• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 6,079 Views, 389 Comments

Reincarnation - Silver Butcher

After meeting the end of his life span, Spike awakens in a new Body, Reincarnated as a Kirin he has one single goal, Figure out how to tell his friends without making them think he/she is crazy

  • ...

A day in the Park

Leaf storm looked around in silence as she sat on the blanket, across from her sat Summer, Summer had high hopes for today, Autumn and Winter were watching the duo from a vantage point. Summer had an earpiece hidden beneath a hat so her two friends could help guide her. So far the 'date' wasn't going all too well.

"Conversation," Winter said into the walk-e-talkie "You've been sitting there staring at her for the last 5 minutes, at least open the basket,"

Summer slowly opened the basket-like it might explode and her movement was all Leaf storm needed to start talking.

"So are Winter and Autumn not joining us them?" She asked casually.

"Um...no....no....no," Summer replies shakily "there...doing things and stuff, and....no,"

"Winter probably just asked Autumn to help her break up with her new colt friend, I dunno what he called me, but whatever he said made Winter go Nirik, I honestly can't think of a time when I've ever seen her do it before, it was honestly really scary,"

Summer chuckled "Really? Didn't think she had it in her,"

"I know right," Leaf said with a chuckle as she looked up at the clouds, doing her best to not look where Autumn and Winter were hiding, her spy had notified her of the evening plan and together had decided it was time to end thing once and for all. The last few years had been fun, getting to experience life as most children did instead of how he had the first time around, as Twilight's assistant he'd put most of his focus on helping her and hadn't really started his own life until they had moved to Ponyville. The notion that someone had a crush on her was absolutely adorable, but the idea of loving another creature, knowing she might one day reincarnate again, was out of the question, over the years she'd hoped that pretending to not notice Summer's advances would cause the Kirin to one day move on to the Kirin who had been paddling after Summer for years, and she felt it was time to correct this mistake.

"So, you and Autumn still use that old clubhouse?" Leaf asked much to the shock of Summer.

"Oh...ye-yeah, we spent two years carving that bolder in my backyard into a cozy cave," Summer took a sip from her juice box and Leaf nodded as she examined the sky and decided on the direct approach.

"Cool...so you two dating yet?" Summer instantly spat her drink into Leaf's face. "You can't tell me you don't know about her crush, everyone knows about it," Summer stared silently at Leaf as she turned to the bush where Winter was dragging the red Faced Autumn from their spot in the bushed with magic.

"Summer you and Leaf just...don't have that spark," Winter said simply as she placed Autumn on the blanket, "You two have a lot in common, but also a lot not in common, you two would be a bad break up in less than a month,"

"That's generous," Leaf storm noted "Summer you follow me around a lot but you just like the way I look, I like comics, Power Ponies, and I love sugary sweets. You hate reading, you don't even like super hero's you like adventure movies, and the only time I have ever seen you eating sugary stuff is at the malt shop, and you always give me your malt before you even get a quarter way into it," Leaf sighed as Summer looked like she was about to cry. "I didn't want to do this, I had hoped beyond hope you'd find someone better, the one Kirin you are literally always with, you and Autumn have been friends longer than any of the rest of us have, you two go camping together, and don't think me and Winter didn't hear your experiments during that Sleepover," both Autumn and Summer went bright red looked to Winter, who was nodding.


Leaf storm sighed before continuing "you two, are a duo, and frankly out of the 4 of us I think we all know Winter plans to move to Ponycity one day, but neither of you two wanna leave this country behind, you both love your family too much to stay away from long," Leaf made her way to Summer and took her hooves as she braced herself, she had promised she wouldn't long ago, but she was finally ready to admit to herself that she had broken that promise years ago.

"Summer, your one of my dearest friends, and I want you to know I love you, but I can't give you what your want from me, I would never work between us, stop looking towards your fantasies, and look to reality, you have someone who can and will give you want you need," Leaf let go and both she and Winter left the Picnic.

"Did we do the right thing?" Winter asked as she looked back at Autumn comforting the now crying Summer.

"Only time can answer that, but I can say that they won't be talking to either of us for a while," Winter looked at Leaf with a deep frown.

"Guess I'll be alone this summer," Winter said as Leaf gave her friend a hug.

"They won't be mad at you for long, but your right, if things work out you might get left behind, but I'll have a place for you in Ponycity, that said I don't think they'll be talking to me again anytime soon," The two looked back as Summer and Autumn left the Picnic behind and made their way out of the park. "I do hope they'll forgive me one day, but breaking a heart and revealing one's most private feelings is a pretty hard wound for a Friendship to heal from," Winter and Leaf gave each other a hug.

"I'll miss you," Winter said.

"I'll miss a lot of people, but I'll miss my first Kirin friend the most," the two broke apart and Leaf storm sat down and Winter made her way home. Leaf sat there, staring at the sky for hours, so much time passed that she was pretty sure it was now the next day.

"Why'd I have to remember?" She said to the empty night sky "Why do I have to live my life knowing I'll outlive all my friends again?"