• Published 29th Nov 2022
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Veggie VBS - freecozyglow

On the eve of Twilight Sparkle's coronation to become ruler of Equestria, the Mane Six hop into a portal and find themselves meeting with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber in the world of Big Idea.

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Chapter.12: The Dramatic Dream

Bob found himself on a rocky surface with craters all around and a dark, starry sky. "Huh?" he asked himself. The last thing I remember is lying in bed with my stem overgrown. But now I can see again. Where the heck am I?"

"Bob!, is that you over there?" called Larry from a distance.

Bob began to hop over to Larry but realized he was hopping far higher off the ground than usual. "Woah, why do I feel light all of a sudden?"

Larry hopped high off the ground over to Bob, "Look, Bob, my tooth shrank back to its proper size. I'm confused about where we are, and how we can hop so high."

"Of course," said Bob, "this must be the moon, one small step for veggies and one giant leap for veggie kind."

"The question is," said Larry, "is how did we get here and how come we can breathe without oxygen tanks?"

Then Bob and Larry saw Princess Luna flying down towards them.

"Luna!" said Bob, surprised.

"Hello, Bob and Larry. You are both still asleep. This is a dream that you are sharing."

"Huh?" asked Larry, "But how can this be a dream? It feels so real."

"Yeah," said Bob, "Are you telling me Larry here is the same Larry I've known all these years and not just a figment?"

"That is right," said Luna. "As the former ruler of the night, I can enter anypony's dream to advise them in daily life. Even after retiring, I still make an occasional visit. I also can enter the dream of any visitor of Equestria."

"Amazing," said Larry, "in that case, I would like to apologize to you, Celestia, and even Discord for losing my temper that evening. I should've never told Discord that he should drown himself."

"Same here," said Bob, "It is not how a Christian like myself should react. When we feel angry about something, we should use more self-control and civility."

"I forgive you," said Luna, "even though you're not proud of telling us off. You weren't wrong in what you said about Cozy Glow."

"I don't understand," said Bob.

"Yeah," said Larry, "didn't you trap Cozy Glow in stone along with your sister and Discord?"

"Right," said Luna as tears formed in her eyes, "but what you said about me getting a second chance and not giving Cozy Glow the same opportunity made me feel ashamed. When Cozy Glow used the Bell of Grogar to take my magic away, I felt humiliated; I wanted her to suffer as part of my vengeful desires. However, I thought about when I was the same age as Cozy Glow. As a child, I always felt jealous of the attention my older sister got. I became Nightmare Moon and wanted to take over Equestria, all because of my selfish, evil desires. I was banished to the moon, which looked just like this. It was lonely, depressing, and boring being cooped up here. It was wrong never to investigate Cozy Glow's background or even give her a fair trial. I have a feeling that Cozy Glow went through trauma that made my petty jealousy nothing. She also suffers far more from stone petrification than I was banished to the moon. So, I'm going to be a team player in your mission. I want to try to redeem Cozy Glow, which I should've done instead of pursuing revenge."

Bob and Larry went to embrace Luna, and they shared a hug.

"God bless you, Luna," said Larry.

"Yes," said Bob, "and since you've shown a more repenting attitude, we forgive you, Celestia, and even Discord for what you did to Cozy Glow."

"Wow," said Luna, "you're forgiving me this fast?"

"Yes, Luna," said Bob, "the Bible tells about how our God forgives us for our sins, and we also need to forgive others who have wronged us."

"Exactly," said Larry, "we need to practice what we preach. We don't want to be hypocrites."

"Yes, Bob and Larry, that is why I want to grant Cozy Glow mercy. So here are some of the plans that I have come up with. My sister may not have the same opinion I have about Cozy Glow, so convincing her might be quite a challenge. I will also ask Twilight for permission for my sister and five other ponies I know to discuss this further at the Canterlot Castle early this afternoon. If everyone is on board, we will plan a free convention in Canterlot for all residents of Equestria to discuss why or why not Cozy Glow should be released. Then we will have everypony there vote on it. It is not 100% guarantee that Cozy Glow will be granted a second chance; but I want to make sure that Cozy Glow got the due process she should've gotten."

"Okay, got it," said Larry, "thank you for all your help."

"Yes," said Bob, "I feel far more hopeful about our mission."

"No problem," said Luna, "goodbye and good morning."

Bob and Larry woke up in their beds feeling much better than the previous night when they heard a knock on their door.

"Hey Bob and Larry," said Spike, "are you both awake?"

"Yeah, Spike," said Larry, "what's up?"

"Twilight invited the rest of the Mane Six here this morning. They've already arrived, and Applejack's making her pancakes. They'd all love to see you again."

"Alright, Spike," said Bob, "Larry and I will join you all very shortly."

Bob and Larry went down to the castle's dining room, where they saw the smiling faces of Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. The four mares embraced Bob and Larry in a group hug.

"Sup veggie dudes, I hope you're having an awesome time here in Equestria."

"Bob and Larry darling, I find this reunion just exquisite."

"It's so sweet you two could visit our homeland; your presence just makes my day."

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I should celebrate; our favorite tomato and cucumber are back to see us!"

Pinkie Pie then took out her cannon and blasted out confetti. Larry felt like he could melt, reuniting with his pony crush. "It's wonderful to see you, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie." Larry then breathed a sigh of great pleasure.

"I couldn't agree more," said Bob. "Now, while we wait for Applejack to finish making her pancakes, I've got to get something off my chest. Larry and I are here to get Cozy Glow reformed."

"We all heard," said Fluttershy, "I'm also quite disappointed in how Discord treated you both with the poison joke. I'm going to have to give him a good talking to."

"Don't worry, Fluttershy," said Larry. "We forgave Discord. Now, I will ask your thoughts on reforming Cozy Glow."

"We all learned about your mission," said Rainbow Dash. "I respect your opinion, but I'm going to have to be honest. Cozy Glow creeped me out. I have no idea how a filly could be so evil, so I don't support reforming her."

"I agree with Rainbow Dash," said Rarity, "if that filly could be so conniving at a young age, I'd hate to see what she could accomplish as a grown mare."

"However, Pinkie Pie and I have different views," said Fluttershy. "When the Legion of Doom were trapped in stone. Discord made a joke about them being "together forever." We all laughed; at that point, we felt relieved that they were no longer a threat. However, now that I think about it more, I realize that poor filly has been through many traumatic experiences that got her to be that way. If I could make Discord my friend, why not try the same with a much weaker child?"

"Yeah," said Pinkie Pie, "Cozy Glow might be an evil brat. But if you think about it, she is no demon centaur or shape-shifting bug alicorn. Stone petrification might be a last-resort defense mechanism for Tirek and Chrysalis. But I think there are better alternatives to disciplining Cozy Glow. Who knows, I could throw a party for her like she never had, and it could change her perspective on life."

"You're right, Pinkie Pie," said Bob. "Tirek and Chrysalis are much more powerful and dangerous. They are also adults who should be treated with higher accountability. That is why I don't like comparing Cozy Glow to those two monsters."

"It looks like we've got two more team players," said Larry, "but don't worry, Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Bob and I respect your opinion."

"Same here, Larry," said Rarity, "we should always agree to disagree."

"You got that right, Rarity," said Rainbow Dash.

Applejack entered the dining room with the pancakes; Twilight Sparkle and Spike also entered shortly afterward.

"Nice to see yuh both again for another consecutive pancake breakfast," said Applejack.

"Good morning, Bob and Larry," said Twilight, "Luna sent me a letter discussing the dream you shared with her. She and Celestia will arrive here this afternoon with my brother and sister-in-law. Along with the head mare, vice head stallion, and guidance counselor at the school I founded."

"Alright," said Bob, "I have some plans for the seven of you back at me and Larry's studio this morning. Do you all have the time?"

"Sure thing, sugar cube," said Applejack.

"Good," said Larry. I just gotta ask you two, along with Spike, a question: What are your thoughts about Cozy Glow's redemption?"

"All three of us have the same opinion," said Twilight, "or lack thereof."

"Eeeyup," said Applejack, "many different outcomes could happen if that filly is forgiven or not. Apple Bloom used to be friends with her or thought she was after being doublecrossed by the filly. I don't know how she'd react if I wanted to reform Cozy Glow; I'd have to ponder this issue further."

"Same here," said Spike, "I was entirely against giving Cozy Glow a second chance. But now that you two are on a mission to do so, combined with the fact I have great respect for you both. I'm just undecided."

"Well, don't worry," said Bob, "I respect your viewpoints. Now let's eat, and I will tell you more about the excursion Larry and I have planned for you."

Bob and Larry joined breakfast with the Mane Six and Spike and discussed their recent accomplishments.

"So," said Bob, "our first video, 'Where's God When I'm S-Scared,' sold thousands of copies this year. We were also lucky to get in contact with a Christian media company called Word Entertainment. They loved our video and distributed it to Christian bookstores nationwide."

"You two are quite the pair of entrepreneurs," admired Rarity, "I know how I felt when my boutique opened up two locations across Equestria."

"You said it, Rarity," replied Larry. "Even a music artist named Carman signed to Word Entertainment, used footage of our Daniel in the Lions Den segment in his music video."

"Neat," said Pinkie Pie, "that Carman fellow must be one of your biggest fans."

"There's no doubt about that, Pinkie Pie," said Bob. "After the success of our first video, we decided to make a second one, which was released just before Larry and I came here. It is titled "God Wants Me to Forgive Them?" and is appropriate considering the current situation. So, after breakfast, we will take you to the studio to experience our second video."

"Oh yeah!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash happily. "Well, come on, slowpokes, let's scarf down our pancakes. We've got another adventure to take."

The Mane Six, Spike, Bob, and Larry finished their breakfast, and huddled around to be teleported to the studio with Bob pushing the button.

The Equestrian gang followed Bob and Larry to the basement, where they entered the VR video simulator again as Bob and Larry entered the monitoring booth. As the six ponies and dragon got settled in, they heard the familiar voice of ADA, "Welcome back, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Spike."

"Back at you, ADA," said Pinkie Pie with excitement.

Then the simulator began flashing bright lights in the front, and the Equestrians felt the sensation of their eyes being pushed back into their skulls as they were launched into the realms of video land.