• Published 11th Apr 2018
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If Wishes were Ponies . . . . - tkepner

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends — with the help of a real gang member — wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The CMC find him. A year later, an owl brings his Hogwarts’ letter!

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74 — Terror in the Corridors

Breakfast Saturday morning had been quiet — it was going to be their normal Friday classes. Even the parliament of owls had been a bit low. On the other hand, the huge flocks that had descended into the breakfast hall every day since school had started had probably spoiled the First Years, as the other students seemed to think today’s traffic still was heavier than normal.

The best part of breakfast, for Harry at least, had been the three Aurors coming into the hall in the middle of it. They had marched straight to the Head Table and had asked Deputy Headmistress McGonagall to fetch a “Draco Malfoy” for them. Harry had stared at them, then at Ron and Neville, both of whom shook their heads in stunned silence. It was Ginny’s smirk as the Aurors left for the Malfoy residence that clued the boys into who had snitched on Draco’s bragging.

Scootaloo had rewarded the witch with an extra-large helping from the bacon platter she had claimed for Harry and the fillies.

The twins had watched with incredulous expressions that segued into looks of pride at their sister.

“They grow up so fast,” had said George, wiping a non-existent tear from his face.

“Truly wondrous,” had added Fred, “She hasn’t been here a month and she’s already topped our biggest prank . . . .”

They had both sighed, grinned, and said, “A new goal has been set!”

The Ravenclaws seated nearest them had all shuddered.

Breakfast had passed all too quickly, and soon they had filed into the Potions’ classroom and had handed in their finished potions.

Because they merely had been closely supervised, but had done the work themselves, both Sweetie Belle and Neville had been able to honestly say that they had prepared the potions themselves, to their Professor’s disbelieving raised eyebrow.

Professor Snape had not been happy to collect fourteen small bottles of Boil Cure from the Gryffindors. Especially as all fourteen had to be rated acceptable. Except for Hermione’s, of course. It was rated average. Harry thought it was exactly the right colour, but he wasn’t the Potions Master.

Today’s assignment had been Burn-healing Paste.

Professor Snape clearly thought last week was a freak accident, as he had once again assigned Neville and Sweetie Belle to the same table.

Harry had heard an “AAHHhhhh,” coming from his right. He had turned just in time to see Sweetie Belle finish with “CHOOOooo!”

Fortunately, she had been crouched down low, her head below her table, one hand braced against the table-base, the other against the floor, for support.

He had slowly let out the breath he had been holding, and looked around the room to see the rest of the class had done the same thing.

He had looked back at Sweetie Belle as she stood back up and grinned at him. She had looked at the instructions in her book. Then she had lifted her stirring rod and promptly dropped it — straight to the floor between their desks. She had sighed and stepped over to pick it up. She couldn’t use it — it had dirt on it — but she couldn’t just leave it on the floor.

Harry had sighed and reached into his Potions’ Kit. He had just pulled out his spare rod to offer to her when she had smirked and snatched his stirring rod from beside his cauldron. He had rolled his eyes, but hadn’t said anything. He had thought that maybe his correctly brewed potion which still dripped from the rod — at least he hoped it was correctly brewed — might help her.

She had started to stir the liquid in her cauldron — vigorously in the wrong way. He had been about to correct her when she yelped, dropped the stirring rod in her potion, and shook her hand violently.

Harry had seen a small spider fall from her sleeve into the cauldron. It must have fallen or climbed onto her sleeve from the bottom of her table when she had leaned against it.

“Uh . . . ,” he had started to say when there was a distinct POP from her cauldron, A brilliant pink smoke had exploded from the cauldron, and had instantly filled the dungeon classroom.

Everyone had made a frantic run for door, which had immediately become a choke point, and trapped most of them in the room for a vital few seconds. The Slytherins, with their penchant for coming first and taking the tables furthest from the door, discovered the flaw in that approach as they had been kept in the room the longest.

Harry and the fillies, being in the middle of the room, had been too late to make it to the door before it became clogged. Harry had tried to hold his breath, but the pink smoke had made his nose itch and he had sneezed. Then he had had to take a breath. He heard the same reaction taking place all around him.

“Idiot girl!” snarled Professor Snape, and he cleared the smoke with a wave of his wand. “What did you do?” He had a bubble of clear air around his head.

The knot that clogged the door finally broke through and the entire class spilled into the corridor. “There was a spider!” Sweetie Belle wailed.

The coughing slowly subsided. Harry suddenly realized that there were an awful lot of witches — and wizards — staring at him with lowered eyes and really creepy smiles. Scootaloo, on his left, and Apple Bloom, on his right, both said, almost in stereo, “Harry!” in rather sultry tones. They pressed against his sides in a way that was decidedly not just a friendly pony-bump as he was used to getting at home.

He didn’t move for a moment, unsure of what was happening. However, when he felt two hands caress his bum — and they didn’t belong to the fillies, they were running their hands on his arms — he decided that retreat was the better part of valour. That, and seeing almost the entire class was giving him a look that he only ever had seen between two ponies who were very much interested in each other. Looks he had seen most often during Hearts and Hooves Day.

He transformed into a pony. His smaller height made it much easier to slip around the legs of the crowd and avoid the grabbing hands. He noticed, as he had spun around before running, that it had been Hermione and Ginny petting his bum.

He had barely broken free of the crowd when he heard the stampede start behind him. Spurring him to greater speed were the words he heard hurled after him: “Harry, love, come back! I love you!” came from a half a dozen throats, not all of them female. The cries of “Leave him alone, he’s mine!” faded behind him as scuffles broke out, reducing the number of pursuers behind him.

Scootaloo was not slow, either mentally or physically, as he heard her take to the air seconds behind him. She gleefully declared, “Wait, my love, we’ll keep you safe!” from a yard behind and above him.

Apple Bloom was only a moment behind her. And Apple Bloom’s earth-pony strength could easily catch him. All she had to do was pace him until he was too exhausted to run anymore — an easy exercise when the earth-ponies were pitted against the less athletic unicorns.

He increased his speed. Classroom doors flew by as he rocketed down the corridor. The pounding hooves behind him told him Apple Bloom was gaining ground.

Scootaloo was getting closer, too. He quickly discovered that if he ran up the side of the walls on the corners he could take side corridors faster than she could bank. She always over-flew the turn and had to tightly circle back around, gaining him precious yards.

The portraits did not appreciate his hooves dancing around their frames.

That had not hindered Apple Bloom, unfortunately. Following him, she always had warning and could take the corners faster than he had. “Harry! Slow down!” he heard her yell.

He shot up the stairs, and barely touched them once or twice on the way. The doors to the Great Hall were open. He ducked in there. He ran under the tables to prevent Scootaloo from tackling him from above.

The students studying inside the Great Hall looked up at his frantic entry, with Apple Bloom almost right on his tail. They were more than a little startled to see Scootaloo zoom into the Hall over their heads, followed a moment later by Ginny.

He had silenced his hooves so they couldn’t track him by sound — thank god Hermione had forced them to read the Second Year Spells book!

That hadn’t been an issue for Apple Bloom, she had him in her sight the entire time as she was barely a pony length behind him. Hearing her teeth snap closed as she tried to catch his tail gave him a tiny boost of speed — and he tucked his tail tight to his rump.

The Professors’ door behind the Head Table on the left side of the Great Hall was closed, but Harry used his magic to creak it open just far enough for a pony to fit through. He suddenly jinked to his left, then jinked back, then used the Head Table’s modesty panel as a rebounding board for his hard right turn. He jumped further to his right and slammed on his brakes. Apple Bloom, and then Ginny, shot by in a blur, frantically back-winging. He saw Apple Bloom slide by as she tried to catch him, her teeth barely missing his mane.

He reversed direction and darted underneath the Head Table, again, just as Scootaloo slammed down where he had been. Ginny tried to head him off, but over-shot his position and back-winged wildly to avoid crashing into a startled student at the Gryffindor table.

The room was in bedlam as the four of them raced through it.

Harry made a mad dash to the Professors’ door and slipped past it. He closed the door and ran across the small anteroom to the other door. He heard both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo swearing on the other side of the door, and then ominously, he heard Apple Bloom order, “You two go that way, I’ll follow through here!”

He yanked open the door and took off at a dead run, again. The wrong way, he discovered. He surprised himself and the two pegasi by running under them as they cornered into the corridor from the Entry Hall.

By now, the commotion had attracted attention and both students and professors were looking into the corridor as he blew by their open doors with the other three ponies in close pursuit. Their yelling, “Harry! Cut it out, you know you love us as much as we love you!” merely spurred him into running faster than he had thought he could run. He arrived at the Central Stairs just in time to meet the students, those who had escaped Professor Snape, coming up the stairs from the Dungeons.

Their cries of joy at seeing their beloved filled the stairwell.

He made a frantic jump from the floor to a handrail and thence to the one stair that had just left the ground floor, leaving his ground-bound pursuers behind. That did not stop the pegasi, though, and he powered to the fifth floor. As he was charging down the left corridor he saw one of the many “secret” passages that led to the seventh floor.

He darted in. Behind him he heard Scootaloo, “You follow him here, I’ll head for the exit upstairs and we’ll have our love, safe from the others.”

He heard Ginny’s hooves hit the floor behind him. He had made a strategic error. He was trapped.

Harry slowed to a stop, gasping. Then he tried the only thing that could get him out of being trapped in the secret passage. He screwed his eyes shut, concentrated, and teleported. He hadn’t really thought of exactly where he wanted to go, just somewhere nearby where it was unlikely he would be spotted.

Slamming into something that wouldn’t let him through to wherever his subconscious had selected to teleport made him feel extremely nauseous as he staggered in the corridor. Next time he wouldn’t ignore that particular safety in the spell. Recognizing the door to Fluffy’s room — it was very unlikely he would ever forget that — barely two yards away when he opened his eyes scared at least a year’s life out of him. At first he was relieved that whatever barrier it was that had stopped him, had stopped him. But then he wondered why his subconscious thought a three-headed and angry Fluffy was safer than letting the girls catch him? It left him more than a little bewildered.

He quietly backed away and looked around carefully. No one was in sight. Seeing the broom-closet door just a few yards further away from Fluffy’s door was a god-send. He quickly darted into the small space and then started praying that nobody would think to start looking in broom-closets. Or notice this one.

It took him several minutes to get his breathing back under control. Then his muscles started quivering from his frantic abuse of them, and his adrenaline rush began to fade. He had finally started to relax when he heard footsteps. His eyes went wide and he froze, afraid to move a muscle or make a noise.

“Where can you be, my love,” he heard Goyle say. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from those lying fakes saying they love you. Ha! They can’t hold a candle to my love for you, which blazes like a desert sun and is deeper than the deepest ocean!” Goyle had sighed heavily.

The footsteps continued onward, after a brief hesitation not far from where Harry sat, shaking.

Oh. Yes. Definitely. Harry did not want to be that popular.


Harry woke with a start as he heard a knock on the broom-closet door. He held silent, barely daring to breathe.

“Harry?” came one of the twin’s voices. “It’s safe to come out now.”

“We started a rumour that you were hiding in the hospital wing.”

“Worked like a charm.”

“Yeah, Snape and McGonagall captured all the Slytherin and Gryffindor Firsties.”

“Madam Pomfrey has a potion to cancel the effects of Love Potions.”

“Honest, we wouldn’t prank you on this.”

“It’s already too good of a prank.”

“The whole school is in an uproar.”

“They’ll be talking about this for weeks!”

“And we got tons of blackmail material, too.”

“Wish we had thought of it.”

Harry knew the two of them were outside the broom-closet because the location of their voices kept switching back and forth from one side of the door to the other. He crept closer to the door, and slowly pushed it just far enough open to see outside.

The twins moved so he could see them.

“Honestly?” he whispered.

They both nodded their heads.

He would have been the only First Year at Gryffindor table at dinner that evening, he later learned. The rest of the Gryffindor and Slytherin Firsties were confined to the hospital until curfew as Madam Pomfrey wanted to make sure her antidote had flushed Sweetie Belle’s inadvertent Love Potion from the victims. The students were not thrilled. Especially as the Hospital only had two toilets, one for the witches and one for the wizards.

The twins, instead, conducted him down into the dungeons under the Great Hall, and introduced him to the kitchen and the house-elves. It was a wonderful dinner as the twins entertained him with stories of their adventures in the castle. Unfortunately, no matter how many times he asked, they refused to tell him how they had found him. Although, if either of the twins had made a crack about the three of them being at a romantic candle-lit dinner, he would have been out of the kitchen before the other two could move.

They also grilled him thoroughly on what Sweetie Bell had done.

“It must have been the stirring rod,” George said, after thinking for a few moments.

“Yes, it probably had some of your skin-oil on it, as well as skin cells.”

“More than enough material for a love potion.”

“We will need to consult with Sweetie Belle.”

“Yes, it sounds as if the alterations to the Burn-healing Paste make it . . . ,”

“. . . much cheaper and easier to mix than the other love potions.”

They bid him goodbye and left him to watch the house-elves at work.

When he finally dared to venture back to the Gryffindor dorms, shortly before curfew, he noticed additions to the ‘ATTENTION ALL GRYFFINDORS!’ list:

5) . . .
a) . . .
b) Pegasi are not allowed to fly in school corridors.
c) Pegasi are not allowed to fly in the Great Hall.
d) Pegasi are not allowed to fly up or down the staircases.
e) Pegasi are allowed to fly in classrooms — with the Professor’s permission and for demonstration purposes, only.

۸- ̰ -۸

“Well,” Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling as he looked at the assembled professors seated at the conference table. “We conclude another boring week at Hogwarts.”

Minerva gave a very unladylike snort as the others grumbled a bit.

He sighed. It seemed everyone had lost their sense of humour this week. “I will just confirm, again,” he continued, “that the accounts in the Daily Prophet published yesterday of what happened Tuesday are, indeed, quite accurate.” He smiled. “For once, Miss Skeeter, managed to stick to the facts. For the most part.” He gave a small smile at that statement.

“The Chamber is well-protected, at the moment, although it is unlikely anyone would stumble upon any of its entrances. Filius, Minerva, and I shall be exploring the Chamber in search of any hidden rooms it might have or items Salazar might have left down there. As soon as we finish, we shall open it up to the students, and then the public.”

He noticed that Quirinus was rather disgruntled — most likely at missing out on all the action. “Yes, I know you would like to be a part of that, Quirinus, but I doubt that there will be any traps or other problems. I’m sure that Salazar deemed his basilisk to be more than capable of protecting his secrets. And any dark creatures that might have tried to nest down there would have made for a quick snack for the snake.”

The professor nodded reluctantly and settled back in his chair, arms crossed on his chest and still scowling. Amusingly enough, he was competing with Severus as to who could scowl more.

“I am pleased to note that everything went well in Hogsmeade. I have received several owls from the villagers complimenting us on how well-behaved the students were and expressing gratitude for the Hogwarts’ elves’ assistance. Thank you all for your hard work at keeping the unexpected outing tranquil.”

He smiled at them and stroked his beard a time or two.

“Severus, have you or Poppy made any headway on Sweetie Belle’s discovery?”

The lanky wizard scowled, “Accident, not discovery.” He visibly collected himself. “It shouldn’t be possible to make a Love Potion out of Burn-healing Paste, but with the addition of a live, immature steatoda grossa spider,” he stopped and looked around the room, sneering slightly, “also called a Cupboard Spider, and a targeting agent — skin oil or a few skin-cells are sufficient — you can create one.” He glared at the far wall. “The potion is extremely fast acting, almost instantaneous. The smoke can be pressed into the liquid. When cooled, it forms a thin paste, which liquefies at body temperature.” He paused and his voice took on a more lectural tone. “The paste isn’t as strong a love potion as the others, and induces what might be better called an infatuation. It is also short-lived and dosages can be as small as to last only a quarter-of-an-hour.”

He stopped and the edges of his mouth barely curved up —which for him was a grin. “Having a large sample of subjects makes such determinations simpler. Several students were already coming out of it as we reached the hospital wing. Knowing where they were sitting in the room made the calculations simpler. It is also easily remedied with the standard love-potion antidote.” He paused a long time, thinking. “I believe it would be proper to name it ‘Sweetie Belle’s Love Potion Number Nine’ because it is the ninth love potion to be documented.”

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Not Professor Snape’s Love Potion?”

Severus’ scowl was deep and dark as most of the other professors ginned or chuckled. “I did not discover it, I merely refined its properties and production. And I do not want my name attached to a love potion, for obvious reasons.” He glared at everyone in the room. “Poppy is currently monitoring the students still under its influence, and will administer a final dose of the antidote to every student before releasing them, just to be sure.”

Dumbledore nodded sagely. “Yes. If the twins succeed in their efforts with the gender-changing potion, this will make the second potion Miss Belle has discovered in as many weeks. I cannot imagine how many she will have . . . created by the time she reaches her OWLS.”

The entire room shuddered as Severus stared at Dumbledore in horror. But then he frowned and a thoughtful look came across his face. The potions professor shifted to cradle his right elbow in his left hand as his right fist held his chin, his forefinger lightly tapping his lip. A distant look entered his eyes.

“Moving on,” Dumbledore said, “Minerva tells me that the Gryffindor quidditch team try-outs held by Mr Wood failed to find anyone interested in — much less qualified for — the Seeker position. As a result, try-outs for First Years will be held tomorrow, Sunday, seeing as today, Saturday, is the day normally scheduled for the team try-outs and the students were in class, instead.”

That got snickers from both Filius and Pomona and a glare from Severus. He couldn’t object, however, as all the Slytherin Quidditch players from last year were still on the team. That Marcus Flint was happy with his current line-up and had already declined reserving time on the pitch for try-outs was well-known.

Dumbledore smiled genially. “I also have located a new professor for History of Magic. He will be arriving tomorrow. He scored high in his OWLS, and nearly as well in his NEWTS. And I believe most of you knew him when he was here in the late seventies. I will formally introduce him at dinner tomorrow evening.”

That got a few thoughtful looks from those who were here, then.

“And, after the clear failure of the Hogwarts’ charms to detect the presence of the entrance to Slytherin’s Chamber in the second floor Witches’ Toilets, as well as their inability to detect the serpent forty-eight years ago, Princess Sparkle has offered the expertise of some of her people at examining and improving the Castle’s charms.”

Everyone straightened in their chairs.

“You trust them?”

“We don’t need their help!”

“What can they do that our Aurors and Unspeakables can’t?”

He waited patiently for the objections to die down. “We can’t involve the Ministry,” he stated. “I know that there are Dark Lord sympathizers who would attempt to build holes into the protective charms here at Hogwarts. They also would have no compunctions about sabotaging the efforts of the wizards and witches trying to do a good job.” He sighed. “Plus, the Ministry would see this as an opportunity to subvert control of Hogwarts away from the Board of Govenors.

“After considering all the facts, I have accepted her offer and the first consultants should be arriving any day now. Please help them acclimate to the castle and answer any questions they might have. The Princess has promised that they will try to remain out of sight most of the time and will not disrupt any classes.”

He looked up at the Heads of Houses. “Filius, Pomona, Severus, Minerva, tell your students that any Dark artefacts — as defined by the Ministry — found in their possession will be confiscated. Students with these items will be given long detentions, with the exact length determined by the danger of the artefact. The artefacts, themselves, will be turned over to the Ministry to decide if they will be returned to the parents or destroyed and the family fined.” He looked over at Severus as he said, “Hiding the objects somewhere in the castle will not save them. The items will be found, confiscated, and destroyed.

“They may hand-in any artefacts before Monday evening without penalty.”

He turned his attention to the DADA professor, “Quirinus, make sure that any dark artefacts you have are thoroughly secured at all times, and stored in your quarters, office, or the DADA classroom. Any artefacts discovered outside of those three locations will be considered as items that were ‘hidden’ by students and confiscated.”

He swept a look across the gathered professors. “There will be no exceptions. If you, or a student, have an artefact that is classified as dark, you must tell me tomorrow, or remove the item from Hogwarts and its grounds.” They all appeared to understand the gravity of what he was saying.

He turned to the Hogwarts’ librarian. “Irma? I will need you to survey the collection to ensure that all cursed books, or books that belong in the restricted section are, indeed, in the restricted section. The house-elves will be building a glass wall separating the restricted section from the rest of the library. The door will be behind your desk, with a rune-lock on it. You will keep the key on your person at all times when you are here at Hogwarts, and you will leave the key with me or Minerva should you leave for any reason.”

He gave them a stern look. “I will not allow the students’ lives to be unduly jeopardized.”

The meeting ran on for another two hours, with Madam Pomfrey making an appearance near the end.


Author's Note:

Thanks to both Firestorm & Senko for Rule 5.

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