• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 22,487 Views, 13,305 Comments

Three More Things! - Tatsurou

Uncle Chan tries to balance running an antique shop, fighting demons, and being a Chi Wizard with being a loving Uncle to his nephew, his somewhat removed niece...and three little ponies who drive him straight up the wall.

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Round 1

It didn't take long for Chang to lead the group to where a large number of people were gathered around an open air arena, refreshment tables surrounding it on all sides with refreshments of all sorts piled high. The sky over one of the tables had an odd tint, and everyone visible around that table seemed at least partially cloaked in shadow, quite a few sporting blatantly non-humanoid figures. Others seemed the usual grab bag of fighters of all sorts and styles, along with a few individuals who looked quite out of place. However, one thing was universally obvious: everyone present exuded an aura of power even in the relaxed air.

"Quite the large group you've gathered for this tournament," Valmont observed thoughtfully, his eyes unmoving and yet he plainly missed nothing.

"All the greater the entertainment will be for it being longer," Chang allowed deprecatingly. "Besides, it will give each individual fighter longer between matches to rest up, should they desire...or provide the chance for an elimination chain if one should throw down such a gauntlet."

"This is going to be so...cool!" Jade gasped out excitedly.

"Rein it in there, Jade!" Apple Bloom chided gently. "We're tryin' ta keep collateral down fer once, remember?"

"And just what did you think I was going to do?" Jade demanded crossly. "I'm excited for this!"

"Try and speed things up by finding celebratory fireworks and setting them all off, only for the resulting conflagration to destroy the entire arena before anyone could actually fight?" Sweetie suggested dryly.

"Or try and work a spell to project your voice to be an announcer, hit the wrong frequency, and set off every were here on a pain-fueled rampage?" Scootaloo added, gesturing to where a few of those in shadows were plainly on the fuzzy side.

Jade glowered at the group for a time before sullenly pouting, unable to really counter. After all, finding fireworks or trying to be a fight announcer was exactly what she'd planned on doing to amp up the excitement or her participation.

"Perhaps an exhibition match might tide you over?" Hsi suggested dryly. "I'm sure our host would let you announce for that with whatever system he has set up for that to happen?" He turned to Chang with a winsome smile.

"Why, that would be delightful!" Chang proclaimed, clapping his hands together excitedly. "Mr. Chan, would you? You are quite famous - and infamous - among the circles these fighters move in, and I am certain an exhibition match you participated in would be perfect to bring about the start of the...festivities."

Jackie shrugged easily. "I don't see why not," he allowed as he walked forward into the obvious ring.

Chang escorted a happily bouncing Jade up to where a throne-like chair overlooked the tournament grounds, showing her where to stand for her voice to be projected with a gesture. Once there, she spoke up. "We have an exhibition match to open the tournament!" she called out, her voice echoing excitedly over the grounds. "The first fighter is none other than Jackie Chan, archaeologist of the Chan Clan! Who would accept his challenge to demonstrate their skills?"

There was quite a stir from everyone present as Jackie smiled sheepishly and waved at the crowd. It wasn't long, however, before a figure began to approach from the shadowed area. As it approached, however, it seemed to shrink in on itself, and by the time it was visible it appeared to be a human male in dark grey shorts, an exceptionally well defined torso and limbs plainly visible. "I'll take that challenge," he all but growled out.

"Oh, and what might your name be?" Jackie asked politely.

"Jon," the figure responded immediately, a growl still in his voice as he took a fighting stance.

"Ready...FIGHT!" Jade declared excitedly.

Jon immediately pounced, and Jackie was forced to back away a bit at the aggressive assault. He dodged and weaved as Jon struck with punches, kicks, and occasionally open handed strikes with his fingers curled, glowing energy around his fingertips shaping claws. Noticing just how aggressive and vicious the fighting style was, Jackie immediately shifted to a more defensive stance, focusing on evading and countering the strikes while looking for the moments when his opponent either over-extended or began to wear out. He made sure to keep his motions fluid and seemingly random, doing his best to avoid giving his foe a chance to predict his movements.

"Is that the best you got?" Jon snarled out as he struck with claw-like fingers. Blades of energy leapt from his hand towards Jackie, forcing him to leap out of the way. Jon charged in behind, seeking to catch Jackie off guard as he landed...only for Jackie to land feet first in his face, turning the landing into a spin jump off before closing for his own assault while Jon was ever so briefly dazed.

"Don't be so serious," Jackie joked as they began trading blows instead of it being so one sided in whichever direction. "This is an exhibition. It's supposed to be fun!"

"Fun, huh?" Jon growled. "In that case..." Leaping back for distance, he let loose a blood-curdling howl.

In an instant, he nearly doubled in height and at least doubled in muscle mass as fur sprouted all over his body. His hands and feet extended into clawed paw-like protrusions, and his face erupted into a lupine muzzle. Where before stood a man now stood a werewolf...one that immediately charged forward in a blue corona of energy.

Jackie felt his blood pumping in excitement as he caught the charge, fur already sprouting from his own body in response to the increase in aggression. He grinned widely, showing all of his feline teeth as his own transformation completed. "Getting beastly, are we?" he asked as he rolled onto his back, kicking his foe over him before lunging after him before the energy attack could end, closing in behind him.

As the crowd roared with excitement and Chang clapped happily for the show, Augustus couldn't help but frown. Something felt off about all this. Jackie responded a little too eagerly to fighting...Chang seemed way too happy to have Jade actually get involved...

But most of all, his clapping sounded...off. One of his hands was made of jade, after all...so why didn't it sound like flesh meeting stone?

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