• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

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Tale of Two Hearts

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Tale of Two Hearts

Above the Land of Equestira
Blueblood's Airship the Highwing

Prince Blueblood's Airship soared through the azure heavens, cutting through the wispy clouds like a majestic predator in search of its prey. The gentle hum of the engines reverberated throughout the luxurious cabin, where Prince Blueblood reclined in a plush velvet chair, his gaze fixed upon the ever-changing panorama outside the panoramic windows.

From this lofty vantage point, the world below seemed to shrink into insignificance, reduced to mere patches of greenery and winding rivers. The hustle and bustle of the city, the chaos of the streets—all faded away into obscurity as the airship ascended higher and higher into the boundless sky.

It was a beautiful feeling, flying high within the confines of the sky. Something he always envied pegasi for. He would never tell them that of course, but he could appreciate their ability to sore without the need for machines. It was one of life’s simple pleasures after all, fly above those that could not. Made even better when one is not meant to.

Still, despite the relaxing atmospheres, the room he was within couldn’t be any more dower.

Prince Blueblood shifted in his chair, turning towards his guests—the duo queens of the Diamond Dogs, Jennino Lanternlight and Katherina Proudpaws. With a soft click of his teeth, he tutted at the pair, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Relax, my dear queens," he said, his voice smooth and reassuring. "My airship was made for comfort, after all." He gestured around the luxurious cabin, where plush furnishings and elegant decor exuded an air of opulence and refinement.

“The only reason,” The taller of the two Diamond Dogs spoke, her blue fur bristling a she adjusted herself in her seat. “I even agreed to walk onto this flying death trap was because it was powered by no magic.” She scoffed as she looked around. “That and because it was a summons from Celestia herself.”

"Sister...be kind." The black and white Diamond Dog, Jennino, shook her head before turning towards Blueblood, a smile gracing her lips, “Thank you Prince, but It is not your air ship that troubles us at the moment.” She spoke, her tone soft and yet held a tone of resoluteness. Gripping the cane she carried tight, she turned towards her window as she spoke, “Despite her more...colorful words, she is just worried. So am I to tell you the truth. It pains us to know we have left our sisters to look after our home, knowing that some…black creature is out there, snatching Diamond Dogs from our very streets.”

“Hear say and you know it sister.” Katherina, the taller blue dog spoke, her violet eyes flicking towards her older sister. “Do not let fear cloud your judgment, Jennino. These monsters, these Heartless, sound more like a tale a mother tells her pup’s to keep them in line.” She folded her paws across her chest. “Stealing your heart and turning into one indeed…”

The prince shook his head before he turned his gaze from Jennino to Katherina, acknowledging her skepticism. "You raise a valid point, Katherina," he said, his tone thoughtful. "It's easy to dismiss tales of mythical creatures as mere superstition. However, we cannot ignore the disappearances that have plagued your streets."

“Diamond Dogs leave our kingdom all the time.” The blue queen remarked, “They seek out the world beyond in search of gems and artifacts to bring home. It is a common occurrence, and the disappearances could be attributed to that wanderlust spirit.” She paused, her gaze flicking towards Prince Blueblood. “Or the actions of rival factions seeking to undermine us.”

"But what Moonbeam saw deep in the caverns can't be ignored, Katherina," Jennino interjected, her voice firm as she continued the thought. "Such tales cannot simply be dismissed as figments of imagination if the ponies are coming to us with the same stories."

“That place was cursed from the start sister.” The other queen spat. “And it was forbidden for her to enter there in the first place. Is it not how you got your cursed illness.”

"We do not know if that was the reason or not, sister," Jennino countered, her tone tinged with frustration. "We cannot ignore the possibility that there is something sinister lurking within those caverns. If there's even a chance that the disappearances are linked to whatever Moonbeam witnessed, we owe it to our people to investigate." She sat back. “And if these shadow creatures are involved and all the more reason for us to seek the aid of the one Princess Celestia is talking about.”

“You already trust this…what was he called again?” Katherina turned towards the white unicorn stallion. “A Keyblade Wielder, was it? What even is that?"

Blueblood exchanged a glance with the queens, his expression thoughtful as he spoke. “I have yet to see the stallion in action myself but if Princess Celestia vouches for him then who am I to question her wisdom?”

Jennino turned towards her sister, her gaze probing yet gentle. "Katherina, If you truly do not believe in the claims Moonbeam spoke of, then why did you agree to accompany me on this journey in the first place? I could have gone alone."

"I may have my doubts about the validity of Moonbeam's claims,” The blue diamond dog began, “But that doesn't diminish my concern for your safety. I couldn't bear the thought of you facing potential danger alone, especially with your health already compromised."

The black and white queen huffed as she sat back in her chair. “You are, as you have always been, difficult sister.”

Katherina clicked her teeth in response to Jennino's comment. "You say difficult. I say loyal.” She turned away, to look out the window at the passing lands below. “No matter how much my sister’s vex me so."

Prince Blueblood couldn't help but chuckle dryly as he observed the interaction between the sisters, finding their banter somewhat amusing if nothing else. Taking a sip from his glass of wine, he leaned back in his chair, deciding that the momentary squabble had come to an end and figuring that he would enjoy the rest of his flight.

Oh how I don’t envy your predicament little Keyblade Wielder. If nothing else, I do wish you luck with these two…you’re gonna need it.


To Fluttershy, the day had seemed oh so long before the sun finally dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow though the glass stained windows of Canterlot Castle. Despite the soft warmth of the setting sun, Fluttershy couldn't shake the chill that worked its way though her spine and wings, her timid mind racing as she made her way towards her destination.

It had only been a few days but, to her, it felt like years since she had last even talked to Sora, let alone be in the same room as him for a long period of time, scared as she was to comfort her own guilt for her part in the stallion getting hurt. Now here she was, making her way towards his room, her hooves echoing softly on the polished stone floors, each step a countdown to her confrontation with the stallion.

No…it wasn’t a confrontation. It was…well…She didn’t quite know what it was. All she knew was that it needed to happen now. And soon too, least she lose faith in herself.

Soon, the shy mare found herself standing outside Sora's room, her heart pounding with a mix of guilt and anticipation. Princess Cadance's advice echoed in her mind, urging her to face her fears and confront the hurt she had caused and…her own feelings for the stallion. Slowly, she raised a hoof, stopping short before shaking her head, her nerves getting the best of her at the worst of times. She turned to leave before stopping short, her heart held up by her conversation with Rarity earlier that day.


Fluttershy was as fresh as a yellow rose after her time in the spa with Rarity. She felt rejuvenated, her aura as serene as a quiet stream flowing through the Everfree Forest. Rarity smiled at her friend's newfound confidence, admiring how the gentlest of creatures could emanate such grace and poise. "I must admit darling, Canterlot’s spa has just done wonders for you. Why if I didn’t know any better I thought I would be looking at a new pony before me. Your coat is absolutely glowing!" Rarity exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

Fluttershy blushed at Rarity's compliment, her shy demeanor momentarily peeking through her newfound confidence. "T-Thank you Rarity. You look…um…just as pretty as ever as well…" she murmured softly, her voice as delicate as the flutter of butterfly wings. “It really was nice of the princess to give us those tickets.”

“Indeed it was.” The fashionista agreed. “I almost hate to leave. The spa sisters back at Ponyville are magnificent at what they do back home but this is a whole different level of luxury and pampering.” She gasped. “Idea! We could make this a monthly trip! Just the two of us”

Fluttershy's eyes widened with excitement at Rarity's suggestion. "A monthly spa trip? That…um…That does sound wonderful honestly!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.”

Rarity nodded eagerly, her mind already buzzing with ideas. "Yes, yes, I adore the thought as well! We could try out different treatments each time, explore new pampering techniques, and simply revel in the luxury of it all. Oh, the inspiration it would provide for our creative endeavors!" She smirked. “Why…we could even invite a certain Keyblade Wielder to join us. If nothing else it will make you happy he is there.” She cooed.

The yellow mare pouted but didn’t refute the unicorn’s words. Instead, she turned towards Castle in the distance, the orange sky dancing with streaks of pink and purple as the sun began its slow descent. “I…That would be nice…”

Her friend’s features softened a little. “So…you really do plan on talking to him tonight then?”

Fluttershy hesitated ever so slightly at her friend’s question. Just the thought of speaking to him made her heart flutter nervously, but she knew it was time to finally have that conversation with the stallion who had captured her heart. She couldn’t keep hiding from him forever after all…That wouldn’t be fair to him…or to her.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Fluttershy turned back to Rarity a soft but determined nod coming soon after. "I…I am," she said softly, her voice gaining a touch of confidence. "It scares me…but…I can’t keep avoiding him…no matter how much my brain is telling me to." She placed a hoof over her chest. “Because my heart is…its telling me that it’s time to be brave.”

The white unicorn smiled softly at her friend, placing a hoof gently upon her shoulder, “Well…if its any consolation, I’ll be rooting for you two, no matter what happens.”

"Thank you, Rarity," she murmured gratefully, a small smile gracing her lips. "Having your support means the world to me."

With a reassuring nod, Rarity offered a gentle smile. "Anytime, darling. I’m always here for you. And remember, you're stronger than you think. You tamed that red dragon as easily as you do the little bunnies in your garden after all."

Fluttershy took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling with a mixture of nerves and determination. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the castle grounds, she knew it was now or never. With a gentle nod to Rarity, who offered an encouraging smile, Fluttershy turned and made her way towards the castle, the white mare following close behind her.


The shy mare cursed herself inwardly as she shook her head. She was about to run away again, even after all that bravado she had displayed in front of Rarity. Genlty smacking her cheek, she turned back towards Sora’s door, steeling herself for what was to come, and gently knocked upon the wooden frame.

There would be a pause before she heard a voice.

"Come in."

The mare’s heart raced. It was Sora's voice. A voice she had missed so dearly. It may have been just a few days, but she couldn't help but love the way her heart skipped a beat at his gentle tone.

Fluttershy hesitated for but a moment before gently pushing open the door, her hooves trembling every step of the way. Inside, she could see that the room was dimly lit, the only source of light coming from a few candles scattered around the space. On the other side of the room she could see Sora, the stallion standing on the balcony, his silhouette outlined against the backdrop of the night sky.

The shy mare couldn't help but nearly feel her heart stop at the sight of him. Even where she stood, she could see the weight of his thoughts in the way he held himself, the tension in his shoulders evident even from across the room. Before she could think about turning away however, the stallion would turn to meet her, his bright blue eyes widening at the sight of the butter yellow mare, clearly not expecting her of all ponies to be in his room.

"F-Fluttershy!" He quickly turned towards the mare fully, clearly wanting to run towards her but hesitated at the last second, an unsure expression on his face. Looking away, he rubbed his foreleg, his gaze falling towards the ground. “Ah…h-hey…Flutters.”

The mare’s breath caught in her throat at his hesitation. The surprise and uncertainty in his eyes mirrored the tumultuous emotions swirling inside her own heart. Despite her own feelings however, she would be the one to make the first move between them. Slowly but surely, closing the distance between them and making her way to stand beside him. She gave him a soft look before looking out onto the city lights below the castle.

As she did, the stallion opened his mouth, but closed it soon after, unable to say a word to the mare. Instead he turned to look back out into the city, both mare and stallion sharing a quite moment together as thoughts and feelings mingled together in a cacophony unspoken words. As the pair stood side by side, the night air gentle against their coats, a sense of tranquility could be felt between the two awkward ponies. The bustling sounds of Canterlot city's nightlife below seemed distant and unimportant in this shared moment.

A moment broken only by the timid mare's voice.

"I...um...its...pretty...The city I mean."

Sora nodded despite knowing that she wasn’t looking at him at the time. "Yeah, it really is, isn't it? So different from where I come from."

The shy mare's gaze fell upon him. "From...your Island, right?"

"Yeah." He smiled. "I remember telling you about that a while ago. My home."

"Yes, you did. You talked about your friends and all the adventures you had there when you were foals." Carefully, the timid mare moved closer towards the stallion. "It sounded really special. I…um…wish I could have been there with you to see it…Maybe…" She turned to face him. “Maybe I could visit? I-If its okay with you that is…”

“I…wouldn’t mind that.” The stallion answered, his tone of voice both hesitant and yet...hopeful. "When this is all over, I’ll be sure to take you on a grand tour of the place. Even if its not much there but sand wood and water."

“It sounds…peaceful…” She spoke softly. “I…Think it would be perfect.”

The two went silent once again, basking in the comfortable silence that had enveloped them. Something that the shy mare couldn’t help but shiver at. She had done what Cadance had told her to do before coming to Sora. To think of what she wanted to say to him. She had even written it down before hand. But now, with Sora standing beside her, his presence stirring emotions she had long kept buried, Fluttershy found herself unable to speak the words she had so carefully prepared. To ask for forgiveness for hurting him…both physically and mentally. That she doesn’t deserve a kind stallion like him.

But…as her gaze fell upon the stallion, his mane blowing genlty in the night of the wind, everything she had wanted to say was thrown away. Instead, she found herself reaching out a hoof to gently touch his own, an action that caused Sora's eyes widened at the unexpected contact, but not pull away. Instead, he turned to look at the shy mare fully, his gaze searching hers for any hint of what she was feeling.

“Is…something wrong, Shy?”

Taking a deep breath, her heart beating rapidly in her chest, the timid mare mustered the courage to answer him. Out of everything she had wanted to say to him, there was just one thing on her mind that she couldn’t get rid of. The push she needed to know how she really felt for the stallion. "Sora...I, um... The place where you were... hurt," she spoke softly, her tone a trembling, soft tempo. "I know you said you healed it...but...um...is it really okay?"

The question wasn't a surprise to Sora, since pretty much every pony he knew asked him the same thing. He smiled softly at the shy mare, repeating the same words he told the others. "It's okay, Fluttershy," he reassured her, placing a hoof over his chest. "I may not be as good as Donald is but my magic works just as well. Barely even a scar now."

She nodded before slowly looking his way fully, stepping a little closer. "I...Um...I understand Sora, but...do you mind if I see it?" she asked hesitantly. "I...um...Just to make sure."

The stallion hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering with uncertainty at the shy mare's request. Unlike the others, no pony else had asked him to look at it and he never offered to show it either. He didn't want to show it. Not to her. Why would he?... and yet, as he looked into Fluttershy's eyes, filled with genuine concern, he nodded slowly, relenting to the mare's request.

Carefully, he lifted his hoof to his chest, pulling up his shirt to reveal the faint scar the marred his fur.

Fluttershy approached him slowly, her heart pounding in her chest as he looked upon the mark. Gently, she reached out with a trembling hoof before pressing it against his chest, tracing the outline of the scar. She could feel the little indent where the dagger had pierced, a stark reminder of the danger he had faced. The danger she had...put him in.

As her hoof lingered, tears slowly welled up in Fluttershy's eyes. She couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions overwhelming her - relief that Sora was okay and guilt for what he had endured due to her weakness. Her gaze fell upwards towards the worried stallion as gentle waves of tears began to slowly fall down her cheeks.

"Sora..." she whispered, her voice choked, barely restrained, "I...I..."

The stallion, seeing the mare on the verge of breaking down, placed a gentle hoof on her own, offering her a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Fluttershy," he said softly. "I'm okay now, thanks to you and everyone else who helped me." He gaze her a soft toothy grin. "I'm okay."

"I...I just...I...I'm sorry...I...I'm sorry!" She cried before pushing herself towards him, her face burying into his chest as she began to cry her little heart out.

Sora carefully wrapped his hooves around the quivering mare, holding her close as she cried into his chest. He could feel her trembling against him, her tears soaking through his shirt, but he didn't mind at all. He just held her gently, offering her silent comfort and support.

The pair stayed like that for quite a while, her tears flowing freely as she released the pent-up emotions that had been weighing heavily on her heart. She had thought that she was over it now. That she had come to terms with it.

I...I'm still just a crybaby...I thought seeing it would do it…to force myself to let go of my feelings and him…but…I…Don’t want that…I don’t want to lose him…

Eventually, after a long while, Fluttershy's tears began to subside, and she pulled away from the stallion, her eyes red and puffy. Sora reached out with a hoof to gently wipe away the remaining tear stains on her cheeks. "Feel a little better?"

Fluttershy nodded weakly, managing a small, watery smile. "Yes, thank you, Sora," she replied, her voice still shaky from her crying but she really did calm down.

Sora's eyes softened as he gazed at her, his hoof lingering on her cheek for a moment longer before he withdrew it. "Good cause...I...I really hate to see you sad," he said softly. "Because...it makes my heart hurt when you are."

The shy mare blushed and looked away, sniffing softly. "I...Isn't that with everypony when you see t-they are hurting?"

Sora nodded. "Yeah, it is," he replied softly, "But with you, Shy, it's, I don’t know…different." He sighed softly. "And I don't even know how I feel about it..." He sighed, shaking his head from side to side as he tried to word his thoughts. "But...what I do know is...I mean what I want to...Gah...What I mean is...Gah…" He groaned as he looked away, rugging the back his head in frustration. "Geeze...how is it that Riku can make talking to girls so easy..."

He shook his head once again before continuing, his gaze falling into the mare’s own. “Listen…I…I don’t blame you no more then I blame Gilda for what happened…" He told the mare, “But…I also know that just saying that doesn’t help anyone…so…I…I want you to know that I want to help you get through it. Just like you helped me all those times…” he shook his head before gently pulling her hoof into his own.


“I suck at talking and a lot of other things…” The stallion held her hoof in his own, gripping it tightly, "And I...I'm still sorting though a lot of stuff, Fluttershy..."

"I...” The mare’s eyes widened before she closed them again, her cheeks turning a brighter shade of pink, “I understand." She dared to pull herself closer, grasping his hoofs as he tightened around her own.

"I...I might make you cry,” He continued, looking away “...I’m definitely gonna make you worry."

Tears began to flow again down Fluttershy's cheeks again, but she knew, this time, they were not ones of sadness or fear. "I-I know...I...I'm prepared for that...or at least I'll try to be..."

Sora opened his mouth once again but then closed it, his gaze shifting to the ground. "I'm...not cool or smart...I'm just...an ordinary...stallion." His gaze shifted to look towards her own. "And I...I'm not brave enough to say those three words to you...at least...not now...but...What I want is...I mean.” He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck as nerves tired to over take him, “If it's cool with you...we can...hang out a lot more." He looked away, rubbing the back of his head again. "I mean...if you want to."

Fluttershy's heart fluttered at Sora's words, her own emotions swirling within her chest. Wiping away her tears with a hoof, she looked up at him with a soft, sincere smile, praying to Celestia that this wasn’t a dream. "I would love to spend more time with you, Sora," she spoke through her tittering voice. "If…that is okay with you that is..."

"Y-yeah, it's... it's definitely okay with me," he stammered, his cheeks burning bright red as he rubbed the back of his head nervously. "I-I mean... I'd really like that, Fluttershy. A lot. So...um..." He looked around, as if he was trying to find something profound to say or take about. When nothing came into view, he cast his gaze back towards the timid mare in front of him. "I guess...we're...dating then?”

Fluttershy's cheeks flushed with a deep shade of pink at his words, matching the color of Sora's own blush. She glanced away shyly, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she answered in a timid voice, "Y-yes, Sora... I... I guess we are now..."

"Okay...ah...cool." Smile of his own began to form before it quickly turned into a frown. "Oh...ah...well...um...what now?"

The timid mare released a small squeak of nervousness at his question. She had honestly not thought this far ahead at the time, more worried about everything else she had wanted to say to the stallion. Looking down at her hooves she felt a wave of uncertainty wash over her. "I... I don't know," she admitted softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've never had a coltfriend before..."

"And I've...never had a...Fillyfriend? Is that the right word?" He asked.

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes, fillyfriend is the right word," she confirmed. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she looked up at Sora, a mixture of excitement and nervousness swirling within her.

"Okay...good...um..." He looked around again before turning back to face her. "Do...you...wanna go see how the others are doing then...I mean...not much of a first date between us I guess but...we are doing it together?"

A warm feeling spread through the shy mare's chest at the mention of them together. She nodded softly to the stallion's suggestion. "Yes, I'd like that," she replied softly.

"Right! Lets go." He made to move but stopped when the shy mare tugged at his shirt causing him to turn towards her. "Oh...ah...something wrong, Shy?"

Fluttershy's cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of pink as she gathered her courage to make the request she had always wanted to make. "Um... S-Sora..." she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "Do you think... maybe... um... you could... wrap your wing around me as we walk?"

The stallion blinked before looking towards his side, slowly lifting one of his wings wide before turning back to the shy mare. "Like...ah...this?"

Fluttershy's blush deepened as she nodded in response to Sora's question, her eyes fixed on the outstretched wing. "Y-Yes...I...um...E...excuse me...then" she replied softly, her voice filled with nervous anticipation. Slowly she shifted towards his side, pressing herself close to him as his wing draped across her back, enveloping her in its soft embrace.

"Is this okay?" Sora asked, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

The now happy mare nodded, her heart fluttering. "It's...um... perfect," she whispered. Her gaze feel back to him. "And...Sora...I...I'm sorry...I never told you before but...I'm sorry...I'm sorry I'm the reason you got hurt...I know you said that...you're fine but...I still have to say it...do you...forgive me?"

The stallion paused at the mare's words, his mind going over his time with Celestia and her words echoing in his mind.

'You're body and mind...it may be that of a pony now...but was it when you were with Fluttershy before Ventus saved you? Did you not have some kind of feelings for Fluttershy before you were changed into a full pony? If so then you already know the answer."

He smiled as he pulled the mare closer with his wing, hugging her softly, "Nothing to apologize for Shy..." the stallion gently told her. "In fact...I hate to say it, but it might have been the kick in the flank I needed to know what I really wanted. In more ways then one." He looked over towards the mare's gentle, uncertain look before giving her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about it. Just saying that...I think its the start of something new."

"Sora..." she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur. "Thank you...for understanding...and for being so kind."

"Hehe...if the embodiment of Kindness says I'm kind then it must be true."

She giggled softly before pressing her head against his neck, nuzzling into him and causing him to blush. There was still a lot left to be said between the two of them. And Sora knew that…he couldn’t keep his secret from the girls forever…but right now…all of that was forgotten as he walked out of the room with the mare, not even giving it a second thought for the moment.

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