• Published 19th Apr 2013
  • 57,894 Views, 9,329 Comments

MLP Time Loops - Saphroneth

Twilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Equestria.

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MLP Loops 161



The ground trembled as hundreds of ponies stampeded away in all directions.

Princess Luna blinked, looking back along her body. "But We are dressed as a bright yellow bug with googly eyes! How can that possibly be scary?"

Twilight coughed. "Parasprites."

"Oh..." Luna said, nodding. "I see. Our thanks for your advice, Twilight Sparkle – We had forgotten about when that plague struck this fair town."

"My pleasure," Twilight replied, mainly glad she'd handled the Canterlot Voice issue earlier. "Hold on, I'll go talk them down..."

Some minutes later, the ponies of Ponyville were more-or-less settled.

"Ahem!" Luna said, having painted black stripes on her costume so she was now a bee. "May We have your attention?"

"Sure!" called one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Hey, don't speak for us!" Diamond Tiara snapped. She coughed. "Ahem... we would be glad to listen, your majesty."

Luna frowned. "Is that not what the first one said?"

"But..." Tiara looked momentarily lost. "I was more polite about it..."

"Indeed, but all We wanted was an answer," Luna explained. "In any case - it is Our pleasure to inform you that Our royal sister will also be participating in the festivities!"

There were excited mutters through the crowd.

"Our royal sister left Canterlot some time after We did," Luna went on. "And even We do not know what her costume may be."

She stood back a step, and watched.

The day royal chariot skimmed down low over the rooftops, turned, and alighted.

A griffin got out.

Luna's face became slightly fixed. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Lulu, it's me," the griffin explained. "I've got a really good costume this year!"

"...really?" Luna asked, taking a step forwards. "Really."

"Yep," the griffin confirmed.

"Prove it," Luna challenged.

Rolling her eyes, the griffin lashed her tail. Then she shrugged. "Nah, too easy to do it that way..."

"Oh, no..." Twilight said, very quietly, as she realized what was going on.

"Instead - I've brought the Lost Photo Album, an artefact only a Princess can retrieve from its vault."

Luna paled. "Well, that seems-"

"Look!" the griffin-who-was-apparently-Celestia went on, opening it. "It's you fighting a monster made of hay!"

She looked closer at the photo, fending off Luna with a foreleg. "No, wait, it's you buried underneath a pile of hay because you ordered four hundred and fifty servings of hay fries at the restaurant last month, because you thought you had to say how many pieces of hay you wanted."

"We accept your claim!" Luna said. "Please close the album!"

"Of course!" the griffin said, folding it closed and giving a grin. "You were saying?"

"Right," Luna said, nodding. "As We were about to explain, We are going to do Nightmare Night toge-"

A white shape of wings and horn landed with a clatter in the crowd.

"-sister!" Luna said, interrupting herself. "How-"

"What?" the griffin asked.

"Wait, you mean me?" asked the white-coated alicorn standing at the back of the crowd. "Nah, I'm just dressed up as Celestia. It's really me, Gilda the Griffin."

Luna sat back on her haunches. "We give up."

"So, which of you came up with this idea?" Twilight asked, some minutes later.

"Actually, it was Zecora," Celestia chuckled, no longer using her 'Gilda voice'. "She arrived five minutes after we did, and no-one even noticed she was an alicorn..."

161.2 (LordCirce, Evilhumour)

Sleipnir poked his head in the door to his marefriend's office. "Hey, do you want me to escort you down?"

Epona looked up and blinked. "Escort me down to what?"

Sleipnir chuckled. "To your advancement ceremony. Did you forget that it was today?"

Epona stared blankly back at him, before raising an eyebrow. "My... advancement... when did this get announced?"

Sleipnir's chuckles died off. "... Susanoo forgot to tell you, didn't he?"

"To tell me what?" Epona's voice had turned soft and icy.

"Given your exemplary performance in handling the Hyrule Universe, it has been decided that you shall be promoted to Full Administrator Status." Sleipnir grinned as Epona's mouth fell open. "Now, come on, we need to get you down to Tyr's office to officially accept and sign off the last bit of paperwork."

As the two departed, Susanoo let out a deep breath from where he had hidden behind the door. He had been trying to sneak in to let Epona know, and to try and figure out a way to tell her that wouldn't result in her exploding over him forgetting to mention it for the past few days...months... whatever...

"This is a very nice town, Twilight." Moondancer smiled, looking around the small village. "Although with how you described it, I thought Ponyviile would be a little more crazy."

"Ponyville is a bit much at times, but it is still a normal-"

"Heya Twibright!" a drunk voice called out, drawing both mares' attention towards the center of the town, where an eight-legged stallion staggered around. "Guess what? Girlfriend my Epona got higmoted to bull Adminsnip!" The stallion hiccuped and paused, tapping his chin. "I mean promated to ship Adminship!" He giggled, walking over to Twilight and Moondancer to give them a hug, reeking of alcohol, before collapsing in front of them.

Before they could react, they heard a sigh from behind them. Turning around, they saw a massive wolf walk past them and grab the stallion's tail. "Sorry, Twilight, my brother had a bit too much last night celebrating Epona's promotion to full Adminship. He wasn't suppose to work today, and let his assistants take the brunt." Fenrir gave them a sheepish smile before glaring at the drunk Sleipnir. "You better not pass wind or I swear that I'll toss you into the la-"

Everyone winced as a foul air was suddenly exhumed from the passed-out stallion, which made the wolf rear back in disgust. Fenrir gave the mares a smug look before grabbing the horse by the barrel. "I did warn him, ladies." With a jerk of his head, the eight legged horse went through the sky and crashed into the lake with a mighty shout. "I was never here!" Fenrir shouted, running away from the now furious and sober eight-legged horse, both taking to the air with speeds so fast they caused a sonic boom.

Moondancer slowly turned her head towards Twilight and raised an eyebrow.

Twilight raised her hoof up. "Ponyville is a mostly normal town."

161.3 (fractalman)

Twilight stared through her window at the mob of assorted lifeforms.

"Spike, is it just me, or are we being visited by every mlp reviewer on youtube?"

Spike jumped onto her back. "Hmm...sure looks like it."

Then an explosion flung a singed hippogriff in through the window. Twilight facehooved.

Elsewhere, Chrysalis chuckled as Trixie gave her a back massage. "She bought it. "

Trixie scoffed. "Not to disparage your abilities, but Sparkle will figure it out within the hour."

Chrysalis chuckled. "Wanna bet? If she figures it out within the hour, you get to do whatever you want to me. But..."

Trixie nodded. "IF Sparkle cannot figure out that she's been duped by a bunch of changelings, then you get to turn me into soup like you've been wanting to do. Just be sure to resurrect me afterwards." She scoffed again. "Not that Sparkle will take that long."


From the Journal of Sunset Shimmer:

My next Loop found me in the world of Assassin's Creed. In that Loop, two secret groups called the Assassins(who represent free will and the right to choose) and the Templars(who believe in order and control) had fought in secret for millennia.

I had landed in the end of the 15th century, just as the Anchor of that era(like the Star Wars Loops, different eras have different Anchors), Ezio Auditore, had arrived in Rome. He soon took me in as an apprentice in the Assassins, training me in their ways. The first thing he told me was not to use my Loop-acquired abilities under his training, as he wished me to learn without relying on my other powers.

Makes sense. As I had figured a very long time ago, I can't be sure when I won't be able to use my abilities. He trained me in stealth, blending into the crowds, and other tactics. He reminded me of Big Boss a good bit; Ezio and he are friends, apparently. Since that timeframe didn't have the kind of weapons Big Boss' era had, I had to rely more on hiding in plain sight, parkour in case I had to run for it, and close-range combat when all else failed.

I found myself meeting a lot of interesting people, and finding myself a prime player in the fight against the Templars. Some of my comrades even figured I was Ezio's favorite apprentice. After his trip to learn more about his ancestor, Altair, happened, they were right, as he named me his successor.

It was interesting to play a role in history, however miniscule it might be, and I learned new things to add to my list of skills. But in the end, my honor got the better of me, and in a battle against a Templar commander, I was caught by surprise, and I....died.

It was scary to feel my life fade away, though I knew I'd just Awaken somewhere else, but that doesn't mean I don't fear death. Far from it.

Hopefully, I'd learn from that death...

161.4 (Crisis)

Sunset Shimmer groaned as she tried to shake the static out of her hair. Waking Up after the whole Fall Formal demoness incident was never all that fun, especially as it repeatedly reminded her of what kind of person/pony she used to be. Still, the incident served to introduce magic to the alter-Equestria which gave her an opportunity to try and figure out how it worked. She could only lament the fact that she'd forgotten how much she loved doing field research until recently. So many lost opportunities... Still, she'd managed to learn quite a bit about the multiverse. One of the things she'd quickly proven was that magic in one reality did not necessarily work the same as magic in another. Much like the laws of physics, actually. It made for lots of interesting research opportunities.

If only the magic of her friends, the alternates of the Elements of Harmony and the members of The Rainbooms band in this reality, didn't keep finding amusing ways to zap her when she tried to take readings. She could make assumptions on what her friends might be capable of when 'ponying up', but how and why it happened in the first place not only continued to elude her, she was certain that the magic was actively sabotaging her efforts to understand it.

"I give up..." she moaned from where she'd allowed herself to collapse on the floor while the Rainbooms began band practice away from the instrumentation she'd set up. "I'm no closer to knowing how magic works here than I've ever been..."

"That easily?" a male voice that Sunset wasn't used to intervened in her thoughts, reminding her that she had a pair of visitors this Loop. Something she normally didn't. Visiting loopers usually ended up in Equestria with Twilight and the others.

"Do you have any idea how many times I've run tests like this, only to end up zapped, splatted, defenestrated, and otherwise humiliated?"

"Watching you cough up a puff of rainbow smoke was kind of funny," a female voice admitted and Sunset snorted in amusement despite herself.

"Yeah, well, thanks for helping me out, Rock, Roll," Sunset sighed and sat up, trying to brush herself off as she looked at the twin loopers. "Have I mentioned how glad I am to see you again?"

"A few times," Rock grinned.

"At least you didn't ask us to autograph your copy of Daring Do and the Curse of the Magi again," Roll grinned. (*) "Or any of the other books written about that Loop."

"Sorry about that by the way," Sunset blushed. "It just sounded so impressive when I read about it the first time. Ahuizotl, Tirek Sunstar, Discord, Waltz, the Dark Mane, King Sombra," Sunset trailed off and her expression turned somber, "Dr. Wily subverting the Elements of Harmony..."

"Um..." Roll hesitated on seeing Sunset's guilty expression. "That wasn't in any way your fault, you know."

"Yeah," Rock agreed. "You weren't even part of that Loop. What Wily did with the Elements and their bearers had nothing to do with you."

"Maybe..." Sunset hugged herself. "Maybe not. After all, I was the one villain in the baseline who successfully subverted an Element of Harmony, however temporary. I can't help but feel that the possibility itself is tied to that event."

Rock and Roll remained silent and exchanged glances with each other.

"You know what your problem is, Sunset?" Roll asked, getting a look from the other girl. "You give up too easily."


"Yeah, especially on yourself," Rock nodded as he dialed a number on his phone. "Hold on. Hi dad, yeah I'm at school with friends. Look, we've got a budding researcher here who's so frustrated with a lack of results that she's ready to give up the whole thing. Uh-huh. Yeah, Sunset Shimmer. You remember her, right? Studying magical manifestations. They happen while playing music. Gotcha. See you soon," Rock ended the call. "He'll be right over."

"Uh..." Sunset blinked. "How soo–"

A door suddenly slammed open, startling Sunset as well as the Rainbooms from their practice. Silhouetted in the doorway was a stout bearded man in a labcoat, holding several rolled-up charts and wearing stylish shades. Dr. Light had arrived.

"Um... doesn't that door lead to the band closet?" Pinkie expressed the band's collective confusion.

"I come in the name of SCIENCE!" Dr. Light declared, pointing dramatically.

"How?" Sunset wondered incredulously.

"Remember how we told you that dad studied Pinkie Pie's abilities that Loop while Unawake?" Rock whispered. "Well, after we last met, he Dreamed up the research one Loop and set about replicating them."

"Again, how?"

"Why, with SCIENCE! dear girl!" Dr. Light declared from behind Sunset, making her jump several feet into the air.

"That makes no sense!" Sunset accused upon landing.

"It makes perfect sense!" Dr. Light returned, striking a pose. "After all, what is SCIENCE! if not study? What is it if not the power to stare into the unknown and declare that it shall be made known? To seek out the shrouded mysteries of existence, present yourself before them and say 'teach me!'? To unravel the secrets of the cosmos with neverending wonder, marveling at each new tidbit of knowledge they give up, and persisting no matter if the research takes a day or a lifetime? Or, indeed several lifetimes? The drive to ask questions of the unknowable and transform it into the known! That is SCIENCE!"

The room was silent for several beats as six of the eight students gaped in astonishment at the man.

"Dude!" Rainbow found her voice first. "Did you actually just make studying sound awesome?"


"Is it wrong that I suddenly have the biggest schoolgirl crush on your dad?" Sunset whispered to Roll while blushing crimson.

"I wish I could say this was the first time that happened," Roll sighed.

"Now, head researcher Sunset," Dr. Light continued, causing the girl to jump at the address, "I believe you were studying the manifestation of magic through music?"

"Head researcher? Me?" Sunset blinked in astonishment. "Er... I mean, yes, but all the readings I took just blew up in my face. The instrumentation can't get any clear reading."

"Well, then, we start with observation of the phenomenon then," Dr. Light proceeded, unperturbed. "Perhaps ask questions of the subjects afterwards about how the manifestation feels."

"Well..." Fluttershy responded quietly, "it does feel kind of warm and nice, like being hugged by lots of cute fluffy bunnies."

"Mine rather feels like a walk down the runway while wearing the most fabulous dress," Rarity added.

"The satisfaction of a hard day's work," Applejack nodded.

"My sheer awesomeness!" Rainbow Dash strutted.

"THE MOST EPIC PARTY EVER!" Pinkie yelled.

"And," Dr. Light stopped Sunset from writing those down by placing a gentle, but firm, hand on Sunset's notepad, "do not forget to include all known subjects."


"Dear Sunset," Dr. Light chuckled, "I was there at the battle of the bands. I saw you undergo the very same phenomenon you are trying to study. How the magic works with you is as relevant to this research as how it works with them."

"Yeah!" Rainbow shouted, holding up Sunset's guitar. "Get up here and pony up with the rest of us!"

Sunset looked between the Rainbooms and the visiting loopers for a few moments, before giving in to the emotions of the moment and joining her friends.

"Alright! One... two... one two three four!"

161.5 (ORBSyndicate)

Sunset just couldn't figure out where it all went wrong.

All she wanted to do was try some fishing. Sunset happened to like meat, after all. And fish was particularly good when grilled with a light batter and some fresh herb seasoning and-

She really had been affected by the Cooking Mama loop... It was probably best to get that out of her system pronto.

So she had gone fishing. She had taught herself how to put a hook on a line (after much jamming of hooks into fingers) put bait on a hook (worms, while dirty, were excellent for luring in the scaly critters) and casting (snags. Snags had been difficult to overcome).

Just as she had gotten relatively good at fishing, Applejack had shown up, saying that she had never bothered to learn how to fish, and that she'd like to now. Sunset taught her, of course.

Rainbow came next. She was difficult, simply because of how impatient she was. But Sunset prevailed, getting her to sit on a rock for an hour and reel in big fish. Rainbow enjoyed the fight. And the eating, but mostly the fight.

Pinkie didn't even need to be taught. Rarity did, but never really learned. Fluttershy had originally had qualms, but she let them do what they wanted.

It became a bit of a tradition for them to go fishing every day after school. They got lots of fish. It was enjoyable.

Then more people started coming.

Snips and Snails, who were so loud they kept scaring the fish.

Flash, who just... couldn't do it correctly. Not for lack of trying.

Trixie, who just kept yelling "THE STUPID AND INSOLENT FISH ARE NO MATCH FOR THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!" Which, of course, scared the fish away. Sunset was amazed at how many people seemed to think fish didn't have EARS.

And more and more people came. Sunset had become the teacher of fishing. It was what she was now. She was the fisherwoman.

The river was extremely crowded now, and people didn't actually catch fish as often. Sunset twitched. She just wanted to sit, fish, and enjoy herself. But fishing got annoying after several days of catching nothing and-

"What an impressive thing you have done, miss Shimmer."

Sunset looked up. "Principal Celestia?"

"It's amazing that you have gotten so many vastly different people here, together, having a good time. Look at all of them."

Sunset did so. People were talking, chattering. Bullies were next to nerds, not actually at odds. The human Cutie Mark Crusaders were trying out their new better fishing invention (which didn't work). Bulk Biceps was screaming "YEAAAAAH!" when he successfully tied a hook, and everyone clapped. People were talking, laughing, and having a good time. There was the table set up with a portable gas skillet, where Flash was cooking up the fish that were caught, dishing them out to everyone. It was... a nice image.

Sunset sighed. She supposed it was a good thing. She looked up at Principal Celestia. "You want to learn how to fish as well?" She offered.

"Me? No. I fished a lot when I was young. My sister is the one here who needs to learn. LUNA!"

Luna came out from behind a tree. "Do I have to?"

"Yes, you need to learn."

"But worms are... icky."

"Yes they are, but fish are tasty and you need to catch up on missed childhood opportunities."



"...Fine. I suppose it might be enjoyable."

Sunset rolled her eyes and began to teach Luna the basics of putting a hook on a line. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all-

"EVERYBODY DUCK!" Applebloom yelled as the CMC ran away from their odd fishing device as fast as they could. The river exploded, a fish flying out of the river into Sunset's face.

The news tomorrow would have a section about the four minutes it rained fish. Sunset still had no idea how the device, which just looked like a triple fishing pole, had managed THAT.

161.6: (Kris Overstreet)

"We'll never succeed," Buttercup moaned, trying to brush bits of lightning quicksand out of her dress. "We may as well die here."

"No, no," Westley assured her. "We have already succeeded. I mean, what are the three terrors of the Fire Swamp?" He held up one gloved finger. "One, the flame spurt - no problem. There's a popping sound preceding each; we can avoid that." He added a second finger. "Two, the lightning sand, which you were clever enough to discover what that looks like, so in the future we can avoid that too."

"Westley," Buttercup sighed, "what about the HODS?"

Westley shrugged. "Horses of Diminutive Size? I don't think they exist."

The instant the terminal t of the last word passed his lips, a cannon shot rang out from a nearby bush. Westley and Buttercup flinched, then slowly uncurled as they realized, instead of grievous bodily wounds, they each bore a plate with a slice of cake in one hand and a small cup of fruit punch in the other. Paper party hats perched atop their heads.

Two popping sounds rang out, and a moment later twin fountains of flame erupted from the swamp, illuminating a banner: HAPPY ESCAPING-HUMPERDINCK-AND-SURVIVING-THE-FIRE-SWAMP PARTY!

Under the banner stood six ponies of improbable colors and, yes, rather diminutive size. Two had wings. One had a horn. One had both. And one in particular had a case of chronic bouncing.

The purple one with both wings and a horn pointed to the bouncy pink one and said, with a touch of embarrassment, "It was her idea."

161.7 (Anon e Mouse Jr., Masterweaver, Vinylshadow, fractalman)

"Oh yes," Twilight confirmed, "Cadance makes excellent pizza. It's just amazing."

"What does she make it with?" Applejack asked.

"She makes it with love," Twilight said flatly.

Rainbow Dash cringed.

"That was awful," Pinkie said.

Fluttershy and Rarity rolled on the ground with laughter.

"But seriously, what does she make it with?" asked Spike.

"Mostly water, bread flour and yeast," Cadance spoke up from behind him. "Plus a few more ingredients. But the real secret is in how you work the dough once it's ready."

Pinkie nodded. "Yep yep yep!"

Twilight eyed her suspiciously, then turned to Cadance. "I have to ask, when did you get so good at making pizza? I don't remember you liking it in baseline."

Cadance smiled. "I had a Hub loop a while back, and one of the people I met spent a lot of time watching the Food Network. Thanks to him, I got hooked on a really good cooking show called Good Eats, so before the Loop ended, I made sure to get all the host's books and DVDs, and even transcripts of the episodes, so that I could try out some of the non-meat cooking applications when I came back here. His pizza dough is really good. And wait until you try the peanut butter fudge!"

"You have books?" Twilight's eyes widened. "Where?"

"You have fudge?" Pinkie said at the same time. "Where? Where?"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "She said the magic words."

Her eyes narrowed, Twilight huffed at her friend as the others laughed.

Elsewhere in Equestria, Chrysalis munched on her slice. "Mmmm... made with love..."

Trixie watched her marefriend and snickered to herself. Trixie will definitely have to thank Cadance for giving her a sample of her work.

161.8 (Kris Overstreet)

Twilight Sparkle really, really wished Trixie was Awake for this Loop.

"An' then we hit th' actuator," Apple Bloom said. "An' that's when that happened."

Twilight's gaze followed Apple Bloom's pointing hoof up into the air, where the remains of one of Sweet Apple Acres' older barns floated about twenty feet in the air, the debris collapsed upon itself in an ever-tightening ball. She could hear the occasional crackle and snap of old timbers being compressed.

"We thought," Scootaloo added, repeating part of the inexplicable explanation from before, "that since so many other things we build trying to get our cutie marks blow up, that we should try making something designed to blow up."

"And instead," Twilight replied, "you got that."

"Instead of explosion, we got implosion," Sweetie Belle agreed. "We were hoping you could tell us what went wrong."

Part of Twilight's mind was amused, possibly even enthusiastic, that the Cutie Mark Crusaders had somehow stumbled across an entirely novel and unknown magic spell to generate artificial gravity- unknown even to herself. That was the minority opinion inside her skull; the majority still voted for finding the nearest unaffected wall, or possibly one of the conveniently nearby apple trees, and banging her head against it until the world and all its insanity went away.

How? How? HOW???

They aren't even AWAKE this Loop!!

Not far off, a ripe, heavy apple snapped off its stem and fell up.

161.9 (Anon e Mouse Jr.)

"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to mortals. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of a pony's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone. "

Twilight looked up from the script she was reading. "And no, it is not a clever euphemism for my house!"

Off-screen, somepony groaned. "CUT!"

Twilight grinned. "Sorry, Director. I couldn't resist."

Famed Mercy, the series director, was too busy face-hoofing to respond, but his assistant could, and did. "Twilight, when you agreed to be the hostess for this show, you promised you'd take the job seriously."

"I know, Coco, I know." Twilight's face brightened. "But look at it this way: when the DVDs come out, now you have the first blooper for the extras."

"There is always that," Coco Pommel acknowledged. "All right, let's take it from the top!"

As Twilight cleared her throat and began reciting her lines again, she was grinning inwardly. Loops where I decide to be an actress and work in Applewood are fun. I should do this more often!

161.10 (Anon e Mouse Jr.)

"Hey, Twilight."

"Sunset!" Twilight looked up from the comic she'd borrowed from Spike. "Oh thank goodness. This latest Loop expansion... I haven't had anything new to do in a while, and it's driving me out of my tree! Metaphorically speaking," she added. "So, what brings you here?"

"Not much." Sunset shrugged. "Our side's expanding slightly, but not a whole lot yet. And since it's the weekend and nobody had any plans, I figured I'd drop in and say hi. And, give you a warning."

"A warning?" Twilight's eyes widened. "What kind of warning?"

"After all the Fused Loops I had at the start, I have a couple of different kinds of precognition." Sunset tapped the side of her head. "And right now, they're all telling me something big, like Sombra or Tirek-big, is coming up. I don't know exactly what it is, or when it's going to happen, but... keep your eyes peeled, okay?"

Twilight nodded. "I will." She cocked her head. "So, what kind of expansions are you having?"

"Well, there's this big competition coming up between Canterlot High and the Crystal Prep Academy..."

161.11 (masterofgames)

"Okay everypony, what's the first song you weaponized as a heartsong?"

Vinyl shrugged. "Call me a sucker for the meme, but I used, 'Everybody do the Flop!' for my first." she admitted, chugging the last of her drink and then smashing the wooden mug with her forehead. "... Okay, ow! Ow... ow... ow... That seemed like a better idea before I did it. Ow..." she groaned, flopping to the floor and holding her head, rolling side to side slowly.

Twilight rolled her eyes, leaning back just a bit in her chair to look under the table. "I'd heal you, but then you wouldn't learn anything." she called down to her.

Fluttershy raised a hoof. "You already know mine. 'I like trains', remember?"

"Trixie performed a rousing performance of 'Trigger Happy' during the Canterlot wedding invasion." Trixie smirked.

Spike grinned. "Same time, same place, 'Ultimate Showdown'. I played the part of Godzilla myself."

Trixie shot him a scowl, and reluctantly resigned herself to paying for her next drink.

Gilda shot Trixie a look. "Huh. Go figure. I thought you would have used 'Drop the Bomb'. Ah well. I used 'Mortal Kombat'. It only seemed right after my training with Ammy to do something that sounded Eastern, even if it wasn't."

Shining slumped his shoulders. "I used 'Kung Fu Fighting'... I'm not winning this one, am I?"

Rarity shook her head. "A bit too cliche I'm afraid, though it beats mine. I simply used the washing up song from Snow White's baseline against the Diamond Dogs."

"I know I'm not eligible for the prize," Berry called from the bar. "but I did a five part marathon, weaving together 'Beer', 'drink and fight', '307 Ale', 'seven drunken pirates', and 'f*** you, I'm drunk'.

Nobody said anything for several moments as they all turned to look at Berry, who in turn ignored them and kept putting the clean glasses away.

161.12 (Evilhumour)

Inside a clubhouse, three little fillies Awoke and looked at each other with a tired sigh.

The living glop of water and dirt filly with a bright red bow looked at her normal equine shaped friend with one oddity.

The exception to the norm was that instead of possessing a normal equine head, she instead had a pin sticking out of her neck.

Their third friend had mostly normal features of a pony; one head, a mane, four legs and a tail. What was different about her was that her entire body bared a striking resemblance to that of a feather duster, one bright orange one to be exact.

With a glop as Applebloom opened her mouth, the mud pony said, "Ah really hate this variant."

Sweetie Belle simply chimed her annoyance with her pinhead, trying to learn how to speak again without possessing lips.

The feather duster normally known as Scootaloo nodded her head, trying to take off from the ground, her entire body buzzing as it struggled to lift her in the air. With a plop as she fell to the ground, the fillies began to cough as dust was sent everywhere.

161.13 (Vinylshadow and Anon e Mouse Jr.)


"Yes, Rarity?"

"...did we inadvertently anger Pinkie Pie in a previous Loop?"

"I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why we are pastries in Sugercube Corner... one that's not related to Pinkie Pie."

"Hi girls!"

Twilight looked at the pink cupcake to her left (as much as she could without being able to move). "Pinkie?"

"Yuppers!" The cupcake smiled. Somehow. "This is fun! I've been a cupcake before, but this is the first time any of my friends have been desserts with me!"

Twilight metaphorically shook her head. "… I don't even want to know."

A yellow-frosted cupcake could be heard making a squeaking noise nearby.

A moment later, several ponies turned pastries were internally screaming with terror as they were scooped up and put into a box, realizing what this meant. (Pinkie, on the other hand, could be heard going "Wheee! I'm going for a ride!")

About half an hour later, the box was set down on a kitchen table, and opened. "Girls?" Lyra stared at them. "I got all of you, didn't I?"

"Ah hope so," an apple fritter replied. "Um... you aren't going to eat us, are you?"

Lyra stared in disgust. "Of course not! Why would I eat my own kind? Let alone my friends?"

Twilight blinked (so to speak). "Your own... Sweetroll?"

The pastry turned unicorn nodded. "I'm in charge of our body this Loop - that's how I can understand you, by the way. And I Pinkie Promise, I have no intention of eating any of you. Or of letting anyone else do so."

There were several sighs of relief. (And one whisper of "Forever…" from the pink cupcake.)

"I will have to stick you in the freezer though. Just so you don't spoil."

An ice cream cake nearby sighed in relief. "Please do, before I melt!"

Sweetroll nodded. "Right away." As she opened the freezer, the pastry ponies heard a hiss.

"The liiiiight, it burnsssss ussss!"

Sweetroll rolled her eyes. "Hello, Luna, I've bought your friends over."

"Friendsss?" the Moon pie chirped.

"She's been in there for a few weeks... better than the moon, but still, she's not had company..." Sweetroll explained, putting the colorful edibles around the black and white pie, and making sure to set the ice cream cake right next to it. "Play nice and I'll keep an eye out for anyone else."

A while later, one black raspberry eclair, one vanilla cream eclair, one pink-frosted cupcake, one yellow-frosted cupcake, one apple fritter, one tray of Rainbow Cookies and the ice cream cake that was Celestia had settled into their new home for this Loop.

Rainbow Dash shifted uncomfortably (as much as a tray of cookies could). "So… now what?"

"I don't really know, Rainbow Dash. I don't really know." Twilight sighed. "So… anyone know any good bar discussions that just the eight of us could do?"

The next Loop…

Mac looked up as seven unhappy mares walked into his bar. "Bad loop?"

"Mind-numbingly boring," Twilight corrected him. "We were all pastries or other desserts, and spent almost two years locked up in Lyra's freezer. Fortunately, it was just us, and nobody else had it happen to them."

Mac winced.

"We couldn't move," Twilight continued. "We could talk, but… well, two years in the dark, not moving, and running out of conversation topics after a while… it got to us. Well, except Pinkie, but you know what she's like. That's why she's doing her usual routine now instead of being here with us." She shook her head. "Needless to say, we're all more than a little stir-crazy, so hit us with your best shots!"

As Mac nodded and walked away to get their drinks, Rarity sat down on the stool next to Twilight's. "Really, darling? "Hit us with your best shots"?"

Twilight blushed. "I kind of came up with that one in a Hub loop a very, very long time ago, and I've been waiting for a chance to use it."



Twilight Sparkle Awoke, and found she had just finished reading a book on how Princess Luna (not Nightmare Moon, already a good sign) had banished the mad Princess Celestia to the sun.

She took the fact that she was still reading in broad daylight as a good sign, as well as her memories showing no sign of anything potentially worrying about Luna, who was still her mentor, or her behaviour.

So, baseline with some names moved about a little, it seemed. Nothing dangerous or worth getting concerned about at the moment.

And then a scroll appeared in front of her. Mildly intrigued, she unfurled it, and read.

"Twilight. I'm Awake, and for reasons that cannot be explained within the length of a single letter, so is Nyx. We're fine. Yes, Celestia is imprisoned in the sun. And I am worried a thousand years with nothing to do but think may have given her some great ideas for pranks.

Also, she could be slightly insane.

Also also, Nyx requests that I tell you she sends her love.


Twilight carefully double-checked the scroll, then carefully folded it up and turned in the direction of her library.

It was, she noted, a very good thing she hadn’t made any plans for that Loop.

A few minutes later, after some checking with Spike, and arranging a few details for that Loop, along a quick triple-check to make sure everything was taken care of, Twilight teleported to Ponyville.

As the light dimmed down from her eyes, she saw the tell-tale signs of Rainbow Dash approaching.

“Hey, Twilight.” The Pegasus declared, “What’s up this Loop?”

Twilight quickly filled her and Spike in.

“So, Celestia’s the one that got banished.” Rainbow observed. “But otherwise same as normal, right?”

“So it would seem.”

“Cool, cool.” Rainbow nodded. “The rest of the girls are Awake by the way. I’m not sure if everyone else is, though.”

“Alright then.” Twilight said. “All we have to do is keep watch until Celestia “escapes”.”

“Is she Awake?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“No idea. If she is, she’s not giving any hints.”

“Oh, great.”

The hours passed. Day turned to night turned to day again. The longest day of a thousand years came… and passed with no dramatic alicorn appearances whatsoever. Or even the slightest hint anything was at all amiss.

Which naturally had everypony suspicious.

“Okay…” Twilight said, to the gathered element bearers. “Celestia is free, and if she is Awake she’s not telling us. So, where would a (potentially) mad alicorn who’s escaped from a thousand years imprisonment go?”

Several microseconds blinked past as the six ponies each realised there was only one solution.

A quick teleport later, and the six arrived on the front doorstep of the former palace of the pony sisters.

Carefully, and with Pinkie acting as the scouter for any traces of “fun”, they tentatively made their way inside.

Fortunately, there were no pranks lying in wait. Instead, there was something much stranger.

Lo, and behold, there indeed was Princess Celestia waiting for them.

Aside from her mane and tail being alight, and the way her eyes were aglow with a fearful malignancy, she looked pretty sane.

Mainly because crazy ponies weren’t usually perusing what looked like paperwork.

On seeing the six approaching, she smiled and waved at them.

“Good afternoon, everypony.” She said. Twilight stopped and looked outside, at the dark purple night.

“It’s nine in the evening.” She declared. Celestia blinked, looked out of the nearest window, and then looked embarrassed. She then muttered something under her breath.

“Sorry.” She said. “I got distracted with work.”

“Celestia…” Twilight began, “You are Awake, aren’t you?”

“Oh, yes, I am.” Twilight allowed herself to relax slightly.

“It’s just…” Celestia paused, “I had some ideas I’d like to try out. Can we hold off the Element blasting for a few weeks?”

Twilight considered this for a moment. “Okay. Alright.”

“Thank you.” Celestia smiled, before it suddenly vanished and her visage turned serious.

“Now then, you fools, you may have your Elements”

“Overacting much?” Rainbow Dash asked. Celestia stopped what she was doing and considered this, before shrugging.

“Eh. I am supposed to be insane.” She stopped, and looked about. “Where was I?”

“Fools.” Fluttershy said.

“Thank you.” Celestia smiled. “You may have your Elements, but I have my trusty minion! Sunset!”

At this, Sunset Shimmer strolled into the room, as if this was perfectly normal.

“Uh…” Applejack began. Words apparently failed her, and she went for a good old fashioned “What?”

“Oh,” Sunset said, “I woke up early. And I wasn’t Luna or Nyx’s student. And the portal was hidden somewhere. So I had to find something else to do, and then yesterday Celestia shows up and asks me if I want a job as an Evil Minion.”

Celestia looked sheepish. “I was trying to assemble a group of counterparts, make a real show of it, but the interviews didn’t go very well for some reason.”

“I think,” Sunset said dryly, “that had something to do with offering them tea.”

“I was just being polite.”

“And you scared them away. Evil maniacs don’t offer prospective minions tea and biscuits!” Sunset retorted. “Now I have to do all the work.”

“What work? We haven’t actually done anything yet.”

The yellow and red unicorn stopped for a moment and considered this. “True…”

At this, the two looked at the assembled group looking at them.

“Then we had better get started.” Celestia declared, her horn suddenly coming alight. “See you in a few weeks, everypony!”

And with a flash of light, the two were gone, leaving the six ponies standing there. After a few seconds, everypony became aware of a strange noise coming from Twilight Sparkle. Rarity, being the closest, gingerly placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Twilight, are you alright?” She asked.

“Just…” Twilight announced through gritted teeth, “Peachy.”

There was the tell-tale sound of two ponies teleporting into the room, followed quickly by planned speeches dying on the tongue (it was something you learnt after a good half a dozen thwartings).

“I’m going to guess things didn’t go to plan.” Twilight heard Nyx say.

“You sure you’re alright?” Rainbow Dash asked Twilight. “You’re going a funny colour.”

After a few seconds of calculating the exact response, and what exactly Celestia’s most likely plan was, Twilight could find only one answer.

“I need a drink.”

It took three weeks before the first sign of Celestia's schemes appeared.
Quite literally, a sign.

"I..." Twilight began, as she took in the sight. "I don't..."

"Yeah..." Nyx commented, "I'm kind of confused how this is supposed to work as well. Given, y'know..."

The "sign" in question was a large billboard, prominently displaying Celestia (mad glowing eyes and ethereal fire-y mane and all), along with seven words.

Vote Celestia! It proclaimed. A Name You Can Trust!

161.15 (Detective Ethan Redfield)


Countless ponies fled in all directions, running back and forth, out of and back into villages. Houses were ransacked as some tried to pack up and leave in a hurry, only to realize they were packing up the wrong house. Somehow, this ended with Golden Oak's Library being uprooted in the resulting madness and carried away to the furthest edge of Equestria...though that might have been Doctor Whooves at work upon later reflection. Right then though, Twilight stared down the centerpiece of the chaos, a trio of fillies that were giggling to themselves.

"What do you have to say for yourselves, girls," asked Twilight.

Scotaloo held up her hoof, "Ascending in the middle of Ponyville is fun!"

Twilight's glare grew heavier as the girls started rubbing their manes out of nerves. Sweetie Belle tried next, "Uh...randomly ascending in the middle of Ponyville might not have been the best idea."

Twilight rolled her hoof over, causing Applebloom to gave a sheepish grin. "And...making a bet with the town that we'd become alicorn princesses before we'd ever get our cutie marks might surprise them just a bit."

Spike sighed and shook his head. "I think what really set them off was when Rainbow Dash joked about the Crusaders becoming alicorns would herald the end of the world as we knew it."

Twilight turned her glare on Spike. "It didn't help that they decided to ascend immediately after she said that."

161.16 (Evilhumour, with Purrs's help)

Rubbing her face with a hoof, Twilight groaned as her tree spontaneously combusted yet again.

"Why did you blow up this time?" Twilight demanded rhetorically.

She hadn't expected an answer at all, and she certainly hadn't expected this one: "I want to get Senpai Yggdrasil to notice me, Twilight!" The loud, shrill voice pierced the air; Twilight recoiled as her tree shook violently. The flames, which had died down as quickly as they had sprung up, returned with an even greater intensity. "NOTICE ME, SENPAI!" the Golden Oaks wailed.

Twilight stared at the lovelorn library, muttered, "Screw this," and stormed off to the bar to get drunk and forget this had ever happened.

Once she had left, two mares cackled their way out from behind the tree.

"You do know that, once Twilight figures out what we did, we'll be sent straight to the moon, right, lovebug?" Trixie smirked at her marefrend, moving in for a nuzzle.

The changeling queen smirked right back. "Where there's nopony else but us for hundreds of thousands of miles? That's hardly a punishment at all."

"Very true." The showmare failed to stifle a squeak of laughter. "The look on her face!"

"Besides, it is her fault for banishing you to Tartarus." Chrysalis's façade of sternness crumbled into giggles. "No one messes with my little pony!"

161.17 (Evilhumour)

"I'm going to be a mom?" Cadence repeated in the same stunned tone as before.

"Yes, as that's what the details are indicating," Sleipnir said to the two ponies sitting across of him. "While I do not know all the details for sure, the royal family is going to have a new member very shortly."

"That's," Shining licked his lips as his emotions were threatening to break out, pausing to gather his thoughts. "I don't know how to say it, but..."

"I'm going to be a mom?" Cadence was still in shock at the news, repeating the same words again.

"All we ever wanted since we've started to loop sir," Shining placed his hoof on his wife's arm, "We thought we'd have to wait until the loops end, but this is simply all of our dreams come true."

"I'm going to be a mom?"

"I know," Sleipnir said with a soft smile to the couple. "Although, your child more than likely will never loop, unless I get a lot more details out of your Branch to support your child."

"Sir," Shining Armor shook his head, liquid pride flowing freely from his face. "The fact we finally get to be parents, of our own child, is our dreams come true. If we have to wait a few more eons to have our child to grow up, then so be it," Shining then smiled at his Admin. "Besides, I'm sure Caddy will love to be with her foal no matter what."

"Shining," Cadence's change of words caught Shining and Sleipnir's attention. Looking straight at her husband, she was crying tears of joy. "I'm going to be a mommy!"

Hugging his wife tightly, Shining nodded his head as the both of them cried, their greatest wish answered so unexpectedly. Sleipnir took his leave from the expecting couple, feeling better about his duty then he had for a very long time.

161.18 (Scorntex)

Funny, Cadance thought. She'd been through this moment, this day so many times. Details varied, of course, as they so often did. Sometimes someone would be Awake, or there would be a newcomer in play, or someone wanted to test something out, or Twilight had gotten distracted with a project.

She'd have thought after all those times, all those tries, she'd have stopped feeling the way she did. Nervous, perhaps. Tense. And somewhere, deep down, buried beneath everything else there was actually regret.

For him.

For Sombra.

She knew why. Because she believed that at least one version of him had to have been a good pony at some point. Because she believed there must have been something, perhaps, worth saving in the darkened pit that was his heart.

But then she remembered that Loop. That one so long ago. The one she'd woken up as his... as his. In that twisted parody of Equestria, and the memories that came with it.

And suddenly all desires of forgiveness and redemption vanished.

She was tired. The result of playing things a little too closer to baseline for comfort meant he'd been hammering away at her and Shining's defences for days now, stronger than usual too. And getting the Crystal Ponies to cheer up and remember themselves had been proving difficult all of a sudden.

And then Spike and Rarity couldn't find the Crystal Heart anywhere.

The surprise had caused the shields to weaken, just enough for him to seep through. Crystal Ponies ran in a blind panic, as she slowly walked through the streets towards where he was hovering.

Those wild eyes focused on her. Maybe this Sombra still had a mind. Maybe he was the maddened beast of some Loops. The harsh growl that reverberated through the air as she approached wasn't much help.

"You." Came his voice. The dark clouds of his form roiled.

"King Sombra," she declared. "I offer you one chance to surrender yourself."

He wasn't going to take it. Not that she truly had much hope for that, but there was always the chance.

The noise that could have been laughter, and the sneer on his face was his response.

"Or what, little girl?" There was something that could have been a snort. "Will you fight?"

"Yes." She said.

"You can barely stand."

"I will still fight." She said. "I will protect these ponies from you."

He laughed. It wasn't, frankly, the best noise to ever hear. "Protect? How? I am a part of them. I am in their very hearts, I am in their souls. When they close their eyes, I am waiting for them. When they sleep, it is in my shadows. This is MY EMPIRE. MINE!"

She stared at him, ignoring the aching of her legs with practiced ease. "No it isn't. This is not your empire, and these ponies do not belong to you!"

"And how will you take it from me?" Came the snarled response. Behind his visage, the dark clouds gathered together.

Cadance just smiled back, and with careful effort removed an item from her pocket. Sombra rumbled.

"A ring?! That is how you fight? Jewellery?"

She looked at the ring, hovering harmlessly in the air. Still looking as new as it had been the day she'd been given it. Not remotely one of her better days, frankly. The days when she still had that reputation. Mad Cadance. Strange Cadance. Obsessed with marriage and romance.

She was certain it wasn't the dark magics of Sombra, or her physical tiredness which brought up the unpleasant thoughts in her mind. The voice in the back of her head, asking if she was truly willing to risk it. A double-edged sword, just for the sake of spectacle.

They'd warned her. The ring tended to make those who wielded it obsessed with love. Blinded by it. Well, she knew about that.

Her friends were nearby. Her family. They would fight Sombra. The friends who never noticed, the voice said. The friends who never seemed to care when she'd started turning. It'd just been a joke. Silly Cadance. Funny Cadance.

Yeah, Cadance thought. That cinched it. She reached out to the ring.

I know who I am. I have friends who love me. Family that cares about me. A husband that adores me. Why should I be afraid when I have them?

The ring intuitively altered itself so it could be wielded. Instantly, she felt it, almost like she'd stuck her hoof in the electric socket of the universe. It felt strangely warm, and pleasant. Like a gentle kiss on a summer's day. Like watching the sunset. Like a thousand moonlit moments with Shining.

Like purest and truest love.

"I am Princess Mia Amore Cadenza of Equestria." She smiled, as the warm feeling spread through and from every part of her. "I welcome myself into the Star Sapphires."

There was a roar from Sombra, his horn glowing with an unpleasant light.

"Words. Words and tricks." He growled.

"No." Cadance replied. "Love. Or did you think this mark on my flank was for show?"

A bolt of shadow reached out, and the ring reacted. The bolt smashed off a glowing purple shield construct. One she recognised as Shining's own cutie mark.

Well, she thought, it was hardly going to be anything else.

And then she felt it. The tug from the ring, a dozen, a hundred, even a thousand faint blips. What was it they'd said, those two, the day they'd saved her from that gem's control?

Goodness, it had been a long time.

Another shadow bolt smashed off of what looked like Nyx's mark. And it came back to her.

They'd said the ring didn't just draw its power from the love of whoever wielded it, but from those around them. However faint, however buried, the ring could recognise it.

And deep down inside them, each of the Crystal Ponies still had love inside them.

She couldn't believe she'd actually forgotten them.

A quick set of spells, and some moving out of the way as Sombra moved to move destructive magics, and she was ready.

"Everypony," she declared, her voice spreading through the whole city, "this is Princess Cadance. I know you're afraid. Afraid of Sombra, and what he did to you. What he's still doing to y- hey," she called out, as Sombra soared past her.

"Where was I? Oh, yes. But that fear is nothing. Because even after all Sombra has done, there is still love inside you. Waiting, sleeping." A large chunk of darkened crystal soared at her head, only to be smashed apart by the hooves of a giant glowing Shining Armor construct, which then leapt after the shadowy king.

"Even all he could do could not remove love from your hearts. Not completely, not forever. So now I ask, not as a Princess, or an alicorn, just as your defender, that you remember the love. Remember what Sombra could not destroy."

Suddenly there was a strange noise, and the feeling from the ring stopped. The giant Shining Armor vanished, and Sombra, realising his chance, cackled.

"Please..." Cadance finished, "do as you have always done."

There was a tiny, almost inconsequential noise from the ring. "Ring charge: 0.00% remaining."

Cadance stopped, and looked at it. Low battery power. That would... yes, she noted, because she'd never charged it.

Had there not been a mad tyrant looking to enslave a few ponies, she might have facehoofed. But she didn't have the time.

"Your last chance failed you, little princess." Sombra's voice echoed. "There is no love left in their hearts! The Crystal Heart you seek was destroyed!"

"What?" Cadance blinked. Quite suddenly the fallen king stopped chortling, and looked at her like she'd grown a second horn.

"Well, I'd have been damned stupid keeping it around, wouldn't I? I don't need it."

Cadance found herself grinning at that. Seconds later, she started laughing.

"What?" Sombra roared. "What is so funny?"

"I'll let you- heh - work it out." Cadance said, "sorry. Laughing. Not very appropriate in a fight. But just give it a second."

There was a light nearby. A strange bright blue one, that was moving. Cadance squinted (she was, after all, very tired), and could make out what looked like a head, and limbs somewhere in the glow.

It was a pony. Floating. Floating and glowing. Floating and glowing Crystal Ponies.

That was a new one.

Soon there was another light. And another. And another, and another and another.

"What." Sombra rumbled.

"You broke the Heart." Cadance pointed out. "But you didn't destroy it. And you couldn't, not with a thousand spells."

"What?!" Sombra roared.

"Think about it. Crystal Heart? Crystal Ponies?" By now, the Crystal Ponies were all hovering over the city, all glowing brightly. "Never mind," Cadance sighed. "You'll never get it."

"This..." Sombra said, "This cannot be!"

"It can, actually." Cadance replied, as she looked down at the ring, trying to remember how to recharge it. There'd been an oath, hadn't there? How had it gone aga-

Ah, yes. Now she remembered. And how fitting.

"For hearts long lost, and full of fright,

For those alone in blackest night,

Accept this ring and join our flight,

Love conquers all-"

The light of the Crystal Ponies exploded outward, as Cadance finished.


There was a wave of light, washing over everything, and a pained roar from Sombra. Over the din of that, and the rushing feeling in her ears, Cadance was certain she could hear the ring gently noting something about power levels.

She wasn't paying the greatest attention, as she suddenly felt so relaxed and calm and happy, and just had to close her eyes for a mome-

Cadance awoke, in the palace, in her bed, with everypony standing over her. Shining Armor was smiling.

"Hi, honey." She grinned. He grinned right back. Then Cadance's brain pointed out there were others present.

"Sorry," she said, "I probably should've said something about that ear-"

Twilight shook her head. "Don't apologise, Cadance."

"How long-" She began. The answer was the same as it usually was.

"The Crystal Ponies?" She asked.

"Fine." Twilight said. "Better than fine, actually. But that's probably because they managed to recreate the Crystal Heart by themselves. I still don't know how they did that!"

"They won't let her study them." Spike cut in, "Or the heart, either, actually."

"But I did get a few tricorder scans!" Twilight said triumphantly.

"So, everything's alright?" Cadance asked. There were a few cautious glances.

"Yes?" Shining said, cautiously.

"What happened?"

"Oh, nothing." Twilight said hurriedly. "Definitely nothing dangerous or anything like that, it's just..."


"The Heart." Shining said. Cadance raised an eyebrow.

"What about the Heart?"

"It's... purple." Cadance noted, as she looked at the very purple indeed Crystal Heart. There wasn't much else to say. It was definitely purple.

"Looks pink to me." Rainbow Dash muttered.

"I think," Twilight said, ignoring her friend's comment, "It has something to do with that Star Sapphire ring of yours, something I'd incidentally also like to talk to you about by the way."

"My ring?" Cadance repeated.

"Yeah." Twilight nodded. "Something about using it in conjunction with the heart when it was forming and... I actually wrote a paper on it, if anyone's interested." She said, holding up a few pieces of paper. "Kind of rushed, but it's just preliminary..."

"Is it being purple a problem?" Cadance asked. Twilight looked about cautiously.

"Shouldn't think so." She shrugged.

"Alright then." Cadance smiled. "Anyone up for lunch? I'll buy."

There was a general nodding of heads at that. And the group moved off, Cadance remaining to look at the Crystal Heart for a moment.

"You okay?" Shining's voice cut through her thoughts, and she turned to him.

"Me?" She asked, "Yes, I'm fine."

She smiled warmly at him, and Shining smiled right back.

"I'm fine."

Author's Note:

161.1: How do you make a zebralicorn completely unremarkable?
161.2: Emphasis on "most".
161.3; What's a fourth wall?
161.4: Mega Man cross.
161.6: Well, there's several Princesses. Don't think any of them is a Bride, though. (Princess Bride)
161.8: Fail to fail.
161.9: Twilight Zone.
161.12: Literal slurs.
161.14: This is worse than usual! She's getting... electoral.
161.17: Something nearly every looper has long decided they will never hear.
161.18: It's better to light a lantern than curse the darkness.

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