• Published 8th Jun 2013
  • 2,813 Views, 37 Comments

Teenage Celestia - Barrobroadcaster

Twilight's first experiment with age magic gets more than a little complicated.

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Chapter 2: To Be Young Again

The next morning...

Luna's room was quiet this morning but still she gamed in the dark, alone if not for Derpy talking to her via wireless headset again. Today they were engaged in a roleplaying game, one based on cooperation rather than competition. Generally easier and less stressful, it provided a pleasant escape.

The silence was punctuated by a knock on the door. Then another, the door was beset upon by a series of rapid taps as if whoever was on the other side was impatient.

"I'm coming!" Luna shouted across the room. "Bee-are-bee," she then whispered into her headset to Derpy, an acronym indicating she would 'be right back'.

Luna walked across the room and opened the door. Not surprisingly, Celestia was on the other side. She still looked the same as she did yesterday, the effects of the age spell having surprisingly no effect at all. Luna didn't pay attention to the enormous grin Celestia wore as she stood in the doorway.

"Good morning sister, are we going to-"

"Luna!" her big sister interrupted. The larger white alicorn lunged through the doorway to grab her sister and embrace her in an overly-tight hug. "It's so good to see you lil' sis! How are you doing this morning?"

"I am... fine," Luna said, nearly choked in the awkward embrace. She would've tried to hug back but her sister's limbs were like a vice. Luna was instantly confused and conflicted; on one hoof, she had the instinct to return Celestia's affection, on the other, she had the powerful urge to flee for safety. Before she had time to absorb anything other than discomfort, her sister released her.

"So, what are you up to?" her big sister asked.

Luna averted her sister's gaze for an entirely different reason now. "I was just-"

"Why is your room so dark?" Celestia interrupted, sticking her head into Luna's room. "Why is it so dark in here? Are you playing video games in here? Oh my gosh, you are! That is so cool!" the white alicorn strode past Luna and into the room.

"Why are you playing alone in the dark? This room doesn't have any windows. Don't you have a lamp or something at least?" Celestia questioned. For some reason, her voice sounded different to Luna. It was higher... and annoying. Her tone sounded childish almost, gone was the regal presence of a mare who was both ruler and mentor.

"Umm, sister? Are you feeling okay?" Luna asked, indirectly trying to wonder why her sister seemed a tad 'off' this morning.

"Awesome! Just wanted to come by and see what my baby sister was up to," Celestia answered. "So what are you playing?" The larger mare approached the silvery screen, the game still paused on what Luna was doing with Derpy.

This was the first time her sister had shown this much interest in her video games. "Just playing Skyrim with Derpy. I thought we were going-" Luna awkwardly admitted but was once again interrupted.

"Is this your controller? Ooh, and your headset!" Celestia levitated the two devices. She placed the headset on her own head and examined the controller as she held it with her magic. Celestia looked over the device, turning it upside down and on its side the same way one might study a puzzle.

"Come! Play with me! We don't hang out any more, we need to do stuff together," Celestia beckoned to Luna.

Luna put a hoof behind her neck. "I thought we were going to go see Twilight today."

The sun princess gasped. "You're right! We should go hang out with Twilie!"

Twilie? Wasn't that what her brother called her? Luna was even more confused now. Her sister was acting bizarre. She was acting like this was the first time she'd seen Luna's room, Luna's games, for that matter, Luna. What was the reason for this strange behavior? Celestia seemed normal yesterday especially right after the-

"The age spell!" the realization hit Luna. "Sister, yesterday, I think something might've happened when Twilight was here."

"Let's go see Twilight now!" Celestia said. She dropped both controller and headset on the floor and strode towards the door. Luna tried to stop and ask her something, maybe it would be better if Twilight came to them. But the larger alicorn embraced the smaller one again before she could say anything. The breath was squeezed from Luna's lungs in another hug.

"I love you so much, Luna. I'm so sorry I've been too busy to do things with you," Celestia said, closing her eyes.

Luna felt like she was being crushed in the grip of an Ursa-Major. "I... I assure you-"

"But all that's going to change. We're going to go see Twilie in town! Won't that be fun?"

"Absolutely?," Luna replied, unsure. Finally, Celestia released her. It felt like she could breath again. There had to be some kind of connection between the age spell Twilight tried to conjure yesterday and how Celestia was acting now. Thankfully, Celestia wanted to go see her student right away.

"We'll spend the whole day together just you, me and Twilie! We can go shopping and get you some new clothes, maybe a whole new wardrobe something nice and less dark for you. Maybe we could even give you a makeover!" Celestia began. Her attention span was so short, she hopped from one topic to the next and just kept going. Spending the whole day together turned into shopping, shopping turned into new clothes, new clothes turned into a need for a new style, it just didn't end.

"A... makeover?" Everything was happening too fast, Luna was confused, reluctant to do anything. Part of her on the inside screamed in her own voice that she needed to get her sister help, try to fix her condition on her own.

"Let's get going right now. We've got the whole day ahead of us and let's not spend it alone in the dark," Celestia gently encouraged. That gentle encouragement though also included grabbing her little sister and practically dragging her entire body through the hallways of the castle. Luna had little choice but to come with her as Celestia put a hoof around her body and lovingly carried her out of the room.

Luna's hooves dragged on the floor as her sister pulled her. Royal Guards that saw the two silently turned their heads, just as confused as Luna yet they remained at attention as they followed the two with their eyes. The larger alicorn practically carried her smaller sister out of the castle.