• Published 1st Jul 2013
  • 4,203 Views, 29 Comments

Spike's Family is... - trahzo

Who's family do you think Spike's gonna be adopted into?

  • ...

Sunday: Fun in the Sunlight & Dancing in the Moonlight

Spike woke-up in the most luxurious of luxurious rooms to ever be luxurious. He also woke-up to breakfast in bed. After breakfast, he left his awesome room & met up with The princesses of the sun, moon & love! Blueblood wasn't there because he couldn't get over his high school crush rejecting his offer for marriage! So, he just sat in his room, eating tubs of ice cream, not wanting to go outside! Celestia tried to convince him to leave, but he was as stubborn as Dan from "Dan vs." Eventually, she gave up & just left him alone.

"(That boy!)" She thought looking quite irritated. Her irritation from earlier went to glee after seeing the one she raised.

"So, where are we going today sister?" Luna asked

"Get your swimsuits ready, because we're all going to the beach!" Celestia answered.

Luna was humiliated the last time she went to the beach! Stallions & Teenage colts kept on going "woo!" & whistling at her because they really liked seeing her in swimwear, it made her really sexy! She had so much embarrassment that she had her aids beat down all of them, even the lifeguard! At least this time, she isn't going there alone. Cadence remembered the last time she went to the beach, it was during a romantic honey moon with Shining Armor at their beach house. Celestia remembered the last time she went to the beach, she spent her time with a suitor that ended in disaster! She banished the suitor because he only wanted Celestia for perverted pics he could show to his friends. Spike remembered the last time he went to the beach, he was assisting Twilight with her studies on aquatic life, he looked out to sea & saw a sea pony! He told Twilight, but the seapony was gone when Twilight turned her head! she thought Spike was just imagining things & went back to her studies.

"Who'll be in charge while we're away?" Luna asked.

"Don't worry, I have someone I think is capable of watching everything while we're away!" Celestia answered. "Discord!"

"Yes your highness?" Discord asked after appearing out of nowhere!

"You're in charge of Canterlot till we get back. DON'T YOU DARE TRY ANYTHING CHAOTIC WHEN WE'RE GONE!!!" she threatened. Man, her yell was so loud it could've made every last human on earth cry & pee themselves.

"R-roger dodger!" Discord said, while he saluted.

Later as they were waiting for the train...

"Sorry you had to see your mommy like that, can't be to trusting, lenient and careful with those kind of characters." said Cadence.

"It's alright, I've seen someone face that kind of pain before!" Spike replied.

"Really? Who?"

"Well... *flashback* back when Trixie 1st moved to Ponyville, they all refused to give her a 3rd chance. I couldn't blame 'em though. She almost ruined the peaceful home twice! The 1st time was when her lie brought an ursa minor into Ponyville. The 2nd time was her hostile takeover with the power of the Alicorn Amulet! But watching her suffer in a village that hates her, was something me & my friends wouldn't take, not if we could help it! So we all helped all the citizens of Ponyville see that she has turned over a new leaf! We all had speeches but mine was the one to finally have everyone give their trust to Trixie. All my friends gave me congratulations that day and Twilight told me I was a step closer to becoming a true man! Trixie even called me her hero!"

"Wow, 1st you save the Crystal Empire, then you save the Element of Harmony, now this? You might lose your sidekick rank & go to hero if you keep on saving others kid!" Cadence praised.

Spike rubbed the back of his head in pride, then the train arrived. A while later after they got off the train...

"Spike, wanna go surfing?" Cadence asked.

"Sorry, but I think the shark I hooked from Friday Is still searching for me!" Spike said.


"Spike, care to join me in the sand castle building contest?" Luna asked

"Sure!" he answered.

Spike & Luna got 2nd place for their replica of Canterlot Castle. They were defeated by Twilight & Shining Armor's sand castle of a more realistic looking replica of the Crystal Empire Castle! H-hey, the referee, is that me? No way!


"Spike, would you please rub sunscreen on my back?" Celestia asked.

Spike agreed & as he rubbed the sunscreen & all the stallions & teenage colts could only say in their heads "lucky bastard!" Spike looked out & saw another seapony, only to see it be pulled back down by a tentacle! Spike screamed, that's when multiple tentacles starting coming out of the water, a horrific sea monster was emerging from the deep! It was a Kraken! Everyone on the beach saw the Kraken & started panicking, running, screaming, and there were 2 nerdy ponies who were beating each other up saying it was them who awoke the Kraken with their sea creature communication device! Cadence was grabbed by the monster, but she escaped it's grip with a magical burst! Celestia & Luna fired magical blasts that swirled together into an even powerful blast, knocking the creature over, but wasn't enough to defat it! The Kraken grabbed Spike & was about to tentacle punch him, till Spike shot a beam of fire at it's eye! The Kraken let go & was in a-lot of pain in the eye! Spike sprouted his wings & flew back to land! The Kraken was furious now it grabbed all 4 of them, it was squeezing them all hard so they couldn't focus their attacks! It seemed bleak for everypony, but the Shark from Thursday arrived just in the nick of time to save them all! The shark bit all the tentacles off & then started tearing the Kraken to shreds! If anyone was going to kill Spike it would be him! But for now, the shark would let him leave with his life! Later the sun was setting!

"Aw, guess the days over!" Spike said.

"Nope, we're heading to the dance floor tonight, there's a competition going on in Ponyville & we hurry, we will surely be all dressed up in our dance shoes for this!" Luna said.

Later, after they went form swimwear to dance uniforms, they dance till their hearts content & the winner was then this time, beating Applejack & her family!

"Alright, I had a great time with all of you, So I'll just being going now, so I can sleep on my final answer tomorrow!" Spike said, as he headed off to the library while waving to the princesses who waved back.

Later, as he slept, he wondered how everypony could win, because he didn't want to break any of their hearts, they were all so caring to let them be a part of their family. He was crying tears of joy for all of their sensitive care for him, but now he knew the answer. The really sappy answer!

End of Chapter.

Author's Note:

Sorry, that's all I could think of for the Dancing in the Moonlight part of the chapter.