• Published 1st Jul 2013
  • 4,203 Views, 29 Comments

Spike's Family is... - trahzo

Who's family do you think Spike's gonna be adopted into?

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Prologue: Prologue! (Lol, I just called the Prologue, Prologue!)

It's now time for all the citizens of Ponyville to get some shut eye, because tomorrow is a special week for everypony. This special week is where everypony spends the week with their family. Twilight had just finished reading a book. She laid the book down & put it back in the correct shelf!

"That book gets more dramatic every time I re-" She was cut off to the sounds of soft sobs, she knew who they came from!

Spike was crying in his bed, for it's going to be another week where he realizes the sad fact that he's an orphan! Back in Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle always wanted to have Spike go with her on this special week, but she was always so nervous, like right now, she really wanted to help calm down Spike, since it really breaks her heart seeing her #1 assistant cry. She saw that now was time for change! So Twilight left the library, she had her friends know of Spike's emotionally painful dilemma! The 6 rendezvoused at Sugarcube Corner to discuss this!

"Alright, now can somepony tell me what ah we doing?" Asked Applejack.

"Applejack, didn't you hear me? I said Spike is crying because it's Family week tomorrow! I want to help him, b-but every chance I get, I just can't find the will tell him to come with me & my family! But I realized, that it would only be a week! He cant just have a week long family! No, he needs a permanent family! Since we're his best friends, I was wondering...

"Wondering what? Spit it out Twi!" Rainbow Dash said, in a cranky tone, since she was pulled out of a deep sleep where she became Equestria's greatest hero!

"I was wondering...if we could have a contest to see who's family would make Spike the happiest!"

All 5 of them looked at Twilight with wide eyes, she was asking them to take Spike into their family! Spike was such a good boy, they enjoy his company & his pure sweet hearted nature, he'd help them anytime, any day, and they would do the same! Like the time they helped him find the perfect mare for him, i.e. Trixie Lulamoon! All 5 nodded at the idea of having Spike as a member of their family!

"So it's settled, we all spend the day with Spike!" said Pinkie Pie.

"And the winner gets to..." Fluttershy was cut-off, as a white mist & a blue mist entered the building, then those 2 mists, materialized into Celestia & Luna!

"Hold on! I want in on this too! I was about to sign some forms making Spike my son, but after hearing about this, me and Luna want him in our family as well! Isn't that right sister?" Celestia said with a very giddy voice.

"Yes, I was told that Tia taught Spike his skills, so why not have him as a part of our family, but then I heard of this & I thought, that Tia must partake!" Luna explained

"So it's settled, winner gets a new addition to their family!' Twilight said.

So now it's gonna be: Twilight Sparkle VS. Applejack Vs. Fluttershy vs. Pinkamena "Pinkie" Diane Pie versus Rainbow Dash vS. Rarity Sesrev (Verses in reverse) Princess Celestia & Princess Luna!

End of Prologue!