• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 6,079 Views, 389 Comments

Reincarnation - Silver Butcher

After meeting the end of his life span, Spike awakens in a new Body, Reincarnated as a Kirin he has one single goal, Figure out how to tell his friends without making them think he/she is crazy

  • ...

The Tuba Tube

Leaf was floating next to the Tuba that was embedded into the back wall of her office, Being held in her magic was the pie she had been instructed to throw into it, she was waiting for 12:13 to come so she could be done with the pie. the only noise in the office was the constant clucking of the Chicken that had once been a note.

"Would you hush," Leaf said as the bird floated past her head and clucked into her ears, the Chicken gave several clucks of indignation before letting out a rooster cry, Leaf took that as her queue and opened the office door with magic, setting the chicken outside before turning back on the Gravity, resulting in her desk and chair crashing to the floor, she held herself up with magic and put the pie in one hoof and shoved it into the tuba, she waited for resistance and instead found herself being sucked into it, she blinked and found herself sticking out of a Saxophone hung up on the wall, sitting directly under her was Discord, who was talking with Princess Celestia, neither of them seemed to have noticed Leaf Storm or her Pie.

"...so I'm thinking of coming back out of Retirement," Celestia said, earning a Chuckle from Discord.

"Again?" He asked "I seem to remember you coming out a Retirement 2,000 years ago, only to go back into it a thousand years later," Discord shook his head "Just admit you like taking thousand-year vacations,"

"This is serious," Celestia said as she got to her hooves, "You know what Twilight has been trying to do,"

"Well if your so intent on stopping her from piercing into the veil then just tell her there is no afterlife," Discord said simply, Feeling she had heard too much and not wanting to be noticed Leaf decided to make it seem like she had just arrived.

"Hey, Discord!" She cried out making Both Discord and Celestia jump and turn to her as Leaf threw the pie and nailed Discord in the face "It's 12:13," Her job done she put her back hooves against the wall and attempted to pull herself out to no avail "I'm also stuck,"

"Ah Leaf storm," Discord said, making no effort to clean himself off and instead floated up and took the Saxophone off the wall, bringing Leaf along with him as she was now stuck in it, "Celestia, this is my new assistant," Celestia looked at Leaf in silence, who waved casually.

"This was a tuba when I crawled inside of it," Leaf assured the Princess before being hauled over Discord's shoulder like a rucksack.

"Anyway Princess my assistant has reminded me of an important summons I must be getting to, I'm sure you'll come out of Retirement regardless of what I say, so have fun with that," Before she could reply Discord snapped and he and Leaf were in the kitchen, Discord went from being playful to a full-blown panic.

"What are you doing?" he demanded.

"You said to throw the pie," Leaf replied as she continued her attempts to free herself.

"I said throw the pie into the tuba, not crawl into the tuba, and then throw the Pie," Discord groaned as some of the kitchen staff gathered around him.

"Mr. Discord," A Female Griffin greeted "What an unusual pleasure,"

"Not a Pleasure I'm afraid, my assistant here is stuck in a temporal warp, I'm going to need Pickle juice, lots and lots of Pickle juice,"

"Um," The Griffin said as she looked around at the staff, "We can get that for you but it'll take some time,"

"Eh don't worry, all the time in the world, there's just no other way to get her out other than a pickle bath,"

"Couldn't you just snap your fingers?" Leaf asked.

"I could, but you'd be ripped in half, half of you in the tuba, and the half in this saxophone,"

"I'll take the pickle bath," Leaf replied, after a moment she rubbed her face with a groan "Wait...why a pickle bath?"

"well you're stuck, just need to lather you up and you'll slip right out, and when pickles mix with a temporal vortex they make a residue that's slipperier than soap,"

"Oh alright then," Leaf said with a shrug as Discord turned back to the Griffin, who Leaf figured to be the head chef.

"We'll be on the first floor when you have the pickles ready Flower,"

"No problem Mr. Discord," Flower said as she waved to him, Discord snapped and they were at a table with Mortamire and Shiver, who had been building a tower of cards, they both yelped and they knocked the cards over.

"No!" Shiver cried out dramatically before hitting the table "we destroyed it, we blew it away!" Shiver let out a sobbing sound then sat back up straight "Oh well, next time,"

"Discord," Mortamire greeted "Why do you have a Saxophone?"

"This is my assistant," Discord replied holding the Saxophone up and showing Leaf to the two "She got stuck in a vortex, mind watching her while I go retrieve her legs?" Discord didn't wait for an answer and instead set Leaf down and disappeared.

"Um?" Mortamire asked as he picked up the Saxophone, Shiver had chosen the more appropriate response to start wheezing as he tried not to laugh in Leaf's face. Mortamire instantly turned to Shiver "Really, your gonna laugh at this?"

"She's stuck...in a Saxophone!" Shiver said as he began crying at the way Leaf looked.

"It was a tuba when I crawled into it," Leaf said defiantly, this broke Shiver and he began howling with laughter.

"Come on," He said as he looked at Mortamire "you don't think that's funny? She climbed into a tuba, and now she's stuck in a Saxophone!" while Mortamire and Leaf tried to figure out why exactly that was funny Shiver's laughter gained the attention of some of the residents and they came to look at Leaf, the reaction was split between those who were worried and those who laughed at the absurdness of the situation,"

"I'm sorry," Brick said as Mellow gave him a hard glare for chuckling, Leaf waved him off as she was confident he was only laughing because Shiver's own laugh was infectious.

"I don't think we've properly met," Mellow said as she took Leaf's hoof "I'm Mellow petal,"

"I'm Leaf storm," Leaf said as Discord snapped back in, Wielding the Tuba that housed the back part of Leaf's body, resting on her butt was the Chicken, now rocking a little vest and mohawk with a Maraca in its beak.

"I'm stuck in a Tuba for a few minutes and my Chicken start's a Punk rock Maraca band," Leaf said irritably when she saw it shaking the Maraca around "Shouldn't have let you have those donuts," Leaf turned at the sound of banging as Shiver started hitting the table, he only got worse when the Chicken began shaking to the beat of Shiver hitting the table. Before anyone else could join the Punk Chicken band Flower and some of her workers made their way down to the first floor from the opening that connected the 2 floors, the crew landed and set a barrel of Pickles down next to Discord who casually picked up the Tuba and dumped it into the Barrel, earing a shark yelp from Leaf.

"Cold and slimy," She complained as some juice began coming out of the Saxophone, Discord snapped and Leaf had a pair of goggles on just as she felt something pulling her and she was forcibly sucked back into the Saxophone and was submerged in the pickles, she quickly submerged and spat out some juice.

"Well this has been Terrible," She decided as Discord snapped the Tuba and Saxophone away.

"Well sorry to bother you all, have a good day, thank you Flower," Discord snapped and he, Leaf, and the chicken all disappeared and reappeared in Leaf's home.

"Now then, I have fixed it so you should be safe to jump into the tuba and show up near me without getting stuck,"

"Thanks," Leaf said as she lay on the floor "why does my chicken have a mohawk,"

"I 'unno," Discord replied with a shrug "Enjoy the rest of your day," Discord snapped away and Leaf picked herself up and looked at the Chicken, who was still shaking his maraca.

"See that corner over there," Leaf said pointing to the cover of the home opposite of her bedroom "You can have that corner to exist in since your a thing now," The chicken simply walked over to the spot, dropped its Maraca and then sat staring intently at the wall.

"Freaky," Leaf said as she grabbed one of the books Discord had left and decided to open up Fluttershy's, whose voice filled the room as she spoke about her day.

Leaf had done some unpacking and how had a cushion to sit on as she listened to books, now listening to Rainbow dash talk about the not so up to date roster of the Wonder bolts. She snapped the book shut when she heard a knock. Leaf quickly gathered the book and put them back in their originating box before tossing it into the gravity-less Office and making her way to the front door.

"Leaf storm," Flurry said once Leaf opened the door "May I come in?"

"Sure," Leaf replied as she moved and let Flurry walk into the room, closing the door behind her. "Just don't bother the Chicken," Leaf pointed to the chicken, who was now wearing a cloak and sitting in the middle of a circle of candles "I have no idea what it's doing or where it got that cloak but I want no part of it," Flurry looked at the room and her eye's lingered on the single Cushion on the floor.

"Don't you have a couch?" Flurry asked.

"I have a cushion," Leaf replied as she walked over to it and flopped onto her side with a huff. Leaf could tell Flurry wanted to talk about something but decided it would be best for Flurry to talk at her own pace. "the only furniture I brought with me was my bed," Flurry looked around the mostly empty space, ignoring the chicken as per Leaf's request, and found the room oddly empty, even Leaf's kitchen was empty save a Refrigerator she had a feeling was empty

"Do you have any food?" Flurry asked, the tone of worry in her voice made Leaf smile.

"I do not," Leaf said, knowing full well that Flurry wouldn't like the response. "I put it in my brother's luggage cause knowing them they didn't pack enough to get them to their first paycheck," Leaf's eyes shot open as she felt something hot on her face and found Flurry was all up in her space. Leaf and Flurry stared at each other for a moment before Leaf slowly rolled away from Flurry and off the cushion until she was on her belly and got to her hooves. "Relax, there's literally a free buffet downstairs,"

"Did you know that when you moved here, or where you just planning to not eat for a week?"

"I figured Discord would take care of it," Leaf replied as she made her way to her front door "All this talk of food had reminded me I only had one donut this morning, wanna come and get some food with me?"

"Yes," Flurry said so quickly Leaf looked back at her, finding Flurry was now looking away from Leaf and was instead looking towards the chicken, Leaf didn't say anything about it as she opened the door, as she and Flurry a set of eyes were watching them from afar.

"So that's Leaf storm?" Cadance said as she spied on her Daughter and the Kirin that her daughter thought she was destined to marry "There's definitely something here," Cadance said as she tapped the floor "I smell... a possible romance perhaps," Cadance gave an evil grin as she tapped her hooves together, "Yes...Leaf storm might work well with my little Flurry," Before Cadance could continue she heard a knock on the door.

"Cadance," Luna called from behind the door, "Why are you in Ponycity? Your not playing matchmaker with your daughter again are you?"

"She agreed to it this time!" Cadance cried back "It was even she who called me here!"

Author's Note:

I've been having a lot of fun with this story, sorry that there's no sad depressing moment but it wouldn't be all that good if every chapter in a story this long was making you cry, it'd just get repetitive.