• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 2,972 Views, 97 Comments

The Mane Two: Contrail - MerlosTheMad

The grinding gears of fate have been set into motion. One by one, the mane six are being plucked from their lives in Equestria and cast into the unknown. All except for Applejack and Rainbow Dash, that is.

  • ...

Happy Together

Chapter One: Happy Together

Applejack huffed out another lung full of air in an effort to keep her head clear.

She had a lot on her mind already for the morning, and the wind blowing up the dusty farmland road fought to distract her from all of it. The blonde mane swatting at her face every other ten seconds just compiled the situation.

"Dash, keep up, would yah?" Applejack growled, then flicked her head for the dozenth time as she quickened her trot.

"Ah huh, yup," Dash replied, flying lazily after. She mostly ignored her friend's irritation, her own nose buried into the book she was deeply invested in.

Applejack would have said something about it, likely relating to the way Dash had said they were late to the picnic with the rest of their friends, but she didn't have the patience for it.

Overhead, the sun shone brightly, perhaps wanting to cheer up the grumpy pony below as it bathed the rustic acres surrounding Ponyville in a comforting light. Despite the warmth it offered, it was early fall in Equestria, with the winter months quickly approaching. The increasingly cool breezes the weather pegasi sent over the town were a sure sign to anypony that it would only get colder.

Even with the fall colors springing up all around—which normally captivated Applejack—and the distracting windiness, her mind was set in stone on other matters.

“Consarnit, girls,” Applejack grumbled to the thin air. “Why did you have to go talk me into a picnic? Pinkie, Rarity, I swear you two owe me one. Er… two.”

"You say something, AJ?" Rainbow asked, though without looking up from her read.

Applejack sighed. "No, Dash, no I didn't."

Annoyed, she flicked her head and mane again. Although she was perhaps only half as annoyed at her friends as she was by her hair, they weren't off the hook by any means. Her brow furrowed beneath the loose mane-do she wore, which was a sharp contrast to the utilitarian pony tail and short cropped bangs she usually kept.

“Actually, make that three that you girls owe me.” Applejack grunted and blew the longer forelock of mane out of her eyes again; Rarity had talked her into keeping it long, rather than getting it cut as normal. Nonsense school-filly and her ‘seasonal fashion’ hoozits.

Rainbow Dash's ears twitched to the sound of her friend conversing with herself. "Okay, I know I heard you that time."

Applejack growled. "No, you didn't."

"Yeah I did," Dash insisted.

"No, you didn't," Applejack refuted.

Bringing up the rear, Rainbow glared at the back of her friend's head, then jammed her book back up to her muzzle. "Fine then, have it your way. No good stubborn farmer..."

Applejack relaxed the tension she'd felt building up. She did not want to put up with Rainbow's attitude right then, and as for the picnic, she had no reservations over spending time with her friends.

None at all.

Unless it was during bucking season, the one time of the year, near the beginning of fall, when the majority of Sweet Apple Acres’ apples were at their ripest. It just so happened, that was the time of the year right then, and her friends had begged her out for a casual get-together.

Every moment she spent perusing small kiosks, spending time with her friends, and even sleeping, meant less time used to bring in the harvest. Apples don’t buck themselves... she stubbornly thought. It ain’t fair of them to guilt me into things like this. In truth, they hadn’t guilted her, per se, but saying no to them wasn’t exactly easy.

Applejack pushed herself to go a little faster, the mountain of work on her plate at the forefront of her mind. A melancholy frown appeared every time she thought of it, even if it was in order to relax with her friends at a picnic. I like to spend time with them, I do, but not at the price of the harvest... Briefly, she considered that at least it would get done in the end. Big Mac will be bucking my share while I’m gone. That feller’s too kind for his own good.

"Hurry up, Dash!" Applejack called back. "You're too slow."

Rainbow jerked her head up. "You— Too slow!?" Her mouth worked a moment, looking for the perfect insult to throw back, but none came. I'll show her slow I'll— Waaait, no that's what she wants... Nice try, AJ, not falling for it. Despite her own temper now simmering, she slowed down further.

The gap between the two ponies grew slightly with Rainbow's refusal to speed up, while the dirt beneath Applejack’s hooves rose in small clouds as she hurried towards the near side of town, where their friends and the picnic were waiting.

Applejack looked back at the pegasus now trailing behind her, and no doubt doing it on purpose, too. She sighed, and resolved to just ignore it. If they were any later, so be it. A few more stray, guilty thoughts stirred about while she was left to think, and it led to her trying to explain away her work addiction.

Ah mean, it’s true, Applejack admitted to herself. I do tend to wake up at night, just to meander out to the orchards and start bucking apples... She chuckled and shook her head. Ah, shucks, I don’t do stuff like that much anymore though, do I? She supposed she didn’t. Not ever since I got so close to those crazy girls, no sirree.

The great ‘apple-bucking fiasco’ from nearly two years ago, in which Applejack had nearly worked herself to death, had been the start of what would become a friendship she was never not be thankful for, good and bad.

I wouldn’t know what to do without those girls... horribly encouraging procrastination of the farm work or not. Applejack’s smirk had become a wan smile, and her hastened trot slowed back some to a canter while she made her way into town. As much as I dislike wasting time durin’ valuable daylight hours, I suppose I do honestly need a break.

Applejack briefly laughed aloud, “Hehe, and I should know! Bein' the Element of Honesty and all.” She stopped and polished a hoof on her chest proudly, before looking forward again onto the road and heaving a breath of the fresh, autumn air. Laughter broke her out of her revery.

"I knew it, you are totally talking to yourself."

Applejack blinked, suddenly realizing that Rainbow Dash was hovering in front of her with an all too smug look on her face.

"Wha— Dangit Dash, quit— quit lolly-gaggin'!" With a bright blush already appearing on her cheeks, Applejack trotted quickly around her laughing friend.

Without warning, a gale of wind tore at Applejack, and took her stetson along with it. The suddenly airborne hat began to soar away in the opposite direction she was heading.

Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack watched with stunned eyes as the family heirloom floated away in the breeze.

“Wha-? Ah, pony feathers!” AJ shouted, then turned the rest of herself around to give chase. "Come back here, you! I don't need this right now!" Her hooves beat the wagon-trail fiercely as she tore after it.

Rainbow's laughter increased, watching with a twinge of satisfaction.

Not far down the road at all, the hat had suddenly thudded onto the ground, the wind stopping altogether.

“Dangit, Rainbow, you— Woah nelly!” Applejack cried out, almost squashing her precious hat as she ground to halt. She didn’t hesitate to retrieve it before another draft could steal it away.

With a concerted look over the inconvenience, she pushed the stetson back onto her head and turned around once again. What’s with all the crazy gusts of wind? That’s the third time my hat’s flown off today. She grunted once for good measure, glaring at the sky, then Dash, then back-trotted the few meters she’d lost.

"Welcome back." Rainbow grinned as her friend returned, then continued right on past her. Feeling undeniably ignored, her expression shifted to a frown. "Hey, what's eating you?"

"Nothin's eatin' me." Applejack quickened her pace. 'Cept for your stupid wind pranks... She was sure her friend was responsible for the sudden gust, but refused to give her the satisfaction of acknowledging it. "Let's just get to the picnic, Dash."

"'Kay." Rainbow Dash shrugged, and struggled to re-find where she'd left of in her book.

A couple minutes travel later, and the two had reached the top of a hill that overlooked the picnicking area.

Rainbow Dash continued down the slope in a glide, while Applejack paused before heading down, taken for a moment by a sight she’d grown up almost her whole life with.

Along the horizon, dark mountains towered above lush, untouched land. Beyond that, lay the distant, shimmering dot that was Canterlot, resting snugly against the side of a cliff. It twinkled as the gold that decorated its ivory white towers shined from the midday sun. The blue up there contrasted brilliantly with the puffy white clouds, which lazily drifted from side to side; keeping relatively close to the place where the local weather pegasi must have stationed them.

There was even a rainbow arching between a couple of the pearly clouds as they peacefully gave a light shower to somewhere on the other side of town.

Speaking of rainbows... Applejack mused darkly.

The gamut of colors ranging from red to green she stared after had reached the bottom of the hill. They belonged to the same rainbow maned culprit that seemed to fancy both making off with her hat and being a royal pain in her behind. And if there was one prank of Dash's that Applejack did not find amusing, it was anything to do with her hat.

Despite the recent unpleasantness, Applejack smiled as she looked at the beautiful sight, taking in every detail and even forgetting a bit of her previous frustration. With one last look at the horizon, she took a deep breath, and descended down the hill to the village green, which was filled with dozens of ponies sitting out to enjoy Celestia’s sun.

As she approached, Applejack's arrival did not go unnoticed.

Four more colorful forms crowded around where Rainbow Dash had settled. They rested on a telltale checkered blanket along with a small wicker basket. All them were trading hellos, and were obviously doing what they did best: being friends.

One by one, the four other mares that made up the picnic party snapped their heads up toward Applejack.

Rarity levitated a drink with a little umbrella in it, Pinkie Pie had a mouth full of... something, Twilight had a book laid in front of her as was usual, Fluttershy seemed to have been preening, and finally, Rainbow Dash was busy reading. Again. Minus Rainbow, the other four mares all returned Applejack’s welcoming smile with versions of their own.

Hope we're not too late, Applejack thought, before galloping the remaining distance to the picnic, eager to join the mid-day get-together.

“Applejack!” Twilight grinned and stood up. “I was starting to think you weren’t going to make it.” She cantered out a ways from the others and met the apple farmer halfway.

Applejack responded with a smile. “Aw, Twi’, you know I could never miss a get-together with you gals. Not if I have anything to say about it.” She batted a hoof at Twilight. “‘Sides, Big Mac is taking on the work himself, so it’s not like I’ll be missing much.” In truth there was a whole lot to do, but she couldn’t let Twilight know she was the reason some of the orchard might not be bucked that season. If she had learned anything, it was to always make time for the important things in life.

A sudden breeze stirred through the pasture, once again snagging on Applejack’s hat. The stetson remained firmly in place, however, while Applejack gave a disapproving grunt.

“Daggum,” Applejack cursed while glaring around Twilight and toward Rainbow Dash. “Why have you got the wind whippin’ around all willy-nilly today, Rainbow?” She glared at the oblivious pegasus’, who still had her nose in her book despite chatting with Pinkie. “It’s been like this all morning and I’ve nearly lost my hat four times already. T’ain’t no reason for it at all. Why, I oughta bop her on the head just fer-”

“Whoa, AJ, calm down. What wind?” Twilight pointedly took a step between Applejack and the picnic, including Rainbow. “Do you mean those little breezes from this morning?” She absently asked the question with a questioning tone. “I’m sure it’s just Rainbow’s team prepping a few clouds for an upcoming storm. I think it’s been awhile since we had one.”

Twilight’s voice seemed to drip with the intention of sincerity, but Applejack knew that her friend’s mind was fields off on that point.

“The weather forecast said we aren’t gonna get showers for another five or six days.” Applejack’s head cocked and looked at Twi' with an expression of skepticism. “What does she have those weather ponies doing up there? She better not be planning on something at everypony else’s expense again.”

Twilight paused, and searched Applejack’s face in the silence. “Applejack,” she started abruptly. “Can you do something for me, please?” Her violet eyes held the other mare’s attention without saying another word.

Now why do you have to give me that look, Twi'? Applejack was defenseless to her pleading stare. “Uh, well sure, Twilight. You can count on me for darn near anything. You know that.”

“Please... Please, would you not get into another fight with Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked earnestly.

The request hit Applejack like a sack of bricks. "What do you mean not fight Rainbow Dash? Ah’m not the one makin’ the weather go all cattywompus!"

Twilight frowned, not quite looking as solemn as before. "Applejack..."

Applejack frowned back. Inwardly, she noticed that the situation resembled a conversation she would have with her little sister. ‘Don’t run with scissors, Applebloom,’ ‘Get off of that stranger, Applebloom,’ and ‘Applebloom, what did I tell you ‘bout dressin’ Spike up in a skirt.’ But the way Twilight had asked the request was what stuck out.

Applejack thought back to times in the past when her competitive nature had gotten the best of her. Callow competitions, pointless arguments, and dim-witted races were proof of that. She couldn’t help but think of something Applebloom might say in this situation. But she started it!

“Alright, I’ll be better behaved than a filly on Hearth’s Warmin’ Eve, Twi'.” Her desire to Dash on the head faded quickly and she let out a weak laugh.

Twilight let out a breath of relief. “Thank you, I’m glad to hear that. I know you guys would never fight for real, but would it kill you both to tone it down? There are better uses for all that time and energy, you know.” She turned her head coyly and rolled her eyes as she trotted back to the others.

Applejack followed, chuckling a response out as they went. “No problem, Twi. Now, let’s get to eatin’ before the grub get’s cold.” And so I can get back to apple buckin’ sooner than later, ‘specially if there is a storm brewin’...

The faces of three of the Elements of Harmony lit up as Applejack reached the checkered blanket. Her presence was, after all, a must have for any afternoon picnic. She scanned the hospitable grins as she trotted up, all of them typical for anypony in Ponyville—except Pinkie Pie's, who was always grinning enough for three ponies.

Pinkie Pie’s mood was an infectious enigma, always brightening up the ponies around her. She was sitting on her haunches, beaming a bright, ear to ear smile at her cowpony friend.

Applejack immediately found herself caught in that grin’s power. Maybe this ain’t gonna be so bad after all.

"So, how is everypony doi—" Applejack cut off. From across the picnic cloth, she was charged by a pink, fluffy flash of lightning.

“AJ!” the voice from the pink blur yelled.

"Huh?" Applejack was hit with a massive bear hug and almost fell over as Pinkie grappled her in a vice grip. "Whoa there, Pinkie!" The cotton candy-like mane rubbed against Applejack’s muzzle, tickling it in a way that made her feel like she had to sneeze.

"You made it!" Pinkie grinned and ended her over-enthused hug as quickly as it had begun. Although Pinkie had let her target loose, that did not at all change the proximity between the two, on account of they were awkwardly muzzle to muzzle. Well, it was awkward for Applejack; Pinkie barely seemed to notice as she spoke.

“I almost thought you weren’t going to make it! Rarity said you were busy and didn’t have time for cake, but I said you loved cake and so had time and look, you’re here! Now that you’re here, that makes all six of us! Hooray! Oh we should go get the pets, it's so nice out! I'll get Gummy and you'll get Winona, and Rarity can get that cat that always bites me when I try to play with it, oh, and Twilight can get Spike and Owlowiscious! Oops, I didn’t mean to call Spike a pet, after all, he is one of our bestest friends in the whole wide world, and-”

Abruptly, Pinkie Pie halted her constant stream of small talk. Her eyes went wide and her nose began to sniff the air.

“Woo-wee! AJ, what an incredible smell you’ve discovered!” Pinkie broke out into giggles.

It occurred to Applejack that her hard work around Sweet Apple Acres wasn't going unnoticed. "Ah, sorry about that."

A shy, butter yellow pegasus uttered an “oh my,” which was barely loud enough to not be drowned out by the natural environment around her.

The only way Applejack believed she could be any redder, was if she could somehow see herself at that moment. Oh what the hay Pinkie, at least Rarity hadn’t said nothin’ about it. “Well, ah was apple bucking...” she responded honestly. “Sorta forgot to clean up. Sorry, I guess I was just in a hurry.”

“Oh, that must’ve been hard work for you to be smelling this bad! How does Granny Smith stand to live on that farm with smells like that?” Pinkie Pie let out a series of giggling laughter while the others around her added in their own, albeit more hesitantly. “I’m just kidding. Oh, that reminds me, where’s that oh-so-tasty Equestria famed apple pie you mentioned yesterday, AJ?” The pink pony bounced excitedly on all four hooves, wild, hungry eyes searching all around Applejack, as though the pie could be hidden anywhere.

Applejack was speechless once again. The wave of babble that passed over her was almost incomprehensible. Almost being the key word. She facehoofed after Pinkie mentioned the pie. On the way out of the orchard, she had forgot to grab her own vittles. Perfect, this is just perfect. So far I’ve been late, no thanks to Dash, smell to high heaven, and I forgot literally the one thing I was supposed to bring.

“Ah’m sorry sugarcube,” Applejack started, kicking the ground softly just wanting to get it over with. “I must have left it at mah farmhouse.” Her gaze fell to the ground. This is going to be an awkward picnic.

“Oh darling, it is perfectly alright,” chimed in a familiar unicorn with an affinity for fashion, celebrities, and the indoors.

Rarity was the only one not currently sprawled out on the checkered blanket; instead choosing to lie on her own silken cloth. It was a bit extravagant for a picnic, but that was Rarity for you. “I brought plenty of Daisy sandwiches for everypony. Now, you must stop that sullen attitude of yours before a tiny rain cloud develops above your head from it.” She pointed a hoof up at the sky then, sighing heavily.

Applejack chuckled. Yeah, honestly I wouldn't be surprised if one of those did show up, she considered, and spared another glower over towards Rainbow. Except the other pony wasn't where she'd been just a moment ago—

Applejack looked up, and gasped.

“Aww! Rarity,” Rainbow Dash called out from above the farm pony. “You always ruin a perfectly good prank.” She kicked away the small cumulus cloud she had sewn together hastily for a bit of a light shower. The various tufts of white she had found while the attention had been off of her, faded.

Applejack scowled up at her athletic rival. It just never ends with that maverick, does it? She remembered the multitude of pranks her rainbow friend had done over the past few years. Sudden surprise afternoon rain showers, gluing her crop to the trees, and worst of all, putting chewing gum inside apples and then placing them in random barrels around the farm. It took a whole week to search through every barrel, and even then they hadn’t found them all. Applejack was mighty embarrassed when Ms. Cheerilee was blowing bubbles after she had taken a bite out of a fresh harvest.

“And you always ruin a perfectly good get-together, Rainbow Dash,” retorted Rarity. “Now come back down here so we can enjoy our little picnic in peace.”

“It’s not like it’d hurt her to take a little bath... Actually, right now it’d probably be a favor.” Grudgingly, Dash swooped down to take her place in the group. A place that was right next to one orange mare in particular, gripped by a peeved off attitude.

Applejack snorted derisively at Rainbow, and Rainbow grinned cheerily in return.

“Now now, girls, I think we can all be civilized adult mares here. As I was saying, don’t fret about the pie, Applejack. I think it’s fair we take turns bringing the food, don’t you agree?” Rarity’s horn began to glow and out of her wicker basket floated crisp daisy sandwiches, moist strawberry cake, scrumptious looking tulip turnovers, brightly colored cupcakes, and muffins that seemed to give off visible steam as if they had recently been taken out of the oven.

Applejack looked around to see the other mares—except Rarity who seemed very much in control of her taste buds—drooling like a pack of starving timberwolves. Each eyed a treat they most yearned for, seemingly helpless to control their irresistible desire to fling themselves haphazardly onto the plates and consume them in one, big hearty gulp.

The bickering and small talk ceased, and within minutes the plates were picked clean except for a few morsels.

Rarity watched in stark horror at the ravenous pack of ponies in front of her. Apparently, making them wait to eat before Applejack showed up had been a mistake after all, hmph. She rolled her eyes and levitated a daisy sandwich to her mouth. “Ruffians...” she muttered.

Pinkie Pie looked up from being muzzle deep in a turnover. “Oh hey, Rarity!” she shouted enthusiastically, and bounced to sit up as a thought occurred to her. “Do you want to come taste test some new eclairs tomorrow with me for the Cakes?”

Rarity raised her eyes to Pinkie Pie, who was surprisingly patient for a reply. A frown graced her muzzle while she set down her untouched sandwich. “I’m sorry, dear, but tomorrow I am going to take a... lone excursion. I’ve been putting one off for far too long I feel, and I have been planning this for some time. I hope you understand.”

Raising the sandwich again, Rarity took a dainty bite, or it would have been dainty, had Pinkie not suddenly shouted again.

“Okie dokie lokie, Rarity! I’m spending tomorrow pranking with Dashie, so more time for us!” Pinkie Pie set about giggling again, until she spotted Rarity coughing on something. “Whoops, were your eyes bigger than your stomach there?” She patted a hoof on her friend's back gingerly.

Rarity hacked greatly once more and her throat cleared. “Ahem, something of that nature,” she replied caustically. “Twilight, would you be a dear and pour me some water?” Meanwhile, she held a cloth to her mouth and continued to cough, having nearly choked on the daisies.

Twilight looked over from reading a book of her own, nodding blissfully. “Of course.” She returned a hearty smile to the request as the horn upon her brow began to glow. Next, a purple aura enveloped the picnic’s pitcher of water. Casually, it floated toward Twilight while a single glass simultaneously levitated out of a wicker basket and onto the blanket.

The pitcher began to pour the water gracefully.

Applejack frowned at Rainbow again as the wind suddenly began to stir around them. The pegasus was too busy eating to notice though. Honestly, Rainbow needs to do something about this! Darnit... She didn’t want to go back on her word to Twilight though, so began instead to think of a nice way to tell Rainbow she didn’t know how to do her job right proper.

Applejack was caught off guard when the windy gust picked up more and stole her hat in its wispy clutch, again. “Dagnabbit!” She tried to catch it in time, but it was too late; her stetson was airborne. The cowpony’s hat flung itself upward and soared quickly toward Twilight’s head, where it banked and smacked the pitcher of water.

Four mares simultaneously shouted out in surprise as water splashed everywhere from the full container.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie were absolutely soaked, having been closest when the pitcher was knocked out of Twilight’s grasp. Rainbow Dash had been very close to the splash zone, but she was quick enough to get out of the way in time. For a moment, everything was quiet, but soon the six mares found themselves snickering at their own misfortune.

Even Applejack couldn’t help but laugh at the fluke accident. Though she couldn’t help but think, I still have half a mind to smack Rainbow Dash across the head.

The laughter calmed down, Rarity began soaking up liquid that had splashed her sundress with a cloth, while the others rearranged the picnic.

“Sorry everypony,” Twilight and Applejack said abruptly as one, then turned to look at each other, only to giggle more.

The picnic proceeded, and the mares were left to chat merrily about what they had been up to in recent weeks. Rarity had been busy crafting saddles and dresses for a few very important clients—and she made sure to stress the very; Pinkie had recently entered to compete in a national baking competition, which she came in second place for, though they couldn’t award her first because she ate most of her own desserts; Rainbow Dash had been preparing for the winter for the most part, but flew up and showed off a couple new tricks of hers for flare; Fluttershy was busy taking care of a sick manticore. This brought a round of gasps, but she assured her friends that he—the manticore—was perfectly safe; and Applejack announced the fact that she had been apple bucking ever since the harvest season started—she left out the fact that she was quickly running out of time to finish the harvest, but decided it was for the best.

Finally, the bill turned to Twilight.

“So,” Rarity began from where she demurely lay with her front hooves crossed. “What is it that you’ve got yourself looking into now? Or maybe the princess has given you some interesting new thing to study?”

Rainbow Dash yawned widely at what was obviously going to be something about plants or magic stuff. “She’s probably just been reading for all she’s worth, like always...” The pegasus paused a moment to sneakily conceal her own book under the picnic blanket, before adding, “By the way, Twilight, is the new Daring Do book out?”

Still sitting on her haunches, Twilight shook her head, but then looked around nervously and held a hoof up to her mouth. “Well...” she started to quietly say.

“Oh, if it’s a secret, you don’t have to tell us,” Fluttershy added in quickly.

Applejack raised an eyebrow in thought while listening intently. "What are yah so skittish for all of a sudden?"

"I'm not skittish. I dunno, you guys would just find it boring, I think."

AJ was about to pursue the oddity further, when a trio of high pitched squeals cascaded over the hillside, wrenching the group’s attention from their friend.

A bright red cart blew over the nearest hill, carrying three screeching fillies in its confines. They all called out with their own different versions of shock and surprise as the cart continued down the path, then over the next rise.

"Oh dear," Fluttershy said, the only one of them to say anything before they all lept into action; except Fluttershy, who sort of eased herself into action.

One of the fillies Applejack recognized right away as her little sister Applebloom, and that likely made the other two voices her little friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

Her legs ached and her muscles burned from working all morning, but she still galloped at full speed. Dirt flew behind her as she worked harder and harder to cut off the runaway vehicle below the next hill. “Hold on, girls! We’re a comin’!”

Applejack discovered, however, that she was not alone in her endeavors at the front of the pack.

Rainbow Dash had swooped in beside her at a low altitude to land on all fours. “Hey there, Applejack.” she said, a cocky smile plastered across her muzzle, almost as if she was taunting Applejack. "That all ya got?" Her own hooves matched the blazing rhythm of Applejack's.

What does she think she’s doing!? AJ scolded internally. "Really, Dash? A hoof-race contest? You want to do this right now?" She glared back with the most daunting look of disbelief possible, despite the fact she was running full speed down a hill.

"Heh, nah, you'd have to stand a chance for it to be a competition!" Rainbow continued her impish grin and beat her wings a little harder, gaining more speed. She was up in front of Applejack, but not for long.

"I don't care, just catch uhm!" Applejack matched her friend's speed, pumping her legs even harder. Not to beat her, of course, but doing so would put her in her place. "Use yer dumb wings!"

"Nope, wouldn't be fair, we got this!"

AJ fought the urge the groan.

Both mares fought for the lead, continuously trading first between one and the other. Applejack's overall fatigue might have proven too much for her, if not for what was at stake.

They stayed in hot pursuit of the wild cart, getting closer to the frightened screams of distress. Both mares were neck and neck, with mere hoof lengths between them and their target. Applejack prepared to leap into the cart and Rainbow went into an arcing pattern to do the same.

Applejack leaped, soaring through the air towards what she expected to be the hard wood of a cart. What she didn’t expect was to land face first into a mixture of mud and field grass with a loud squelching sound.

Vision obscured by mud, Applejack sat up quickly and roughly spat out clumps of earth, wiping her face off with one of her hooves. Her eyes shot open, searching for the whereabouts of the cart and her little sister. On the ground next to her was, amusingly enough, Rainbow Dash, whose head was currently stuck neck deep in the muck.

The cyan body struggled and heaved to remove itself from the dirty kiss with the earthy ground. It took a quick tug from Applejack to set Rainbow Dash free.

“Gak-ppbbbht!” Rainbow Dash spat dirt and grass from her mouth. “What happened? Where did they go!?”

Applejack sighed and tapped the pegasus on her shoulder and pointed a hoof at the cart, which levitated five strides in the air by the rest of their friends. It was surrounded by a purple aura, with Twilight Sparkle grinning sheepishly in their direction.

Rainbow Dash facehoofed. “Egghead...”

Twilight came trotting down the hill, followed by a very muddy looking Fluttershy, a flustered and frazzled Rarity, and a bouncing Pinkie. All four of them were busy looking over the infamous cutie mark crusaders after their harrowing adventure towards mishap.

"Are ya'll alright over there?" Squishing her hooves out of the muck, Applejack began her trot towards the cart, which was now safely touching the ground. She was already imagining what things she should shout at her little sister. Applebloom, just what in tarnation do ya think you were doin’ back there! You could have gotten yourself hurt! There she was, flanked by her two shivering friends; the yellow filly with a big red bow decorating her mane. Her complexion was pale and her eyes still wide.

Applebloom watched in visible horror as Applejack got closer. She appeared totally caught off guard by Applejack's sudden embraced. It took a moment for it to register, but she eventually hugged her back into Applejack’s mane, despite the mud.

“I-I’m sorry, sis... it was an accident,” Applebloom sniffled out.

"It’s okay, sugarcube, but what the hay happened?” Applejack took her sister’s foreleg and began rubbing small circles on her back. It seemed to soothe her, as she stopped her sobbing and started to breathe normally.

Nearby the two farm sisters, Rarity was hugging Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow Dash was comforting a very sorry looking pegasus filly. From the green tint in her face, it looked very much to everypony like she was about to be sick.

Applebloom looked horribly embarrassed and stirred a hoof in the dirt while glancing at her friends. “Well...” she murmured, and glanced over at her friends guiltily. Sweetie Belle was busy receiving a mouthful from Rarity, while Scootaloo was getting the stink-eye from Rainbow. No doubt both of them would receive a grounding later from their parents.

As for Applejack, she sighed and patted Applebloom on the back. “Nevermind, Bloom, it’s alright.” She considered the situation briefly, and came to a realization that this was as good a time as any to take her leave from the picnic. “Let’s just get ya home.”

The only response she got was a muffled ‘okay’ as she was heaved onto her sister’s back. Applejack could feel her body tremor as she carried her to the pony responsible for saving her sister.

“Thanks for nabbin’ them, Twi’, and ah had a great time today, but I think I should take this one on home.” Applejack tipped her stetson and managed a weak smile under her tired eyes.

Twilight nodded from where she sat helping Pinkie Pie with what looked like dirt smeared down her face and front. “I understand,” she said merrily before sighing. “I was hoping for such a nice afternoon get-together, too... Oh well, all the food’s done for already anyway.” She looked over and grinned despite the regret in her voice.

Applejack bid her friends farewell and started out, heading toward the path back to Sweet Apple Acres. Before she made it more than a few steps though, she spotted Fluttershy, who was desperately trying to clean off a thick layer of mud that had caked onto her coat.

“Sugarcube... what happened?” Her question caught the pegasus by surprise as she began to rise a little. Once she realized who it was though, she calmed down.

“Oh, um, I fell... Into a hole.” Fluttershy commented timidly. Her jaw went into a pleading grin and a faint squeeing noise was taken by the breeze.

Applejack looked at the pegasus with a smirk. “So where did you find a hole big enough to fit a mare in?” she said, joking.

“Um... by accident,” Fluttershy replied sheepishly, and giggled weakly. "It was just a gopher hole, but I ended up in the mud like you and Rainbow."

Applejack chuckled and accepted the answer. If Pinkie Pie has taught me anything, it was that sometimes I don’t need a good explanation for every little thing I encounter around these girls. “Well, Twi’s helping Pinkie over there with Dash, Ah‘m sure she can see to you too.”

"Hey, Ms. hay-seed!"

Applejack looked over in the direction of what was obviously directed at her. "What is it, Dash?" she drawled back.

"Good race!" Rainbow beamed, smiling friendlily over what she considered a decent ground performance.

Applejack didn't have words. She was too tired and too angry and there were too many other ponies around that she cared about to respond properly. "Yeah," she managed.

The friends said their goodbyes and Applejack promptly departed along with the filly resting on her back. Applebloom’s shaking had ceased, but her half-closed eyelids showed off how tired she was.

Once a little ways down the road, a soft clearing of her throat preempted Applejack’s question. “So... Sugarcube, what all got into your heads this time?” Applejack raised an eyebrow and looked over her shoulder at her sister.

The filly smothered her face into Applejack’s coat in response, then sighed and picked her head up. “Okay, but don’t laugh. Well... we were crusadin’ to Zecora’s hut and we saw that cart... Yah see, it was at the top of this hill and Scootaloo wanted to go look at it. When we got up there, we saw it was empty, and we thought it would be fun to climb in and...”

“And what?” Applejack held her breath with the suspense that always preceded before one of the CMC’s explanations.

“...Cutie Mark Crusader Chariot Racers...” Applebloom finally said, in a dismal, guilty tone.

Applejack held back her laughter. “Racers? But you only had one cart, right?”

Applebloom let out a sigh. “Yeah, I know, but it was just a test. Anyway, me and Scootaloo pulled while Sweetie Belle rode in back.”

“...Then how in the hay did you end up in the cart, too... Ya know what, t’aint important; what’s important is that ya’ll are alright.” A reassuring smile crept onto Applejack’s face as she half-way glanced at her sister again. You know, this face Ah’m wearin’ is givin’ you a false sense of security, which tomorrow, is goin’ straight out the window. Hehe. Hope you had fun with your friends. A few thoughts of what kinds of chores needed doin’ popped into her head. Cellar ain’t been swept in a bit...

Applejack returned to her faux, comforting sister’s tone. “Well, I hope you learned your lesson about messin’ with things that aren’t rightly yours or wanderin’ into places you don’t rightly belong.”

“Yes, Applejack...” Applebloom droned back.

Applejack trotted along expediently, the filly bobbing up and down on her back. Tufts of dirt clouds were kicked into the air of their wake as they made their way up the small winding road to Sweet Apple Acres. The dipping sun prepared to trade places with the moon for the night. Together, they created a beautiful orange glow in the quickly dimming sky.

The two earth ponies were just nearing their property when Applejack cleared her throat to speak again. “Alright, you can go ahead and trot back to the house. I’ve gotta check the barn to see how far behind we are in clearing out the harvest.”

Applebloom nodded and dropped off of her sister’s back. With a hop, skip and jump she had already made it halfway to the farm house, leaving AJ alone at the entrance.

"Filly’s and their shenanigans," Applejack muttered. With that, she ascended the slight incline toward the family barn. Time to see how much work ah missed to go to that delicious picnic. And after all that I'll need a bath, and... The dreaded images of dozens of empty barrels bombarded her mind, sucking her into the sullen realization that she had a few big days ahead of her if she wanted to make up for lost time.

The worried thoughts Applejack entertained ceased, however, once she completely pulled open the barn door that was left ajar. Along the floor, hundreds of apples lay scattered across the ground, some unfortunately crushed by the obvious multitudes of barrels that had fallen from the barn shelves above. A pile of barrels lay askew on one big mass towards the back. Underneath, two very familiar red hooves poked out from the side nearest to her.

“Big Macintosh!” Applejack cried out as soon as her eyes made contact, and galloped over to her trapped sibling. Using her momentum and raw earth pony strength, she knocked half of the barrels off at once, then one barrel after another followed suit from the mountainous pile. Finally, her brother was able to push off the remaining load and sit up on his haunches. His face was red... even more so than usual.

"Are you alright?” Applejack asked, scanning the stallion for any injury other than a hurt dignity.

“Eeyup.” He replied, plain and simple. A few ragged breaths escaped him, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"How long were you trapped under there, Big Mac?" Applejack frantically asked, waiting for a response from her enervated brother. He let out a hoarse cough and huffed in a deeper breath. "Should I get a doctor?”

“Ee-n-nope.” His response came out staggered and muffled.

Applejack wasn’t buying it. Ah know better than that, Big Macintosh. Stop it with your bravado for just one second!

She frowned and asked, “Are you sure...?” From the looks of the room, it was obvious what had happened. The barrels had been stacked in a pyramid type fashion before she had left, and it probably took one wrong decision to topple the whole structure down.

“Eeyup,” came another fatigued reply.

Despite his usual close-mouthedness, Applejack could tell he was being stubborn. “Sugarcube, you gotta be more careful. Remember when you warned me not to bite off more than ah could chew? Same rule applies to you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when things get to be too much.”

“Yeah, I know,” he answered, surprisingly with something new. He slowly gathered his strength and rose onto his hooves. His walk looked painful as he began to stumble toward the barn door, nearly slipping on crushed apples as he went.

“Hold it right there, Mister.” Applejack’s voice was stern, demanding the stallion's attention. “Now I need you to say more then yup or nope on this. Ah need your word that you won’t go around tryin’ foalish things where you might get hurt. Think about the example you’re settin’ for the impressionable filly in that house. She almost got herself hurt today, and I don’t want this to be a daily thing.” She paused for a moment, waiting for him to respond. “Do you think you can handle that?”

Big Mac met her stare for stare. The answer was clear and concise. “Eeyup...”

Applejack shot a glare at Big Mac, preparing to do something that might be construed as a little bit hostile to someone who was already so injured.

Big Mac sighed, relenting. “Eh... Yes’m, you don’t have to worry ‘bout me, I’ll handle it.”

Applejack glared even more, shooting knives from her eyes.

"...I mean... I’ll ask for help when I need it...“ Big Mac paused for a moment. “But you weren’t here today, so it isn’t like I could’ve asked you.”

Applejack was about to retort, but she realized he did have a point. Goldangit, girls. If I hadn’t o’ gone on that stupid picnic, none of this would’ve happened. She breathed a deep sigh. “Ah’m sorry Big Mac. Ah never even wanted to go out today; you know how I feel about missin’ work.”

The stallion nodded. “It’s fine, sis. Ah’ll be right as rain in the mornin’.”

Applejack perked up at the sight of her brother reassuring her. “Good, now let’s go get some grub. Ah’m sure Granny Smith has somethin’ great cookin’ in the kitchen.”

Both brother and sister ditched the mountain of barrels and floor full of work, and exited the big red barn. It was nighttime and the moon was casting its luminescence over the farm, coating them in a pale blue light.

Despite the dark, Applejack spotted something that was awful hard to ignore. She squinted in the moonlight at her brother, trying to either confirm or deny a growing suspicion. Oh no! Her legs briskly galloped her in front of the stallion, stopping him in his tracks. “Big Mac, ah think you might be hurt, let me see your side.” One of her hooves pressed against his front to keep him from walkin’ past her.

Big Mac scowled, but turned reluctantly to his right so Applejack could get a look.

One of the nastiest, darkest bruises the orange farm pony had ever seen traveled from his left hind leg and up to his ribs. She grimaced at the dark tint it seemed to take on in between each rib, and also the sheer surface area it took up. The wound almost looked like he had been laying in a puddle of disgusting paint.

“Big Mac, this don’t look good at all.” Applejack bit her lip, hesitant to say what she was already thinkin’ was the only course of action. “Ah- Ah’m not sure you should be applebuckin’ anymore this harvest.” Her eyes were as round as dinner plates.

“Quit your nonsense, Applejack,” Big Mac’s rebuttal rumbled back. “Ah’m as fit as a fiddle, and ah sure as hay can buck a few apple trees with a bump like this.”

Applejack looked at the stallion trying his best to stand as straight as he possibly could. He puffed out his chest, and lifted his head high. Sorry about this, Sugarcube, I want you out in the orchard, too. Ah don’t see another option though.

Applejack gently pressed her hoof against the center of his bruise, applying a heavy amount of pressure to the quivering stallion.

Big Mac grunted and grimaced in agony, inhaling a couple of deep breaths through flared nostrils before he could stop himself. He visibly struggled to maintain a semblance of normalcy.

Applejack shook her head and sighed heavily. “That’s what I thought. Now you need rest that up if we ever hope to get ya back on all fours.”

The injured colt opened his mouth hastily. “But AJ, ah-”

“No buts, Mister; all you need to worry about is gettin’ better for the next harvest. If you really want to help, you could always go into town and sell a bit of the crop. It’ll keep you busy, and bring in a few bits.” Applejack’s words seemed to calm him down a little bit. She couldn’t help but see a relieved expression grace his face for a moment. Why that proud fool. He’d be willin’ to suffer a broken rib just so his sis don’t see him back down. Ah don’t know if that’s stupidity, or what.

“... Alright...” Big Mac indignantly muttered back.

Applejack's expression returned to its usual hospitable gaze. “Attaboy, now let’s go get us some food before you keel over,” she prodded.

Both ponies guffawed—Big Mac cringing from the pain when he did—and returned to their home where the sweet scent of apple cider and apple fritters greeted their noses.

Author's Note:

So begins the fifth installation for this series of stories. If you hadn't guessed, this one features Applejack and Rainbow Dash and the Equestrian side of things in the series. There isn't really any particular order you need to read them in, but suffice to say this one might be the last one to read if any of them. If you haven't read another story from the Madverse, there's more for the rest of the mane six: Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity, and then there's the heart warming story that started it all: My Little Marriage: Mary is a Mare. Next chapter things are gonna pick up, and when they do, oh boy! You're in for one hell of a ride.

I joined this collab because I wanted to prove to myself that I could be a part of something big, and finish it too. Thanks for reading.