• Published 6th Jan 2022
  • 3,101 Views, 253 Comments

My Little Pony Destroyers are Magic. - CommonDash

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Shooting Range


The wooden target splinters as the iron ball hits its mark. Yet the target was not the only thing damaged from the blast. The over pressure from the blunderbuss blew the basement door open.

“Not bad.” Taylor murmurs her ears completely fine.

“WHAAATT!” Twilight shouts

Twilight however that was another story the pressure from the down sized naval cannon’s roar was enough to rupture eardrums.

“Whoo wee. That there sure is some kick Twilight. I could probably buck some apples with the force A’h felt.” Applejack says almost complete unfazed.

Apparently earth ponies are just built different. The only thing to happen to Applejack was her hat falling off.

“Really? I mean the harness was designed to mitigate the recoil. Pegasus are supposed to be able to fire this in the air.” Twilight says

“A’h don’t see that happening just yet.” Applejack says

Taylor meanwhile is looking at the 3in bore rifle flintlock rifle that Applejack was holding in her hoofs.

“Mom? You realize that’s way to big right? It’s like holding a cannon. I don’t thing any pony can physically use it besides an earth pony. Unicorns would have to use telekinesis and that is just asking for issues.” Taylor says

“Maybe if I develop a type of armor then it could help them wield larger guns.” Twilight says

“No, you should just make a smaller gun. Do you know how difficult it is to design and make power armor? How will the Pegasi fly in it too?” Taylor asks exasperated.

Twilight suddenly looks at her adopted daughter in mock horror.

“Is that a challenge dear Taylor?” Twilight asks

Taylor is about to retort before there is a knock coming from up stairs.

“I’ve got it!” Spike shouts from above.” Taylor


Over in the Gryphish Kingdom.

A war council was meeting.

“So this news from Equestria? What is it? Why did it demand a war council.” Says an old Gryphon.

He was about a head or two taller than the other gryphons and his feathers no longer a brown or read but instead silver.

“Herr Richthofen, we have gotten word of a new Equestrian warship. It is able to defy the wind and sail without the use of sails.”

“This is about a war ship? Equestria produces ships by the month that’s hardly new!” Shouts a red feathered Gryphon.

“Now now, don’t underestimate the Equestrian’s many of them may be back country farmer’s however their cities produce enough Gross domestic product to put Prance to shame. So please continue.” Richthofen says

“But sir! It’s equestria! They can’t even come up with air to air tactics and steal ours.”

“I do not want to see what equestria would be like if they became non peaceful and developed a war time economy! Especially against us! If their researchers stopped searching for the secrets of magic and instead started trying to figure out how to make spells more destructive they could match the dragon nation with ease! So stop underestimating those ponies!” Richthofen shouts.

The room goes silent as the advisors do not wish to anger their king more.

The massive silver gryphon coughs.

“So, what is the news from equestria?” Richthofen Asks

“According to our spies they have developed a new super ship. The entire hull is covered in iron making it impervious to projectile weapons.”

“Okay? That alone is cause for concern but not enough to call for this meeting.” Richthofen says

“Your niece Gilda sir. She is friends with the element of loyalty. According to her the Equestrian’s have a book written by you. It’s all about flying fighting tactics. It even refers to you as the Red Baron.”

“Ah yes Gilda, I’m surprised she’s still friends with that show off… dash something or another.”Richthofen

There is a pause as he realizes what was just said “I’m sorry what? Did you say they had a book written by me?”

“Yes, it is called the Red Fighter according to your niece. She says it is similar to your writing style and mentions tactics you taught her.”

“I have yet to release that book and when I did. it was meant to only go to my family. How do the ponies have it?” Richthofen Asks anger clear in his voice.

“There must be a spy!”

Meanwhile unseen by all was Discord. Laughing and eating popcorn. Little did anyone know that information on the book would start the infamous Gryphish spy hunt.

“Herr Richthofen the engineers are making progress on that steam engine. Though according to our informants the engine has seen massive improvement compared to the one on the friendship express. Which is where we got the design from.”

“See if we can get our hands on that new one then. I am willing to bet that the new and improved engine is what they are using in that ship.” Richthofen says

“Sir, most of our spies were outed recently. Equestria found a few changelings in their ranks and did a full investigation of everyone. The only spy not truly found was your Niece and that is because she is not there as a “spy”.”


“… they have Gryphon citizens? I mean surely a few of them would be willing to provide information to the father land?”

“I think your niece is our best bet.”

“I’ll send a letter then.” Richthofen says