• Published 11th Apr 2018
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If Wishes were Ponies . . . . - tkepner

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends — with the help of a real gang member — wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The CMC find him. A year later, an owl brings his Hogwarts’ letter!

  • ...

127 — Happy For Now

“So, We wish to say, thank you, Harry Potter, for the services you have rendered to Equestria,” said Celestia. “Your attending Hogwarts opened up the reclusive world of the witches and wizards, and allowed us to prepare ourselves, and establish allies, for the possibility of a conflict. And We know you were reluctant to attend the school in the first place, making your attendance even more important to Us.”

The two sisters exchanged looks. “We are confident We would not have been too indisposed by the witches if the assault had been unanticipated, but the non-magicals would have seen the results of Our defending Ourselves and thought We were attacking them. It would have become quite problematical,” Luna said. “We might have had to destroy the portal.”

Celestia smiled. “While you are too young to receive any titles, We will be giving you an estate with a modest income.”

If Harry’s eyes bugged out any farther, he was sure they would fall out.

Luna snickered. “Although Sweetie Belle’s Le Sex Liquorices will earn you more than enough to live on, I’m sure.”

He felt his face heat up as he blushed. Even the Princesses had noticed?

Celestia snorted, and grinned, before continuing, “There will be a Ball in your honour, Saturday, this week. You may bring your herd-mates, and their families, with you.”

There was a brief pause as Celestia delicately consumed another slice of cake. Then she said, “We would like you to think about returning with your herdmates to Hogwarts next year. Without the interference of a certain evil wizard in the last five weeks, it would have been a rather pleasant experience, We think.” She glanced at him under her eyelashes. “At least your letters prior to those incidents seemed to indicate so.”

“And you will have plenty of company, this time,” Luna said. “We have thirty-one students — nine unicorn, ten pegasi and twelve earth — who wish to attend and explore this new magic. They are quite excited at being Equestria’s first exchange students, after you and your herdmates. They are, We believe, the brightest and bravest Equestria has to offer.

“They, and their parents, moved to Embassy housing in Little Whinging at the beginning of the month, to acclimatize to walking on two legs, and learn a bit about the culture and its expectations of appropriate conduct. Headmaster Dumbledore, just Friday, confirmed that their Hogwarts letters will arrive on schedule.”

“There are also ten unicorns, six pegasi, six earth ponies, and a Zebrican who have volunteered to be teaching assistants to the staff, at Our expense,” Celestia added. “They were gratefully accepted by Dumbledore as he was having difficulty finding sufficient witches and wizards for the positions. And funds.

“They have been undergoing a crash course in magic since you left for Hogwarts last year. This will give us the opportunity to see how accurate our understanding of their magic is.”

Luna smirked and gave Twilight a steady look. “It seems your offer at the End-of-year Feast significantly depleted their labour pool.”

Harry looked up at his mum, who smiled at him as she lifted her teacup. More students? And staff members who were ponies?

“Yes,” Celestia cheerfully said. “We’ve had nearly a thousand new pegasi and several hundred new unicorns come through the portal. And nearly as many inquiries at the Embassy about tourist arrangements. And We believe many of the pegasi will opt to move here, permanently.” She finished another slice of cake.

“Naturally,” Celestia solemnly said, “We don’t expect you to answer immediately. But you can expect a Second-year letter to arrive next week while you are visiting the Weasleys at their home. You will need to decide by your birthday.”

Harry’s attention drifted off. He ate, slowly, as he considered what to do. First, of course, was talking this over with the fillies. Then the four of them needed to talk with both Ginny and Hermione.

That was the real issue, though, wasn’t it? If he stayed home, he wouldn’t see either of the two fillies. He doubted they’d be willing to give up their education at Hogwarts. Plus, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Ginny not being unicorns meant they couldn’t attend Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

And the schools to teach wand magic in Equestria were still being debated and designed, according to his mum.

It was as they were finishing dessert, and the adults were talking about how the different nations around Equestria were reacting to the existence of the Portal and the humans on the other side, that he heard Twilight ask, “Have you shown the Griffons the new recipes using tofu?”

“The tofu experiment was a failure,” Celestia said sadly, shaking her head. Then she giggled, which turned into laughter.

“In retrospect,” Luna said, “it was a mistake to use candles in the chandeliers, instead of the normal lighting crystals.” She glanced up. “We thought they might find it a reminder of their home, and that We weren’t as different as some said.” She shook her head as she valiantly tried to suppress a broad smile, and failed.

“We were trying to make the Griffons feel more at home, you see,” Celestia said, interspaced with giggles. “They are always so formal with Us.”


A Guard burst out of the dinner-conference and screamed, “medic, medic!” before collapsing a few steps later, gagging uncontrollably. Several other ponies ran out after him, also gagging uncontrollably. A moment later, there was a soft “PHUMP” from the room and a light-yellow flame flicked out into the hallway before disappearing.

The Guards posted in the hallway rapidly slipped gas-masks on and unshipped their weapons and removed the safeties. They quickly dropped into well-practiced positions and routines. Some charged towards the conference room, some covered those from the sides and above, while the remainder prepared for an assault from either end of the corridor.

Voices could be heard from inside. “Open the windows! Open the windows! For Celestia’s sake, OPEN the windows!” they begged.

Several guards rushed in the doors, prepared to protect their fellow ponies.

Slightly singed Equestrian and Griffonstone diplomats made their way into the hall. All their faces were putrid colours and they were gagging from the horrendous odour that had begun to waft into the hall.

The recovering pony diplomats and servers in the hall screamed again, and began fleeing, as best they could manage, away from the Griffons.

One of the Griffons groaned and grabbed his stomach. There was a loud “BRAAAPP!” Another followed a moment later. And then another. He had barely straightened when a second Griffon in the delegation groaned and started to copy the first one.

One of the Guard ponies, who had been standing outside the doors when they burst open, and was now helping a pony to stand, froze. Despite the charms on his armour that made all guards look alike, he, impressively, turned green. He staggered and almost fell, dropping the pony he had been helping.

Pegasi at the end of the hall began furiously fanning their wings, trying to clear the corridor.

The Griffonstone diplomats were hurriedly escorted, at shouting distance, down the hall and outside into the garden.

Minutes later, dozens of birds and animals were seen fleeing the garden and seeking refuge inside the palace. The gardeners later discovered several species that they didn’t even know were anywhere near Canterlot cowering under various pieces of furniture and hiding in the drapes.


“The Griffons almost declared war on the humans when I explained where we got the recipes from,” Celestia said, before bursting into laughter, again.

Luna shook her head. “We really can’t blame the humans, however. The tofu recipes did say they caused some flatulence.”

Celestia’s laughter peeled through the room. “Some flatulence? That’s like calling Neighagra Falls a small set of rapids!”

“Still,” Luna said “We should have tested it before-hoof.” She sighed and picked at her salad. “And tofu is now a banned chemical weapon,” Luna said. “At the Griffon’s insistence.” The grin she was sporting spoiled the seriousness of what she was saying.

“I have never seen a trade delegation so quickly come to an agreement. They were done and headed back in two days.” Celestia finally had her giggles under control. “But it is the first time I’ve seen Grffons preferring to eat vegetables instead of meat at our banquets.”

“Although,” Luna said speculatively, “I did see Prince Red Talon surreptitiously getting the recipe from the kitchens. He murmured something about getting back at a sibling.”

Celestia began to laugh uncontrollably, and eventually fell over sideways.

Luna sighed. “The Health Inspectors have condemned the conference room.”

Celestia had started to turn blue, and her laughter had subsided into wheezing. Which oddly sounded like she was trying to say, “Best. Conference. Ever!”


Princess Celestia had managed to regain her composure when they met the others in the Green Reception Room. They sat on the couches and armchairs tastefully arranged by the windows looking out across Equestria. After making sure everyone was comfortable, and greeting them all by name, Princess Celestia said, “We wanted to tell you in person of Our decision on the Peter Pettigrew matter.”

Sirius immediately sat up straight, all trace of good humour gone from his expression. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the princess.

“Peter Pettigrew readily admitted his part in the death of Harry Potter’s natural parents and the attempt on his life.”

“And well he should!” growled Sirius, “the traitorous rat!” He visibly restrained himself from jumping up to storm around the room.

Celestia nodded gravely.

“He also explained that he had joined the Death Eaters, as Tom Riddle called his followers, because they had threatened both him and his mother. He thought the Ministry and Dumbledore’s followers would lose the civil war, and he would be killed for being a half-blood and defying Riddle. He agreed to take their mark on the condition that his mother would be spared their attention. He said that if he had refused they would have made him watch as they tortured his mother to death, and then they would have done the same to him.”

“He should have refused, and died like a man,” declared Sirius, hoofing at the floor angrily.

“Not everyone had as contentious a relationship with their parents as you did,” Princess Celestia rebuked the wizard. “And I cannot too harshly condemn a pony for trying to stay alive in such turbulent times.” She turned her head and looked out over the city.

“He could have asked for help!” Sirius yelled as he stood, stiff-legged, sparks popping from his horn.

The guards in the corners of the room jockeyed for better line-of-sights and brought weapons up. Harry saw a unicorn’s horn start to lightly glow.

“All the history books agree, you were losing to Riddle,” Celestia said sternly. “Even in school, two years before he attacked Harry and his parents, it was becoming obvious that he would win. Could you have guaranteed Peter and his mother’s safety when Tom controlled the Ministry?” She raised an eyebrow Sirius’ furious blush. “I think not. It was a terrible choice he had to make.”

“Afterwards, he had to do many things he never would have done otherwise.” She looked back at Sirius. “This does not excuse what he did, but it does explain it.”

“He betrayed James!” Sirius yelled at her furiously.

“And if he hadn’t, they would have killed him, and his mother, slowly.” She answered serenely. “He has begged forgiveness.”

“It’s a trick,” the wizard cried.

“Your emotions drive your hatred. You want to believe that only someone of unredeemable evil could betray you and your friends.” She sighed. “He isn’t as strong-willed a person as you are, Sirius. He fears for his life, and lives with that fear daily. Even when he was with the Weasleys, he feared discovery on a daily basis.”

Sirius gritted his teeth and scowled darkly. “He still should have refused!” He angrily sat back down.

“Perhaps.” She nodded gracefully. “Riddle told him he had no interest in killing James and Lilly, he only wanted to kill the baby. Peter considered the life of the baby a fair exchange for his mother’s life.” She paused a second. “After all, the Potters could always have another baby. He couldn’t have another mother. He wanted to believe James and Lily would survive. They might hate him for being the instrument of their baby’s death, but they would be alive.”

The wizard was shaking his head violently, muttering, “No! No! No!” He didn’t want to hear this, clearly.

“He suspected he was being lied to, but he had hoped he was wrong.”

She turned her head and looked at the Weasleys, who were all listening, wide-eyed. “He hid with you, the Weasley family, for ten years. He pretended to be a simple rat.” She nodded as they shuddered in revulsion at the thought.

“He was afraid to allow anyone to know he was alive because Riddle’s followers wanted him dead. He realized that he would be blamed by them, that they would think he had led their master into a trap. And, based on what happened to the Longbottom’s, he knew they wouldn’t stop until they caught him, if they knew he was alive.

“So he stayed a rat. With a witch family so he would have warning if anyone suspected him alive, and to keep tabs on his fellow Death Eaters. He didn’t betray you, he didn’t take advantage of his position.” She stared at the Weasleys steadily, and tried to impress upon them that truth.

“And he could have. At night, when you were asleep, he could have transformed and cast controlling spells with impunity. Or done things and used the obliviate spell. You were at his mercy.”

By the widening of the adults eyes, and the shudders that ran through their bodies, she knew that they hadn’t really considered seriously what his hiding with them meant.

“But he didn’t. He stayed a rat. He left you all unmolested, both physically and mentally.” She nodded reassuringly.

“So he isn’t evil. He is just a wizard who had to make terrible choices.”

She shifted slightly to address them all and adopted a more formal tone.

“Peter Pettigrew has committed many crimes on the other side of the portal. The only crime he committed in Equestria was being brought in by force. He was not trying to evade Our laws to sneak in. He attempted to escape his cage many times without success before even approaching the portal. We cannot condemn him for the disturbance at the Portal when he was clearly attempting to avoid it.

“The Weasley family, in turn, did not know their pet rat was a wizard hiding in his animagus form, and similarly did not wilfully nor knowingly break any Equestrian laws.

“However, he is responsible, indirectly, for the deaths of Prince Harry Potter’s parents and We cannot ignore that crime, even if it was committed in a territory outside Our borders, long before he became a part of Our family.”

Princess Luna started speaking. “We have examined his dreams as carefully as possible over the last few weeks and believe the wizard to be truthful and honest in his motives. He has agreed to co-operate with us in determining exactly how the Dark Mark used by Riddle operates, and to come up with a spell to detect it should anyone with it cross through the Portal in the future.”

“In addition, everything we have learned will be shared with the proper authorities on the other side of the portal,” Celestia said.

Sirius scowled darkly, his legs twitched with the desire to get up and storm around the room. That the Guards watched him closely seemed to temper down his physical reactions.

“During Our first investigations, Peter promised to tell the truth in exchange for sanctuary from punishment in England for his crimes. He followed through admirably, volunteering much information about how Tom Riddle acted and planned, and identified many of that wizard’s followers, both marked and unmarked. It is Our turn to reciprocate that trust,” Celestia said.

“He will be sentenced to twenty years in the Dungeons, reduced to house-arrest in Fillydelphia based on his continued co-operation and good behaviour. He will be tutored on Equestrian history and mores. Should the psychologists, and Princess Luna, agree, he will be eligible for early release in two years. In time, he might become a valuable member of society and atone for the evil deeds he did in England.”

Sirius again shot to his hooves and opened his mouth to protest. The guards moved a bit closer and the pegasus moved to flank the wizard. Luna raised an eyebrow.

Princess Celestia didn’t overtly move or respond as she stared intently at the wizard, but it suddenly grew much warmer in the room. Every pony could feel her power fill the room.

Sirius’ looked startled, then his expression went blank. He blinked and his anger seemed to drain away. He opened his mouth, closed it, and then said, “Excuse my outburst, your Highness.” He blinked, then continued, “As you said, my emotions on this matter are quite strong.” He bowed his head. “I meant no disrespect. Please forgive me.”

She nodded regally. “Emotions in such cases as this tend to be nearly overwhelming for those involved. You need not concern yourself regarding your conduct today.”

“Just keep that rat away from me!” he muttered, and looked down at the floor as he once more sat.

Luna smirked. “We shall endeavour to ensure you never meet.” A wave of cool air seemed to flow through the room.

Princess Celestia smirked, as well. “On a more cheerful note, We would like to extend an invitation to all of you to attend a Ball next Saturday. It’s being held to honour Prince Harry Potter’s service in introducing the witching world to Equestria, and preventing conflict.” She grinned at Harry’s blushing face.

He shuffled his forehooves awkwardly as everyone looked at him.

“We’re sure he and Princess Twilight will be able to explain the details,” Luna said.

“Now, then,” Celestia said briskly, “have you enjoyed your vacation in Equestria?” she looked expectantly at the Weasleys and Grangers.

The conversation went for another half-hour before the two sisters excused themselves. Celestia went to afternoon Court, Luna headed for bed. “Sundown isn’t until eight o’clock tonight, so I hope to get in a good seven-hour nap before raising the moon,” she said as she left the room. “Please enjoy your stay tonight in the castle.”

They spent the rest of the day being tourists. They did not, however, spend the entire afternoon in the Canterlot Royal Library, as Twilight wanted to do.


“Good morning, Princess Sparkle,” the Headmaster said as she stepped through his floo. “I have managed an . . . arrangement . . . with the Goblins,” He continued as she sat down opposite him.

“They have agreed to search for banned objects in the vaults of known Death Eaters currently in Azkaban. In exchange, Sirius Black has agreed to let the Goblins search his family’s vault and remove any goblin-made items they might find. As well as pay a large fine for his family failing to return the items in a timely manner.” Dumbledore looked at Twilight over his glasses. “As he assured me, they were very happy to make the arrangement. The Blacks have been hoarding goblin items for centuries.”

Twilight smiled hopefully.

“The number of Death Eaters in Azkaban is low, fortunately, only ten. Of those, only seven were members of Riddle’s inner-circle. Three are in the same family, the Lestranges, followed by Misters Rowle, Rookwood, Mulciber, and Dolohov.

“The goblins have refused to let us enter any of the vaults, nor will they remove anything. However, should they find anything that might be a horcrux, they have agreed to bring it to the vault door for us to examine. If it is a horcrux, they will allow us to watch as they destroy the horcrux as a banned item. The vault owner will be fined ten percent of the value of the vault.

“If there is any collateral damage to the vault, the vault owner will be fined an minimum of ten percent of the original value of the vault, or a thousand galleons, whichever is greater.”

He stood and gestured at the floo, “Shall we?”

Two hours later, they were still standing outside the massive door leading to the Lestrange family vault deep below Gringotts. Being the largest vault, and accessible to three inner-circle Death Eaters, they had decided to search it first. It was crammed with coins, goblets, and armour in both gold and silver. There were the skins of strange winged and serpentine creatures, jewelled flasks with mysterious liquids, and even a crown on a skull. The goblin team had long since vanished from sight inside as they searched for the Cup.

The Princess and Headmaster had spent most of the time discussing how they would integrate the new professors and students into the school — the students would almost double the size of the incoming class. Which would increase class sizes dramatically. But with two assistants assigned to each class, the doubled workload would actually be less than before.

In an effort to keep the class sizes down to a manageable number, they decided that the best solution would be to split the classes. There would be an “A” and a “B” class, where the more skilled students went to the “A” class. The classes would be in adjoining rooms. The Professors and their assistants would swap classes on a weekly basis, so that the Professors would be familiar with all the students in their subjects. And to make sure that the students received proper instruction.

There would be a mandatory class, once a week in the evenings, for the Equestrians, about wizardkind traditions and their society. It would be open to other interested students.

Twilight had just drawn up a proposed schedule for the First-year students when a goblin motioned to them from inside the vault.

Twilight didn’t need more than a moment’s look at the cup. “That’s it,” she said. “Definitely the same magical signature.” She turned to look at the Headmaster. “And it is definitely the third, as well. Ring, tiara, cup, locket, and Harry. If those five are all he made, then we are finished.”

The goblin’s eyes grew wide at hearing the list.

The Headmaster nodded and reached inside his robes. He removed a small wooden case and opened it. Inside was a glass tube with a basilisk fang. He offered the case to the goblin.

“We have discovered that basilisk venom is more than capable of rendering a horcrux useless,” he said. “The box has a stasis charm to prevent the venom from destroying the container. Use only magic to handle the fang.”

The goblin scowled at him. “Do you think me a simpleton?” He gestured at another goblin and casually dropped the priceless artefact on the floor of the cave.

Albus stared at the sadly at Helga Hufflepuff’s Cup, shaking his head sorrowfully at the desecration of such a priceless relic.

The goblin studied the wooden box for a moment, then barked an order. The second goblin ran over and jumped into the vault-cart, and then shot out of sight. The goblin’s search team returned and began clearing the area around the cup. Then they began stacking all manner of heirlooms and expensive keepsakes around it. Portraits, clothes, books, and other combustible items were placed closest. Things that could not burn, but were delicate enough to be susceptible to fire or explosions were ranked next.

The mound was barely inside the vault’s doorframe.

Princess Sparkle looked at Albus questioningly.

He sighed. “Goblins dislike wizards, considering most to be thieves and the remainder to be thieves in training. I am sure they hope that the horcrux is as violent as I told them.” He nodded at the massive mound of flammable materials. “This is their way of getting even. Plus, if vault is damaged, they can assess fines based the destruction wrought. We should probably move to a safer location.” He moved a bit down the path outside the vault, facing the doorframe at a sharp angle. They watched in silence as the mound grew wider and taller, until it blocked access to the vault.

Finally came the sound of the vault-cart returning. The driving goblin didn’t wait for the cart to stop before he bounded out and handed gloves to the leader. The leader of the group put them on, then opened the tube with the fang. He shook it onto the glove and began climbing the vault doorframe. The other goblins raced out of the vault and down the path, pressing against the wall, well out of the way of the doorway to the vault.

Twilight and Albus hurried after them until they could only see the doorframe.

A few minutes later, the goblin was at the ceiling and over the horcrux. He took careful aim, threw the fang, and then threw himself outside the open vault, as close to the wall as he could manage and putting the thick cave wall between himself and it.

The horcrux had no time to react, it simply exploded in a wave of pressure and heat. As planned, the items around the horcrux were covered in flames. The goblins made no attempts to put out the fires raging around the entrance to the vault. They just laughed and made jokes as portraits yelled, screamed, and perished.

Twilight started to step forward, horrified at the wilful destruction, but Albus lightly touched her arm and shook his head.
Once the flames died down, they were able to get close enough to see the ruined cup lying in the centre of a large blackened area, the basilisk fang slowly eating a hole in the floor. The horcrux was gone.

The lead goblin retrieved the fang, placed it back in its tube, and then into the wooden box that had held it. He handed the box to Albus and then returned to the vault opening. He stroked the scorch marks on the frame lovingly and stared at the hole etched into the floor by the fang. “Yes,” he murmured. He turned to face Albus. “You see the damage there?” he asked, obviously rhetorically. “We will have to repair it! There will be a fine of ten percent on the vault’s contents because of this damage!”

Albus could hear a goblin at the back of the group snicker.

Without any further ceremony, the goblins closed the vault door.

“You will search the other vaults?” the wizard asked as they headed for the vault-cart. “While we only knew of five horcruxes, there is the possibility that there were one or more created before them.”

Albus and Twilight could only hope there were no more horcruxes.

The goblin scowled. “Of course. The agreement was to search five vaults. Unlike wizards, we keep to our agreements.” Then he looked back at the scorch marks on the frame of the door. He smiled, “Besides, we might find something else that explodes.” He looked happy at the thought of doing more damage to a wizard’s belongings and pocket-book.

Albus nodded and joined Twilight in the cart for the return trip to the surface.

If the goblins didn’t find anything else of concern, Albus planned to have Harry throw the box containing Tom Riddle’s wraith through the Veil of Death in the Ministry while he was visiting the Weasleys.

Naturally, Albus and Princess Sparkle would be prepared in the event the box shattered and released the wraith instead of passing through the Veil. Which would mean that there definitely was another horcrux for them to hunt. And they would just recapture the wraith and keep it sequestered until they found that last horcrux.

Otherwise, that would be the end of Tom Riddle.

And Harry would be spending the next few weeks at the Weasleys. And Albus knew the Longbottom boy had invited him for a birthday party. Plus, after getting his letter, he would be wandering through Diagon Alley getting his supplies for Second year.

Parading Harry through the Alley multiple times, and having him visit a few of his friends, would be a tremendous boost to his followers.


End — Part III

Author's Note:

I wish to thank gerandakis for his generous work at correcting my grammar and misspellings. Any errors you might see are last minute additions and/or changes I made during uploading, and thus, are my fault. Any logic errors are mine, of course.

The sequel is If Wishes Were Ponies, Book II.

Final Numbers for June 6, 2019

likes: 1,393
Dislikes: 97
Views: 9,979
Comments: 18,608
Rating: 9,083rd
Word Count: 139th
Number of bookshelves: 3,347
Tracking: 1,582

#1 in Comments
#1 in Length
#1 in Dislikes/Down Votes
#3 in Likes/Up Votes
#5 in Views
#11 in Ratings

There were 74 Harry Potter/My Little Pony stories when this started.
There were 98 Harry Potter/My Little Pony stories when this ended.

My Ko-fi account is available if you would like to show any physical appreciation for this story.
And a heartfelt thank you to those that have already done so.

Final Notes (2.3K)

If you want to write a side-story, go right ahead! Make whatever changes you like to the main characters of Harry, the fillies, Hermione, Ginny, Castor, Elly the changeling, Starlight Glimmer, or their families. Just know that any changes that would create problems for me in writing a sequel will be ignored. The herd, currently, is Harry, the fillies, Hermione, and Ginny, I haven’t made any final decisions on the makeup. After all, out of all the high school romances you saw as a kid, how many actually married?

Additional notes:

· Elly has the Philosopher’s Stone. She’s becoming a Queen (has to hit “puberty,” first).
· Protective Rings are Engagement Rings as far as wizards are concerned.
· Discord planted the book Order in Chaos for Hermione to read.
· The twins are using How to Turn a Castle into a Demented Funhouse in 37 Easy Steps in Hogwarts.
· Non-Pesagi can fly with broomsticks and enchanted carpets. And the spells used on Snitches and Bludgers could be placed on Icarus-style non-flammable wing harnesses.
· Discord Ponies on the plains. He had fun with the Apples. And the pegasi. Saw another family being surrounded by wolves. Knew the outcome, but it’s not very chaotic, is it? They had magic, like the Apples, but it wouldn’t help them run away this time. Let’s add horns! Invention of the Flame Thrower Spell! Kill the enemy with FIRE! Lots and lots of FIRE. — Oops. Accidentally set the plains on fire . . . . (unless you have a better idea how this should go . . . .)
· A way get around any detection wards. Just create a Dark artefact that starts out unpowered, only becoming active when a mage sends magical energy into it. They'd probably immediately be detected, but a smart smuggler wouldn’t activate it until it was ready to be used, then immediately discard the thing.

A whole Hogwarts black market trade could develop in Dark artefacts that only do one specific thing, and are disposable. The Twins could make a killing doing that (though they would probably draw the line at any really nasty Dark magic). It’d also be amusing if the Slytherins become one of their best markets because of that. (Thanks ScreamingDoom)

· Harry (Tirek)
· Tiara (Twi, chs. 65-66)
· Ring (Albus/Remus, chs. 80, 94, 97)
· Locket (Sirius, chs. 113-115),
· Cup (Goblins ch. 127)
· Not Found: diary

POV Characters:
· Harry
· Castor
· Dumbledore
· Elly de Rippe
· Bright Star/Starlight Glimmer/Anne Bourchier

Following: Muggle world, Wizarding world, Equestria.

Hogwarts Second Year, MLP Events, Season Five/Six

Late Summer Post Hogwarts First-year

· E19 Crusaders of the Lost Mark: Summer - We know Brotherhooves Social occurs in Summer where the Crusaders don’t have their marks so this must occur after that but before autumn as the leaves are green.
· E20 The One Where Pinkie Pie Know’s: Summer - The crusaders have their cutie marks so after Crusaders of the Lost Mark. Green leaves indicates a summer episode.
· E24 The Mane Attraction: Summer – CMC cutie marks indicate it is after Crusaders of the Lost Mark. However there’s nothing else to really indicate a time so could fit in summer of this year or summer of next. Not sure of timeline but the season match’s as Cherry Harvest is Spring to Autumn and Apples are Autumn. So it could just squeeze in at the end of Summer with some early apples/late Cherry’s. There’s no Starlight, so it’s more likely to occur this year as she is redeemed in Summer of next.
· 6E4 On Your Marks: Now that the Cutie Mark Crusaders have their cutie marks, Apple Bloom wonders what to do now by herself as the others pursue different hobbies

Hogwarts Second-year

· E21 Hearthbreakers: Winter - Snow + Celebration of Hearth’s Warming Eve. Apple Bloom has her cutie mark so has to occur after Crusaders of the Lost Mark.
· E9 Slice of life: Spring - Honestly this episode could fit in anywhere that a spring or summer exists after they meet however the scrap book shows a number of scenes when they could be travelling plus one winter (one sipping hot coco) so I’m putting it in this spring. And Kevin, the Changeling.
· E22 What about Discord: Spring - Twilight refers to having the best long weekend ever and there’s usually plenty of holiday’s early in the year to account for it.
· E8 The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone: Spring - Technically this could occur any time in spring/summer, however unlike in Made in Manehattan Twilight doesn’t assume they are all being summoned which implies that this occurs after that and putting it close to the Hooffields and Mccolts episode while explain her pleasure at being summoned then.
· S6E15 28 Pranks Later During a tactless pranking spree, one of Rainbow Dash’s pranks goes horribly wrong when a special batch of joke cookies starts an outbreak of cookie-craving zombies.
· S6E17 Dungeons & Discords Discord decides to join in Spike and Big Mac’s “guys’ night” while the Mane Six are out of town. To his horror, their idea of fun turns out to be a tabletop fantasy RPG.

Summer Post Hogwarts Second-year.

· E23 The Hooffields and McColts: Summer - We see the Hooffields growing Pumpkins that are usually planted between May and June but harvested between 90-120 days. Putting it somewhere in summer assuming they planted at the end of spring. Given there are a few green tree’s its unlikely to be Autumn yet.
· E25/26 The Cutie Re-mark: Summer - Introduction of Starlight to the show so must occur after all the rest especially those like the Hooffields and McColts that features inside the castle. – Non-event -- Starlight already in story.
· S6E1/2 The Crystalling — Part 1/2: Twilight and her friends attend the Crystalling of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor’s newborn daughter, the first alicorn baby in the history of Equestria. Meanwhile, Twilight brings her new student, Starlight Glimmer, along for her first lesson: reconnecting with her childhood friend, Sunburst. After Cadance and Shining Armor’s filly accidentally destroys the Crystal Heart, the key to saving the Crystal Empire from eternal winter may lie in Starlight’s reconciliation with Sunburst.
· S6E16 The Times They Are a Changeling The denizens of the Crystal Empire fear a changeling spy is on the loose, so Spike follows his duty as the city’s hero to catch him. When it turns out the changeling only wants to make friends, however, Spike risks losing his reputation by helping him.
· S6E14 The Cart Before the Ponies The Cutie Mark Crusaders get the chance to race in the annual Applewood Derby, only for their teammates Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash to take over the competition.
S6E6 No Second Prances: Twilight sends Starlight out to make new friends, only to have a different opinion when Starlight returns with the “Great and Powerful” Trixie.


Minnie (female) > Princess Luna --- Squeaker (male) > Princess Sparkle.
Tippy (male) > Prince Armor --------- Tiny (female) > Miss Fluttershy
Mousey (female)> Miss Dash -------- House-elves become gremlins!
Low-key fights between castle housekeeping ponies and house-elves?

British Government

· Prime Minister: John Major
· Foreign Secretary: The Rt Hon. Douglas Hurd, 1989-95. Conservative, argued against intervening in Bosnian war.
· Home Secretary: The Rt Hon. Kenneth Wilfred Baker, Baron Baker of Dorking, Baker’s mannerisms were unpopular with some people: he dressed his hair with Brylcreem, and by the late 1980s he had come to be portrayed by the satirical programme Spitting Image as a slimy slug.
· MI5: Sir Patrick Jeremy Walker, KCB was Director General (DG) of Military Intelligence 5, the United Kingdom’s internal security service, from 1988 to 1992.
James Wootton, his secretary
· MI6: Sir Colin Hugh Verel McColl, KCMG (born 6 September 1932) was Head of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) from 1989 to 1994.
· Head of Army: Field Marshal Sir John Lyon Chapple, GCB, CBE (born 27 May 1931) was a career British Army officer in the second half of the 20th century. He served as Chief of the General Staff, the professional head of the British Army, from 1988 to 1992. Early in his early military career he saw action during the Malayan Emergency and again during the Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation and later in his career he provided advice to the British Government during the Gulf War.
· Director Special Forces Brigadier Jeremy Phipps, SAS Commander.
· Agent Lewis Carroll, MI5
· Agent Charles Dodgson, MI6
· Colonel Jayson Thiessen, Retired. Special Air Service.
· Sergeant Castor James Searle, Retired, SAS. Activated as Staff Sergeant, promoted to Warrant Officer 1st Class. (https://www.momjunction.com/baby-names/castor/ and https://www.momjunction.com/baby-names/search/searle/ ) Wife, Milada Sarood (before marrying) (http://www.sheknows.com/baby-names/name/milada and https://www.momjunction.com/baby-names/sarood/). Daughter Thalia Asgre (to blossom, Heart), age 15.
· Princess Royal Barracks, Deepcut, Camberley, Surrey (4 miles, 14 min drive) Army Logistics headquarters.

Ponies & Others

· Pony Types:
1. Earth, Unicorn, Pegasus, Night (bat)
2. Crystal Earth, Crystal Pegasus, Saddle Arabian
· Ginny – pegasus, gold splotched dark-green coat and Weasley-red mane and tail.
· Molly – pegasus, light red coat, dark red mane and tail
· Ron – earth pony, Orange coat, Weasley-red mane and tail.
· Percy – earth pony, grey coat, Weasley-red mane and tail.
· Fred and George – unicorns, magenta coats that clashed horribly with the Weasley-red mane and tail.
· Bill – pale-yellow unicorn stallion, Weasley-red mane and tail, Curse-breaker
· Charlie – brown-coated unicorn stallion, a long shiny burn mark on one foreleg, Weasley-red mane and tail, Dragonologist at a Preserve in Romania
· Oliver – pegasus, navy-blue coat, yellow-gold mane and tail.
· Angelina Johnson – pegasus, red coat with black mane and tail.
· Alicia Spinnet – pegasus, gold-yellow coat with black mane and tail.
· Oops, no. Katie Bell – pegasus, green coat with brown mane and tail.
· Hermione – unicorn, black coat and bushy brown mane and tail.
· Harry Potter – unicorn, red and gold coat with black mane and tail.
· Myrtle – unicorn.
· Dumbledore — brown coat with white mane and tail.

· Ages: Fluttershy > Rarity > AJ > Twilight > Pinkie > Rainbow, in that order, separated by just over a year from Fluttershy to RD since we know Fluttershy is a year older than Pinkie.
· Birthdays are March 15th-August 15 (320 gestation, estrus from Apr. to Sep. — cycle one week on, two weeks off)
· Hagrid is Kirin Half Dragon half Pony. Why? Because of his love for dragons and his a natural resistance to magic (in Equestria)... Seeing as he is half giant he is resistant (Archivist Nightwatch)
· Amethyst Star -- Twi, Pnyvlle, three brilliant cut diamonds, violet/lavender streak, amehtyst eyes
· Lemon Hearts -- Twilight, Cntrlt& Pnyvlle, two light blue and a light green hearts in a triangle, green leading, cerulean mane & lighter blue streak in tail, raspberry eyes.
· Liza Doolots -- CMC, horseshoe (up), two-tone lavendar mane, purple eyes
· Lyra Heartstrings -- Twilight, earth, Cntrlt& Pnyvlle, lyra, cyan/white streak mane, sunglow eyes
· Minuette -- Twilight, unicorn, Cntrlt& Pnyvlle, yellow/brown hourglass, periwinkle/blue streak, blue eyes.
· Moon Dancer -- Twilight, unicorn, Canterlot, crescet moon and 3 stars (1 between tips of moon), red/two-tone purple highlights, purple eyes
· Ruby Pinch -- CMC, no cm. two-tone pink mane, yellowish-green eyes.
· Sea Swirl -- two encircling dolphins blue & lightblue, blue/lightblue mane, raspberry rose eyes
· Twinkleshine -- Twilight, Ponyville, three blue stars in triangle, curly pink, electric-blue eyes
· Professor Sunburst -- male, Twilight, Canterlot, sun with blue-4pt stars and two white and two yellow rays, red/orange streak, blue-green eyes. wears long dark-blue coat with blue-green stars and trim
· Professor Bill Neigh -- molecule, Gray coat, white mane male, blue eyes, Glasses,
·Professor Swan Song -- Black-maned teacher, male, purple eyes
· Professor High Range -- Brown-maned,mare teacher blue eyes
· Professor Booster -- Purple-mane mare teacher and eyes
· Corporal Steady Charger – Unicorn male
· Sergeant Rapid Dash – unicorn mare
· Top Marks, Professor, a male unicorn with a blue coat, yellowish-gray mane and tail, gold eyes, and a golden laurel wreath cutie mark
· Apple Polish, Professor, unicorn female, cream coat, brown mane and tail, blue eyes, Cutie mark: red apple
· First Lieutenant Flash Sentry – male pegasus, gold body, two-tone blue mane and tail, blue eyes, Cutie mark: shield under lightning bolt
· Night Sentry – mare earth pony, dark brown coat, black mane and tail, brown eyes, cutie mark: a candle on a holder over a sword.
· Elly De Rippe, Changeling Drone Infiltrator Cadet 370,456LE, or Elly Fifty-six. Natural form on Earth side of Portal — girl with black hair and blue eyes, age eleven. Changeling Detection Runes purpose is to detect Changelings using a disguise, hence they only trigger on finding a changeling using a disguise. Much like an animagus detection spell only works on someone in animagus form, not when a wizard/witch merely has an animagus form (or Aurors would automatically check with every prisoner they arrest).
· Starlight Glimmer (Bright Star, Breezy Dancer, Anne Bourchier) appears benevolent and laid-back, but is vain, hypocritical, selfish, villainous, deceptive and a calculating megalomaniac. She is very talented at combining spells. Starlight is the kind of leader who controls through authority and manipulation. Her Cutie Mark is a 4-point purple star over a 4-point white star (making 8-points) with two blue-green bi-colour swirls above it.

She can “steal” wizards’ special magic skills, i.e., Lockhart isn’t the master of mind obliviation; Voldemort can’t understand Parseltongue and dark magic is difficult to cast; Minerva isn’t an animagus and is only average at transfigurations; et cetera. Just as she could take Dash’s special speed and skill, but not her ability to fly, and Twilight’s magic was reduced to average, not eliminated.

She is easily frustrated when things do not work out how she planned. It is not entirely clear whether Starlight truly believes that she is doing the right thing by ridding ponies of their Cutie Marks and is only keeping her magic because she is the only one who can do so, whether she is actually deriving satisfaction out of the fact that she alone in the town has a special talent, or a bit of both. Based upon how she responds to ponies thinking they are superior to others, it is implied she has an envious side. She seems to also think ahead in situations, as when she ordered Double Diamond to bring her the Mane Six’s marks so she can personally guard them, and have an escape route under her bed in case if the town would turn on her. But despite being an expert manipulator, Starlight’s arrogance, zealot attitude and refusal to believe in any form of friendship other than her own makes her quite gullible herself, as she is tricked by Fluttershy into releasing her, by Party Favor into thinking that he was the only one wishing for his Cutie Mark back (he claimed this to defend the other free-thinking ponies, Sugar Belle and Night Glider) and by Twilight Sparkle into being distracted, although she claimed she was aware of Fluttershy’s ruse. She is also shown to be quite disrespectful and bad-mannered, even to royalty, as shown when she furiously silences Twilight when she tried to explain how differences can make friendships stronger. In addition, she is somewhat clumsy, something that allowed Fluttershy to discover her secret.

As a foal, Starlight’s only friend was a colt named Sunburst, but when he got his cutie mark and moved away, Starlight felt abandoned and lonely. She became convinced that cutie marks bring only pain and the key to true friendship and happiness is for no one to be special, so no one’s talents can take them away or make them feel superior.

Eyeglass charms

  1. Forever Prescription
  2. Impervious
  3. Anti-summoning (except your own or your mother’s)
  4. Ever-dry-and-clean (no more steamed glasses or rained out glasses)
  5. Comfort
  6. Sunglasses, adjustable
  7. Sunglasses, anti-glare
  8. Anti-slip (won’t fall off your face, stay where you place them)
  9. Anti-grab (evade being yanked off)
  10. Anti-reflection (so others don’t see reflections off your glasses)
  11. Zoom (macroscope and microscope)
  12. Night-vision, adjustable
  13. Snake vision (infra-red)
  14. Ultra-violet
  15. See through clothes (like Mad-eye Moody)
  16. X-ray
  17. See Magic
  18. Invisible
Comments ( 530 )

So is the choice to Harry just if he wants to attend a ball in his honour

And Muggles murdered by Peter are out of equation?

I found the extreme whitewashing of Peter's crimes and motivations to be an odd choice, to be perfectly frank. But at the end of the day, this is a work of fan fiction, and it doesn't need to stringently adhere to the source material of either universe. So I'll just accept it and move on. Overall, an excellent goddamn fic, dear author. I'll be on the lookout for the sequel, whenever you decide to release it.

so, when there mercy towards peter comes back to bite the princesses i do expect they well publicly announce they where in the wrong.

Well that is a good info dump in the authors note. Still I agree with Sirius about that rat. Hopefully one day he will at least tolerate his presence, becuase I doubt he would ever forgive him.

Please post a linked blog when you start the new story as well, since edits don't send notifications.

Wasn't Nagini also a horcrux? Or was that only after Riddle was resurrected?

So you're gonna continue in a separate story?

In that case I suggest an epilogue that establishes where each of the PoV characters stand going into book 2 and give this story a proper ending instead of it just suddenly stopping like it does here.

Fetch #9 · Jun 6th, 2019 · · 2 ·

In the list of Horcruxes, you forgot Nagini.

Just reflecting real life, where people convicted of crimes in one country live free and clear in OTHER countries that don’t care what that first countries laws are. And vice versa. Without an OFFICIAL policy of extradition, to punish someone in country B for a crime committed in country A is simply illegal!

I was thinking of both an edit, for new readers, and a new “chapter” to cover both bases.

Before ressurection, but after reunion with Peter during the summer between the third and fourth years.

I call BS. Sisters are absolute Diarchs, they could easely just hand criminal back to his country. You just use all possible plot contraptions to make wizardkind misarable in this story.

Of course, the other side of this coin is someone doing things that are criminal in Equestria, then finding refuge in either magical or non-magical society on the other side of the portal. That mindset on the part of the Princesses--he's repenting here, regardless of what he did there, so it's all good--might just come around to bite them.

Neece #15 · Jun 6th, 2019 · · 1 ·

The part about the tofu was absolutely hilarious, nearly made me choke on laughter :rainbowlaugh:

Nice place to end this book, curious on how will you continue it.

a good way would be to post a new chapter on this story that merely announces the new story is up. this will be noticeable by anyone who checks the recently updated section of their library. or respond to this comment when new story is up. either works for me. looking forward to how you continue this.

Looking forward to the sequel.:yay:


She didn't become one until around the fourth book.

Wow, 127 chapters to this story, however it says incomplete, so is there one more chapter to come out or what?

And I call BS on you! If you commit a murder in California, and then drive to New York and confess to the crime there -- guess what? They can’t try you for murder because it happened OUTSIDE the state of New York’s jurisdicition! That’s the LAW! They have to remand the criminal back to the other state for them to prosecute the crime.

Yes the sisters COULD send him back, if they wanted. But Celestia is all about reforming the criminal. That’s canon. If she can forgive Discord, personally knowing how many died due to his shenanigans when he ruled, why wouldn’t she forgive and try to reform Peter for crimes outside her world? Especially because she knows how cruel and unfair their justice system is in the wizarding world. It is entirely believable that she would refuse to return a criminal when she knows that person will be tortured. The US does the same thing quite routinely when they think a criminal will be tortured, even when they know he is guilty!

You mean like all those criminals in Russia that the Russian government refuses to send back to the US? (the ones who tried to throw the election in the US). There are many cases where people have killed in the US and then fled elsewhere for safety.

Wait. His glasses are invisible?

They CAN be. Doesn’t mean he did that.


Yeah that is a rather big overlook. Peter did mass murder and effective set up Sirius to have a 10 year stay in prison but gets off effectively scott-free.

And dear Authorlord are you taking a break before starting the sequel or will we continue to get the fabulously update schedule you have done so impressively. Cause I must admit is had been a joy to look forward to these chapters every Monday and Thursday but fully understand if you need a break.

Don't forget about the dairy that was meant to open the chamber of secrets

He does have the diary in the list as Not Found.

You really didn't like Starlight Glimmer don't you, I would agree with all of the passes you've done one here, and I would agree with most of them too. I am looking forward to the sequel to this story, are you planning to do the same with the bonus chapter for each slice of a hundred up votes?

Unless they hire Dogg the Diamond dog bounty hunter to grab him in philydelphia when he's put on parole in two years. Then bring him to a country with extradition agreements.(probably the griffin territories). with wizarding Britain or the British government because he did kill innocent muggles no matter how bad his situation he killed a dozen civilians to escape capture from serious .... (did celestia forget this?). Theirs none now but extradition laws are gonna happen no doubt on that at all even if they have to go around celestias back with a neighboring country to get some in place. With wizards or normal people attempting to use the portal as a means of escape punishment thinking they'll get a slap on the wrist if they promise to be a better pony they'll swarm equestria. Once he's across the border if they try to stop his extradition through the portal it'll result in an international incident if they try to grab him in transit.

Also celestia using her power to intimidate a victim into submission by flaring her power is out of character. Two years of cozy house arrest for a dozen murders and two accomplice to the fact and a attempted murder also getting someone wrongfully imprisoned for 10 what did she think his reactions are gonna be he should've called her a stupid c*** who doesn't care about justice and the only reason he didn't attack or control the weasleys is he'd eventually be caught. Arthur works in the ministry eventually he'd slip up and one of the two older brothers works for bloody goblins who sure as shittin would find out hes ensorcered because theyd probably got charms to prevent theft by employees due to spells and he sure as sh** ain't no voldermort to be good enough to fool them. Serious needs to go to the british government and tell them to demand his extradition for the deaths of civilians.... will celestia be willing to damage equestrias position with england over a terrorist as the british government will label him as. Yah she can tell them no but will she over a murderer.

Celestia's logic is blatantly inconsistent: she argues that Peter "isn't really responsible" for betraying the Potters to Voldemort because he did it out of cowardice, but insists that he deserves credit for not attacking the Weasleys also out of cowardice. She can't have it both ways -- either actions taken out of cowardice "don't count" morally, or they do. You can't count one set and not the other, and she's also completely ignoring the mass murder of nonmagicals which he committed and then framed Sirius for, which is deeply fucked up.

It kinda feels like Harry really does NOT want to be at Hogwarts, yet everyone seems to be pushing him to go anyways. And each time I Imagine myself as Harry in this situation, I cannot help imagine myself firmly refusing to return there. anyways I look forward to more

So only the diary left and they won't know till they throw Riddle through the veil.

Not sure Starlight should be able to steal wizard skills especially since you've stated wizards can't get cutie marks and that's what she takes NOT skills. The = sign is shown to force a lowest denominator state so just a cutie mark removal may not even have that effect without the other mark. Even laying that asife since a wizard even in pony form cant get a cutie mark they should be immune to Starlights spell. Just because McGonogal is the transfiguration teacher doesnt mean she has a special talent in it. This feels this is more of the double standard where ponies get all the good stuff and wizards only get all the bad stuff.

So if there's a Griffin Prince does that mean you aren't going with the canon Griffonstone kingdom?

So a thousand squibs have moved to Equestria along with several hundred wizards and witches I wonder what impact that big a move will have on discarding England?

Yep the 12 muggles he killed seem to be just ignored here. Especially with good behaviour getting him out of jail in just 2 years, he should have to serve at least 10 to match the innocent man he allowed to be jailed in his stead.

Good story, I can’t wait for the next one.

I've gotta agree, you can't excuse his crimes just because he did them out of fear while praising him for not doing something bad also only out of fear. Even then fear doesn't excuse the mass murder of all those muggles and framing Sirius.

If Harry doesn't want to return to Hogwarts one simple option would be for Twilight to arrange a few tutors for him and the fillies (Hermione and Ginny included should they decide to tag along instead of returning to Hogwarts) to teach them what they would otherwise learn at Hogwarts without having to leave Ponyville and he could spend time with all his herd mates. Plus the whole reason he was there in the first place (to help Equestria learn about the Wizards) no longer really matters what with all the new Equestrians going to Hogwarts for the 92-93 school year either as students or faculty so now he no longer needs to attend if he doesn't want to.

Personally when it comes time for Harry to make his decision I hope that Twilight at least offers to hire a tutor for Harry and his "friends" as a possible alternative to Hogwarts so that he does not feel like he's being pressured into returning if that is not what he wants to do.

Well the next story can't overly focus on Voldemort or things really linked to him as a background plot or him as a enemy. Maybe for a single act cause all that is left tethering his Wraith to the mortal plain is the book which Lucius has. Which, unless he does the same thing as canon and dumps it in Ginny's cauldron. it's not getting found anytime soon and if he does then... well Book 2 of If Wishes Were Ponies 'Back to School Supply gathering chapter' *Diary gets dropped in cauldron, Twilight detects the same signature of the other horocruxes though stronger since it's the first, takes diary, feels remorse for having to destroy a book, destroys book since it contains evil, Voldemort dies. End of potential Voldemort 50% soul fragment threat arc before even getting to the school if you even have them head back there for year 2*.

Wouldn’t voldemort’s pet snake, nagini, also go under the undiscovered horcrux tab? It was confirmed to be the 7th horcrux, and i’d assume that it is from before voldy was defeated by baby Harry due to how big it was in the movies. Also doubt he would have had the strength to create a horcrux before goblet of fire, where the snake is revealed. Just a thought for you to think about for the plot and other people who want to make side stories.

Nagini wasn’t introduced until the fourth book. I didn’t see anything about nagini not being around before book 4 so technically the snake could have been a horcrux that was hidden in a safe house and not found. Or that it could possibly be found on the riddle estate that has been purchased by our resident changeling.

Despite the charms on his armour that made all guards look alike, he, impressively, turned green.

Well, of course. The charm matches your base coat color to match Guard uniform standards. Blushing or going "green around the gills" is a separate attribute independent of coat color. It makes perfect sense that that would need to be specifically targeted in order to hide. :twilightsmile:

“I did see Prince Red Talon surreptitiously getting the recipe from the kitchens. He murmured something about getting back at a sibling.”

I like this prince already.


It's amazing how little some folks know of how the real world works, ain't it? You've certainly explained it clearly enough, though.

The actual flip side of this situation is people falsely accused or persecuted by a corrupt government in one country are able to live free and clear if they can escape its jurisdiction--whether they were just visiting on holiday escaping to their homelands, or were natives who seek asylum abroad.

That happens to be a big thing, even today, unfortunately. But some of these folks would want to deport people back to Germany in the midst of WWII, just for the sake of "sending 'em back" or something. Ugh. :facehoof:

Nagini became a Horcrux with the murder of Bertha Jorkins in 1994 so she is inconsequential in this setting.


If Dogg the diamond dog bounty hunter tried that, he'd be arrested at the border for pony trafficking absent an agreement allowing such behavior.

The guy you're punning on was a bail bondsman, not a "bounty hunter" in the Wild West sense of "bring 'em in, dead or alive, get paid cash".

They don't get to just go anywhere in the world and kidnap people. They're limited to jurisdictions where the bond their "bounty" agreed to when they posted bail is considered valid by the local courts, and crossing international lines with a prisoner requires international agreements on how such a thing happens, when it is legitimate, and who exactly is allowed to effect such a transfer.

Generally, a US bond is good within pretty much the entire US, because one country, Constitution says contracts/licenses valid across state borders, etc, etc, yadda, yadda.

I'm not aware of any foreign countries that would be happy to have non-governmental individuals seizing people within their territory at random...that would be a PR disaster if anything went wrong!

You also seem to have missed the part where the full sentence is twenty years in the dungeons, converted to house arrest conditionally due to cooperation and good behavior (which would have to continue!), and only eligible for the two-year early release if certain conditions are met; namely the agreement of professional psychologists and Princess Luna—who can visit his dreams and see a lot more inside his head than an external shrink!—that he's genuinely reformed.

If he's not genuinely reformed, and his cooperation becomes suspect or his good behavior becomes not so good, it's a long stay in small quarters, for an already up-there-in-years fellow.

Hardly a slap on the wrist, unless he's genuine; in which case, objective complete: move along.

Good job on this story. Now I'll be waiting for Harry and the gangs' shenanigans in year two. Keep up the great work.

Dude I was kidding about Dogg... take a joke. A real bounty hunter don't care about no borders and Philadelphia on the equestrians map is a coastal city they'd use a boat or with the introduction of wands it's even easier to grab him. Once he's in foreign hands he's subject to foreign laws. Celestia could ask to have him turned back over but the holding government could just shrug and say it conflicts with a agreement they have with another countries government. The British government sends in guys to retrieve him and now they have a standoff at the portal. The equestrians want him released the British government wants their terrorist. Will celestia jeopardize all the goodwill they've built up with the British government over keeping a known mass murderer because he's sorry.


Eh, if dockyard security/customs don't catch them on the way out of port, they're not doing their jobs. Doesn't mean Dogg wouldn't be arrested if caught. :raritywink:

My 2 cents on Peter:

You seem to be forgetting the murder of 12 innocent civilians that occurred as a direct result of his attempting to escape Sirius. Murdering 12 innocents to save your own life is certainly NOT something they should be overlooking. His own excuses to not mitigate that in any way.

That's just the risk they take doing the job you figure bounty hunting is extremely dangerous. Usually escaping individuals will kill rather then go back if its to a death sentence Usually it depends on the bounty reward if it's small no one would take it anyway but i could see peter being worth atleast a 500k to a million. Hell neviles grandmother alone would probably call for blood at letting a known murdering death eater get off with what amounts to .... nothing ... seriously you can't even call 2 years of house arrest a punishment. Twenty years in a dungeon yah ok but that.. god celestia thats f***ing dumb. The house is probably gonna be better then what normal wizards are used to. She'll probably foot the entire bounty herself if the ministry is to squimish about funds. I truthfully dont think the british government in real life would let this fly .... they might even send their own people through the portal to do it. If he was a Russian criminal he'd probably allready be dead. They'd murder him to make an example to anyone else who tried portal asylum as soon as he's vulnerable.

If we're going down this rabbit hole let us not forget he took those actions while a part of what would be considered a terrorist group that declared war on ruling wizards and the 'muggle' world. That alters both arguments and is a political Nightmare should it become publically known on the other side of the portal because most would not find that an acceptable condition for someone to be granted the right of asylum. On this I'm pretty sure even the ponies' allies amongst non-magical Britain would be second guessing and backing off to figure out how to respond if they got even a hint of this.

They just laughed and made jokes as portraits yelled, screamed, and perished.

I think the goblins went a little too far there. The portraits are sentient/sapient. Murder is murder.

She’s becoming a Queen (has to hit “puberty,” first).

And puberty hits back, hard. :D

This was amazing. So so good, easily one of the best stories on this site. I can't wait to see what else you can up with, and really looking forward to more. I will be following for a long time methinks.

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