
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 6 · 1:05pm May 17th

You've probably heard the song Loser before (and I know at least you have, Vertigo22) but this song is much different, even though it's by the same guy.

How does he do it, you may ask?

I don't know, Beck is just great at doing a wide variety of genres.

Blue Moon by Beck Hansen (But he just goes by Beck.) From the winner of the Grammy for Album of the year for 2014, Morning Phase.


Ted Cruz endorses Donald Trump, angers Glenn Beck · 7:16pm Sep 30th, 2016

On Friday, Ted Cruz officially endorsed Donald Trump and the news did not sit well with Glenn Beck, who had campaigned for Cruz during the Republican primaries on the grounds that he had been anointed by God to save America, and who has vowed never to support Trump...


My Movie Review on Big Fat Liar · 2:23pm Apr 1st, 2020

Greetings, my good friends.

This is your friendly film, TV show, and episode reporter once again here with another review.

And today, I'll be giving you all an analysis on a movie that I believe is perfect to celebrate April Fool's Day with:

"Big Fat Liar"

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Ramble Ramble Ramble (Blog 1: ''AAAH! BEYONCE IS THE NEW BLACK VERSION OF TERMINIX!'') · 11:17am Jul 25th, 2016

A few months ago, I heard that there was this lady named Tomi Lahren of Glenn Beck's TheBlaze who propagated a new lie on the world: Beyoncé showed during this year's Super Bowl that she wants to overthrow the white domination!!!

(Courtesy of Mercury Radio Arts; Glenn Beck, president)

Not only is the statement Ms.

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My Movie Review on The Peanuts Movie (2015) · 11:13pm Mar 14th, 2021

Greetings, my friends.

This is your top-of-the-line film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

Today, for my 210th film analysis, I'm gonna give you guys my take of "The Peanuts Movie".

Here's the rundown of this film:

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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results