• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 2,973 Views, 97 Comments

The Mane Two: Contrail - MerlosTheMad

The grinding gears of fate have been set into motion. One by one, the mane six are being plucked from their lives in Equestria and cast into the unknown. All except for Applejack and Rainbow Dash, that is.

  • ...

Staying in the Loop

Chapter Five: Staying in the Loop

Rainbow Dash looked over and smiled at Fluttershy; it was a friendly smile, relaxed, but also warm. The other pony returned one just like it back to her.

“Thanks for coming flying with me, Fluttershy. It’s not like you to just come up this high and start soaring around!” Rainbow Dash shifted her smile into a cocky grin and looked around herself; the speed she was moving at was rather impressive, too. “Wow, and we’re really moving.”

Rainbow looked up again, expecting the typical, timid answer from her old flight school buddy, but instead received the same placid, gentle smile as before. A slightly confused look crossed her own face, but before she could speak again, the sound of nearby laughter and splashing made her ears twitch.

Down below, nestled beside a large grove of trees, was a small pond of crystal clear water. Both Rarity and Pinkie Pie were there, the two of them swimming and splashing at one another, laughing merrily.

Rainbow laughed, too. “Oh my gosh, is that Rarity down there messing up her mane?” She excitedly turned towards Fluttershy. “Hey, come on let’s get down there and join in, Shy! You aren’t afraid to get wet, are you?” A wry grin climbed up her muzzle.

Fluttershy smiled back, and blinked once, but didn’t respond otherwise.

Rainbow didn’t wait long, and shrugged, then nose dived towards the fun down below. “Come on, Shy, keep up!” Quick as a flash, her hooves touched down on the grassy embankment beside the other two of her best friends. “Rarity, Pinkie! Hi!”

Rainbow Dash waved, but strangely, neither of the other two mares waved back, or acknowledged her. “Hey, feather-brains! Over here!” she tried again, waving harder. Grunting, she scooped a hoof through the water and tried to get their attention by splashing them both. The water hit them square on, but again, neither turned towards her.

An impatient breath made its way out of Rainbow. “Alright, fine, maybe-” More movement to her left made her look over, and the sight of both Twilight and Applejack made her pause for a split-second. Twilight seemed to be mixing up a couple potions under the shade of a tree, which was pretty odd thing to do in the middle of a field, even for the egg-head, while Applejack was flying a kite of all things.

Rainbow wrinkled her brow up. “Applejack? And Twilight? Hey, are you girls all out here having a good time without me or Fluttershy?”

Twilight did something different at least, as opposed to the others. She stood up from where she was sitting in the shade before downing an entire vial of one of her potions. Rainbow Dash thought she looked satisfied with the concoction at first, until she froze in place and her eyes began to glow.

Alarm at her friend’s sudden distress sent Rainbow Dash into full alert. “Twilight,” she called in concern, taking a few cautious steps towards the frozen unicorn. “Are you-”

Twilight’s horn burst alight, emitting a blinding glow that interrupted Rainbow’s call and forced her to look away. She heard a loud pop, and when she looked back there was nothing but a smoldering ring of dirt in the otherwise grassy shade of the tree where her friend once stood.

“Twilight!?” Rainbow Dash shouted in alarm. She was ready to gallop over to the burnt crater, when she heard panicked splashing from the pond behind her.

Turning around, Rainbow saw air bubbles breaking the surface of the pond where Rarity was swimming just moments ago. Her eyes rested on Pinkie’s own shocked, frightened ones, just before she dove under the water.

“Pinkie don’t! I can help this time!” Rainbow cried too late to stop her. This time? Shaking off the strange thought, she turned around. “Fluttershy!” Fluttershy standing at the edge of Whitetail Woods, her back to everypony else. “Come on, Rarity and Pinkie need our- Where are you going!?”

Fluttershy didn’t even turn back to face Rainbow before taking off at a gallop into the woods, disappearing quickly into the brush.

Rainbow Dash stood there, stunned at her friend’s abandonment for a moment. Breaking herself out from her shock, she turned back to the pond, ready to dive in, but instead found the pond completely empty. Not a single drop of water remained there, nor did anypony at the bottom, for that matter.

Her mouth flapping open and closed uselessly. “Where’d they go?” she stammered in confusion.

Rainbow Dash started to hyperventilate. What’s going on!? What’s happening to all my friends? First Twilight, then Rarity and Pinkie. Fluttershy is gone, all that’s left is… “Applejack,” she choked out, turning to see the farmpony being dragged by her fetlock by a now out-of-control kite.

The wind was suddenly like a hurricane all around.

“No!” Rainbow yelled, as if her defiance was enough to stop whatever was happening. Without a second’s hesitation, she took to the air at a low altitude, making a beeline for Applejack, who was squirming and seemed to be losing her grip on the ground.

Despite going at full speed, and the fact that Applejack hadn’t been too far from her to begin with, Rainbow found herself struggling to catch her friend. The kite seemed to pick up speed and began to lift higher into the air. The farm pony was now dangling by the string as she stared back at Dash.

“Not you too!” Rainbow roared, putting everything she had into the beating of her wings. Something changed, and she was finally closing the distance between them.

There were only a few fleeting feet left between Rainbow and Applejack now. “I almost have you AJ! Just. Hold. On!” She reached out a hoof, only inches separated them at this point.

Rainbow Dash, wake up!” a familiar voice called suddenly.

A large, midnight blue blur swooped down from nowhere ahead of Rainbow and Applejack, then vanished from sight.

Rainbow Dash found she was on a collision course with who was undoubtedly Princess Luna, and attempted to veer out of the way, or stop. Unfortunately, she tried to do both at once, colliding with her at full speed.

Rainbow Dash gasped and jerked her head upright, eyes searching around herself blearily. The feel of wind whipping her mane back and the movement of a chariot beneath her hooves reminded her quickly of where exactly she had fallen asleep—a one way trip to Canterlot.

A familiar, midnight blue princess was seated next to her.

“Are you alright, Rainbow Dash?” Princess Luna asked, her expression showing slight concern. “We apologize for our abrupt interruption, but when you failed to respond we thought it best to intervene. Your dream appeared… distressed.”

Rainbow blinked at the mare, still shaking off the sleep that called for her return.

Applejack peaked out from the other side of the lunar princess, the two of them wearing the same look. “Yah know Rainbow, if somethings botherin’ yah you should just say somethin’.”

Dash shook her head and leaned up. “No, no I’m fine. Just a… It was nothing,” she said, averting her gaze to the castle that had come into full view while she was sleeping. “Guess we’re here.”

Applejack scowled at Rainbow Dash’s obvious deflection and took note that Princess Luna seemed just as dissatisfied. “So Princess,” she started, deciding not to let Dash get to her. “We’re only gonna be staying here for a day or two while you and Princess Celestia work out what’s going on, right?”

Princess Luna looked straight ahead to the castle as they approached. “Perhaps,” she replied coolly. “As you know, we believe the Elements are being targeted. That is why we… I traveled to Ponyville to accompany you and allow my sister to continue her search of the Everfree, along with the guard.”

Applejack glanced over to Rainbow Dash, who was looking back at her. The anxious look on the other pony’s face said the same thing she was thinking. Who would be after us?

A rough cough escaped Rainbow’s throat and pulled Princess Luna’s attention her way. “Princess, who would have attacked us if that’s what this was?”

Princess Luna hummed thoughtfully in return to Rainbow Dash’s outburst. “Fear not, my sister and I are only taking care to prepare for the worst case scenario. We are unsure of what has truly transpired. What I speak of is mere speculation, at best.”

“Uhh…” Rainbow responded back, mouth slightly agape. That… didn’t answer the question. She was torn between pointing that out, or merely saying thanks and pretending to be happy with the response.

“Ah think she’s saying she doesn’t know what happened, so try not to worry ‘bout it too much.” Applejack offered, looking just as uneasy as Dash despite her understanding. “I can’t say it makes me feel any better knowing we don’t know anything, though…”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack both fell silent as the chariot touched down near the training yard of the castle grounds. Guards marched past the chariot in all directions, forming a perimeter for their arrival.

Princess Luna stepped off the chariot first and began whispering something to the closest guard. After a brief trade of words, she turned back to Applejack and Rainbow Dash as they hopped off the chariot, following.

“The guards will take you to your prepared rooms. I would take you myself, but there is much to do that I left unattended, and many questions that need answering.” Princess Luna gave a curt nod and turned to leave.

“Wait, uh, Princess?” Applejack raised a hoof up to stop the princess, blinking in mild confusion. “Shouldn’t we be helping you find them answers you mentioned? Also… you never answered my question,” she pleaded.

Princess Luna paused, then offered a warm smile. “And what question is that, Applejack?”

Applejack coughed, not wanting to overstep her bounds. “How long are we gonna have to stay before we can get back to searching for Twi’, Pinkie, Rares, and Fluttershy?” She kept her expression determined, despite things.

Rainbow Dash stepped forward from behind Applejack, just as intent to hear that particular answer. “Yeah, Princess, we can’t just leave the search to everypony else. How long until we can get back out there?”

Luna’s smile faded while she looked between them both, remaining quiet while she appeared to consider something. “Like I mentioned before, Celestia and I have no idea what has happened yet… The best I can offer you, is that your stay will last until we know more. If there is some force targeting you girls, it is best you are kept safe.”

The courtyard was quiet for a moment except for the shuffle of hooves from the guardsponies and the clink of their armor.

“But-” Rainbow Dash scowled at the ground, biting her lip and trying not to object.

Beside her, Applejack’s expression shifted from surprised, into contorting in an effort to stay calm. She settled with clenching her eyes shut to maintain her silence, considering something of her own to say.

Sighing, Luna took a few steps back to them. “My apologies… to both of you.” She sat back on her haunches and placed her hooves on one shoulder each. “It can not be easy to stand by and do nothing.” Her voice was heavy with emotion as she spoke. “But until it is certain you are not in danger yourselves, it would be unwise to allow you to return to the search. Please, be patient. When we have answers, and when you can help, I’m sure my sister and I will come to you, as always.”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at one another at nearly the same time, each of their faces reflecting the same sort of helplessness. By the time they turned back, it was too late to say anything more.

Princess Luna turned and trotted a few feet away, before then taking to the sky. Her form silhouetted in the moonlight until it vanished into the night’s sky.

A guardspony approached them, stating something official sounding. Neither of them paid much attention, and simply followed him when he was finished talking. The princess’ had a plan, and Applejack and Rainbow both wanted to be trust them.

Dash let out a depressed sigh that Applejack couldn’t help but notice.

“I’m none too pleased about this either, Rainbow, but...” Applejack paused, searching for some words of encouragement.

“It’s for the best?” Dash finished with a grimace. “That’s a load of parasprites and you know it, Jack.”

“I told you not to call…” Applejack inhaled deeply and released the breath after a few seconds. “Just you watch, Rainbow. The princess’ will have this sorted out in no time. Just you wait.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t respond, staring down at her hooves as they trotted into the castle. Applejack didn’t have anything she really wanted to add either, so they continued on in silence.

Six Days Later

Applejack turned from one side of her bed, then tossed to the other. It didn’t matter which wall she was staring at, the same sort of anxiousness and eagerness to do something remained. But in Canterlot, there was nothing for her to do, and she had been doing a lot of nothing lately, besides a lot of waiting, that is.

The room she occupied aggravated her to no end. It’s big and cozy alright, but it don’t come even close to feeling like… like home. That alone made the spacious accommodations feel alien and unpleasant to her, to say nothing about how fancy they were.

Applejack lifted her head with a sigh, staring with a frown at the one slice of home she did have with her.

Over on the desk were several letters from each of her family members, each written and detailing the process of rebuilding Sweet Apple Acres. Distant relatives from all over had come in to help. But I’m stuck here, in Canterlot, where I can’t hammer in even a single lousy nail.

Beside her letters, were more letters… These were from other families though, all wanting to know about their missing daughters. There were two letters from Rarity's parents, two letters from Fluttershy’s parents, three from Pinkie’s parents and sisters each, and nearly a dozen letters from just Twilight’s parents and brother.

Applejack gave them a sad frown, nearly regretting having volunteered to Princess Luna to be the one to answer them. The correspondence was already sent, though, and she was happy to know her friends’ families would at least be in the loop, even if the news wasn’t good. Hiding the truth would only make things worse, either way.

Her head fell back on one obnoxiously frilly pillow with a pomph. It’s bad enough that I’m stuck here, not able to put myself to good use… But this whole situation is unbearable with absolutely no news about the girls! She frowned, thinking hard about what to do.

According to the guards, it seemed Princess Luna was in charge for the most part around Canterlot, while Princess Celestia was out in the world, apparently flying from city to city. She had come back to Canterlot a few times in so many days, but never stayed for long, no doubt set on solving the mystery of what was going on.

Applejack was grateful for that, but not so much the part where none of the news got shared. Why aren’t they including us? Who cares if we’re a target, they’ve depended on us before. She couldn’t figure out any sense over it.

There wasn’t a peep about Rarity, or a sliver of information concerning Twilight or the others from either of Equestria’s rulers, and when Applejack tried to find out, they would reply there was nothing to share.

There were whispers and rumors aplenty from the guards and maids, about dragons migrating for no reason, strange stories from distant lands, and all kinds of other chaos.

Applejack let out a groan, sat up, and jumped off the borrowed Canterlot bed in one smooth motion. “I gotta go talk to the princesses… again. This is ridiculous.” Her entire body felt like it was filled with pent up energy, and that was energy that should be getting put to good use. She trotted swiftly over towards the door, hesitating slightly before opening it.

“Now where the hay is my… oh, right…” Applejack patted mournfully at her head, unhappy to find that her stetson was not in its rightful place, nor would it be. The family heirloom had disappeared thanks to a certain weather anomaly. Instead, she hastily just made do with fixing up her hair as best she could. Without her hat, the longer blonde hair Rarity had talked her into trying out got in the way even worse. I’ll get a manecut right after I get some answers…

Applejack all but kicked her guest room’s door open, which was impressive considering its size. She wasn’t about to stop for anything or let her talk herself out of facing down some royalty. However, her outthrust chest deflated a bit at the sight of something, or rather, two someponies waiting just outside.

A pair of guards stood by at attention. One was a unicorn stallion with an off-white coat, and girly enough features to give any mare a run for her money. The other was a bulky earth pony, big enough to match even Big Mac; his coat was a dull, chestnut brown. Both turned to stare with a quirked eyebrow a piece.

Applejack stared back blankly, mind unable to drum up anything decent that resembled words. Tarnation, I keep forgetting these two are always out here. She had never needed anyone to guard her before, but for some reason the princesses had thought it necessary to have two of the guard tailing her around everywhere she went.

“Ah, howdy, fellas,” Applejack finally greeted, then cleared her throat. “I’m just gonna go for a walk… If ya’ll want, you two can just stay here.” Already moving down the hallway, she gave them a grin over her shoulder that was hopefully a convincing enough form of persuasion to get them to do what she wanted. “You know, and not follow me around?”

The guards looked at one another, then quickly trotted up to fall in line, rather than remain where they were. Of course, they didn’t speak up, being silent as most of the guards usually stayed.

“Or not…” Applejack sighed, and rolled her eyes. “I really wish you two would just stay put. I don’t need ya’ll protectin’ me inside the castle.”

Ignoring her, the bulky stallion spoke up first. “Where will we be escorting you, Ms. Applejack?” He trotted just far enough behind Applejack that she would need to either stop to speak to him or look over her shoulder.

Applejack kept facing forward. She didn’t resent the two for doing their jobs, but it still got under her skin that they followed her wherever she went.

“Ms. Applejack?” the guard repeated.

They wouldn’t keep me from talking to the Princesses, would they? Applejack peeked from the corner of her eye at the earth pony, unable to recall his name. “I’m going to go see Princess Luna,” she answered simply, then jerked her head forward again. “I need to find out if there’s any news about the girls.”

The sound of armored and bare hooves ringing on tiles filled the hallway; eventually, Applejack spared a look behind herself again to find the guards were still there, they just hadn’t answered. Well, that works for me. Now I just gotta-

“Hey, hooves off, jerk!” Rainbow Dash’s voice, both heated and cross, echoed around the hallway walls from around the corner, interrupting Applejack’s train of thought successfully. “Come on, I was just going out to stretch my wings! That’s not exactly a crime, you know?”

Applejack sighed, then increased the speed of her trot, taking a slight detour past the hallway leading to the royal quarters, and continued until she reached a balcony at the other end of the guest rooms. She found the scene playing out there to be exactly what she expected it to be.

Rainbow Dash was hovering in mid-air, back to one wall, and had two frowning mares in golden armour facing her down. Both of them sported wings of their own but only one was a normal pegasus. The other had a pair of wings decidedly more bat-like in nature.

“Miss Element of Loyalty, please,” beseeched the bat winged mare with a dull blue coat and a tail to match. “You mustn’t go out like that under any circumstances without letting us know. You’re lucky we saw you through the window-”

“I have a name you know! It’s Rainbow. Dash. Rainbow Dash, and I already told you to use it!” Rainbow crossed her front hooves indignantly and scowled with a dark expression at the two other ponies.

“We apologize, Miss Dash, but we are only-” The pegasus, a mare with cream-colored wings had begun another protest, but received a cyan hoof before her face for the trouble.

“And another thing,” Rainbow went on. “Nopony said I couldn’t leave, and if they did… well, nopony told me I couldn’t take off for a bit.”

The irritation rolling off the backs of the two guards was almost palpable. The pegasus, a golden tailed mare with a light blue coat scoffed and hovered nearer to Dash, which for anypony else except maybe the princesses was an ill-advised move.

The bat pony looked to be on the edge of snarling. “Look, Miss Dash, for the tenth time, the princess has us under strict orders to not let you out of our sight, or out of Canterlot. You can go wherever you wish in the castle! But with everything as it was explained to us, you would be helping a great deal by just, sitting, put.”

Rainbow Dash’s answering growl, which was a bit like a timber wolf’s as far as ferociousness, carried down the hallway walls.

Applejack sighed and trotted up beneath her old friend—who was no doubt feeling pressured from being cooped up—ready to step a hoof into things. “Hey, Rainbow, come with me, would you? I’m going to see Princess Luna to check on things again.” Defusing the confrontation shouldn’t be too hard, but with Rainbow Dash, nopony would hedge bets on whether she would calm down or not.

Rainbow Dash looked down beneath herself with a surprised widening of her eyes. “Oh, hey, AJ. Yeah I’ll come with.” Just like that, the hostility she’d been showcasing a moment ago had melted. “I’ve been meaning to ask her something else I thought about.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow, very much aware of the other ponies all listening to her conversation intently. “Something else? Well, alright, let’s go-”

As she turned, her own guards were standing just in her way.

Applejack frowned, moving to go around them hastily. “‘Scuse me, pardner-”

The prim unicorn of the pair stepped over, getting in her way. “Miss Element of Honesty-”

“Applejack,” Applejack corrected with a sullen look. Her ears bent back as well, getting ready for round two, it looked like.

The guard went on, visibly hardening his expression. “Applejack… you should return to your quarters. I understand that we weren’t expressly commanded to keep you under house arrest by any means, and we’ve been over this. But you would be doing everypony a service by just-”

Applejack interrupted the long winded stallion before he could keep on going. “Now listen here, pal. Things are right messed up all across Equestria right now from what I hear, and I’m fully aware that Rainbow and I are priority one to be protected since we can’t do nothin’ ‘Element of Harmony-like’ without the other girls. But, we gotta stay in the loop.”

She poked the guard in the chest, hoof thumping the metal plate. “Understand?” Her eyes narrowed, adding a final touch.

The unicorn stared back with a thin look of his own, likely not used to having his authority challenged, then slumped over some. “Yes, yes, clear like crystal, but if you would only listen to reason on this matter, I’m sure we could convince you both to go back to your rooms. The princesses are both quite busy right now with several national emergencies, I’ll have you know. You simply shouldn’t disturb them incessantly any more than you have to-”

Applejack raised a hoof and tilted her head back, cutting off the namby pamby looking unicorn with a scowl. “Now wait just a tick, pardner. You just said ‘both’ princesses. Are you telling me that Princess Celestia is back right this instant?”

The unicorn’s indignant look traded for a shocked widening of his eyes. His mouth worked silently for a few seconds before he managed to speak again. “I- Of course not, I merely meant to say-”

Rainbow Dash interrupted him next, swooping low. “Yeah, yeah, that’s a load of hay. Tell it to the hoof, chump.” Already flying backwards, much to the dismay of her own two guards, she was already heading down the hall. “Come on, AJ!” she called over her shoulder.

Applejack tilted her head in thanks to her two tag alongs, then galloped down the hall after her friend. She hoped they wouldn’t come too, but had no doubts they would just follow her no matter what she said or did.

The guardponies Luna and Celestia had around the castle were good at their jobs, real good, but she had never known they could be so bothersome either, least of all as foal sitters. They definitely took their jobs seriously, and it was annoying.

Applejack called out up ahead of herself, her hooves thundering down the hall at full tilt. “Rainbow, wait up! I don’t have fancy-smancy wings like yours, you know!” The other pony was already too far ahead to be seen, so Applejack was left to follow the tails of the two winged guardsponies trailing behind her.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash raced down the halls at half speed, at least, which was fast enough to make all the banners and hanging tapestries fly up and whip in the air as she raced by. Her thoughts, previously clinging neatly to irritated ones, now made way for what to ask the princesses.

I hope… I hope it’s something about one of my friends. Anything.

At each corner Rainbow laid back and slid, wings stirring up and slicing through the still air. Her hoof hooked a pillar and launched her down the next hallway at the intersection.

Sunlight streaming in from tall windows on either side of the corridor lit up the two ponies’ goal. Tall doors sat at the very end of the hall, standing proudly and declaring to any passerby that the ponies who used the room was none other than the rulers of Equestria. A sun was carved into the wood on one side, and a moon on the other.

If both Luna and Celestia were back, at least one of them would likely be here.

Applejack was further back, but spotted Rainbow before she completed the last leg of the journey. She had passed the two guards that belonged to her friend easily enough, what with them constantly stopping to fix things that had been knocked over or tipped by the pegasi’s whirlwind race through the castle.

Frowning, Applejack put on a final burst of speed in an attempt to arrive at roughly the same time as her friend.

Rainbow Dash burst through the doors of the private study, with Applejack just behind her. The two mares scanned the room quickly, prepared to take off should the room not hold the ponies they were intent on finding.

Instead, the light of the open fireplace at one end of the room greeted them, along with the surprised forms of the two regal sisters of Canterlot Castle, both with steaming cups of—presumably—tea. The sweet scent of cinnamon filled the air, and above the crackling sounds of the fire a faint snoring could be heard from a baby dragon napping in a small basket off in the corner of the room.

Both princesses appeared to have been indulging in each other's company before Applejack and Dash’s loud entrance. As far as well groomed royalty went, they seemed slightly unkempt, all things considered. Their impeccable demeanors were also off from their normal airs of nobility.

Princess Luna was postured proudly like always, but a slightly darker ring highlighted her eyes. It seemed like she hadn’t had a decent days rest in a while.

Princess Celestia had a similar and more noticeable ring to her sister’s, but what was more obvious was the fact that her hair looked slightly frazzled at the edges, despite its constant ethereal appearance.

“Princess,’” Applejack rushed a formal bow, speaking hurriedly. “Sorry for intrudin’, first off, but we came as soon as we heard you were back.” Behind her, she heard the four guards all clammer to a stop, one of them, probably the unicorn, panting loudly. They didn’t follow them inside, though, which she had expected. They were escorts, pushy escorts, but just escorts.

Rainbow Dash’s wings were fluttering hard against her sides, making it impossible for her to stay grounded, possibly either a result of possible news, or the fact she hadn’t been allowed to stretch her wings in days. “Yeah! Why didn’t you ask for us, err, princess? Is there any news about our friends? Are they-” Rainbow cut off, suddenly fixated on an odd sight, namely, Celestia’s mane.

“Princess,” Rainbow began, hiding a smirk behind a hoof. “Did you know you have, like, four quills in your mane?”

Princess Celestia blinked at Rainbow before giving her mane a curious look. “Oh, my goodness...” she muttered before plucking the feathers away with her magic. “I suppose this is what I get for neglecting my mane for so long… Luna, why hadn’t you said anything?”

A midnight blue glow of magic raised Luna’s tea cup to her lips where she sipped away absently, inspecting the ceiling at the same time. “My, did somepony add that gold trim to the ceiling’s filigree like I suggested or am I mistaken?”

A moment of silence passed while all eyes locked onto the innocent looking princess. The only sounds that remained were fire and Spike still slumbering peacefully until Luna turned and made a show acting surprised by their appearance.

“Oh! Rainbow Dash, Applejack. What a pleasant surprise!” Luna exclaimed with a smile. Despite the joking nature in which she dodged things, her voice certainly held a note of tiredness in it. “I was not expecting you so soon, but what luck. We, er, that is my sister and I, had just sent a guard to find you a moment ago.”

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash shared a dubious look, before turning to stare darkly back at the guards. The party of four armored ponies had just arrived in the hall outside the study, and in time to hear Princess Luna’s declaration.

The two mares in the group shared similar, sheepish or apologetic smiles, while the unicorn stallion puffed a lip in a defeated pout. The earth pony stallion sniffed absently, seemingly indifferent, as if the discovery hadn’t changed anything.

Rainbow Dash took flight again, and hovered over to the door, an obnoxiously smug look over her muzzle. Pressing one hoof against the door, it swung closed slowly, while she used her other front hoof to wave them goodbye. Behind her, Applejack gave the stallion guards a disapproving frown, before tilting her head up and smirking proudly herself.

That’ll teach those nosey varmints, Applejack thought happily.

The door now closed and both mares silently content with themselves, they returned their full attention back to the royal sisters… almost.

“What’s up with Spike?” Rainbow Dash piped up, just before Applejack had a chance to ask about the news again. “It’s a little early for a nap isn’t it? And that’s coming from me.”

Applejack looked at a fancy clock hanging on the wall; it was around lunch time, in fact, and gave her friend an askance look. Spike’s sleepin’ habits aside, this is the second time she’s gotten off track. “Rainbow, don’t you think theres somethin’ a might bit important we should be askin’ right about now?”

Celestia let out a soft chuckle before stepping in and defusing what was likely to be another entertaining exchange between the two most competitive mares she had seen in decades. “Spike is fine, I assure you Rainbow Dash. He’s been so insistent on accompanying me on all of my excursions these last few days… His assistance in sending documents and important letters all across equestria has been invaluable, as well. However, I can not say I’m shocked at how determined he has been to help...” She smiled warmly at the baby dragon, trailing off and letting her tiredness show through for only the briefest of moments.

Luna offered a polite cough that snapped her sister out of the silent reverie, before picking up where she left off. “As for news…” She paused and looked over to Celestia, as if to ask permission for something.

After a confident nod was given by the latter, Luna returned her attention with a renewed vigor. “We believe we’ve found Miss Rarity and Pinkamena. They are both safe, but the situation is complicated...” She trailed off, but the room did not go quiet.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash gasped at the same time.

Celestia and Luna looked over the expressions of the two mares, and found the looks they were expecting. They calmly awaited the inevitable explosion of questions, celebrations, or both.

Rainbow Dash started a vertical climb as her wings started to beat faster than she was aware of, nearly touching the ceiling before exclaiming her delight at the top of her lungs. “Yes! They’re okay!” To both Luna and Applejack’s shock, Dash had tears running down her cheeks even as she whooped and hollered her abundant joy. “They aren’t gone… I didn’t let them die...” She whispered to herself low enough that she hoped nopony would overhear as she touched back down to the ground, an honest smile shining through her tears.

Applejack beamed at her boisterous friend despite herself. So that’s what’s been eatin’ yah? she mused having overheard Dash’s relief. Almost a whole week of mopin’ and bad attitudes because you blamed yourself for something nopony could be responsible for...

Applejack placed a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder and offered a comforting smile, to which Dash immediately shrugged away from and began wiping away the tears as if she had no idea where they came from.

“Geez, AJ,” Rainbow began chiddingly. “Don’t get all sappy over a little bit of good news.” She turned her attention back to the Princesses who were sitting patiently and without any hint of annoyance. “So when can we see them?”

The mood seemed to take an abrupt u-turn as both of the royal sisters expressions turned dour, and both Applejack and Rainbow almost assumed the worst.

Princess Luna took note of Rainbow Dash’s darkening look and quickly interjected. “They are both alive and well, just… inaccessible to any immediate means of retrieval.”

Princess Celestia gave a curt nod before adding her own thoughts. “Luna has made successful contact with both of them through their dreams, and we are pleased to confirm they are both well, and safe from what they tell us…” She hesitated momentarily. An array of stifled emotions played across her face as if she wasn’t sure how to react to her own thoughts. “Beyond that, it would be best if Luna explained.”

“Sister,” Luna began tentatively, “perhaps you should retire for the time being.” Luna didn’t flinch when her sister shot her a look. “Please understand, I am more than capable of telling them what we have learned so far-”

Celestia cut off Luna with a raised hoof and pointed look. “I have no doubt in you, but there are a few things I feel I should be here for… as well as touch upon personally.”

Applejack sat back on her haunches and glanced back and forth between the princess’. Both of which were having a silent stare down for reasons that were far from lost on the mare with a larger family than she sometimes knew what to do with. Despite the impulse to urge a hurried conclusion, she held her tongue and found herself thinking back to one of her last arguments with Big Mac back home. Hehe, kinda puts things into perspective… Her thoughts trailed off and images of home played through her mind.

Rainbow Dash had just finished shaking off her inner tidal wave of relief and was doing her best to wait out whatever it was she found the princess’ in the middle of. Truthfully, she had only started paying attention again after the staring match had started. Is this how AJ and I look? she mused and stifled a chuckle at the idea of comparing Applejack and herself to the celestial sisters.

An exaggerated sigh left Luna’s mouth and she seemed to relent. “Okay, Tia…” she granted. “But as soon as we are done here, I wish that you would please get some rest.”

Celestia smiled brightly and nodded her approval before her expression changed to a mischievous grin. “Only because you asked so nicely, Woona.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed at this. She grumbled something under her breath that nopony could have hoped to hear, other than perhaps her sister who seemed hard pressed to suppress her amusement.

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash were quick to hide their own smiles when the lunar princess turned to address them, suddenly more interested in the business than before.

“As my sister said, your friends are currently well beyond the scope of our reach. But they are indeed safe. I spoke to both of them at length. Rarity was more than eager to share what she knew of what has happened to her so-.”

Applejack did a doubletake in disbelief. She opened her mouth to ask something, but was beaten to the punch by Rainbow Dash in cutting off Luna’s explanation.

“How is it that you can’t bring them back if you just said you talked to Rarity?” Rainbow asked her question with a look of concentration, fighting to keep a scowl off her face. She wasn’t upset with the princesses, and didn’t want to look like she was, either. But, everything did put her on edge.

Luna blinked at Rainbow Dash for a brief moment before realization flashed across her face. “My apologies, it was such common knowledge before my time spent as Nightmare Moon that I often forget that few ponies remember my other duties as Princess of the Night.”

Rainbow blinked, an idea donning on her. “Wait a moment… “ she started hesitantly. “Back on the chariot, before the first night here in the castle… was that-?”

“Indeed, it was I, Miss Dash.” Luna nodded in confirmation. “As well as maintaining the moon and stars, I attempt to keep peace in the realm of dreams.”

For a moment, Rainbow’s face flushed and her eyes grew wide. Oh my gosh, I crashed right into her in that dream! “P-Princess…” she stammered. “I had no idea that was really you… And when I hit you, I- I am so-”

Applejack raised her voice. “You hit the princess?” she asked incredulously.

Rainbow looked over, eyes wide. “What? No! I mean, not on purpose, or while we were awake. We were asleep!”

Applejack’s brow furrowed deeply, not entirely sure she was following everything completely. Is she suggestin’ that she slept with the princess?

“Calm yourselves, both of you, please,” Luna broke in, and gave Rainbow a consoling smile before continuing. “You have nothing to be ashamed of. While I don’t approve of what that particular nightmare may have suggested that you have been feeling, I do hope that the news today would assist in putting your mind at ease.”

Applejack looked between her friend and the princess, working through the bewilderment of the exchange. What in tarnation happened? Rainbow seemed to relax after a few seconds and whatever tension that had been building died away quickly.

Applejack took the opportunity to try and steer the conversation back on track. She thought she’d worked out the situation. “So, Princess, you’re sayin’ you can chat with somepony by just trottin’ in on their dreams?”

Luna responded with a nod as well as a brightening look. “Miss Rarity and Pinkamena’s were more difficult to find, however, which makes sense under the circumstances. From what I’ve managed to garner, they appear to be in another realm, entirely apart from Equestria’s.”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash stared blankly for a moment. “What the hay is that supposed to mean?” they both asked simultaneously, and shared look of confusion on both their faces.

Luna continued her explanation undeterred, if not at a slightly faster pace. “It means that they are no longer in Equestria. Or any other neighboring kingdom, if I understand the situation correctly. Rarity was unable to offer much in way of understanding what had happened, but did confirm she was safe for the time being. As well as in the company of someone with a limited understanding of magic.”

“And what about Pinkie?” Rainbow Dash asked, a little desperate sounding.

“Before I forget,” Luna continued unbidden. “I have a message from Miss Rarity for the two of you. She asked I tell you both hello, and tell you that she looks forward to seeing you both again as soon as she is home.” The princess’ smile seemed bitter sweet and more than a little forced.

Applejack dawned an appreciative smile. “Thank you princess, I’m sure I speak for the two of us when I say that we would appreciate you returning the same message if you get the chance.”

Rainbow Dash nodded her head vigorously before adding, “Yeah, and tell her… that I’m sorry.”

Luna gave Rainbow Dash a sideways look. “I will pass the message along, but I told Rarity of your efforts, Miss Dash. I’m sure she is already well aware you did your best.”

Rainbow nodded in response but said nothing back and instead started to stare down at her hooves.

“As for Miss Pinkie Pie…” Luna trailed off and her brow furled in frustration. “She was most… excited to see me.” She regarded the cocked eyebrows and askance looks she was receiving from everypony including her sister and coughed to regain her focus. “When she stopped running about and exclaiming her happiness to see me, at least I think that’s what she was screaming… I was able to gather that she may be in the same place as Rarity.”

Rainbow let out some of her trademarked, raspy laughter. “Sounds like Pinkie alright.”

“So the two of them are together?” Applejack asked hopefully.

“No, but it is possible that they are in the same realm.” Luna offered. “A key similarity between their situations is that they appear to be in the presence of some creatures they both described as ‘Humans’. The coincidence of this is too large to rule out that they could indeed be closer to one another than either of them are aware.”

Celestia took this moment to take over the conversation. “That is all of what we know in their case. Both Twilight and Fluttershy are still unaccounted for. But, in lieu of Luna finding both Pinkie and Rarity in other realms, we are calling off the searches of the Everfree forest-”

“Whoa, hold on there!” Applejack started in protest, but was interrupted straight away by Rainbow Dash.

“Call it off? How can you do that!?” Rainbow asked accusingly. “We don’t know where they are. They could be anywhere!”

Celestia’s already distant look maintained itself through the direct words. She nodded once Dash finished her outburst. “That is the point, Rainbow... We don’t know where they are, but we do know where they are not. Both myself and the guard searched as much of the Everfree and its neighboring forests as possible, but did not find any sign of any of our friends.”

“B-But princess,” Applejack stammered out, “we’ve been cooped up in this here castle for a week! How is it that you ended up not findin’ anythin’?”

Celestia touched a hoof to her chin and frowned at a spot somewhere between her hooves. “As I said, there must not be anything to find. It’s very upsetting that there were no certain traces of Twilight or Fluttershy, but that isn’t to say we found nothing at all. Coinciding with the disappearance of more than half of the Elements of Harmony, are seemingly random phenomena that have appeared.”

Applejack remained silent, processing what it was she was being told. Rainbow, on the other hoof, looked as if she was about to say something else, but struggled to keep it withheld.

Taking a tired breath, Celestia did her best to press on. “There is an increasing number of magical disturbances cropping up around Equestria, and elsewhere. While most of them have only been brought up in rumor, my correspondents in the Griffin Kingdom have confirmed strange... somethings.”

“Magical…” Applejack muttered just barely loud enough for anypony to hear before she jerked up in sudden realization. “Princess Celestia, you think maybe it could have something to do with Twilight?”

Celestia smiled gently. “I see you came to the same thought I had.” She sighed slightly, shifting and refolding her hooves in front of herself before continuing. “It may be a possibility. I’ve sent some guards to the other occurrences around Equestria to investigate. You did say that Twilight was experimenting with some… talent enhancer? And her magic seemed more chaotic than normal.”

Applejack nodded. “That’s about right, she darn near left a crater in the library when she teleported away.”

“Indeed.” Celestia paused while she considered something. “Some of the magical residue at the site of Twilight’s disappearance is similar to that around… one of the closer occurrences that we investigated in Equestria. There isn’t enough evidence to say for certain, but there could be a connection.”

Rainbow took flight again, her wings beating too hard to allow her hooves purchase on the floor any longer. “Alright then! When do we leave?” She hovered in place with a solid look of determination.

Luna blinked a few times at Rainbow before answering slowly. “Rainbow, while it’s probable that Twilight is connected due to this information, it isn’t impossible that the residue was left by whoever may be behind the events at large. Do you understand?”

Rainbow’s wing beats faltered for a moment, but still kept her aloft. “Soo… what you’re saying is… Oh my gosh, the bad guy behind all of this could be there.” After a moment, her brow furrowed in determination. “But isn’t that a good thing? If the magic isn’t Twilight’s it’s the bad guy’s. It’s like a clue! We could go after them!”

Celestia hummed, and spoke up in reply quickly. “Either is a possibility, Rainbow. But, we still don’t know enough to know who it could be, whether this is an attack by somepony, or even something.”

A solid stomp brought everypony’s attention back to Luna, who wore a look of complete frustration. “My apologies…” She went on, ruffling her wings and composing herself. “Discord and Chrysalis have both been ruled out as possible culprits. One is still in exile and the other is still in the gardens. On top of that, my sister’s recent visit to Tartarus has shown no apparent breach.”

Celestia nodded along in assent as her sister continued. “Indeed. Cerberus was quite insistent that nothing and no one had made it past him.” She gave Luna a consoling look, before turning her attention back to Applejack and Rainbow.

Applejack hummed, mulling over the rather tricky information that was finally being passed along her way. “So this could be somepony we haven’t right come up against before,” she observed.

“Precisely,” Luna let out a frustrated sigh before lifting her hooves to her side and giving a shrug. “It also means we are unsure as to what is happening in so many different lands at once. Suffice to say, it is unlikely to be a coincidence.”

“I gotta agree with Rainbow then, Princess. When are we checking out these events that are cropping up?” Applejack shot an askance look between both of Equestria’s rulers, eager to hear the answer on this one.

After a brief pause, Celestia replied in a soothing tone. “Both my sister and I believe the two of you should stay here in Canterlot, Applejack, while we and other ponies investigate these problems with caution.”

Applejack nodded determinedly, even before she processed what had been said, then did a double-take. “Wait, what? Er, princess?”

“It is as she says, Applejack.” Princess Luna affirmed her words with nod. “You will stay here, under my protection.”

A long silence stretched out as Celestia’s words remained heavy in the air. Neither Applejack nor Rainbow Dash had any idea how to respond to the decision, despite all of the news.

Celestia’s expression held its motherly smile for a long while, but started to falter before long. The silence finally broke when Spike’s soft snoring broke into a loud snort and he began to stir.

“Gah! Giant three headed diamond dog!” Spike hollered in terror before collapsing back into his basket, out cold once again.

“Oh dear,” Luna sighed before closing her eyes and lighting her horn with its midnight blue glow.

Celestia shifted where she sat quietly for a few moments, allowing her sister to do her work. After the room slipped back into an unsettling quiet, she spoke up. “Is there something wrong?”

Luna’s eyes blinked open and her horn ceased its glow. “I- No, it’s nothing. I’m not very good at entering the dreams of other creatures, but Spike’s encounter with Tartarus’ guardian seems to have left an impression on him.”

Spike let out a contented sound before rolling over in his makeshift bed, his gentle snores a telltale praise of Luna’s work.

Rainbow lowered her raised eyebrow and faced Princess Celestia. She was intent on trying to change what they’d said. “So, you guys are going to keep looking into everything while we just stay here? Safe?”

Princess Celestia held the other pony’s stare a moment once again, then nodded. “I understand why that upsets you so much, Rainbow. Twilight and Fluttershy are all possibly in danger, and looking for them is no small task. But have hope, my little pony, please, in us, for us. Putting both yourself and Applejack at risk is not worth two more sets of eyes.”

Rainbow Dash sagged her shoulders, listening to the hard truth of things. “Yeah…” she muttered. “And I get why you want Applejack and I safe, but…” Her eye clutched themselves shut. “Everypony out there looking helps. I could search faster than anypony else!” After she raised her voice, she opened her eyes, wearing a slightly ashamed look. “Sorry…”

Luna and Celestia both looked at one another, then back to the remaining two Elements of Harmony.

Celestia spoke again first. “When we know more, Rainbow Dash, perhaps things will change… I know that isn’t the answer you want, but I truly believe your protection is important. After seeing what we could be dealing with, a creature capable of powerful magic and weather manipulation, your safety is a priority. The Elements of Harmony could once again be our only hope.”

Applejack and Rainbow looked at one another, one other’s dreary expressions mirroring their friend’s.

Luna picked up where her sister had left off, making a last attempt to improve the mood. “We will do everything to keep you both safe, and informed as things change, Applejack, Rainbow Dash. Rest assured of this, that while Celestia is learning more and dealing with things, I will be doing my utmost for you.”

The room was quiet again for a moment, with Applejack shifting her eyes wearily between Rainbow and the princesses, and the air feeling decidedly thick all of a sudden.

Rainbow let out an unsatisfied breath. “Alright… Thank- Thank you for everything, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. I’m gonna go lie down and digest all of this…” She dropped back onto the floor and about faced before trotting to the exit.

Princess Celestia blinked, a little surprised by the abrupt change. “Oh, very well. I won’t be staying long, Rainbow. I leave for the badlands soon. I am afraid I won’t have time to meet with you again.”

Rainbow hesitated, craning her head around, but looking at the carpet. “Alright. Good luck, Princess,” she murmured, then kept going.

Applejack watched her as she went, giving both the princess’ one last uncertain look before following behind. “She’ll be fine,” she offered to both of the royal ponies, then smiled. “She’s good at bouncin’ back.”

The two sisters nodded each, smiling, though not without looking as though it took effort.

Rainbow pushed the doors open silently, and found hers and AJ’s irritating guards all standing at attention. The winged mares that had been personally assigned to her stood poised to fall in, as well as the earth pony stallion in Applejack’s group. The unicorn, however, seemed to have something on his mind, and was ready to share it.

“Well,” the unicorn guard started airily. “Now that you’re finished, will you both be returning to your-? Urck!”

“Stuff it.” Rainbow said flatly, after shoving a small decorative urn into the unicorn’s mouth from a nearby pedestal. Without stopping, she took off at a brisk trot down the corridor, her guards scrambling to keep pace.

Applejack began walking in the vague direction of her room, the remaining guards keeping pace silently… almost.

The unicorn eventually managed to dislodge the urn from his mouth with his magic, but rather than start up his original rant, settled for grumbling something under his breath, obviously offended by Rainbow’s choice of conversation enders.

Applejack gave the strap on her saddlebags one last tug before nodding in satisfaction. “That should do it,” she whispered to herself.

Celestia’s sun had fallen hours ago, and the guards would be changing shifts soon enough, giving her a small window of opportunity… or so she had thought, until she remembered who would still be waiting outside her door regardless.

“Aw, shoot!” she hissed quietly. “What am I gonna do about those two?”

A rapid tapping echoed around her room from the window on the far wall opposite her door. When she turned back to look, she could see a cyan hoof beckoning waving her over.

Quietly, Applejack hurried over to the window and pushed it open. Rainbow Dash was hovering just outside, a sly grin on her face and a pair of saddlebags around her waist.

“I don’t know about you,” Rainbow began. “But I don’t want to just sit around anymore. You in?”

Applejack’s face lit up with a grin of her own. She turned to her side to show off her packed saddlebags before she spoke. “Reckon we had the same idea...”

“Great!” Rainbow nodded her head towards the training grounds down below. “There’s a one mare chariot down there that was left out for repairs. I saw it today when I was stretching my wings.”

Applejack was already reaching her hooves towards her friend when those last words gave her pause. “Rainbow,” she said, a mock look of accusation on her face. “You haven’t been planning this for a while now, have ya?”

“Since the fourth day,” Dash replied without hesitation. She locked her fetlocks with Applejack’s, then eased her out of the window.

They glided down together slowly. Rainbow made sure to avoid any windows, instead staying close to the walls. She had learned her lesson to steer clear of those from earlier that afternoon.

The two of them touched down behind a storage shed a few hundred feet from the training ground’s proper.

Rainbow gave the surrounding area a quick sweep, before then trotting over to a large tarp. With a quick tug, the tarp pulled free to reveal a small chariot. It sat lopsided with one of its wheels propped up against the body.

Applejack went to work investigating the damage without a second thought.

“Hmm…” Applejack hummed thoughtfully. “It ain’t broken, but the lock pin that holds the wheel is missin’.” She put on a frown and turned back to Rainbow a little disappointedly. “Sorry sugarcube but… where’d you get that pin?”

With a satisfied smirk, Rainbow was, in fact, holding a wheel lock pin in her mouth. And something about her smile made Applejack suspect it was far from a coincidence.

Rainbow’s first response was to toss the pin over to Applejack, who caught it and immediately went to work getting the wheel back into place. “It may or may not have been broken only after I found it,” she chuckled. “I was barely able to hide the pin in a bush before somepony saw me. But that wasn’t until after I was halfway back to my room.”

Applejack let loose one last good wallop and the pin locked the wheel in place. “Gotta admit, Dash. This seems mighty well thought out for-”

The sound of approaching hoofsteps made both of the mares blood run cold. They weren’t very close, but they could both tell they were headed right for them.

Without a word, Applejack motioned for Rainbow to get into the back of the chariot. Dash complied and Applejack went to grab the discarded tarp. She grabbed a corner in her teeth, and with a snap, the tarp extended out and fell over their getaway vehicle.

Applejack had just barely climbed underneath the tarp herself when the hoofsteps rounded the corner of the shed.

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash froze, holding their breath while the steps got closer, and then passed them. Even after the steps had died away, they continued to wait, until finally venturing a cautious look.

Rainbow Dash nosed her head out from under the tarp. “I think we’re good,” she said, and after a few good moments of looking.

Applejack’s head popped out just behind the other pony’s, and gave the surroundings a quick looksie. “Eeyup.” Not wasting another second, she quickly bucked the tarp away, then secured her saddlebags to the inside of the craft. “Hand me your bags and get yourself harnessed, Dash. That was too close for comfort for us to dally anymore.”

“Way ahead of you!” Rainbow had already tossed her bags to Applejack, who only just avoided catching them with her muzzle.

“‘o ‘ou kno’ ‘here ‘e’re ‘eaded, Dash?” Applejack asked, then set down Dash’s bags next to her own.

Rainbow looked up and over the side of the chariot, one eyebrow raised. “What?”

Applejack frowned, then began to repeat herself. “I said-”

“I’m just kidding, AJ,” Rainbow laughed, hooking herself up quickly. “And anyway, I’m pretty sure you already know where we’re going.” She double checked that her harness was hooked up tight as she spoke. “The princess’ mentioned that there was one of those magical whatevers somewhere in the Griffin Kingdom, so that’s where we’ll look first.”

“Do you think you can make that flight all on your own?” Applejack teased.

Dash looked back and scoffed. “Who do you think you’re talking to? Not only can I make that flight, but I’m gonna break a few records doing it!”

A confident smile on both of their faces, Rainbow barely had to get any momentum going before the chariot lifted from the ground. They stayed low at first, trying to avoid being sighted. But once they were passed the walls and over the city, Dash put caution to the wind and poured on as much speed as her restless wings were itching to provide her.

Applejack turned back and watched Canterlot grow smaller and smaller, until its size matched the view she knew from Ponyville.

Wait a second… Applejack took a curious look to the ground below them. “Dash, why are we over Ponyville?”

Rainbow Dash gave her friend a consoling look. “This is probably gonna be the last time we see our home for a while… I thought you might want to see it.” She gave a dry laugh. “I know I do.”

Applejack hesitated. Last time she saw her home, there was no home to speak of. She fought with herself internally for a long moment, until the longing in her chest won out.

Looking over the side in the direction of the orchard, the sight made her breath catch in her throat.

There weren’t nearly as many trees as before, but there were more than she had hoped to see. The debris of her old home was already gone, and in it’s place sat a new home. It’s roof was still missing and she could tell it had yet to be painted, but it looked only a few days work short of being livable. She turned her head a little to the side and could see the frame of a brand new barn standing proud where the previous one had been.

But, for her the last thing she saw was the most heart warming. Well I’ll be… Around the entirety of the property, were tents embroided with apple family cutie marks.

Applejack took a moment to absorb it all in. The letters hadn’t come close to describing how far her family had gone to support her.

The chariot suddenly banked and Ponyville started to pull away from her sight.

“Sorry, AJ,” Dash called back over her shoulder. “But we gotta keep moving.” She met Applejack’s eyes for a brief moment before facing frontward again. “I hope it was… was nice.”

Applejack let out a contented sigh and rubbed her eye with a fetlock, stopping a tear from forming. “Yeah… I reckon it was. Thanks, Dash.” She took a deep breath and fixed her attention on the horizon. “Let’s go find our friends.”

Author's Note:

Ta-Dah! One brand spanking new chapter for Contrail! Long over due but I hope you all can just enjoy it. Again, I am not this story's original author, I am its new one however. And as such I plan on making it just as much a priority as if it were my own... 'cause it is now. It isn't entirely without it's original direction. The story has to stay on it's original course plus whatever me and Merlos think would be great. And trust me, we've had some awesome ideas so far. Sit back and enjoy the ride guys!

-Ludicrous Lycan

Comments ( 28 )

Glad to finally see this up! :ajsmug:

I know it's 'behind' the others because of the change in management, but I hope you don't cut corners just to rush it to fit the timeline. Doing a great job so far!

Yes! Finally an update! It's like a miracle! :ajsmug::rainbowdetermined2:

Fluttershy standing at the edge of white tail woods, her back to everypony else.

You forgot to capitalize "Whitetail Woods". :twilightsheepish:

There were whispers and rumors aplenty from the guards and maids, about dragons migrating for no reason, strange stories from distant lands, and all kinds of other chaos.

Is it possible the dragons are migrating because the one behind all this is, I don't know, a really old dragon? :raritywink:

As far as we groomed royalty went, they seemed slightly unkempt, all things considered.

I think you mean "well groomed". :twilightsheepish:

“Discord and Chrysalis have both been ruled out as possible culprits. One is still in exile and the other is still in the gardens…”

For now. :raritywink:

“... On top of that, my sister’s recent visit to Tartarus has shown no apparent breach.”

Wait, what? :rainbowhuh:

So this is six days after the incident and after the point Luna was able to find Rarity and Pinkie Pie in Ancelstierre but before finding Fluttershy and running into Mary. If I recall "So Many Wonders" correctly, I think Luna mentions when she finds Fluttershy that she's been missing for like a week or two or something.

Anyway, I've been dying to know what's been going on with Rainbow Dash and Applejack in Equestria in the Madverse. I've heard some smatterings of things from Luna in her meetings with Rarity in "Abhorsen" and Fluttershy in "So Many Wonders". And Pinkie Pie did mention something about Applejack and Rainbow running off in "Abhorsen" as well. And now we get to find out what all of that was about. :pinkiesmile: Well, I'm certainly excited to see this story continue. I look forward to possibly finding some answers that were brought up in the other Madverse stories. Good luck with this story man. :pinkiehappy:


Thank you both! And have no fears! If this chapters length is any indication, we have no real intent on skimping on any details. RD and AJ's side of the story is just as important as anypony elses, and believe me when I say me and Merlos have a lot to share about it. :raritywink:

it has been a long wait but th chapter is good, I like it ^^

yay:yay::yay::yay: new chapter! my thoughts, its going great so far i see everything thats going on like im in the room/area. im real hooked and plan to sit here and wait untill the next chapter arrives.:twilightsmile::pinkiehappy:

untill next time im happynoname56 signing off:coolphoto:

At first I was only going to read the Twilight story and the Mary story, but decided to give this one a go too. Glad I did too as I like this one also. :twilightsmile:

I shall return whenever you update it.

3833448 Yep, I totally agree with you. When I took on the story, that was the general idea. Unfortunately, between the work I started on my own, and just bringing this story back to life to catch up with the rest of the madverse, I have my hands full. Me and Merlos are going through the original files and planning an overhaul, but it's not to be expected in the very near future. For now, we hope to improve the quality of the story by pumping out genuinely good chapters. Sorry for the inconvienience. :pinkiesad2:

3833558 Ahh, good to know. This was the only Madverse story I had not even looked it until today. I'll just hold off reading this one until it's been patched up, then. :twilightsmile:

3834693 If you insist. I hope I don't keep you waiting too long, some of those chapters are a bit longer then I'm used to writing personally... but then again I did put out a 10k chapter for this, didn't I? All well, I'm glad you enjoy the Madverse all the same.


Quite sorry about that, Mythril. We're backed up on work. :twilightblush:

Ooo, time skip ahoy.

Rainbow Dash started a vertical climb as her wings started to beat faster than she was aware of, nearly touching the ceiling before exclaiming her delight at the top of her lungs. “Yes! They’re okay!” To both Luna and Applejack’s shock, Dash had tears running down her cheeks even as she whooped and hollered her abundant joy. “They aren’t gone… I didn’t let them die...” She whispered to herself low enough that she hoped nopony would overhear as she touched back down to the ground, an honest smile shining through her tears.

Nice, sounds like that was exactly what Dash needed to hear.

“Well,” the unicorn guard started airily. “Now that you’re finished, will you both be returning to your-? Urck!”
“Stuff it.” Rainbow said flatly, after shoving a small decorative urn into the unicorn’s mouth from a nearby pedestal.


There weren’t nearly as many trees as before, but there were more than she had hoped to see. The debris of her old home was already gone, and in it’s place sat a new home. It’s roof was still missing and she could tell it had yet to be painted, but it looked only a few days work short of being livable. She turned her head a little to the side and could see the frame of a brand new barn standing proud where the previous one had been.
But, for her the last thing she saw was the most heart warming. Well I’ll be… Around the entirety of the property, were tents embroided with apple family cutie marks.

And I imagine that that was exactly what AJ needed to see.

And now I think I'm completely caught up on Madverse stories.

“On top of that, my sister’s recent visit to Tartarus has shown no apparent breach.”

Celestia nodded along in assent as her sister continued. “Indeed. Cerberus was quite insistent that nothing and no one had made it past him.”

...Clearly a reliable source.

4500593 Yeah... Me and Merlos weren't to happy about the season 4 revelation that he's a bit useless. Assume for our stories sake that he isn't. XD

So glad I didn't watch season 4 yet! :pinkiehappy:

Cerberus is a great guard...when he's actually there.

And so I now have the homeland side of the equation. And with the information I got from two of them things are moving along quite nicely now. I wait for all 5 to update at this point.


Safe to say now that it appears it was a long-running plot and getting him away long enough to make it work was a part of it.

Oh sweet, only 5 chapters!? I may be able to catch up with this ludicrously long and crazy story after all.

6118358 ...I see what you did there... I am mostly unamused. :facehoof:

6118579 Srry, I was referring to the whole Madverse. I started it all about a months ago and I know the Twi one is just as long as the Mary one, my eyes hurt from reading. I sit a desk all day where hardly a soul shows up in my late shifts so I've been reading. I meant nothing directly by it.

6119863 Well, alright. I won't scentence you to death on pain of pun. :raritywink:

Now that Merlos is updating again, do you think you will as well?

7601627 This story has always belonged to Merlos. He's got it covered. ;)

Well finally went through with this story and I see it's back to your account Merlos.

I think I'll now follow with Abhorsen and see what are Pinkie and Rarity are up to on their side. :pinkiesmile: :raritywink:

This is a beautiful version of Equestria. I want to see more of it, which is more than can be said for the season 4 finale. How will AJ and Dash interact with the other ponies and creatures they meet? Will they start uncovering the mystery and not letting this villain effortlessly walk all over them? I think the 6 shouldn't all go down without a fight, and they're long overdue for a comeback.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a second successful attempt at taking them somewhere

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