• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,707 Views, 1,589 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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Awaken Again

Sora awoke with a start.

His heart raced as he threw his arms over his face in defense of some unseen blow, though he felt silly afterwards when there was no strike to block against. Gradually, as he regained control of his senses, he would finally notice just where he was. The world shrouded in darkness, the only light within coming from the stained glass window beneath him. It was the same place he ended up in with Applejack and Pinkie Pie way back when he fought Sombra…and that, in itself, wasn’t a good thing.

Taking a deep breath, the stallion tried to calm his racing heart. Each thump, a dull ache within his chest. Looking down at his body, he found himself, once again, within his human form. It felt even more foreign to be in then last time he was within it. Despite that, he would get use to it once again, his fingers flexing and his legs stretching, though it would feel like he had never used them before now.

Fingering he was safe, at least for now, the keyblade wielder crossed his arms about his chest, trying to recall how he had ended back up here. Though the more he thought, the more confused he became. He couldn’t remember anything

"Just...what was I doing before? And why can't I remember any of it? I remembered the last time before I came here..." His mind, addled as it was, only saw...Fluttershy?

A warm blush seeped out onto his cheeks. He couldn't figure out why his mind kept returning to the timid yellow mare. Of course he could remember a bit here and there with Rarity and Rainbow Dash, but it felt like she was the only one that took up any real space in his thoughts. Her soulful gaze looking down at him from…above?

He shook his head, trying to force away the image of the mare. He needed to focus and If past experience had taught him anything, he had to get moving. Last time he was here, he and his friends were in trouble, and he was sure this time would be no different. Getting up from the ground, he spotted a luminescent staircase close by. With limited choices, he decided to follow it and see where it led him.

It was during the lengthy journey that he couldn't help but feel like he was dragging his feet through a pool of molasses, and with every step, the sensation only intensified. The reason, he didn't know. He remembered making such a trek so many times without a problem, but this time...it was different. Eventually, he made it to the peak and would soon drop to his knees, clutching his chest and wincing from the dull pain within his heart.

"Geeze...I can’t be that out of shape, can I?" He joked, though his tone with less jovial then he liked it to be. Slowly he got back to his feet, though his hand would press against his chest still, almost as if it was trying to grasp at something. He was about to move forward once again but then something...or...someone's voice stopped him in his tracks.


At the sound of his name, the keyblade wielder's eyes widened. He spun around and saw a mare he knew—a yellow and pink creature with a white and red robe crafted by Rarity. Her teal eyes studied him with confusion and then realization as she looked upon Sora’s visage.

Slowly, Fluttershy would step closer, her voice shaky, "You...are Sora...right? You...This is how you looked before you came to Equestria right...You're Sora..." The last one wasn't a question. More so a confirmation.

Sora nodded, a feeling of relief flowing through him as he looked upon the yellow and pink maned mare. He wanted to say something at least a little cool, but all he could do was give her the best smile he could muster, two words slipping from his lips. “Hey…Shy…”

The mare didn't need any more convincing as she sprinted into a full gallop, her hooves propelling her forward faster than even the wind if the keyblade wielder was being honest. He barely had time to register that she had jumped towards him, even more so when she had tackled him to the ground , her hooves wrapping tightly around him into a crushing hug.

"Woah! S-Shy? What are you..." He pulled the mare away, despite being happy to see her too. Though the sight of her tearstained face caused him to pause. "Fluttershy...what's wrong? Why the waterworks?"

"You're okay...you're...alright..." was the only thing she could mutter softly. With quivering lips, she buried her face into his chest, a fresh wave of tears flowing down her cheeks and onto his shirt. The keyblade wielder could feel her body shake with each soft, nerve wracking sob.

Of course he felt overwhelmed by what she was doing, but that didn't stop him from holding her back, his arms wrapping around the timid mare. "Hey...It's okay, Shy. I'm here now." He spoke soothingly, his hand gently stroking her mane. "I'm okay..."


The keyblade wielder looked up to find Rainbow Dash rocketing her way towards the pair, she herself moving just as fast as Fluttershy was a moment ago. She landed in front of the two, barely keeping on her hooves as she did so. She paused for only a moment as she looked between both Sora and the mare he was holding.

"It is you, isn't it?" The blue mare asked, a smile on her face as if knowing the answer to the question already. It then turned into a devious smirk. "Fluttershy wouldn't let just any stallion hold her like that. No way in Tartarus."

"Haha…Yeah...it's me...or...ya know. How I use to look." His gaze down towards the crying mare in his arms, smiling softly. "It's good to see two of you again." He chuckled as he looked back up at the prismatic maned mare. "You gotta tell me how you escaped the Heartless back in Trottingham. It's gotta be a pretty cool story."

Rainbow frowned. "Wait...What are you talking about, Sora?"

"Don’t tell me you already forgot. That crowd of Heartless you led away so me and Trixie could make it into Town Hall" Sora spoke. "I mean, Twilight told me you don’t have the best memory but It just happened not too long ago."

"Dude! What?!" The rainbow mare balked, clearly freaking out. "That was hours ago. We met up way after that. Don't you remember?"

His face contorted in confusion at the mare’s words. "What are you talking about, Dash?"

Rainbow frowned at him before looking down, her mind racing. "That...I mean..." She looked back towards the keyblade wielder. "Sora you can't...I mean...Don't you remember anything of what happened before?"

"I...Ah...Like I said…I remember me and Trixie making it to the basement...she got hurt. I helped her and left her someplace safe," he admitted, looking up at the mare. "And then...I...it's all a blur."

"You...really don't remember...do you?" Fluttershy finally spoke, her tearstained face looking up at the young hero.

"Remember what?" He asked, looking between both of the mares, frowning softly.

The timid mare opened her mouth to speak, catching herself before releasing a heavy breath. "Sora...you were stabbed...by Gilda..."


Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Awaken Again

Some time Before...

In Trottingham Forest

"-And that's pretty much everything that happened after you led that Heartless away." Sora finished his tale as the trio made their way through the dense forest, Gilda and Sora carrying Trixie and the stallion while the former of the two led them down the dirt path.

Flying was out of the question for the three of them, half because of the dark that surrounded them and half because of Sora's inability to do so, despite him being a pegasus. Between himself and Rainbow (mostly Rainbow) They had convinced Gilda to not only not fly off but to lead the both of them to the encampment that the other’s had found.

Since they had time to spare and since Sora did promise them a story, he would recount the time he and Trixie were apart from the rainbow maned mare.

Upon his story finishing,, the blue pegasus would cast a gaze towards the sleeping mare on Gilda's back, frowning slightly, "Geeze...Trixie kinda was cool back there then...Ugh! I can't believe those words even came out of my mouth. Gonna have to wash it out with soap."

Sora chuckled softly, looking towards the showmare that was upon Gilda's back. "Come on, Dash. She isn't that bad." He smirked. "Honestly, she kinda reminds me of you in a way."

"You know I'm not taking that as a compliment right?" The mare deadpanned before straightening up, "Anyway, back on topic...about that Starlight mare controlling the Heartless. You really think that this is all her doing?" She asked, gesturing around them.

"I'm sure Starlight had help. Someone brought her the Heartless after all."

Rainbow huffed, the feathers on her wings ruffling, "Ugh...I bet it was those Organization jerks you talked about before."

"Yeah...it wouldn't surprise me if they're involved in this somehow." The stallion sighed. "They are always causing trouble wherever they go and this really does seem right up their alley."

Flying into the air, Rainbow clapped her hooves together, her scowl deepening. "Just wait till I get a hold of them, then. They'll regret the day they ever set hoof in Equestria." She jabbed at the air, dodging and weaving an imaginary opponent. "They won't even see me coming with how hard I'll let my hooves fly."

The stallion couldn't help but smile, watching Rainbow with amusement. "I don't doubt that for a second, Dash." He then turned his attention back to Gilda. "Speaking of Starlight, you were at that camp we're going to right? Did anyone mention a mare by that name?"

The griffon looked back at the stallion for only a second before looking away just as quickly, a curt and harsh "No," Escaping her beak soon after.

The stallion had flinched slightly at the griffon's sharp tone but nodded all the same, a soft “I see…” escaping his lips regardless.

Rainbow, on the other hand, flew forward until she was walking right beside her old childhood friend, a frown adorning her face as she spoke in a hushed tone. "Hey no need to give Sora the cold shoulder, Gee. I thought you two put what happened back at that freaky lab behind you. Besides, I vouch for the dude. And I’m pretty sure my words good."

The griffon huffed, her feathers fluffing up in irritation. "I am not giving him the cold shoulder, Dash." She sighed before looking over at the mare. "I'm just…thinking."

"Thinking? Thinking about what?"

Rainbow’s friend frowned, her eyes keeping forwards as she spoke. "Just...stuff, okay? I can think without somepony giving me the third degree about it, right?"

"Well...uh...yeah I guess...but..." the rainbow maned mare sighed softly. "I just...ya know…It just feels like you’re still mad at Sora, and I just want my old best friend to get along with my new friends." She smiled. "I mean, I like them so that counts for something right?"

"Tisk...Is that a fact?" The griffon answered before allowing her eyes to fall on Rainbow Dash. "I mean...when you find a double of 'HIM' then I guess I can see why you want me to love him so much."

The rainbow maned mare raised an eyebrow. "Huh? What are you talking about Gee?"

"Dude. Come off it. I see the way you talk to him." The griffon frowned. "If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were talking to Locke again."

Rainbow froze in her spot as Gilda said HIS name. "I..." She shook her head before catching back up to her, her voice harsh but still low. "I don't know what you are talking about Gilda."

"Again...come off it Dash." The griffon spoke in annoyance. "Every time I have to listen to him, all I can think about is how much he sounds AND acts just like your old crush."

"He was not my....." Rainbow placed a hoof on her head, stopping herself short of yelling, "Just...Drop it, Gilda. Sora isn't Locke. No way close."

"Well duh. I can see that. Can you?"

Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth, her patience wearing thin. "Of course I can, Gilda! Why are you even bringing this up?"

The griffon sighed softly. "Listen...I...Know it's none of my business' but you shouldn't get too attached to him. If Locke would leave without saying a word then I'm sure-"'

Rainbow Dash cut her off with a glare. "Don't you dare compare Sora to Locke. He's nothing like him."

Even the griffon, as strong as she was backed off at the rainbow maned mare's command. "I...ugh...Fine...I Just didn't want you to get hurt. I mean...I know I'm a jerk and stuff but..."

The pegasus softened her expression and placed a hoof on Gilda’s shoulder. “I appreciate your concern, Gee, but Sora isn't Locke. When it’s time to step up, he always does. He risked his life for me and my friends.” She glanced back at Sora, who perked up as her eyes caught his own. She smiled before looking back at Gilda. "I trust him."

The griffon looked away. "Fine...Sorry..." Gilda sighed as she looked away from her friend.

Rainbow sighed softly as she looked back towards her old friend. "Look...I know you are just looking out for me in your own way...but Sora is a good stallion. I know you will like him once you get to know him." She smiled before gently punching the griffon's foreleg, her wings taking her into the air once more to fly back towards Sora.

Gilda watched Rainbow leave, her mouth barely opening as a tight knot formed in her throat. She wanted to speak, to tell her everything, but the sight of the stallion that smiled at the rainbow maned mare nearly caused the griffon to lose control of herself. The spell Starlight had placed on her mind was still trying to take hold of her. She remembered what Starlight had told her before: "Befriend him...and then..." Gilda shivered at the thought of what she might have to do, knowing that she had no choice but to follow the mare’s orders or else….

As she reached for her bag, her claw brushed against the cool metal handle of the dagger hidden within it. She knew what was expected of her, what she had to do to be free...she could only hope Rainbow could forgive her.

It broke her heart once when she left her best friend...she would hate to see what happens after everything is done.


Gilda raised her wings and stopped the trio in their tracks. "We're here," she said, pointing ahead at a cluster of bushes. "It's just past that brush up ahead." Gilda spoke up, her voice tense as she motioned her head forward. "I come this way all the time whenever I come back from a city run."

"Finally!" Rainbow groaned as she stretched her wings. "Nothing against adventuring, and while I could go more than ten rounds with a Heartless, having a place to rest doesn't sound like a bad idea. Right, Hero?"

Nodding in agreement, the stallion gave her a wide smile, "Definitely. It will be a nice change of pace if nothing else. Though it will be a short rest since we still gotta find Starlight Glimmer. If she isn't already lost Lost to the Heartless…If so then ...." The stallion shook his head before he looked over at Gilda, "Anyway, I’ll worry about that later. Thanks for leading the way back, Gilda. We couldn't have done it without you."

Gilda nodded, her throat suddenly dry as she tried to push down the guilt that was rising inside of her. She looked away. "No need for thanks."

"I know. But still. Thanks. And..." Sora looked away, scratching the back of his head. "I know we didn't get off on the right...hoof? Claw? Anyway, I really just wanna say sorry for attacking you before."

Gilda's heart skipped a beat at Sora's words, her mind racing as she tried to keep her composure. "Yeah...whatever," she muttered, avoiding eye contact with the stallion. "It's...cool."

"See? I knew you two would get along!" Rainbow smiled as she wrapped her hooves around both of her friends. "Well ya dorks? What are we waiting for?" Pulling away, her wings nearly took her to the air, but was stopped by Gilda, pulling her back down to the ground by her tail.

"Hold it Dash. I'll let em' know that you're here. You and Spiky stay here till I tell you to come."

Raising an eyebrow at her friend, the rainbow maned mare looked at her, confused. "What? Why do we have to do all that?"

The griffon hesitated before speaking, "It's just...I think it would be better if I talk to them first. Don't want the ponies freaking out with someone they don't know crashing into the camp like she's some ripoff Wonderbolt. They were already on edge when your pony guards came in so..."

Sora tapped a hoof to his chin. "Guess that makes sense. Rainbow can be a bit abrasive." He barely dodged a swipe of a blue hoof aimed at his head. "What?! It's true."

"Both of your digs at my character aside." Rainbow began, glaring at the two of them. "If that's what you think is best, Gee. We'll wait here for you. Make sure to get Fluttershy and Rarity. I'm sure they would vouch for us more than anything. Knowing Rarity, she's more than likely fussing over somepony's outfit."

"I don't think Rarity talks about fashion that much...Right?" Sora asked.

Rainbow snickered. "Trust me, Hero. When it comes to Rarity and fashion, there's no such thing as too much." She gave him a playful nudge before turning back to Gilda. “Right then, Gee. We’ll stay here and wait. Just don’t take too long. Getting kinda hungry after all.”

Gilda nodded slowly before adjusting the showmare that was still on her back. "I'll take the hat mare with me...She was hurt the worst after all. Doctors might want to see to her."

"Sounds good," Sora said before glancing at Rainbow Dash. "Like Rainbow Said, we'll be here waiting for you."

Gilda took off towards the bushes, disappearing from sight. Rainbow Dash watched her go before turning to Sora with a sigh. "I hope she's okay. She's been acting kinda weird."

"Huh? She has?"

"I don't know...maybe...Or...maybe...I don't know." Rainbow shook her head, her mind still confused. "Maybe she's still on edge after that talk she and I had before."

"Oh...that. I did try and stay out of it...I could only hear you whispering a bit though..." He paused. "And then you kinda yelled and I heard a bit more than I think you wanted me to." He smiled apologetically before tilting his head. "So...Everything okay? With you and her I mean."

"It's complicated..."

"Friendships always are...but...She's your friend. No matter what happened, that's still a fact, right?"

"Yeah...she's a bit rough but...she's my friend."

Sora smiled at Rainbow Dash. "Then I'm sure everything will work out." He smiled as he gave her a nudge. "So...I'm guessing you two have been friends for a long time?"

"You know it. We go way back. All that way when we were first starting Flight School." The mare sighed softly. "We've had our ups and downs but...we always had each other's back in the end, even back then. Even if she can get on my nerves at times."

"Sounds like you two had a blast," Sora said with a grin.

"We did...and the last time I saw her I thought it was gonna be like old times...but..." Rainbow sighed. "She...was a jerk to my friends...Mostly Pinkie Pie."

Sora's smile faltered as he listened to Rainbow's words. "Oh...I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?"

"Just like I said. She was a jerk." The mare shook her head. “When she acted like she didn’t feel sorry about it...I kinda told her to buzz off."

"Oh…I’m…Sorry Rainbow Dash. That that happened to you and all." The stallion responded softly. "But...At least it looks like you two made up now. So..."

Rainbow Dash nodded, a small smile forming on her face. "Yeah, I guess you're right. And I'm sure she'll come around and tell me whats wrong eventually. Gilda's tough, but deep down she's a good griffon. Just like a certain hero being a good stallion," she said, nudging him playfully.

"I try my best to be." He told her, chuckling. "Though...I could take a tip from you in some regards."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"Well..." He sighed softly. "Maybe I can tell you later...It's a bit more...personal then I would like it to be, if I'm being honest. It's kinda why my brain is a mess right now."

Rainbow frowned softly. "Guessing...it has to do with that Riku guy?"

Sora perked up at that, his ears folding against his head. "I...yeah. A bit. How ya guess?"

"A feeling I guess." Rainbow shrugged. "I mean...even when he was trying to help you back at the Crystal Kingdom he seemed kinda...I don't know...Sad...I'm sure most of the girls picked up on it anyway.” The mare rolled her eyes. “Honestly, he hides his emotions as well as you do."

Sora chuckled dryly. "Yeah, that's Riku for you. He acts the coolest and the first to lose his cool..." The stallion lowered his head.

The pegasus could sense the hesitation in Sora's voice, and she knew that whatever it was, it was a sensitive topic. She decided not to pry any further, instead opting to give his shoulder another soft punch. "Hey I get it. I won't bug ya about it if you don't want me to, Hero. Twilight does say friendship can get complicated."

"Yeah...it can." the stallion smiled. "And thanks. Its not that I don't want to tell you. It's just...like I said. My mind is a mess still from everything." And thinking about Fluttershy isn't helping matters. "I'm sure it will be all sorted out though."

"Yeah. I'm sure it will." Rainbow Dash chuckled softly before rubbing the back of her head. "Geeze. Look at us talking all sappy. Gonna change the subject if you don't mind." Looking back to where Gilda had left, the mare would frown. "So what's taking Gee so long? Shouldn't be that hard to get somepony to meet us."

"That's true. Maybe Fluttershy and Rarity are busy? I mean if they are helping ponies then I'm sure they have their hooves tied."

"Then what about Captain Lightning? She would come see us if she knew we were here." Rainbow paused before shivering where she stood. "Well...more than likely to yell at us but I'm sure she would come."

"Also ture. Least it sounds like something she would do." Sora agreed after adjusting the stallion on his back. "And..." His ears perked as something came from the bushes. Gilda had returned, and in toe, was one of Captain Lightning's guards, wearing the silver armor many within the service to the crown would ware. Despite the visor draped over his eyes, he would look between both Rainbow Dash and Sora.

"There you are." He spoke, his voice monotone. He looked towards the stallion. "Sora. This way. Lightning is waiting."

The stallion chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. "I'm pretty sure she's gonna yell at me." Resignation to his fate setting in, the stallion would nod, taking a step forward towards the guard. "Alright then. Lead the way." He turned back to Rainbow Dash, motioning her to get the stallion he held off his back. "You girls take him with you. Okay? I'm sure he's just asleep but maybe the doctors can take a look over him."

Rainbow Dash nodded, carefully taking the unconscious stallion from Sora's back. "Don't worry. He's not going anywhere." She looked back up at Sora with a smirk. "Good luck with the captain. I'll pray to Celesita for your safe return."

The stallion deadpanned, pouting softly. "Thanks, Rainbow. As always you are my rock." He turned to follow the guard, taking one last look at Rainbow and the unconscious stallion before disappearing into the bushes.

The prismatic maned mare watched him go chuckling softly. Despite her joke earlier however, she couldn't help but feel something was...off. Though she couldn't quite place it. With a sigh she turned back towards Gilda, who had been looking at the bushes Sora had just gone though, her gaze intense...and...something else?

"Gilda, are you okay?" Rainbow asked, noticing the intensity in her friend's expression.

Gilda snapped out of her trance and turned to Rainbow Dash. "Yeah, I-I'm fine," she replied, but her tone was distant. Distracted.

Rainbow knew she was a lot of things, but the one thing she wasn't was observant when it came to her friends. Moving closer to the griffon she gently placed a hoof of her shoulder. "You sure, Gee? I mean if you got something to say, then say it. I'll listen."

"I..." The griffon shook her head, her gaze falling on the mare beside her. "Rainbow...do you hate me?"

Rainbow's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden question. "What? No, of course not, Gilda. Why would you even think that?"

"Because...I just..." The griffon growled as she clutched her head with a claw, her body suddenly shaking as a stabbing pain wrecked her mind, "Gah…N-no…I…"

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened in alarm at Gilda's sudden outburst. She rushed to her friend's side, placing a hoof on her shoulder. "Gilda, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I...Rainbow...I just got you back as a friend...heck I was even starting to think I could apologize to those stupid friends of yours...but...It's too late...I'm sorry..." Before the rainbow mare could ask what she meant the sudden right hook to her face caused the mare to crumple to the ground next to the still sleeping stallion.

Gilda stood over her, her claws shaking as she looked down at Rainbow Dash's unconscious form. "Sora Dash," she whispered, despite her harsh tone, there was a hint of sadness. "It was the only way to save you...I had no choice..." She looked at her claw before clinching it tightly. "As soon as I'm free...I'll make things right...I promise...but..." She reached back for the dagger in her bag. "I doubt it would be enough after what I do..." She sighed softly before giving the mare one last look. Shaking her head, she slipped back through the bushes, leaving both Rainbow and the stallion in hidden thicket.


Even as Sora entered the safe confines of the camp, he couldn't shake the feeling that something felt...off...

The fact that he could not see any pony around was the first clue to such feelings. He would have written it off as all of them gathering in one place somewhere deeper in the camp but...why?

"Hey...ah...so...long day?" The colt asked, smiling. "Well...not like you can tell if it's day or not."

The guard only grunted in the same monotone voice. Almost robotic.

Sora frowned, a sense of unease growing within him. "Is everything okay? Where is everyone?"

The guard didn't answer, instead leading Sora through the empty camp. The silence was unnerving, and Sora couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong. Stopping in his tracks the stallion would frown.

"Hey, hold up. This isn't right. Where is everyone?" Sora demanded, his voice taking on a sharp edge.

The guard still didn't answer, instead turning to face Sora. His visor remained in place, but Sora could feel the cold, emotionless stare behind it. It made his skin crawl.

"Answer me," Sora said, his tone firm, a hoof reaching out to grab the guard. As he did, the helmet would fall off, revealing the blank and vacant stare of the one who was leading him.

The keyblade Wielder reared back before summoning his weapon. All the stallion did was stand still for a few moments before turning.

"This way...She is waiting." His tone still as monotone as before.

Sora raised an eyebrow of confusion before de-summoing his weapon. "It's like he's in some kind of trance..." Frowning, he turned to go back for Rainbow, only to find his way bared by two more guards, having come out of nowhere.

"You must see her. She is waiting." The one on the left said, her voice monotone just like the other. Though Sora knew that voice all too well.

"Dream Drop? Is that you?" He stepped closer to the mare, her gaze just as empty as the other guards. "What happened to you...to all of you?"

The guard didn't respond, instead motioning for Sora to follow. "She is waiting...Do not keep her waiting."

The stallion hesitated for a moment. He knew the guards were not in their right mind. Someone...or somepony was controlling them. If he attacked them now, he was sure he could win...but...he would never forgive himself if they got hurt because of him.

"What about Rainbow? I need to make sure she is okay."

"She is protected. She saw to that." The guard mare responded. "She is waiting. Do not keep her waiting."

The stallion frowned. Whoever this person was. They wanted him and no pony else. He couldn't trust whoever this pony was just at their word, but he did see little else for him to do but do just that. If they could control these ponies this way...just what else could they do to them.

He shuddered at the thought.

Reluctantly, he nodded, allowing the guards to escort him deeper into the camp. The feelings of unease grew with each step as they passed empty tents and abandoned supplies. it felt just like it did back at Trottingham, which was a very bad thing.

Finally, within the heart of the camp, the guards would stop Sora before pulling away, all three standing to one side before slumping over into a crumpled heap.

"Guy!" Sora rushed towards Dream Drop side, turning her over, only to see that she had...fallen asleep, and it looked as if she wasn't waking up anytime soon with how loud she was snoring. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Sora couldn't help be thankful that they were alright…at least in part.

"I really am sorry for the rough accommodations my friend." A voice, silky and smooth,interrupted Sora's thoughts. "That spell is still a work in progress after all. They will be fine of course but it will be one massive headache in the morning."

The stallion turned to see a mare coming from a large tent, one adorned with Lightning's Cutie mark. Her coat a light shade of purple, her mane a darker shade with blue highlights. It was a mare he had seen before, back in that stallion's dreams when he touched the bubble.

It was the mare that controlled the Heartless.

"Starlight Glimmer..." Sora spoke, his voice tense.

"Ah, so you have heard of me I see." Starlight mused, her smile never faltering. "Guessing you did a bit of homework before making your way here?"

"Let's just say it came to me in a dream." Sora spoke as he stood up. "Where is everyone else?"

"If you are talking about the refugees...Well...They are safe. Saw to it myself after all, though I did have to close that little hole somepony made in the barrier. Didn't want to have any other nasty surprises after all."

That response was actually a surprise for the stallion, unless she was lying…though…in his heart…he didn’t feel like she was.

Shaking the thought from his head the stallion took a step forward. "Starlight...I don't know what happened to you before, but using the power of Darkness won't end well for you."

Starlight chuckled softly, shaking her head. "You talk as if you know me...Did I accidently leave my diary back in Trottingham too?"

"I know enough...because I know about Sunburst."

The mare went rigged at the name, a cold fury slowly replacing her mocking smile. "How do you know that name..."

"He was in the basement of the Town Hall building. Trapped in that bubble. Right?" Sora asked, stepping closer. "I saw him there."

Starlight's eyes narrowed as she glared at Sora. "I see…The fact you are able to gain such information…No wonder they want you gone.” She sighed softly. “ If you know that much then you should know why I am doing this. Why I need to master this power of Darkness. If the Heartless can cause him to become like that then they can undo it."

"But that's not how the Heartless work!" Sora exclaimed, his voice rising with frustration. "You can't just control them and expect them to fix everything. You'll only make things worse relying on the Heartless's power!"

"Maybe you're right," Starlight said, her voice softening. "But I have to do something. I've already lost him once...I'm not about to lose him again because of you."

The stallion shook his head placing a hoof on his chest. "Starlight! I already saved him! He's free of the bubble. His heart is back with him!"

The mare actually paused at the stallion’s words, her gaze focused on him. "What...what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that Sunburst is free. He's here now.” He took another step closer. “You don't need to go down this path of darkness anymore." Sora spoke with a hint of hope in his voice.

The mare looked conflicted for only a moment before a mirthless smile formed on her face. "Hehehe...hahahaha...For a hero to lie to save his own skin...for shame Sora." She clapped her hooves together and the Heartless would form from the shadows around Sora, surrounding the stallion.

"Neo Shadow..."

Despite tensing up, the stallion looked undeterred by the sight of the tall, bipedal monsters encroaching on him, instead, crouching low as he got into a fight of flight stance. His gaze would focus on the ones around him as he once again addressed the mare, almost pleadingly.

"I'm not lying, Starlight. Sunburst is here with me and Rainbow, safe and sound. I'll even take you to him, but you have to stop this." He glanced around at the Heartless surrounding him. "Nothing ever good comes with working with the Heartless. I've seen it too many times to count."

Starlight's expression hardened. "I don't need your help, Sora. And I certainly don't believe your lies. Now be a good pony and fall into the Darkness!" She raised a hoof and the Heartless lunged forward.

Much to Starlight's surprise however, the first wave of the dark monsters would be struck down with one swipe, Sora's keyblade shimmering brightly as it fully formed within his maw. She barely had time to process what had happened before she saw the stallion move, Sora jumping high, flipping in the air before landing behind one of the monsters. In quick succession, his blade would slam into it repeatedly before he turned and kicked it away, causing it to ram into another. He turned just in time to dodge another blow from behind him, bending low before sweeping the Heartless’s feet from underneath it. Before it hit the ground the stallion would jump, up before bearing his full weight upon it, the tip of the blade burying into the Heartless’s chest. It dissipated like all the rest of it.

Slowly but surely, the Heartless fell one by one, unable to keep up with Sora's skill and determination. All the mare could do was watch in awe and horror as the stallion fought off her minions with ease. She had never seen someone so versed in the art of combat before, and it was more then clear to her that he had more than enough experience in fighting these...Heartless.

She chuckled mirthlessly, repeating the word in her mind. "Fitting name...for what they did to my Sunburst...and all the others..." The mare hardened her gaze. She had to take care of him now. She was about to say something but then paused, her gaze looking past the stallion. And then she smiled.

Despite the Heartless being numerous, the stallion had little trouble fending them off, his blade taking them out one...even two at a time. He had faced tougher odds before. This was nothing.

Dodging yet another strike from one of the tall, thin Heartless, he allowed his blade to hit it upwards, before following after it, striking it down forcefully into another, both of the Heartless dissipating in a wisp of darkness.

"Is that all you got?! I can do this all...day..." The stallion, once so proud, would find his heart caught in his throat at what he saw before him.

Starlight had held within her magic, a very familiar yellow and pink pony donned in a white and red cloak, her mouth closed tightly. She struggled to break free from the mare's magic, to no avail. The stallion's heart raced as he took his step forward, his voice low, his anger evident.

"Let her go, Starlight! She has nothing to do with this!"

The mare simply chuckled as she looked towards the mare she held tight in her magical grasp. "I am sorry it has come to this Sora, I really am, but you forced my hoof I-"

Starlight barely had time to think as the stallion almost seemed to blink out of existence, appearing right in front of her, his blade raised high as a fierce blue light dissipated from around his body. Dropping the mare to the ground, she barely had time to enact a shield to protect herself. Despite that, she felt herself fly more than a few feet away from the pair, her shield cracking under the pressures of the magical blade's force.

Fluttershy, now freed from Starlight's magic, stumbled towards Sora, her hooves grabbing at his own. While surprised, the stallion wasn’t unhappy about seeing the mare again. He smiled before looking past her at the lavender mare, still recovering from the shock of what had just happened.

"Fluttershy...are you okay?"

"Sora...I'm...So...Sorry...Run..." The shy mare struggled to say before looking up at the stallion, her eyes, glazed over just as the guards had been before.

"Fluttershy...not you too..." He tried to pull away from her, but her grip...it was...unreal. "Fluttershy! Snap out of it! Whatever she did to you! You can brake it!"

Fluttershy's eyes flicked to Sora's, and for a moment they were clear before they glazed over again. "No, Sora. I can't...I can't fight it..." She held on to him tight, despite the tears flowing down her face. "You have to...you...run! Please!"

The stallion pulled as hard as he could, only just freeing one of his hooves from the mare's grasp. The motion would cause the stallion to turn ever so slightly, only to be met with Gilda's emotionless gaze.

And after that...a sharp pain in his chest.

Slowly, he would look down at the object the griffon held within her claw. A small dagger. Sharp.

He looked back towards the one who had stabbed him, the glaze look that had be in her eyes slowly morphing into one of horror at what she had just done...now and before.

The stallion fell back, falling into Fluttershy's hooves, the control Starlight had over the mare braking at the end. Her tears flowed freely as she held him tightly, her wings shuddering with fear and sadness. She could feel his life slipping away from him, his breaths coming out in short gasps.

"Sora...please...I..." She placed a hoof over his chest, trying to stop the bloodflow. "Please...You can't...I...oh Celestia..please...Stop it...I can't..."

As Fluttershy's voice trailed off, Sora's eyes slowly closed, his breaths becoming shallower and shallower.

"Sora...please...I...Love you...I love you...Please...I...I…"

Fluttershy Screamed.

The sound of glass breaking filled the air.

And all became light.

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