• Published 29th Nov 2022
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Veggie VBS - freecozyglow

On the eve of Twilight Sparkle's coronation to become ruler of Equestria, the Mane Six hop into a portal and find themselves meeting with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber in the world of Big Idea.

  • ...

Chapter.6: To the Bedroom

The Mane Six and Spike found themselves in an empty white location where ADA provided them with further information, "you will now witness the intro begin firsthand to get this simulation adventure started."

"Okay, Larry, it's time for the theme song," said Bob, who was being heard but not seen.

"Hmmm," said Twilight Sparkle, "where could our two veggie pals be?"

"Bob and Larry are getting prepared," said ADA, "they will be out in just a minute."

"Yeah, Bob," said Larry, "what do I do?"

"Okay...uh, well, how about this," suggested Bob, "you play the guitar."

"It sounds like they are in a storage room, deciding what musical instruments to perform with," said Applejack.

"Bob, I don't have any hands," said Larry.

"Oh, you're right," said Bob.

"Wait a minute," said Pinkie Pie, "I thought Larry told me he had invisible hands, which would still make it possible to play a guitar."

"Larry is aware of that," said ADA. "however, it would be too hard to explain all that in a half-hour video, and they decided that this inaccurate but convenient joke would be a better fit."

"Oh," said Pinkie Pie, "this is their first video, and cutting them some creative slack is best."

"Okay, okay, uh..." wondered Bob, "you play this."

"I don't want to play that," refused Larry, "it looks silly."

"What musical instrument could that possibly be?" wondered Spike.

"Oh, come on," Bob said, "it will be fine."

"Nope," Larry said, "not gonna do it."

"It's for the kids," said Bob.

"Oh, okay," Larry accepted, "but they better not laugh."

"Okay," said Bob, "well, it's time now better go on out there."

Larry later appeared around the corner and smiled at the ponies and dragon who were present, "Hello, Equestrians, it's nice you could join us for our intro."

"Yeah, Larry," said Pinkie Pie, "that's a neat tuba you have on you; I've played one of those as part of my one-pony band."

"It's a sousaphone Pinkie Pie," corrected Larry, "but it is commonly mistaken for a tuba. Now, if you don't mind, it's time to perform our theme song."

"Alright, Larry," cheered Rainbow Dash, "break a leg."

As the white empty location faded away, the Mane Six gave their thoughts.

"So that must've been Lisa Asparagus in the intro." said Twilight, "and that must be her husband and son."

"Correct," said ADA, "her husband's name is Mike, and their son's name is Junior."

"Not a bad composition," remarked Rarity, "although they could be a bit more descriptive in the lyrics than repetitively using the title repeatedly."

"Poor Larry," said Fluttershy, "he passed out with too many flowers in his sousaphone, and the kids laughed at him. I hope he isn't too humiliated."

"Oh come Flutters," chuckled Rainbow Dash, "you got to admit, that was funny."

The Mane Six and Spike shortly appeared on the countertop where they had first met Bob and Larry, and the Equestrians appeared beside Bob and Larry, who were addressing the viewers.

"Hi, kids, and welcome to VeggieTales. I'm Bob the Tomato."

"And I'm Larry the Cucumber."

"And we're here to answer your questions."

"That's right."

Bob and Larry then noticed the Mane Six and Spike standing beside them and greeted them.

"Hello, Mane Six and Spike," said Bob. "I'm happy you took the time to enter our simulator to meet with us here."

"No problem, Bob," said Twilight, "by the way, who are you speaking to? Is it those kids that laughed at Larry in the intro? I hope Larry wasn't embarrassed by the situation."

"Don't worry," said Larry, "that was all in good fun, and the kids laughing was only a sound effect that we inserted. The kids we're speaking to now are the home viewers who will have bought our VHS tape."

"That's reassuring to know," said Fluttershy.

"Is this the same countertop we first met y'all?" asked Applejack.

"That's the one," said Bob, "we use this countertop to begin and end our show."

"Oooh!" said Pinkie Pie excitedly, " I wonder if the break room and basement look different." Pinkie Pie then attempted to run to the exit door leading to the hallway, but she was blocked by some force field that flung her back.

"Pinkie Pie," ADA explained, "the narrative for this video is that the countertop is separate from any part of the studio. That the countertop is its lone location."

"Thanks for the info," muttered Pinkie Pie as she got back on her hoofs.

"Now, today," Bob explained, "we got a letter from Lucy Anderson of Phoenix, Arizona who writes."

"Cool," said Twilight, "when I was learning about friendship in Ponyville, I always mailed letters to Princess Celestia explaining my lessons."

Bob later hopped to a big piece of paper that was Lucy's letter to read it, and she wrote the following:

"Dear Bob and Larry. I am six years old; sometimes, I think there are monsters in my closet. That makes me real scared, can you help me?"

"Poor Lucy," said Fluttershy, "I struggled to sleep with the light off when I was her age. I couldn't even walk in my hallways late at night."

"Oooh," said Larry, "I remembered when I thought there were monsters in my closet."

"Yeah?" responded Bob, "well, what happened, Larry?"

"Well, It turns out they weren't even monsters at all! Just my fluffy bunny slippers."

"Bunny slippers?" wondered Pinkie Pie, "you veggies just look like you hop instead of walk to get around. Do you have invisible feet as well?"

"Yep," said Larry, "invisible soles, feet, and toes occasionally form when we want to put on any version of footwear. But we are usually used to good ol' hopping, and my bunny slippers aren't so scary, just kind of squishy."

"Oh, I see," said Bob, "well, Lucy Anderson, first check to see if it's just your slippers, and then watch this story about when Junior Asparagus got a little scared."

The countertop faded to black as ADA explained what was coming up. "You will now enter into the first segment of this video titled "Tales from the Crisper. You will encounter Bob and Larry there, who will still recognize you. You also meet the Asparagus family of three from the intro, who, on the other hand, will not."

The location then faded into a modest-sized living room with a staircase to the second floor and the entrance to a kitchen. The Mane Six and Spike appeared as ghostly apparitions, and Bob and Larry were discovered similarly.

"Hey Bob and Larry," said Spike, "are we all ghosts? I'd reckon that haunting a house doesn't make sense if we are to learn about facing our fears."

"Nope," said Bob, "we are more similar to angels. The living room you see is part of the house of the Asparagus family, who can neither see nor hear us yet. Junior is below on the couch watching a television program about the monster Frankencelery."

"Frankencelery?" giggled Twilight Sparkle, "that sounds like a novel I learned about in my human world at Canterlot High called Frankenstein. It was about a scientist who sewed many dead body parts together, zapped them with electricity, and brought the creation to life. The monster is often mistakenly called Frankenstein when it is actually the scientist's name."

"Yikes, that is terrifying," said Fluttershy.

"Not to mention revolting," said Rarity.

"That type of show sounds too scary for a young'un like Junior," said Applejack.

The television program showed a laboratory in black and white, along with a giant square generator that looked like an enormous face and the silhouettes of a mad scientist and his assistant discussing their recent experiment.

"Master, it can't be done; I don't believe you can do it."

"Well then, stand back and behold as I throw this switch!"

"Oh my goodness."

"Hey, isn't that Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel as the two scientists on the TV?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Oh yes," said Larry, "cameos of the technical crew, with Borlaug as the mad scientist and Mendel as his assistant. That is how they got interested in working with us on VeggieTales."

On the TV, the mad scientist basked in the glory of his accomplishment. "It's alive, alive! Ah HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

"Look how big it is; I didn't realize how big it was when it was lying down; it's standing up!"

The program then zoomed out and revealed a door with a barred window at the top that allowed the viewer to see in the lab."

"Speak!" the mad scientist demanded his monster creation. The monster then began to moan.

"Walk to me!" demanded the mad scientist, "no this way."

"I'll be going," the assistant said, scared as he hurriedly left.

"Frankencelery," the mad scientist called out, "where are you going? Come back here!"

Frankencelery was seen behind the door, walking towards it closer.

"No, don't go near that door," the mad scientist pleaded. A woman's scream was heard as the door opened, making Fluttershy shudder.

"Frankencelery!" the mad scientist cried out from the lab in a brick building, "come back! Stay away from those villagers!"

Then, on the TV, one of the villagers being terrorized by Frankencelerey could be heard, "Oh, no, no, no! Hold on! Don't do it, don't do it! Oh, no, no, no! No! OUCH!." Junior jumped back on the couch in fear over that last word spoken.

"I hope that doesn't give him nightmares," said Twilight.

"Junior," his mom Lisa said while peering from the kitchen, "it's time for bed."

"Just four more minutes," Junior responded.

"That's what you said four minutes ago. Let's skedaddle up those stairs. Your father will be up in a minute to tuck you in."

"Kids these days," Applejack said, smiling while shaking her head, "are always trying to push their limits regarding bedtime. I had my experience with Apple Bloom."

Junior made his way to the staircase to go up to his bedroom.

"Besides," Lisa added, "I think this show might be a little too scary to you."

"It's not scary," Junior said as he hopped up the stairs, "I...I like it, yeah. I'm not scared."

"Ha, denying fear is a common factor when you are afraid," said Rainbow Dash.

Junior stopped in the middle of the stairs to look at a family photo of himself and his parents; he smiled, hoping it would bring comfort.

"Aww," said Fluttershy, "Junior is trying to remind himself how his parents will keep him safe and sound."

But then the three asparaguses in the photo begin to come to life and glared at Junior as they grew nails on their necks like Frankenstein.

Junior's eyes widened like they were about to pop out of his skull.

"Oh my! Did that Asparagus Family photo come to life?" asked Spike.

"No, don't worry," said Bob, "you were only seeing what Junior was imagining.

Junior later ran up the stairs and paused at the top to look for the door to his bedroom. He ran across the hallway and entered the door in a flash.

"Oh dear," said Rarity, "Junior should not subject himself to such media before bed."

"Yep," said Larry; now it is time to go to his room and teach him to handle his fear correctly. Come on, everybody, let's go." The gang then floated up from the living room ceiling to Junior's bedroom.

Junior lay in bed muttering to himself as his blanket covered his mouth, "I'm not scared. It was just monsters..."

"All right," said Bob as they all floated above the ceiling of Junior's bedroom, "it is time for us to manifest ourselves in front of Junior. Are you all ready to be visible?"

"I guess so," said Twilight, "let's do it in a way that won't scare him. He's already shaken up enough as it is."

Then Junior's bedroom began to shake as he muttered more, "...all around me. Big growly monsters."

It was at that moment that all nine of them appeared. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike could still fly in the air. But Bob fell on the floor, Applejack fell on the dresser, Rarity fell on the shelf, and Larry and Pinkie Pie plunged into the toy chest that closed.

"Ahh!" shouted Junior, "who are all of you?"

"I'm Bob, I'm a tomato, and I'm here to help you."

Twilight Sparkle and Spike then flew down to Junior's bed to speak with him, "I'm Twilight Sparkle, the pony Princess of Equestria; these are my friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, who has gotta be around here somewhere and my assistant Spike."

"Hiya, Junior." greeted Spike.

"Ugh," complained Rarity as she got off the shelf, "is it so much to ask for a more comfortable landing? Plus, I thought we would appear more subtly not to frighten Junior."

"Yeah, any sudden appearance like this could catch anypony off-guard," said Applejack as she hopped off the dresser.

Then Junior's toy chest began to shake, "There's something in my toy chest! It's a monster...it's a big scary lizard!"

Fluttershy later flew to Junior's side to comfort him, "Don't be afraid, Junior, none of us would ever harm you. Why in your toy chest is it only..."

Junior interrupted Fluttershy, "It's a...it's," Larry jumped out of the toy chest with a baby bonnet on his head and Pinkie Pie covering up his face, "...cotton candy-coated baby pickle."

"Uh, it's a cucumber." corrected Bob.

"And that's no cotton candy." Fluttershy giggled, "That's our friend Pinkie Pie."

"Oh," said Junior, raising one eye.

Pinkie Pie later hopped off Larry's face and noticed something in the toy box, "hey, look, it's the wind-up blue lobster from the demo reel."

"Correct, Pinkie Pie," said ADA, "one of the many easter eggs you have discovered; you can also see a poster of Bob and Larry near the dresser that Applejack fell upon."

"How interesting," said Pinkie Pie, who noticed the poster and later hopped on Junior's bed to hug him, "Junior Asparagus, no need to fear; your Auntie Pinkie Pie is here!"

"I see," said Junior as he raised one eye again.

"Where is everybody?" asked Larry with the bonnet still on his head covering his eyes. He then fell out of the toy chest, causing a white and red ball to roll around the room.

"Over here, Larry, ahem." the ball rolled across Bob, who watched it move to the other end of the room.

"I'm sorry we entered your room so suddenly and unexpectedly," said Twilight, "my friends and I are only assisting with whatever Bob and Larry have cooked up. It is unorthodox we would show up here uninvited without little explanation. Could you care to explain Bob?"

"We couldn't help but notice that you were just a little bit frightened, so we thought we'd drop in and help."

Larry later hopped beside Bob and began to ramble, "Yeah! Fear not, for behold: I bring you good tidings and great joy which shall be unto all people, for unto you..."

"Ahem, wrong story, Larry," said Bob, slightly annoyed.

"Oh, sorry," said Larry, smiling.

"What story was that?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"That is when the angels appeared in front of the shepherds of Bethlehem, similar to what we did to Junior in his bedroom. They were announcing the birth of Jesus Christ. It is why we celebrate Christmas." explained Larry, "you know, with holly, candy canes and presents."

"Oh! That sounds like Hearth's Warming Eve, a holiday of Equestria!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

"Ahem," Twilight cleared her throat, "let's not digress."

"Well, I wasn't really scared, you know," said Junior. "It was just a movie with a big, scary monster... But I'm five years old now, so I can handle it."

"Oh," said Bob, unconvinced, "so you weren't scared."

"Nope, I wasn't scared."

"He wasn't scared," Bob said suspiciously to Larry.

"Nope, not scared a bit," responded Larry.

"Listen, Junior," said Applejack, "we didn't mean to be spying on ya. But ya jumped back on the couch while watching the television; the family photo spooked ya, so you rushed up ta yer room and went under yer covers, frozen in fear. There is no way ya lacked an ounce of fear."

"Well, maybe just a little bit," Junior admitted.

"Oh, just a little bit scared?" said Bob.

"Oh, a little bit," said Larry.

"But not too scared," Junior clarified.

"Oh, well, yeah," Bob mumbled to Larry.

"Uh-huh," Larry mumbled back.

Rainbow Dash later flew down closer to Junior. "Seriously, squirt? Sure, you could've been more afraid. But I think it is quite an underestimation that you were only slightly scared."

"Why?" asked Junior, "how can you guys help me? Even if I was scared."

Rainbow Dash later rolled her eyes, "Just give up, Junior. There is no way you will convince any of us that you were fearless."

Bob then began to answer Junior's question. "Oh, Larry and I were just going to sing a little song, that's all. But since you weren't even scared, I guess we'll just be on our way."

"Yep," said Larry, "see you later."

"No, wait!" said Junior. "All right, I admit it; you ponies are too smart to be convinced by denials, and I guess maybe a little song might be nice... well since you're in the neighborhood."

"Junior is right," said Rarity, "we just entered here; there is no point in leaving right now."

"I want to hear a song," whined Pinkie Pie in a silly manner.

"Well, if you weren't scared," said Bob, "then there's really no reason, so I guess we'll just be going now."

Bob and Larry were getting ready to leave when Junior gave them a death glare and clenched his teeth. "Sing the song!" Junior growled.

"I WANT TO HEAR A SONG!" Pinkie Pie yelled, throwing a silly-looking tantrum.

"Take it easy, Pinkie Pie and Junior," said Fluttershy.

"Okay," Bob relented, "here it goes."

(Pause at 0:59)

Rainbow Dash lifted an eyebrow as Bob paused his singing as the three little monsters bounced from Junior's closet to his top dresser drawer, "Um, I think the goal here is to make Junior less afraid, not increase the quantity." She then noticed Fluttershy giggling, "What's so funny, Flutters?"

"Oh, I felt an ominous vibe throughout most of the song, but I honestly find these little monsters to be more cute than scary."

Bob then asked Junior, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to call the police."

"From a more logical perspective," said Spike jokingly, "the police should be called if the situation that is happening right now did happen, with us breaking into a child's bedroom."

"No," Bob responded to Junior's answer, "you don't have to do anything."

"What?" said Junior, "why?"

"Because..." Bob said as he began to sing more.

(Play from 1:15-1:31).

"Get it?" Bob asked Junior with a big toothy grin on his face.

"Um... Well… I… Hmm, well, no."

"Bob, I think Junior needs to be explained further about why he doesn't need to be afraid, not just sung to," said Twilight.

"Oh," Bob muttered, "You see, you don't need to be afraid because God is the biggest."

"What!" exclaimed Junior, "is he bigger than King Kong? Because Kong's a really big monkey, and he's kind of scary."

"Next to God Junior," Bob explained, "King Kong would look like an itty-bitty bug."

"Really?" asked Junior.

"Mmm-hmm," Bob responded.

"Junior, from what I heard about God," said Spike, "oversized primates are the least of his worries."

"Well, is he bigger than the Slime Monster?" asked Junior, "because he's the biggest monster of them all!"

"Compared to God," explained Larry, "the Slime Monster is like a teeny little cornflake."

"Oh, I think smaller than that, Larry," said Pinkie Pie, "the Slime Monster is probably like a molecule, an atom, a proton, an electron, a neutron, a quark, or a..."

"Pinkie Pie," interrupted Rainbow Dash, "we get the point."

"Yeah, but the Slime Monster can squirt slime out his ears." said Junior, "Can God squirt slime out his ears?"

"Ewww," said Rarity, "I imagined God would have a much more decent sense of hygiene than for that to happen."

"Not ta mention," Applejack said, "an all-powerful God would have much stronger fighting methods than that."

"Ahem," said Bob, "come over here, Junior." Bob and Larry led Junior as the Equestrian Gang to Junior's bedroom window.

"What do you see up there?" asked Bob.

"My curtains," answered Junior.

"I should say," said Rarity, "those dark blue fabrics just match with the light blue paint of your walls."

"No," answered Bob, "out the window, up in the sky."

"I see lots of stars," said Junior.

"Yes, those are among the most beautiful sights you can see out your window at night," said Twilight." Take from me, Junior, I'm an expert in astronomy."

"God made stars all the outta nothing," said Larry, "he just went," Larry then made a raspberry noise with his tongue, "and there they were."

"Larry, how could you be so uncouth?" Rarity was disgusted. "I'm sure that God didn't use bowel movements when creating the beauty of the universe."

"Sorry, Rarity," said Larry, "I can't snap without visible hands."

"I think what Larry meant to say," said Spike, the only one with visible fingers. "Is that God went." Spike snapped his claw, "and there they were."

"No way!" said Junior, amazed.

"That's right," added Bob, "and he also made the sun, and the moon and the planet Earth we're living on right now."

"Wow!" exclaimed Junior, "Slime Monster couldn't do that. Even if he'd tried, he'd get everything really sticky."

"No doubt about it," said Rainbow Dash, "sounds like the Slime Monster's only talent is winning a contest in slime squirting."

"But you know what else God made?" Bob asked rhetorically.

"What?" said Junior.

"He made all the plants, the animals, and people, too," said Larry.

"Wow!" said Junior.

"Though technically, when you refer to people, you mean humans," said Pinkie Pie, "you, Bob, and Junior are plants and the rest of us are animals."

"And that's why we don't have to be afraid," said Bob.

"Huh?" said Junior confused.

"You see," explained Bob, "everything God makes is very special to Him. He made all the little kids, and He loves them very much. And because He loves them, He takes extra good care of them. So we don’t need to be afraid because God is always looking out for us!"

"It's so comforting to know that a higher power is watching over you," said Fluttershy.

"You said it, Fluttershy," said Twilight Sparkle. "Junior, back from where I lived, the most influential living being I knew was my mentor and protector, Princess Celestia, who I could always rely on to keep me safe. But I think God is much more dominant than I could ever fathom with Celestia. So if I can feel protected, I know you can do the same."

"Wow!" said Junior, "so you're saying that God is the biggest of them all, and he's on my team!"

"That's right," said Bob. "Oh, by the way, there's someone else who wants to meet you."

At this time, an individual fell from the ceiling, a tall green vegetable with black hair, a long nose, purple eyelids, nails in his neck, and a menacing glare: none other than Frankencelery.

"Ahhhh! It's Frankencelery!" cried out Junior.

"I thought he was a fictional character!" yelled Fluttershy, who later hopped into the toy chest with Junior to hide.

"Great," muttered Spike, "one step forward and two steps back."

Rainbow Dash flew up into Frankencelery's face, "Alright, you giant mutant stalk!" she confronted, "I got four hooves, and I'm not afraid to use them."

"Ah, well," said Frankencelery meekly as he put on a more humble facial expression, "actually, my name is Phil Winkelstein, and I'm an actor from Toledo."

"What?" said Junior, surprised.

"Well, that's a relief," said Fluttershy, taking a deep breath and walking out of the toy chest.

"I was only pretending to be Frankencelery in that TV show. That was my job, and really, I'm just a regular guy, and I wouldn't hurt anybody."

"Well, ya could've fooled us," said Applejack, "with ya still in your Frankencelery make-up, along with a glaring expression on yer face."

"Oh yeah, that," said Frankencelery, "that is my way of method acting."

"Oh yes," said Rarity, "all the best thespians in Manehattan resort to that."

"Well, there you go, Junior," said Pinkie Pie, "Frankencelery isn't the big bad beast you thought he was."

"Oh, I get it!" said Junior as he hopped on his bed and began to sing

(Play from 1:32-3:26).

"Woah, nelly," said Applejack as the song ended, "where did Bob, Larry, Phil, and those three little monsters go?"

"Junior," his dad Mike said as he knocked on his door.

"Quick, everypony hide!" said Spike. Five of the six ponies quickly hid in Junior's closet, as Pinkie Pie leaped back into the toy chest as Spike hid under the bed.

Mike opened the door and entered, "What's all that racquet in there?" he asked.

"Well, I was just singing," said Junior.

"Well, your mother and I think that show was a little scary for you."

"Yeah, well, maybe, but you know Frankencelery is really a guy named Phil from Toledo. And he’s really not scary at all. And besides, God is bigger than any of them, and even though He doesn’t squirt slime out of His ears, He made the whole universe! And He’s taking good care of me too."

At this time, Spike was on the verge of sneezing, and he held his claws in front of his face to try and prevent that from happening.

"Um… well… you’re right," said Mike. "We don’t have to worry about things because God is taking care of us. I do think we should be a little more careful about what we watch on television. And you know what? It’s okay to tell us if you’re really scared."

"Okay. I guess you’re right," answered Junior.

"ACHOO!" yelled Spike as the flames spread underneath Junior's bed. The bed was almost but thankfully not damaged, but Junior and Mike were startled by the sound as they looked under.

"How's it going, Mr. Asparagus." greeted Spike.

"AH!" yelled Mike, "Honey, come here; there is a monster under Junior's bed!"

"Don't worry, Dad, that's no monster; it's only Spike; he is a harmless baby dragon. Alright, ponies, you can come out now."

The Mane Six came out of the closet and toy box as Lisa entered the room. "What the..." she said, "who are all of you creatures?"

"Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and we are...." Twilight knew it would be hard to explain the truth, so she played it safe by pretending, "Angels, we have been sent by God to teach your son that he doesn't need to be afraid."

"But why are you in the form of ponies and a dragon?" asked Mike.

"We've been sent as cute critters to comfort the young ones," said Pinkie Pie, playing along, "just like a stuffed animal does."

"Junior learned that nothin' is more powerful than God," said Applejack.

"That God will protect and fight for him," said Rainbow Dash.

"That God will comfort him at his lowest moments," said Fluttershy.

"That God has created the entire universe," said Rarity.

"And because of that," said Spike, "he holds his creation in such high regard."

"Wow, Junior, these angels sure taught you some beautiful values," said Lisa. "Good night, my son, and thanks to the seven of you," she said as she left.

"Sounds like you’ve been doing some good thinking," said Mike. "But it’s time to shut the thinker down now and get some sleep."

"Okay," said Junior.

"I love you, little mister," said Mike.

"I love you, big mister," said Junior back.

"I'll see you in the morning," said Mike.

"Alright," Junior responded.

"And may god bless all of you, angels." Mike said to the Mane Six and Spike, "hope to see you all again soon." Mike then closed the door.

Afterwards, Bob, Larry, Frankencelery, and the three little monsters reappeared.

"Ugh, why would you guys take off like that?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Sorry," said the mohawk monster.

"Sorry," said the spotted monster.

"Sorry," said the spiked monster.

"Let me explain," said Larry, "You ponies are all female, and you, Spike, are an adolescent male. On the other hand, we are three grown men, and I'm not sure what age those little monsters are. I'm not making any negative stereotypes about our gender; it's just that people, especially parents, tend to act less suspicious when it is only women and children."

"Hmm, that does make sense now that you put it that way," Rainbow Dash said.

"Aww, look at little Junior," said Fluttershy, "he's about to fall asleep peacefully."

"God is bigger than the..." Junior sang quietly as he yawned, "the boogie man."

"I'm glad I won't give him nightmares tonight," said Frankencelery.

"Sweet dreams, my sweet asparagus," said Rarity.

"Well done, ponies and dragon." said Bob, "you helped Junior conquer his fears, and you also learned more about this topic yourselves."

So Junior slept into dreamland as the bedroom setting faded to black.