and present nearly perfectly.

Also this face :rainbowlaugh::

Of course i also have to acknowledge Scootafail, i really love the way she draws Foxtrot. The image is actually darkened to make it look like it's at night. I will be posting the original pic in my next art blog so you can see it fully. (Little Star curled up on the bed = so adorable.)

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! :scootangel::eeyup::pinkiehappy:



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