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  • 27 weeks
    Three tips from Ernest Hemingway

    This is advice from one of the greatest American Authors to a young inexperienced writer. For those of you overseas, Ernest Hemingway is considered one of Americas classics, and he stands along side greats like Edgar Allen Poe, Raymond Chandler, Mark Twain, and Herman Melville.

    Good advice for beginners and a great Writing Exercise


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  • 44 weeks
    Mystery Show/Book series you should see/read

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    Here is the first episode of the best reproduction ever made of the Nero Wolfe Mysteries. Fantastic actors and faithful to the books. Wolfe is a recluse who NEVER leaves his house.

    The Golden Spiders Piolet

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    Im sorry

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    Something Old, Something New

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  • 84 weeks
    Examples of Common Character Flaws in Literature

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The famous quotes list · 2:54pm Sep 23rd, 2022

I often get questions about my quotes and my quotes list. Mostly the questions are friendly, but there are those who see the quotes as me being arrogant or seeing them as a child like cry for attention. The truth is that I've been collecting these quotes for a decade now. Each one of these quote is one that made me stop reading a story here and think to my self, 'Dam, thats profound,' or one that made me genuinely laugh. I do this as a "Thank You" to the Authors on this site who donate their free time here to entertain us. Authors who often get little thanks for their efforts.

I decided last night to let you all see the complete quotes list, and so... here it is.

Updated Aug 7th

The Quote that started it all.

“To say that Twilight Sparkle went bugfuck would be like saying the Incredible Hulk had some mild anger management issues.” -DustTraveller

Quotes for short comments.

“Come into my parlor, Ted. I have cookies!” -Reykan

“A spider’s got to spider.” -Scarheart

"Yes, I will eat the Fear Turkey." -Illua

"I took another sip of my coffee." -Star Dawn

"Strong Tooth was there as well, but being the consumer of worlds she was had spent most the time trying to eat her baby bottle. She had yet to succeed."-ImNew2023

General Quotes

"Don't be absurd. These are not difficult to use. Now get over here and let me swap your brains." -Hoopy McGee

"Cooties! Of course, colts like him had cooties! Then again, she probably already caught them by now. Oh well, can't get more cooties if you already have them, right? Grabbing the colt’s hoof, she pulled herself up." -IsakeiAnon

"You had a therapist once, and she made you stop coming after you told her about your childhood. Apparently she just didn’t need that kind of negativity in her life." -amphetanon

"Giggling like a manic schoolgirl, Celestia runs up and crushes her sister in a six-limbed hug, levitating the pair around the room like a retarded crane operator." -Some Dickhead (No, that's the Authors name)

"if Celestia is the nation’s mother, then Luna is its bitter aunt who hangs around renaissance fairs and World War II reenactments." -Some Dickhead

“Shhh, it’s ok. The crotches won’t get you.” -BobAlcove

"I could kiss this guy right now, but I should probably not, I doubt these guys are Italian." -Dadecious

"not only was love blind but it must have some severe mental disorders too." -Recteik Shade

"It turns out that prostitution was viewed as an honest profession. However, how ponies figured out this was their special talent when most ponies got their cutie marks in grade school was suspiciously glossed over whenever the subject came up." -Typist Gray

"Anon had never known a bat pony to shy away from carnage. They were cuter than kittens, and much more bloodthirsty." -HeideKnight

"There are some things which you cannot do. There are some limits on even a Noble's actions. Never learn these limits. Never accept them. You are a Lord or Lady of this earth." -wLam

“Heat? isn't that when... I took a whiff of air when I smelled a smelly smell that smells smelly.” -The Kitsune

"No, but seriously; I'm going to pee on her while she sleeps tonight and say that Spike did it." -AnalPlugAnon

"The idea simply stated that when personal feelings are mixed with power, bad things happen." -Corvo

"I understand killin’ but I sure as hell don't understand you sheltered bastards.” -ThePhoton

"Mavis, for crimes against royalty, I hereby sentence you to the sushi bar!" the judge said, as chains wrapped around her, and dragged her away." -darkmage1997

"I was butt naked......and buff........and had white hair on my no-no region......." -Delta-Boio

"You type like you're getting paid per word and you have a debt to the mafia, that's due in a week." -Bubblesniffer

"Thirty minutes, Celestia. I was gone for thirty minutes," he said to her in an annoyed tone. "And in that time, Canterlot has been overrun with insect-like creatures, the groom is hypnotized and unable to perform his job, and you are being flung across your own throne room by...whatever that is. In thirty minutes." -Onomonopia

“Not telling you too much about humanity's special power, but I can give you a big hint! It is pure, concentrated spite.” -Knight Breeze

“What else to do? How did people survive boredom in olden times? ... Oh yeah, lots of stabbing." -RushyFiction

"(On being born) Isn't it interesting that the very first act we all do, is a crime so heinous that it comes with a death sentence." -CyanFox

“Puberty was a curse for those inflicted with it, and boundless amusement for others who survived the process.” -Scarheart

“They may have been a pair of idiots, but the true test of intelligence is how you stick the landing!” -The Dimensional Traveler

“She was very good at assuming the worst, he always did that but she made him look like an amateur at it." -Arelak

“You’re right. Violence is never the answer.” “Violence is the question.” “And the Answer is YES.” -Illua

“Hundreds of years,” Reflection muttered, enjoying the scratching. “That’s a lot of porn.” - Dropbear

“Winona let out a bark and immediately ran up to Armor and started licking his muzzle, tail wagging like she was promised cake if she did it enough.” -Snakeskin Ducttape

“Because we killed all of the monsters we ever ran into, save for ourselves and Death. What better way to respect death than to give it the form of the only monster we could never kill?" - WhatMustIDo

"Turning to the now gaping Shining Armor, “listen you little turd nugget, this is the holidays. A time in which no one is supposed to be a dick to another. So how about you pull on your big boy pants, and act like the adult you are supposed to be.” -Morgan83

“…the perverted tickler of buff men in hairy underwear, left the realm of sleep to join those who had decided to start a productive and early day” -Hotel_Chicken

“There are many ways to create a monster, and the one the girl knows best is rather basic: you tell someone they're a monster over and over again, then wait to see how long it takes before they agree with you.” -Estee

“Her hands were still bound with rope, she debated an escape before all the stupidity gave her an aneurysm.” -Scarheart

“I mean, you just seem to walk in random directions most of the time. How do you ever get to where you're going?" "Oh, that's easy," said Candy with a smile, ”I just make the place I end up, the place I wanted to be all along." There was an extended moment of silence. ”That... that's absolutely brilliant," -Trick Question

"Knowledge is power and power corrupts, so study hard and be evil." - Reykan

“If you can't awe them with knowledge, baffle 'em with bullshit.” -Guardsman_Sparky

“To say that Twilight Sparkle went bugfuck would be like saying the Incredible Hulk had some mild anger management issues.” -DustTraveller

“On her doorstep was Twilight Sparkle. While Derpy deeply respected the mare, like most in Ponyville, they wished she'd either switch to decaf, or start hitting the harder stuff.” -Dan_s Comments

Adult Quotes NSFW

"It's a simple fact: something your dick is in, takes priority over everything else." -Mister Coffee

"Celestia's tried and true method of titty-slapping things until they stopped struggling was about to claim another victim!" -Frocto

“Did we do something wrong?” “Nah,” said the other stallion, sounding more use to this reaction. “She’ll be fine. Some humans get post-orgasmic guilt and have to go do something called a ‘confession’ to feel better.” -Crimson Prose

“Shhh, it’s ok. The crotches won’t get you.” - BobAlcove

“and brought her muzzle to his ear. “If you so much as hurt one little hair on her head, I’ll feed you to my cock,” she hissed.” -Some Leech

“ , but wouldn’t need to worry since his pleasure plunger glistened with his own viscous grease.” -Crimson Prose

“it sounds like they're describing a bacon-flavored dildo with a 10 horse motor.” -Dan_s Comments

"I-I'm sorry, did you just say 'blowjob'?" Jesse had to think seriously hard about this.” -An Intricate Disguise

“Any problem can be solved by rigorous and vigorous application of horse-dick.” -Fenoxo

“-Ahem- Dear Prince Sunbutt, today I learned that you can, in fact, solve all of your problems by fucking them really hard until they pass out. I look forward to testing this new theory the next time one of Twilight’s dumbass little friends tries to pester me into some asinine errand I have no intention of helping them wi-" -NameUndetermined

Two sisters Light/Dark

"Ah, Two sisters." He said as he casually entered the throne room.
"One Light, One Dark." His steel shoes echoed with each hoof fall as he approached the diarchy.
"One Good...One Evil."
"My sister Luna Is Not Evil!" Celestia gritted her teeth.
He stopped and examined the silver grip of his cane, bringing it to his eye and turning it in thought.
He glanced at Celestia. "My dear, I never said that ...she, was." - RikitheMonk, unpublished work

Report rikithemonk · 124 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Spite is a good way to describe humanity. Lmao love the list bud, perhaps I will add to that one day.

You know, there are some absolutely brilliant moments scattered throughout the stories here. Great one liners, fantastic concepts, and some very unique and sage advice. One of my blogs covers a great excerpt from Hotel Chickens Skeletor story. Its a dam great piece of advice...in a Skeletor story.

And the saddest thing. One day all these great stories (along with a lot of schlock) are just going to disappear. There are very few of us who are archiving them and even our archives will one day just end up on the five dollar table of some garage or estate sale. With no one really being able to appreciate their value. A few will survive, like Pen Strokes print run of Past Sins, but other than those few hard copies, who will see the value in a thumb drive of pony story PDF's. I've archived a lot of stories here, but do to my issues, my computer converts them to MP3 Audio books. If my drive ends up on a table some day in the future, I wonder if anyone would see the real value in those 2000 My Little Pony Audio Novels.

I wonder if thats how the old 1880's pulp magazines felt?

Perhaps someone will print them all and stick them in large three ring binders, then store them in sealed clay pots in the ground. Hey, It worked in the distant past. 😎

I am at least going to have my entire series printed, even it's only a one shot print series.


this is absolute gold, you gotta add more


this is absolute gold, you gotta add more

As the Authors on this beautiful site add more lines worthy of quotes, I absolutely will.

"Cooties! Of course, colts like him had cooties! Then again, she probably already caught them by now. Oh well, can't get more cooties if you already have them, right? Grabbing the colt’s hoof, she pulled herself up." -IsakeiAnon

Huh. It appears I had been unaware of this until recently. Thanks for including me among these greats, even if mine kind of feels on the lesser end.

"if Celestia is the nation’s mother, then Luna is its bitter aunt who hangs around renaissance fairs and World War II reenactments." -Some Dickhead

One of the better ones.
(Most were great, though.)

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