• Published 15th Apr 2014
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An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword

Adventure, Mayhem, Magic of unknown origins, and talking colorful Ponies. All being unrelated events have brought three friends together into the wildest holiday that anyone could imagine.

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91 - The Blue Carpet Treatment

Extended Holiday
Ch 91: The Blue Carpet Treatment
Act 12

The weeks passed quickly, and the night of the gala found it’s way around before anyone fully realized it. Groups of Ponies, Gryphons, and other denizens of Unity found themselves dropping everything, or being dragged away in Hammer Strike’s case, to prepare for the event.

Griff straightened his tie for the fifth time out of impatience as he sat in the mid-sized sitting room of his house waiting for the other members of his family. He felt exposed, even though he had the familiar weight of swords strapped across his back. He had been forced to compromise in only bringing a set of decorative blades. In return for this, Celestia had agreed that the dignitaries from Gryphonia didn’t need to know about the stilettos hidden within convenient pockets in the sleeves of his suit. He tapped each, reassuring himself of the familiar weight.

Big Guns had left earlier that morning in a Pegasus chariot Grif had arranged. He would make an entrance and establish himself amongst the nobles of Canterlot as the charming Sir Reginald, Duke of Chapton.

Grif checked his collar again as he waited. Rarity had managed to create an emerald-green three piece suit with a steel-grey shirt to contrast. He had managed to find a set of silver jade-tipped cufflinks for the sleeves, giving him a flashy green and silver look that he hoped would incite attention towards him. He had attempted unsuccessfully to get Celestia to agree to him bringing the cane sword he had brought back with him across the mirror, but Celestia had been adamant about it staying at the compound.

“Come on, girls. We have to board soon if we want to make an entrance,” Grif mumbled as he straightened his tie again.

“In a minute, Grif,” Avalon called. “Shrial’s being self conscious. You head up to the dock without us. We’ll meet you there.”

“Why would she be self conscious? She could make a wet paper bag look radiant.” He sighed. “But I suppose I’ll have to go anyway. Love you, girls. I’ll see you soon. Remember to get Kalima on your way over,” he said before taking to wing and heading out the window.

Hammer Strike had taken his place inside the helm. Wearing a black overcoat with a red trim to match the large black blade in a sheath on his back. A singular glowing eye in the hilt of the sword looked around him as faint muttering came from the blade. He couldn’t help but smile at having the blade returned to him.

“The arcane networks in here are amazing,” Clover said as she examined the room closely. “Who would have thought the Gryphons could build something like this?”

“You should have seen it before I reworked the system,” Hammer commented.

“Still, in my time, an object of this size not made of cloud was considered to be entirely impossible. You could fit a miniature village on the deck of this ship alone.”

“Your time was my time as well, but yeah, you probably could fit a village on this.”

“The entire estimated possible population of the ship exceeds the population of the nearest possible settlement,” Caring Circlet spoke up as her golem shell approached through the sliding door.

“That's incredible,” Clover said. “You never did say how this is powered. I know the Gryphons use stormstone cores for their smaller vessels, but this is way too massive for even the largest cores.”

“Circlet, if you could?” Hammer Strike said as he sorted through a few papers on a nearby table.

“You are certain we can trust her with this?” circlet asked.

“Yes, I am. Just don’t say a word to anyone else, okay, Clover?”

“I kept a lot of secrets for Starswirl. I’m pretty sure I can do the same for you,” she said with a casual flip of her mane.

“The ship is powered by a philosopher's stone,” Cirlcet said simply.

Clover stared at them for a minute before laughing loudly. “Oh, that's good. A philosopher's stone. I didn’t think you were one for jokes, Hammer Strike. How long did you two plan that?”

“Ever since I learned it was a philosopher’s stone. There was tons of prep work involved,” Hammer replied sarcastically.

Clover stopped. “You’re … serious? Starswirl tried a thousand times. I watched all of them. The creation of a philosopher’s stone is impossible.”

“Nope, just took more than Starswirl was willing to give,” Hammer Strike replied as he gestured towards Circlet. “Why do you think she’s in a golem?”

“Your saying she isn’t a magically constructed simulation?”

“She’s the creator, Clover. Her soul is in that golem because without it, she’d only be able to travel around ten feet from the core.”

“That’s …. incredible!” Clover’s eyes widened as she processed just what this new information entailed. “A core of limitless arcane power. The gryphons must not have even realized what they had. The things you could add to this ship without the core even begging to be stressed….” Her reaction reminded Hammer Strike of a certain purple Alicorn as she mumbled nigh incoherently about magical potentialities and possibilities.

“Already been working on that.”

“You’ll have to show me your notes later,” she said excitedly.

“As soon as you can understand the magic I use, which will happen when I actually begin to explain it to you, because you aren’t getting the book without my usual list of warnings.”

“Weren’t you supposed to be prepping the ship for a journey?” Circlet interrupted.

“I’m working on it. The problem with this, though, is this is the first run, and I don’t know how much power I should put into the engine.” The sword muttered something. “No, no, we’re not doing that,” Hammer replied, shaking his head.

“Destination of Canterlot is approximately eighty miles, at maximum speed we could reach it in twenty seconds, but i doubt that's your desire.”

“I want us to get there in one piece, and not with the sense of motion sickness.”

“I suggest a cruising speed of eighty miles an hour, thus a one hour trip. Everyone survives the trip, and we get no estimated casualties from the sudden stop. Will you be planning a fireworks display upon entrance?” Caring Circlet enquired.

“If I wanted to press our luck, it would be fireworks, the flamethrowers, and possibly the aspect cannon, but, I shouldn’t because they haven’t been tested yet.”

“So, the works, then. You’ll want to use a low level power draw.”

“Would anything be considered high power draw at this point?” Hammer asked. “‘Cause I don’t think so.”

“I’ve been running some calculations on possible ideas, but nothing comes up yet,” she noted.

“I could make something of high power drain, the problem being I don’t want to destroy any nearby planet or our own,” Hammer Strike replied with a grin. After a moment he looked over to Clover. “Could you check who isn’t on yet? Need to get moving.”

Clover nodded. “I’ll be back shortly,” she said before vanishing as she teleported away.

Pensword stood at the docks and smiled up at the vessel. He had received word from Princess Luna that a space large enough for the ship had been prepared so they could show off at the gala. The fact Shawn had yet to rename the ship still troubled him, though. It invited misfortune, and in a world where magic and superstition have a nasty habit of coming to life, it’s a pretty safe practice to follow the rules and traditions. Reluctantly, he pushed that thought aside. To his left, Lunar Fang was smiling, and to the right was Fox Feather, each in a beautiful gown to accentuate their unique characteristics.

Rarity had chosen feathers for her medium with Fox Feather this time, and had made sure to choose only the best of the white swan feathers she could get a hold of. To add to the impression, Fox Feather’s mane had been carefully plated and braided to hang down her shoulder and off to the side. Four burnished metal shoes had been placed on her hooves, and polished to look almost like glass, complementing the two simple diamond bracelets Rarity had included for the outfit.

Lunar Fang wore a glittering black dress that moved and swayed with her like a shadow in the night. Her Mane flowed wild and free down her back, but had been styled to add additional volume and waviness so that it reflected the light of the stars, giving her a glossy sheen. A sapphire-studded necklace graced her front, and two bands bearing a pale yellow diamond Rarity had painstakingly carved into a beautiful crescent moon played off her black palladium shoes.

In contrast to the ladies, Pensword stood in a formal suit with a tight white collar and buttons that went all the way down to hold it around his barrel. A series of medals and medallions hung from his noble sash, which had been artfully draped over his left shoulder and under his right foreleg to come around the back and meet again. The lighter blue of the sash made the perfect contrast for the dark navy blue of his suit, and also proved the perfect place to decorate with his medals of honor. Two black crescent moon cuff links indicated his affinity and loyalty to Princess Luna, and, on either shoulder, a series of thin golden ropes hung in ornate loops. As a final touch, Pensword’s moon-white mane had been styled and combed back with carefully patterned breaks to grant the appearance of layers, almost like a mixture of plate armor and spines. Each looked to the other and grinned, grateful that a capable foal sitter had been chosen from the Dream Clan to watch Moon River for the night. Luna’s bill would pass, and they would make their nation strong again. Passively, Pensword made a mental note to commission Rarity for a series of this formal garb. The tests she’d shown for the durability of the fabric against sword and projectile was positively stunning.

“Well, somebody’s looking fancy tonight,” Vital Spark complimented as he approached. Rarity had chosen to go with a basic cream fabric to help give a little more warmth to his mane, and added a red rose button holder. The interior of the suit’s collar had been studded with tiny gems on a red silk lining. His cutie mark had been carefully sewn on both sides of his flanks near the coat tails, which trailed black beneath. His mane had been carefully combed to the side with a bend at its tip to curve behind one ear, almost like an eddy.

“Pot calling kettle,” Fox Feather responded with a teasing flick of her tail, only to be whacked on the nose by Pensword.

“Still, if you’re not careful, you will find yourself married by the end of the night.” Pensword smirked. It seemed that he wasn’t so interested in defending his friend as he was in getting the first tease of the night. Lunar Fang kissed Pensword on the cheek, as had become her tradition whenever he used a contraction.

“Well now, it seems somebody started the party without me,” Grif said as he dropped from above and landed on the ground. “We’re not all going to break into song depicting how we expect the night to go, are we?” he asked, quickly raising an eyebrow.

Vital made a fake scoff as he contorted his face into the closest approximation of noble expectation he could manage. “Why, my dear Gryphon, it’s tradition, don’t you know. And we simply must stand with tradition.”

Pensword blinked four times before grinning as he broke out into a short song. “Tradition…. Tradition!” he coughed. “Uh, Matthew’s memory. Still–” He was grinning goofily. “I could sing a marching cadence.”

Vital Spark and Grif both stared for a good five seconds before they burst into simultaneous side-splitting laughter and buckled down onto the floor, kicking hooves, paws, and talons in the air.

“I take it we missed a joke?” Avalon asked as the ladies descended onto the deck. They all wore simple garb with plain white dresses, but a series of expensive jeweled ornaments had been clipped and woven into their crests while silver necklaces with large carrot gemstones shone to the world. Shrial was huffing and puffing from the exertion of the flight, but she still managed to remain upright as the ladies circled around her to offer their silent support.

“Just an inside joke between friends,” Grif said, smiling as he gave both Avalon and Shrial a kiss. “Now then, was Rarity joining us, or was she arriving with her friends?”

“The girls are all waiting for us in Ponyville,” Vital Spark explained. “Hammer Strike wants to pick them up in style before we descend on the nobles and make Blueblood’s night a living hell.”

“Well then take a deep breath, Vital,” Girf told him, getting a funny look. “Do it.” When Vital reluctantly did so, Grif flew in and picked him up, then instantly deposited him on the deck as the others flew over.

“I am really going to need to learn a levitation spell one of these days,” Vital said.

“Less than one in five hundred Unicorns have that kind of magical stamina,” Grif told him. “Learn to teleport, or get used to our little trips.”

“You do realize we have two of those Unicorns living nearby, right?”

“That doesn’t mean you are one of those Unicorns.” Grif gave him a poke as the others arrived. “Now come on. Let’s get below deck before Hammer Strike hits the gas.”

“After all, I would, as loathe as I am to say it, not give Scoots the expectation to fly faster than Rainbow Dash. Ponyville outright skews the level of competence. Rainbow Dash is actually one of the fastest Pegasi in this nation. If she is not careful, I dare say she might push herself into ascension if that is possible for a Pegasus. Lightning Dust is a few wings below her.” He sighed. “I truly think that these Elements of Harmony are doing something to those six. So many alpha or beta levels are in this one town alone. I think I will have to ask Clover if that is why mayhem happens all the time in Ponyville.”

Grif was the last to file into the ship's interior, closing the the door and checking to make sure it was firmly secured. “So let's see if we can make Ponyville in less than ten seconds.” Grif chuckled.

“That depends on the modifications Hammer Strike developed,” Vital pointed out. “But knowing him, I’m inclined to lean towards a yes on that one.”

“Hammer, everybody’s in,” Grif said as he tapped a nearby crystal.

“Alright then,” Hammer Strike’s voice replied. He chuckled. “Before we start our journey, I would like to issue a small warning. Hang on to something. Calibrations on the speed weren’t done, so we all get to test that first hand before we pick up the others from Ponyville.”

“In other words, get ready for a roller coaster ride.” Vital Spark smirked. “Bring it on.”
Grif wrapped his wings protectively around Avalon and Shrial as the air around them swirled slightly. He hoped he’d managed to get the force cancellation part right this time.”

“Hold on, we, we are in a test run? You are saying that I get to be part of a speed run? Okay… I want to talk to Shawn about an open ocean sea run later. I want to see just how fast she can go.” An excited glint sparkled in his eye as he grinned. “I can hardly wait.”

The citizens of Ponyville had good reason to believe they had seen it all. They’d been attacked by Nightmare Moon, Discord, Cerberus, even their own resident dragon, as well as their own resident Alicorn librarian. The town had been destroyed numerous times in a vast number of ways. It was well known that house insurance within Ponyville was by far the most expensive rates anywhere in Equestria, so the residents felt pretty sure that nothing could surprise them on that warm Tuesday evening.

… They’d forgotten the chaos and madness a Tuesday can bring. The sky had been lightly dotted with puffy white clouds. In an instant the sky in and around Ponyville was clear as a wave of shearing wind dissipated each cloud in an instant. The Gantrithor stopped over the town seconds before the sonic boom resonated. Much of the town was darkened by the immense shadow of the airship as it hovered over them like an angry god that had come to wreak its terrible vengeance.

The town’s reaction to the sight ranged from the usual stares of awe and fear, with the occasional cries of, “The horror!” to choruses of “Whooooa,” or, “Cool.” Or in the case of one household, “Mom, the aliens are attacking! It’s just like in space attackers. Quick, we need the laser guns!” and one non-chalant, “Yes, Button, whatever you say,” as the mare continued preparing dinner for that night.

For six mares in Ponyville, however, the terrifying presence in the sky was simply a sign their ride had arrived.

“That is awesome!” Rainbow noted as she stared up at the air ship.

“It certainly is impressive,” Twilight agreed. “I just wish they’d given some advance notice to the rest of Ponyville,” she muttered.

“Twilight, darling, first rule of fashionability. You never come in announced. A proper fashionista, or in your case a princess, always makes a flashy and positively brilliant entrance, one that makes a statement,” Rarity said.

“Well it sure does that alright,” Applejack said as she placed her stetson back on her head.

Fluttershy peeked her head out from behind Rainbow Dash’s gown. “Oh-oh my. It’s pretty big, isn’t it? M-m-maybe we should just take the train?” she asked hopefully.

“But we always take the train. And the authors went to all that trouble to write that big exciting opening!” Pinkie said.

“Authors?” Twilight asked as she cocked her head. “What are you talking about, Pinkie?”

“Uh … look! A conveniently written distraction!” Pinkie shouted, pointing at the Gantrithor as one of the fireworks fired off prematurely.

The rest of the girls oohed and ahhed while Twilight just shook her head and rolled her eyes. “All right, let’s get on before the town goes into a complete panic.”

“THE END IS NEIGH!” someone shouted from some distance away.

Non satis,” a deep voice growled from the ship’s crystal intercoms.

Button Mash rushed out of his house menacing the floating structure with a hastily constructed wooden sword.

“Sorry, sorry about that, everyone,” Grif’s voice echoed through the speakers. “Everything is fine. You’re all safe. It’s nothing to worry about. Would the elements of harmony please proceed with boarding?”

A long gangplank proceeded to extend from the ship’s deck with a metallic ring before the girls proceeded on board. Button Mash still looked menacingly at the ship, his wooden sword at the ready.

“Button Mash, you get yourself right back in here, young man. It’s time for your bath!”

“But mom–!”

“Now, Button!”

Button Mash growled, shook a hoof at the imposing ship, then made his way back into the house. “Next time, invaders,” he promised. “Next time.” Then he proceeded to hop into the tub and sulk while the ship took off.

And with that the ship left, and as soon as it’s shadow was gone, the denizens of Ponyville went back to their lives without a second thought of what just happened.

“Now before we take off,” Grif said, leading the Mane Six to the bridge, “Hammerstrike has asked me to remind you girls that this ship is very large, and we haven’t finished installing the you are here signs yet, so please don’t go exploring, okay?”

“But it’s all so cool,” Rainbow Dash said excitedly as she zipped around the hall. “A warship. A real live warship!”

“It’s got over a thousand different rooms,” Grif said. “We’re still mapping them all. If you get lost, you could literally starve to death before we’d find you. Hammer Strike found three skeletons already! That's not speculation.”

“Besides, as this is a warship, there are sections of the ship off limits to you, Hopeful Dash. If any of you have even close to full access, it is Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I know she won’t go off wandering around the ship and miss time with Princess Celestia,” Pensword answered as he walked out of a side doorway. “That means you as well, Pinkie Pie. Do I need to make you Pinkie promise not to explore the ship?”

“Nope.” Pinkie shook her head as they walked.

“What could power this?” Twilight said looking around.

“That information’s classified,” Grif replied.

“I’m a princess,” Twilight pointed out.

“Then you're only missing two levels of security clearance for me to answer that question.”

“Seriously? What could be higher clearance than a princess?”

“Supreme Commander of All Equestrian Armed forces, or being the head of the Lunar Courts,” Pensword answered. "Other then that, direct locations in chain of command is classified as well.”

“Or part of the party who captured the ship,” Grif noted. “Personal chamberlain to His Holiness, the emperor, High Clan Leader of the royal subdivisions, King of the Upper or Lower Kingdoms, or General to the Imperial Court. But Princess of Equestria isn’t an immediate military rank. Celestia held a rank at one point, but she retired it and all military privileges it entailed. You, however, have never been in war or headed an army. You’re going to find a lot of things are still beyond your knowing.”

“One of these days, that’s going to come back to bite you in the flank, Grif,” Twilight promised.

“I have haunches, not flanks.” Grif chuckled. “And I welcome the day you wield significant military power to do so, but I pray you never see war, Twilight.”

Twilight frowned. “I hadn’t thought of that. I’m an Alicorn now. That means I’m going to live for a really long time.” She was silent after that as she pondered that simple truth, and all that it entailed.

Then Grif bopped her on the head lightly. “Don’t do that.”

“I can’t help it,” she said irritably. “You’re the one who started it!”

“And I’m finishing it. We are meant to experience time in the now, not the then! Move forward, but don’t look too far ahead. The things you see might loosen your sanity.”


“No buts!”

“Besides, you do not know what the future will hold. I know this from experience. Life will balance in the end. Not right now, but eventually it will. Focus on living your life day by day,” Pensword added with a small, sad smile.

“Twilight, Dear, let’s focus on enjoying tonight for what it’s meant to be, shall we? Besides, this will be your first time going as an actual Princess. You should be excited for the event. The glamor, the fame, the attention. The private time you’ll get to spend with Celestia,” she finished. “And who knows? Maybe Cadence and Shining Armor will come with that guard friend of yours,” she teased.

“Rarity!” Twilight blushed violently, and everyone broke into helpless laughter.

Grif opened the bridge door. “Hammer Strike, company’s here,” he said as he let the Mane Six enter.

“Good, good. Is everything locked down again for travel?” Hammer Strike asked from his spot at the controls.

“Ay, captain. We’re ready at yar command,” Grif said, doing a horribly bad scottish accent.

Vital Spark shuddered. “If’n it’s celtic ye’re after, me boiyo, ye should be focusin’ more on the authenticity. That was enough ta make me forefathers turn over in their graves, rest their souls,” he said in a fake Irish accent that was … somewhat better.

“Oy. I am surrounded by wise guys and jokers,” Pensword cried out, throwing his wings and hooves into the air in mock annoyance. “And Vital, how dare you put an Irish accent in Engineering. You know that the best are Scots.”

“I’m giving it all she’s got, captain!” Vital Spark shouted in a surprisingly good impression of a certain red-shirted engineer.

Hammer Strike simply ignored the conversation and moved over towards the crystal intercom, tapping it. “Alright, everyone. We will be departing shortly. Get yourselves ready.”

“Oh, by the way, darling,” Rarity said as she sauntered up to Hammer Strike, “who was that speaking while we were down on the ground? I don’t think I recognized his voice.”

Ut esset mihi,” Hammer Strike’s sword responded.

“What it said,” Hammer Strike replied as he nodded towards his sword. The sword was a massive beast of ebony and silver five feet at its longest points, and a foot and a half at its widest. The sword seemed split vertically at the middle, and pincered inwards with double serrated edges that gave it a look not unlike a demonic crab claw. Veins of glowing red energy spidered all over the blade, pulsing a burning angry red, and causing the air around the blade to shimmer from the heat. The massive cross tree curved outwards wickedly into two sharp points not unlike a pair of fangs or horns. A large ruby had been set in the center of the cross tree that had a shifting black imperfection under it, giving it the unnerving appearance of a demonic-looking eyeball. Black cloth covered the hilt down to the pommel, tied down by lines of ebony chain. The pommel formed what appeared to be a gaping fanged mouth stretching out like a snake to devour some unseen prey. Several glowing red runes ran the length of the blade.

“I’m sorry, dear, did that sword just talk?” Rarity asked.

Twilight zoomed forward, gazing intensely at the sword. “Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh! A real fell blade There were only a few of these types of spellswords ever made! How were you crafted? What materials were used? What kinds of incantations and spells make up your enchantment? How old are you? Can I–?”

Creata per, Malleus Percute,” the sword responded, the black imperfection shifting from Twilight towards Hammer Strike. “Ipse novit et responsa.

“It sounds creepy,” Rainbow noted.

“What did it say?” Twilight asked.

“‘Created by Hammer Strike. He knows the answers,’” Hammer replied. “I made this sword over a thousand years ago for my trips to the gala.”

“Why make a creepy sword for the gala?” Rainbow asked, confused.

“Because then the nobles don’t bother me.” Hammer Strike grinned. “I made it sound dark, evil, and downright demonic. But in reality…”

Pulchra Coquit.

“It’s the kindest thing I have ever made. It complimented your dresses,” he translated.

“That sounds so cool,” Rainbow squeaked as she pressed her hooves to the sides of her muzzle with a giddy expression.

“It’s also the most impractical weapon you’ve ever made,” Grif commented. “Weight’s all in the blade, no smooth edges. It’s pretty much what equates to a saw blade. You’re not usually one for decorative blades,” Grif noted.

Quod est non iniuriam.

“It keeps nobles away, and that‘s all I wanted when making it.”

“Enough talk, Hammer Strike. Everyone’s strapped in. We know our destination. Let’s punch it!” Grif crowed in excitement.

“We’re going at half speed this time. I don’t think they want to vomit before we get there.”

“That … would be nice. Thank you, Hammer Strike,” Fluttershy said quietly behind the comfort of her mane.

“There is a place to sit over there,” Hammer Strike gestured to a few couches sitting off to the side. “Nailed down, too.”

Everybody who was not Grif, Pensword, or Hammer Strike got seated.

“Welcome to Hammer Strike airlines. We’re so pleased you’ve all chosen to fly with us today. Please take note of all the exits nearby in case of emergency, and please keep your arms, feet, paws, claws, and hooves inside the seats at all times. Beverages will not be served. Our expected flight pattern will have us arriving at Canterlot Castle in about five minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts, and once again, thank you for choosing to fly with us,” Vital said. He was about to chuckle when Hammer Strike punched the accelerator, promptly shoving the Unicorn back into his seat and shutting him up.

The Gantrithor was hardly the only airship making it’s way to the gala, but it was by far the largest and most intimidating. Pony airships, after all, were like luxury yachts held up by a large inflated balloon, not a massive floating structure that looked like it could house enough Ponies to fill a small village and still have enough room for armaments to level a city. This entrance alone would have been worth a mention at the front of the list of names of those who arrived in style to the gala on the high society portion of the next morning's paper.

But if you're going to show up, then why not show up? When the ship reached within a league of Canterlot, Hammer Strike flicked a switch and the ship treated those beneath it, not directly mind you, to a stunning fireworks display that lit up the sky. The display kept up until the ship was within twenty feet of the palace grounds. The ship’s altitude lowered as far as it could go before the gangplank was dropped. Moments later a long blue silk carpet rolled down the plank, across the courtyard, and by some abuse of physics that Twilight found infuriating, up the stairs and inside to connect with the red carpet in the palace. It was only at this point that the riders began disembarking.

Nobles who had been entirely convinced they were making an entrance could only stare, dumbfounded at the scene while the press scurried to get pictures of the group.

The wind kicked up, blowing in an unusually straight pattern across the carpet to form an aisle as it buffeted any nobles in the way to the side. Kalima walked into view first, her beak held high as she descended the gangplank. Grif soon followed with Avalon on his left and Shrial on his right, both of them held protectively under a wing as they descended together. As the group of four gryphons approached Canterlot Castle, one of the Gantrithor’s canons suddenly fired off a shot into the air, and just as the gryphons ascended the first step, a long gilded pole landed on the lawn beside the step. The top two feet fell sideways due to a hidden joint, and a long string of green cloth bearing the Bladefeather banner unraveled. The wind died instantly as the Gryphons vanished into the building.

Next came Vital Spark. Unlike Grif and the others, he simply smiled and waved awkwardly as he descended before making his way inside. He’d leave the showing off to the others for now.

Two trains of lunar guards marched out of the castle in orderly fashion to line either side of the carpet. As one, they lifted their spears in a salute. The guests were shocked and confused as Princess Luna herself stood at the front doors. Pensword exited the airship. On either side of him stood Lunar Fang and Fox Feather. He gaped at first, then smiled in a pleased way, as if he was coming home, as he started down the ramp. The guards held their salute as the ancient heroes walked down the aisle and approached the front door.

The bearers of the elements of harmony, minus Rarity, disembarked in mostly embarrassed fashion to the applause of the nobles, especially Twilight, who despite her recent adventures at the Crystal Empire, still had a ways to go with dealing with adoring fans. The five of them entered the castle as quickly as they could.

The crowd stopped dead before the next figure that appeared on the gangplank. An enormous flaming red heart appeared above the Gantrithor as she stepped into view. Her robes were a deep purple with highlights the same light blue as her fur. Her lethal-looking warstaff hovered at her side as she stepped forward. No one could believe that standing on the walkway was none other than Clover the Clever herself, the last founder of Equestria.

Several nobles timidly shuffled their way to the back of the crowd, having for years claimed and profited off a supposed ancestry connected with the famous mage. Others could only stare in awe, while still others bowed in respect to the ancient Unicorn. Her paces were careful, designed with a mathematical precision as she swung her staff. With every sixth of the distance covered, she swung the staff again, sending up a brightly coloured ball of fire that took the shape of the symbol of each of the founding houses. Standing at the foot of the stairs, she swung her staff three more times. Above these symbols, the symbol for House Strike seemed to sear the air itself in an angry fiery red. Well above it the flag of Equestria shone brightly with Luna and Celestia in yin-yang formation. Liebe. Leben. Freiheit. scrolled beneath it in scripted text, the old Unicornian translating to Love. Life. Liberty, which was Equestria’s former motto.

The crowd grew silent as the Gantrithor fired off all of its fireworks at once. There was the mighty stallion himself, standing in all his dark glory. His piercing eyes led many to cringe as they eyed the sword on his back. He smirked, then extended a hoof as Rarity walked up and took it. Her eyes had been shadowed with black mascara to accentuate her lashes, and a black eyeshadow had been applied with just a hint of red to form a halo. Spike’s fire ruby hung from an ornately polished black steel choker, and black diamond earrings studded both ears. A long flowing red dress with black sequins and a blood red trim accentuated her burnished red gold slippers. Seam Ripper lay elegantly on her back, delicate and refined to compliment the demonic and brutal appearance of Hammer Strike’s sword. The two shared a smile before walking down the gangplank, moving their way to the palace. The light caught on the gems of Rarity’s horn ring, sending out a multitude of colored lights across the audience as they passed in regal silence.

“Should we tell them now or wait until later in the festivities?” Rarity asked connivingly.

“Let’s leave them to ponder for now, shall we?”

“Oh, do lets. I can’t wait to see Blueblood squirm.”

Hammer Strike smirked. “That’s my girl.”

The group was stopped inside a large waiting area before the ballroom, where two somehow identical yet unrelated ponies confirmed either their invitation or their spot on a surprisingly small list of Ponies who were allowed in without needing confirmation. One of the stallions motioned to Twilight and her friends, ushering them to follow him in first. Rarity, however, insisted on staying for obvious reasons. Moments later the stallion returned, gesturing for the others to follow. As they entered the large Canterlot Castle ballroom, many faces stopped and stared. A few, however, did their very best to ignore the newcomers. The stallion moved towards another stallion by the entrance and handed him a small scroll before heading back into the room. The stallion then cleared his throat.

“Presenting His Lordship, Hammer Strike, Lord of Everfree and the Northern Fields: Vanquisher of Enemies to her Majesty, Princess Celestia; Vanquisher of enemies to her Majesty, Princess Luna; former regent of the Equestrian Third Army; conqueror of the Gryphon invaders; Veteran of the Third Gryphon War; War Leader of Fillydelphia; Celestia’s Ghost; Djinn of Flame, and High Smith of Equestria. Accompanying him is his entourage.”

Hammer Strike quietly sighed as he waited for the announcements to go through, wanting to just get it over with and move to a quiet spot where he didn’t have to worry about nobles.

“Lady Rarity, Wielder of the Element of Generosity, Dame of the Order of Harmony, Personal friend of Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Dame of the Eastern Gem fields of Everfree.”

“You know, I really have to check with Twilight about if that actually gives me the right to those gems,” Rarity whispered.

“Commander Moonkissed Pensword of the line of Pen, of the Thestral Dream Clan. Commander of the Equestrian Armed Forces under her Majesty’s command, Leader of the Gryphon Slayers, Conqueror of forts Triumph and Lunar Fang, Archduke of the Lunar Court, High Duke of Ys, Protector of the Crystal Crown, Knight Champion of Prince Bellacosa of the Crystal Empire, Veteran of the Third Gryphon War and the fall of the Crystal Empire, Survivor of the failed Gryphon Coup.”

Luna could just make out the subtle signs of shock and confusion in Pensword’s mask of formality as he heard the names. To all the other Ponies, Pensword remained stoic and calm. But all these titles brought home a truth he had feared to face for all the time he had been here. Like it or not, Equestria was his home now. He would never be able to live a normal life on Earth again.

“Lieutenant Commander Lunar Fang of the Thestral Half Paw Clan, Wife of Commander Pensword, Heroine of Fillydelphia, Archduchess of the Lunar Court, and High Duchess of Ys, Veteran of the Third Gryphon War.

Lunar Fang smiled as she leaned in and nuzzled Pensword.

“Major Fox Feather of the Gryphon Slayers Division, Third in Command of the Gryphon Slayers, Veteran of Triumph, Veteran of the Third Gryphon War. Future Bride of–” One look from Princess Luna stopped what might have been an incredibly long spiel of titles again. He cleared his throat nervously. “Commander High Duke Pensword.”

Fox Feather attempted to make herself smaller, unused to receiving such attention. Pensword stood at the bottom of the small slope, smiling happily as he opened a wing for her to go to.

“Clan Lord Grif Grafson Bladefeather; Avatar of Winds; Betrothed to Genevieve, Ninth Cousin to Emperor Daedalus; Commander of Grif’s Marauders Mercenary Division in service to the crown; Conquerer of the Evokers and their fortress; Guardian of the Northern Isles; Champion of Equestria and her colonies; Champion of the Crystal Empire; the Emperor’s savior, and nominated for the Emperor’s Falcon; and survivor of the failed Gryphon coup.”

Grif raised an eyebrow, but tried his best to remain calm as he, Shrial, Kalima, and Avalon descended.

“Lady Kalima Bladefeather, Mother and Advisor to Grif Bladefeather, former Lieutenant in the Ogre’s Eye Mercenary Band.”

Kalima inclined her head to the Ponies.

“Lady Shrial Bloodfeather, Valkyrie on the Winds, Ally to the Diarchy of Equestria, Shield Maiden of Grif Bladefeather, Second in Command of Grif’s Marauders Mercenary division.”

“Hmm. Not bad. I forgot how nice a title could sound. He might have actually survived a little longer than his fellows if he’d been that ingratiating during the war,” Shrial said approvingly. “Not that I approve of that behavior anymore, mind you.”

“Lady Avalon Farflyer Bladefeather, youngest daughter of Lord Garrus Farflyer, Lady of the Lower Southern Kingdom, Survivor of the failed Gryphon Coup.”

“Survivor?” she scoffed to her husband. “I know I need to lay low for now, but that’s just insulting.”

“Vital Spark, Junior Apprentice to Clover the Clever.”

Vital Spark nearly tripped on his way down the slope, his eyes practically popping out of their sockets in surprise. He did his best to stifle the rapidly rising, “What?” in his throat. Fortunately, he succeeded, albeit barely.

The last name on the list made the announcer’s eyes pop momentarily. He cleared his throat and threw his head back to give the name the full gravity it deserved. His tone had been tinged with awe.

“It is my distinct honor to present to you, my lords and ladies, the first amongst the founders of Equestria, Apprentice Formerly to Starswirl the Bearded, Archduchess of Canterlot and the Northern Mountains, Confidant of Princess Platinum, Igniter of the Hearth, Defender of the Faith, Lady Inquisitor, Lady Chevalier, Archmage Supreme of all Unicorn Kind, Lady Clover the Clever.”

The Unicorns, who had thought that they were done with the bombshells, all stood with their muzzles hanging wide open. The entirety of Canterlot lay in the blanket of silence, as if a spell had been cast over all Ponykind.

As Baron Blueblood’s attention was forward, he paid no mind to the gentle brush by the Minotaur he had been attempting a business deal with as said Minotaur made his way over to another group.

Pensword noticed the action, but knowing Grif, he remained silent and on alert. With a flick of his ear and tail, the other Thestrals knew to keep their eyes out, but to do nothing to cause panic. Pensword grinned as Fox Feather buried her muzzle into his wing, hiding her fear as affection. “So, Vital, see any pretty Unicorns you like?”

“Pensword!” Vital hissed.

“What? You do realize that with that one title you are going to have it worse now than before. What did you do with your plus one ticket anyway?” He was grinning as he saw some looks from the mares. “What? Are you more interested in Pegasus Mares? Or maybe Earth pony? Zebra? Or maybe a Minotaur cow?”

“You know I have a spell that can freeze you solid, right?” Vital grumbled.

Fox Feather poked her head out from under Pensword’s wing. “Oh? And you have two combat trained mares at his side. You wouldn’t last your horn glowing before one of us could jump you.” Now she was grinning. She waited a beat before sticking her tongue out at him as she stepped further into the crowd, her hairstyle still intact. “Besides, I am sure I could give you some tips on how to woo the mares.”

“Fox Feather, go to Tartarus.”

Pensword looked shocked before grinning happily. “Vital, you said your first swear word. I am so proud of you.”

“Ah, Fancy Pants,” Grif said as he greeted the noble. “Good to see you. And Fleur, you look radiant as ever. These are my wives, Avalon and Shrial, and my mother, Kalima.”

“Charmed, I’m sure, my fine ladies.” Fancy Pants Chuckled as he kissed each of their talons in turn.

“Ooh la la. I see you are with child,” Fleur said with her usual Phrench accent. “Children are such a blessing. Unfortunately, it is a blessing I will never know. You are positively brilliant, my friend. You positively lighten the room, as they say,” she said as she bent her head down to Shrial.

Shrial smiled. “They’re fighters all right. Sometimes I wonder if they’ll ever settle down.” Then she laughed. “It’s worth it, though. Just a few more weeks and I’ll be worrying about them fighting outside my belly.”

“I hope zat life is good to them, my friend,” she said. “At least, I hope zat we can be friends. And I hope ze birthing goes easily with you.”

“With Kalima’s help, I think it will.”

“Naturally,” Kalima said. “I’ve been midwifing for a long time now. It helps being a leader in a ragtag band of mercenary exiles.” She smirked.

“So if I may ask,” Grif said in a hushed tone, “how is everything looking tonight? Being a staunch supporter of the crown such as you are, I trust Luna has made you privy to tonight's announcement. Then again, I would be surprised if there was a noble not already aware.”

“It’s not particularly good, my friend.” Fancy Pants kept his voice low. “The opposition has something planned involving Luna’s proposal. I haven’t been able to find out what, but I fear it may be bad for us all.”

“Oh, I have a good idea,” Grif said, winking to a Pegasus server who walked by, masking the gesture with scooping up a pig in a blanket. “Are the loyalists prepared to move ahead with Luna?”

“I can say most of us are, yes, but a certain amount of lords and ladies seem unsure how to throw their support. I’m sure you’ve noticed the division within the room.”

A casual look around revealed that there was indeed an unusual division. Rather than the usual milling about typical in most galas, three distinct groupings had formed as Ponies steadily streamed to each with the occasional few that stood far off to the side, away from the tension that was clearly brewing. The loyalists stood closer to the Princesses, while those who were surely opposing the bill were grouped around Blue Blood, who was stationed near the giant Unicorn statue in front of a bank of windows. The last group, which was by far the largest, was milling about the floor near the food and wine tables or near the orchestra. Grif also noticed that once in awhile a Pony from the two camps would swoop in and try to talk to a noble or two in the group in hopes of splitting them off. Groups of more influential Ponies clustered together and approached the neutral parties, trying to either reason or pressure the neutrals into picking a side. As was typical of Blueblood and his ilk, the Thestrals remained untouched and unopposable.

“Thank you, Fancy Pants,” Grif said. “I hope you and your wife enjoy this evening.”

Grif pulled a nearby server behind a pillar. “Tell me about the neutral nobles.”

Meanwhile, Jet Set had set her eyes on one Unicorn in particular. She smiled as she bowed her head low upon being spotted by her target. “May I join you?” she asked in as ingratiating and sweet a tone as she could manage.

“Can I help you?” Clover asked in neither a pleased nor amused tone as she sloshed a glass of brandy nonchalantly.

“Well, I come bearing a question from a noble higher up.” She casually wondered how she had been reduced to a mere errand mare, even as she continued her inquiry. “Where do you plan on staying now that you have returned? Will you house with the Platinums, build your own tower, or perhaps stay somewhere here in Canterlot?” She smiled sincerely this time. “And what about your position as High Duchess of Canterlot? Do you plan to challenge Platinum for it?

“Well aren't you just the perfect example of the ideal Unicornian noble,” Clover said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

She shot a look over towards Blueblood. “No, I’m just a Unicorn trying to find her spot in a new world order.”

“So tell me, how closely related are you and your husband? Second cousins? First? Have to keep those bloodlines ‘pure’ after all.”

“Third cousins, actually. Father didn’t want the chance of another crazy brother as a grandchild. He got a lot of flack for that. Times are changing, and my only wish is to keep what’s left of my grandmother’s estate.” Clover could tell that Jet was being more honest now than ever before in her life. “Unfortunately, that means I have to play my cards right, or I could very well lose it all.”

“Well then, my lady, you won’t remember this, so I’ll put this simply. Nobles like you are a disease. You’re a cancer. Your very existence is harmful to the economy, to the people, and to the country. So many hard workers probably paid exorbitant taxes for that ugly dress you're wearing. And the worst part of it all is you all worship some fanciful image of Platinum that you dreamed up. Make no mistake, she was prissy when we were young, but near the end of her life she truly despised Unicorns like you.

“I’m not sure in what time of weakness you managed to repeal the laws about inbreeding that she passed before she died, but I will make it my life’s work to see they are put back in place.” Clover’s horn glowed as she signed with her hoof before pressing it to Jet Set’s flabbergasted face. “The name Clover the Clever has no meaning to you. You will, from this point on, seem to support your cohort, but when your faith truly becomes tested, you will waver and side with the crown. May you see what you truly are from this point on, and treat those you would mistreat properly. Now go and forget me.” There was a small azure spark as she removed her hoof.

“Uh … what?” Fell Jade paused. “My apologies, Ma’am. I–” She trailed off as she began to fall to the floor. A suave Minotaur charged in, catching her just in time.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“Um … fine. Thank you,” Jet Set said awkwardly as the Minotaur placed her back on her hooves and she wandered away towards Blue Blood. Nobody noticed the little black spot on her neck beneath her mane.

Clover rolled her eyes as she held up her brandy in an invisible toast. “Here’s to you, Starswirl. You were right. Minotaur politics is always more fun.” She pulled her drink back in one gulp. “Better booze, too.”

Big Guns was having the time of his life. Who knew you could experience so much adrenaline from just pricking a few puny Ponies with some charcoal? It actually helped having so much bulk. It made it easier for him to “accidentally” knock a few Ponies over before offering to help them up. It grated his Minotaur side, but it was one of the best ways to get them without raising suspicion. That, and passing through a crowd while flailing his arms to avoid accidentally hitting anypony. Just a light brush, and they’d be marked. He couldn’t help but grin as he made his way over to Hammer Strike. There was no use sneaking up on a Pony like him.

“Fell Hammer!” he bellowed in greeting as he grinned. “Reginald has been waiting to meet you for quite some time.” He extended a meaty hand as the two made eye contact.

“Quite the cover.”

“It was Gryphon’s idea. He said I should say hello,” Big Guns said, even as he shook Hammer Strike’s hoof. Then he leaned in to whisper. “Grif’s Plan is going very smoothly. Big Guns hasn’t had this much fun since he blew up Everfree Forest with Demo Ponies.”

“If marking is the plan, then yes, you are doing quite well.”

“Yes, it is his plan. The marked Ponies are ‘dead’ Ponies.”

“And none of them know it yet,” Hammer Strike hummed. “Can’t wait to see what he does with this.”

“It will be fun. Will Hammer Strike help Big Guns?” he asked casually.

“Stealth is not something I do, especially since I’m trying to keep nobles away from me.”

He shrugged. “Point.”

“Oh, and if you bring that piece of chalk any closer to my coat, you will regret it later. Am I understood?”

“Is charcoal. Wouldn’t show on your coat anyways,” Big Guns snorted as he made his way back into the crowd.

“Oh, Hammer Strike,” Rarity called as she approached her betrothed. “What on earth are you doing all the way over here? I thought we were going to dance,” she said cheerfully.

“Oh, you know, bracing for the inevitable interaction with noble society.” He gave a soft sigh.

“Well, you could always threaten them with your sword there. What is its name by the way?” she asked as she took her accustomed place next to him.


“But he’s so nice!”

“Nicest blade I ever made. Then again, it’s the only one I gave a bit of life to. The reason for the name is because it fits the sound and appearance of it. And since nobody can understand it but me...”

“Doesn’t that make him a little lonely?”

“He likes the solitude. Gives him time to ponder the wonders of reality.”

“Then why can’t he seem to take his eye off Seamripper?” she asked pointedly.

Faciei tuae est acer...

Hammer Strike opened his mouth for a moment before finally saying something. “I didn’t see that one coming… He’s, uh, hitting on Seamripper...”

Rarity giggled. “It seems he’s inherited his maker’s good taste.” And then she kissed him.

As the festivities, though the word seemed rather out of place considering how boring the room was, continued, the moon rose higher, and nobles continued to take their places amongst the various factions. It was about the only dancing really happening, truth be told. At last, Duchess Platinum stepped onto the orchestral platform. Her steel grey coat practically shimmered beneath the skylight as the moon’s rays shone down upon her. The simple pale white dress with silver trimming and a silver bow became practically luminous as she raised her glass and tapped it delicately with a silver horseshoe.

“Attention, everypony. May I have your attention, please? Attention, please.” She tapped the microphone a few times. “Is this thing on?”

A nervous chuckle ran through the room.

“Ladies and gentlecolts, truly this has been a very wild two years. From ancient heroes stepping out of time to the reconstruction of our nation’s first capital to the ascension and coronation of Princess Twilight and her wonderful friends. The miracles never cease. And now, tonight, we have been graced by yet another miracle, the return of one of Equestria’s most revered founders, an ancient friend to my ancestor, and I hope one day to me, Clover the Clever.”

The applause was a hodgepodge of legitimate hoof stomps and some few half-hearted cheers.

“Clover, if you would please do me the honor of joining me on the stage?” Platinum asked.

Clover could have teleported, but instead made a slow measured march to the stage.

“When you left us over a thousand years ago, my family wept. They had thought you forever lost to the land of the living. The princesses also mourned, as did Star Swirl. Without you or any heirs to govern the capital as Archduchess, that mantle fell upon my family and their line.” She took a deep breath. “Unity may no longer be the capital, but the title is still yours by right. Therefore, as my last act as the Archduchess of Canterlot, I step down as head of the court of nobles and return that honor and title where it has always belonged.” She bowed. “Hail, Clover the Clever, Archduchess of Canterlot.”

Clover smiled kindly and raised Platinum from her repose, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “I thank you for your gracious offer, Lady Platinum, but I must insist you and yours steward my title for a little longer still. I cannot truly do the position justice until I am once again familiar with the laws of the land, and I also believe there is a distinct lack of sufficient combat training amongst the mage classes of Equestria's forces, such that they are. Until I have rectified these issues, I cannot retake my mantle. As such, I now do with you as was done with your ancestor. Lady Platinum of the line of Princess Platinum, will you continue to uphold the mantle of Archduchess until such time as I can properly resume my duties?”

Platinum looked genuinely stunned, as did most of the other nobles, though she quickly recovered. “O–of course, Clover. If that’s what you wish.”

Clover patted her gently on the shoulder. “It is. Now I think we’ve held up this evening enough.” Clover nodded to the orchestra, which began to play again as she left the stage.

Vital Spark shuffled his hooves nervously as she descended the stairs and back into the crowd. “Clover, can we talk?”

“Seeing as you just did, I suppose we can indeed, Vital Spark,” she said.

“Please don’t, Clover. This is serious,” he said, his face downcast. “There’s something I forgot to tell you, and you deserve to know.”

Clover’s expression grew somber. “Lead the way.”

Once they’d found a proper antechamber, Vital Spark closed the door behind them. “It’s about Starswirl.”

“I’m listening.”

“When we were visiting the Crystal Empire, I was able to bypass his security measures and enter his lab.” Clover made the motion to go on, so he did. “When I got there, I was able to, well, sort of meet him.”

“An astral projection pre-programmed with anticipated responses to questions and containing vital information. Yes, that sounds like him.”

“Well, I mentioned you to him, and that’s when he sort of changed. He sounded really worried and sad. I told the projection you were all right, and it was relieved to hear it. Afterwards, it asked me to tell you something, and I totally forgot about it until now because of all the crazy adventures we had traveling through that mirror to another world to get Twilight’s crown back. So first, I wanted to say I’m sorry for that, and secondly, he wanted me to tell you he’s sorry, too. When I asked him what for, he told me you’d know.”

“He said that?” Clover seemed stunned.

“Yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I think it was really important to him to let you know. And by the sound of things, it was pretty important to you, too.”

“You couldn’t understand.” She sighed. “There is just too much.”

“I don’t expect to understand. I just want to help make people feel better.” He reached over and hugged her. “And for what it’s worth, you’re a great teacher.”

She chuckled dryly. “Thank you, Vital Spark. It’s not a position I am entirely knowledgeable in.” She pondered for a few minutes, then spoke again. “I’m not nobility, you know. Honestly, there was no indication I would even be skilled in magic. Going from a pity case to a valued resource is the weirdest thing in my life right now.”

“You made direct contact with the element of magic, something only three ponies in the entire history of this world have ever been known to do properly, and they’re all in this castle. I’m pretty sure you were valued a long time before you thought you were.”

“And before that? Have you read about the ‘grand origins’ of Clover the Clever?” she asked.

“Can’t say that I have. I’m guessing you’re going to say something along the lines of you were an orphan and–”

“Starswirl killed my parents,” she said bluntly.

Vital’s head whipped back to Clover. “Say what now?”

“Inquisition against dark mages in the defence of Equis. Both my parents were heavy practitioners of the dark arts, and both were highly dangerous dark mages. I was four, maybe five when Starswirl found us. He attempted to arrest them, they resisted, and he did his duty to the crown.”

“I’m … not exactly sure what to say to that. What happened after? Were you angry? Were you sad? How did you feel?”

“I suppose I was ... how do you really process that as a five year old?” she asked. “I was scared with all the new ponies around. I wanted my parents. I wanted to know why the big mean pony who hurt my mother was giving me a bed and bringing me food. You can guess how many answers I got.” She shrugged. “Starswirl looked after me for a few years. He wasn’t exactly good at it, but he did what he could for me. I had food, a warm bed, education. It wasn’t until I showed promise with magic that he took me in as his student, and for most of those years, I was pretty alone, either being considered a charity case or a pariah. I gave Platnium a bloody nose the day I met her for calling me a simpleton.”

“Knowing you and my guess at her personality, mind you, I’m basing this mainly off Rarity, I’m guessing that became more a term of endearment by the end of your time together.”

“Platinum could be a nag. She was stuck up, self centered at times, completely incapable of seeing how something could go wrong, but she loved Ponies. One night on our infamous journey to what became Equestria, we stopped at a tavern for the night, and she ended up giving both our suppers to a trio of orphans living in the kitchen.”

“A trio of orphans, you say? Was one a Pegasus, one a Unicorn, and one an Earth Pony?”

“I’m afraid to ask how you knew that.”

“And they were kept on because they kept having to work off debt for breaking things or otherwise getting into trouble?”

“Okay, now you are being creepy, Vital Spark.”

“Remind me to introduce you to the Cutie Mark Crusaders sometime. You might be surprised.”

Clover coughed uncomfortably. “Anyway, we should head back before the Gryphon delegates eat all the roast pork,” Clover said, getting to her hooves.

“You eat meat?”

She used magic to pull back her lips, showing small, but present, canines a little further back in her mouth. “Contrary to popular opinion, certain proteins used to build and maintain a healthy brain can only be absorbed by digesting meat. It was a lesson Starswirl never let me forget.”

Vital couldn’t help but grin in a manner that was startlingly like Pinkie Pie. “Then let’s get on back. It’s going to be fun seeing how much you unnerve the nobles.”

“If you keep up with this apprentice business, we’ll have to work on getting you your own set of canines.” She laughed as they headed back to the ball room. “Come along, Vital Spark, the Virtuous.”

“Oh no you didn’t.” Vital Spark broke down in a fit of laughter.

“In grand tradition, my master named me, and so I’ve named you.” She winked before entering the ballroom proper.

Vital Spark sighed. “Vital the Virtuous, huh? That’s a big set of horseshoes to fill.” Then he followed his teacher into the ballroom and the intrigue that doubtless awaited them all.

The gala was already in full swing in the ballroom when the sound of armor and heavy boots was heard. From the entrance two long lines of crystal guards entered in perfect forced march carrying spears. They formed a narrow aisle as, much to the blushing of one Twilight Sparkle, a familiar yellow-furred blue-maned guardpony walked to the front.

Flash Sentry cleared his throat as flugelhorns were played by the rearmost guards.

“Announcing her Imperial Majesty, Queen of the Crystal Empire, and Princess of Equestria, Patron of Love, Queen Mi Amore Cadenza, accompanied by her consort, the Grand General of the Crystal Army, King Shining Armor.”

Cadence and Shining Armor entered the hall in a nervous fashion from the heavily formal entrance. Flash cleared his throat to speak again, but before he could, two small blurs shot through the door past the guards and split in two directions, one for Pensword, and the other for Hammer Strike as a small set of legs proceeded to wrap around each figure respectively.

“Hello young one,” Hammer Strike commented. “How are you, Alto?”

“Hammer Strike! Look what I did!” She held up a piece of wrapped cloth proudly after letting him go. When hammerstrike unwrapped it, he discovered a very crudely made dagger. It was tiny, barely the size of a butter knife, and dented, but he was surprised to find a rough, but sharp edge to it, and it seemed sturdy.

“Not bad. How many things did you make up to this one?”

“Forty,” she said somewhat self-consciously.

“You’re improving. That’s the best part about it.”

The words of praise brought a smile that could light up a room, and Hammer Strike found he was quite pleased with that reaction.

“Uncle Pensword!” Bellacosa cheered as he clung to the stallion’s forelegs. “I missed you.”

Pensword took note of the slight looks of shock and disdain from the nobles that were near him. He grinned. “And how is my little war prince doing?” he asked and he bent down and laid his neck on Bellacosa’s own. “Are you practicing your tactics?” He asked before slowly pulling away from the hug. “And what is new with you?”

“Well, I’ve been writing a lot of letters to Daedalus, and I had to arrange for all the funeral expenses and payments to the families after we got back. After that, Cady said we needed to celebrate ‘cause my cutie mark came, so we had something called a cutemitzvah. Then, uh … well, Cady kinda grounded me for putting my life in danger.” He blushed.

“Well that’s alright,” Pensword said consolingly. “Celestia and Luna grounded me after I went off on a few raids during the war as well. I had to stay in one spot to lead a war, and never go on the front lines.” He leaned in and whispered conspiratorially. “Also, congrats on the cutemizvah. Sorry I couldn’t get out to there, but I think having you in a war was my gift to you.”

Cosy frowned. “Uncle, I know it’s important to know you can hold your own in a fight, but how is war ever a gift?”

“You now have the ear of the Gryphon Emperor. You made friends with him, and you have put your mark into their history. Your bloodline will be able to open up the trade and heal the wounds that my blood opened.” He frowned. “We also come from a different time. A Stallion wasn’t really a stallion unless he knew how to use a blade or arrow.” He casually looked around the room. “It is nice that we have peace.” He ruffled Cosy’s mane. “There was a lot of good that came out of that war. Besides, you never would have met that one person if we hadn’t been there in the first place.”

“Which person?” Cosy asked, cocking his head in confusion.

Pensword paused before smiling. He took a peach and tossed it to Cosy, pointing meaningfully at it before grabbing another and eating it with relish. “Not as nice as the ones on that island we stopped by, but they are passable,” he said with a wink.

Cosy’s eyes widened as he finally made the connection and nodded. “Oh, so that’s who you meant!”

“Eeyup!” Pensword grinned, then skillfully scooped out the pit with a wing before swallowing the rest of the fruit whole. They both laughed as they recounted more recent events while the nobles fumed, unable to talk to the Crystal Prince.

Author's Note:

So, the small entourage has arrived at the Gala, and already they have taken to creating a bit of chaos, most likely to Celestia's enjoyment.

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