• Published 7th Sep 2013
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Glory Be - BlackRoseRaven

Luna and Scrivener struggle to set right all the wrongs from their past and save their family and friends. Tenth and final story in the Blooming Moon Chronicles/99 Worlds Saga.

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A Comfortable Darkness

Chapter Ten: A Comfortable Darkness

Once Luna and Avalon had finished arguing, they had left Ponyville without much further fanfare, and started down the well-trodden highway towards Canterlot. They were making good time so far, and it likely wouldn't be long before they were moving out of the fields and into the range of mountains around the gorgeous castle and city.

Scrivener, Luna, and Twilight were walking at the head of the group, while Celestia was striding alongside Innocence, telling her a little about the Valkyries. One of her friendlier stories, Twilight was glad to note: Celestia and Luna had quite a few tales that made even the Lich shrivel up in horror at what had passed for 'fun' in the old days. She was also admittedly rather happy that Hecate wasn't traveling with them, but would be making her own way to Subterra later that night: she wanted things to stay as peaceful as possible for as long as possible.

The Lich looked over her shoulder as Luna and Scrivener bickered, neither keeping much of an eye on the road ahead or the daylit fields around them. Twilight was fairly sure that it was unlikely anything was going to be able to sneak up on them here, after all, especially with Celestia's always-alert senses... but all the same, even though Twilight felt the twitch and turned her eyes upwards, even though she knew the others sensed it as well... it still felt unpleasant when they saw what was waiting for them not far ahead.

Twilight instinctively dropped back a little to try and shield her daughter as the conversation between Innocence and Celestia petered out. The young mare leaned forwards, gazing uncertainly past her mother as Scrivener and Luna both looked moodily up at the creatures calmly waiting for them: the unnatural, alien Pious.

Both creatures stood on two long, gangly legs covered by some strange religious garment: it was almost a skirt, gilded in gold and not large enough to wrap completely around the waist, but the space at the front was covered by a golden loincloth that doubled as a cloth belt, knotted tightly around the waist. They were emaciated and thin, with V-shaped torsos that didn't seem to possess a stomach and wide ribs and broad shoulders mostly covered by some kind of poncho-like garb.

Their arms were terribly long: longer than they were tall, and with not one, but instead a multitude of joints: instead of being attached at the shoulders, they stood out from the middle of their bodies, like they had been badly glued together by some foal who wasn't very keen on following the instructions. The shoulders instead seemed to control the second set of appendages that stretched up out of their upper backs: straighter, less-segmented limbs that ended in something like exceptionally-long claws, like they were supposed to be wings but had never grown webbing.

Scrivener and Luna stopped within ten feet of the creatures: but despite the healthy buffer of space, those long, terrible arms still wouldn't have much trouble reaching them if they wanted to. Both of the Pious calmly crossed these long limbs over their chests in an X-pattern for the moment, though, and Celestia frowned. Before Kvasir had vanished, he had mentioned he'd finally figured out what that gesture meant: it was to protect themselves against the 'unclean' and 'ignorant.'

Luna glared up into the facelessness of one of the Pious: as alien as the rest of them, they had large, lipless mouths full of tombstone-shaped teeth, and above their jaws only rubbery, solid-looking flesh. Luna swore sometimes there was a faint translucence to it, that it was like they were wearing some kind of smooth, oval cap, but Scrivener didn't want to imagine how that could actually work. Either their flesh formed into natural cowls, or they somehow made these 'caps' themselves...

Scrivener shuddered a little, as one of the Pious said calmly, in a voice that resonated loudly in the minds of all ponies present, even as its jaws didn't move: “Valkyrie Brynhild. You are going to the Demon City.”

“Aye, thou hast my thanks for reminding me.” Luna said distastefully, grimacing a bit as her soulstone horn vibrated faintly: the Pious wasn't actually speaking out loud but communicating through psychic signals, and it always made her prosthetic horn act a little funny. And brought out the worst in Scrivener Blooms, too, which didn't help her own mood all that much. “But I suppose that is thy ever-so-polite way of beginning a request.”

“We desire you to carry a message for us to the Overseer, since our kind is banned from entering the Demon City.” said the same creature with the same... was that perhaps hidden contempt, or arrogance? Luna scowled at it, but it remained unfazed as it continued: “We desire to spread our Holy Word further. Our Sanctuaries are becoming places of great joy and spiritual prosperity for your kind. Ponies have come to accept The God Above All.”

“It's bad form to capitalize a definite article to try and give more emphasis to your proper noun.” Scrivener said moodily, and Luna couldn't help but toss a wry look at the stallion. “Not to be picky or anything. Just saying.”

The Pious both slowly swiveled their heads towards Scrivener, and he flinched a bit at their eyeless gazes before they both turned with the same ruthless calmness back towards Luna. It was awful how nothing ever seemed to bother them, how confident they were, how just... different they were. It made them so hard to connect to, so hard to interact with, so... difficult to even look at. “Will you ask if we may build a new Sanctuary in your Demon City?”

It was a question, and at the same time... it wasn't. Luna bared her teeth at the creature, leaning up and snapping: “I am Valkyrie! I am not a messenger girl and I do not trust thee, nor thy aims, nor thy hokery-pokery, and if thou hast forgotten, 'tis I who put forward the idea that thy kind remain outside of Subterra. And I still do believe thou should remain outside the 'Demon City,' as thou so calls it: not just because I do not like thee, but because the denizens of Subterra shan't take kindly to self-professed 'Angels of Greater Heaven' tromping into their territory and attempting to spread their 'Holy Word.'”

“You made Selene, a Nephilim, your Overseer. You did not like her or trust her either, but you all the same accepted her into your fold, nominated her for her power. She was not Pious, but she was not of your world herself.” spoke the Pious, apparently deaf to Luna's derision.

Luna, Scrivener, and Twilight all glared up at the angel, but it was Celestia who stepped forwards now, saying curtly: “It was not her power, but her loyalty that made us choose her. And you will not dangle her like a trinket when we know that her so-called mother discarded her before she came to us, many years ago.”

“She was not meant to survive, nor meant to be found, nor meant to become one of your kind. Our sister was only exploring this new world that had been born from the Old Wizard's magic when she came across the demon.” The Pious replied, as if this somehow explained something.

Celestia smiled thinly, raising her head as she said in a voice made all the more dangerous by her gentility: “So because she was discarded and left to die, because something about her was... imperfect... you're saying it's our fault that we picked up your so-called 'garbage?'”

There was silence for a few moments, as the Pious that hadn't yet spoken bowed its head, while the other exhaled a rancid, rot-reeking breath and closed its jaws with a snap. Luna could recognize that body language well enough: it was nervous. And that at least meant they had emotions or brains enough to recognize who they should be afraid of.

And then, with all the eloquence of a drunken dragon that had set itself on fire, the Pious said: “This is not the subject we desired to speak of. We desire you to ask a question for us. That is all.”

Luna took a long, slow breath, closing her eyes and bowing her head forwards and reminding herself that they put up with the Pious for a reason. They were powerful allies, and whether they were zealots who eagerly tried to spread their religion to every living – and sometimes not-living – thing they came across, they provided an extra buffer of security to the layers and helped to keep Valhalla secure against its many enemies.

And there was the sticky subject of Selene, who in death had accidentally called these creatures here. Apparently her sacrifice had unleashed such a distinct pulse of energy that it had set off some kind of alarm back in the homeworld of these creatures, and they had carefully tracked the energy back across dimensions and worlds until they'd finally ended up here.

It wasn't Looking Glass World Luna was concerned for. It was Valhalla: even with all the rebuilding efforts, Heaven needed years, perhaps decades, before it could finally restore its own army. As it was, they only had fifteen new Valkyries – most of whom had only a little combat experience – and most of their army was composed of demons who had been 'volunteered' by Hel, the Queen of the Underworld.

The Pious and the few other allied gods and divine entities in Valhalla helped keep threats like rogue demons, Void monsters, and less-friendly worlds at bay. They only made up a small section of the universe, however... but as their worlds flourished and Valhalla was restored, they were attracting more and more unwanted attention and curiosity.

Luna didn't want to end up being responsible for completely ruining all relations with the Pious. If she did, she knew that she'd then be forced to try and make up for it somehow, which would mean going to Valhalla to protect it herself. And while the winged unicorn was sure she could watch over Valhalla with one hoof and Scrivener Blooms tied behind her back, she also didn't want to lose her freedom here in Looking Glass World.

So, finally, the sapphire mare ground he teeth together and looked up at the Pious that had been doing all the talking. It seemed to look back at her despite its lack of features, its mouth opening slightly: a faint tell of the angel's eagerness, which made it all the harder for Luna Brynhild to grumble grudgingly: “I will at least make mention of it, but do not again ever treat me as thy little messenger pony, does thou understand?”

The Pious only bowed its head politely, and there was an awkward silence for a few moments before the one that had done all the speaking stepped back and opened its arms wide. “Then we shall take our leave. We shall speak again soon, Valkyrie Brynhild.”

The other Pious made the same gesture, and then both of the angels turned around as they put their hands together, bowing their heads forwards as Luna and Scrivener both winced at the bright white rips in reality that formed in front of the two tall, bipedal beings. They vanished through their individual portals, which snapped shut behind them in eerie synchronicity: but the Pious seemed to almost always act in concert, and there seemed to be very little individuality among their ranks.

Scrivener and Luna glanced over their shoulders, the sapphire mare looking ruffled... but Celestia seemed just as moody, her eyes dark, her head lowered slightly as she murmured: “They're getting more insistent. I don't like it.”

“Could they be the source of...” Twilight began hesitantly, but she thought she already knew the answer, as Celestia smiled a bit and shook her head, the ivory winged unicorn visibly fighting to cast off the sourness that had settled over her mood.

“No, no. I doubt it: the Pious are too ordered, and they're not hostile towards us. Only... distant, and unapproachable.” Celestia paused, then looked up and reflected: “Well, no. Not unapproachable... ponies do go to their Sanctuaries, and are received well enough. Maybe I should say instead they're very... closed-off.”

“We should burn down their Sanctuary.” Luna grumbled, and Celestia looked like she was struggling to resist saying yes for a few moments before the sapphire mare finally sighed and looked over her shoulder at Innocence, who looked a little... afraid, she thought. “Art thou alright?”

“I just... I just don't like those things.” Innocence said quietly, shivering once and looking down, and Twilight softened as she turned towards her daughter, but the young unicorn hurriedly shook her head, glancing up through the facemask and struggling to smile... but her eyes were still worried, like the presence of the beings had brought old fears and anxieties to the surface. “Let's go, let's just keep going and... I'm okay.”

“Okay.” Twilight said softly, but she fell back to pace beside her daughter all the same when the group started to move again, Scrivener and Luna pulling a little ahead and Celestia lingering behind last with her head lowered in thought.

They remained quiet on the rest of the journey though, until they reached the mountain pass that led up towards Canterlot... but once here, Luna grunted and gestured with her head to the side, and Twilight sighed a little as she said pleadingly: “It really isn't that bad to just go through Canterlot...”

“Oh, do not be a great wimp, Twilight Sparkle. This way is much faster and better, and I am sure thou shan't explode this time.” Luna retorted, and Twilight sighed as Scrivener cleared his throat and smiled a little despite himself. “Come family, come, I do not wish to waste climbing this mountain, nor deal with the Royal Guard today. 'Tis bad enough I was not allowed to simply drive my sweet Epona here.”

“Luna, the motorcycle isn't really meant for more than... well, you. And me, I guess, with the sidecar and all. I don't quite see how the hell you would have fit us all on there.” Scrivener said mildly, and Luna only huffed at this.

“Aye, but remember, we discussed this before with Cowlick and she said to simply hook up one of the wagons, which we have done before.” Luna said positively, and Scrivener and Twilight both turned a sour look on the mare as she led them along a hidden path that curled downwards and into a narrow trench running along the side of the mountain base. “Oh, thou can both act as frustrated as thou may like, but as I recall it went perfectly well. Thou art both just being sissies.”

Innocence smiled a little as Celestia glanced up and shook her head slowly, saying mildly: “If I had ever caught you abusing Hex the way you abuse your so-called Iron Horse, I would have hung you upside down in one of the feast halls for the warriors to do with you as they pleased.”

Luna huffed at this, retorting: “Assuming there were any warriors left to do as they pleased to me after thou wert done with them, greedy Freya.” A pause, and then she added loudly: “And at least I was never accused of having sex with my riding horse!”

Celestia only looked mildly at Luna from the back of the single-file line they had formed as Scrivener sighed, Twilight rolled her eyes, and Innocence fought to suppress her giggles. “I don't think you're going to get quite the reaction you want to from anyone in this world with that kind of remark, Luna. Except perhaps for Discombobulation.”

Luna grumbled as she looked ahead, through the darkness of the ramping-downwards, gently-curving tunnel they were heading into. Her eyes were already adjusting to the deep shadows, though, letting her see as clearly as she did during the day, and for Scrivener it was the same, while Twilight was probably able to see better in the dark than either of them. And with Luna's mane and horn glowing quietly, and surrounded by family, even less-used-to-darkness Innocence was able to follow the path without much problem.

Then Luna glanced backwards, asking curiously: “If my Valkyrie self and my current self met, Celestia, and we engaged in relations, does thou think it would be a travesty?”

“Funny, Luna, I asked a similar question to Bob a while back, and his response was: 'a horse is a horse, of course of course,' which I'm fairly certain means 'yes.'” Celestia replied pleasantly, and Scrivener and Twilight shared cranky looks as Innocence began to giggle a little again. “All the same, I think it's a matter of consent and intelligence. Or at least intelligence.”

“That sounds like the old Freya.” Luna said with relish, and Celestia seemed strangely touched by this before the sapphire mare gestured quickly ahead towards a faint blue light shimmering around a corner. “There, there it is!”

Innocence looked up... and then her eyes widened in amazement as they rounded the corner and stepped up in front of a massive archway that was emanating a swirling blue radiance. Immense doors rested wide open like arms inviting an embrace, and runes carved out of gemstones glowed all along the gray stone arch... but what was truly amazing was how Innocence thought that beyond the radiance, she could make out all sorts of shapes and figures walking around...

“This leads into the Thorn Palace. 'Tis a newer construction, in part thanks to crafty Hecate's plans, although the head herself never uses it.” Luna paused, glancing mildly over at Celestia. “She seems to enjoy floating through Canterlot late at night, scaring all the citizens. And on that note, Celestia, that is how thou pulls a prank. Harmless, fearful fun. Not by killing ponies.”

“I'll do my best to learn the finer points of making mischief from my evil twin, then.” Celestia said dryly, and then she shook her head before continuing: “I'd like to point out that she's not interested in 'fun' as much as she is causing as many problems as possible as quickly as possible, Luna. She has my appearance and we still haven't exactly broached the subject of-”

“Into the portal!” Luna shouted cheerfully, and then she charged forwards as Scrivener Blooms winced and hurriedly stagger-ran after her, leaping forwards and biting hurriedly into her starry tail when Luna leapt towards the blue radiance before they both vanished in a flash of light the moment the winged unicorn touched it.

Celestia slowly closed her eyes as Twilight winced and touched her own chest, and Innocence blinked and straightened, leaning forwards with interest. There was silence for a few moments, and then the young mare's eyes widened behind the mask as she bounced forwards, gazing with amazement into the sapphire radiance. “Mutt? Daddy?”

Scrivener and Luna were now on the other side of the portal, Scrivener Blooms laying on his back and visibly wheezing and Luna Brynhild waving wildly at them. Innocence laughed brightly, and then, before either Celestia or Twilight could say anything, the young unicorn leapt forwards and into the archway.

She was blinded by the flash of light, and then her back arched and her eyes bulged in shock at the pain that jolted through her system before she was violently expelled from the other side of the portal, landing with a loud bang and rolling several times before she ended up in a dumb sprawl as her facemask popped off. She groaned loudly in pain, and then looked slowly up as Luna trotted over to her and smiled down at her daughter, saying cheerfully: “See? Tight straps, thou did not end up all in a tangle with thy saddlebag.”

The young mare shook herself, then mumbled a little as she regained her senses little by little, grimacing a bit before she looked up... and pain faded into amazement as she stared at the gorgeous architecture of what she recognized after a moment as... “This is an Archive!”

“Aye, well. Not a true Archive, but our version of it, yes.” Luna glanced over her shoulder, smiling slightly as she drew her eyes over the wide room behind them. It looked like half-library, half-research laboratory with its enormous shelves full of books and transcripts that loomed over tables stacked with all kinds of magical artifacts. Innocence scrambled up to her claws so she could better gaze over the area herself, looking back and forth in awe.

And something else almost as fascinating as the beautiful, rounded architecture and the feeling of magic that vibrated through the air was the fact there wasn't a single pony present. Only demons and other servants of the night, ranging from Nightmares proudly wearing beautiful adornments to entities that could almost be considered deities in their own right, but who were more than willing to bow their heads in servitude to Subterra... and more than that, to Luna, who they considered to be their Mistress of the Night and true mentor.

Scrivener Blooms cracked his back as he stood up, then he smiled a little as he glanced up himself through the Archive that was modeled after Hel's own cores of order in Helheim. The dark goddess had actually provided not only the plans for these, but much of the equipment used for research purposes, as well as the portal door that they had just passed through to get to this place. Not to mention some other odds and ends, and even the personnel: Hel had been very generous with her gifts to them, especially over the last few years.

In a way, that wasn't the most comforting thing in the world: even if Hel was one of Valhalla's strongest and most dependable allies, despite being violent, eccentric, and paranoid, she was also still the goddess of the Very Bad Place as well, and enjoyed her role as chief troublemaker. She was also cunning and cruel, and at the end of the day was focused almost entirely on only what would benefit herself in the long run.

Celestia and Luna had recovered many of their memories of their former lives, but Celestia had said that whatever had happened between Hel and Odin had happened long before she and her twin brother had joined the Aesir... in fact, it had happened long before many of the other Aesir had joined the clan of the Warrior Gods.

Then there was a loud thrum from behind the group, and a moment later Celestia and Twilight emerged in a burst of blue light, Celestia barely stumbling once as she strode calmly forwards, while Twilight's eyes bulged as a bevy of her stitches popped loudly across her body. She staggered and caught herself with a wince, then sighed tiredly as her muscles trembled and energy sparked over her form before she slowly straightened and shook herself briskly out. “I knew the energy charge was too high for me...”

“Are you okay, Momma?” Innocence asked after a moment, hesitantly drawing her eyes over her mother, and Twilight smiled a little after a moment, nodding even as she stumbled a little again before managing to straighten herself out.

“I... I am. I am. Just a little...” Twilight shook herself quickly, fidgeting a bit on the spot before she smiled and straightened, trying her hardest to ignore all the loose string and the open wounds. But since they were in Subterra now, at least she'd draw a lot less attention with being a little...

“Loose.” Luna finished her thought for her, grinning widely over at the violet mare as she waggled her eyebrows, and Twilight looked sourly over at the sapphire mare. Luna pasted an innocent look on her features, tilting her head in response as she said pointedly: “All I have done is said what thou art thinking thyself.”

Celestia shook her head, then she softened and glanced over at Twilight, asking gently: “Would you like to stop and apply some grafts? I'd be happy to help you with that.”

“No, let's just keep moving for now, Celestia. I can wait until after we see Morning Glory.” The Lich replied with a bit of a smile, and then she turned her eyes towards her daughter, explaining: “This Archive actually rests against the rear of the Thorn Palace, but that portal we passed through can actually go to other places around Subterra as well. It's just a matter of know the right magic.”

“Which of course thou knows. Thou art just disappointed thou did not get to show it off. Great braggart.” Luna said mildly, and Twilight looked the sapphire mare dryly as Scrivener cleared his throat and stepped carefully away from the two.

Twilight managed to resist falling for Luna's baiting, though, instead taking a breath and turning her eyes towards Celestia to ask: “Do you think we should stay at the Thorn Palace, or over at Burning Desire's manse? He's been pretty insistent about that...”

Celestia turned her attention to Scrivener Blooms, making a very large point of ignoring Luna's insistent waving for attention, and she asked curiously: “Would you prefer to stay at Burning Desire's? I know you enjoy spending time with your cousin.”

“Yeah, that sounds good.” Scrivener agreed, smiling a bit, and when Celestia gave him an entertained look, leaning forwards slightly, he said awkwardly: “I'm not agreeing just to agree, or because I want to get away from Luna. I really do think that's a good idea. And the Thorn Palace honestly does kind of creep me out.”

The ivory mare nodded, then she glanced over at Luna, who was hopping up and down and looking frustrated. “I'll probably stay in the Thorn Palace, but I don't expect to rest much. Hecate will undoubtedly keep me busy with the help she's requested, and I'll probably be spending most of my time in the forges beneath-”

“I am so glad thou hast all decided precisely what thou art going to do!” Luna said loudly as she leaned up, glaring imperiously around at the others, and Scrivener and Twilight traded mild looks as Celestia sighed and Innocence giggled. Luna huffed loudly at them, then she swept up Innocence's mask and firmly shoved it back into place over her daughter's features before she grabbed the surprised Innocence and dragged her away. “Come along, Sin. If all these wicked creatures are going to ignore us, then we shall ignore them!”

Scrivener looked mildly over at the sapphire mare as she led Innocence quickly away through the Archive chamber, and then he turned to follow with Twilight and Celestia, the charcoal earth pony saying mildly to the Lich: “This is your fault, you know. I'm not entirely sure how, but I'm still blaming you for it. And for when Luna eventually blows up at us, too.”

Twilight only rolled her eyes, then she responded with a tilt of her head: “Actually, this looks a lot more like your fault than it does mine. You're the one who started it.”

“You started it. You're a starter. A trouble-starter.” Scrivener grumbled in response, and the two bumped into each other as they walked along, Twilight smiling despite herself.

Behind them, Celestia shook her head slowly as she gazed with quiet entertainment from one to the other, feeling an odd twist of reminiscence. So many years ago now, Scrivener had been the Court Poet of Canterlot, and Twilight Sparkle had been her student, her apprentice, her simulated daughter... and the two of them had always found a way to spend more time together than any other ponies who had claimed to hate each other ever would.

And now, here they were. Celestia had never expected this kind of relationship, though... but the world had changed in a lot of ways she hadn't expected, hadn't meant it to, and as her eyes roved from the demons they now worked side-by-side with, to the daughter of three ponies who was bouncing happily alongside her Móðer at the front of the group, she couldn't help but smile at how much that thought still had the power to surprise and please her.

Innocence and Luna rambled away to each other like best friends at the front of the line, the sapphire mare happily answering every question Innocence had about the Archives they were walking through, Subterra, and anything else that bridged into. Scrivener and Twilight were talking amiably, and Celestia felt her eyes continually being drawn to the world around them. Once upon a time she would have seen a place like Subterra as an infected tumor to be cut out, and the thought of one of Hel's Archives being on the mortal world would have filled her with horror and fury.

That old Celestia never would have stepped down as Baroness, though, or any other position of power. That old Celestia would never have believed that the ponies could manage themselves... and sure, sometimes she had to step in now and then, but usually that was as an ambassador representing Equestria, not as a ruler herself.

Yes, she had been plenty worried at first: no one had really wanted her to step down. As a matter of fact, they had been pushing her to assume the mantle of queen, but she had no interest in that anymore. Well... that wasn't entirely true. But the kind of Queen she was came from a different age, and served a much different purpose than acting a foalsitter to a council that wanted all the power, but none of the responsibility. And most of all, a mother to run to and hide beneath the skirts of if anything ever went really wrong.

But she had stepped down officially, and nominated her assistant, Rosewood, for the position of Baroness despite the fact there had been a law in place at the time against allowing anyone not born inside the barony to be elected to any major political office. Rosewood, however, had served for years as Celestia's steward, although she'd been less a puppet and more had actually run the barony on her own, as she saw fit.

It had caused a little bit of a scandal, but since Celestia was backing her and Rosewood had essentially already been baroness for years, the law was overturned and Rosewood had become the baroness of the Canterlot Barony. She had a lot of support from the people, and the other barons were a little afraid of her, which Celestia thought was a good thing. Most important, she had served well as an example that Equestria didn't need Celestia as much as they thought they did... and the ivory winged unicorn had been so deeply relieved when she'd realized that she didn't need to rule the country as much as she'd feared, either.

They were passing now along a stone and steel bridge that connected the back of the Archive into the Thorn Palace, and Celestia softened as she watched the doors open and felt that... odd sensation she always did. That sense of Selene... and she knew that ahead, Luna felt it too, as she paused almost imperceptibly in the middle of answering one of her daughter's questions.

But Selene had always resonated with them in a strange way... a way Celestia found all the more odd these days because Selene had supposedly been half-Pious. She had been so loyal, so enthralled with them partly because she claimed that she and Luna, the Valkyries, were like her mother... except Celestia thought Luna was the furthest thing from these alien and distant Pious.

Sometimes the ivory mare wondered if the Pious might not be lying completely about their connection to Selene: they seemed like they would do absolutely anything to try and spread their so-called 'Holy Word,' after all... but no, they had known too much about her, and there were similarities, particularly between the Pious' abilities and what Selene's own had been. So maybe it was just that Selene had seen her 'mother' through her child's eyes, or was attributing things to her that...

“Celestia, thou art thinking too much, I can hear it from here and 'tis quite distracting.” Luna called loudly over her shoulder, and the ivory mare looked up with a wry smile before the sapphire winged unicorn sniffed disdainfully, midnight cyan eyes glancing back ahead down the marble-tiled halls as she continued: “There is nothing to be thought about, really. Better, we shall be able to let our hooves do our talking for us. Oh, it has been far too long since we have visited Morning Glory.”

“Let's not pick a fight with her, please.” Twilight mumbled, and Luna huffed loudly as Innocence looked up brightly. “I really don't want to have to change my body while I'm here. And I kind of want to make this quick so we can go to Burning's and I can get stitched up.”

Scrivener Blooms nodded in agreement, adding mildly: “She's also probably still mad at us for making her Overseer in the first place. I think the only thing she really enjoys about it is that tournament she runs every year, where she beats up half of Subterra to prove that she's still the strongest demon around.”

“Aye. I enjoy her rule-through-power approach, though, since she is very good to my servants of the night and works very well with Canterlot. She is tyrannical and terrible and a dictator, but in a very good way.” Luna said thoughtfully, and Scrivener and Twilight traded amused looks as Innocence giggled a little. “I fear she may have taken lessons from Celestia on that, though.”

Celestia sighed and shook her head, and then Innocence asked quickly: “Do you think that... maybe Morning Glory could work with me too?”

Twilight winced a little at this, and Scrivener cleared his throat loudly when Luna opened her mouth, making the sapphire mare glower before she grumbled and rolled her eyes, answering finally: “Perhaps. But she is very busy, and thy other parents fear that she will... be a little hard on thee.”

Innocence frowned a little at this, raising her head before she said immediately: “If Antares could handle it, I can definitely handle it! He's always been a lot worse with listening to stuff than me!”

Scrivener and Twilight traded amused looks at this as Luna snorted in entertainment, then she said wryly: “Oh, my little filly. If only thine eyes could gaze into the past, thou would see a very different Antares than the stallion we know and love today.”

Innocence tilted her head, but before she could ask anything further, she was startled by the sudden appearance of a Nightmare in front of them, the equine made of darkness and shadow bowing its head as its smoky mane and tail wafted and swirled backwards. “I have been sent to welcome our Mistress of the Night and her family. Please, follow me to the Overseer's room.”

Luna huffed at this as the red-eyed Nightmare straightened, gazing at the sapphire mare fawningly even as Luna complained: “We know the damn way well enough! Morning Glory did not have to send thee to walk us like foals to her, the... the head... foalsitter of Subterra!”

“The pleasure is all mine, Mistress Luna. My sisters and I are always eager for any excuse to bathe ourselves in your presence.” the Nightmare replied calmly, bowing its head politely, and Luna sniffed loudly but looked pacified at this as Innocence gazed warmly up at her Móðer.

Twilight sighed a little, and Scrivener reached up to touch the Lich's shoulder reassuringly even as the Nightmare turned to lead them onwards. He understood that flicker of anxiety that ran through the violet mare: she was always a little scared that Innocence was going to get too used to all the positive attention, too infatuated with the way the Nightmares and other creatures would fall all over themselves to do anything Luna asked. She didn't want her daughter admiring the fact they could order around these servants of the night: she wanted her daughter admiring the fact they had earned the loyalty of these different beings because of their compassion and respect for one-another.

Respect that didn't always show through, as Luna looked up and said cheerfully: “While I am here, creature, I would like a massage from the biggest, handsomest demon thou can find. I would also like cake. The cake is for eating, not for rubbing upon my body... well, unless they have cakes that are good for that.”

“I am sure they do, Mistress Luna.” the Nightmare replied kindly, and Scrivener sighed tiredly as he dropped his head forward. Even if the Nightmares were no longer strictly bound to them, all their exploits over the years, and now the fact that they were slowly, carefully beginning to explore realms of magic and enhancements they had been hesitant to in the past... it had made them very eager to try and prove themselves to their proclaimed masters.

There was less conversation as they followed the Nightmare to a set of silver doors, etched with gorgeous lunar designs. The smoky equine knocked firmly twice on these, then stepped back and quickly bowed as they swung open, gesturing for them to go forwards with one hoof. “The Overseer awaits. I shall wait for you here.”

“Nay, thou shall instead go about thy duties, but I shall call for thee later.” Luna replied with a nod, and the Nightmare gazed up with strange pride before it nodded firmly and vanished. Then the sapphire mare turned towards the open doors with a grin, shouting as she strode inside: “Now if I could just get thou to show me such respect, Morning Glory!”

“Shut up, Luna Brynhild.” retorted a sour voice, as Innocence bounced eagerly up beside her mother and the others followed a little slower, Twilight shaking her head moodily as Scrivener glanced awkwardly back and forth. The hall they entered was large, had too many creepy nooks and niches thank to the strange, ribbed structure of the steel and stone walls, and at the end of it was a raised, rectangular stage where a single behemoth figure was sprawled out in a steel throne.

Luna grinned up at Morning Glory, and the titanic demon glared back down at the winged unicorn. She looked like a unicorn with a faint-pink tinged coat, her ivory eyes seeming to stare right through the sapphire mare and into her very soul. Her mane and tail were both composed of golden flames, twisting and curling slowly to one side of her, flaring slightly as she leaned a foreleg on the arm of her chair and the tattooing of runes along her upper leg flexed. “What do you want?”

“Is that any way to talk to thy Mistress?” Luna asked cheerfully, and Morning Glory rolled her eyes in distaste before the sapphire mare pranced forwards and poked lightly at the pale pink demon with her horn. “And look at thee, out of thy pretty girdle, showing off thy brand!”

“Forget I asked you anything. Go back to shutting up.” Morning Glory slapped moodily at Luna, but the sapphire mare ducked with a snort of amusement before the demon sighed tiredly, looking grouchily down as she reached up and rubbed slowly at her tattooed foreleg. “If I didn't require a strong leader to keep my mind sane.”

“Aye, but 'twas thy own decision to tag thyself with my name. 'Tis very sweet, I have not yet even writ my name upon Scrivy, after all.” noted Luna with a wink, and Morning Glory glowered at the winged unicorn as she continued to slowly rub at the tattoo: it was more a mark of loyalty than an actual enchantment, but it did serve as a simple charm that would allow Luna to summon Morning Glory to her side if necessary.

“Let's move on to business.” Morning Glory said distastefully, and then she slipped out of her throne before flexing and straightening as silvery liquid bled out of her pores, coating her own body before it solidified into thick, flexible steel. The armor layered her body and made her look like a living warship, mimicking musculature and forming a massive, bladed tortoise-like shell over her back that was covered in tall, conical spikes.

She glowered down at them out of the high collar of the armor that had formed in moments over her body, and Luna huffed loudly up at her before she poked at the titan's chest, complaining: “And now none can see thy pretty tattoo! Shear off the armor upon thy foreleg, I command it!”

“No.” Morning Glory said sourly, and then she rolled her eyes when Luna uselessly prodded at her with her soulstone horn, before the enormous demon turned her eyes to Celestia. “I don't like the idea of letting Hecate run loose. I'd like to ask you to keep a close eye on her while she's here, Lady Celestia.”

The ivory mare nodded, smiling a little before Morning Glory glanced over her shoulder and called: “Eventide!”

Innocence smiled wider, growing a little braver now: in spite of all her interest in Subterra, she always got a little shy around the imposing Destroyer that served as Overseer. But when a Nightmare appeared near the demon, the young unicorn slipped forwards a bit and waved childishly at the smoky equine that looked both taller and more-solid than the other Nightmares they had passed.

Eventide smiled and nodded to Innocence before she bowed her head respectfully to the other ponies, as Morning Glory instructed: “I am going to be busy with Celestia, so I want you to take Luna Brynhild and her family to-”

“Thou cannot just ship us off! We are here for our own purposes, we only visited thee out of courtesy! How dare thee!” Luna huffed loudly, while Scrivener only sat back and Twilight gave Luna a mild look. Luna, meanwhile, glowered over at her partners, then flailed a bit as he shouted: “Oh come now, surely thou can work up at least a moment of outrage instead of just... drooling and smiling as thou art pushed and prodded and-”

Morning Glory stomped a hoof hard enough to shake the floor, Luna blinking dumbly and looking over at the mare before the Destroyer said sourly: “I am not in the mood to try and explain what's going on, but it is important. So please, Mistress Luna. Take your family, go with Eventide. Celestia and I will join you after we discuss Hecate and the current... problems.”

The starry-maned mare frowned a little at this, becoming a bit more serious, but Morning Glory only looked down at her and shook her head before glancing almost awkwardly at Innocence. Innocence looked up through her facemask, and then Morning Glory cleared her throat before she said finally: “Hello.”

Then, without another word, Morning Glory swept past, almost stomping Twilight and Scrivener under her metal hooves before the enormous demon nodded politely to Celestia. Celestia nodded back, then turned to leave as Eventide strode forwards, the Nightmare drawing her eyes towards Innocence and saying gently: “You wear your new armor well, Innocence. I'm very happy to see you.”

Innocence brightened at this, the young mare straightening and nodding firmly to the tall, pretty Nightmare. “It's good to see you too, Eventide... hey, do you think you could help tutor me?”

Eventide gave a soft laugh at this, looking affectionately over the mare before she replied softly as her eyes flicked towards Luna: “If your parents have no problem with it, I would be very glad to help you, and accompany you around Subterra. My first loyalty is still to you, after all, Innocence. Don't forget that.”

Luna nodded a little after a moment, looking warmly at the Nightmare as Scrivener and Twilight both focused their own gazes on the entity. Until about nine years ago, Eventide had served loyally as a mix of nanny and bodyguard for Innocence, and the two had been very close. Then, because of her devotion and loyalty, Luna had selected the Nightmare for a particular experiment she had discussed for a long time with Celestia, Sleipnir, and several others she respected enough to listen to the opinions of.

They had used magic and the most concentrated form of the corruption Scrivener could make, administered to Eventide in careful, measured doses until they had achieved the result Luna was hoping for. Normally, Nightmares were much frailer than their fierce appearances seemed: sunlight could destroy them, and even though they fed off emotion, it could become a poison to them as well.

But they had fortified Eventide, into the first Greater Nightmare: another project started because of a story that Luna was sometimes afraid she was trying to make true. After all, the evil Luna and Scrivener in Because Love Conquers All had created their own flock of powerful Greater Nightmares to serve them...

No, she didn't want to ever become that Luna, even if... she had so many of the same desires. For power, for pleasure, to experiment and try new things and taste fruits that were supposed to be forbidden. To make those who she cared about strong, to reward those who served her loyally... to create things that would terrify and punish those who would hurt anything she cared about.

Innocence looked curiously over her shoulder at Luna, and the sapphire mare shook her head hurriedly as both Twilight and Scrivener fought back the urge to shiver, even as the stallion stepped up and touched the sapphire mare's shoulder reassuringly. But no matter how hard they pushed them away, those same worries always ended up gnawing at them, and he didn't really know what he could say or do to try and push them away.

“I apologize. It's just such a pleasure to see you all, I forget myself. Please, follow me.” Eventide gestured to them, and Luna grunted, letting the Greater Nightmare take the lead. Innocence ran up beside her, and some of the worries were washed away by that clear companionship: the trust Innocence had in the entity, and the love that Eventide had for their daughter.

As they walked, Innocence chattered happily away to Eventide, who only smiled and nodded, studying the young mare with fascination and warmth. Luna followed with her partners to either side of her, returning the greetings they were given by other servants of darkness that they passed and just mulling things over, deciding to let Innocence and Eventide catch up for now.

The sapphire mare was surprised when they ended up at a dressing room: it was brightly lit, with mirrors almost covering one wall, and tapered, cushiony furnishings to rest in. Delegates or councilors probably sat around in here while waiting for meeting rooms to open up, and Scrivener looked awkwardly around as Luna looked into one of the mirrors and made a face at herself before asking: “So what is going on, Eventide? I can no longer be patient.”

“Your son is going to be arriving shortly with a delegate from Heaven, to discuss the assassination attempt that occurred. Mistress Morning Glory thinks that while we have everyone together, it would be beneficial to have a strategy session.” Eventide replied politely, and then the Greater Nightmare glanced over at the violet mare and added: “That box is for you, Lady Twilight.”

The Lich tilted her head curiously as she turned her attention to the wooden box resting on a nearby table, and the mare trotted over to it as Innocence frowned a little and asked uncertainly: “But why is Heaven even interested in that? I mean... there's supposed to be... well...”

She looked over at Luna, and the sapphire mare sighed a little, smiling a bit: none of them had really discussed the full scope of what was going on with their daughter yet, because... none of them really knew what to say. “Well, Innocence, I do not know what would catch Heaven's attention here, but I do know that they would not reach out to us over a silly failed assassination attempt. So unless the Whistler is a miserable failure of a destruction entity, I do not know why they would have any interest.”

Twilight nodded as she pulled the lid off the wooden box, then smiled: there was a spool of thick black string and a few different needles inside, along with some ribbon, combs, and a few other odds and ends. For now, the Lich pulled out just a large needle and the string, glancing over her shoulder as she added softly: “They might just be checking in, though, especially if Antares is coming down to talk to us.”

Scrivener nodded, walking over, and Twilight smiled at him as he took the string and needle out of her telekinetic grip just as she finished threading it. The Lich shrugged off her cloak and began to open her armor vest, as Eventide turned her eyes to Innocence and said softly: “I am sure it is nothing serious, but rather... preventative. Ever since Lord Kvasir disappeared, Queen Terra has been working hard to look out for all of us.”

Innocence nodded a little, looking reassured before she glanced over at her mother, wincing a bit as the Lich dropped the gemstone vest and glanced down in distaste at the damages that had opened across her body. There was a little bit of bleeding, but not much... although Innocence supposed that didn't really mean anything either way. “Are... are you okay, Momma?”

“It just looks worse than it is. And Scrivy, you don't have to...” But Scrivener ignored her, already starting to stitch up the large, Y-shaped cut in her chest. The Lich blushed a bit, shifting awkwardly before she tilted her head back to gaze up at the ceiling, trying to keep her eyes away from the stallion as she felt his claws gently guiding the needle through her body, piercing hide without pain, the string sliding through, then tightening to draw flesh together, like lips...

She blushed deeper, then shook her head hurriedly as she managed to ask quickly: “Do you uh... Eventide, why are we waiting here? We're not waiting for Hecate, are we?”

“Aye, she is not supposed to be here until tonight, I had thought.” Luna added curiously, even as she looked over at Twilight and Scrivener and grinned a little despite herself. Acting as if feeling no pain and instead finding pleasure in such things is bad. How silly my pretty mare is!

“Shut up, Luna.” Twilight mumbled under her breath, keeping her eyes steadily upwards as Innocence made a face beneath her mask at her parents, then quickly turned her attention back to the pondering Greater Nightmare.

“That is odd. Hecate arrived here an hour before you did, and has already been speaking to artificers to help her prepare her new projects.” the Greater Nightmare said, and Luna grumbled and rolled her eyes, feeling strangely unsurprised. But it wasn't like Hecate was eager to share all her plans with them. “But we are waiting here because the delegates from Heaven are currently engaged in a meeting with an ambassador from Helheim. Hel also appears to be very interested in what is going on.”

The sapphire mare frowned at this, tilting her head before she asked distastefully: “And since when has Subterra become a neutral hub for Valhalla and Helheim to meet and discuss what has happened to my family behind my back?”

Eventide bowed her head politely, responding gently: “I am sure they mean no disrespect to you, Mistress Luna. The meeting was not scheduled, but it seems that Hel learned of the delegates coming to Subterra and decided to force an impromptu discussion session.”

“We are being foalsat again, Scrivener Blooms.” Luna grumbled a little, and then she shook her head slowly before stomping her hooves childishly, glowering over at the stallion and the Lich as he continued to calmly sew her wounds closed. “Now I am cranky. And it does not help that this stuffy waiting room is boring. And thy flirting is annoying me, cease groping her and stitch her up, Scrivener Blooms, she is not some twisted fetish doll for thou to frolic with.”

Twilight sighed tiredly, keeping her gaze towards the ceiling as Scrivener Blooms only grunted, and then Innocence turned her eyes to Luna and asked curiously: “Well, can you teach me magic or something, Mutt? Or maybe Eventide can teach me something and we can practice on you so you're not bored anymore.”

“Nay, thou shall practice on Scrivener Blooms. I shall begin.” With that, Luna flicked her horn firmly to send a blast of lightning into Scrivener, and he winced as his back arched and Twilight's eyes bulged as he accidentally stabbed the needle deep into her breast before flopping backwards.

Luna giggled stupidly, energy sparking along her soulstone horn as Innocence stared and then covered her muzzle hurriedly to try and hide her grin. Scrivener, meanwhile, was glowering invertedly at Luna from where he was sprawled on his back as Twilight only sighed tiredly and reached up to slowly pull the needle out of her breast, saying tiredly: “Let's please just try and get along until the meeting, okay?”

“No.” Luna said stoically, and Scrivener groaned as Twilight looked moodily across at the starry-maned mare, both wondering how they could so deeply care about a pony who often caused them both such immeasurable amounts of frustration.

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