• Published 15th Apr 2014
  • 19,676 Views, 2,472 Comments

An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword

Adventure, Mayhem, Magic of unknown origins, and talking colorful Ponies. All being unrelated events have brought three friends together into the wildest holiday that anyone could imagine.

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53 - Wedding Blades

Author's Note:

Chapter 53 is republished due to needed edits that were discovered after the publishing.

Extended Holiday
Ch 53: Wedding Blades
Act 6

Grif stood in his tower, proud and calm as he counted down the time from now to the ceremony later that day, the picture of poise. … Okay, that wasn't true. He was pacing around like crazy.

“What am I doing? I’m not ready for this. I can barely look after myself. What am I thinking getting married?” He rambled on as he had for the last half hour. He looked to Pensword with a frantic expression. “How did you do this?” he asked.

“Well it was you who kept me calm,” his friend replied. “Also, you did ask her to marry you. What you are doing is taking a step into the darkness and showing courage in something that I have been told is sometimes more scary than the battlefield.” Pensword gave his friend an inquisitive look. “Was that before or after you came to Equestria on looking after yourself? Because I think you are thinking back to Earth. And, by the way, I think you are going to do fine.”

“I've nearly died almost six times since we've been here,” Grif said. “How is that responsible?”

“You also almost killed your wife to be in a rage,” Pensword reminded him with a sour look. “I was going to allow it too.” He sighed. “But she will keep your head on straight. She’ll become a reason to be a little less reckless, and I doubt that she would let you have all the danger to yourself.” He smiled. “Also, she will become your confidante, the one you can share secrets, fears, hopes, and dreams with. As the good book did say, when a man and a woman join in marriage, they become one flesh.” He held a wing up. “Yes, I know I am paraphrasing.”

“How exactly did a smart person like you become friends with a fool?” Grif asked, smiling as he took a few deep breaths.

“I think it was when we debated history that one time through instant messages, while at the same time discussing the new Pokèmon game that was to come out. I still have to say, I would not have it any other way.”

“So my best man, or stallion, or whatever, what's our plans?” Grif asked.

“Well, the wedding will occur after lunch, but before dinner. After the wedding ceremony the dinner feast will be held in the Feasting halls. We’ll then move out to the courtyard under the sky to allow cloud tables and sparring, as well as tests of combat, fitness, and a few other forms of entertainment for the happy couple and guests. After the two of you have had your fill, you shall retreat to your quarters for the night. Then in the morning the two of you shall go on your first joint mission as the old term goes, or Honeymoon as humans call it.”

“Okay, I meant more what do we do in the more immediate future?” Grif asked.

“Well, I was thinking you check on any of the items you needed for the ceremony and we hold lunch up here in this area while Shrial has use of my living room area for her preparations. Still amazing how many rooms are still needing to be fixed up.” Pensword shook his head as if to derail his thoughts. “Stay on topic,” He muttered before looking at Grif. “Also I think you wanted to meet with all your Groomsmen for any last minute instructions.”

“Thanks,” Grif said. “You'd think today, of all days, I'd be more on the ball, but I just can't seem to remember anything right now.” He shook his head.

“You have a very good reason why.” Pensword pointed a wing tip at his suit. “You are getting married.” He paused and looked at his friend. “Now, are you going to behave and treat Princess Celestia at least with a inch of respect? She is here to show that she approves of a Gryphon Clan in Equestria. I know you and her do not see eye to eye much, but please do try and behave. I am asking you as a friend to a friend.”

“I’ll do it for her and for you,” Grif said, indicating Shrial when he said “her.” But that doesn't mean I’m going to go out of my way to be nice.”

“That is all I ask.” Pensword paused. “I am sure Princess Luna is giving the same type of talk to Princess Celestia.” He chuckled. “Let us just pray that things go smoothly,” he said. Then he knocked a hoof against the wooden table.

“If they don't, someone's going to die,” Grif said.

“Let us hope not,” Pensword responded. “Because you know I will help hide the body. Or help you with an alibi if needed.”

Grif turned to face the commander, his eyes fearful and nervous as a foal facing a test. “You think I'm ready for this?” Grif asked his friend.

“Taze … Grif, do you think I was ready for when I got married?” Pensword shook his head. “You will be as ready as you can. This is just, well, we need to show faith at times. This is one of those times.” He opened his wings and took to the air to look his friend eye to eye. “You are ready for this.

“Thanks, Vulpix.” He smiled, hugging his friend.

The Pegasus smiled and returned the hug. “Not a problem.”

Shrial sighed heavily behind the screen, fidgeting in her new armor. Lunar Fang had brought in some family from the Lion Tribe to assist in the work, and Princess Luna, alongside Hammer Strike, had worked to make the armor she now wore. Forged from damascus steel, the breastplate shone an elegant silver with a texture that flowed like water. Occasionally, a hint of blue shone through, the sign of Luna’s handiwork. It reminded her of one of Hammer Strike’s flames. The long emerald green cape glinted in the sunlight as it streamed through her window. A crown of white flowers had been placed upon her head, woven by the old one herself. The silver bracers, specially engraved, were blessed to grant wisdom and patience in union as she raised their young. The ceremonial steel pauldrons added to the overall grandeur of the garb as she prepared to face her judges.

“Alright, I’m coming out. Don’t you dare laugh.” As she came around, Shrial turned to face Kalima, Lunar Fang, Luna, and Little Willow. “... So what do you think?”

“Grif’s going to be speechless.” Little Willow smiled as she embraced her. Shrial smiled nervously.

“You really think so?”

“I think so,” Lunar Fang replied. “I’m looking forward to seeing what he’s like when he’s struck dumb by sheer beauty,” She added with a small giggle.

Luna frowned slightly. “Something is missing.”

“And I know just what that something is,” Kalima said, smiling as she produced a necklace interwoven with jade beads, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, topazes, and various feathers. At its core the phoenix feather burned brightly, granting an aura of warmth and life to the priceless ornament. “We all contributed a little, didn’t we girls?” She said, smiling with her ancient eyes.

“My thestrals collected this jade from deep inside the caves before leaving. Grif respected them well during the war, so they have gifted them to you. The feathers are mine.” Luna smiled proudly.

“These gemstones were amongst my share of the loot from a raid on a gryphon camp. So I guess you could say I was returning them,” Little Willow said, tapping the emeralds and the topazes. “Just remember they also carry an oath that you will do right by my brother, or so help me, I will hunt you down,” she ended with an icy tone.

Shrial laughed as she took Little Willow into an embrace. “Just as any sister should. I won’t betray your trust. Thank you. Thank you, everyone.”

“You’re welcome.” Lunar Fang replied with a laugh.

“Something old and something new. Something special, and something blue.” The old gryphoness sighed and smiled wanly. “I believe you are finally ready, daughter,” Kalima said. “You will make the most beautiful bride the empire has ever seen.”

“To Tartarus with the empire. All I care about is Grif.”

“Hear hear!” They all cheered as they giggled and fawned over her. For this one moment these warriors could put aside their weapons and be women. They took the chance for all it was worth.

“So, Lord Hammer Strike, did you manage to finish my commission on time?” Grif asked nervously.

“Of course. Doesn’t take that long to forge something,” Hammer replied, gesturing to the wrapped object on his back.

Grif took it and checked the wrap for a moment before smiling as he covered the parcel back up. “Thanks, Shawn. This will make everything perfect.” He placed the bundle down carefully as he turned to the armor rack in front of him. “Who'd have thought we'd be here, huh? I mean coming to Equestria, going to war, getting married. It’s been a crazy trip, hasn't it?” he asked his friend, trying to keep his mind grounded.

“A trip on a long road that shows no end. But always a pleasant adventure,” Hammer replied.

“I know you're not one for a lot of emotional stuff, but I wanted to say before the others got here. Thanks for everything you've done till now. I know I'm not always the easiest person to deal with, but it’s meant alot knowing you’ve always had our backs,” Grif said as he worked on the ebony chestplate. Steel tinted green formed the Bladefeather crest, carefully etched into the center.

“I’ll have your backs until the day I die, just as you have mine,” he replied. “We’re still young and have plenty of things ahead of us.”

“Guess that's true.” Grif smiled as he tied on his bracers, each made from an ebony plate with a border of the same green tinted steel that made up his emblem. The pauldrons, likewise, carried a similar scheme, cleverly crafted with three articulated plates which allowed them to move with the shoulder muscles.

The door opened quickly on its oiled hinges as Pensword, Tall Oak, and Conor all walked in. Tall Oak maintained his flat expression, but Conor smiled with the Pegasus commander, their suits a perfect mirror to one another.

“I gotta say, Grif, Rarity does good work,” Conor said, adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves. “Did she make that cape for you too?”

Grif smiled as he finished clipping on the ruby red cape. “Yeah. It’s supposed to compliment Shiral’s coloring. She is apparently going to be wearing a green one.” Grif shrugged. “It’s my wedding. I guess I can survive fashion for one day, right?”

“Well I sure hope so,” Pensword replied with a laugh. “Then again I can not really speak, seeing as my favorite uniform was the Class A’s and a three-piece suit.”

Grif looked to Tall Oak, putting a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Mac’s a good pony, Oak. And the Apples have a strict code about things. You need to trust her on this.”

Tall Oak looked at Grif. The large stallion didn`t say much, but over time you got to understand him. He kicked the ground a few times, but nodded to his brother.

“Besides, he may be big, but if he does anything to her then we'll both hunt him down together. Now come on, cheer up. I can't go out there until I know you're going to be okay.”

“I guess I'm just being foalish,” Oak said grinning at Grif. He bumped his hoof against Grif’s talon and the two brothers seemed satisfied.

Grif picked up the bundle and strapped it to his back. He looked to Conor. “It’s been a while, so I just want to double check. You’re not squeamish around blood, right?” he asked.

“How much blood are we talking here?” Conor asked.

“If everything goes well, less than a thimble full. If unwanted guests show up…” Grif looked out the window. “Well, there are a lot of weapons down there, and a good number of ponies who know how to use them.”

“I think I get the gist. I’m not the biggest fan of blood, and I’ve never really been exposed to this kind of situation before. But I think I can handle it alright. If I can’t, I’ll find a way to change it.”

“Could be worse.” Grif shrugged as he double checked the fittings on his bracers. “Could be Game of Thrones.”

“Don’t even mention that abomination of a series, I beg of you,” Conor said vehemently.

“Oh my. Not that series,” Pensword replied. “Wait, it is a book series? I thought it was just a TV Show.”

“Pensword, you know my admiration for books and how I despise the idea of treating them badly?” Grif asked

“I do know that.” Pensword replied, intrigued.

“I read three chapters of the first book, then I burnt it,” Grif said as he strapped a more ornate set of daggers to his body.

“Okay then, I shall not be looking this book series up. Thank you for this information.”

“So, is everybody ready?” Grif asked as he finished tightening his harness.

“Yes, I am,” Pensword replied with a smile and puffing of his chest.

“I was born ready,” Conor said, laughing.

Pensword moved a wing over his muzzle to hide his own laughter. “I sure hope so,” he spoke into his wing.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Hammer commented.

Tall Oak just nodded. With a deep breath and a gulp Grif also nodded. “Gentlemen, I think it’s time,” he said, opening the door and striding out. Pensword followed close behind, after which the two earth ponies and the human walked in a solemn procession in the rear. The time had come at last.

The courtyard was packed with Gryphons, Thestrals, Pegasi, Earth Ponies, and Unicorns from all over. The dress varied from full armor to regular dress suits. Surrounding the walls around the seated guests, groups from all four of New Untiy’s combat troops stood at attention in full armor. A raised platform stood in front of the rows of seats with a deep blue carpet laid across the ground from the doors of New Unity to the platform. Kalima waited patiently, dressed in a woven shawl of black and red with silver and green stripes along the edges. In front of her stood a small table on which a black cushion rested. Atop the cushion, a fair sized amethyst lay sparkling in the sun. Near the front of the groom’s side, the first two rows had been reserved for the Ponyville foals, who sat, surprisingly well behaved. This was at no small amount of shock to their families.

Grif walked down the aisle followed by his groomsmen at a careful pace. Beside him, stalking peacefully, was Sylvio Lupus. Now fully grown, the timberwolf stood almost as tall as Grif himself. As the gryphon approached the altar, he noticed many eyes were drawn to Conor as Pensword took his place behind Grif, then Tall Oak, then Hammer Strike, and lastly, the human. Sylvio lay faithfully on the ground near his master’s feet. Taking another deep breath, Grif looked around the platform that had been carefully lined with flowers. Rarity had a fit when they had told her their choices. The lilies went with the color scheme well enough, but the marigolds seemed to clash with the darker tones as the bright golden flowers shone happily in the sunlight.

Kalima leaned in. “Don’t be nervous, my son. All will turn out for the best. And more are here to see this event than you know.”

“I've fought in battles against impossible odds without the slightest bit of nerves. So why does this make me so terrified?” he asked her.

“Because it is right,” she said simply. “I’d prepare myself if I were you. Your radiant bride is about to make an entrance,” she said, smiling mischievously. A brazen fanfare filled the courtyard, ascending to the skies as a platoon of pegasi, thestrals, and gryphons flew in file, blowing their trumpets. A choir began to sing as the gates opened a second time. Out stepped Shrial, flowing like water as she strode forward at an even pace. Her steel armor shone like silver in the sun, accentuating her flaming feathers as the green cape billowed behind her in a sudden wind that blew through. The crown of flowers made the perfect touch, granting a look of serene beauty mixed with the warrior’s fire that burned in her shining eyes.

The moment Grif saw her, time seemed to slow. The cold feeling in his gut left in an instant as he looked at her. This was right. This was what needed to happen. All the worrying melted away as he watched her approach. As she prepared to ascend the platform, Grif offered her his talon, gripping hers softly as she took his.

“Forever,” he mouthed to her silently with a smile.

“And always,” she mouthed back. Kalima cleared her throat and all fell into silence.

“Ponies, Gryphons, Human, and Timber Wolf, we are gathered here today to witness a most historic event. For countless centuries the love of this pair has been tested and tried. Through war and rage. Through tears and loss. Through death and rebirth. Throughout the corridors of time these two warriors have persevered. And against all odds they now stand before us today, ready to enter into the bonds of holy matrimony, blessed to be together for time and all eternity in this life, and upon the winds so long as they shall prove faithful. Their love is deep, their loyalties true. And the time now has come to seal this union in the annals of time. However, before we proceed, are there any words the betrothed may have to offer?” Kalima asked, a merry twinkle in her eye.

Grif unstrapped the bundle on his back. “All I've ever known has been the way of the warrior,” he began as he opened the bundle, revealing a new sword, a little longer than Shrial’s current blade. It shone in the sun, forged from crystal steel, but in such a way that veins of orichalcum ran through the blade. Straight and true, the blade was sharpened on both ends with a thin, barely notable fuller running down from tip to guard. The cross hilt curved down towards the wielder, giving him or her the full ability to catch and deflect strikes. The handle itself was forged of highly polished steel with black leather binding the handle. The pommel was shaped to hold a gemstone within it, however, rather than a single full gemstone the space was shared by a half moon shaped emerald mirrored by a ruby.

“When I first took you in as my student I gave you a sword. A fine sword made by a fine smith, but not the greatest smith. That sword was to protect you in battle, but it seems a lot of the time you just used it to defend me.” This inspired a few laughs from the audience. “I was short tempered, but you endured. I was rash, but you endured. I was so so stupid, but you endured. You are beautiful in form, but you are far more beautiful in your heart. And this was my best, yet sadly lacking attempt to bring some of that beauty out into a weapon worthy of defending you. Here I stand, no longer your teacher. Just a stupid, stupid bird who is far more lucky to be here with you than anyone should ever hope to be. And so, as I cannot offer you my heart, I offer you this sword forged by the greatest smith I have known as a sign of how much I love you.” He held it to her. “And how I can only pray one day to be worthy of you.”

Shrial took the sword reverently and placed it upon the table next to the amethyst. “When I first met you, Grif Grafson, I was a bundle of nerves, cowed to obey the empire’s will. I sought to protect young ones from war who were not yet ready to prove themselves in battle. Enraged though you may claim to be, you gave your word of honor not to harm me, or the young ones should we choose to come quietly. You honored your word and your father on that day. You did so again only five days later when I threw myself to your and Pensword’s mercy. Rather than kill me as I had then hoped, you took me, trained me, and prepared me to fight. You showed me the meaning of power and will. Something my father, in his desire to protect me, never did. But more than that, you showed me the meaning of compassion, of love, of humility that I had never before seen in a gryphon. I think I knew then that I would mate with you, or at the very least, remain your loyal friend.

“When you were taken captive by the Gryphons my heart stopped. I knew if I ever could save you I would tear my enemies limb from limb. And then I might do the same to you for being so stupid.” The gryphons balked, then laughed. “Then you surprised me once again, and the whole world, when Grask Grimclaw named you his heir and you manifested as the avatar of winds. You gave me yet another reason to love you. And another reason to keep you in check. I simply had to keep an eye on you now. What better way than to be your wife?” Yet again a wave of chuckles came from the audience once the gryphons finished gasping and gawking at their leader. “But in all seriousness, Grif, I love you. I will always love you. And I would walk into the very pits of Tartarus itself, if need be, to stay with you. We were made for one another because you made me. And for that I am eternally yours. Now, and forever. You gave me your heart and I freely give you mine, for what little it may be worth. Will you have it?”

“It will be my most treasured possession,” he said, smiling at her.

“Good. A wise gryphon once told me that a warrior’s weapon is his or her soul. It is their honor and their name. Another phrase I have heard here in Equestria that I rather like is ‘one good turn deserves another.’ I believe this is true, but I wish to adapt it to the circumstances. Grif Grafson, one good blade deserves another.” Reaching out behind her, Luna and Lunar fang both detached the blades they had on their sword belts and placed them into her waiting talons. “Thus do I bestow upon thee thy legacy, Grif Grafson, even the legacy and gift of thy predecessor. Receive them, Grif, Future Husband, and Avatar of Winds.” She bowed her head and presented the sheathes hilt first to their soon to be master.

With an awed reverence of his own Grif unsheathed them slowly. The twin blades were dark and held no sheen of forged metal. Instead they seemed dull in the light. The material was strange: strong and sturdy, but Grif could not identify what it had been forged from. The back of each blade was perfectly straight to the tip save for a vicious looking spike that stood upwards. The front of the blade held the edge, which despite the dull look of the material, was still lethally sharp. The handles had been reforged from ebony mixed with orichalcum, the cross hilt appearing like a black and orange flame issuing outwards into the blade. A single spike jutted down for a handguard as the handle, bound once again in black leather, ended with a curve into a pommel that seemed to arc inwards.

The blades were identical in every aspect save for the Gryphic writing inscribed into the blades themselves. The right read “vigilance”and its sister proclaimed “vengeance.” Grif held the swords in his hand. Without a swing he could feel the sheer perfection in the balance and the weight. They came to his hand as if forged just for him and him alone. Somewhat eagerly, somewhat reluctantly, he returned them to their sheathes. With the utmost care he strapped them to his back to be fixed to his harness later. Finally, he turned back to Shrial.

“I could not ask for finer blades, but even they will not be my prize today,” Grif said before nodding to Kalima to continue.

Kalima smiled. “Children! Now shall the true ceremonies commence.” She turned to face Grif. “Grif Grafson, leader of the Bladefeather Clan, do you take Shrial Bladefeather to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till the winds shall take you from her?”

“I do,” Grif answered.

“And do you, Shrial Bladefeather, take Grif to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, till the winds shall take you from him?”

“I do,” Shrial said.

“And will the both of you swear to fight to protect one another and to preserve your bloodline, which you are about to create in this world, that they may have honor and a place to call their own throughout the generations?”

“We do,” they said together.

“If anyone should have an objection to why these two souls should be joined, speak now, or forever hold your peace.” The sound of sliding steel rang through the room as swords and daggers were half drawn by pony and gryphon alike, ready to address any objections that might be had. Many nobles gulped. “I highly recommend holding your peace,” Kalima said wryly. A nervous chuckle ran through the crowd. Then Kalima smiled.

“Excellent! Then let the ceremony commence.” Kalima lifted the cushion in her talons and raised it for all to see. “You stand here as witnesses to this sacred event, both living and dead, as these two bind themselves together for time and for all eternity. I call upon the spirits of the four winds to witness this day. Let the blood be drawn. Let the vows be spoken. Let the binding commence.”

Grif held his talons open and spread wide, offering the exposed flesh to Shrial, who quickly made a small cut on one of his fingers before offering hers in turn as Grif did the same. The two placed their cut fingers, one on either side of the amethyst. The prepared stone gently pulled the small trickle of blood into a narrow tunnel leading to its center. The small chamber in the gem’s heart filled partially as they took their fingers away, a small, passionate red spot amidst the calming purple.

“And so the beginning of a new line is born. Grif Bladefeather, Shrial Bladefeather, by the power vested in me by the winds, by virtue of my age, and proof of valor as a veteran of war, I now pronounce you husband and wife. May your lives be filled with joy, happiness, and longevity. You may kiss!”

Shrial immediately took Grif by the armor straps and laid it on him. The courtyard erupted in applause and some less mature wolf whistles. As the two broke apart Grif half turned to the crowd with a dazed look on his face. The newlyweds moved towards the fortress, the bride pulling the groom along as Kalima picked up the sword and jewel.

“Ah, young love,” she said, chuckling. “Go get him, daughter.”

The banquet hall and two smaller halls were packed with long oaken tables set for the guests. The head table was spread out at the front of the room, laid with a long tablecloth made from gold silk that Rarity had insisted on using. As a begrudging compromise, she had consented to Hammer Strike supplying the gold for it. It covered the ten foot table from end to end with a black Bladefeather insignia hanging off the front side for all to see. The general tableware littered the surface. At the center two large chairs contained the new bride and groom with their party spread out across it. The two spent the greater part of an hour greeting well wishers as the guests filtered in. Grif was quite sure he'd already forgotten more names then he could count as the ponies and gryphons filtered past, but somehow he took note of a specific unicorn mare and stallion approaching the table.

“Me-Me, I insist that you drop that ridiculous disguise. This is my wedding and if anyone has trouble with you they can take it up with me,” Grif said to the mare.

“But not everyone here is aware of us,” Me-Me noted. “Would that really be safe?” The stallion at her side looked nervously, first to Me-Me, then to Grif.

“Mutatio, please. I invited you guys because you're like family, and my family shouldn't have to hide who they are here,” Grif said, looking to Shrial for support. The gryphoness nodded, smiling.

“I admit I am curious to see what these friends of yours look like, Grif. I’ve heard much about the two of you. Very much indeed,” she said with a mischievous smirk.

“But there are guards here,” Me-Me said.

“And they will do nothing to you,” Luna encouraged, stepping up behind them. “If you are to show that not all changelings are hostile to Equestria, why not start here?”

Mutatio looked to his Queen. “I shall do what you shall do, my Queen.” He whispered.

“I’m… going to trust you, Grif,” Me-Me said after some contemplation. The room went silent as her form erupted in emerald fire before revealing the new changeling queen. Beside her the Stallion also erupted in a similar, albeit smaller gout of flame, revealing a larger Changeling that most definitely looked male. Mutatio had changed a great deal from the time when Matthew had shot him so long ago. He had grown immensely, standing just a little shorter than his new queen and mate. His body mass had expanded to the point where he was as broad as Big Mac. Great, chitinous plates formed a heavy armor reminiscent of Hammer Strike’s Juggernaut design. His face was more regal, even as a great greenish black curved horn jutted into the air. Six razor sharp green insect wings fluttered nervously, filling the now silent room with their low buzzing.

Pensword waited in his seat, though he did not move. Instead he let loose a knowing smile, remaining calm and at ease.

The hall erupted into screams as mares, stallions, and foals alike ran about in panic. Mutatio and Me-Me both winced as the bedlam continued to escalate. Plates were dashed, tables overturned, and Rarity wept over her poor table clothes as they were stampeded into the dust, leaving all manner of dirty hoofprints on her precious designs. Surprisingly, the guards remained perfectly calm.

“PONIES OF EQUESTRIA. STOP!” Luna shouted. The effect was instantaneous as the entire room froze. Not even a breath was heard as the legendary royal canterlot voice boomed once again in the halls of Unity.


“You seem to be enjoying this,” Celestia whispered at her side as she watched with her ears folded back in annoyance. “I am sure they will calm down soon. But please, remember to use your indoor voice, Sister.”

The diarchy, in an act that recalled the days of old, ignited their horns in unison and quite suddenly time seemed to take a step back. Ponies found themselves back where they had been standing during the revelation. Tables where upright again, plates unbroken, and tablecloths un-stampeded. “NOW LET US GO BACK TO ENJOYING THIS HAPPY DAY.” Luna narrowed her eyes as they turned to slits, her voice growing quiet and full of menace. “Or would you have the stupidity of bigotry ruin this young couple’s start?” She looked around the room with a hard glare. Anyone who would have said something was cowed into silence. Luna nodded in satisfaction to Me-Me as she walked up to the changeling queen. “On behalf of myself and my sister, I welcome you, Queen Me-Me.”

Grif thanked Luna before making a show of joining his talons with Me-Me’s hooves and welcoming her graciously. Grif looked to Pensword as if implying that the support of the commander may help to speed things along.

Pensword stood and held a hoof out to shake with Me-Me and Mutatio. “A pleasure to meet you, Queen Me-Me.” He turned and acted like he was looking at a cheat sheet before looking up. “Drone Mutatio.” He shook the Drone’s hoof before sitting down.

Conor looked around, then down at himself, then at the changelings. “... You guys were holding out on me!” He said, looking to his three friends in shock. “Were you trying to give me a heart attack?”

“It’s not that easy, Omni,” Grif said as Me-Me and Mutatio headed for their seats. “I'm not even sure if what I did there was the right thing to do. But I hope that it will make things easier for them.”

“Either it will, or we will have noble houses marching upon our doors to cleanse us,” Pensword replied. “If they go that way, that will at least bring about more troops for defenses.” He let out a breath. “Still, I just hope we have level heads.” He paused. “Are any of Blueblood’s agents even here at the moment?” He paused and looked to his friend. “Sorry, Grif. Sorry for that.” He tried to smile a little. “Congratulations again.”

“Still, thats a good question. Hold on.” Grif looked around before signaling to a nearby pegasus guard. The guard walked towards Grif. Grif whispered something in his ear and he whispered something in return. “Four agents. Two near the north entrance, two near the east wall.”

“Great. We can expect something within the month,” Pensword responded with a frown.

“He won't be so bold with Luna and Celestia supporting us,” Grif said. “He'll complain, try to publicly deface us, but he’s too cautious to move his king just yet.”

“Right. Which is why I look forward to when Prince Blueblood inherits Baron Blueblood’s seat. At least he wouldn’t be hounding us all the time,” Pensword whispered to Grif. He paused as he looked around before chuckling. “Well, Hammer Strike is still his impassive self. I think he was standing still and blinking as ponies ran around him during the panic.”

“But that's for tomorrow.” Grif smiled, grabbing his goblet and looking to Shrial. “Should we address our guests, my dear?” he asked.

“I suppose so,” she said, in an offhand manner. “They did come all this way after all. It would be rather rude not to, wouldn’t it?” She asked, smirking.

Grif rose to his feet and signaled. Vinyl Scratch tossed a microphone to the head table. Speakers had been set up all over the reception area to ease the communication. “Welcome, my friends. We'd like to start tonight by first of all thanking you all for coming. Our loyal troops of the fort, our friends from Ponyville, the gryphons from my own clan, nobles and honored guests from Canterlot, the Thestrals who came with princess Luna from Y`s,” Grif stopped turned and nodded to the closest group of thestrals with respect. “Both princesses of Equestria, and the queen of the Crystal Empire. Wow, the guest list sounds a lot more fancy than I realized.” This gained a few chuckles. He looked at Shrial and gestured to the closest table, which had been strictly reserved for the Ponyville foals. Then he offered her the mic.

Taking it in her hand, Shrial smiled at the little ones. “And we offer our special thanks to our special guests. To the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the foals of Ponyville Elementary, and all other younglings present. You have been a light and an anchor to my love in ways you cannot imagine. For taking care of my Grif for so long, I thank you. And I very much look forward to next year’s annual snow wars. May the winds bless you to be kind, faithful, and strong as you continue to grow and seek your place in life.” She turned back to her husband, returning the cue to him.

“Now there will be plenty of time to hear us ramble on later. Lets get to what you all came for: the free food!” This comment earned a couple of laughs. “Meat dishes will be served to the west of the room. Vegetarian dishes will be served at the east hall. Now the Cutie Mark Crusaders will be going first with their families. When they are seated the rest of you may go as long as you remain ordered and mind the others around you. The ponies and gryphons in armor have been authorized to throw out trouble makers. Literally. They will lift you off the ground and toss you. So, yeah. You guys can go eat!” Grif said. “Anything you want to add?” he asked Shrial. “Or should we end their suffering?”

Shrial smiled, holding up her own microphone. “Let the feasting begin!” The feasting did begin as the guests got their food. The head table was served a well roasted wild hog that had been hunted the previous day as well as caesar salad, potatoes, corn, peas and carrots, and something Grif had insisted on. Perogies. Shrial was skeptical of the weirdly shaped dumpling-like things, but after tasting them, quickly came to adore them. The food and conversation was enjoyed by all as dinner sped by. The couple had proceeded to cut the first part of what Pinkie referred to as a septuple layered red and blue velvet cake with raspberries,” after which they had proceeded to make a sloppy attempt to feed each other before peices of cake were handed out to all. As desserts were brought out and coffee and tea offered, some of the tables were moved back as benches were hovered in to form a semicircle in the front. Entertainment had started in earnest in this area. The guests in adjoining halls began squeezing in. Fortunately, many had made their exit over time and room was found for all after the outdoor competitions had finished at last.

Grif and Shrial clapped heartily for the victor of a heated fencing match between two gryphons that had just taken place and eagerly awaited the next act. A microphone wrapped in purple magic flew across the room to Twilight Sparkle as she stood up on the makeshift stage beneath the stars of the enchanted ceiling, courtesy of Princess Luna. “Wow, what a great performance. Thank you, Sharp Talon and Blade Edge. You really had us riveted. We’re going to tone things down now with this next performance. A gift from an old and new friend. Please, everyone give a big round of applause for Conor, the human!”

The spotlights flashed onto the stage and Conor stepped up in his tuxedo and microphone. “Grif, I know I’ve only known you for a short while, but I feel like I’ve known you for a lifetime. It was a true honor being asked to be your groomsman. I haven’t had much time to really prepare any gifts because of how recently I arrived in Equestria, but my old friend, Taze, told me this was a song you might enjoy. I hope Shrial will too. With that, he nodded to Vinyl Scratch as a new record hovered into place. The needle fell and a gentle strumming of basic acoustic guitar chords filled the air. Conor took a deep breath, then began to sing, his voice deep and rich.

Edelweiss, Edelweiss. Every morning you greet me. Small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to meet me. Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow, bloom and grow forever. Edelweiss, Edelweiss, bless my homeland forever.” And as he sang, an awed hush fell over the crowd. Tears fell from many a pony’s eyes. And as he sung, his eyes closed, the little white flowers on Shrial’s crown began to glow, their stamen striking against the petals like little chimes. As he repeated the words again, Twilight joined in, adding her voice in accompaniment. She died off as Conor took the last couple of lines in a solo. Finishing at last, he opened his eyes and smiled, blushing as a crystalline chime filled the room followed by a stunned silence.

“Grif, I hope your marriage will always be a happy one filled with laughter, light, and love. May it remain as pure as the flowers of my ancestors’ homeland. And may it bloom and grow, even as they do, forever. Thank you,” Conor said, bowing.

The room stayed silent for a long time before, finally, with a tear in his eye, Grif stood and clapped loudly. Shrial followed after him and quickly more began stomping or clapping till the room roared with applause. Or at least the pony equivalent of it. “That was beautiful, my friend,” Grif said as Conor returned to the table. Conor blushed, clasping his hands together as he looked around.

“Thanks. I wanted to make it something special,” he said as he embraced the warrior.

Pensword sat there with his eyes half closed as he listened to the song. He sighed as old memories resurfaced. He leaned to his side and placed his muzzle next to Lunar Fang’s.

Grif smiled as he saw the foals yawning and he could see out the window that it was very late. “Well, my friends, I believe it is time for my lovely bride and I to retire for the night. Before we go I just want to make a special mention of thanks to our lovely mistress of ceremonies,” Grif bowed gently towards Twilight. “And the elements of harmony for their help, as well as Commander Pensword and Lunar Fang. And, of course, Lord Hammerstrike, who put more money than he could into this wedding. I mean, seriously, he had a knife to my throat when I tried to pay for the food.” The audience laughed. “Oh, you think I’m joking.” He chuckled, then looked to Shrial. “I'd also like to thank the old one, Kalima, and, of course, my lovely wife, without whom none of this would be possible.” With that, he offered her the microphone.

Shrial took it hesitantly. “I … don’t exactly know what to say. I … well I never really had much of a family before until you all took me in. Ever since then I’ve felt nothing but warmth, safety, and love for all of you. I did have to win one or two over, of course,” she said, winking to Little Willow. “But I think I can honestly say that this is by far one of the absolutely happiest days of my life. I don’t know if my father or mother would approve, but one way or the other, my new mother does. And to have even one parent along with all these other friends and loved ones I’ve gained is boon enough.”

Shrial smiled with tears in her eyes as a gust of wind blew one of the windows open, bringing with it a cloud of white seeds and flower blossoms. They circled the phoenix feather as its brightness increased, spreading to the Topazes as, together, they illuminated the cloud. Two shadows flickered briefly, then solidified. The tears fell freely as the shades caressed her cheeks and placed their necks on hers. Then they blew to Grif, circling him as well and laying their hands upon his head and shoulders. One of them turned and nodded its head in Pensword’s direction. Pensword gave a grim nod in return. Then the light died and they flickered away. The wind blew again and the cloud was gone as quickly as it had come.

“Thank you, Mother … Father,” Shrial whispered, the mike hanging limp at her side.

“Good night my friends,” Grif said as he placed a wing gently over Shrial’s back. “I wish you all a safe trip home and luck in all your future endeavors.” Slowly, Grif pulled Shrial into one last kiss for the crowd before he took to the air and was soon followed by her. The two made a loop around the room before leaving via the same windows the shades had. The guard on duty smiled as the two figures vanished into the tower.

Conor groaned as he flopped onto his bed. The morning exercise had been brutal, and even worse, Black Rook had made sure to push him to his utmost limit. It wasn’t until he’d practically collapsed in a coughing fit that Rook finally believed his warnings and protests. Still, he knew Rook meant well. There were probably plenty of other ponies who tried getting out of exercises with the same excuses. On the plus side, at least he was getting a little better, even if his arms and legs felt like jelly.

He fared little better in language class with Pensword as he tried his best to learn the rudimentary basics of the language. His brain felt practically ready to explode from the effort. How did those foreign speaking missionaries do it? He chuckled. At least the history hadn’t been that bad. Learning about the specifics of a new country, especially Equestria of all places, really intrigued him. He wanted to know all he could about this world, it's kingdoms, races, and cultures. So far he was off to a good start with the preamble to Equestria's founding. As he continued to muse over these ideas, he heard a loud knock at his door.

“Come in!” he called, still looking up to the ceiling.

From the doorway the male Changeling from the Wedding walked into the room. “Greetings, Friend of the Founder,” he spoke as he turned around and closed the door, a smile on his muzzle. “I have come to greet you and give the word of Queen Me-Me that no Changelings under our control will attack you.” He sat down on a cushion in the room, making himself comfortable as he smiled. “At least that is what the Founder wanted me to say, seeing as he said something about history repeating itself.”

“You’re Mutatio, right?” Conor asked.

“Yep,” the Changeling replied. “And you are one of the Humans. You do not plan on shooting any of my children, do you?” He asked, being about as blunt as Grif.

“Why should I? It’s not like I’d really be able to right now anyways. I’m too inexperienced in combat. I’m more of a pacifist really. You can ask my friends. They’ll tell you.”

“A pacifist?” Mutatio replied leaning forward. “I did not know those existed in humans.”

“I’m not inclined to violence. It’s not the way that I was raised. I believe in peaceful solutions and I try to find them. You should’ve seen some of the arguments I had to officiate over when I was back home. Let’s just say that Grif didn’t always have a level head in his debates.”

“I have seen him with the sword, and voice.” Mutatio spoke softly with awe. “If you are able to calm him down at times, then I fear the power you have to impose peace.”

“No, no, mutatio. I don’t impose. I never impose. If you try to impose something you only invite more conflict, more anger, and more hate. The only real way to get someone to do something is if they want to do it of their own free will. I find the best way to do it is to simply be kind, loving, and invite. Then I respect their opinions and let them decide. I may not always agree with the ultimate decision, but I leave it up to them.”

Mutatio paused as he looked at Conor with an expression he could not read. “I may need to get my Queen to meet you,” he finally spoke after a few moments. He moved to stand up. “I am sorry, but I am being called to another location. Being the sole drone of a small hive is a busy job. Have a good day.” He walked to the door. “I am told as well that you are welcomed to visit our hive, if you wish.”

“Thanks for the invitation. I might consider it some time. Though I think I’ll have to ask Grif, Hammer, or Pensword to show me the way.”

“Or you can ask the mare that cleans your room,” Mutatio replied with a chuckle.

“You don’t say,” Conor said, raising an eyebrow as he chuckled. “You guys are good.”

With a smile Mutatio left the room. From the hallway Conor heard a voice. “Hello, Lord Shawn.” A second later Shawn walked into the room, his hands in his pockets.

“Having fun with the training?” He asked.

“Oh yeah, loads of fun,” Conor said, rolling his eyes. “But you can’t deny the results. I’ll get over it after a while.”

“Feel up to something different?” Shawn asked, pulling out a dagger from his pockets.

“What did you have in mind?”

“Perhaps I could teach you a few things when it comes to weapons.” He replied, flipping the dagger in his hand.

“Hmm. Well, considering the fact I don’t even know how to fight, I guess it’s about time I learned. If Equestria is as dangerous as you say, I’m going to need to be prepared.”

“Good to hear. Let’s go,” he said with a grin. “We’ll head to my forge to grab some equipment.”

Conor groaned his way out of bed, his muscles aching and bruised as he hobbled along behind. The more he got his blood flowing, the easier it became to take the pain and loosen up. It was not enjoyable, but it was bearable.

After a brief walk, Shawn opened the door to the forge and entered, looking through a few things before heading towards the back room. “Alright, you get to pick what we start with,” he said, opening the door.

“Um … okay? What’s good for a beginner?” Conor asked as he walked along what appeared to be an infinite number of blades, maces, staves, and other weapons.

“Uh… Yeah,” Shawn said, realizing the dilemma. “Let’s see…” he said, looking around. “Depends on your preference. Do you like light weapons?”

“For now, that’d probably be a yes. I’m not exactly the strongest, so the heavier weapons will likely tire me out too easily until after I get further in my exercises.”

“Let’s start with daggers then, shall we?”

“And cut to the chase?”

“Don’t make me grab real daggers,” Shawn said threateningly.

An hour or so later Conor panted as Shawn tossed the fake dagger back to him.

“Normally I would be cruel in training you, but perhaps we’ll just stick with verbal teaching for now, eh?”

“Thanks. I’m not Celestia, so I just have one request. Be patient with me. Please.”

“Man, are they still going on about that one?” He asked.

“Everyone’s talking about it. It’s not exactly something that just passes into the night. You’re famous, Shawn.”

“Not this version of me.” He replied.

“Uh … sure, Mister Undying.”

“Three almost deaths. Okay, yeah. Still nothing compared to the other.”

“Still noticeable though. Anyways, we’re getting off topic here. Got any advice for me to practice with? It’s not like I have a computer with internet here to write stories with after all. All I can do is practice.”

“Keep in mind the reach you have with it, and don’t grab the pointy end.”

“Gee, thanks,” Conor said sardonically.

“Illa labes sit naturaliter instabilis…” Shawn muttered to himself as he shifted his gaze from the book towards the dark crystal in his hand. His eyes traveled over it a few times, watching the energy spark off of it in random directions. “Est quod, quidem…” He muttered once again.

“What secrets do you contain…?” He pulled the crystal closer to his face before sighing. “What power do you hold…?”

His eyes opened wide as he heard footsteps coming towards his room. He shifted his hands, flipped pages in the book and locked the crystal back in its case, slipping the key into his pocket.

A knock sounded at the door. “Shawn? Hammer Strike?” Pensword’s voice called from behind the door. “Are you in? May I talk a little?”

“Yes, come in,” Shawn replied as he sank back into his chair.

Pensword walked in, using a hind leg to shut the door. He slowly plodded towards his friend, then sat down on his cushion. “Shawn, what are we going to do?” He moved a wing to point to the door. “Should I go find Discord and ask him to send Conor home?”

“It’ll take Discord time to even figure out what he did in the first place to bring him here,” Shawn replied. “I doubt he knows. His magic just works on its own to suit his needs and wants.”

“Still, it would not hurt to follow all the leads we have.” He looked to the wall. “Shawn, if he is stuck, should you make him a minor noble in your court?” Pensword looked at the cushion. “I know you do not like court, but if he is a minor Noble then he will have a little more authority and freedom to move about New Unity.”

“I’ll eventually give him a job and rank. I still need to figure out something for him to do is the thing,” Shawn replied. “Keep him active, but nothing major. Nothing that will get him highly attached to this place before we can send him home.”

“Sounds good.” Pensword replied. “Historian, perhaps?” He frowned. “Still, we should ask him what is new on Earth. Some things should have changed. I mean, we have been gone for two years. I am actually shocked not more time has passed away on Earth.”

“Realities separated by a not so simple field of energy and void, but the time difference isn’t too major. Certainly isn’t a big surprise,” Shawn replied simply.

“What do you mean?” Pensword replied. “What is this about a void?”

“A place in between realities. Something has to keep them from separating,” he replied, his eye giving a small twitch as he spoke.

“Ah, and that is a bad thing?” He asked before pausing himself for a moment. “Still, does that mean Conor, seeing as he went by Discord, and not how we, well, traveled ... does that mean he does or does not have the same field we have?”

“He has no magic,” Shawn replied simply.

“That ... this entire world runs on magic,” Pensword exclaimed. “That is bad news, I fear. Does that book tell you how to give Magic to others?” He frowned. “If he has to stay more than a week, we might have-”

“Pensword! Calm down.” Shawn raised his voice. “He has shown no problems to being around magic. That is not bad news. Should he be here for long I may figure something out, but if I were to try and give him this field there is a chance it could kill him.”

“Okay, sorry,” Pensword replied, taken aback. His ears drooped as he looked down to the floor. “I am just worried.” He looked at a hoof. “There are so few humans in Equestria that, well, I do not know how we all would handle. I just, I am just nervous is all.” He shook his head. “Led troops into death’s door and I am nervous about how Conor will handle Equestria.” He raised his head. “As well as what he might do if he learns just how ruthless I was during the war.”

“Considering he knows I threatened to kill a being of chaos, I’m sure he knows how far I’ll go with things,” Shawn replied.

“Yeah.” Pensword’s ear twitched. “I hear Cosy running about the hallways. If you do not mind, I think I am going to raid the kitchens with him. Try and find that old spark of child wonder I had when I first came here.” He stood up a little. “By your leave?” he asked out of habit before wincing at his question.

“Always asking, aren’t you? Go on.”

“Shawn, even back on Earth, I always asked to be polite.” Pensword spoke with a weary look. “Also, take a break or go for a walk. Go tease Rarity on charity or something. You sound off, and it is concerning me.”

“Stress. It happens to everyone.”

“Still, go for a walk. It should help.” Pensword spoke as he left the office. When he was confident Pensword had gone, Shawn returned to his little side project.

Conor was exploring the corridors of the castle in New Unity when the sound of running hooves assaulted his ears. It gradually grew louder and louder until Pensword and a Unicorn colt came dashing through. The colt, who was sitting on the pegasus’ back with a sack in his muzzle, winked as they bore down on the human. Pensword launched, extending his wings as he flew over Conor’s head before hitting the ground and dashing off once again.

A moment later Lunar Fang walked into the hallway with a good natured chuckle. The foal lay in the cradle of a cloth sack around her barrel as she watched them run past. She did her best to stifle her laughter, for the baby’s sake, when she saw Conor’s expression.

“I can see you saw Pensword playing uncle with Bellecoso. They just raided the kitchen and plan on giving the sweets to the children behind their parents’ backs.” She smiled as she walked up to a respectful distance, her fangs glinting in the light. “It’s good to see him acting like a foal again.”

“Like a foal?” one of the maids asked having come out of one of the rooms. “Pensword never acts like a foal.”

Conor looked to Lunar Fang, who smiled back at him before she responded. “You never saw him before the Third Gryphon War. You should have seen him the first time he handled Lightning, or the time he got to beat me in a race to a cloud.” She sighed with a wistful look. “He may command troops, but one thing he needs to find again is that childlike wonder that was crushed during the war.”

Conor looked at her gravely. “What happened? I know the war was hard on him, but I know he didn’t tell me everything either. I don’t want to push him. I’ve seen what that does to people, especially to veterans. What did the Gryphons do to crush his spirits? It’s pretty hard to get V-” Lunar fang’s glare stopped him cold. “Hard to get Pensword down.”

Lunar Fang looked to Conor long and hard before tossing her head in the direction Pensword had gone. “Ask him. Something like that is only proper that you receive it from, how did you humans say it? The horse’s mouth?” She smiled wanly at the end of the expression. She paused as the foal she cradled in the sack around her barrel stirred. “Oh, you never got to meet Moon River. Pensword did say you should meet her sometime.”

Conor smiled. “I think I should wait a little longer. I know how children often are after they wake from a nap. She’ll need feeding first. Perhaps another time,” he said, smiling sadly as he began to walk off.

“Where are you going? Moon River is a well behaved foal. She likes seeing new ponies, or I guess humans would be term for you?” She asked as she moved to follow at his side, smiling at her use of humor.

“I’m going looking for a horse,” Conor said as he started jogging.

Conor found the “horse” in another of the smaller Courtyards. This one had walls that were barely high enough to be called a story back on Earth. Around the Courtyard a miniature cloud sculpture of a familiar looking city covered the floor. A large sign labeled it as “The Crystal Empire: Bellecoso’s domain. Enter at your own risk.” It was an impressive structure as clouds went, with a massive wall surrounding the central spire. Pensword was talking with Bellecoso. They both stopped mid sentence as Conor walked into the Courtyard.

“Step over or around the city and the wall, please,” the unicorn Colt called out as he looked at the human curiously. “Is that what you looked like once, Pensword?”

“Yes,” Pensword replied, looking at the ground. “I’m still amazed you learned so fast about just who I am.”

“So? You were my general, my guard. I don’t care what you did in your past. You saved my life.” He stomped a hoof in childlike conviction. “So that makes you a hero.” Pensword chuckled and laughed as he ruffled the Unicorn’s mane. “It is good to see you again.” He smiled as he looked around, acting shocked. “Prince Cosy, we have committed a grave error. We have forgotten to offer a guest of the Crystal Empire a cookie.”

Cosy looked equally shocked. “You are quite right. Guard,” he commanded. “Get three cookies from the stores and give them out. One to each of those present.”

“Of course, Prince Cosy,” Pensword replied with a smile. He flew behind the spire and returned with a plate holding three cookies with the emblem of the Crystal Empire embossed in white icing on a blue frosting background. He presented Cosy with the plate as he held it with one of his wings. He then walked over to Conor and offered him a cookie. Conor shuffled nervously.

“I’m sorry, your majesty. I don’t mean to be rude, but I can’t eat that cookie. Every time I try to eat something too sweet or too tangy, I get sick.”

Pensword remained still and looked towards Cosy while at the same time, Cosy looked on with confusion. “But,” he began, “All ponies and beings like sweets.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I love sweets. I just can’t have them when I’m doing other things. It has something to do with the aftertaste lingering in my mouth, I think. It triggers a gag reflex.”

Pensword raised an eyebrow. But Cosy beat them to the punch. “We can get something for the stomach just in case, a mint plant should help if you chew on it.”

“Prince Cosy,” Pensword began. “He is not a pony. I do not think he could chew on a mint plant to help.” He paused. “However, there might be something for the stomach in the medical tents if needed.” He paused. “How about half a cookie?” He asked hoping for a compromise.

“I’d probably need something to get it out of my mouth. If you had something that can get rid of the flavor clinging in the back of my throat I should be okay. Maybe some water and a salty snack?”

Pensword smiled. Without a word he turned around and vanished behind the spire coming back out after a few minutes with two plates, one plate had a glass of water, half of a cookie, and a small dish holding ... was that a block of salt? “One Glass of water with a salt wafer from Seaddle. As well as half a Cookie. Now the blue frosting is a little different. It is made with Crystal Berries.”

“My favorite Food!” Cosy chimed in. “Crystal Berries are the best. A lot sharper than raspberries. Well, the blue ones at least.”

“I guess we’ll see what happens,” Conor said, looking more than a little dubious. “I’ve never tried straight up salt before.”

“Well, it is an Equine delicacy,” Pensword replied. “Now this wafer has not just salt, but a few herbs as well.”

“So it’ll raise my blood pressure, but it’ll also give me healthy stuff.”

“Yep,” Cosy replied without fully understanding what those words meant.

Conor laughed. “Well, let’s give it a shot. If worse comes to worst, I’ll just need to drink a lot of water and sit down with something to distract me while the flavor disappears.”

“Yep,” Pensword responded. “Go on, eat up.” He looked happy as he placed the plate down in front of his friend before moving back to Cosy. He sat down where he picked up his cookie and took a bite to signify that the others could eat as well.

“By your leave, my lord,” Conor said, bowing. He bit into the cookie and soon downed the rest. It tasted just like a Pillsbury holiday sugar cookie. And the berries, while lending the frosting an incredibly tart taste, balanced with the sweet fairly well, giving a savoury type of flavor. Once he finished he drank from his water and immediately began to make use of the salt wafer.

He was shocked to find that with the assistance of the salt wafer he did not get nausea too badly. He still had a slight urge, but nothing he couldn’t handle. He noticed something else. The flavors were bolder than back on Earth.

Pensword smiled. “That cookie is all one hundred percent natural. No additives or preservatives, nor other stuff put into the food of Earth.” He settled onto the ground. “So, Conor, do you have any questions for the prince here?”

“I suppose one of the biggest questions I have is what’s life like over in the Crystal Empire? I’ve never really been there before. Just seen pictures of it.”

Cosy smiled. “Well, it is fun, and exciting, but hard work at the moment. We’re rebuilding after what Sombra did to the Empire,” he began before pausing as they all heard hoofsteps and a pink Alicorn walked into the courtyard with a white Unicorn with blue mane and tail. “Katy!” Cosy shouted as he raced over to the Alicorn.

Pensword stood up. “Queen Cadence,” he replied with a bow.

Queen Cadence looked to Pensword. “Please, just call me Cadence.”

Pensword nodded his head. “Very well. Cadence, what brings you to Cosy’s miniature Crystal Empire?”

“Sadly, I have to take Cosy away from his court. He has to meet with Lord Hammer Strike, and somepony needs to finish packing since we’ll be leaving in the morning. Don’t worry, Cosy, you’ll have plenty more time to bond during your visit to the Gryphon Empire. And next time I come to visit Twilight I can bring Alto with you so you two can have a new playmate.”

“Of course,” Pensword responded. “I will say this. I have missed being able to spend time with all of you.” He paused and shook his head. “I still cannot get over how big you grew and… an Alicorn as well.”

Cadence smiled as her husband shook his head. “Now Shining, be nice. He did save your wife’s life as a filly, after all.”

“Time travel.” Shining Armor muttered darkly.

“I know,” Pensword agreed his face equally grave. The two looked at each other for a moment before they smiled and laughed. “Now Shining Armor, I expect you to help modernize the Crystal Empire militarily speaking. You were Captain of the Guard and I know you will do your job for the Crystal Empire.”

“Of course, Commander,” Shining Armor replied. “Just, thank you,” he finally said before the family left the Courtyard. Pensword waited for a minute before he took to the air and landed on one of the clouds. He looked around, found a suitable cloud, pushed it down a little, then settled again as he looked down on his friend. His expression turned dark as the cloud turned a bleak grey, letting loose a deep rumble. The two friends locked gazes for a few minutes before Pensword finally spoke, breaking the silence. “Conor.” He hesitated, swallowed, then tried again. “Omni, we need to talk.” It was not a statement. It was not a question. It was an order.

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