• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 36: Monsters of the Dark Part 1

At the ice cream factory where the heroes fought the alien mummy, the guard in the camera room was sleeping before the alarm went off, which startled him awake as he quickly got up and took out a flashlight. “Eh, probably some kids looking for free samples.” The guard groaned as he moved his flashlight around, but then the alarm was slashed with a growl as the lights then were broken in half, which got the guard’s attention as he turned and saw the ceiling light broken.

Soon a familiar wolf-like alien was sniffing the ground until it let out a growl when it picked up a scent. Soon he ripped off the door leading downstairs before kicking down the next one as the alien werewolf sniffed around. He then found a spot as he sniffed on the ground, which made him growled as he used his claws to bust the ground open and lifted up a life-size box made of cement, which contains the alien mummy the heroes fought.

The werewolf then opened up its jaw and released a sonic roar, which caught the guard’s attention as he turned and ran to the source when he saw the door was busted open. Soon the cement box was busted open as the alien mummy was now free. The two monster-like aliens looked at each other before a light was shined on them. "All right kids, start time is over." The security guard said before he realized they weren't kids before our flash of purple lightning struck down on the two. The security guard looked away for a moment but when the lightning was gone, so were the two alien monsters.

A bit later, the mobile base was driving down a road as the radio played. “And be on the lookout on road 818, a prison wagon was reportedly taken over by the inmates.” The stallion informed, and as it predicted, the prison wagon rushed by and bumped into the mobile base and moved aside and rushed right past them.

“Wow! I would’ve predicted that with my Pinkie Senses!” Pinkie exclaimed in surprise.

"Well those guys picked the wrong bridge at the wrong time." Helix declared as he activated the Omnitrix.

"Might I suggest coming up with a plan before you transform?" Azmuth told him as Helix was cycling through different forms. "After all, we are on a bridge."

“Azmuth’s right,” Misty said in agreement.

“Don’t worry, I have an idea.” Helix said with a determined look. “Helen, Ocellus and I will try and see if we can slow down that bus while you guys sit back and relax while enjoying the show."

"Helix, we can help." Twilight told him as he programmed Humungousaur before he pressed the two buttons to make the core pop up.

"Yeah, that's funny Twi, now I'm gone." He said before he slammed down the core but ended up turning into Jet Stream instead. "Oh man! Uh I mean, oh yeah! Jet Stream is gonna bring the pain from above while Helen does it from below!” He cheered.

“The Omnitrix didn’t let you transform into the alien you wanted, didn’t it?” Attea asked with a smirk and her arms crossed.

Jet Stream gave Attea a look when she said that. “Let’s just go.” He said as he walked to the door and flew off.

“I can definitely see your stubborn attitude in him." Xylene told his parents.

"In who?" Both Delta and Dust asked her at the same time.

“You’re kidding? Right?” Xylene asked in amusement.

Jet Steam used his water guns to flew off while Helen and Ocellus, who is armored up, followed behind him. “Next stop, freedom!” One of the inmates exclaimed before Ocellus flew next to them through the window.

“Sorry, but nobody gets out of jail without serving their sentences.” Ocellus said to the inmate.

"Especially when this jet is in this sky!" Jet Stream quipped when he floated next to the bus before he blasted the driver with some water.

“And I thought the showers were too cold.” The inmate commented as Helen sped next to them.

“Though, you should slow down. You’re breaking speed limits here, even by Pegasi standards.” Helen quipped.

“What are these freaks!?” The inmate questioned.

“History.” The second inmate answered as he swung a chain at Ocellus, but she dodged as the mobile base drove up behind the bus.

Jet Stream then flew up in front of the wagon. “I think it’s time for a bit of wagon wash!” He quipped as he fired a beam of water at the wagon, which caused it to serve around as they could barely see as the inmates climbed up with makeshift weapons in hooves.

One of them then swung his chains just as Jet Stream and Ocellus flew by to knock a few of them down. Delta drove up next to the wagon and pressed a button. “Extending gyro blade.” He said as the side of the mobile base showed some lasers powering up

Sandbar then poked his head out when he saw Jet Steam leg’s tied up in the chains while Ocellus knocked a couple more down. “You know, you guys don’t have to it alone you know!” He called.

“Hey, when you got the moves, use them!” Jet Stream called as he flew around and tied the inmates in their own chains.

“Helen, can you try and take out their wheels?” Ocellus called to the speedster.

“On it!” Helen nodded as she rushed to the wheels, but the gyro blasters fired at the same time as Helen took out the first wheel, but the blaster missed as the wagon served around and hit the mobile base as the lasers started firing around.

“Whoa! Sharp turn! Sharp turn!” Rainbow exclaimed.

Jet Stream then enters the wagon where one of the inmates quickly uses a hoofcuff and cuffs him to a pole, which shocks him. “Boy, they sure got some weirdos down here.” One of the inmates said.

“Who are you calling weirdos, weirdo!?” Jet Stream retorted with a glare.

The mobile base finally stopped, but the lasers took out the bridge as Helen quickly skidded to a stop. “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” Helen cried as she stopped where she nearly tripped to the edge.

The prison wagon fell over as Jet Stream and the inmates screamed, but Ocellus quickly used her built in grabble to grab the wagon, which prevented it from hitting the water, but the inmates fell in as they started swimming. “Swim for it!” The first inmate exclaimed as the others got out and looked at the escaping inmates.

“I don’t think so.” Smolder said with a smirk as she took out her spellbook. “Aquata risa sparklota!” She called as her paw glowed blue, and then multiple waterspouts burst and trapped the inmates, which surprised the group as they turned to Smolder in surprise. “I meant to do that.” She said with a smile.

“Impressive.” Hope complimented.

Later the mobile base was parked as Delta, Dust and Xylene were watching some sort of news report while the others were just relaxing. "Hey Misty, have you seen any pretzels around?" Manny asked as he was looking through the cupboards.

“Geeze, I don’t know.” Misty said sarcastically. “Why should I care?” She said while going back to her laptop.

“Hey, what’s your deal, cous?” Helix questioned his cousin with a brow. “We just took down a bus load of escaped prisoners, I think you should--”

“Uh, you nearly ran us over with the bus of escaped prisoners.” Misty corrected with a look.

“We had it handled.” Helix said to her with a brow. “I mean no offense, but you guys got in the way. Everyone knows that those with powers lead, you guys follow.” He said while still looking through the cupboards. “Now where are those pretzels?” He asked before the pretzels were thrown at the back of his head, which made him give a dull look. “Thanks.” He said while giving Misty a look.

“Misty, what is your problem?” Gallus questioned Misty with a brow. “Ever since you’ve joined the group, you’ve been so dense and rude around Helix.”

“What? Because he’s being obnoxious and selfless?” Misty questioned while still looking at her laptop.

"Shh! We're trying to listen to something!” Dust told them as they got their attention while they noticed the news report having a background next to a spaceship shuttle with purple lightning flashing.

Today’s launch of the Equestrian spacecraft has been delayed by a freak electrical storm. This storm has even all of the pegasi confused as an electrical storm was not scheduled this week!” The news stallion informed. “I’ve covered bad weather from the four corners of Equestria, and I’ve never seen anything like this purple lightning!

"But we have a few times during our little trip." Twilight said as they remembered when they saw purple lightning. "First with that alien werewolf in the desert."

"And all my family farm with that alien mummy." Applejack added with a tone. "No way this ain't a coincidence."

This is Lightning Shock, reporting live from the Equestrian Space Center!” The news stallion exclaimed.

“Well, we know what we’re gonna do today.” Spike said with a surprise tone.

“Next stop, NYASA." Dust said as Delta started up the base and drove off.

A bit later, the group arrived at the space center where a stallion scientist was explaining the details of the rocket. “And my redesign of the propellant tanks will increase velocity on the two solid-rocket boosters, allowing for increased high-altitude efficiency.” He explained in a germain-tone while showing the designs. “The changes are already being implemented.”

“Very impressive, Dr. Elect, but since you’re new here, you should know once a launch is scrubbed, protocol dictates a thorough review before--” One of the scientists tried to say.

“Who are you to question my work?” Dr. Elect questioned as he walked up to the stallion with a look, who leaned back a bit.

“Well, I am the flight director of this mission.” The director answered with a look.

Dr. Elect calmed down a bit as he moved back. “Yes, of course.” He said as he walked off while the others watched in confusion.

“Not exactly Mr. Personality, but he is brilliant.” One of the stallions commented. “I can see why you hired him.”

"I thought you were the one who hired him." The director told the stallion in confusion.

"So, what's the plan?" Rainbow asked as they looked at the big building. "Twilight goes in and be all princess-like while the rest of us sneak in to get to the bottom of this purple lightning stuff? Because it's really been bothering me since day one!"

“Actually I had Spike send a letter ahead of time and I have somepony who can get us in without being all suspicious and with less commotion." Dust told the group with a smile.

“Really mom? Who?” Helix asked as he and the others were surprised.

“Just an old friend.” Dust said with a smile.

Inside the station, the group, while the alien group are wearing their ID masks and Azmuth was hiding under Applejack's hat, walked inside while Dust is taking the lead. “Space Dust!” The director from before called with a huge smile as he walked up to her. “What’s it been, 40 moons?” He asked as he and Dust shook hooves.

“Give or take.” Dust said with a chuckle.

“Whatever happened to you?” The director asked as they walked off. “One day you were here, the next day, you were gone. Had to give your little space walk to Armstrong.”

“Armstrong?” Helix asked, feeling familiar with the name. “Like, Apollo 11’s Pony Armstrong? Mom, you were supposed to be the first pony up in space?!” He asked in shock while the others looked as shocked as he was.

“Sure was.” The director said with a smile while gesturing to a mare in an astronaut suit on portrait. “Does this mare look familiar?" He asked while pointing to a frame with a familiar earth pony mare wearing an astropony suit in it. "She was one of the best in the program."

"Uh, let's just say a different duty called, sir." Dust said as she had a sheepish look on her face.

“So, what can I help you with, Dust?” The director asked.

“Just playing tourist.” Dust said with a smile while gesturing to the young group. “Wanted to show the children around the old stomping ground with their friends.”

Helix looked around in amazement before he bumped into Dr. Elect. “Oh, sorry.” He apologized as Dr. Elect looked at him before he saw the Omnitrix, which made his eyes widened as the Omnitrix started beeping.

“Excuse me, Dust, but what is that on the colt’s hoof?” The director asked.

Uncatalog DNA detected. Please standby.” The Omnitrix said.

"Uh! It's a watch from across the seas!" Helix said as he quickly covered the Omnitrix. "My parents got it for me for my birthday!"

"You shouldn't be here, none of you." Dr. Elcet told the group with a tone before he looked at the director. “You brought unauthorized visitors into the facility? Get rid of them now." He ordered as he walked past the group.

“What was that about?” Fluttershy asked in confusion.

"Sorry about him, it's been a really rough day with the delay and all.” The director apologized to the group before he looked at Dust. "Maybe we should reschedule your tour. You remember the way out?” He walked away from the group as Dust then pointed the way forward instead of the way out.

“So, I never did wind up going into space with NYASA.” Dust finished explaining to the group while walking down the hallway.

“Bummer.” Smolder commented.

“Don’t you ever regret not being the first pony in space?” Rarity questioned. “I mean, the fame and glory you would have back then.”

“Let’s just say I took my leaps for ponykind in other ways.” Dust said with a smile before she stopped them. “Hold on.” She whispered as they hid behind a wall as some guards walked by and they continued on.

They then stopped at a front door as Xylene turned to Delta. “Do you and Dust still have your tools?” She asked with a smirk.

"Always do." Delta said as he pulled out some sort of pocket knife before a stick extended out when he pressed a button on the back of it. It then extended two more and started hacking into the security system until the door was unlocked. "A Plumber's standard issue."

"Okay, before we go any further, I like to point out that the Omnitrix was picking up DNA." Manny spoke up while pointing at the watch. "And I mean alien DNA. Every time that happens, a purple lightning always happens, which means another monster alien is around here. I swear if it's a zombie or vampire alien, I'm out."

"You don't have to worry about those kinds of aliens, because zombie-like aliens aren't allowed to leave their home planet considering they're highly contagious and the vampire ones are extinct." Zs'spoocy assured him.

“You really know alien monsters from where you come from, huh, Zs’spoocy?” Flash asked in surprise.

“Take one to know one.” Zs’spoocy said with a smile. "Also my father told me about them."

“Well, let’s go before the guards catch us.” Venus said as they all walked into the control camera room as Dust sat at one of the lone desks.

“NYASA records everything.” Dust said as she started typing on the controls. “Let’s see about that purple lightning.”

With Dr. Elect, he was near the space shuttle as he was working on the controls outside it before the director walked up to him. "There you are, I was wondering where you went." He said to get Dr. Elect's attention. "I want to talk to you about your credentials."

"Not now." Dr. Elect replied with a tone.

“Dr. Elect, I am your superior.” The director said firmly, but Dr. Elect turned to him with a look.

“You have no idea how wrong you are.” Dr. Elect said firmly as the director was tied up in bandages as the alien mummy tied him up as he was pulled away. Then the alien werewolf came to the side with a growl. “Take care of the colt and his friends, I don’t want anything to interfere with our plans.” He ordered as the werewolf growled and jumped down.

Back in the monitor room, Helix and Rainbow Dash let out a board yawn. "I never thought science could make TV so boring until now." Rainbow mentioned as Dust was pulling up the pre-launch images.

“These are pre-launch images.” Dust said while focused. “Okay, we’re onto something here now.”

Helix yawned as he stretched and stood up while gesturing Manny, Helen, Attea, and Zs’spoocy to follow as they walked out of the room. “They have their way of finding out things, we have ours.” Helix said once they were in the hallway.

“Yeah, because this was getting a bit boring.” Manny said as they walked off.

The five walked a bit before they hit a chamber where the forced spinner was in. “Whoa! A mega merry-go-around.” Helix said with a smile.

“This what the astroponies uses to test how much force they could take when blasting off.” Helen explained.

"Still, it is pretty cool." Manny mentioned before they heard familiar growling coming from behind them. They quickly turned around and saw the alien werewolf landing in front of them. "The werewolf?!"

“Here?!” Zs’spoocy asked as the Werewolf charged at them, but Helix shut the door as it head caught it as it growled at them.

“Heatblast is gonna burn his fur coat.” Helix said as he activated the Omnitrix and slammed it down, but instead of heatblast, he transformed into an alien that resembled the mummy, only with green eyes and green streaks. “The Mummy?” He asked in a gruff tone.

“Okay, that’s a bit ironic, don’t you think?” Attea asked with a brow. Then the werewolf got free of the door before pouncing right at them as they quickly got out of the way. "And what's worse, this is your first time using this alien, so really bad for the watch to be messing with you like that!"

“I agree! This thing needs an upgrade!” Helix called as the werewolf pounced at them.

Back with the others, Dust is showing the video. “Here’s the footage when the purple lightning hit.” She said as she played the video as the lightning showed.

“Wait.” Twilight said as Dust stopped the video. “What’s that?” She asked while seeing something on the video. “Dust, zoom in at the corner of the launch pad.” She instructed as Dust did just that as the camera zoomed in to show Dr. Elect. “Dr. Elect?”

"Very odd coincidence, wouldn't you say?" Azmuth asked before he noticed most of the group was missing. "Where are the kids?"

Helix was soon thrown at a wall while Manny get kicked across the ground from an attack of the werewolf. “How do you work these things?” Helix asked while trying to control his bandages.

The werewolf then grabbed Attea before getting tossed across the ground as Helen tried to get it from behind but it grabbed her tail and flung her right at Zs'spoocy just as Manny stood up. “Well, you better figure out how to control the mummy’s abilities or we are gonna wind up as chew toys, bro!” Manny exclaimed.

“Helix, just focus! The bandages are connected to the Mummy’s mind!” Zs’spoocy exclaimed as she flew around while avoiding the wolf’s claws. “They're in command of your will! Just concentrate!”

“Uh, well, okay.” Helix nodded as he then raised his arms and fired the bandages at the werewolf, who dodge it as the werewolf tackled him. But Helix wrapped his bandages around his muzzle as the werewolf struggled to get free, but he ripped the bandages off and tossed Helix back. But as it lunged at him, Helix wrapped some bandages around its waist and tossed him to a window. “Hey, I’m starting to get the hang of it.” He said with a smirk tone. “Maybe I should call this guy, Snare-oh.” He said.

"Uh, cool name and all bro, but I think you accidentally started the ride when you threw the werewolf through the window." Manny mentioned as they saw the forced spinner starting up.

“Oops.” Snare-oh muttered.

The five heroes then jumped to avoid the spinner while fighting the Werewolf as it jumped onto the spinner and tried to swipe him, but then Snare-oh jumped up and kicked him as they fought on the spinner, but then the werewolf gave a sonic roar, which caused the spinner to explode and made a wall as the heroes saw the werewolf was gone.

“Where did he go?” Helen questioned as they saw a shadow figure in the dust.

“Got him!” Snare-oh called as he launched his bandages at it, but he was pulled to the ground as he looked up and saw Applejack holding the bandages.

“I don’t think so.” Applejack said firmly as the others came to them as the four aliens rushed up to them.

“Whoa! Whoa! Easy there, that’s Helix!” Helen quickly explained while gesturing to the Omnitrix on the mummy’s waste.

"Unfortunately, it's true." Snare-Oh said as Applejack let go of the wrappings and let him stand up.

“Sorry about that, we thought you were the mummy." Applejack said in defense. “I guess because you know, you look like the mummy." Soon the Omnitrix timed out and he transformed back into Helix.

"Why did you five go off on your own like that?" Twilight questioned them with a firm look.

“We were only trying to search for some clues until that alien werewolf attacked us." Attea told them.

"Mmm, very odd." Azmuth spoke up as he rubbed his chin. "First that odd doctor was around when purple lightning grounded the shuttle and now the alien werewolf from the desert appears out of nowhere. What's next?"

"Um, that?" Fluttershy asked as she pointed towards the window and they all saw a flash of purple lightning from the clouds.

“We better check this out.” Helix said as he walked ahead.

“Oh, goody. Another game of follow-the-loser.” Misty said with a tone as they followed him before she noticed the others giving her a glare. “What?”

“Misty, when are you gonna let go of that attitude against Helix?” Delta questioned with a firm look. “You’ve been rude to him ever since you tagged along on this trip.”

“Yeah, because so far, Helix has pretty much done a good job at being team leader.” Attea said with her arms crossed. “Something you don’t seem to like or care about.”

“So what? Should I listen to that doofus?” Misty questioned with a glare.

“That ‘doofus’ is our son.” Dust said firmly with a glare, which made Misty flinched. “And your cousin. And so far, he has hardly done anything to you for a while, yet, you are rude to him.”

The group soon arrived at a very large yard filled with old space shuttles. "What in tarnation is all this?” Applejack questioned.

“Garbage, that is!” Rarity exclaimed in disgust. “Honestly, don’t they ever put away garbage in a proper way?”

"This is where the purple lightning came from." Delta said as they looked around.

"So, what exactly is this place?" Silverstream asked.

"We call it the shuttle graveyard." Dust answered. "Rockets, thrusters, engines, capsules, you name it. All past shuttles from every mission. NYASA's is kind of like my uncle, neither one of them likes to throw anything out."

Ocellus then walked up to a shuttle part. “Dust, this dates back 40 moons ago and it says. ‘To the brave ponies who so valiantly reach the heavens’. And there are initials of all of the astroponies.” She said while pointing at one of them. “S.D wouldn’t happen to be you, right?”

“Can't bring back the past, how much you want to." Dust told her before Fluttershy let out a frightful gas when she saw the werewolf on top of one of the shuttles.

“And something tells me he doesn’t want us to live in the present either.” Fluttershy frighteningly said as the werewolf gave a howl, which flung them back.

Helix got his top half stuck in the ground as the others sat up from that son attack. The werewolf then pounces right at them before Dust quickly pulls out a device and throws it right at it. The werewolf’s muzzle was trapped as they all looked at her.

“Plumbers. Standard issue.” She answered before Smolder was caught in bandages as she was dragged before she held onto a machine before seeing the mummy.

“The mummy and the werewolf!?” Smolder exclaimed.

Helix rushed up and was about to activate the Omnitrix, but the mummy tried to grab him as he rushed off, but he was caught before he slammed the core down as he was being dragged across the ground and he transformed into Arctiguana. “Oh, man! What do you have against Humungousaur?!” He questioned.

The mummy kept dragging as it pulled Smolder close but Artciguana came in and shot an ice beam at the mummy, causing its chest to seal shut and he grabbed Smolder. He placed her down as the mummy got free as the others dodged the werewolf’s strikes once it got its muzzle free.

"Look out!" Xylene called out as she quickly used her telekinesis to push the wolf back. “Back off my friends and lovers, Fido!” She exclaimed before she was then zapped by purple lightning.

“Xylene!” Delta and Dust called as they caught her before she fell to the floor before they looked up and saw Dr. Elect.

“I was told about the Omnitrix and how it can detect alien DNA that it does not have.” Dr. Elect started with a glare. “But you are not the only one with the power to transform." They all wondered what he meant by that right before they saw some sort of lightning rods-like devices emerging from his backs just as his eyes glowed purple. Soon his hooves on the front morphed into hands that looked like something from a monster story before the back hubs became armored feet. Soon he revealed himself to be a Frankenstein-like monster with purple electricity coming off of him.

“We could be in trouble.” Venus muttered as they all nodded in agreement.

"Just add an alien vampire into this and we got ourselves a four-way alien monster Blockbuster." Pinkie mentioned nervously.

“There’s gotta be a good rampaging alien monster spell around here somewhere.” Smolder muttered as she took out her spellbook as the heroes regrouped while the monsters huddled around Dr. Elect.

"I want them eliminated now before the launch!" He told the other two monsters before Smolder quickly got in front of the group.

"This spell should be able to blast all you monsters out of here!" She declared with confidence before she recited the spell. "Twista combititus!" She then had a baffled look on her face as nothing happened while they all waited for something to happen.

"Uh, was something supposed to happen right now?" Gallus asked both Smolder and Hope.

“Smolder, were you trying to do the wind spell?” Hope questioned.

“Uh, yeah?” Smolder answered with a shrug.

“Yeah, that was the wrong spell.” Hope said with a brow.

“Then what was it I just said?” Smolder asked while looking at her spellbook.

“How about I show you my trick.” Dr. Elect said. “I’m gonna make you all disappear, for good!” He called as his hands gave an electric charge, which they all huddled together as the metal parts then suddenly formed together into a giant snake as it blocked Dr. Elect blast.

“Snake protecting spell. Defends its user and allies from attacks.” Hope answered with a smirk.

“That is so cool!” Smolder cheered with a wide smile before giving a sheepish one. “Kinda wish I knew how I did it.” She said as the snake kept absorbing the charge, it exploded and launched to the back of a tower, causing it to tilt and fall on the heroes.

Dr. Elect and the two monsters are searching around for them in the rumble. “Enough! We need to prepare for the launch.” He said as the three monsters walked out.

Then once the alien monsters were gone, coming out from the rumble was the group, who were shielded by Twilight to protect them from the debris as the Omnitrix timed out and Helix transformed back.

"I have a feeling that they're taking the corrodium out to that spacecraft. What for? I don't know." Azmuth said with a worried tone.

“Okay, here’s the plan, I’ll go XLR8, Helen, Xylene, Manny, Zs’spoocy, Venus, Ocellus and I will go follow them and find out their plans while you guys go and stop the launch to prevent them from using the corrodium there.” Helix quickly instructed.

“Hello, current events, the Omnitrix just timed out.” Misty pointed out with a brow. “Who knows when it’s gonna let you go hero again?”

“But Helix’s plan is good.” Delta said while rubbing his chin.

“I’m sorry, what?” Misty questioned. “Helix’s is right? You’re kidding.”

"But there is one small problem with that, once you are near Dr. Elect, the Omnitrix functions will be locked out until it gets a DNA sample from him." Azmuth told Helix.

“You’re just telling me this now?!” Helix asked in shock.

"It did happen out in the desert with that alien werewolf before.” Manny pointed out.

“So best to keep your distance and make sure to transform before that happens.” Xylene instructed as Helix nodded.

“Like Helix said, we’ll deal with the launch.” Dust spoke up. “And Helix’s team go after Dr. Elect. Once the Omnitrix recharges, you all will have a little chat with the monster trios.” he then passed the devices that hold the level 10 hazmat suits to each of them. “And just to be on the safe side, each of you take these, if any of us find the corrodium."

Helix nodded as he turned to Misty, who stuck her tongue out to him, which made him give a dull look. “Okay, if you run into trouble, don’t panic. We’ll be there as soon as we can.” Helix said to his cousin.

“Ooh, I feel safer already.” Misty sarcastically said before Helen groaned.

“Misty, will you just appreciate that Helix has a plan? Because you are not even grateful to him now.” Helen said with a look.

“Yeah, for once, can you at least appreciate Helix? Because right now, you are not getting any friendship points.” Manny said with a firm tone as he and Helix’s team walked off, which made Misty look on in surprise as the other half of the group watched Misty with a disappointed look.

“Am I really that rude?” Misty questioned.

“Do you want to make a note of that?” Spike questioned, which made Misty look down in thought as they walked off to their part of the plan.

Helix and his team carefully followed Dr. Elect and the alien werewolf into a chamber while Helix kept his distance as they heard clanging sounds in one of the doors. Which they entered and saw an underground chamber as they climbed down.

“Are you clear on your instructions?” Dr. Elect questioned the werewolf while connecting some cables. “The downlink must be aligned when projection begins.” He said as the werewolf growled in response.

They then saw that the two of them went on some sort of lift as they went up before the group rubbed hold of the cables underneath to follow. They then saw Dr. Elect being hooked up to a machine as he used his powers to open a portal to a mountain in the desert, which the alien werewolf was pulled in as it howled and was teleported there.

“Whoa, talking about advanced portal spell.” Helix whispered in surprise.

“Now it makes sense how the mummy and the werewolf get around, and how there’s purple lightning at the places we’ve seen it in.” Ocellus whispered in shock.

“He was teleporting them around.” Xylene said with a serious tone.

"This would be so cool if it wasn't so freaky at the same time." Attea whispered.

In the launch room, the group walked inside and saw the control room empty like the last one. “Um, where is everyone?” Yona questioned in confusion.

“Let’s not wait around to find out.” Dust said as she got into the computer. “See if you all could access the mainframe.” She instructed as they all took a spot and tried to access the computers, but after a while, they were locked out.

“All the overrides have been locked out. No way to shut it down from this end.” Twilight informed.

"If we can't shut it down from here, we're going to have to do it from inside the spacecraft then." Dust mentioned before she looked at the others. "Maybe you all should stay here just to be safe."

"I think I remember somepony saying something about us being a team." Misty reminded her.

“Yeah, that’s more what our son would’ve said to go alone.” Delta said with a smirk.

“Right.” Dust muttered, seeing their point. “Okay, suit up.” She said as they put on their hazmat suits. “Now we should be ready for anything.” She said as they walked out, not seeing the ponies for the launch tied up and out cold in mummy bandages.

Meanwhile, Helix and his team hid behind a large machine just as they saw the monster doctor was doing some adjustments to the cables. "Now?" Helen asked the others.

"Now." They all agreed just before Helix activated the Omnitrix.

"Now, I just need a little cooperation from this thing." He whispered before he pressed the two buttons and slammed down on the core. He then transformed into XLR8 as he smiled. “Yes! I transformed and got what I ask for!” He said as he turned to Dr. Elect. “That muscle head will never know what hit him. Let’s do this, Helen. The rest of you will charge in once we get him by surprise.”

"Let's do this." Manny said as he cracked his knuckles.

Helen and XLR8 then charged at Dr. Elect at high speed, but to everyone’s shock, Dr. Elect whacked them away as the two speedsters crashed into the ground. “Wow, he has good reflexes.” Attea commented in shock.

“He’s faster than he looks.” Ocellus muttered, a bit scared while in her armor.

“You all will not stop me.” Dr. Elect said as he charged up his powers. “Even with your pitiful array of weakling abilities.” He said as he fired lightning at them before XLR8 and Helen dodge the lightning bolts while the others tucked and rolled from them. Helen then charged right at him before she was grabbed by the tail. “I'll rip you apart!" XLR8 quickly got behind him and started beating him down with his wheels to make him let go of her before he could rip her apart.

“Thanks, Helix!” Helen called with a smile as Dr. Elect roared and he connected the cables onto his back.

“These games have delayed me long enough.” Dr. Elect said as he used his powers and opened a portal behind the heroes, which goes to the arctic as he disconnects and walks off. “Enjoy your trip.” He said as the others all struggled to hold on from the portal.

“We need something to close that portal!” Zs’spoocy exclaimed while flying off to beat the wind.

“How about this?!” Xylene called as she used her powers to move a machine piece to the portal, which went through as it closed.

“Let’s go!” XLR8 called as they rushed off, but quickly stopped when they saw Dr. Elect at the top.

“Uh, what’s he doing with that thing?” Venus questioned.

“You all are resilient.” Dr. Elect admitted with a huge machine beside him. “But your presence changes nothing. All is ready. Observe.” He said as he pressed a button.

Inside the rocket, Flash, Spike, Delta, Dust, Azmuth, Mane and Young Six were climbing up a ladder inside the rocket shuttle before they felt it rumbling. "What's going on?!" Rainbow exclaimed when they felt the rumbling.

"It's the main thrusters ignition!" Dust answered. "It looks like we're going for a ride!" Both her and Delta looked at the strange circle patterns on their hooves which emanate an electromagnetic field.

"A ride, you mean we're blasting off?!" Sandbar exclaimed.

"But what happened to the countdown?!" Silverstream exclaimed with confusion. "Wasn't there supposed to be a T-minus 10 second countdown?! You know, ten, nine, eight, or something!"

"Just hold on to something, very tight!" Pinkie shouted in a panic as she gripped onto the ladder with all four of her hooves.

“We’re about to become astronauts!” Twilight called as the rocket then blasted off into space.

“Mom! Dad! Everyone!” XLR8 exclaimed as they felt the blast off as they glared at Dr. Elect as he touched the cables and used his powers on them.

“We don’t know what your plan is, but it’s over Franken Freak!” Attea exclaimed.

“Oh, it’s not my plan.” Dr. Elect said. “It’s the Master’s. It always was.” He said as he used his powers on a machine, which at the top of it was a piece of the clock tower from the Prep School, Misty tried to apply.

“The Master’s?” Xylene asked in surprise. “Who is the master then?”

Zs’spoocy looked at the top and her eyes widened in recognition. “Wait a minute! We know that piece on top of that machine!” She called as she pointed up, which made Attea, Helen, Manny, Ocellus, Venus, and XLR8’s eyes widened.

“That’s part of the clock tower at the Prep School we were in when first meeting Misty and Zs’spoocy!” Ocellus exclaimed.

“Yes. It is where you all believe you destroy my Master.” Dr. Elect explained with a look before he smirked. “You were all wrong.”

Then coming out of the walls of the clock structure were black goo, which they formed together as they all gasped as purple lightning formed them together and took the shape of a familiar alien ghost they thought was gone. “I live!” Zs’Skayr exclaimed.

“DAD?!/Zs’Skayr!?” The seven heroes who remembered him all exclaimed in disbelief while Xylene looked in shock.

“You know that Ectonurite?!” Xylene asked in shock.

“H-He’s my father.” Zs’spoocy said in complete shock at seeing her father revived.

“Master, all is prepared for your return.” Dr. Elect said with a bow to Zs’Skayr.

“How could this be?!” Zs’spoocy questioned in shock. “H-How could you be here?!”

"Bro, you said that dude was gone!" Manny told XLR8 in a panic.

“And he was! Zs’spoocy and I saw him fried with our own eyes!” XLR8 added, but to make things worse, the Omnitrix beeped as it timed out and transformed back, which made them all panic.

Up above the planet’s orbit, the first two rocket thrusters disembark from the main ship. “Don’t worry. The worst is over.” Dust said to the group as they were now floating in zero gravity.

“Let’s get to the main ship before this part of it gets removed next.” Delta said as they all floated towards the hatch as Delta turned the vial, unknowingly to them, the Mummy was on the other side when it saw the vial turned.

Back in the chamber, Zs’Skayr looked at the shocked heroes while Zs’spoocy and Helix looked on in horror. “I have a score to settle with you all. Especially you, Helix Watch, and my daughter, Zs’spoocy.” He said as he floated down to them as the heroes looked in horror at what they witnessed, as not only are the monsters that are aliens, but now the return of Zs'Skayr.

To be continued…

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