• Published 8th Jun 2013
  • 2,813 Views, 37 Comments

Teenage Celestia - Barrobroadcaster

Twilight's first experiment with age magic gets more than a little complicated.

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Chapter 1: There's Always More to Learn

Over a thousand years later...

"Move! Oh my goodness, why are you just standing there?! MOVE!!"

Any louder and the shouts might've echoed off the walls. The small room somewhere in Canterlot Castle would've been completely dark if it weren't for the light of a single screen and it would've been quiet if not for Luna yelling at said screen.

"I do not even know why I try sometimes," Luna said into her headset. A controller levitated in front of her. Using her magic, she was able to manipulate the controls and move her avatar in the game around the battlefield she saw before her. On the other end of her headset were her teammates, players in her clan that were playing the same game with her. They faced another team on the fictional plane of battle and at the moment they were losing, mostly due to the inexperience and lack of coordination of two random players they picked up at the start of the match.

"I can't believe this. Will you TURN AROUND?! Get off the turret!!" Luna was a princess. At well over a thousand years old, she had the power to control the moon as her name suggested. She'd fought demons, tyrants and monster alongside her older sister Celestia. Over the long course of her life, she had seen the rise and fall of many great civilizations. But she had decided at that very moment that she had never before witnessed such epic failure.

The random players, one "Snip3z" and "S-Nails" had spent most of the match being murdered by the enemy team, increasing their team's score and decreasing Luna's. She sighed heavily. She just realized the two hadn't connected to their voice chat server, meaning her shouts hadn't been heard by either of them. Normally the case with random players who join a pick up game.

A massive explosion appeared on the screen. A wall of fire raced towards Luna's avatar. In a matter of seconds, it was over and Luna's screen turned black. A menu slowly faded into view detailing Luna's statistics along with those of her teammates. It also listed the enemy's along with the word Defeat in large, red letters at the top. Luna dropped the controller in disgust, barely even paying attention to the scores.

"I just don't know what went wrong..." Derpy's voice said in Luna's headset.

"It wasn't your fault Derpy," Luna replied. She was being honest, Derpy had performed exceptionally well during the match, demonstrating a great deal of skill with the sniper rifle weapon. A difficult aspect of the game to master, the gray Pegasus had shown she is quite capable of wielding it to its fullest potential. Derpy's kills were at the top of the chart as was her accuracy rating. Truly, Derpy Hooves was an asset to the team.

"The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie demands a rematch! Trixie will NOT be disgraced by spawn-camping noobs!" Trixie, another member on their voice server commented. The unicorn hadn't faired well that match and she tended to get very angry when things didn't go her way.

"Uhh, I think that was me and Tavi's last game. We both gotta get to work," Vinyl Scratch said. She along with her roommate Octavia played and worked well together, they were both an asset to Luna's team.

"All right, then. I wish you all well," Luna said, her voice still rang with the disappointment of the loss.

"Later Luna!" Derpy called back.

"Later," Vinyl responded.

"TRIXIE SHALL HAVE HER REVENGE!" Luna removed the headset quickly. Trixie's rage was something she'd witnessed quite often lately. Mostly, it was just loud and accompanied elaborate plans to solve the problem of her anger by crushing the source with enormous bears from outer space. Lately, she'd been angrier than normal for a reason she hadn't explained. Just last week, Trixie claimed she'd obtained some sort of mystical item that would make her unstoppable but Luna had forbidden her from using it while they played. Hackers got banned, simple as that.

Luna shook her head and picked up the controller again. She decided she'd might try to join a couple pick up games herself. Maybe she'd get lucky and get paired up with those two that lost her team's match. That way, they could all be failures together. It wasn't like she had anything else important to do today anyway.

A knock on her door suggested otherwise. She dropped the controller and walked through her pitch-dark room to open it. Opening her door, she was surprised to see her older sister Celestia.

"Good morning Luna," the white alicorn greeted her. Standing at over a head taller than Luna, Celestia was regal in every essence of the word. Everything about her, her appearance, voice and presence simply radiated grace and elegance.

"Good... morning sister," Luna replied. "How are you today?"

"I am fine," Celestia looked behind Luna into her room. "Another match with your team?" she asked, trying to make conversation.

Her sister had noticed the screen still on. "I... we were not victorious," Luna said simply, averting Celestia's gaze. She didn't like losing, especially not in front of her big sister.

But Celestia just smiled at her. "I am sure you will win eventually," she told her. Celestia didn't play video games and even she had the right attitude. Luna didn't say anything in response; her sister was right. As always...

"Twilight Sparkle is going to try using age magic for the first time today," Celestia said. "I would like it if you were to join us for the demonstration."

"Age magic?" Luna asked. "Are you sure she is ready?" Temporal manipulation spells were among the most complex known to ponies. So much could happen, so many things had to go just right or the results could be disastrous.

"Recent events have shown me that she is indeed ready. I've learned to place a great deal of faith in my student... as she has in me," Celestia answered.

"I would be happy to join you," Luna said. She turned off her console and walked out of the room, following her sister down the hall. They passed royal guards who stood firmer at attention as they passed. Luna wasn't sure if they were doing it more for her or her sister though. Everything about Celestia was just... serene. Her older sister resembled the ruler Equestria deserved. By comparison, Luna looked like, well, Celestia's little sister. Despite the fact that Luna had come to terms with her jealousy, the sun still cast a shadow that Luna felt trapped in. For the last thousand years.

"Twilight Sparkle has come a very long way," the big sister said, making conversation as they walked. "She has progressed faster than even I could have anticipated. This is no doubt because of the friends she made in Ponyville."

"Yes. It seems they've taught her more about magic than anything in Canterlot could have," Luna agreed.

Celestia looked over to Luna. "You may wish to consider taking up your own students."

Luna almost stopped in her tracks. "My own students?" She'd never considered that. Luna was still getting used to life outside the moon and it had been an adjustment. Meeting Derpy and their other online friends had given her social opportunities she hadn't had in... a long time. But she hadn't thought about taking one into her tutelage.

"I've come to depend on my student Twilight. I believe one day she will become stronger than both of us," Celestia said. "She still has much to learn though. That is why I've invited you to see her latest exploits today."

Luna nodded. Twilight was still very young. "Age magic is very complicated. Who will be the subject for her first attempt?"

"I am," Celestia said casually. That shocked Luna. She stopped in the hallway, Celestia turned to her.

"You're willing to let her cast it on you first?"

Her older sister nodded. "I have the upmost confidence in Twilight Sparkle. I volunteered to be her first subject myself," she explained.

"You are placing a lot of faith in her," Luna remarked. The two started walking again.

"I am. And I have no doubt she will be successful. As I said, she still has much to learn. That is why I need you here for her first attempt."

Luna knew now what her sister was insinuating. "In case she fails? In case something happens to you?"

"Yes. If anything were to happen to me, the duty of protecting the kingdom would fall to you."

Luna felt a really bad feeling forming in the pit of her stomach, worse than the recent loss she felt this morning.

"I am familiar with age magic," Luna said. "Surely if anything were to go wrong, I would be able to reverse the effects."

"Of course," Celestia replied. "And don't call me Shirley."


"It's also important that we both be here to support and encourage Twilight and her friends. If she is successful with the age spell, that will indicate how far she has come... and offer a glimpse of what we can expect in the future." Luna admired Celestia and her relationship with Twilight. It was yet another in the long list of things that made her envious of her sister. She knew where dwelling on such feelings led... but Celestia wasn't just encouraging Twilight. She was encouraging Luna too. Her own student? Students? She didn't know what to think at that moment. Twilight's friends were out of the question... but who else was a gifted unicorn? Perhaps Trixie?

The reached the end of the hallway and entered the throne room. It stretched fourth, massive and lavish with a high ceiling and gorgeous stained glass windows, the light of the new morning shining through each one brilliantly painting the pictures they held on the floor. They entered the room from the back, Celestia's throne to their left as they entered. In the center was Twilight Sparkle and her five friends. They were talking as the two sisters approached.

"My faithful student Twilight!" Celestia called to her student.

"Princess! I, uh... I've been preparing all morning and I-" The purple unicorn was flustered, as usual. A spell book levitated by her head, she flipped through the pages quickly like a student cramming in a last-minute study session before a test.

"I can see that," Celestia said with a chuckle as she and Luna walked over.

"We've been helping Twilight prepare for the last few days. We wouldn't miss this for the world!" Rainbow Dash said as she hovered above the ground.

"She's definitely practiced very hard, your majesty," Rarity commented, slightly nervous herself.

"Twilight used somea our apples to try her new-fangled age magic on. We went through quite a few," Applejack said. "We were too afraid to try to use it on any of Fluttershy's animals because a..." Fluttershy herself said nothing, apparently the creatures she cared for had been involved in something... less than safe.

"She uh, she tested it out on a few things, fruits and veggies and the results were-"

Pinkie giggled. "First she turned the apples into oranges, then the oranges exploded! It was amazing!"

"We think she's got it worked out now. At least, it was okay when we tried it on the seeds," Rainbow Dash said. The purple unicorn was apparently sweating as she flipped through the book again and again. The comment about exploding produce had sent Luna's concern skyrocketing. What if that spell made her sister explode?! How could she go through with this?!

Celestia simply walked over to Twilight. "I am sure Twilight will perform the spell successfully," she said, putting a hoof on her student's shoulder. That snapped Twilight out of being absorbed in her book and dropped her back down to Equestria. The purple unicorn looked up at her mentor, eyes filled with uncertainty and fear. Celestia simply smiled back at her student, a comforting and knowing expression that warmed those who saw it.

"Have you decided what type of age spell you wish to cast?" Celestia asked.

Twilight's eyes widened. "What type of spell? I don't, I didn't see any-"

"There are two basic types of age spells," Luna said, walking closer. "Increasing one's age or decreasing it are the easiest spells." Apparently Twilight hadn't given it much thought. She opened the book again.

Celestia put a hoof in front of Twilight's book, prompting her to lower it. "I am sure that since my student is aware that I am well over one thousand years of age, the effects of an age increasing spell would be difficult to notice," she gave Twilight a subtle wink and the student understood. Harnessing magic was one thing, achieving the desired result was another entirely. Twilight hadn't decided if she was going to make Celestia younger or older, apparently she had subconsciously assumed the princess would decide for herself. And it was clear that a decision had been made.

"Yes, of-of course," Twilight agreed.

Celestia stepped back away from Twilight to give her plenty of room to cast. "Are you ready Twilight?"

Twilight put down the book. "I am."

"WAIT!" Pinkie's voice screeched. Pinkie disappeared for a moment and then wheeled a cannon closer to the group. Ducking behind the cannon, she reappeared wearing a top hat and rip cord, prepared to fire the cannon. "Okay, I'm good!" she shouted.

"Now Twilight," the princess said. "Show me what you have learned."

Twilight nodded. She closed her eyes and thought clearly, the details of the age spell etched vividly onto the surface of her mind. Magic surged through her entire body, the ends of her mane levitated slightly and her horn glowed with built up energy. She gritted her teeth, focused on the princess and cast the spell.

A beam of pure magical energy emerged from the unicorn's horn. It collided with the princess, enveloping her in a magenta light. An explosive flash burst from Celestia, blinding everypony in the throne room. Sparks descended from ceiling and for a moment, all was silent.

Twilight opened her eyes to see the results of her spell. In front of her stood Princess Celestia, the alicorn examined herself to see if the age spell had worked. Her expression was ever so slightly puzzled, she looked to her student.

An explosion rang out and confetti showered the group. Pinkie Pie's party cannon launched a celebratory cloud of glittering bits throught the room. Behind the cannon though, Pinkie was just as confused as everypony else.

"Woo... hoo?" Pinkie said, quirking an eyebrow.

"She... doesn't look younger," Rainbow Dash commented, flying closer.

Twilight looked at her mentor. Something had gone wrong. The spell hadn't worked, Celestia remained unchanged.

"I don't know what went wrong. I don't think I missed anything," Twilight said. She picked up the book almost instinctively and began flipping through it again. Celestia walked over to her student again.

"It is all right, Twilight," she said, comforting Twilight again.

"Beg yer pardin' princess but, you wouldn't happen to be feelin... orange-y, would ya?" Applejack asked. Celestia shook her head.

"Well, that's a relief," Applejack said, wiping a tad bit of sweat off her forehead.

"What could've happened? I went over every step about a dozen-dozen times, memorized every word and still..." Twilight trailed off. Princess Celestia once again walked over and prompted Twilight to put the book down.

"You will master this spell eventually Twilight. I know you will," the princess told her. Twilight practically had tears in her eyes; she didn't take failure well. But the princess did not relent in trying to comfort her student. Like a torrent of positive energy, she kept showering Twilight with the same confidence, the same faith and determination until all her doubt melted away. There was a lot.

"We will try again tomorrow," Celestia said to them. "I will come to Ponyville with Luna in the morning. Perhaps you will have success in more... comfortable surroundings." Truthfully, changing location would not change the chances of success or failure of the spell again but Celestia knew that if Twilight and her friends stayed in Canterlot, Twilight would most likely spend the entire night worrying and studying. Not that being at her own home would make a difference but at least in Ponyville she would be more comfortable.

"Okay... thank you, princess," Twilight said, sounding devastated. The two ponies turned away from each other as Twilight and her friends departed. They had come all that way for nothing, just because Celestia had requested them come to the castle. She would come to them tomorrow, make the commute easier on everypony involved. She knew there was no other pony who could take the responsibility to be Twilight's first subject to cast the age spell on. That was the joy and burden of being a teacher.

The doors at both ends of the throne room opened and the respective parties exited.

"That was... unexpected," Luna commented to her older sister.

Celestia was silent for a moment before responding. "Indeed. It's not often for a spell to cast without any discernible effects. But I am sure Twilight will be successful eventually."

"I agree. Is there any other reason why we are going to see them in Ponyville tomorrow?"

"If the spell misfires again, Twilight may need some more hooves-on-approach training in how to use age magic. It would be the perfect opportunity to practice together," Celestia said. She wondered if her sister had difficulty placing faith in her student at times.

"Is there anything else you need me for?" Luna asked.

"Not at the moment but thank you. Would you care to join me for some tea?"

"Perhaps later," Luna said. "I'm going back to solo-qeue for a couple matches on Live," she turned and headed back to her room.

Celestia smiled. "Best of luck, Luna."

Luna turned her head back. "Thank you," she replied softly. So much was still uncertain and yet her sister remained unfazed. There was a difference between being a leader and a ruler, Luna was beginning to understand that. So many things around them were changing, some that neither of them were aware of. Luna wondered... what would've happened if she had never rebelled against her sister? Would she then understand what it meant to rule, what separated her from her sister?

She shook her head at the thoughts. What was done was done. Now it was time to take out these strange emotions on random ponies playing online.

Author's Note:

I don't blog. Blogging wastes time, me telling you about it in the author's notes section of this chapter is wasting time. You're here to read stories about ponies, I'm here to write stories about ponies. We can talk about what you like or didn't like about the story, point out stuff that needs to be improved or fixed in the comments section or PM me, don't be afraid to discuss things with each other, all that stuff. Now if you'll excuse me, I have stories to write about ponies. Thank you for your time.