• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 116,688 Views, 9,637 Comments

The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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Holiday Special Part 2

The Bridge:
Lose a Flock, Gain a Family


Accounting for a certain hobby, Aria easily could have been the most athletic out of the trio of banished sirens, but at this moment in time Sonata was tied with her in approaching the sprinting land speed record. Unfortunately for them, the figure that did a front flip to vault himself over the mall fountain they ran past was running at said land speed record with little difficulty. Monster X's new human body was barely having any effect on his agility, flipping, weaving, or just outright bulldozing through anything or anyone in his way while he kept up pursuit.

Looking ahead for a moment, the purple siren spotted something that gave her an idea. The chase in the mall and store hadn't gone unnoticed, a large group of security guards were dead ahead and moving towards the store. And right towards them.


The blue siren took her eyes off the black figure shoving aside several passersby, the kaiju now only about thirty feet away and gaining. She looked ahead as Aria pointed at the oncoming officers. The sirens exchanged a nod, holding onto their gemstones and taking in a deep breath. The lyrics spoken were incomprehensible to all in audience. It wasn't meant to be that way, to be recognized by the conscious of the prey. All that mattered was the subconscious heard it and understood. On command, the security staff darted to the side, letting the duo pass by them as they all charged their pursuer. X was quick to figure out what had just happened, even with the harmonic melody causing his mind to blur momentarily. He balled a fist whilst the closest officer made a lunge at him.

-Well, there goes my cover...-

The haymaker that followed could have knocked a cow off its feet. The sirens took off into the growing crowds, hoping to put more mass and distance between them and their pursuer. The main body of the mall could best be described as a single, straight, long hallway and the duo didn't stop running until they reached the other side. At that point Sonata was about to collapse and even Aria was without breath. Sonata leaned against the wall behind her, sliding down it slightly.

"Thi-nk we- lost 'em?! hc..."

Aria was hardly in any better shape, wiping some sweat off her brow whilst bracing against a vending machine. She looked back through the crowd they'd just dove through, without a single speck of a black longcoat in sight.

"Well, slo-wed him down...at least.."

Sonata put a hand on her chest, gasping to get a full breath and slow her racing heart.

"What the he-ck was WITH that gu-y? Ex-boyfriend of yours?"

With the sense of urgency dying down, the remark quickly reminded Aria of one constant. She may be perpetually bored, but Sonata's grade of lunacy never failed to annoy her. It was a long running theory of hers that if Sonata somehow became more whacky than she currently was, her hair would turn pink and poof out. Aria reacquainted her face and left palm.

"Firstly, I have NE-VER seen that psycho before in my llllife! Secondly,-"

Aria looked back up with narrowed eyes.

"-you've been doing that 'slipping' thing again?"

"It's call SHIP-ING! 'Sides the- re-aders do it all the time!"

"The who-..."

The purple siren looked at Sonata as the latter party looked back in a confused manner, blinking occasionally.

"You know what, I'm not even going to ask... Let's just, ca-tch our breath; and get to the car."



"Why didn't you do the thing?"

Aria didn't even look at Sonata, tilting her head up as she closed her eyes and slowed her pulse. Her tone was emotionless, but callous.

"Sonata, I.Don't.Feel like it. Not in the mood for that, at-all."


Sonata frowned, letting out a drawn out exhale. Just when she found success in returning her pulse to normalcy however, her foot slipped. She slumped down the wall slightly, and by instinct grabbed for a handhold to stop any falls. Unfortunately the handhold she latched onto was more of a lever. Instantly loud alarms akin to rapidly ringing bells sounded off all across the mall, blaring out any other sound. People everywhere either dropped or quickly gathered up what they were doing and headed out the mall's multiple entrances for reasons completely unknown to the former Equestrians. Sonata slowly looked to the side to see what she'd just yanked on. Her hand was clenched around a square shaped lever connected to a bright red box. On the top of the box, spelled out in several languages in large white letters was written two words. Fire alarm.

Aria jumped up at the noise, quickly looking around as to the cause of the racket. Once she saw what Sonata was still holding onto however, her face dropped down considerably. There is no clear way Sonata could describe the expression her fellow siren was giving her. However the message was clear. To put it in the language of the internet, Aria was about 200% done with this mall trip.

So focused was she on taking a moment to show an emotion and chew out Sonata that Aria didn't notice how rapidly the crowds were thinning. It took Sonata looking down the hall and her eyes widening like spot lights for her to stop.


"Uuuurg..... What.is.it?"

Sonata pointed down the hall and Aria retrained her focus. Down the main hall, about eighty or so meters away, there was one large group of humans left, all but two laying on the ground. The one in black just let loose a roundhouse kick to the other's head, causing the last of mall security to lose consciousness and join his coworkers. Monster X snorted briefly to catch his breath, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck as he stepped off the small human pile up.

-Well that happened, pathetic...-

Sensing magic, he shot his head up and trained his eyes upon the source. Aria was the first to shrug off her mini-heart attack, snapping back to her senses and roughly grabbing Sonata's wrist, halfway towing and halfway yanking Sonata along with her as she took off towards the parking garage. X needed to only see a flash of purple and blue running out an empty doorway to sprint towards said exit. Like it or not, he wasn't letting them get away easy.

The duo made it through with sixty meters to spare, but Aria was quickly hoping they'd stayed inside the mall. The parking garage was completely empty aside from the smacking of tennis shoes on concrete and the reverberating echo through the walls after Sonata slammed the door shut behind them. The cloudy weather had blocked out most of the sun, so most of the lighting in the garage was electrical. Very buggy electric lighting that constantly kept flickering on and off every few seconds. All the store shoppers, still thinking the fire alarm was legitimate, had piled out through the other entrances. The logic was sound, a fully concrete building was effectively the last place any structure fire would spread to. Unfortunately it left the sirens completely isolated. Not that their pursuer minded this at all. The crashing sound of X ramming the door off its hinges gave the pair cause to not let their adrenaline glands quit just yet.

Scrambling down the lines of parked automobiles, the two shared a mutual praise that they didn't have a convertible. Sonata yanked at the passenger side door handle as Aria vaulted herself across the hood and to the other side. The blue siren looked past her as Aria fumbled about to free her keys. Sonata needed just one look at the black form charging down the walkway towards them to shriek. He was only about thirty meters and closing rapidly, the narrowing distance only making him run faster. Aria was still struggling to get the right key out.

"Come on COME ON!"




Finally the car's door locks clicked off at the turn of the right key, both Sirens piling in fast as they could and slamming the doors shut behind them. In the span of five seconds Aria managed to rev the engine and Sonata locked the doors. It was in those five seconds that X caught up to them and was about to pounce at the vehicle, preparing to bust through the back window. Noting his position behind them however, the purple siren got a cruel idea for a cruel pursuer. She threw the gears into reverse whilst clicking off the parking break, before slamming her foot down on the accelerator.

The car's engine bellowed and roared before flying backwards, X illuminated in the tail lights. Had he not braced and dove to the side, they would have run him down. Instead the back fender of the Honda slammed into a large metal fence post. Sparks shot out everywhere along with the scream of raking metal, broken tail light shards flying in all directions. Neither siren looked behind them, assuming the loud bang on the bumper was exactly what they imagined. This means they didn't see something as they sped off down the lower levels of the garage. They didn't see X spring back up to his feet and pick up the metal pipe. It was a long piece, about as tall as he was and remarkably thick. He eyed his surroundings and gave the post a twirl in his hand, getting an idea. Using the post to help spring himself, X vaulted out of the garage and onto the roof of a nearby building.

-Not over, not yet...-

Aria and Sonata drove out of the garage without a word to each other. Sonata was stuck looking out the front window, half stuck in a state of shock; and Aria focused best she could on driving with mixed results. Turning the car away from the front of the mall and more importantly, away from the gathering police cruisers and fire trucks; she turned down a lane heading into the back roads. Her breath finally managed to catch up with her.

"I think... we got away from it..."


"There is no.. possible way, that... thing was human..."

"Well, we're safe... I think..."

"We woulda been earlier if you hadn't been the worst and pulled the fire alarm!"

"It was an accident! The author put it there to be evil!"

"The autho- WHA-....."

Aria narrowed her eyes and held her breath to stifle the barrage of expletives she could let loose right now. She exhaled slowly, keeping her voice down whilst trying to focus on the road ahead. Thankfully there hadn't been any traffic and their pursuer didn't seem to have a ride of his own. They’d gotten free. Still, more distance she put between them and the garage, the more her nerves calmed.

"Whatever, I'm not taking any chances... Let's, just... go home, group up with Adagio, and calm down..."

Some moments passed, the car pulling away from any passerby in town, passing a gas station, and heading towards the exit that fed into the woods.

"W-well, least we lost it-"

Sonata's eye trained upon movement in the rear view mirror. Something dark shot up from the gas station's roof. The sirens hadn't been watching the building tops.


The car pulled into the mouth of the woodland road just as something very heavy dropped onto the trunk cover, shaking the vehicle. The broken end of a fence post stabbed through roof, narrowly missing the pair and crushing into the center console. The sudden jolt caused a mutual scream, Aria flooring the accelerator. The post twisted around in its new mount before being yanked free. Footsteps across the car roof heralded a return as Monster X swung himself around the side of the speeding vehicle and onto the hood.

Aria, regaining some of her wit, stayed on the forested road but began jostling the steering wheel back and forth. The car swerved to and fro, wheels screeching with every move and forcing X to crouch down on the hood. His center of gravity lowered, the attacker refused to be thrown off despite Aria's best efforts. Still, wasn't to say her actions weren't earning some of his annoyance. This car was causing more trouble than he liked to deal with. Twirling his makeshift staff around in his fingers to get a better grip, X sucked in his breath and took aim.


The ensuing 'BANG' was enough to rattle the entire vehicle. The metal sheeting on the car hood was severely dented in, peeling up at its edges. Judging from the loud sputtering now coming out from said hood, the attacker had just managed to crush down on the top half of the engine. Aria could already feel some of her control over the car weakening, the vehicle constantly shifting between slowing down and speeding back up at random as the engine began to spasm out of control. The Xilian vanguard was just beginning to wind up for another strike when a sudden burst of speed by the car he was standing on caught him at the worst possible moment. His legs partially shot out from under him, forcing Monster X to stumble backwards. The back end of his staff smashed into the windshield, rupturing most of its surface with shards of safety glass flying everywhere.

As Aria fought to keep the car under control and X tried to rise back to his feet, Sonata got an idea. Now she was only praying it would work correctly, just needed the right pitch and tempo. Closing her palm around her gemstone, the terrified siren slowed her breath and managed to begin to do the thing she did best. Harmonic melody and an unnaturally beautiful voice, the language of a siren, filled the air in unworldly chorus. Incomprehensible lyrics filled Monster X's ears as he tried to stand back up on the remains of the hood.

"Haaa-aahaaa'aiyaaaa--aahaaa heey-hhaaa~"

-"Stop your attack, cease your assault. Listen to meee cloooose~ly"-

The power of suggestion and the power of will were clashing feverously inside his mind, causing the world around him to blur in a greenish haze. Part of him wanted to do exactly as he was told, feeling a comforting embrace all around him. It wanted him to put down the staff and leave them. The other half of him was fighting it off with all the vigor his sense of duty and will could muster. His hold on the fence post was loosening, as was his balance. Unfortunately for all parties, there was something none of them could account for. Magical mental persuasion and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder don't mix well, at all.

All sense of ease was thrown into the wind. X no longer saw a calm forest, felt a warm comfort, and heard a gentle voice singing. All he could see was a darkened hell, the ruined skeletons and corpses of buildings all around him. Dread, hatred, and anger drowned him from all angles. The only noise was the crackling of fires that consumed everything around him, and the cackling, mocking laughter of a demon. X whirled around glared at the car's cab. He didn't see a frantic Aria trying to control the wheel, he didn't see a terrified Sonata desperately trying to keep singing through a dying voice. He only saw what he hated most. Something clad in gold, with three sets of red eyes. It lunged at him and he struck back.

Aria screamed, leaning backwards to avoid getting stabbed or smacked by the incoming staff. The sound of her scream, a sharp feminine cry, snapped X back into reality and silenced Sonata's choking chorus. The damage however, was already done. X had attempted to lash out at a nightmare; instead he managed to utterly destroy the steering wheel. The car spun out of control, accelerating rapidly as it went over an old woody bridge. After gaining a few milliseconds of air time, the Honda smashed nose first into the bridge's bordering walls. Old carpentry and craftsmanship was no match for a head-on collision. The car smashed through the side wall before it tumbled through the air over the river. All three of its occupants were hurled into the waters below before the Honda smashed into the base of a cell tower. The tower creaked and groaned, before its supports crushed in on the car’s husk; and felled the structure like a chopped tree trunk.

Still, even when tumbling through the air and then thrashing under the water’s surface, the Xilian kaiju refused to forfeit his hunt. Falling down into the water near Aria, he grabbed at her neck.


Sunset and Irys walked away from the exit of the wooden roller coaster. Or rather, a more accurate description would be Sunset stumbling away from the ride as Irys walked beside her to keep the former unicorn from falling over in a daze. It took almost two minutes after the ride ended for either of their hairdos not to be standing up on end. Reactions to the ride itself were mixed.

Irys loved it. High speed turns, drops, and spins reminded her of flying. And from all her years of airborne acrobatics, she was used to it. Sunset Shimmer was less ecstatic. Her head was still spinning and throat a bit rattled. Truth be told she had been screaming and clinging to Irys and the safety bar in a death grip since the first drop. On a ride with five drops and a loop. She'd flown once in her life, that was enough for her. Still, seeing her new friend's mood lifted so much had earned a smile. Irys was not the perky, cheerful type; judging from how the albino's voice still came off as a tad callous towards everyone but her. Still, an improvement was very noticeable. Just have to take it one step at a time.

Letting Irys guide her over to a bench, Sunset took a seat and let the world stop spinning as her friend sat down beside her.

"You okay?"

"Yea-yeah I'll be fine. Just a bit woozy after that coaster."

Sunset giggled, her vision stabilizing. An off thought crossed her mind and she dug into her coat's inner pockets and whipped out her cell phone. She flipped it open, but frowned slightly upon seeing no sign of new messages and a familiar error message up on the top of the screen. The connection bars had a large, red, blinking 'x' over them.

"Hm... Cell reception is still down."

Irys could only look at the device with a tilted head. She had observed human technology both from a distance and up close before. She was able to guess and gander at what certain devices were and what they did. Guns made a loud noise and shot metal pellets, people sat in cars to move around, light bulbs lit stuff up, clothing kept one warm, etc. She still couldn't quite figure out the details though, not knowing what this 'cell reception' was or what it was for.

A mutual stomach gurgle instantly grabbed of the two's attention. Sunset giggled, rubbing the back of her head.

"Guess we better grab something. Would you mind snagging the food while I check something out real quick?"

Irys looked over at the nearest food stand, a generalist stall. She'd seen how these ticket exchanges operated and how they worked. Didn't seem too difficult.

"Yes I think I can manage that."

Sunset smiled and nodded, digging through her pockets for a moment and pulling out several green colored tickets and handing them over.

"Alrighty, this should be enough tickets. Thanks, I'm just going to see if there is something up with my phone. Grab me an iceberg salad, no chicken bits. Looks like you can get another corn dog over there."

Irys' eyes widened and her mouth began to water. Some of these human foods were sinfully good. And that odd dish of a canine in some kind of breading was the seventh deadliest.

"I'll be right on it!"

Sunset couldn't hide a snicker before the two got up and split off. Sunset pulled back out her phone, typing at the keys with a puzzled expression whilst pacing off to several stands. Irys meanwhile held the tickets in hand and strode up to make her first transaction. She might have recognized the process, but was admittedly very rusty. For most of it she had to mimic what the human in front of her in line was doing, and then parroted the order Sunset had given her.

Success arrived swiftly, but just as she took a step away from the counter to take a bite out of her corn dog, a realization hit her like a truck. She was slacking off big time. She had a mission to do and had hardly even tried to do it. Dread and fear washed over her like a dark tide, threatening to swallow her up entirely.

-Oh no.. no no no no, I'm failing. If the master finds out he might send others. If Ghidorah or that Gaira came here and found Sunset they'd-

A tiny whisper slipped into her. Harmonic words surrounded her, flushing away the negativity. It felt almost like someone was hugging her, keeping the pain at bay. A voice soft as a wind chime called out to her and was silence to all others. Irys recognized the tone.

-"He cannot see you here. Sunset Shimmer will be safe..."-

Despite previous experience, Irys couldn't help but nearly drop the food and look around to see who was talking. Not a single soul was looking at her, much less addressing the kaiju.

-"Wait! Who are you!?"-

No reply came and the presence slowly faded away, the comfort changing to neutrality. As disturbed as she was at a random voice in her head, be it some magical play or some self aware conscious, Irys' thoughts forcefully shifted back to her master's words. She had to do what she was told. As much as she was beginning to like this world and body, as much as she loved having a friend; being free of this craven hunger was something she'd wanted since the day she hatched. It would make forging this 'new flock' of her's so much easier. If she returned cured, it would make seeing her friend so much easier. She had to get it, and the master was her only chance. Irys would follow his orders. However... Growing up where she did, time had taught her how to be sly. His orders however gave an escape clause...

- he DID say "Bring back anything of value if you CAN acquire it"... I could just say I never found anything and...-

However the devil's luck was not being kind. Just as she was about to forget about her task entirely, she smelt it. It was a potent trail in the air, one she was well acquainted with. Energy, magical energy. Irys hesitated, but couldn't fight the urge to follow it. The distance was short, coming out of a tent booth only about half a dozen yards from her previous location. As the kaiju approached, the sense of magic grew stronger, as did the noise of a specific voice. She couldn't figure out the lyrics, but the tone was recognizable. Someone was singing.

Irys peeked through one of the tent's seams. The interior wasn't very well lit, though her eyes could see just fine. Only one soul was inside, a teenage female about Sunset Shimmer's age. Heck, had her hair not been so outrageously poofy there would have been a resemblance. But it wasn't the hairdo bigger than the person that got Irys' attention, it was part of the attire. The young woman was singing into some sort of machine that played back her voice, and all the while the red gemstone on her necklace was pulsing with a red light. The magical source couldn't have been more obvious if there was a spotlight and blinking road sign on it.

Almost on instinct, Irys analyzed the situation in a predatory manner. The target was alone, probably not well armed. She could get the gemstone easily. The young albino's lip curled up slightly, small fangs in the place of canine teeth baring themselves. A flash of red and yellow in the corner of her eye stopped that action however.

Concealing her fangs and averting her vision, Irys looked over to see the familiar form of Sunset Shimmer standing about ten yards away. Almost on cue, the latter party noticed Irys. A smile crossed the highschooler's face, holding up her arm to wave at her new friend; as if beckoning Irys to come closer.

The kaiju was stuck. Easy prey, or new acquaintance. If she went after the magical source, the master might reward her. She might be cured soon. But with Sunset... Doing what she was about to do and attacking the artifact's holder, there was no way she could get away with something like that around her. But if she didn't do that. If she walked away from the tent right now, there would be no reward. She couldn't say she found nothing now... What if the master caught her lie? If he could cause every fiber in her mind to surge with pain at a scream, what could he do if she defied him and he knew? Was that voice telling, conscious or an observer, telling the truth?

Sunset's expression changed to slight confusion and worry as Irys looked down, closing her eyes. There was risk and reward if she went to the left towards the tent, there was risk and reward if she went right towards her friend. Crossroads were always something she particularly hated.

Irys took in a deep breath, zoning out the world around her as she exhaled. All tension in her body was banished with her breath.

-....No, there can always be another attempt... Missions can be repeated... The risk is worth it... I only have three more hours here-

The albino looked up to Sunset with an small, honest smile; walking through the small crowd to rejoin her.

-And I know where I'm going to spend it...-

Irys passed Sunset her food as they slowly walked off into the crowd side by side. The pale kaiju was a predator, a killer, and a villain. But for now, for these few hours, she was going to be happy.

Just as the two departed however, a colorful group of five walked out from between the fair booths going the opposite direction. Two of them talked amongst themselves, two more were looking around in a confused manner; and the fifth was rapidly typing out the same message over and over again on her phone. Fluttershy nudged Applejack, glancing around the fairgrounds.

"Um.. Wasn't Sunset supposed to meet us here?"

"Ah' thought so. Any luck with the text Pinkie?"

The aforementioned Pie shot up between them, her fingers typing away so quickly they were a blur.

"I've texted her about 534 times now! This phone is a phony!"


Amongst the trickling cackle of the river waters against the surrounding stones, something else stirred. A black, gloved hand shot out of the water's edge and dug its fingers into the snow covered shore like the claws of a grappling hook. An arm contracted and a dark form lurched out of the chilled waters. And it wasn't alone. Partially curled under Monster X's arm was the limp form of Aria Blaze, barely conscious and half choked with water. Sirens are creatures of the sea in Equestria, faster than any rip current or tidal wave. In the human world, in a human body however; they were no better or worse than a normal primate. It was all skill, something another siren had but Aria lacked. Having a similarly transformed kaiju tackle her under the surface didn't do many favors either. Not like the Xilian vanguard particularly cared either way he'd almost drowned her. She was his target, and far from helpless or innocent.

The smell of the now wrecked car stunk up the air as more snow began to fall. X grumbled as he trudged onto the shore. While still in good health, his little dip in the water had given him some marks. Blood trickled down his free arm, a large cut from a sharp piece of debris present about halfway up his bicep. While not deep, it didn't stop it from stinging constantly. Under his clothing, the ache in his knee signaled a bruised joint, probably from hitting the river bottom during the struggle. And judging from the sharp pain and soreness in his left torso, he'd probably fractured a rib or two in the same action. Still, by his measurements he was fine, if only slowed down slightly.

-Just some flesh wounds, I've had worse-

The mask clad man glanced around to take in his surroundings. The forest, outside of the dueling crackling of stream water and burning automobile, was totally quiet. No doubt the humans would arrive in time, given the inky black column rising from the wreckage. He did not know where the blue siren was, having lost track of her once they were thrown into the river.

-Likely washed downstream, she seemed a better swimmer. I'll check once done here, couldn't have gotten far-

The monster diverted his attention to his captured quarry. He flicked his wrist, partially dropping and partially tossing Aria Blaze into a small snow bank, the frozen water cushioning her fall. Aria was nearly immobile, barely even conscious for shifting in the snow let alone counter attack as X squatted next to her. The gemstone mounted on her black necklace pulsed slightly with a low crimson light, confirming the alien's objective. When he reached down to take it however, the reaction to his action was not what X was expecting. He was just about to grab the glowing gemstone, his fingers a hair's width from its shining surface when an unseen force shoved his hand back. Surprised, he paused for a moment. Probing to see what had just happened and attempting to finish his mission, he tried again. But just as he was about to grasp the ruby, the gemstone glowed. A concussive force shot into his arm and threw it away.

X was startled backwards slightly and the jolt shook Aria back into consciousness, lurching upwards and coughing violently to clear her lungs of river water. She hacked for a few moments to catch her breath, before sitting there in silence. But then she did something that took X by surprise. She lurched to her side and quickly punched him right in the face near his eye socket. X stumbled back and rose up as Aria, still a bit groggy, got to her feet. She looked at him with a sneer as X held his head with one hand. There were a lot of things he'd been expecting, but a sudden strike from an otherwise unimposing attacker like that had caught him off guard. Under his scarf, the kaiju smiled.

-Huh, she actually managed to surprise me, so you do have some fight in you-

He pulled the hand away, revealing his mask to be cracked around his left eye, several missing pieces having broken off and fallen away. The glare his eyes gave off was colder than the snow falling around them. The look Aria gave him as she raised her arms into a guarded stance was just as chilled. X leaned his head over and popped his neck, rolling his shoulders. Aria, finally shaking off the last of her daze from nearly drowning, started side stepping to her left.

"You're not human... What are you?..."

X mirrored her, stepping over to his right, the two slowly beginning to circle about.

"Truth be told, I'm not even quite sure myself. Then again I could ask you the same question. You don't belong around here either. Though admittedly right now I'm more surprised someone like you knows a guard stance."

"I don't just sing. Girl needs her hobbies when you keep the company I do... What do you want?"

"I have my mission, you just happen to have the goal around your neck."

Aria's eyes widened briefly with recognition, her gemstone pulsing with light. She dropped her hands as X did the same, both standing motionless in the cold air.

"Like hell you're getting it..."

Her stern expression grew angered. She lunged forward, jabbing and crossing at X as he side strafed to dodge the first and blocked the second with a raised forearm. Aria twisted around, managing to land a light elbow strike to the gut. X grunted, grabbing her arm and twisting it around to strike at her stomach with a backhand.

"No more singing?"

Aria grunted, tightening up her stomach muscles to absorb the impact best she could.

"I saw what happened with Sonata's attempt, I think you are psychotic enough already. And what's with the Halloween mask, afraid to show your face?"

Aria shoved herself away from X, circling to his right as X moved to his left. Neither one was letting the other get behind them.

"This IS my face..."

X snarled before pouncing forward with a lunging punch that Aria narrowly sidestepped, the strike grazing her shoulder before snapping a pine sapling. Not hesitating or giving her a window to counter attack, he spun around for a backhand to the face Aria just barely was able to block. Still, the powerful arm was forcing her back slowly. Despite being in the middle of a fight, X kept his voice remarkably calm. All the more unsettling for his audience.

"Intriguing part though, I 'would' have it by now; but there is some sort of barrier that kept it from me touching it. I'd hypothesize it's a magical enchantment of some sort."

X forced his weight forward, shoving Aria back before aiming a low kick to her knee. If the siren had jumped up just a second later she would have quickly gained a broken joint. The foresight was impressive on her part. She wasn't on his level, far from it. It was a martial arts student going up against a trained war veteran. He probably could have taken her out four separate times by now, but had his reasons for holding back. His experiences with magic were limited, but they had taught him how unpredictable it could be. If he killed her outright, something might happen to the gem. It could do anything from smolder away to explode for all he knew. Best find out in person first, then act accordingly. A stressed person tended to spill the truth easily, and a near full hour of chasing and then fighting was more than stressing Aria out. Besides, he always was one to test out an opponent. She was a nimble one, he'd give her that. This could be amusing.

"It's the Heart of a Siren. In other words, it's part of me you idiot..."

She lunged forward, jumping up slightly and training a roundhouse kick to his head. X caught the strike mid-swing, holding her leg up and keeping her still with some effort. For a thin bodied young adult, she was putting up some sufficient force behind her blows. Aria twisted her upper body sideways to avoid an uppercut from colliding with her chin, having to use both of her arms to keep X's elbow away from her sternum and solar plexus. Even with both her limbs it was still a struggle, her arms beginning to shake. As concerned as she was however, the siren fearlessly glared at her attacker. X just looked back blankly, hiding a smile. His plan worked.

"Yet it looks like jewelry. Can it be removed?"

"Only.by.its.siren. No others."

Tension amongst the blocking and striking limbs grew before the two split away. Before Aria could react however, X bolted forward. She'd given him his answer; there was no need to go easy anymore. Play time was over. He crouched down before jumping up and forward, landing a backhand through her block and smashing the back of his fist into her stomach. Continuing his rising action, he ignored her lower kick to his shin and grabbed the siren by the shoulder. Pushing his full weight and momentum forward, he shoved her back and pinned her against a tree trunk. Fight's over.

"Then you are going to take it off."

Aria tried to kick but couldn't get enough room to do so. She tried to punch or strike out, but couldn't get a good angle. She tried to grab at the hand pinning her down, but X's grip was like stone. Relenting, but holding firm, she looked back at him with an unbroken, unafraid stare. He looked back at her blankly through a half broken mask, his scarf swaying in the breeze like twin tails.

"Your defiance is admirable, couple more years of training and you’d be quite formidable. But you cannot defeat me at your level... Now... I'm in a hurry so listen close.”

He leaned in closer, not taking his eyes away from her with a stern glare.

“Surrender your Heart to me, and I will keep it safe."

Both froze in silence for a moment as a winter gale blew by. For a split second Aria's face dropped in morbid confusion but reddened noticeably, the blush burning up her cheeks. X meanwhile took a moment to figure out what exactly he just said. Once he did, the alien wanted felt like nothing else punching himself in the face, or doing that to whoever came up with that cursed synonym.

-...Good TANAKA! That came out horribly wrong...-

X grumbled, tightening his grip on her shoulder as he hoisted her up to his eye level; Aria's feet dangling over the forest floor.

"Just hand over the gemstone, and I'll be on my way..."

Aria's face was still a bit flustered.

"And how do I know you'll do that..."

"I don't intend to stay here any longer than I need too. If I wanted to kill you right now... you'd already be dead. But that's more trouble than it's worth with this magic. Your death might make it worthless."

X's eyes narrowed as he leaned in a bit further, the gemstone pulsing with Aria's increased heart rate. Even a stoic witch can be afraid. The alien's voice was as threatening as it was clear.

"No more stalling, give it, NOW..."

Aria's face flickered with emotion, as fear and anger ebbed away. Sadness trickled in as she looked down at her birthright. Losing it would change everything, everything in a way she wouldn't care to see. Even a black, manipulative, hateful, selfish heart can feel pain. She raised a hand up, cradling the red jewel as she briefly eyed her reflection in it. Though her dip in the river and half an hour of sweat induced adrenaline rush had ruined her mascara, another source caused the water droplet now running down her face. She began to slip off her necklace as X kept his eyes trained on the glowing gemstone. She slipped it off, feeling a sharp pain in her chest whilst doing so. Her attacker eased her down to the forest floor and gently let go of her shoulder.

X stood still, his voice barely above a whisper.

"No further harm will come to you, as I promise."

Aria's voice was equally low, but shaking. She couldn't take her gaze off her prized possession, her bangs hiding her wet eyes from X.

"Stop calling m-e ‘you’…Aria.. my n-ame is Aria..."

"Then you have my word Aria,-"

He extended his hand and upturned his palm to accept the gem.

"and my word is my honor. I only kill threats. You are none."

Aria began to hand it over, all of X's attention on her. It was unfortunate, had it been any other situation he would have heard the footsteps rapidly approaching behind him.


A metallic clang echoed through the air as Sonata swung a familiar fence post upwards at the masked man. She hit him in a very particular spot. A spot she was well aware was a certain vulnerability on humans. Monster X was used to guarding his vitals. The center mass of his torso, the throat, major arteries, etc. He wasn't however used to having to guard this specific spot between the legs. Human anatomy could be a real pain sometimes to someone who didn't have it until several hours ago.

Instantly Monster X's entire world was filled with a sore, sharp pain. He backed away from Aria and nearly doubled over as his ears rang, his voice squeaking. The vanguard of the mighty Xilian fleet, one of the most adept martial artists in his realm; had just been stunned by a fifty kilogram high school senior with a metal pipe induced crotch shot. Irony was laughing itself to death right now.


Sonata was quick to drop the pipe, grabbing Aria by the wrist as the latter clung to her gemstone.


The purple siren was definitely not arguing, using the last of her adrenaline to run alongside Sonata towards the roadway. X was a bit slower to recover; having to swallow back the nerve shock he was going through. It had taken him a moment to register just how he’d been hit.

-What kind of supreme being would condone the irony of having such an already messed up species have a weak spot like that in the open with no protection?! WHAT THE F-

Rising back up to his height, X spotted the fleeing purple and blue.

-Oh no you don’t!-

However by the time he took off after them, his eyes were burning in rage upon seeing the two waving at a van stopping at the roadside. Fast as he was, he couldn't close the distance in time before they piled into it. X bolted onto the roadway, charging as fast as he could while the van began to speed away. He wasn't even sure how long he kept up his pursuit, but one fact he dreaded became clear. He might have all his old skill and some of his old traits, but this new body had limits his real one didn't. He couldn't run forever.

Slowly but surely, his speed began to leave him as the mechanical beast only accelerated. Finally, his ravaged legs quit, forcing him to drop to his knee and pant. Red eyes still stubbornly trained on his prey, the last thing X saw of them before the van turned out of sight was the telltale glow coming from inside the cab. He could almost smell the magic from where he sat. Growling and snarling through his gasps, Monster X slammed a fist down onto the pavement, still huffing for breath.

After some time, the pride of Xilian caught his breath in the chilled winter air; and picked himself up. He'd failed, and that realization hung over him like a hateful shroud. Not like there was anything he could do about it. He couldn’t catch up to his now likely long gone quarry, and there was no time to try and keep up the chase. He’d been so close, so very, very close. But the hours had slipped by, and he no longer had time to waste. He wasn’t going to be trapped here, and it was going to be a long walk back to town.

Canterlot High

The sun hung low in the sky, beginning to duck behind the high school's tall roof. Irys and Sunset walked down the isolated sidewalk, chatting amongst themselves as the newly fallen snow crunched under their shoes. The hour Irys had been secretly counting down to was soon to arrive. By her count she only have thirty minutes left. The three hours had been kind, filled with laughter, some excitement, and acceptance. But time was up, she needed to leave soon and was using the last of her time to walk Sunset back to the bus stop she used. By sheer coincidence it happened to be near the very same statue that was Irys' way back 'home' too.

"Sooo you sure you'd be alright getting back yourself?"

"Y-Yeah, I guess you could say this is on the way back to my place."

A voice called out from the shadows of the high school.

"I see you've returned, I was beginning to worry..."

Irys and Sunset both froze up as a tall figure stepped out from behind the school's statue, the shadows making his black and white attire look even darker. Monster X took some steps to approach them, stopping about five meters away. Irys and X looked at eachother wordlessly. Sunset looked between them and read the facial expressions.

"I.. take it you know him?"

Irys held firm for a moment. Had this been one of the other kaiju. Ghidorah, Gaira, that Legion queen, or those sea monsters, she would have lashed out at them and ordered Sunset to run. However, this wasn't one of them. And as imposing as he was, the alien was not someone she feared. He brought her back, nursed her back to health; and indirectly lead to her finding her companion. Sunset had told her to try and accept others in, make a new flock. Perhaps she should start with this task force she'd been recruited into? And why not start with the one who helped her before?

"Don't worry about him Sunset, he's someone I'm staying with..."

Irys' features softened slightly as she looked back at the now slightly confused Xilian kaiju.

"In fact, I guess you could call him my second friend..."

Sunset smiled slightly at the words, X cocked an eyebrow. Analytical as always, he studied both the dialogue and body language of the two females. He figured out the basics in record time. Part of him should have been angered. Here he'd been risking his life for half the day to end in failure, and his counterpart had probably spent all her time befriending some native. Then again, he'd brought the albino gyaos here with the hope a mission would snap her out of her depression; least she become useless to the cause. One way or another, judging the fact said albino was now smiling and said smile not be a threat display; that goal had succeeded and he really couldn't call the endeavor a complete failure. Though no party could see it, X returned the smile under his scarf as he walked forward a few steps.

"It's time for us to depart."

Punctually on time, a large automobile, a city bus, rolled up to the stop Irys and Sunset were standing at. The time both had been dreading, the former more so than the latter, had come. Irys knew she had to go back with X one way or another. If she was already risking lying to a dark god about what she did today, her not returning would only draw more suspicion. She was going to keep her young friend safe, even if that meant leaving so no others came after her. For some reason her chest was beginning to ache a lot...

Sunset stepped up to the bus, before turning back around to Irys. The two looked at each other for a moment, snowflakes beginning to litter their hair. Suddenly, the former lurched forward and yanked the latter into a firm hug. It took Irys a moment to figure out the intention. Slowly she shifted her arms up, wrapping them around the shorter woman's shoulders and returned the gesture, enjoying the growing warmth in her chest. It wasn't aching anymore.

After a short while, the two friends pulled apart. Despite smiling, Irys felt her eyes getting a tad wet.

"L-Look.. I'll try and come back to see you again, but I'm not sure when and-"

She was silenced by Sunset putting her index finger on Irys's nose. Sunset chuckled slowly, a smile warm as a new dawn never leaving her face.

"You'll be back..."

An off thought crossed Irys' mind as the bus engine rumbled in the cold air. Reaching behind her neck, she undid a simple locking mechanism and took her amethyst studded choker off. The kaiju wasn't quite sure why she had it when she emerged in this new world, but that didn't matter. If part of her could stay, she knew what and with whom. As she learned during her time there, 'tis the season after all.

She held the simple jewelry out to her best friend.

"Here, hold onto this for me until then, okay?"

Sunset's hands slowly curled around the purple gemstone, very gently lifting the necklace away. Flicking aside her hair, the former unicorn slipped the choker on. It was a tad big for her throat, but snug. Sunset looked down at it, seeing her reflection in the low light.

"I won't let it out of my sight."

X walked up to the pair, still minding the time. He put his hand on the gyaos' shoulder, nodding in acknowledgement to Sunset. It was then when he sensed something. It was an odd feeling he got upon approaching the pair, mostly from this 'Sunset'. Magic. Very small amounts, but it was there. And something told him it was only a trickle of what was truly present. It wasn't coming from any particular object on her, rather it seemed to be coming from the young woman herself. He briefly entertained the thought of bringing the female back as a replacement for the lost sirens, however the notion was soon quashed. This wasn't anything worth chasing, and he had standards to keep. Artifacts and enemies in war were one thing, but not like this. A harmless living being, let alone one who had his thanks, was no prize to take back. Monster X banished any lingering temptations or thoughts.

Still, the presence of magic got him curious. If that Aria was some being called a 'siren', and yet wasn't human in a world of humans; did that mean this Sunset was a similar case? She was no siren, but perhaps was something else?

The bus honked its horn and beckoned departure. Sunset smiled back at her friend before turning slowly and climbing up the steps. She took her seat and the bus doors shut behind her. The bus engine roared as it reawakened, the shuttle rolling away from the stop. Sunset rested her head on the top of the back seat, waving goodbye through the back window as Irys returned the gesture. Today had been a good day all things considered. Still, off thoughts did zip past her mind as the distance grew. Something just felt a tad, off, about Irys and that one guy. Not really in a bad way, but not quite like the other people around.

-And Irys' companion had been waiting for her at the school statue, the same one that Twilight Sparkl-....-

Sunset rubbed her chin, puzzling.

-Could they be from?...-

Irys stood still, waving at the bus until it was out of sight. Despite the departure, something about her mood refused to let it sour itself. She and Monster X turned back to the sidewalk and approached the statue.

"I take it you found no artifacts gyaos-"


X looked over at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Come again?"

Irys looked back up at him.

"I didn't have a name before... Sunset gave me one, it's Irys."

X was quiet for a moment before sighing, giving her a nod.

"Very well then. I take it you found nothing, Irys?"

The albino's thoughts traveled back briefly to the fairgrounds, back to that tent. She bit her lip briefly before answering.

"No, I found nothing... You?"

She looked over at his left eye, noticing the cracked mask and bruising even through the darkness and X's jet black skin.

"Seems you got into quite a scuffle."

X only rolled his eyes.

"Twas with the owner of one of the artifacts, she caught me off guard after a car accident."

"Sooo, do you have it? You did win right?"

There was a low grumble through the snowfall. Had he not gotten hit by the pipe, had to taken out their transportation quicker, had he gotten serious in fighting Aria quicker; he'd probably have her heart in his hands right now.

"Battle was won, but they got away at the last moment."

"Well then,-"

Irys crossed her arms as they walked around to the portal side of the statue.

"-we'll just have to volunteer again later for a return trip. This was mostly a scouting mission after all."

"If the master presumes its worth it... Just promise you'll help me next time."

"Hey you're the one who climbed up a roof before I could stop you."

"You told me to."

"I told you to split up, not run up a wall you idiot!"

A chuckle reached the gyaos' throat and she playfully but firmly punched Monster X in the forearm. X flinched and cringed as they walked through the rapidly opening portal back to Zenith. Irys just managed to smack his bruise-cut combo on his bicep and reopen it.

"Grk! I have an injury there!"

"Ah suck it in you wimp..."

The two teammates stepped through the portal together, at peace.

-Welcome to the flock X...-

No sooner did the pair step back into the cold darkness of Zenith, the portal closing behind them; when the ground beneath them shook and trembled. Both kaiju didn't have time to react before Megalon burst out of the obsidian floor like a giant drill bit.


The insectoid cyborg flew straight at them and tackled the two before pulling them in for a bear hug. A flash of light to the left signaled Gigan's had arrived, hovering above the ground with his face planted on the blunt side of his scythe.

"Apologies, he took off before I could stop him."

The Xilian vanguard rolled his red eyes.

-Welcome to the team Irys...-

Author's Note:

Note just to clarify this takes place between Equestria Girls 1 and Rainbow Rocks.

Artwork (coming soon) by Faith-Wolff
Editing and Proof reading by Sky-Lark and Faith-Wolff

Monster X as well as related roster property of Toho Studios
'Irys' property of Daiei
MLP:FiM and Equestria Girls property of Hasbro Studios


Long dead tyrant kings and crystal wielding kaiju, it's odd happenings in the Crystal Empire for a certain guardsmare.

Please do check out the Reading List by Lance Omikron to navigate the Amalgam Universe most clearly :raritywink:

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