• Published 6th Jan 2022
  • 3,101 Views, 253 Comments

My Little Pony Destroyers are Magic. - CommonDash

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The Princesses

Late at night In Twilights castle.

Taylor wakes up on the floor startled.

“Again… why do I see them all whenever I try to sleep. I saved them, I miss them and I can’t go back however I saved everyone. I was a hero.” Taylor says crying to herself

‘I wonder if mom would be upset if I crawl…’ Taylor thinks before her though process stops.

“Did I just think Twilight was my mother…” Taylor whispers in horror.

“I won’t forget her, I won’t forget anyone.” Taylor says resolutely before yawning.

“Curse this child body…” Taylor mutters


“Sure it’s just… I’ll make it up during the day power napping right?” Taylor says trailing off

“Hey… hey hey hey”

“Fine.” Taylor says walking out of her room off to find Twilight.

The sun has just risen, and was shining in Twilights eyes. As the Alicorn stirred awake she felt a weight pressing against her.

“So she snuck in again Huh? Trying to make us think you weren’t a filly.” Twilight mutters fixing Taylor’s mane.

‘Well, time to get the day started.’ Twilight thinks as she gets out of the bed carefully so as not to disturb Taylor.

“Hard to believe it’s been a two weeks since Taylor got here… progress is being made however it’s slow going. Gentle Soul says she’ll be ready for school soon.” Twilight says to herself

Twilight makes it down stairs to find Subic greeting her.
Twilight walked into the kitchen with the dog following her excitedly.

“Hey boy, Fluttershy got us some new dog food. She says you should like it.” Twilight says as she fills Subic’s bowl with her telekinesis.

“Morning Twilight.” Spike says arriving at the kitchen.

“Hi my number one assistant. how did you sleep?” Twilight asks

“I slept well, though Taylor isn’t in her room again.” Spike says

“Yeah, she snuck into my bed at night again… Luna has been helping her with her nightmares however the stuff Luna has seen is worrying.” Twilight says

“I know I read those letters to you.” Spike says

“Princess Celestia and Luna want to meet her however after the stunt with the book and Rainbow Dash last week. Not to mention the Steam engine. It’s well, it has the ship builders and engineers going crazy. The two princesses are stuck running damage control. That book listed some weapons of terrifying power… Luckily not how to make them however the wonderbolts are being sworn to secrecy as a modified version is being written for the EUP.” Twilight says

“Last thing we want is the griffins getting their hands on that book.” Spike says

“Especially their king Richthofen he may be 500 but there are recounts of his legend.” Twilight says

“Mom? Did you just say the Red Baron is alive?” Taylor asks yawning not realizing what she said.

“Y-you know about him?” Twilight asks looking at the floating Filly.

“Yes though… are we talking about the same pony?” Taylor asks

“Did you just call the Red Baron a pony?” Twilight asks

Suddenly there is a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it.” Spike says walking off.

A second later Sweetie Belle walks in. “Pinkie said I was needed here.”

“Well I was asking if the Red Baron Twilight mentioned and the one I’m thinking of are the same person.” Taylor says

“Oh? How would you describe your Red Baron?” Twilight asks however music begins playing.

“Oh no.” Twilight mutters

“Oh yes!” Taylor says with a smile

“This is the 10th song this week Taylor!” Twilight shouts

Taylor doesn’t answer she just sings
“Pony and machine
and nothing in between” before Sweetie Takes over the vocals.

“That was fun!” Sweetie says

“Glad you enjoyed it… so does that sound like him m Twilight.” Taylor says

“That was awesome!” Rainbow Dash announces having crashed in through the window at some point in the song.

“Kind of… I don’t think Richthofen got more than 20 confirmed though…” Twilight says as a book makes its way into the kitchen.

Taylor just watches Twilight do her Twilight thing as she searches the book.

“The more I learn the more questions I have.” Twilight says with a frustrated groan.

“That’s half the fun!” Taylor says with a smile

‘At least she’s happy here. It seemed like she lived in Tartarus before.’ Twilight thinks

“Say dash since you’re here… how many air to air victories have you had?” Taylor asks

Meanwhile with Celestia and Luna.

“Those stupid nobles just won’t leave well enough alone.” Celestia says

Luna nods in agreement though she’s not really paying attention. Being the more active of the two when it comes to fighting. She’s engrossed in the air to air tactics book.

“I think it’s time to do another purge again… I hate having to clear out several of the noble houses since they are the houses of old friends. Yet, they will not listen to reason… then again it’s been 350 years since the last purge of noble houses. This was bound to happen soon anyways.” Celestia says

Luna nods again flipping the page of the book.

“Why doth tho not asketh that filly? She hath given many revolutionary ideas.” Luna says not really paying attention.

“That is a great idea sister! I shall depart for ponyville at once.” Celestia announces jumping off the balcony and flying off into the distance.

The guards are staring out of the windows in shock while Luna finally looks up from her book.

“What just happened?” Luna asks

“Princess Celestia just jumped off the balcony.” Says a guard dumbfounded.

“What? What doth tho mean?” Luna asks equally confused.

Inside the Crystal Empire.

A Pegasus crashes into the castle.

“I’ve got a letter for shining armor.” The Pegasus says exhausted.

“Is that you Havoc Douglass?” Shining armor asks

“The one and only!” Havoc says with a smile

“It’s great seeing you how’s the family doing?” Shining asks taking the letter

“The Douglass family is doing well, though Grandpa Cloudster is getting old.” Havoc admits

“Don’t tell him that.” Shining says with a laugh

“Well it was great talking to you capt- Prince. Sadly I need to fly back to Equestria. I’m one of your sisters guards now.” Havoc says

“Oh, so the letter is from Twilly?” Shining says opening it.

The stallion begins to read the letter not realizing Havoc has already made a run for it.

“What!” Shining armor shouts

Not even a second later “what’s wrong Shining!” Is shouted back

“I have a niece!” Shining shouts

“Oh!? Are we going to ponyville?” Cadence asks walking in.

The letter floats in front of the Princess.

“She adopted an ascended filly? Yet she’s not an alicorn? That sounds like a mystery! Shining we must go.” Cadence says excitedly