• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 33: Home Bot

In Fillydelphia, the group made it to a carnival as Helix was at the stand with a ball in hoof. “Bottom of the ninth, two out, full count.” He said to himself as he spun his ball. “Watch winds up and…” The stallion behind the counter waited before Helix threw the ball at a bunch of stacked bottles but none of them knocked over. "Oh come on, this game has got to be rigged! I totally nailed those bottles!"

"Knock over the bottles and you'll win a prize, you knock over squat you'll win squat." The stallion told him before Helix walked away.

"You would think a part of Equestria that focuses on family friendly and brotherly love, wouldn't cheat at a carnival game." He complained.

“Well, that’s the way life is, Helix.” Flash spoke up with a smile. “You win some. You lose some.”

“Let’s go. You can’t visit Fillydelphia without seeing the liberty bell.” Twilight said as she walked off.

"I never understood the importance of an old bell." Rainbow mentioned. "Especially one that has a crack in it."

"You know if I went hero, I could totally win at every single game in this carnival." Helix told his friends.

“Sure, use the most powerful device in the universe to cheat at whack-a mole. Real nice.” Misty said sarcastically as she nudged her cousin.

“Hey, tell that to Manny when he tested his strength on that bell.” Helix said while gesturing to the disguised four-armed alien.

“Hey, it’s not my fault my strength can be a bit uncontrollable.” Manny said in defense as they kept going, but then a wagon came smashing through a stand while heading towards Helix.

“Oh, not good!” Helix exclaimed as the others pushed him out of the way as the wagon took off before they saw something on the back of the wagon.

“They’re getting away with the liberty bell!” Applejack exclaimed.

"Not if Quillspeed has anything to say about it!" Helix declared as he activated the Omnitrix while the others covered him before he transformed. When it died down, he became a different alien and not the one he wanted.

"And of course, he doesn't." Helen mentioned as they saw he had transformed into Greymatter.

"Oh man, what is wrong with this watch?!" He complained before he looked over at the strength bell and got an idea. He quickly ran over and jumped onto the peg at the bottom of it. "Manny, give me a lift!"

“Sure thing bro.” Manny said as he grabbed a hammer and used his strength to shoot Greymatter up to the bell, which made him go flying to the wagon. He crawled to the wheel and detached it, which caused the wagon to serve on the boardwalk before Greymatter went flying and landed on a bell full of jelly beans.

Greymatter got up and licked one of the jelly beans. ”Now this is what I call a sweet landing.” He said before the officers came up to the crashed Carriage before he noticed a sign next to the bell. "'Guess how many Jelly Beans and win a free new music pocket.' Ah, that is so simple with a small alien with a mega brain." He bragged before he dived into the bell. "An average size of a jelly bean is 1.3 cm and the they are all piled in is about the size of two baby dragons. So we're talking about 6,532 jelly beans." He said before he resurfaced and relaxed before eating one of the jelly beans. “Make that 31 jelly beans."

A bit later, they group exited the fair while the young group noticed Helix’s new music pocket. “Nice music pocket, Helix.” Sandbar said in amazement. “How’d you get it anyway?”

"I won it, with a big help from a little friend of mine.” He bragged as he had a smug smile on his face.

"You used Greymatter, but isn't that cheating?" Ocellus asked him.

“It’s not when I just had to guess with a smart brain,” Helix said in defense. “Besides, I don’t see a sign that says ‘No aliens allowed’.” He pointed out. “Besides, I was already transformed by mistake. At least it got some good out of being small.”

"Hey Helix, come look at this." Flash called him over as he was looking at a television in a window shop. "Your hometown, the Beaters, are playing in the finals of the Little League World Series."

"Wait, what?!" Helix exclaimed with disbelief as he saw a few other colts wearing the same baseball uniform on the television. "That's impossible, I was supposed to be on that team!"

“Yeah, if only you could hit, or throw, or run…” Misty listed out.

“Mom, Dad, think we can go?” Helix asked desperately.

“Or catch or sl--” Misty was cut off when someone stepped on her hoof. “OW! What was that for?!”

"Oh, sorry, I thought I saw a spider.” Helen said with a smug smile.

"Well, if you want to find out why they went without you, I don't see any reason why not.” Delta mentioned with a shrug. “Plus I used to be quite the baseball player in my days."

"So I guess we're going to a baseball game then." Twilight mentioned with a small smile.

A bit of driving, they parked up at a baseball station. “Welcome to the first station of little league baseball. That honored institution, where dreams of greatest are first forged in young minds, along with the life lessons of fair play.” Twilight explained.

“Hear that, Helix? Fair play.” Misty said to him while Helix was playing with his music pocket.

“Ha, you’re just jealous ‘cause I won’t let you listen to the music pocket.” Helix said with a smirk.

"Uh, does anyone else notice a bunch of security guards at the front gate?" Sandbar asked as the mobile base stopped to let some security guards do a little inspection on the outside. "What gives?"

"Princess Luna is sort of a baseball fan, so she and Celestia are going to make an appearance in the second running of the game." Twilight explained.

“Seriously? Didn’t know Luna was such a fan.” Spike said in surprise.

“Learn something new everyday.” Dust said with a shrug as they proceed forward before they entered the parking lot.

Soon as they all went out to get a nice little snack before the game before Helix spotted his hometown team practicing catches and throws on the field. "They're the Beaters!" He called out with a bright smile. “I'm going to go say hi to them!" He quickly raced out to the field to greet his teammates from school before a magical aura grabbed him by the tail and suddenly wrapped it around the gate door. As he struggled to get down, he saw two colts looking at him with smug smiles on their faces and he knew who they were the moment he saw them. One of them was a unicorn colt with a light blue coat and black mane while the other was an earth pony colt with a tan red coat and yellow mane. "No way, not you two!"

"Well look who's here, JT, Hangy Watch." The unicorn colt made fun of Helix.

"Good one, Cash." JT complemented with a chuckle.

“Hey, put him down!” Helen ordered with a look as the two bullies turned and saw the young group walking up to them.

"Not cool." Manny mentioned as he untied Helix's tail and he fell to the ground. "Oops, sorry man."

"Well, looks like you found a bunch of your own kind to hang out with, a bunch of nerds." Cash told Helix as he got off of the ground and dusted himself off. “Thought you'd be hiding out from us until school started, shrimp."

"Yeah well, for your information, I've been a little busy saving the world this summer instead." Helix told him with a look.

“Ooh-ooh! Saving the world! Ha!” Cash mocked in amusement.

“Yeah, this pee-wee’s in his own world.” J.T. said while waving his hoof over his head before Manny walked up and gave him a punch to the head. “Ow! Hey!” He exclaimed while holding his head.

“No one talks to our friend like that!” Manny said firmly.

"Besides, what are you two doing here?” Smolder asked the two bullies. "Hiding out from the cops in your hometown because you did something wrong?"

"For your information, smoke breath, the two of us are part of the team." Cash replied.

"'Smoke breath'?!" Smolder growled at that insult.

"Easy girl, don't let him get to you." Attea told her as she glared at the two bullies.

"How'd you two make the team anyway?" Helix questioned them.

“Talent. 100% pure talent.” Cash bragged with a smirk.

“Oh, and four guys got the horseyhives.” J.T. added before Cash elbowed him.

“Aw, man! That means I would have made the team, too.” Helix said to himself.

“Yeah, by default.” Misty said before Attea smacked her again. “Wow! Will you guys stop doing that?!” She questioned in irritation.

“Not until you stop insulting Helix first chance you get.” Attea said with a firm look.

"Duck!" Ocellus shouted as a few baseballs zipped past them and was caught by some colts wearing black and red baseball outfits. "Who are they?"

"The team we're playing against in the game." Cash answered as he and J.T. glared at the opposing team. “Did you come for a preview of what we're going to do to you in the next game?"

“The score in our last game was 28-3.” The opposing colt said with a natural tone. “The next one won’t be that close.”

“Yeah, well, I like to see that!” J.T. countered before Cash elbowed him again.

Just then, the young group turned and saw three colts throwing baseballs in sync, which made them, along with the two bullies, to duck as the other side repeated as they kept dodging them.

“Hey! Are you blind!? We’re not wearing uniforms!” Zs’spoocy exclaimed before a whistle was blown to make them stop.

“Excellent drill.” Their coach said firmly as he walked past the young ones.

"That wasn't a drill, that was almost a shooting range!" Delta complained as the adults saw what happened. "They nearly took their heads off!"

“Then maybe next time they'll stay out of the way." The coach replied as the team marched in an orderly line as they followed their coach. “Good luck, Beaters. You'll need it for the game.”

Cash then picked up a ball. “Ah! You’ve forgotten something!” He called out as he threw the ball at one of them, but one of the players caught it without even looking, making the group gasp in shock with their jaws dropped.

"How he do that?!" Silverstream questioned in shock.

A bit later, the crowd are all sitting in their seats as a security guard watches. “All clear.” One of them said as the group sat near the chairs.

“If the Beaters don’t win this game, the series is over.” Rainbow said to them as they saw the opposing games catching the ball in perfect sync.

“Something’s off about those guys.” Helix said after eating a carrot dog. “They’re too perfect. Even by standard teams.”

"Yeah, it's almost scary.” Misty agreed while she was on a high tech computer Azmuth built for her. Soon the beaters came out onto the field as Cash went up to the pitcher's mountain.

"We want a pitcher, not a hairy, stinky--" Helix shouted before his dad pulled him back into a seat.

“Helix.” Delta said firmly.

“What?” Helix asked innocently.

“Play ball!” The pitcher called as the crowd cheered as a beater hit a ball, which the opposing player jumped high and caught the ball over a huge bush as he landed on his hooves as the Beater gasped and dropped the bat in shock.

Soon the next batter was up as the ball came flying towards him and he was able to hit it, only the catcher behind him quickly ran up the side of the gate behind them to catch the ball. "Was that even allowed?" Ocellus asked the others after seeing what they just saw.

Then Cash is facing an opposing bat-en, but when he hit the ball, it broke the bat as the ball was sent flying and destroyed one of the sports lights as it made an explosion.

Then J.T. was the batter, but when an opposing player threw the ball, it was thrown so hard it caught flames as it went past J.T. as he looked and saw the catcher holding the ball in shock.

“Oh, man. We’re getting destroyed.” Helix groaned.

"I thought you didn't like J.T. and Cash." Smolder reminded him. "But to be fair, I can see the reason why."

"I don't, but I want them to stink, not the whole team!" Helix explained as Misty thought there was something up with the opposing team, the Squires.

“Listen to these stats I pulled up.” Misty spoke up. “The Squires’ team ERA is less than one. Slugging percentages, 986. No one in history, not the majors, minors, college, or little league has ever been this perfect.”

After hearing this, Helix had a look on his face before he looked at both Helen and Zs'spoocy. "Hey, can you both help me with something?" He asked them as he stood up. “It's something very important."

“Sure.” Helen said as she and Zs’spoocy nodded and they walked off while the others looked at them strangely.

Then on the field, a beater was readying his bat as he managed to hit the ball, but just as a Squire was about catch it, time slowed down as XLR8 was moving so fast to move the ball slightly before running off, suddenly went past the catcher, allowing the player to hit first base. The next batter stepped up to the plate as the picture through the ball and the batter was able to hit it in the air. One of the squires was about to catch it, but once again for time to slow down as Helen quickly ran up and threw the ball into the stands before running off, allowing time to resume and a filly caught the ball.

“Wow! Did you see that home run?!” Delta asked in awed.

"Yeah, that was amazing!" Twilight complimented.

“Perhaps too amazing.” Misty said as she brought out her camera. “I think it’s time for a little instant replay.” She said as she started recording.

Cash became the batter next as XLR8 went behind the crowd and opened his visor. “Ready to take one for the team, Cash?” He questioned before he sped off and moved the ball slightly with a laugh as he moved it towards Cash’s hip before he ran off and it hit him.

“First base!” The coach called as Cash yelled out in pain when the ball hit his hip.

“I’ll get you!” Cash called while pointing to the Squire while hopping away in pain.

Both Helen and Zs'spoocy was laughing after seeing what XLR8 did when he came back to them under the bleachers. "Good one, he really deserves that one!" Zs'spoocy told him before they saw J.T. walking up to the plate. "Oh, can I get this one?"

“Be my guest.” XLR8 said with a smirk as Zs’spoocy turned invisible and floated to J.T. and tied his hoof shoes together, which made him trip when he tried to hit the ball.

“Oh, the classes tie-shoelaces.” Zs’spoocy said with a chuckle. “That never gets old.”

"Okay you two, you had your fun, now let's get serious." Helen told them as J.T. untied and fixed his shoes before stood ready. Helen then sped off as she moved at high speed and moved the ball around, which caught the others attention as the ball kept moving around while Cash and J.T. moved to homebase before the ball was caught.

“Safe! Ballgame!” The coach called as the Beaters came out and cheered on for their win while the crowd cheered them on.

“Where’s Helix, Helen, and Zs’spoocy?” Venus questioned.

"Don't know about Helen and Zs'spoocy, but with Helix: he had five chili cheese carrot dogs, one gas and I'm not on bathroom duty." Misty told them.

A bit later, Helix, Helen, and Zs’spoocy are walking around the parking lot/camp as they looked around and followed Cash and J.T. in the woods. “Hey, hey, hey! Who rules?! Let me tell you. The Cash-ster, the Cash-man, sir Cash-a-lot!” Cash bragged.

“Okay, doesn’t he ever think about anyone but himself?” Helen questioned in annoyance. “Rainbow may brag, but not this bad.”

"Oh, you don't know half of it." Helix whispered in annoyance before they saw the squires walking up to the two bullies. "Now this doesn't look good."

“Come with us!” The squire exclaimed firmly.

“Out of my face, weirdo!” Cash called as he was about to swing his bat, but one of the squires took it and bend it, which made J.T. faint in shock while the three heroes looked in shock at what they’re seeing.

“Uh, you guys need to back off those new energy drinks.” Cash said nervously as a squire walked up and its eyes blimp up.

“Ugh, how come doing the right thing sometimes feels so wrong?” Helix questioned as he tried to activate the Omnitrix, but it was still timed out.

“I guess that’s the life of a hero, I guess.” Helen said with a shrug.

"Hungry, then why don't you try a knuckle sandwich?” Cash threatened as he was about to throw a punch before one of the squires grabbed his hoof and knocked him out with it. They then picked up the two bullies and carried them off as Helix, Helen, and Zs'spoocy followed them.

Back at the mobile base, Misty plugged in her camera into the computer and rewind the footage until she caught something on it. "I knew it!" She exclaimed.

“What is it, Misty?” Hope questioned.

“Guys, this is super, super, super slow motion with a bit of heat motion.” Misty said as she placed the ball moving in the field, but Misty rewind it and slow it down until it showed Helen moving the ball around as Misty paused it.

“Helen?” Manny questioned in surprise.

“No surprise Helix asked her or Zs’spoocy to help out with the games.” Smolder said with a shrug.

“They should know better. You don’t cheat in baseball.” Delta said firmly. “They are so grounded for this.”

"Normally I would do backflips as a thought of Helix busted, but I think there's a good reason why he became a hero and he asked them to do it in the first place.” Misty mentioned which caught all of their attention before pulling up a couple of Windows on the computer. "I just found out more about the Squires online and found something really odd about them. When you cross-reference the Squires' roster with a Baseball Hall of Fame database, the Squires have the same names as a bunch of old time famous players. And there's not even proof that any of these kids exist. No report cards, medical records, not even birth certificates, nothing at all."

"If that's odd, look what Squires coach is doing." Yona told them as she pointed outside the window.

They looked out and saw the squire looking at the guards before walking off. “Now why would a coach be checking on the royal guards instead of his own team before a game?” Pinkie asked in wonder.

“Don’t know. But something tells me we’re about to find out.” Hope said with a serious look.

Helix, Helen, and Zs'spoocy followed the Squires to an abandoned Factory where the front entrance automatically opened on its own when they walked up to it. The three of them carefully followed them inside before they saw alien technology all around them as well as a few robots as they strapped both J.T. and Cash to a couple of tables.

“Hey, look!” Zs’spoocy whispered as she pointed to two more tables with robotic heads that are on replicas of the two bullies buddies. “They’re not real players, they’re robots!” She called.

“That’s why they’re so good at the games.” Helix said with a serious look as the coach entered the door as the three hid while the others tried to follow but the door closed on them before they could enter.

“I don’t know how they took control in that last inning, but we cannot risk it happening again.” The coach said while looking at the two bullies. “Scan them.” He ordered as two machines lowered down to Cash and J.T.

"Oh man…" J.T. groaned as he and Cash regained consciousness. "I just had the weirdest dream, we were both kidnapped by the Squires." The two of them then gasped as the two machines scanned their faces while their copies were being printed.

“This would be so cool, if it wasn't so freaky." Helix whispered to Helen and Zs'spoocy as the two robot copies were completed.

“These players will be our insurance policy. Dispose of the originals.” The coach ordered his team. “And the spies.” He said while gesturing to Helix, Helen, and Zs’spoocy without looking, which made the three heroes' eyes widened. They quickly got out of the floor and made it towards the door just as the squires picked up some baseballs and threw them right at them. They quickly jumped back into the holes in the floor when the balls came at them and it literally went through the door.

"Whoa! Glad they didn't do that when we first saw them!" Helen mentioned after seeing what they did to the door before she ducked back down.

Outside, the others saw the balls and quickly moved aside while trying to find a way inside. The three heroes inside then saw the robot squires throwing bats at them, which caused them to move aside as they moved across the floor.

“Was that Watch with those two hot fillies?” J.T. questioned, thinking he saw Helix on the ground.

"That big wuss?” Cash questioned with a brow. "Like he'll be ever here, and no way he ever scored hotties like those."

"Remind me to punch him in the face after we save them." Zs'spoocy told the other two after overhearing them before dodging some incoming bats.

"If we can make it out alive!" Helen mentioned.

"Uh, you two are aliens, remember?" Helix whispered before he saw that the Omnitrix was back in the green. “And it’s looks like I’ll be one too!” He called as he activated and slammed the core down as he transformed into Diamondhead and shot shards up, which knock some squire bots away while he, Helen, and Zs’spoocy appeared with a glare.

“Whoa! It’s those alien heroes, like in the news!” Cash called out.

Helen quickly zipped around as she took out a few robots before Zs'spoocy used some ghostly telekinesis to move a big machinery to crush a few more. Diamondhead then grabbed the Casey and J.T.’s bots and smashed them together, which caused their heads to pop out while Diamondhead gave a satisfying smirk.

“Is it just me, or was that thing smiling when it smashed our robots together?” Cash asked nervously.

The three then circled the coach around. “Support units only.” He called as the robots from the ceiling came down on them.

"Boy, they sure got a ugly bots around here." Helen mentioned as she dodged a few of the robots before jabbing at a few of them. The others entered through the broken window and saw the battle.

“We have to free those kids.” Twilight said while gesturing to Cash and J.T. while Helen, Diamondhead and Zs’spoocy kept fighting the battle.

"Can we take our time doing it?" Smolder asked before Twilight gave her a look. They then carefully went over to the two bullies as Twilight and Rarity were working on unhooking them to the tables. Ocellus then noticed a monitor that had digital copies of both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna on them.

“The princesses!” Ocellus called, which made the coach turn to them.

“Team. Move out.” The coach said as he and his team walked out.

“Whoa! These ponies take their baseball way too seriously.” J.T. said before they saw the squires running out the door.

“The squires are getting away!” Applejack exclaimed.

"It's over for you." The coach told them before he pressed a button on his tablet before they heard something behind them powering up as a large generator was shooting out electricity.

"Diamondhead!" Delta called out before Diamondhead, Helen, and Zs'spoocy got in front of them as the robots were closing in on them.

"We can take 'em!" Diamondhead said.

"They're not the problem, that is!" Flash told him as he pointed to the overloading generator behind them. them. “It’s going to explode!” He called as they ran towards the door, but couldn’t open it, but Diamondhead grabbed a wiring and grab the bots before tossing them to the door, busting it open as Diamondhead fought off more robots.

“Go!” Diamondhead called as the group ran off while him, Helen, and Zs’spoocy fought off more bots before Diamondhead created a diamond wall around them just before the generator exploded, taking out the hole factory as the group were sent flying.

“Helix! Helen! Zs’spoocy!” Attea called as a robot was tossed to them with Diamondhead’s shards, signaling them that they were okay.

“Are those robots all gone?” J.T. asked nervously as a red flashed shined behind them as three shadow figures walked through the flames.

"Destroy all living creatures!" The three shadowy figures said, scaring the two bullies into hiding behind the adults before they revealed it was just Helix, with both Helen and Zs'spoocy in their pony disguises. “Destroy all life.” Helix’s voice called out, which made the two bullies scream in fear as they got behind the group as they saw him, Helen, and Zs’spoocy, who were back into their disguises, walked out of the flames with amusing smiles.

“Oh, hardy-har. You three missed all the action, as usual, Watch.” Cash taunted with a look.

“Well, for your information, those guys and us are…” Helix tried to say before Helen spoke up.

“Good friends. They’re old buddies of ours.” Helen said with a forceful smile before shaking her head to Helix to remind him of their secrets.

“Oh, right.” Helix said as he nodded in understanding.

“Guys, they have a copy of the Princesses’ faces!” Ocellus called with a worried look.

“What?! Then that means they might switch places with them like the league!” Twilight exclaimed in panic.

“We gotta stop them!” Venus called with a serious look.

“But we need a way to get on the field to do that.” Rainbow pointed out.

“Well, thanks for all your help and stuff, but we got a game to play.” Cash said rudely as he and J.T. walked off as the group looked at each other with smirks while turning to Helix, who smiled widely, knowing their idea.

“Not so fast!” Delta called, which caused the two bullies to stop.

Soon the next running of the game was in progress as the Squires were out on the field during the ball to one another. "It's game time, and the favored Squires have taken the field." An announcer announced as the coach stood in the Squires' pit with two players behind him.

“Nine innings and our plan shall be complete.” The coach said as the two players saluted before they morphe their bodies to look like Princesses Celestia and Luna.

At the entrance, the Beaters are walking in while at the back was Helix, dressed as his favorite league as he gave a chuckle as he was pretending to be Cash while Manny had readjusted his ID mask to look like J.T.. In the mobile base, the others watched Helix and Manny enter before Delta and Dust pulled out blasters from one of the cupboards. "Ready?" Delta asked.

“You know it.” Smolder nodded as they all walked out of the mobile base as Cash and J.T. walked out.

“Hey! What about us?” Cash questioned.

“Stay here and don’t move.” Twilight said firmly as she slammed the door on them.

First up to bat for the Cannons, Cash Murray!” The announcer called as Helix stepped forward with his bat ready as he gave a smile.

“Guess hero time can wait for just one pitch.” Helix said with a smirk as a squire threw a ball, but Helix missed it as he twirl around.

“Strike one!” The coach called as the ball tossed back to the pitcher as Helix stood up.

“Or two.” Helix said as he dust himself. “Come on, you can do this.” He said while readying his bat as the pitcher threw it and the ball was caught again.

“Strike two!” The coach called as Helix ready himself while the others watched from the entrance.

“What is Helix waiting for?” Rarity asked in wonder.

“My guess is a fastball, low and away.” Delta said with a smile.

Helix looked at the ball while tightening his bat as the pitcher tossed it, but Helix then hit the ball hard as it flew up, which he took the chance to run as the crowd, as well as his friends and family, all started cheering as he rushed through the bases while the squires caught the ball as Helix then slide to the ground and hit homebase as he transformed into Humungousaur.


“Safe, right?” Humungousaur questioned with a look as the stallion nodded fearfully. Humungousaur then grabbed one of the Squires before it kicked him right in the face before landing on the ground opposite before its head turned all the way around. It then morphed out of its disguise to reveal itself as a robot as the entire crowd gasped. Soon the other Squires deactivated their disguises to reveal themselves as robots before they shot lasers at Humungousaur.

"Hero time." Manny said as he took off his ID mask and charged into the field.

The crowd gasped in shock as the robots then started fighting Humungousaur and Manny while targeting Celestia and Luna as they walked towards them. “We gotta go, princesses.” One of the guards said as they guided Celestia and Luna away.

"Hey bro, batter up!" Manny called out as he was holding four baseball bats in each hand. Humungousaur nodded as he grabbed a few robots before crumbling them up into a ball and throwing them right at Manny, which he knocked all the way with a single hit from each bat.

The guards guided the princesses to safety, but they were electrocuted by the robots as the princesses were about to get subdue, but then the robots then shorted out or blasted apart as they saw Dust and Delta using their blasters on the robots while the others are either fighting or blasting them away.

“Twilight and friends?!” Luna asked in surprise.

“Princesses, come with us!” Hope called as they fought more robots as the two royal sisters nodded and rushed out of the area and into the hallway before they were in a chamber with sports equipment around.

“We’ll be okay in here.” Delta said before they saw the coach at the entrance.

"Or not…" Fluttershy whimpered before the coach moved at a very impossible speed that knocked each of them away from the princesses. Soon each of the young ones were placed in cages while the adults were shoved into an oversized baseball mitt.

“Soon, we shall control the kingdom of Equestria.” The coach said as he stomped his hoof as the robotic replicas of Celestia and Luna came in, much to their shock as the robots came behind them. But then the wall crumbled as Humungousaur charged in and crushed the copies.

"Not while we're around!" He declared before he saw the four princesses. "Oh man, please tell me those were the fakes." He asked nervously before the two princesses under the rumble lost their disguises to show that they were the fakes. “Phew.”

The coach stood there as Humungousaur grabbed a giant bat and whacked the robots while Manny came in and punched the ones aiming for the princesses. “Well, that’s all of them.” Manny said before he and Humungousaur were blasted to the wall as they saw the coach with two blasters on his back.

“Think again.” The coach said as he revealed his true form, which they avoided and tried to block the blasts as the others got up and saw the fight as Humungousaur picked up the broken ball statue.

“Welcome to the 7th=inning, stretch.” Humungousuar called as he threw the statue to the robot, causing it to crash into the wall and explode as they watched it shorten out and fall to the ground as the others regrouped just before the Omnitrix timed out.

“Thank you all. You have saved us, again.” Celestia said with a proud smile.

"Any time, your highness." Delta mentioned as Luna gave a frown at the robot coach on the ground.

"How dare they ruin a perfect game such as baseball.” She cursed before it suddenly sat up and surprised her.

"We will not be stopped so easily." It said as it was preparing to fire at Luna.

"Okay, now that's cheating. Helix mentioned as he grabbed a shard and stabbed it through the cannon as they all rushed out to the exit before it exploded as they saw the robot crumble to pieces.

“Y-o-o-u’re out!” Misty called as they looked at her in surprise. “Come on, even I couldn’t resist.” She said with a smile.

A bit later, the princesses are in front of the crowd giving their speeches. “The details of the attack are a matter of Equestrian security!” Celestia announced to the crowd.

“But we are proud to introduce you to the colts who saved our lives.” Luna said with forced smiles as Cash and J.T. stood behind them, while knowing that it was Helix and his friends who saved them, it was the only way to keep their secret.

“Aw, man, they do not deserve that.” Helix said with a frown.

"Kinda like somepony we know who didn't deserve a music pocket, even if it was by accident." Delta mentioned while he looked at his son.

"Yeah, I get it." Helix mentioned with a sigh. "By the way, where is my new--"

"It's like they always say, cheaters never prosper.” Misty mentioned as she was listening to his music pocket. "But sometimes their cousins do."

"Okay, I don't want to be a cheater.” Helix admitted before he smirked at the Omnitrix. "But…"

Cash then looked at the crowd while Celestia and Luna frowned since this was Helix’s moment, not theirs. “Oh, I know some things about courage.” Cash started, but then a blur went past them as Cash and J.T. vanished, surprising the crowd before they looked up and saw them dangling by the sign upside down by their tails. "Not again!" He groaned as something similar happened to them before.

Celestia and Luna were trying to hold back their laughter before they spotted XLR8 behind a statue. “That doesn’t mean I’m not a sore loser!” XLR8 finished in amusement before he waved to the princesses, who waved back in return with smiles.

In the room where the remains of the coach robot was, its head was stomped by an armored hoof as it was revealed to be Enoch and the Forever Knights standing by the hole, “Our entire operation is a failure." He growled as this was their plan all along. "Mark my words, by The Crest of the Forever Knights, that colt, his family, and friends shall pay with their lives.”

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