• Published 2nd Aug 2013
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The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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Mother's Day Special: The Queen Mother

1993, National Institute of Biotechnics, Kyoto, Japan

Professor Omae busily flipped through page after page of research booklets. He was an older gentlemen, approaching 60 with some graying on the fringes of his short black hair that contrasted with his pale undercoat and shirt. Alongside him was his busy body of an assistant, Doctor Azusa Gojo. A newer name in the institute, she stood up on her tip-toes with her long braided hair and curly bangs held out of her face by a band as she tried to look through Omae's papers. The laboratory itself was relatively small, fitting a broad desk, a few computers, and a handful of monitors. They had to avoid taking up too much space, for a two-by-three meter glass housing eating a large share of the floor space contained something precious. An egg, a one of a kind prehistoric, yet still living egg with a developing infant inside. Omae's page was full of hourly pictures of said egg, and it was this that had Omae's attention. Upon seeing the array of photographs however, Azusa raised a confused eyebrow. For the most part, the pictures looked exactly like the egg did now. Light hued with some speckling. Other hours however showed the shell taking on a bizarre, bright red color she hadn't seen since they loaded it off the island they had found it abandoned on.

"It's strange, it seems to still be changing color. I thought it was just a development cycle change from back on the island. Why now?" Azusa mumbled, tilting her head at the collage of pictures as Omae handed her the album.

He looked to the egg, rubbing his chin as the massive object lay still in its incubator.

"I have a theory..." the older biologist muttered as he looked on.

He motioned to the large egg, the wires connected to its outside linking to monitors that displayed a steady pulse.

"When we found it on the island and took it with us, it turned red. It turns red because the infant inside it is afraid or distressed, such as being spooked from the sudden motion on the helicopter."

Azusa brushed her long hair back, still scanning over the still images. The red phases almost seemed to have a pattern of some sort.

She grimaced, "I see... but why would it keep turning red on and off here? It hasn't been moved and I've made sure to keep conditions constant all day and night!"

Omae sagely shook his head, "Not all conditions are always constant, Azusa."

Omae picked up a log book, thumbing through the pages before holding open a set of them containing check in and out hours. He pointed to a particular set.

"Look at this. I checked your duty hours for the week. Compare them to the red phases' timescale. Every time you checked out, the egg turned red. When you came back, it instantly turned back to normal. That's why you never saw the red color before since it got here."

He said in a calm demeanor, pointing between the two page's written times to prove his point. Azusa's face shifted and she leaned her head back in visible confusion.

"W-Why would that be Professor?"

Azusa spoke with a stutter. She didn't like where the conversation was heading. She was just a rookie assistant, this was her first big study! The thought she'd been doing something to spoil the research was ratcheting her nerves in a vice. She wanted to disprove any association, but sure enough, the timescales matched without failure. When she left, the egg turned red every single time. Omae looked away from the books and back to the egg, oblivious to his assistant's internal panic as he puzzled.

"It's part of my theory. I think it is listening to outside sounds. Eggs can still conduct sound energy and if the infant inside is developed enough, it can hear the world around it to some extent. I think it's listening to identify something familiar, in the hopes it'll memorize its parents. If dinosaurs or pterosaurs nested like most birds, then either the mother or father would be present at nearly all times. So if the hatchlings are listening while in the eggs, they'll associate common voices with their parents and recognize them upon hatching."

The gears in Azusa's head churned as her nerves calmed. Bit by bit, a new conclusion was piecing itself together.

She stammered, pointing to herself while trying to articulate, "Y-You mean... It?... Me?"

Azusa looked up to the egg with widened eyes, stumbling over her own words as Professor Omae turned to her.

"You hum and think aloud a lot while you are working solo to keep yourself company, and you're the only one in here most of the time. So instead of its mother or father.." Doctor Omae hummed as he turned to his student, "Azusa, he's been hearing you!"

Omae uttered before he turned and headed for the door, taking some of his notes along with him. He had to pass along this theory to the board. It took a moment for Azusa to snap back into reality, looking away from the egg and jolting around towards him.

"H-He?!" she yelped as she took a step after him.

Omae back stepped through the door, poking his head through the frame as he held it open.

"Sorry, I just now remembered. I checked the data inputs from earlier against the growth patterns of baby crocodilians. Their gender gets determined by temperature when in the egg up to a certain point. We'll have to stop calling the egg an 'it'. By the numbers, well... Congratulations Miss Gojo, it's a boy."

He departed, leaving Azusa alone in the lab like she almost always was. She'd worked inside this room for weeks without so much as an off thought. Now however, things felt a bit different. She wasn't alone in here anymore. Step by step, inch by inch, she approached the glass terrarium's glossy edge. The young biologist hesitated at first, curling in her fingers and motioning away. But, as if drawn by a magnet, she reached forward and extended her hand. One fingertip at a time, she touched the glass before slowly putting her palm to it. Her pulse slowed to a placid beat. With the glistening sun shining through the window, she could just barely make out a vague outline within the shell.

"H-.... Hello there.. little one."

The outline shifted and wiggled, almost as if he was happy. In all likelihood, he was. After all the infantile mind knew he was safe, he could hear his mother!

1993, National Institute of Biotechnics, two months later

Doctor Azusa Gojo's pulse throbbed in her ears as she rushed through the halls in a panic, her friends Miki from psychic research and Lieutenant Koji from G-Force attempting to keep up. She'd just returned from a brief date with Kazuma Aoki to discover her ward missing from his nest. Confusion quickly turned to panic when she found out who'd taken him for what test. Skidding around a corner, her heart rate skyrocketed to new highs upon a loud noise echoing out of room 23A. There was a reptilian hiss underneath it, but it unmistakeably sounded like a baby screaming. Azusa sprinted for the room, barreling past the guard outside and practically kicking open the door.

Ignoring the control room to her right as she charged past it, Azusa was soon greeted to a painful sight. The infant dinosaur she'd been taking care of, strapped to a table with a shock collar outfitted to his neck. Every time the terrified baby squirmed or thrashed to free himself, the collar crackled and sent ever increasing jolts through his body. At this point, his muscles and nerves were being shocked so often he was beginning to convulse with sparks springing out from the collar. All Godzilla Junior could do was cry out for his parent.

Azusa answered.

Grabbing a hanging jacket and wadding it into a makeshift insulated glove, the 29 year old biologist grabbed the offending collar. The jacket only insulated her so much, shocks ripping up her arms, causing her hair to become more frizzled than it already was as her muscles momentarily locked up. Working between shocks however, she managed to undo the buckle and toss it away. Azusa dropped the jacket, slumping weakly with panting breaths against the table as Junior groaned wearily.

A smug tone raked across her ears, "Sorry about the shocks, I didn't see you there Gojo."

The snide voice was as smug as the lie was obvious. Doctor Mitsuo stepped out from the control room, adjusting his glasses. Azusa's tired face quickly morphed into a scowl at the sight of her rival, though right now she could care less about their history and more about what he'd been doing in the last hour.

"Why were you shocking him Mitsuo?!" She snapped with a bark, reaching back and putting a hand on Junior's jaw.

The baby dinosaur cooed quietly at her touch, knowing he was going to be alright now.

Mitsuo Katagiri was unmoved and just shrugged, "He burns through the tranquilizers too quickly, we needed him to stay still for the CT scan. Professor Omae noticed you were out on your little play date so I volunteered to keep it still."

Azusa gnashed her teeth, "He was screaming!"

"Only for a bit, shock collars do that before the animal decides to shut up. Don't get yourself worked up, it's not like any lasting harm was done."

Miki and Lt. Koji finally managed to catch up, but were flabbergasted as to what they were seeing. The former was quick to rush over to Azusa and Junior's side as the later snapped to attention and faced Doctor Mitsuo. Despite his formalistic manner and speech, it was quite evident his blood was beginning to boil as soon as his wandering eye spotted the shock collar.

Koji didn't look directly at the callous doctor, "Doctor Katagiri, I understand that Professor Omae put Miss Gojo in-charge of all studies directly involving the asset. It's a rare species and can't be harmed. What is the meaning of this?"

Doctor Mitsuo crossed his arms nonchalantly and leaned against the door frame to the control room.

"Computerized tomography scan of the creature to map out its body layout. Commander Aso requested it of the institute in case anything about this thing could clue us in to a physical weakness in the adult Godzilla, giving us information that the MechaG team can exploit." Katagiri quipped with a shrug, "We are trying to kill that son of a bitch remember? However because the thing wouldn't stop squirming and tranquilizers didn't work, I had to resort to more aggressive, therapy, to get it to stay still."

He said with a razor edged tongue, earning a noticeable eye twitch from the lieutenant and a not so subtle glare from Miki. Azusa meanwhile was focused on the 'little one', rubbing the back of Junior's head and humming softly to calm him down.

"Alright little one, these people just need you to stay still for a few moments okay? The machine is scary but I'll be right here, alright?" Azusa made a point of humming softly as she so often did while working solo.

Junior seemingly understood, chirping softly once before resting his head and going slack. Azusa smiled before she and Miki stepped out of the room for the scan to finish. A few minutes went by as the large, donut shaped machine went up and down the dinosaur's body. Junior would have shuddered from all the noise and the bizarre mechanism, but he stayed still as his mother requested; all the while looking at her through the protective glass until the procedure was done. The moment it was however, Azusa, followed by Miki was upon the saurian, undoing his binds. Soon as the last strap was undone, Azusa shot a backwards glare as Junior got himself off the table.

"If you needed him to stay still, you should have gotten me! Professor Omae put me in charge of all study for the dinosaur so I must be alerted to all surveys conducted!"

Mitsuo was unmoved, getting up from his desk.

"Of course Miss Gojo, this was all a simple misunderstanding on my part. Would you like to join my division? We both could get a lot of intensive work done with you around."

Azusa's face slowly shifted to a simple smile, closing her eyes and walking up to her colleague as Junior and Miki trailed behind her. The moment she was about to walk by Mitsuo however, her face contorted and spawned a sneering glare that could cut through steel; before turning to her side and clocking Mitsuo in the face hard enough to tumble him.

Reverting her expression back to passive happiness, Azusa stepped over him and headed back for the enclosure, leading the infant dinosaur behind her like a mother duck.

"Come along now little one, I'll bring you the donuts Kazuma left me."

Junior chirped happily, wagging his tail so much it whapped Mitsuo in the brow as he passed him by while following his mother. Mitsuo groaned, climbing back to his feet with two noticeable red marks on his face. He turned to the nearest G-force officer on hand.

"Hey! Aren't you going to do anything about that?!"

Koji leaned against the wall, pretending to have been reading a pamphlet he pulled out a few minutes ago. He knew since the scan started what was coming and predicted it to the letter. Personally however, he'd have gone with a right hook. The lieutenant glanced up with a blank expression.

"Frankly I'm just bummed she beat me too the punch."

2010, San Francisco

The waterfront of San Francisco was near dead silent compared to its normal well of busy city life. An hour ago, a new kaiju unlike any the world had seen before rose from the ocean and barreled through the Golden Gate bridge. Numerous jet and helicopter crews from the nearby base had managed to distract it long enough for the evacuation to begin. But alas, bullets and missiles could only do so much. The Trespasser made landfall and was flattening everything in his path. That's not to say the threat scared everyone away however.

Azusa Aoki, formally Gojo, grunted as she picked up an injured child, ignoring their squirming as she helped lift and load them into an ambulance. Having finished her work back home long ago, she and Kazuma had moved to the states a few years prior, shortly after their wedding. The years had been kind to her life, and she still lived much the same as she always had, plus some more friends, some wrinkles, and a few grayed hairs. Having experience with this sort of ordeal, they were some of the first volunteers to aid in the evacuation. However, focused as she was at getting the last person loaded onto the ambulance, Azusa hadn't failed to notice the ground shake beneath her feet. A tall shadow cast itself over the entire city block, a deep bellow rattling the air. Doctor Aoki looked up.

Trespasser loomed over the seaside cityscape, the broken, creaking remains of the Golden Gate all too visible behind him. Glowing yellow eyes locked onto the flashing beacons atop the ambulance, the titan picking up a taloned hand and beginning to reach forward as it advanced. For Azusa, time slowed to a crawl. They were currently right in front of her home, and that meant...

Trespasser nearly had the stalled emergency vehicle on the tip of his claw when rapid, loud honking tore his attention away. The Anteverse creation looked down and spied a bright red minivan driving directly towards and under him. Azusa blared the horn repeatedly as she circled beneath the kaiju, attempting to avoid the potholes and scattered rubble to the best of her ability. She swerved the wheel to turn, hugging a corner to avoid crashing into the beast's foot, trying everything she could to get and keep the kaiju's attention on herself like a mother bird feigning a broken wing to a cat. She succeeded, and soon the very earth beneath her jostled and shook as Trespasser roared, chasing after her van. Azusa floored the gas pedal while speeding down the only reasonably intact road, jostled by every footfall behind her that threw debris all around as she sped towards the already ruined part of town near the bridge. Even when a near miss by Trespasser's swiping claws ripped open the pavement behind her and sent a baseball sized hunk of asphalt through her now shattered rear window, she kept as much nerve as she could and focused despite the downpour of glass. Sadly, her success wasn't to last.

A low top speed and debris filled roads however couldn't contend nor outpace a 50 meter stride for long. Just as she neared the edge of the waterfront and bridge, one of the edges to Trespasser's claws nicked her back wheel and tore it out. The roar of the tires against shattered road was silenced and the van flipped up onto its nose, skidding across the ground to a shower of sparks. Tires and gears locked and screeched as they tore each other apart, totaling the van. The broken automobile creaked and groaned as it tilted off its nose and thumped back down onto the pavement with a tired heave.

Groaning from the face first impact into the pale airbags, Azusa clumsily managed to free herself from her tomb. Gripping the edge of what used to be the door frame, the middle aged biologist hauled herself out of the crumbling wreck and slumped onto the pavement. Day turned to night upon the arrival of a dark shadow swallowing her and the entire street up, an unearthly glow trickling down from above. Azusa warily looked up into the drooling maw of Trespasser, a fanged jaw with a shark's grin. Avoiding the broken glass and concrete, she staggered up to her feet and looked right back in stoic defiance. Seventeen years had eroded away any meekness long ago. She had accomplished too much to be afraid. She'd had a successful career, a happy marriage, many friends, and left her mark on the world for the better. Even if her little stunt bought the evacuees only a few precious moments, it was all worth it. Trespasser almost looked disgruntled by the lack of the human's response, but paid it little heed as he raised his forearm. Wouldn't be like she'd have a face to glare back at him with in a few moments.

Azusa's family had gotten to safety, except for one. One who was following her example and moving directly at Trespasser. One who would never tolerate his mother being threatened.

Before Trespasser could squash the woman into the pavement, a living tidal wave burst out of the water front to the invader's side. A charcoal gray tail erupted from the torrents of sea water and slammed into Trespasser's midsection. Between the mass of the tail, its velocity, and fact a nuclear pulse sent blue shockwaves into Trespasser on impact; the thundering crack of shattered ribs was all too audible. Trespasser was hurled back into the docks, writhing and snarling in pain from the massive welt encompassing half its chest. He didn't have time to react before an enraged King of the Monsters was on top of him, pinning the transgressor under foot. Back spines glowing in fiery neon blue fury, the 100 meter tall, fully grown Godzilla Junior roared before landing nuclear pulse charged punch after smack after punch. An earth shaking right hook breaking off the alien beast's axe-like crest despite Trespasser raking his claws across Junior's arms and legs; the saurian grasped Trespasser by his throat and hurled him into the bay.

Eyes still glowing in plasma charged rage, Junior put himself between the rising intruder and the city; before trudging into the bay to finish him off.

One hour later

Azusa stood perfectly still on the edge of shattered remains that were once the Golden Gate Bridge, sea spray and brilliant blue light crossing her face. The battle was over, if one could even call it that. Trespasser lay dead in the bay, Junior having pried open his jaws to fire a fully charged, continuous beam down his throat. The ray of plasma cut and seared through flesh and broiled the sea until it hit flash point. Past the throat, there was nothing left of the beast. No bones, no muscle, no toxic blood; just smoke. The effort likely near completely drained Junior of his power stores, but he needed to vent. It was the first time in years he'd been scared, so the effort and scars that came with it didn't matter.

Finally deciding he'd killed a dead body enough as possible, Godzilla cut off his ray and dropped the decapitated head into the shallows. His pupils dilated back to orbs as the glow left them. Catching his breath as the glow died down from his spines, Terra's champion threw his head up and let out a roar that would eclipse rolling thunder. A warning to other would-be transgressors, a signal to the humans. A small smile crossed Azusa's face. She doubted she could have heard a better sound right now.

Junior's roar died down as he stood still to calm his racing pulse. All around the bay, lights across the city flickered back on. From her vantage point, Azusa surveyed the damage. Smoke was still billowing out of some establishments, many of the docks had been totaled, and she was standing on a landmark that had been ripped in two. Still, as the mass of lights and the distant sounds of emergency sirens wailed through the air, she knew it could have been much worse.

-Much worse if he hadn't kept the fight in the bay and docks-

Junior seemed to have been surveying the cityscape for the same reason, before grunting to himself and heading out to sea. But he wouldn't leave before seeing his mother. After a minute of walking, he paused 50 meters away from the Golden Gate's edge and Azusa; parent and child looking to one another. Junior wanted to get closer, but Lea's warning played through his mind again and again as much as he wished against it. The same energy that gave him his power and responsibility, was the same one that could kill a human if exposed too close to all but brief moments. Though he was careful to reabsorb any output he gave off in ambiance, as not to contaminate the areas he passed through or waste power; he couldn't decontaminate himself of his own radiation. This was as close as he could get in times like these without risking harm to any humans. Memories would need to be enough to get any closer.

Though he couldn't talk, the slight sadness and concern on the kaiju's face was evident. His mother bore no such expression, only happiness. Didn't matter if he couldn't speak, she'd known him since he hatched and could read his expressions like a book. It was the first time in over a decade and a half that she could look her child on eye level; and she could see familiarity in those golden eyes. Happiness shifted to selfless pride, as she beamed at Junior.

-Don't worry little one, I'm alright. We're alright...-

Junior cooed slightly, raising back up from his tired slouch and reaching his full height. Standing in the shallows near the start of the bridge, he towered over anything in sight. Azusa smiled, putting a hand above her brow to look up as her scarf swayed in the breeze. Sometimes even she had forgotten how an egg grew up into a mountain. She looked her adoptive son over.

Like any mother, she remembered the earliest times first. Azusa slowly shook her head. Even if he was the size of a cow the day he popped out of that egg and imprinted on her, it was still mind boggling to think that placid, gentle as a lamb infant has grown up to be something that could move mountains, walk with tremors and speak through thunder. And, she never could have expected he'd grow up to be so... good. And all the while those gentle eyes always looked exactly the same. If there was any proud parent in the world, she was standing on the Golden Gate.

A tiny, happy tear slipped down her smiling face.

"Anata ga sodatte kimashita... watashi no kodomo..."

("You've grown up so much... my little one...")

Author's Note:

Just got repeatedly punched n the face by the writing muse and penned this short special up this morning between celebrating Mother's Day with family. Chapter 23 is still in progress and on its way, but I felt like doing something a bit cheery and shedding one light on probably the most unexpected driving force behind how the Amalgam Universe ended up the way it did. Hope you all enjoyed!

True fact, originally this chapter was going to end with Azusa's perspective right after being informed Junior was hit by Dimension Tide or the present day. But to avoid risking a downer ending, I elected to keep things happy for what amounts to a happy holiday for most.

Art by Faith-Wolff (Love you Faithy!)
Story by Tarbtano, Faith-Wolff, and Skylark

Godzilla Junior, Azusa Gojo, and associated humans property of Toho Company Ltd.
Trespasser property of Legendary Pictures

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