• Published 19th Apr 2013
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MLP Time Loops - Saphroneth

Twilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Equestria.

  • ...

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MLP Loops 217

217.1 (Anon e Mouse Jr.)
Starlight Meets Sleipnir

Starlight Glimmer sat in Mac's bar, quietly sipping a non-alcoholic smoothie and flipping through a book. She'd Awoken early, rearranging things in Our Town so it was something resembling a normal settlement rather than a totalitarian regime, then headed down to Ponyville to meet with Twilight and watch what would be an otherwise mostly baseline run.

Just last week, she'd attended Trixie's first show in town and seen Twilight handle the Ursa Minor (something that apparently still happened periodically even when Trixie was Awake, and almost every time she wasn't), but had opted out of going to see them handle the snoring dragon for this run. Then Mac had invited her over to the bar to get some peace and quiet, and she'd gladly taken him up on the offer. She'd needed some space to just think for a while, and this seemed to be as good a place as any.

She'd been there for most of the morning when she heard the sound of way too many hoofsteps approaching, and looked up to see him.

Oh dear ficus and ferns, what have I done now? she silently asked herself, before forcing a calmer expression on her face. "Um, hello, sir."

Sleipnir, Equestria's Admin, sat down across from her. "Hello, Starlight," he said. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble."

"Oh. Phew." Starlight breathed a sigh of relief. "Um, listen, I know I've made a lot of mistakes, and I'm sorry if my screwups caused any extra work for you, and-"

Sleipnir held up a hoof. "Easy, Starlight." He gave what was meant to be a reassuring smile. "Sure, that time travel spell you modified did cause me a bit of extra work, but no more than usual when some new time travel method pops up in a branch. We had the patch to make it read-only already on hand, so it was just a matter of adding it in." He sighed. "I think the hardest part was confirming it was baseline to Twilight after she went through it the first time, but she calmed down pretty quickly."

"Right." Starlight took a deep breath. "I... I'm sorry, I know I've been through a lot, but I'm still just having a hard time with the idea that our god is here talking to me!"

Sleipnir looked at her. "Starlight, I'm an Admin. We didn't make any of these worlds, we just watch out for them and keep them from collapsing in on themselves when something really bad happens. And unlike the members of some pantheons, the last thing I want or need is to be revered as a figure of worship. Respected, maybe. But not worshipped." He blinked. "Come to think of it, I have that in common with Celestia. So think of me as being in a similar position, just several levels higher, and nowhere near retirement."

Starlight's eyes lit up, and she nodded. "I see... thank you."

"No problem. I could tell you needed a little reassurance there."

"You're right, I did." Starlight sighed. "I go through a lot in baseline, and there are times when I still keep second-guessing myself and wondering if I'm doing the right thing. Twilight's reassured me, the other princesses have reassured me... but there's always that nagging doubt that I can't get rid of."

Sleipnir nodded. "Every being, living or not, has those moments, Starlight. But you can't let your doubts consume you and become the focus of your whole being. There's a branch run by someone from one of the other pantheons, and one of the locals... his True Hub backup includes a song he did. I think the lyrics put it best."


Sleipnir closed his eyes for a moment. "In English, Nobody’s perfect. That’s just the proof that you’re alive." He opened them. "Everyone makes mistakes, Starlight. Remember them, and learn from them. That's all anyone really can do."

Starlight nodded. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome." Sleipnir rose. "Well, I'd better be off. See you again sometime. Tell Twilight I said hello, okay?"

"Will do."

The Admin vanished, and Starlight looked around. That was unexpected.

"First Admin visit's always a surprise, isn't it?"

Starlight looked over to see Mac behind the counter, cleaning glasses. "Yeah."

"Sleipnir's one of the more down-to-earth types," Mac said. "Nice fellow, pretty easy-going. Good sense of humour. Loves his family, and his Loopers." He shrugged. "In short, the kind of person Ah can really, really respect. An' that's even without goin' into how the first time Ah met him, he'd personally stepped in to save Twilight from a nasty Loop, an' cleanin' out the cause of it is what started our Loop expandin'."

"Oh. Wow."

Mac nodded. "Eeyup."

Starlight sat back and contemplated that. "That's... I don't know what to say."

"Sometimes," Mac said, "There are no words."


Mac went back to his work, and Starlight sat in her booth, her mind whirling. By the time Twilight and the others had returned, she'd come to a single conclusion.

I'm living a whole new chapter in my life. One full of surprises, friends, and forgiveness. And by all that's green and growing... I'm going to live that chapter, experience what this wide, wonderful multiverse has to offer. And I'm going to do it knowing that my friends will be there for me, and I'll be there for them.

Then she rose from her seat, went over to Twilight, and hugged her.

Twilight blinked in surprise. "Hey, Starlight. What brought this on?"

"Just my way of saying thank you, Twilight. Thank you for being my friend."

Twilight smiled back at her as she returned the hug. "Thank you for being my friend too, Starlight."

There was suddenly the distinctive sound of a burst of confetti as Pinkie's party cannon went off in the room next door, and a cry of "Woohoo!" from the pink party pony in the same place.

Twilight shook her head, a look of resigned amusement. "Do you want to come with me and see what she's up to?" she asked.

Starlight smiled. "Why not."

217.2 (Mistaque)
Tis a Silly Place, Equestria

The magical mirror started glowing, before disgorging three Sirens into an open grassy field.

"We've made it!" exclaimed Adagio Dazzle, revelling in having finally reverted to their original magical forms.

"Um," Sonata tapped Adiago's shoulder with her left hoof and pointed upwards with her other one.

"We've made it back.. to... er... Equestria?" Adagio slowly looked up. And up. And up.

There, in a candy colored sky - where gigantic sweets floated by like clouds - was an enormous pink earth pony, hovering impossibly in the air. The pony was loudly speaking to a group of normal sized ponies, all also suspended in midair. "Share in the sanctity of the sacred sweetness of sugar! Trust in the tasty treats of truth! Behold..."

The Sirens paused as the huge floating pony looked down at them with eyes glowing white and frowned. "INTERLOPERS!"

The massive pony began to angrily float closer, as building-sized cupcakes started plummeting from the sky.

"Nope!" Adagio summed up the situation in a single frantic word as she grabbed the other two Sirens, launching all three of them back through the mirror and into the human world.

Three human girls tumbled out of the mascot statue that stood in front of the local high school.

"Get to the van! Get to the van!" Aria shouted in panic. The three Sirens made it inside their tour van and started the engine, when a very pink hand the size of a semi truck emerged from the statue.

Adagio screamed to Aria as she got into the driver's seat, "Put it in reverse! Ram it!"

The massive hand retreated back into the portal just as the Sirens' van slammed into it, toppling the stone statue over and causing the portal to wink out.

Aria set the now heavily dented van in drive and sped towards the nearest highway on-ramp, that would take them out of the city.

"You know," A very shaken up Sonata spoke up, "After all this time, I'm perfectly fine remaining a taco-eating mostly furless ape girl for another thousand years, at least."

Aria and Adagio replied as one, "Agreed."

217.3 (Anon e Mouse Jr.)
Relationship Talks

Flash Sentry was standing at his locker when he Awoke, and moments later, felt something bump into his leg. Looking down, he saw Princess Twilight sitting on the ground, still a little dazed from their collision, and Spike a little ways away. "Whoah! You okay?" he asked as he helped her to her feet.

"Yes... thank you." She leaned in and whispered. "Um... are you Awake?"

Flash nodded. "Just now," he said. "Listen, I'd love to talk, but I've got to get to class. Meet you both later?" He gestured to her and Spike.

"Sure thing." Twilight smiled gratefully. "Sweet Shoppe after school?"

"You got it." Flash nodded, then, watching the two Equestrians heading off, he headed in the opposite direction, reviewing his memories as he went. Things seemed mostly baseline so far... except for one detail that he'd just realised, and was going to have to talk to Twilight about. And either Sunset wasn't Awake or was just playing along with her baseline self, because the last time he'd seen her, she was still acting pretty nasty.

Hours later, he walked into the Sweet Shoppe and saw Twilight sitting by herself in one of the corner booths, quietly reading and sipping a smoothie while Spike sat on the floor next to her. Giving the dragon-turned-dog a nod, he slid into the opposite side of the booth and waited for Twilight to notice him.

It took a few minutes, but eventually, she finished her drink, looked up and blushed as she saw him. "Hi, Flash."

"Hey." Flash smiled. "How's it going?"

"Pretty well, on the other side at least." Twilight sighed. "This part would be so much better if Sunset was Awake, but they can't all be easy Loops."

"Yeah." Flash shrugged. "I'm so used to the nicer Sunset, it still bothers me to see her like this."

"Me too, but we can work past it." Twilight gazed at him. "So, how're you doing?"

"About the usual." Flash sighed. "Except for one thing, and I have to ask. What do you do when you Awaken and find you're in a variant where you're dating someone, but you weren't dating them in baseline?"

Twilight looked at him. "It varies, depending on who it is and how deep the relationship is. Now, Waking Up married can make things very tricky, but just dating... if both people are Awake, they usually agree to publicly end it but stay friends, unless their Looping selves are interested. If only one of us is Awake, we try to treat the other person with respect, unless they're evil. If they're not, we usually keep dating them afterward, or try to gently let them down and let them know we'd rather have them as a friend than a love interest, which... usually works out. Are you..."

"Seeing someone?" Flash nodded. "When I went over my memories, it turns out that after Sunset and I broke up, one of the other girls asked me out. I said yes, and we've been on a few dates since then. The thing is, I'm pretty sure this side's her has a crush on me even in baseline. I don't think we were ever more than friends, but she definitely seemed interested. And we're actually supposed to be meeting here once she gets out of her computer club meeting."

Twilight looked thoughtful. "Derpy?"

"That's her."

Twilight smiled. "Well, in that case... since she does like you, just treat her nicely, and be her friend. It's what I do back in Equestria when she isn't Awake, whether we were dating or not when I Awoke."

"Have you had that happen to you?" Flash asked curiously.

"A few times, both with Derpy and with some others." Twilight shrugged. "There was this one time she had a crush on me, and I tried to let her down gently... we did wind up becoming close friends even after she realized I wasn't interested in dating anypony. It did get a little awkward at one point, but we got past that and stayed friends afterward." She smiled. "The next time I met Looping Derpy, she had memories of that Loop, and thanked me for being her friend then."

"Ah." Flash smiled back. "So, um... I'm sorry, but I have to ask. What was the awkward part?"

Twilight gave him a look. "You know that in Equestria she has a daughter, right? Usually, anyway?"

"Little Dinky? Yeah, I remember her. Cute kid."

Twilight looked away for a moment, then back at him. "Dinky's father tends to vary, and we honestly don't know if the baseline information still exists anywhere, or if we'll have to wait until the Loops end to see it restored. But anyway, in that Loop, Derpy had wanted a foal of her own, but not a partner. At least, not yet. So several years before she and I ever met, she went to a specialty clinic, got some DNA from an anonymous donor, and that's how Dinky was born." She sighed. "Now, one day, I was foalsitting for Dinky while her mom was out, and she asked me if I could find out who her donor dad was. I agreed, did some tests, and..."


"It turned out to be my father. Hence the awkwardness."

Flash's eyes widened. "I see what you mean."

"Yeah." Twilight sighed. "Derpy was just as surprised as I was, but despite the initial awkwardness, it actually brought us closer together in the long run. I'm just glad Mom knew he'd donated in the past and that there was a possibility he might have other kids besides Shiny and I, so she didn't get upset when I told her about it - she was actually the one to ask when she could meet Derpy and Dinky, before Dad could say anything. And when they did meet her and Dad, they all got along great."

Flash nodded, and was about to say something more when the door opened and Twilight's eyes widened a bit before she hissed "Play along!" and stood up.

A moment later, the human Derpy Hooves walked over, backpack in one hand and eyes drifting from Flash to Twilight. "Hello," she greeted them. "Who are you?"

Twilight gave her a friendly smile. "Twilight Sparkle. And you must be Derpy. Flash has told me so much about you."

"He has, has he?" Derpy gave Flash another glance before turning back to Twilight. "How do you know him?"

"We lived in the same neighbourhood for a while when we were a lot younger," Twilight said. "I wound up moving away, but Flash was one of my closest friends back then. So when I came back to town for a few days, I just had to look him up and see how he was doing, catch up on things." She took Derpy's hand and smiled even wider. "You're really lucky... you've got yourself a great guy here, you know."

"Thank you." Derpy smiled at her.

Picking up Spike and her book, Twilight smiled back. "You two take care, alright?"

Then she walked off, letting Derpy take her seat.

Looking at his in-Loop girlfriend, Flash gave her a friendly smile. "Hey, Derpy."

Derpy smiled back. "Your friend was nice."

"Yeah, she tends to get along with most everyone," Flash said. "Kind of like Pinkie, but less excitable."

Derpy chuckled. "Wish I'd gotten to spend more than a minute or two with her then." Then she pulled something out of her backpack. "So, you ready to work on this?" She tapped the writing assignment they'd both been given earlier that day.

"Sure thing," Flash said as he pulled his own backpack up and got his stuff out. Soon, he and Derpy were hard at work. But from time to time, his mind drifted, wondering what Twilight had planned to help Sunset reform this Loop - if it was one of her usual methods, or something more extreme.

He just hoped it wasn't as messy as what Pinkie had pulled off a few Loops back. Seriously, wielder of harmony magic or not, how had she managed to purify Sunset of dark magic using only chocolate pudding bombs?

217.4 (VO1D)
Discord’s Protege

Twilight stared at Discord, “You want to do what to Pinkie?”

“Teach her Unawake self to use my Chaos powers.” The draconequus repeated.

Twilight just continued giving him a Look, not saying a word.

“Of course, I’d start her off with a fraction of my magic.”

Twilight continued giving him the same, incredulous look.

“Baseline Pinkie was the only individual who could control it, even if she was quickly overwhelmed by how much power there was,” Discord explained, “You can’t tell me you aren’t curious how that would change if she had been taught?”

Twilight opened her mouth to reply, giving Discord a More Severe Stare.

“For a given meaning of teaching- you know what I meant!”

Twilight grew thoughtful, before sighing.

Fine. So long as you make certain to clean up after yourselves.”

“Thank you, Twilight!” Discord crowed, a Racen. As he walked out the Egress, Twilight heard him muse, “I can’t wait to see what could possibly go wrong!”

Twilight stuck her head out from under the wing, shouting after him, “And make sure your lessons won’t affect anybeing else!”

Sighing, she cast her failsafe spell, turning the female Egret back into a door.

217.5 (Anon e Mouse Jr.)
Family Ties Gone Loopy

Cadance looked down at her round belly and smiled. "Just a little while longer, baby," she whispered. "Then you'll be ready to meet the world."

Behind her, Shining Armor smiled. "Looking forward to meeting our foal again, I see."

"I always am," Cadance told him. "I just wish Twilight was here to meet her this time... and that there was a way Flurry could start Looping. You remember Aang and his friends, how they started a new series of expansions between their time and Korra's... I would love it so much if that happened for us."

"I think I'd be happy if it did too- Cadance?" Shining Armor suddenly looked concerned as Cadance's expression changed.

"I think she's coming," the princess of love announced.

A few hours later, Shining Armor was pacing outside the delivery room and, like his wife earlier, wishing Twilight was here. Both physically, and in the Loop. He had been most surprised to find himself an only child this go-round; thankfully, Sunset Shimmer had been Awake, as had Chrysalis, so the two had been able to handle a number of the usual problems.

Just then, the doctor stuck his head out. "Sir? Your wife wants you."

"Be right there, sir." Shining Armor walked in, and over to his tired but happy-looking wife. "Hey, Cadance."

Cadance looked up at him, a wide smile on her muzzle, but at the same time her eyes were full of tears. "It's not Flurry," she whispered.

"What!?" Shining Armor looked down at the foal in his wife's arms. Wings, horn, purple fur...


"Twilight?" he asked.

Just then, the little one yawned, stretched, and looked up at her parents, then her eyes widened.

A moment later, there was a ping.

Wiping her eyes and smiling, Cadance leaned down and nuzzled her sister-in-law/daughter. "Hi, Twilight."

{...This is not what I expected to Awaken to,} Twilight's voice said in both their heads. {But at least I can still communicate.}

"Force telepathy does come in handy, doesn't it?" Cadance asked as she cuddled Twilight closer. "Don't worry, you're in good hooves."

{Absolutely.} Twilight smiled up at the two. {So, what's been happening while I was... unavailable?}

As the two filled her in, Twilight cuddled up against Cadance's chest, and smiled. When they had finished, she peered up at both.

{Thank you,} she said as she yawned again. {Thank…} And then she drifted off to sleep.

Looking up at her husband, Cadance smiled even wider. "She's adorable," she whispered.

"Yeah..." Shining Armor smiled too. "She's not Flurry, and I do miss our daughter... but this is Twilight, and I love her just as much."

"So do I, Shiny. So do I."

217.6 (Wixelt)
Not Seeing the Mountain for the Cliffs

“Oh, come now, you must have an opinion on all of this.”


“Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t.”


“Not even the slightest hint of intrigue?”

“Not really, no.”

“Oh, fine then.” Chrysalis, High Queen of the Changeling Hive, sighed, swirls of green magic fading from her horn as she stood down. She snorted to herself. “I should have expected as such.”

“I…” Her sparring partner paused, tilting her head a little as she drew in gasped breaths. Frowning, Starlight Glimmer shot off another bolt of energy, grimacing as the elder looper dodged it easily, the beam impacting on the rock face behind as all the others had. “Should I be insulted by that? I feel like I should be insulted by that.”

“That was not the intent.” The shapeshifter assured with a wry smile. Lightly, she brushed idly at the snow underhoof, searching for the right words. “I simply meant…” She hummed. “I simply meant you haven’t had the looping experience to truly appreciate what I am getting at.”

“I… suppose that’s true.” Starlight nodded.

“It was improper of me to think you’d have any strong thoughts about our recent expansion, then.” Chrysalis bowed slightly. “We’ve been so focused on this being our ‘finale’, so to speak, that I so easily forgot that this is a first for you. The event alone is probably enough to think about, opinions aside.” She offered a wan smile. “I feel as if I owe you an apology, Starlight.”

“I, hm… okay?”

“I imagine that sounds strange coming from someone who utterly despises you in Baseline.” Chrysalis observed the purple-maned unicorn’s frown.

“A little, but…” The eventual headmistress of the School of Friendship coughed awkwardly. “I know you’re not the same pony, and from what Twilight told me, you never have been.” She managed a thin smile. “It… may take me some time to adapt to the idea, but I’d never hold it against you.”

“That is a relief to hear.” The queen nodded, then raised an eyebrow. “Still, I shouldn’t have pressed so hard.”

“I don’t mind, really.” Starlight side-glanced marginally, eyes narrowing in thought. “I think…” She shrugged. “As interesting as the whole idea of the end of all things is to an extent, I just don’t really have any strong opinions to give.”

“That’s understandable.”

“Maybe with some time and perspective I might be more enticed by it, but…” The former control freak slumped, lamenting. Her expression was almost sad. “If there aren’t going to be any further expansions any time soon and this is truly the end, then…”

“…Then that likely won’t be a possibility.” Chrysalis finished, understanding. “It’s a shame. By all accounts you should have activated far sooner than you did. You missed out on a lot.”

“Not as if I’d exactly know, of course.” Starlight hummed. She glanced around, taking in the pair’s mountainous surroundings, blizzard in full force. “That said, I do appreciate the choice of location for the sparring match I requested. Very…” she clicked her tongue a few times, “…thematic.”

“Well, technically speaking, you were actually the one to select this location, as random as that Baseline teleport may have been.” The changeling ruler smirked. “You have good taste.”

“Honestly, I don’t think my Baseline self was thinking of anything other than ‘very far away from my students’.”

“Understandable. An unstable bug horse turning up to wreck birches is something of a school safety hazard.”

“Mhm…” Starlight paused, brow furrowing for a second. Eventually, she looked back to Chrysalis, as if appraising her. “What about you?”

“Hm?” Chrysalis mused idly, quirking an eyebrow.

“Well, I…” The younger looper clicked her tongue in thought, then nodded. “I don’t really have anything to say, but I’m guessing you do.”

“Observant.” The queen applauded, mildly surprised but still impressed. “I take it you picked all that up from my curiosity?”

“Actually, you keep angrily muttering Discord’s name under your breath.” Starlight deadpanned.

“…so I do. Still observant of you, though.” The hive brain conceded, smiling wryly. “There is a reason for my disdain, of course.” She frowned. “As much contempt and disappointment as I have, deep down, for my baseline self, Discord’s actions of ‘stoning’ her are…” There was the sound of grinding teeth. “…irksome.”

“I suppose that would cut off potential futures for you.” Starlight considered. “Even if you may be waiting til the Loops end to experience them.”

“This is true, though not in and of itself the end of the world.” Chrysalis nodded, before grimacing. “Really, though, I just wish he’d gone for a more creative punishment. Irony is all well and good, but with what he’s capable of…” She shook her head, mane flowing slightly as she pushed the hang-up aside. “No matter, though. His looping self - and everyone else for that matter - have more than made up for any stagnancy I might be perceiving.”

“I’ve… noticed that in loopers.” The pink-purple unicorn noted. “I didn’t want to offend Twi by saying she was a bit crazy, but…”

“Oh, she wouldn’t be offended, believe me. In all honesty, that one would probably take it as a complement.” A third voice cut in. Sitting off to the side of the sparring area, a certain blue maned illusionist perched atop a supply crate was looking down at a set of blueprints (Starlight didn’t know what a ‘Thermite Parable Delivery System’ was, and wasn’t sure she even wanted to) in the shade of a cliff face. Slowly, Trixie half looked up from the sheet and smirked.

“Granted, most of us prefer stir-crazy at this point, but any offence will undoubtedly be put-on in regard to such things, especially at the moment.” She shook her head, muttering. “It didn’t bother me, per say, though my situation between present and future didn’t appear to have altered all that much…”

“Just so.” Chrysalis agreed, then looked back to Starlight. “Naturally, you will get to that point yourself.”

“…That should really scare me, but honestly…” Starlight sighed lightly, smiling upward. “I’m looking forward to it, in a strange way.”

“Oh? How so?”

“Because at that point I’ll either have some perspective on where the rest of you are or will be too insane to care.”

“Truth!” Trixie called over.

217.7 (Mistaque)
Party Bell

Tirek took the hooves of Chrysalis and Cozy Glow in his hands and rang Grogar's bell with his magic.

There was a flash of light and then…

...Confetti. Confetti everywhere.

A large banner unfurled, with the words 'Bell of the Ball Party' - with several pictures of Grogar's bell on it, each one with a goofy smiling face - drawn on it.

"Hooray! You rang the bell and now it's party time!" Pinkie Pie jumped out of... somewhere behind the three villains. She was followed by a flash of light signifying the teleportation of Twilight Sparkle and her friends - as well as Princess Celestia and Luna - none of whom looked overly pleased to see the three villains out of their prison.

"What is all this?" questioned Tirek, who was slowly backing away from the unexpected entrance of almost all of his enemies.

"You're not Grogar!" the pink pony observed, tilting her head like a confused puppy.

"The bell was supposed to enhance us with Grogar's magic, not cause... whatever this is!" the changeling queen stated angrily, also inching closer to the exit.

"Um, hi professors and princesses. I just woke up and I have no idea what is going on. Golly, this isn't my cell in Tartarus." Cozy Glow made a show of looking confused.

"In reverse order," Pinkie Pie said, ignoring Tirek's "Oh, come on! They're not going to believe that!" to the small pegasus filly - "Hi, Cozy Glow!"

The pink party pony waved at said pegasus, who hesitantly waved back.

Then Pinkie continued, to Chrysalis - "And a long while ago, I was bored so I found that bell and fixed it up."

Tirek blinked slowly in confusion, "Fixed it up?"

"Yup!" Pinkie chirped, "Instead of absorbing magic, I altered the bell. I had to re-bake it in my artifact oven, but with the help of some potions, magical confetti, ancient pony secrets, throwing some of my favorite parties, cashing in a few favors, making some enchanted party favors, accidentally enchanting Party Favor, the pony, cashing in a favor from Party Favor, Party Favor's favorite party favors that Party Favor favors for his favorite parties, and Twilight Sparkle... I made it so the bell copied my aspect of parties. Now, when anypony rings it, it's suddenly party time! Plus, it lets us know its exact location so we can come and help celebrate! Wooo! Isn't that great?"

"That is, er... fantastic." Tirek nervously looked at the impenetrable magic forcefield that suddenly sprang up to cover the main exit, cutting off his chance to escape, "So... how about we have a nice long 'Back to Tartarus' party?"

Pinkie's smile widened.

At least there was cake before he found himself back in his cage again.

It was delicious.

217.8 (Wixelt)
The Hole

Vinyl Scratch, also known professionally as DJ Pon3, stared blankly into space, mug clutched a little too tightly in one hoof. Her eye twitched.

“Vinyl! Vinyl?”

Blinking, she managed to shake herself from her daze long enough to notice a certain purple Anchor stepping into her home. Shakily, she managed a smile.

“O-Oh. Hey, Twilight.”

“Hi.” Twilight frowned for a moment at the musician’s disposition, before shaking her head and carrying on. “You wouldn’t happen to know where my bottle of potato cider is, would you? I think I might have left it here last week.”

“The one with the blue label?” Vinyl asked quietly.


“Pretty sure it fell in the Hole.”

“What hol-” At that moment, Twilight’s eyes drifted downward, and she abruptly wheeled backward, at the sight of the deep, impossibly dark pit now sitting in the middle of Vinyl and Octavia’s living room, a loud, droning noise briefly filling the room as her gaze locked onto it.


“Branches! Where did that come from?!”

“Well, I-I woke up this morning…” Vinyl managed weakly, bringing her mug to her lips shakily for a moment. “And there was the Hole.”


“...Does it do that every time?” The princess was already removing various pieces of measuring equipment from her pocket.

“Only when it seems dramatically fitting.” The DJ shuddered, shivering visibly. “I-It’s really starting to get to me.”

“I think I might’ve seen the Hub entry this is from, so-” Twilight paused, glancing nervously at the wall for a moment, before finding it unmarked, at which time she let out a breath of relief. “Good. No space octopus.”

“Wait. What-” Vinyl began, but Twilight was already getting out a rope, apparently of the enchanted, auto-extending variety, and some nails. She stopped again, glancing at Vinyl with worry.

“...Vinyl, where’s your marefriend?”

Vinyl looked visibly uncomfortable.

“Vinyl...” Twilight spoke harder this time, worry seeping into her tone. “Where. Is. Octavia?”

“At work.” Vinyl blurted out, breathing hoarsely, her entire body shaking a little.

“…At work in the Hole?”


“Buck no!” The blue-maned unicorn glanced away, seeming a little scared. “I-It’s just… She almost walked into it earlier…”

“She’s okay, though?”

“Y-Yeah. Just shook me up a bit, is all.”

“That’s alright, then.” Twilight nodded, glad this wasn’t going to need to be a rescue mission as she wrapped the end of the rope around the reinforced nails, before hammering said nails deep into the surface of the floor, tying the other end of the rope around her person. She glanced back to her companion. “By the way, if the nails look like they might break, can you reinforce them with something? Don’t want this investigation to fall apart on me, really.”

“Um… sure?” Vinyl nodded. A moment later, her eyes widened at the implications of the request. “Wait, are you going to-?!”

Hole Experiment #001
Before Vinyl could utter another word, the Anchor took one step forward over the Hole (BWAAAAM!) and dropped like a stone, rope rapidly extending as she went.

The room fell silent.

Warily, Vinyl leant over the Hole.

“Uh… Twilight?” She called out.

No response.

“Twi?!” She called louder.

Still nothing, the rope, though still gradually extending on this end, disappearing completely into the darkness a few mere feet down, as if muted from outside interaction in the same way sound seemed to be.

“Um…” Vinyl shifted backward nervously. Slowly, she glanced at her mug…

Hole Experiment #002
…and held it out over the possible gap in reality, letting go after a moment. It dropped, disappearing amidst the shadows with a whoomph of displaced air.

After a few moments, still nothing.

“Well… d-damn.” Vinyl muttered. “So… I’m stuck looking at this, I guess. This… this Hole.”


“Q-Quiet, you.”

217.9 (Namar13766)
Persistent Glitch… or Feature?

Sleipnir looked at the new looper. “Do you really think it’s an issue?”

Flash Sentry, currently a Pegasus, shrugged. “I’m not saying it’s an issue, just that it’s kind of weird I’ve been Mikasa glitching as both a pony and a human for the past hundred baseline loops.”

“So what are you going to do when it happens again? Try riding your pony self as a human?”

“... I am now!” said Flash with a grin.

217.10 (Mistaque)
A Diplomatic Mission to the Storm King

"Applejack?" Twilight softly asked the orange farm pony, "Are.. Are you okay?"

"I'm, er... not fine, but I can handle this. I'm a big pony, and those sessions with Lyra helped." said a nervous Applejack, who was just staring straight ahead into the clear blue water with unfocused eyes. "I'm a big pony," she repeated to herself.

"I understand if you want to sit this loop out," Twilight said, "We were expecting Queen Novo and the rest of the hippogriffs-turned-seaponies, and instead..."

"Instead we got seaponies. Seapony-seaponies," Applejack spoke, "The 'let's happily throw explosions at a problem until it's not recognizable anymore, then dance and sing and laugh around the resulting flaming crater, then blow up the crater for good measure' seaponies."

Twilight sighed as a group of seaponies happily stomped around in their techno-magic mecha suits outside of the spider-legged mobile magical air bubble habitat she and all her friends were riding in. "I'm sure it won't be that bad. Sure, native seaponies may be a little bit enthusiastic in their… Are those intercontinental missiles?"

Seastar, their seapony guide, happily waved a fin at the emerging conical weapons of war and answered, "Those? Those are just the vehicles we use to get our Super Welcome Mechas to their destinations! You said this Storm King can control the weather, so we needed something that could punch a hurricane, just in case."

The ponies watched as giant robot suits were carefully attached to the missiles.

Applejack sighed, "They've got Jaegars, Twilight."

"I can see that," Twilight turned to their guide, "Are you sure those are necessary?"

Seastar laughed, "Well, we need something to clear the space for our 'Nice to Meet You' diplomacy robot dragon."

Twilight and her friends looked at where their guide was pointing, only to see something that very much resembled an enormous aquatic themed Mechagodzilla, that towered over the Jaegars as it was prepared for deployment.

"So awesome!" Rainbow Dash stated with wonder.

Pinkie Pie nodded enthusiastically in agreement, asking, "Wow! But can it throw a party?"

Seastar smiled, "Of course! How far do you want to throw it?"

Pinkie Pie opened her mouth to reply, and then slowly closed it.

"Do you need all this for just a diplomatic mission, Seastar?" Twilight inquired.

"Do you think it's enough? I mean, this is our standard first contact with a new culture loadout," The seapony looked deep in thought. "Do you think this Storm King might not be happy to see us? Do you think he may even be a big old meanie pants? Should we use our big robot instead?"

Applejack mouthed the words 'big robot', before sighing to collect what remained of her sanity, "Right then. If anypony needs me, I'll be looking over their kelp bed farms and making sure they’re not on fire or something."

"How big is this 'big robot' of yours?" Rainbow Dash asked eagerly.

Seastar's smile grew wider.

217.11 (Masterweaver) [MLP/Camp Camp]
Sometimes the Complicated Things are Simple

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUGH." Max let his head drop onto the bar. "Yes, I know I'm underage. No, I don't want beer. But is there something like it for 'the world is fucking stupid and I hate everything' that's safe for people my age?"

"If you were asking anybody else, the answer would probably be no." Berry Punch slid a glass in front of him and pulled out four bottles from under the bar with a wink. "Little secret, though: Alcohol has next to nothing to do with how booze actually tastes, aside from the burning bit. How about a virgin Double Sunday Midnight?"

"I'll take it."

"Max," Nikki said as she pulled herself up onto a stool next to him, "you gotta let this go, man. Something wild for me," she added to the pony.

"I'll probably stick with a basic juicebox," Neil added, sitting down next to him. "Let's be real, that could have gone so much worse."

"Crisis problems?" Berry asked sympathetically, mixing Max's drink together.

"I fucking wish," Max muttered grumpily. "I was ready to get my hands dirty, you know? Actually cut out the chaff of our loop. But then GWEN had to go and explain things to the fucking Quartermaster!"

"I'm kind of glad she did," Neil said. "I mean, yeah, he handled it in a pretty creepy way, but... he handled it so we didn't have to."

Berry handed Neil a juicebox, quirking an eyebrow. "This guy's not looping, is he?"

"Nope," Max said firmly. "He even offed himself after the moon... thing he does in baseline. Said he had enough eldritch issues without bringing the multiverse into it."

"It was kinda awesome," Nikki pointed out as she took the shimmering, bubbling liquid Berry handed her. "He pulled out a map, tracked down every problem we had, and had them all killed within a week."

"Not all of them, he didn't go for the wood scouts or the flower scouts... or, you know, those spy kids."

"I mean, they're horrible and all," Neil admitted, "but even at their worst they're just kids subjected to sexist and outdated social brainwashing who refuse to accept their worldviews might be incorrect. Looping could do them good."

"Yeah, sure, if they bothered to learn at all," Max grumbled.

"Hey, you know, it's a fused loop," Berry pointed out. "If you're having problems with new loopers, you've got a bunch of literal culture icons that could help out." She pointed at herself. "I mean, you're talking to only one of many cartoon ponies. I'm sure the Flower Scouts would pay attention to what we have to say, right?"

"It's even odds with them," Nikki admitted. "Worth a shot, but you know. They might be so enamoured with their image and ignorant of the world around them that they misinterpret everything you say."

Berry shrugged. "If it's that bad, Rarity will probably handle them."

"The one chance I get to legitimately use my cynicism to better the world, and it's stolen from me by the friggin' QUARTERMASTER!" Max slung back his drink, and paused for a moment to stare at the glass. "Huh. You know, this is actually pretty good."

"Magically talented," Berry explained with a grin.

"Yeah, yeah, I getcha..." Max shoved the glass at her. "Another?"

"I'm going to exercise my bartender rights to cut you off when I think I need to," Berry warned, mixing up another drink.

"And that's why I stick to juice boxes," Neil observed.

"You don't know what you're missing, man." Nikki took a sip of her drink, releasing it with a refreshed sigh. "Woo, this thing has a kick! And you serve it to kids?"

"No alcohol or other drugs in that one," Berry informed her with a smirk. "I'm really good at what I do."

217.12 (Evilhumour) [MLP/1984]
Double Talking

It was early in the Loop for Twilight when she Woke up. She was still in her tower in Canterlot, though the person standing in front of her had drawn her immediate attention and concern.

It was exceedingly rare for Skuld to appear in her Branch and even far less frequent was for her to retain her humanoid appearance. Countless worst case scenarios flashed through her mind that would result in such a meeting, but what the nervous looking Admin said was something the unicorn never expected.

"Excuse me," Twilight asked, blinking owlishly as she tried to recall if she had any hearing issues in this Loop. "But I must have misheard you. I thought you said you need my help dealing with the Anchor for 1984."

"I did, Twilight, " Skuld began to say only for Twilight to cut her off with a number of explicit swears.

"How did the Hackers do that? Why would they do something so monstrously horrific," Twilight demanded after she was finished with her cursing only for Skuld to interrupt her.

"They didn't, Sparkle," Skuld said as she began to pace in the tower library bedroom of the student of Princess Celestia. "They were the first ones I went to when it started Looping and they were insulted that I thought any of them would do such a thing. I even went to Slenderman to know if he’d set it up prior to his current placement and he told me he wished he’d thought of it, but admitted even that was a step too far for him."

Twilight again blinked owlishly at hearing the Hackers had standards, before shaking her head and asking the Admin what she needed of her.

"What you ponies are best at; helping others," Skuld said as she came to a stop and stared directly in her eyes.

Twilight nodded her head and asked where she could find the new Anchor. She did not expect the answer to be Canterlot's Institution for the Mentally Unwell, but before she could ask for more information, the Admin announced she had to attend to other matters.

Seeing it was upon her to gauge and then aid the new Looper, Twilight first consulted a map of the city before teleporting away.

It was a tremendous surprise for doctor Deep Probe when the student of the Princess of the Sun walked through the front doors.

"Hello, miss Twilight Sparkle," he said carefully as he tried to think of a reason that she would be here. "How might I be of service to you?"

"There is somepony that I would like to see, if that is alright," she asked in a tone that made it clear it was not a request but still, Probe had to think of the young unicorn's safety. "I believe he goes by the name of Winston Smith."

"Oh, that is no problem," Probe sighed with relief. "Mister Double Speak, or Winston Smith, is available to meet guests, though I must warn you..."

"Is he dangerous?" she asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Oh, not at all," he shook his head and began to lead her to Double Speak. "It is just that he tends to unnerve others with his delusions."

Twilight nodded her head in acceptance and inquired, "How long has he been a patient here?"

"He admitted himself about two months ago with some of the most unusual delusions I have encountered in my profession. He believes that he is a creature called a human from a horrific world who has died multiple times. " He then tilted his head as they turned a corner. "What is most fascinating about his particular delusions is that he recognizes that it is a delusion but is evenly split on accepting them as real with all of this being another cruel attempt for his fictional government to break him and rejecting them as a sign that there is something mentally wrong with himself." He paused in front of the door to the patient and turned to face the mare. "Is there anything else I can help you with?" he asked obediently.

"No, that is enough, thank you," Twilight replied before using her magic to send him back to the front desk and then forget her coming in and taking over his mind. It was not her usual method but she was too young right now to rely on her reputation to open the right doors for her.

With that done, Twilight opened the door and stepped in.

It was a compact room, made so by the bed taking up most of the left wall with a door to what she presumed was the bathroom, a bookcase on the right filled with books (mostly poetry, but she could see others on a range of topics as well) and a desk directly in front of her with a pony of unremarkable colouration and average build sitting before it.

Said pony turned his head and looked at her, closing a book on love poems. "Hello there," he said, standing upright and walking over to her.

"Hello Winston," Twilight said, extending a hoof to him and catching a glance at his cutie mark, which was fittingly enough two pony heads talking in opposite directions while their necks overlapped each other. "My name is Twilight Sparkle and I would like to talk to you about why you are here."

"I believe that Deep Probe told you everything." The stallion replied, tilting his head to the walls. "They are not that thick to be completely honest," Winston said without a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"I would like to hear from you directly why you believe you are insane," Twilight countered.

"Well that is very simple, miss Sparkle." the earth pony said as he sat back down. "I believe that I am a human being from a place called Airstrip One, Oceania under the control of a government called the Party led by a man called Big Brother, or at least in his name. I was a member of the Party, working at the Ministry of Truth where I edited information articles as per the instructions of my superiors. After meeting a woman at my place we began an illicit relationship. Among other things that those in the Inner Party convinced us to swear by without coercion, we were taken to the Ministry of Love where all traitors of the Party are brought to either be broken fully by the Party or killed if the former proves to be impossible." He then raised a hoof. "Now this is where my insanity truly manifests. I believe that I have gone through this almost half a dozen times, dying at least thirteen times before I found myself here. Thus I have two options to believe: either I have never left the grasp of the Inner Party and they are still trying to break me or everything I have experienced was some sort of mental breakdown as no normal pony would ever imagine such things. Whichever one is true, I do believe it is best that I remain here before I truly break down and hurt others."

"There is a third option that you have not considered," Twilight said carefully, as this was one of the most delicate Speeches she would ever give in her long life.

"And what is that?" the stallion asked.

"That both are true, in a manner of speaking," Twilight said, retrieving a copy of 1984 from her Pocket and levitating it onto his desk, which had him widen his eyes slightly. "Imagine the greatest tree that is not really a tree but instead a computer called Yggdrasil that holds all of existence upon Its Branches." He gave a slight nod which told Twilight to continue. "Now eons ago, something happened to Yggdrasil and put all of existence in danger. Beings, or Gods, began to do repairs to the tree-computer but in order for that to happen, they needed to set all the worlds in a time repeat with normally one person acting as a lodestone, or as an Anchor, for their reality to centre around." Twilight took out a copy of the Welcome to the Loops pamphlet from her Pocket and placed it next to the other book on the desk. "At first, there were only seven, then nine and then countless others." Twilight used her magic to create an illusion of this by having a tree's branches lighting up. "I was asked by one of those gods, Admins as they prefer to be known as in general, called Skuld to infor-" Twilight stopped mid sentence when she noticed the stallion was hunched over and shaking. Worried that she’d broken him by this news, Twilight walked over to him only for him to let out a bellow of laughter and pull her into a powerful hug.

"This is wonderful," he said with tears of joy running down his face. "The Party believed they were eternal but they are not! I am!" Winston beamed a smile at her full of life and hope. "The Party might kill me for eternity but I will always have time with Julia now." Winston let out another bark of laughter, a smile threatening to outdo Pinkie Pie's on his face.

'It will be hard at first, Winston, but you can overcome the Party," Twilight warned him. "It will be difficult and no doubt terrifying for you to go up against them."

"They have already killed me before so there's nothing they can do to scare me now. They have done their worst and it was not enough," Winston said with complete assurance, holding his head high. "If this is true, then this is truly the most wonderful thing I have heard since Julia told me she loved me." He let out a content sigh. "Even with her always betraying me, I cannot help but love her."

"Hold onto that love, Winston, and one day she might start Looping too." Twilight said with Winston going still.

"Eternal victory over the Party and Julia?" Winston gave a much simpler smile now that if given voice it would be deafening. "Truly, me becoming one of your Anchors is the best thing to ever happen to me."

"Come along, we will get you checked out and I will introduce you to my friends," Twilight said, opening the door, Winston walking through it to a bright new world.

217.13 (DrTempo)
Happy Holidays, New Loopers!

It was another Hearth's Warming Eve celebration in Ponyville and Flash Sentry, Thorax and Starlight Glimmer were enjoying the celebration. As the three new Loopers walked through the streets, Thorax spoke.

"So, anypony else notice how similar this is to other holidays across the Loops?" As his two fellow Loopers looked at him quizzically, he continued. "Sorry. I just noticed the similarities between this and Christmas, I guess. The thought just crossed my mind."

Flash Sentry smirked. "There are similarities, sure, but Hearth's Warming Is a mix of this and Independence Day in other Loops. It does celebrate the founding of Equestria."

Starlight chuckled, "Good point, Flash, though these days the holiday’s more like Christmas, from what I can tell. It even has a story similar to the classic one starring Ebenezer Scrooge. Although the episode telling that tale having me as the Scrooge character is something I don't get, these days."

Thorax thought about it for a moment, and replied, "Probably because you were the one the story was told to, I guess?"

Flash Sentry just shrugged. "I wouldn't worry about it. Happy Holidays, guys!"

The other two nodded in agreement and returned to celebrating the holiday.

217.14 (Vinylshadow) [MLP/Prototype]
Flying Hazard

Derpy grumped her way into her house and hung up her mailbag before trotting to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and rummaged through it before pulling out some of Applejack's cider. Derpy took her prize to the living room where she glomped the changeling currently snoozing on the couch.


Derpy giggled and nuzzled Alex before snuggling into him and sipping her cider. Alex blinked before draping a wing over her, then glanced at the clock curiously.

"You're home early." he said, tilting his head. "Why?"

Derpy blew a strand of her mane out of her face and pouted. "I ran into the school again. Flew into, I mean. Because I Woke up right before I went splat."

Alex winced sympathetically. "Doesn't Twilight usually move the school to comply with zoning laws and safety hazards?"

Derpy rolled her eyes. "She's not Awake."

Alex grimaced. "The perks of multiple Anchors always dropping by." he said with a sigh. "I suppose you could always sue and make an easy profit."

"I could, and might, but that comes later. Where's my little Muffin?"

"Still at school, on account of needing an education." Alex replied.

Derpy stroked her chin thoughtfully. "Alright, wanna do Medical Family Emergency so she can get out early?"

Alex let out a long-suffering sigh. "You have the most siblings, parents and grandparents of any pony I've ever met. I daresay you've even put the Apples to shame."

"Oh hush and hit the Random button on the Pony Name Generator, would you?"

217.15 (DrTempo) [MLP/RWBY]
A Sparring Match and Thoughts of the Future

It was another day in Sunset's dojo.

Sunset was meditating. With new Loopers all over the place, now, she was unsure what would come next. It had been eons since Equestria had welcomed any new Loopers, Sunset herself having been part of the previous set. It was a conundrum.

As she considered this, however, the sound of the dojo’s doors opening echoed, and she opened her eyes, looking up to see who it was.

She was quickly greeted by the face of one Pyrrha Nikos.

Smiling, Sunset walked over, wrapping the redhead in a hug.

"To quote you, Pyrrha, hello again! What brings you here?"

Pyrrha smiled at this and - after ending the hug - shrugged. "This is a dojo, isn’t it, so how about we have a sparring match? It’s been too long since our last fight.”

Sunset nodded silently and the two stepped further into the dojo, soon finding themselves in fighting stances. Pyrrha had entered a CQC style she had used when she’d last fought Sunset, while Sunset used a more classic Anything Goes stance.

"So, what Loopers did you get during the recent incident?" Sunset inquired amidst idle conversation, apropos of nothing.

Pyrrha laughed, something of how Sunset had called the most recent crisis a mere incident amusing her. Considering she had likely been through worse, though, it made sense as to how calm she was.

"Well, surprisingly enough Maria was our only new Looper." Sunset nodded, recognizing the name from a Hub Loop. Not breaking from the spar, however, she went for a kick, but Pyrrha grabbed her leg and tossed Sunset to the ground. Wheezing slightly, the bacon haired woman sat up, "The woman who once had Silver Eyes, but lost them in battle, right? Only one, then. We had three newbies."

Pyrrha was shocked, her face giving it away. No Loopers had Awakened in Equestria for as long as she’d been looping. No, for nearly as long as Remnant had been an active branch, practically. She gaped, unsure of what to say.

Sunset took this moment to land a heavy punch on Pyrrha's jaw. Pyrrha staggered but quickly recovered.

"Wow.” The champion wondered. “That's… a surprise. Who are these newcomers?"

Sunset smiled at this. "Well, obviously Starlight Glimmer.” She hummed, dodging a kick. “Surprised it took this long, though she activated right before the Crisis, rather than during. The others are Thorax and Flash Sentry, of all people. And I don't mean the one in Equestria."

Pyrrha chuckled, ducking a punch, "I wonder when they'll end up in Remnant."

Sunset shrugged, and started attacking, only for Pyrrha to constantly dodge."Who knows? And stop dodging!"

Sunset tried another kick, but Pyrrha stuck to the wall. Sunset facepalmed, quickly realizing what was going on, "I forgot you replaced Peter Parker.” She laughed. “That was so long ago. Any news on the current baseline expansions?"

“Well…” Pyrrha couldn't help but grin, "Penny had to leave the Dead Loopers Club."

Sunset blinked in surprise, but smiled. She was always glad to hear a Looper thought dead in baseline had returned, "And here I thought she wasn't coming back. If only the same could be said for you, huh?"

Pyrrha frowned, saddened. The fight continued without further banter.

Eventually, Sunset’s superior experience won the victory, landing a powerful series of blows. As she helped Pyrrha back up, her face betrayed her worry. "Did what I said bother you?"

When Pyrrha nodded, Sunset sighed, falling silent again for a second as she mulled that over.

"Sorry, Pyrrha.” the Equestrian looper offered, smiling apologetically, “You didn't deserve to die. I do hope things go well for Remnant, though. Ruby seems like she needs to catch a break."

“As do I,” Pyrrha nodded with a wan smile. "From what Ruby’s said, there may be trouble coming, but we can hope."

"Well if anyone can get through it, Team RWBY can.” Sunset chuckled, “At least my baseline’s complete. Your Loop probably has a long way to go, but they’ve got this. Whatever’s next, all we can do is hope it turns out alright."

Pyrrha smiled again, glad to hear that encouragement from another Looper. "So, shall we spar again?"

Sunset nodded, and the two reentered their stances.

Pyrrha hoped Sunset was right, but knew it was up to her friends to handle baseline, as there was nothing she could do, now. As for when she was Awake, though, things would never get that bad. She would do all she could to make sure of it.

That was what a hero did, after all.

Author's Note:

From this point on my influence on the editing is essentially nil; I'm only providing various comments and the occasional snippet.

217.6: The first glimmer of insanity?
217.7: Ding dong, the Pink is Fed
217.12: Loops 101, except that's a bad term for it. Especially because he's British.

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