• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 22,487 Views, 13,305 Comments

Three More Things! - Tatsurou

Uncle Chan tries to balance running an antique shop, fighting demons, and being a Chi Wizard with being a loving Uncle to his nephew, his somewhat removed niece...and three little ponies who drive him straight up the wall.

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Old Ghosts

Jackie sighed to himself as he sat at a bar, nursing a drink. He was currently on Valmont's private plane, on his way to the location of the 'acquaintance' Valmont wanted 'discouraged'. He was rather unsurprised to discover that the inside of said private plane more closely resembled a luxury resort hotel than the inside of an aircraft, and privately hoped no one got lost inside.

Viper, El Toro, and Tohru were going with to compete in the contest, making for a well rounded team. Sofia, Lucia, and Ysabelle stayed behind to help Uncle run the shop so Jade and the fillies were free to go with on the trip, and Hsi Wu was keeping an eye on the lot of them for now. Even Augustus had managed to come along, though in an unofficial capacity. Watching him attempt to fence with Valmont in that regard had been amusing, even if he had been woefully outmatched. Bai Tsa was discreetly keeping an eye on the girls just in case Hsi Wu got caught up in their antics too much to be responsible, and Po Kong was behind the bar mixing drinks.

...that was going to take getting used to.

As he moved to sip his drink, he felt his ear twitch, despite being in his human form. Noticing the momentary stillness from Po Kong, he took a shot in the dark. "Hello, Valmont."

"Well that's a first for you, Jackie," Valmont observed as he took a seat at the bar next to him. "What gave me away? Change in air pressure as I manifested?"

"I felt something change and noticed Po hesitate," Jackie explained. "I know how respectful she is of you, so you're the only one she might pause to determine how to react to with a sudden arrival since she's still learning your modus operandi."

Po couldn't suppress a chuckle. "He's got me there," she observed calmly. "It's always awkward with a new Brother until you learn where he stands, especially the clever ones."

"In that case, I think I'll float more," Valmont joked as Po set two drinks down, one in front of Valmont and one on Jackie's other side. "Have a seat, Black," he continued without looking up.

"So is that heightened perception, or just predicting my behavior?" Augustus asked as he sat down.

"Little of both, but mostly assuming you'd be here for the same reason I am," Valmont allowed.

"Oh?" Jackie asked curiously as Augustus' eyes widened in surprise.

"We've both noticed that you're tense about something, and I know you only go for a drink if it's something that plagues you emotionally in a way you aren't used to sharing, which suggests it has to do with your past," Valmont explained calmly. "If I had to guess, something came up in a recent misadventure - probably something involving you splitting Tiger style again - that has left you uncertain of something...and something you're ashamed of, or you'd be talking with Miss Viper about it instead of drinking alone."

"As much as I think you're probably right, I think letting him explain himself if he wants to talk is better," Augustus pointed out dryly.

"He needs a wedge to get things started, and the voices on his shoulders are being oddly silent," Valmont pointed out calmly. "That means we need to fill the role."

Augustus shook his head ruefully. "I'm still getting used to that," he observed dryly. "Hope I never develop my own. I have enough headaches as is." Looking a little closer at Jackie, he frowned. "It's the Interpol incident, isn't it?"

Sighing, Jackie nodded. "Yeah...helping Sun Wukong and the Monkey King resolve their differences to become whole brought it back to my mind again because Tiger and Kitten talked about it when telling Sun my issues."

As Po Kong's jaw dropped and Valmont lifted an eyebrow in surprise, Augustus shook his head. "You meet the strangest people as an 'archaeologist', don't you?"

"Actually, that was Jade trying to learn ventriloquism," Jackie corrected with a soft smile.

"That sounds like a story and two halves in of itself," Valmont observed with a smile of his own before letting it fade. "But if it brought this back to your thoughts...why?"

Jackie sighed softly, his own smile fading as he stared into his glass. "You both know about the...issues I had with anger, before I was first split by the Tiger." Valmont and Augustus both nodded. "Well, there are a few...incidents in my past where I've...lost control. Most I've come to terms with, but there's one that...no matter how I justify it to myself, I'm still haunted by. I..." He hesitated, unsure how to explain.

Valmont looked at Jackie for a time, then turned to Augustus. "I assume you can tell me something of what happened?" he asked carefully. "At least, enough that Jackie might have an easier time thinking about it, let alone talking?"

"It was an Interpol investigation," Augustus explained calmly. "There was...a certain criminal group we were pursuing, and Jackie stumbled across them...and one of their victims."

"What did they do?" Valmont asked calmly.

Augustus hesitated, uncertain how to tastefully bring up the memories, or even if there was a tasteful way to do so. "Very...unpleasant things..." he began delicately.

"How unpleasant?" Valmont asked calmly. "Human trafficking? Forced prostitution? Snuff films?"

"...among others..." Augustus said calmly.

"And...the victim?" Valmont pressed gently.

"Younger than Jade," Jackie allowed finally, barely any emotion in his voice.

A brief tension filled the air as Valmont slowly lifted his glass to his lips and drank. As he put the glass down, Augustus raised an eyebrow. "...if your self control was any less, several things around here would have exploded, burst into light, or unmade themselves just now, wouldn't they?" he asked nervously.

"Most definitely," Valmont said calmly, his face barely moving as he spoke. "Though admittedly, not just from rage on the girl's behalf. Having seen what triggers Jackie's anger most strongly - and what the side of him purely embodied by it is like when triggered that way - I'm feeling rather...not quite excited, but the anticipation of learning what happened is rather thrilling just now." Noticing the looks the two were giving him, he shrugged. "What? Criminal kingpin turned Demon Sorcerer. Someone getting what's coming to them has always been a satisfying endeavor, and I know just how thorough Jackie can be when he gets his dander up. As terrifying as it's been to be the target, I'm rather excited to see what it's like from the outside perspective."

"That's...going to take some getting used to," Augustus observed ruefully.

"My attitude?" Valmont asked curiously.

"How forthright you're being about it," Augustus corrected dryly. "As for what Jackie did...I didn't see it, but I...saw the aftermath."

"I broke them," Jackie stated calmly, though the liquid in his glass rippled to show where his self control was starting to slip. "Each and every one of them. Whatever they did, I countered. When they ran, I pursued and allowed no escape. When they fought back, I dominated. When they begged..." He seemed to freeze, unable to continue.

As the liquid in his glass stilled, an image appeared. It showed a bruised and battered face, looking like someone had been rather thoroughly beaten and was barely staying conscious. "M...mercy..." an unfamiliar voice rose from the liquid.

"And how many times did they ask for mercy?" Jackie's voice responded in rage. "How did you respond?"

As the face filled with fear and a clenched fist slammed into it, the image vanished.

The lighting in the bar flickered, causing Augustus to flinch. Looking up, he saw that the mixer Po Kong had been holding now had imprints in the shape of her fingers, and the jewel in her pendant glittered dangerously as her whole body tensed up.

"I...think it's clear how they responded, based on his reaction," Valmont spoke carefully. "In which case, I can't fault your actions...and I can't see where anyone else could."

"But that's just it..." Jackie continued sorrowfully. "That moment is what...makes it so hard to accept. If I showed them no mercy like they did their victims...how am I any better than they?"

"Because you did it for others," Po Kong stated with firm conviction. "They did it for themselves. That's what makes you different, and it's all the difference in the world."

Jackie raised his head in surprise, having not expected that response, especially not from that source. However, it was Valmont who spoke up. "Jackie, I think there's something I can share that might help you."

"Oh?" Jackie asked curiously as Po Kong grabbed a new mixer to make him something stronger.

"In my experience, there are three types of individuals when it comes to those who turn to crime," Valmont continued calmly as the tension faded from the air. "Those who have to, those who choose to...and those who want to."

"I'd be interested to hear how you define those," Augustus observed, intrigued.

"The first is the easiest category to give examples of," Valmont explained. "The starving child stealing a loaf of bread is the classic one. Those who would rather live within the system of law and justice, and in a perfect world would never turn to crime...but because the world is imperfect, with or without magic, they're forced to break the law to survive, or to ensure the survival of those they care about. In my opinion, the correct approach to that is to find where the system failed them and worked to fix it, as if it hadn't failed them they never would have broken the law, and if the system will work for them next time they won't again."

Augustus sighed sadly. "I can't fault you there, though I wish I could. Stories of that sort is why I got into investigating organized crime. Easier to face taking down people who didn't have to make the choices they did."

"And that's the second category," Valmont continued. "Those who choose to. Individuals like myself, who see the law in its current state as flawed or too limiting, and thus make the choice to conduct their daily lives and businesses outside it." He smiled warmly. "I've personally been rather fond of the solution presented in the works of Terry Pratchett for criminals of this stripe."

"Making them a working part of society?" Jackie asked in surprise. "How does that work?"

"Well...how it's currently working with Valmont," Augustus groused quietly.

"Basically," Valmont allowed. "Either change the situation so working outside the law is less tenable than working within, or utilize the more honorable of those outside the law to keep the rest in check, minimizing damage and maximizing the benefits to society."

"Somehow I can't see that catching on too well," Augustus observed dryly.

"And...those who want to?" Jackie asked carefully.

Valmont leaned back on his stool. "These are the ones like those you encountered in the incident you just described. Those who do horrible things because they like it, those who break the law like it's some kind of game, and those around them just don't matter. Whether it's because that's how their minds work, or they simply enjoy the suffering of others...they simply act for their own pleasure whatever the consequences to other people. Monsters in human flesh, whatever their origin."

"And...how should society deal with them?" Augustus began carefully, frowning.

Valmont shrugged. "I've long been of the opinion that the human race would be much improved if individuals of that particular stripe were culled," he explained simply.

Jackie and Augusts shuddered. "But...how do you know which type of person you're dealing with, to be sure?" Jackie asked carefully. "It...would be hard to undo that if you're wrong."

"There are spells that allow someone's inner mental and spiritual nature to be probed to determine such things," Po Kong pointed out dryly.

"Which are highly illegal as gross invasions of privacy," Augustus countered.

"Then it's a good thing there are criminal organizations like mine where most of the higher ups have families, isn't it?" Valmont asked dryly.

Silence hung in the air for a time as Augustus glared at Valmont, who simply smiled back. It was interrupted as Jackie sighed. "While that's...very interesting, I'm still left...unsure how to feel about this. I...was so brutal..."

"You found a group of people who were doing horrible things to those who didn't deserve it, and you made certain that they would never do those things again," Valmont pointed out calmly. "The point of law and justice is that someone who engages in what society has dubbed unacceptable is prevented from doing so a second time. You should feel no more guilt over what you did to them than the gardener should for pruning the tree, cutting away those growths that will harm the tree in the long run." He shrugged his shoulders. "And know that in doing so, you're a better man than I, in that situation."

"Oh?" Jackie asked curiously.

"I wouldn't have stopped as long as they still drew breath," Valmont observed calmly, thoughtfully. "And I would have enjoyed it." Seeing the stares that brought from his companions, he raised an eyebrow. "I am not a good man, Jackie, Augustus. Keeping my criminal empire going for so long successfully derived completely from self-knowledge. I have no delusions of nobility in my actions, and I know my dark desires. However, I choose not to indulge them."

As Augustus suppressed a shudder, Jackie smiled softly. "That...actually helps."

"That you're a better man than I?" Valmont asked with a smirk.

"No, knowing yourself," Jackie corrected. "Even when I was doing it...now that I think about it, there was no pleasure in it. There never has been when I gave into rage. It always felt like...I was just doing what had to be done." He took a deep breath and let it out, seeming to relax as he did so. "That's...good to know. It makes it...easier to live with."

Valmont smiled warmly. "Happy to help, Jackie."

The three remained at the bar in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts as they nursed their drinks. Po Kong cleaned a glass to calm herself, letting the repetitive motion ease the tension of the discussion.

Author's Note:

Events of this chapter inspired by these two comments:
Thanks guys! I was having real trouble with writer's block till I looked back.

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