• Published 7th Sep 2013
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Glory Be - BlackRoseRaven

Luna and Scrivener struggle to set right all the wrongs from their past and save their family and friends. Tenth and final story in the Blooming Moon Chronicles/99 Worlds Saga.

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The Return Of The King

Chapter Fourteen: The Return of the King

Scrivener Blooms and Luna Brynhild shared awkward looks before the charcoal stallion cleared his throat and said as tactfully as possible: “Twilight, maybe... maybe it's not such a bad thing that Sin thinks you're boring. I mean, really, should our kids know about half the stuff we get up to? That would kind of ruin us as role models for them. We'd have to give her away to... I dunno. Do we even know anyone who's responsible, now that Celestia's kind of going back to being Freya?”

“So now I'm the boring stuffy one, not Celestia. Great.” Twilight grumbled, and Scrivener and Luna traded looks again, then they both shrugged lamely, before attempt to hide in the covers of the large bed together with a shared wince when Twilight Sparkle glared at them.

“It wouldn't kill you two to try and be a little helpful, you know.” Twilight said flatly, and then she shook her head and muttered: “Boring. How am I boring? I'm not boring at all. I'm just nice.”

“'Tis so adorable how much this is bothering thee.” Luna said with relish, and even as she shrank down a bit at the horrible look Twilight focused on her, she also grinned wider. “Well, 'tis true! Look, we always call thee boring, Twilight Sparkle, how is it just now thou art actually beginning to fear thou art? 'Tis like thou forgets that a teenager like Innocence is says anything and everything, and lives for excitement and adventure the like that would make even I shudder with... well, nay.” Luna looked meditative. “Nay, there is no thrill too great for me.”

Scrivener grunted at this, and Luna glowered and grumbled back, the two shoving at each other as Twilight paced uneasily on the other side of the room. Then the Lich sighed and shook her head, saying pleadingly: “Guys, come on, will you please...”

And then the violet mare twitched, her breath catching as she felt like a hammer slammed into her mind as Scrivener's blood boiled and Luna's eyes snapped upwards, staring in disbelief as her soulstone horn pulsed with black, ill light. A ripple passed through the three ponies, from a shockwave that had just torn through Subterra, lighting up emotions and sending demons scattering, many of them fleeing the city in a mass exodus.

It didn't go unnoticed above: not only did Canterlot feel the terrible pulse as something entered their world, they saw the flocks of black smoke shooting towards the twilit sky, and citizens panicked as more-physical demons ripped out of the sewers and the tunnels, many of them thinking that this was the uprising, the rebellion, the surge of evil many of them had imagined would always come one day... except when the demons fled past, there was only a moment of relief that quickly became even deeper horror when they realized they weren't attacking: they were running away.

“Innocence!” was Twilight's first word, the Lich looking up sharply, and Luna and Scrivener gritted their teeth and sprung off the bed, the three ponies rushing for the door of Burning Desire's estate. Innocence was at the Thorn Palace, and Antares was likely still helping her study and train: in fact, they both hoped they were together, and Antares was smart enough to make Innocence stay put.

The trio bolted through the halls and onto the street... and were joined by both a grim-looking Burning Desire and a trembling but determined Ersatz Major. There was no time for words, either to thank them or tell them to get away: there was only time to run down streets that were almost entirely abandoned.

But that wasn't to say every demon had fled, every servant of the night had run... and it wasn't like Luna could blame the ones that had, either. Her horn was still glowing like a beacon, the soulstone excited by whatever the hell had just torn its way into their world, and it didn't feel like anything they had ever... no, no, it wasn't that. The problem was that it wasn't alien. It was so familiar that their minds refused to process it, couldn't accept it, couldn't even identify it. It was something so... so close to them that they kept looking right past it when they tried to grasp what the hell was emanating that... power...

As they made their way in a straight charge for Subterra, all Luna could think of was fortifying the palace and making sure everyone was safe. Then they could find whatever had sent out that pulse, whatever the hell was emanating that awful power, and find out what the hell it was doing here.

She was barely aware of the army of demons forming behind her, any more than she was aware of the servants of the night still scrambling for any possible exit while others remembered friend, and family, and duty. The ache in her mind from this presence was growing worse, and Scrivener and Twilight felt it too, to the point where the stallion's body was rippling unnaturally as the corruption became more and more excited in his veins, and Twilight's stitching groaned and twisted and began to pop here and there.

They reached the Thorn Palace, and Luna led the charge up the stairs, the army behind her breaking apart into Greater Nightmares and winged demons that took to the air as the rest of the pack broke up into three groups. Two of the group began to move around to either side of the step pyramid, heading for other ways into the massive, fortified manse that encircled the temple in a U, while the remaining group fell into position along the front of the Thorn Palace, ready to defend the heart of their dark sanctuary, and more importantly, the ponies they looked up to as their true leaders.

Luna, Scrivener, and Twilight leapt up over the top of the steps... and before they could decide where they were going to begin their search, a soft voice said to them: “It has been so long since we last were in your presence...”

The three stopped, feeling that ripple pass over them, but they felt frozen, paralyzed by that voice... and by the sight of the winged unicorn it belonged to as the gunmetal gray entity strode forwards, it black wings furled at its sides and head held proudly as a black fire mane and tail burned high. Emerald green eyes gazed out at them almost affectionately as its silver hooves strode along water like it was solid glass, exactly the same as they had all remembered the creature...

Except for one thing. One terrible thing: standing out of its breast, like a staring, horrible eye, was a domed blue surface that could only be soulstone. It was covered in runes that glowed in short pulses, in perfect time with the throb of painful light at the core of the entity's crystalline heart; in perfect time with Luna's own soulstone spire, as if they were synchronizing with each other.

“Gymbr.” Scrivener whispered, and the entity smiled at them before it sat calmly back on the reflecting pool... on Selene's reflecting pool. It made fury want to rise in the stallion for a reason he couldn't entirely explain... but at the same time, horror and terror and disbelief at the impossible entity across from them completely suffocated any other emotion at the moment, made him incapable of doing anything but stare.

Twilight was trembling violently, but the words rose in her throat even through her disbelief, as the thought of Innocence pushed out her fear of this... this entity she remembered all too well... “Where's... where's Innocence?”

“We thought it would be rude to try and see her without you present. We know you are very protective of her, after all, Twilight Sparkle.” Gymbr said softly, and for some reason it just made the Lich shiver harder as Luna and Scrivener struggled to recover their senses.

Then the entity smiled at them again, bowing its head forwards as it asked in a strangely-excited voice: “But is this not good? We are reunited... all of us. We have longed and feared for this day, but we are proud to say that we are here... only with the best intentions. There is a force on the horizon that would undo all our work... but together, we shall be able to destroy it. We shall be able to stop a force that desires, in its disgusting way, to save our universe.”

“What... what art thou... damnation, monster, we thought thou must have died! We have not seen so much as a hair from thy head!” Luna halted, glanced up at the black flames that burned from Gymbr's skull, and then she grimaced and muttered: “Perhaps 'twas not the best of phrasings but... where hast thou been?”

“We were saved many years ago, by Kvasir. He treated our wounds, made us strong again.” Gymbr answered almost proudly, and the three ponies were again dumbfounded by this answer. “He hid us in Valhalla. He kept us safe, and made us powerful. He helped us to replace our dying Kundalini, and helped see us through the worst of our madness... and after that, he came with us, to see the force that would save this universe, and agreed that it must be stopped.”

“I... I don't understand! Thou makes no sense! Kvasir never could, never would... he was only a politician!” Luna snapped, and Gymbr frowned at the sapphire mare, focusing something like disapproval on her. It made Luna bare her fangs in response, leaning forwards as her starry mane flared up and she snapped: “Avert thy eyes! I shan't be gazed upon like I am some errant, stupid child by a... a freakish fairy tale such as thou art!”

“Yes, you remember our origin well, it seems. But do you remember our power, Luna Brynhild?” asked Gymbr in an even voice, and Scrivener winced as Twilight swallowed and stared almost pleadingly over at Luna. “Our loved ones do, it seems.”

Luna growled at this, then she shook her head and took a slow breath as her eyes narrowed at the beast, saying slowly: “Aye, we remember thee well. All of us, but in the years since we met, creature, I have grown stronger and my patience for riddles shorter. I do not fear, not even fear itself: it is fear that must fear me.”

Gymbr chuckled quietly, shaking his head slowly as he murmured softly: “Such pride. Such strength. Such foolishness; we are both pleased and disappointed, Luna Brynhild. But we suppose that you have accomplished feats even we must be impressed with... defeating not only Valthrudnir, but mastering yourself. Making allies of creatures so powerful as Kismet, Hecate, and even Hel. You have been busy... but so have we.

“Ask your questions. We are friends, are we not? We are even closer than that, closer than family, closer than kin...” Gymbr rose his head high, smiling and supreme. “We are you.”

Scrivener shivered, then he looked back, taking a slow breath as he steadied himself and tried to make the world make sense, tried to get his reeling mind in order. But it felt almost impossible with what they were faced with. Gymbr: a self-described god, with powers that seemed beyond limit, without boundary. A creature that shouldn't exist, that had come out of a story as a Tulpa and had eventually become as real as they were. A monster, born of nightmares, from Scrivener and Luna's darkest parts all meshing together into one terrible being.

Luna was snarling, but holding herself in check, and Twilight was simply afraid. And Scrivener felt a wild urge to laugh as he realized that maybe he was right after all: maybe the calamity that all the Draconequus were gathered to watch really was them... only it was a different version of them, back from... from death? Could something that had never really been born, ever really die?

The charcoal stallion forced himself to breathe, forced himself to steady his thoughts enough that he could look up and ask: “What happened to you? What do you mean, Kvasir looked after you? Kvasir was always...”

“He was a good friend. He was stronger than we think you imagined: he had many fears, and many enemies, and was responsible for more than you can understand, but he held up without complaint. He kept our secrets, and he helped renew our strength, asking little in return... asking only for us to fulfill our end of the deal.” Gymbr shook his head slowly, saying softly: “He treated us as family... and perhaps we were, more than we believed. For you, Luna Brynhild, are Valkyrie. We are Valkyrie, too, even if we are also god. We are of the same great name, the same divine blood.”

Luna didn't know how to respond, how to even feel... but Twilight was the one to pick up this time, a tremble running down her spine before she whispered: “Was?”

Gymbr smiled faintly, shaking his head slowly before he said softly: “Yes, was. And it was our fault... he asked to see evidence of the coming threat, the enemy, the 'savior,' and so we brought him to see. We showed him worlds that you cannot imagine: we opened his eyes to the true meaning of the universe, but sadly... we failed to protect him.”

“What?” Luna stepped forwards, and then she snarled, shaking her head and snapping: “Speaking of a mysterious enemy, now telling us Kvasir is dead... nay, 'tis all so convenient, so perfect! But saying thou comes to stop the 'saving' of the universe... is there no way thou shan't taunt us, monster? Is there anything thou holds sacred?”

“Yes. There is much we believe is sacred. And there is also much we believe must be destroyed for the universe to continue to function. At times, these things overlap.” Gymbr retorted after a moment, his strange, echoing voice taking on more feminine tones before he closed his eyes tightly, bowing his head forwards and shaking it as if in denial. “Please, stop this. We are honest in what we desire... Luna Brynhild, Scrivener Blooms, Twilight Sparkle, please. Help us.”

Scrivener shivered again at this, looking away as he saw another stallion for a moment, begging for his help, as machinery gleamed out of his back and his twisted family loomed around him... and then the charcoal earth pony clenched his eyes shut and whispered: “No. I won't go down that road again, Gymbr. We turned down Thesis when he came begging for help, even before we knew what he would do with it, and he proved right off the bat how right we were to tell him no. You, Gymbr... we know what you do with power. How could you expect us to want to help you?”

“Because we aided you in the past. And yes, in a sense... we aided you because we owed you much, and we owe you still. And we have hidden much from you, and understand that you must be afraid of us, of what we are after... but do not fear. It is not your family.” Gymbr smiled almost tenderly, then he rose a claw and gently beckoned with it. “We have our own family.”

A portal tore open, a gaping wound in reality behind Gymbr that three ponies strode out of to join Gymbr. Luna's eyes widened, and Twilight's words caught in her throat as Scrivener slowly, weakly shook his head in disbelief, the three ponies barely able to believe what they were looking at.

One was almost a mirror image of their Twilight, a violet winged unicorn with raven pinions, and clearly a Lich. But despite how much she looked the same beneath the regal black cloak that covered her body, the grin on her face, the glow in her eyes, the malevolence she exuded... she was also completely different.

Another looked like Celestia, but her teeth were large and sharp and deadly, and her mane and tail were not a pastel rainbow but glowing gold and white flames that twisted like liquid. Her eyes had turned a hellish amber, and she was adorned not in armor, but gorgeous, loose chains and jewelry and a tight golden collar that was locked around her throat. The ivory mare studied them with an intense eagerness that made Scrivener shudder, and she stood proudly at Gymbr's side, so devoted to him she seemed to have trouble keeping her eyes off the entity in spite of all the curiosity she clearly had over the ponies before her.

But the last... the last they hadn't anticipated. It was another Luna, wearing only simple, lightweight black armor, her head high and her mane and tail both dark and swirling, no stars twinkling in her blue-and-black flame locks. Her eyes drew over them hungrily before she leaned forwards, stamping her hooves against the ground as her natural horn pulsed with energy, saying eagerly: “Look! Look at them! Gymbr wasn't lying!”

“As if the Master would lie to us, Myre.” the Celestia said softly, and then she smiled as she looked at the entity beside her, asking softly: “May I introduce us, Lord Gymbr, Emperor of All?”

Gymbr laughed quietly at this, gesturing towards the ponies as he said softly: “You may. But do not refer to us by that title in their presence. Our friends shall not like it, and I must bow my head to their wishes.”

The terrible, gold-fire-maned Celestia nodded politely once in agreement, and then she stepped forwards and turned her eyes to the staring Luna, Scrivener, and Twilight, bowing her head low as she greeted: “It is my honor to meet you. My name is Dusk, and I am the First Concubine to Lord Gymbr, and Commander of his forces. Twilight Shadow, the Grand Vizier, stands on my master's other side, and this is my little sister and the Champion of our army, Myre.”

Luna Brynhild shook her head in disbelief, and then she murmured weakly: “What... what hast thou done, Gymbr?”

“Lord Gymbr freed us, and made us strong. He made us his family!” Myre said firmly, stepping forwards and nodding before her eyes widened in surprise, turning towards Scrivener Blooms. Then she licked her lips eagerly, whispering: “Oh hello you. Oh my, oh my, Lord Gymbr was right...”

“Patience, Myre. I smell it too, but... let's wait for them to adjust. We must be quite a surprise for them.” Dusk said gently, raising a hoof and giving a soothing smile to her little sister, who glared back up at the ivory mare. And none of the three ponies of this world knew what to say, staring at these ponies who were just like Luna and Celestia... but at the same time, so completely, clearly not.

Gymbr looked at Twilight Shadow, who nodded quickly once before she bowed as well. When she rose, her eyes drew automatically to Twilight Sparkle... and both ponies, both winged unicorns, both Liches stared at each other for a few moments before Shadow said softly to Sparkle: “We're here to help. Lord Gymbr has spent a lot of time taking with me, telling me his story, and warning me you might not be the most receptive to his appearance here, especially with us. My job is to reassure you that we are serious about the coming storm, and proving we're friends, not enemies. That we have become Lord Gymbr's family of our own free will. And to help you... become more.”

Twilight Shadow's features broke into another grin, the undead pony raising her head, and Twilight Sparkle stumbled backwards with a tremble, shaking her own as she almost quailed as the Grand Vizier extolled: “Because now we are strong, and free of the tyranny that was brought down on us! And because we want you to feel this same freedom, this same strength, this same direction we have... to bathe and glory in darkness, and be honored by our servitude to our masters!”

“We are not Twilight Sparkle's masters!” Luna shouted, stepping forwards with a snarl as Scrivener gritted his teeth, and these... these monsters, these victims from some unknown, terrible place all looked surprised before the sapphire mare snapped: “Gymbr, step out from behind thy puppets, sick and pathetic wretch! Face us as a stallion, not as a coward!”

Immediately, Gymbr's 'family' all stepped forwards, all of them looming forwards over Luna... but then, as suddenly as they had moved forwards, the three all looked sharply over their shoulders at Gymbr and then parted for him, stepping quickly back into place on either side of him.

Gymbr, terrible beyond-god thing, stepped slowly forwards as if uncertain. He was frowning, looking confused as he studied them before he asked quietly, gesturing over his shoulder with one claw: “And what is wrong with this? We have given them power. We have given them happiness. We have helped them to feel satisfied and strong, and in return we ask only their love and loyalty. Under our watch, they shall never grow weak, or old, or die. They are our chosen goddesses: we have named them our Three Fates, in defiance of the foolish Norns that tried to control us. And they are powerful tools... are you not?”

And terribly, Dusk and Myre and Twilight Shadow all smiled brightly, as if this was a compliment: as if this was what they hoped and dreamed for, as if this was the one thing they desired to achieve in life. To prove strong, useful tools to their master... and Gymbr smiled at them like they were pets performing a trick before he looked forward and said kindly: “Even if you disagree with our morality... they are happy, and strong, and they are free enough to make their own decisions. They could decide to hate us if they wanted to, but they will not. They love us, and we love them.”

“You love them like toys. Like... playthings.” Scrivener shook his head, then he drew his eyes slowly over the Three Fates, whispering: “Look at them. How could you do this to them?”

“Gymbr, thou art... does thou not remember thy own origin? Thou tried this before! And what happened?” Luna asked almost desperately: her anger wanted to rise, but for now, she wouldn't let it... and for now, despair was what was choking her anyway, making her feel so... so disappointed even through the shock she felt, through the confusion ripping through her mind as she tried to understand how any of this was even possible.

The entity frowned at them, and then he looked uneasily towards Myre and Dusk, then over at Twilight Shadow... but after a moment, his Grand Vizier reached up, touching his shoulder and reassuring him gently: “It's okay, master. They just don't understand, that's all... maybe you should give your gift of understanding to them. Make them strong. Make them like us.”

Immediately, the three linked ponies set themselves, and Twilight's mind flared up with a single horrified question: that if Gymbr wouldn't hesitate to try and turn them into his new toys, then what would he do to their children?

But to Twilight's surprise, Gymbr shook his head slowly, saying quietly to Shadow: “No. It is different, Twilight Shadow. We freed you from a terrible force... Luna, and Scrivener, and this Twilight we seek to gain the friendship of... even if we are very hurt by their treatment.”

Gymbr looked evenly over at the Lich, saying in a softer voice: “Have you already forgotten that we were the one to supply all the power and skill to save you, but did not perform the ritual ourselves? We did not wish to bind you to us, Twilight Sparkle, to leave you indebted to us... so instead, we allowed Celestia to do this. And even now, we feel the string that still ties you to Celestia after all those years, hidden amongst the many other bonds you share with her... not least of all the power she granted to you, long, long ago.”

Dusk tilted her head with interest as Twilight Shadow looked up with a soft smile, but Twilight Sparkle only lowered her head and closed her eyes. She took a few steadying breaths, then slowly forced her eyes to open and her gaze upwards, meeting the emerald irises of the god. “I remember, Gymbr. But I also see what's in front of me, and remember who you are... and... I see that soulstone you've implanted in yourself as well.”

“It was not our doing. It was our plan, yes, but Kvasir and Terra helped greatly with its placement.” Gymbr replied softly, and then he smiled at the surprise he saw, laughing quietly and saying in an almost tender-voice: “How little you all know... how much has been left to happen, behind the scenes. That is all the more reason why you should trust us as we try and reach out to you... we will not keep secrets from you, and we will not lie, or hide. And we will give you power... as much as you desire. And we shall even bow our head to you...”

Slowly, Gymbr emphasized this by lowering his head for a moment, even as his Three Fates looked surprised... and then the god calmly rose his gaze and said softly: “But you must agree to come with us. To help us. We are not the foolish child, Thesis... we do not seek completion, nor have we harmed others for our own selfish ends. We have only done what is necessary.”

“How do you know about Thesis... were... were you watching from Valhalla, that entire time?” Scrivener asked incredulously, and then he and Luna traded looks before they both glared furiously back at Gymbr. “What the hell did you do to Kvasir to-”

“Nothing. He helped us of his own free will, and out of the need to protect Valhalla, for who is better than us to protect Valhalla? Especially now, with the cohesion and the strength our soulstone core grants us...” Gymbr halted, then he smiled, his eyes sliding to look back over his shoulder as he added: “Do not hide, Celestia. And Discombobulation... another friend. And even more, the foals we shall never have... Antares Mīrus, Innocence. We wish to gaze upon you all.”

“Stay away from my daughter.” breathed Twilight, and Gymbr turned a mild look on her, but the violet mare only shook her head fiercely, then stepped forwards and shouted, even as Celestia slowly strode out of the shadows with her eyes narrowed at the god and his disciples: “If you were really here to help, if you were really here because you were worried about something coming, then you wouldn't be trying to bribe us with power and showing off your... your toys!”

Luna nodded in agreement, then added sharply: “And I do not believe Kvasir would simply make a pretty bed for thee in Valhalla, where thou could hide away for all these years and... scheme, as thou art apparently wont to do! Nay, I shan't believe it, Gymbr, but I do know thee well... too well, as I have had to learn just how weak I can be.”

Gymbr glared at the sapphire mare, before Scrivener finished coldly: “You either stop showing off and dancing around, and give us some evidence, or things are going to get ugly. We're not scared of you, Gymbr. And we're not sure we even want to be friends with... you.”

The god rose its head high, black mane and tail flaring as the Three Fates set themselves, bristling with fury as Gymbr whispered: “You insolent fools. We have come here to save you, to help you... and this is how you treat us? It is no wonder that war with Thesis escalated so quickly, with how you... speak down to us, patronize us, treat us with such disrespect, and... we shall not stand for it ourselves! We are Gymbr! We are beyond god, beyond Jötnar! We are living glory!”

Scrivener, Luna, and Twilight all leaned furiously forwards, and Gymbr spread his wings, that soulstone core in his chest glowing brighter as he loomed over his chosen disciples as they snarled like hunting animals... and then Celestia's cold, clear voice cut through the air: “All of you. Stop.”

There was surprise at this, and all attention was drawn to the ivory mare as she halted a short distance away, careful to position herself so she didn't seem any closer to Luna's side as she did to Gymbr's. She was frowning at the god, but her tone was neutral as she asked: “What is coming?”

“A light. A blinding light that will make the universe into one ordered, structured thing. That will destroy everything we have all fought for; we must fight and destroy it before it victimizes these worlds with its sick idea of 'salvation.'” Gymbr replied, relaxing slightly as it nodded slowly. “We have seen what it does. We have seen the effects of its curse, and the poison it desires to spread. It wants to unify and conform all things and we must not allow this to happen!”

Celestia frowned at this, then she asked slowly: “The enemy wants to save us... but in a way that will... force order. The unity you keep talking about... you mean everyone, the same. As part of one thing, be it a culture or a hive mind.”

“The universe cannot be saved. The universe must not be saved, Celestia... anyone who tries is either doomed to failure or genocidal.” Gymbr shook his head slowly, eyes cold. “We will not entertain the notion of either. And we will stop this light from spreading, because now it seeks to infect our world, our ponies, all the things that we seek to protect.”

“How can we trust you?” Celestia asked quietly, and Gymbr narrowed his eyes at this before the ivory mare continued quietly: “Why hasn't Hel mentioned the possibility of this threat? Why hasn't Valhalla – or any of our allies, for that matter – made any mention of this? And why did Kvasir agree to leave with you in the first place, knowing you were bringing him to find the evidence of a foe?”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Gymbr looked up and said softly: “You should trust us, Celestia, because you must trust us. You must trust us if you desire to get through the times ahead. As to Hel and our other allies... they are not as effective as you would wish for them to be, and Hel has little interest outside of maintaining her own icy domain. Nor do we... agree with her on many things. We have different methods by which we would attempt to battle the coming plague.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Luna darkened as she asked slowly: “So thou art hinting... that the witch Hel knew of thee.”

Gymbr smiled calmly at this before he replied in a calculating voice, even as his Three Fates all frowned and shifted moodily around them: “Hel knew of us, but does not like bowing to us... and yes, we are powerful enough to make her bow. Now, she has come to disapprove of us, because she is paranoid, and jealous... and weak.”

“I wouldn't call her weak. She may be strange, and the traditional enemy of Valhalla... but those are only all the more reasons why I would hesitate to call her weak.” Celestia replied candidly, and then she drew her eyes slowly over the mares around Gymbr before she asked in a surprisingly-pleasant voice: “Are you trying to create an heir?”

“No, we are not foolish enough to attempt that.” Gymbr answered calmly with a simple shake of his head. “We know that our children would be like Midnight Hour: monsters, no matter what kind of triumph they might seem at first. And that is why Antares Mīrus and Innocence are such miracles in our eyes... and how we long to see them...”

Gymbr slowly looked over his shoulder, and then he laughed quietly as he murmured: “Please, come to us. We desire to see you. we have such glory and gifts to bestow upon you...”

Twilight gritted her teeth, glaring at the god as Luna and Scrivener set themselves, but it was Celestia who spoke up, saying in a quiet voice: “Please leave their children out of this, Gymbr. Because more and more, you're starting to sound like the Gymbr I remember reading about in Because Love Conquers All.”

The god darkened at this as the three mares around him looked up uneasily, and then the creature said with contempt: “We were hoping, Celestia, that you would be wise enough not to judge us. But we see that already you believe that we are nothing but the sum of the sins of our past.”

“I don't just think only you are, Gymbr. That's what we all are.” Celestia answered evenly, and Gymbr narrowed his eyes at her before the rainbow-maned mare shook her head slowly and looked calmly across at her counterpart, the gold-fire-maned Dusk. “How did you come to join Gymbr? What did he 'free' you from?”

Dusk's eyes flicked towards Gymbr, and the god gave his disciple a calm nod, the chain-adorned pony turning her eyes back towards Gymbr and answering calmly: “He saved me from myself, and he saved me from the infection of the light.”

“And what is this light?” Celestia prodded, keeping her eyes on Dusk, but Dusk only remained silent as she smiled calmly. After a few moments, Celestia finally was forced to turn her questioning eyes on Gymbr, gesturing towards him and repeating the question with her body language.

There was silence as all eyes turned towards Gymbr, and the creature straightened as he said softly: “The Pious bring it. They carry the plague, like rats: they are the forerunners who have led the light right to us, unbeknownst to these foolish drones. They are disease-riddled, doing the work of their puppetmaster even as they think they flee before the wildfire...”

Luna and Scrivener traded uneasy looks... but to their surprise, Antares strode up beside Celestia, joining them. Behind him was a worried-looking Innocence with her facemask removed, but their son was smiling, surprisingly-casual... strong, as he said calmly: “That's an interesting idea. I mean, hell, I want to believe you, Gymbr... I really do. In fact it's how much I want to believe you that kind of worries me a little... they're a pretty easy scapegoat, aren't they?”

“You have grown up.” Gymbr said softly, and he looked both pleased and disappointed at the same time, his wings fluttering a little before he said calmly: “It is not the Pious' fault. It is the power they serve. They both adore it and flee from it: they seek to feed it even as they seek to find safety from the beast that they themselves created.”

“Their ruler. Their so-called 'God of Greater Heaven.'” Celestia and Antares traded frowns, before the ivory mare returned her eyes to Gymbr. “So now it's not the Pious, but the power they serve. And what about this power that they serve, Gymbr? You're still avoiding the question.”

Gymbr shook his head, his emerald eyes drawing towards Luna, Scrivener, and Twilight, then roving towards Celestia, Antares, and Innocence. His eyes lingered on the latter two, studying them slowly before he murmured: “Look at them, so young still... but growing strong. Still, if they are not allowed to develop... if they are not protected... they will be pruned.”

“Do not speak of our children. Do not threaten our children!” Luna snarled, stepping forwards, and she didn't back down even as the Three Fates all loomed in towards her, setting themselves aggressively. But Luna only glared past them, shouting: “I shall not be intimidated by thee, and I shall not be blinded by the prejudice and hate thou attempts to blind me with!”

The god frowned, but before he could reply Myre snapped in return: “It is not our fault if you are too weak to accept the truth! They stand in our master's way and they must be eradicated!”

“Be quiet, Myre!” Gymbr said sharply, and the dark-armored mare flinched and shrank back with a quick nod. But the damage was already done, and Gymbr clearly recognized that as he looked up with his teeth grit. “It is not what it seems...”

“What it seems like, more and more, is that the Pious are standing between you and something you want.” Celestia said quietly, studying the Three Fates. Her eyes hardened a little as they locked on Twilight Shadow, before her horn lit up with golden light.

Magic sizzled through the air, and all three of them looked icily at Celestia as their own horns all glowed in response to the quick burst of magic, and the ivory mare murmured: “You've tied them all to you somehow. That also goes against our idea of 'free will.'”

The creature bared its fangs in response, its mane and tail both flaring up with dark fire before it growled: “We have asked you to stop. We have asked you to reserve judgment. And more and more you continue to act like we are the villain, but we have not come back as the enemy! We were not your enemy before!”

Scrivener snorted at this, replying moodily: “Yeah, but we didn't exactly ever seen you as a friend back then. Even now we don't really see you as a friend... or maybe I should say especially now.”

“Gymbr, just tell us the truth: what are you doing? And how can you even be risking these things when you remember how it ended up in the past? When you were responsible...” Twilight looked at the creature with something like sorrow in her eyes, shaking her head slowly.

“It was only a story. It was a story that we broke free of.” the god retorted coldly, looking at them with fury as his emerald eyes flashed, and then he took a slow breath, stepping back and clenching his eyes tightly shut as it forced its wings to furl closed, its head to lower. “No, we will... we will not... we will not give in to our anger, and we will not turn our rage on you. We will make you listen, but through reason and logic. We will make you understand.”

Scrivener couldn't help but shiver, and Luna looked up with a grimace, her own dark-green eyes flashing. Thesis had promised that too, right before he'd turned on them. “You know, it's been around sixteen years, but it's been way too short since the last time we heard that.”

There was silence for a few moments as Gymbr visibly struggled with his anger, and Dusk, Twilight Shadow, and Myre all seemed to feel the same fury, to react alongside him as they fought to suppress their own rage. And then Myre cursed, shaking her head fiercely before she said harshly: “You need to listen to us! We're here to try and help you, and you're not doing anything but making yourselves look stupid!”

Luna Brynhild growled in response to this alternate version of her, and Antares said quietly: “We aren't the ones who look stupid right now, lady. But Gymbr, I... I do still want to trust you, to believe in you, even if you've shown up like... like this. So let me ask you a question: the Pious, what do they call their churches?”

“Sanctuaries.” Gymbr answered quickly, raising his head and nodding before he continued almost eagerly: “There is much we have learned about them. We can tell you that they all think you unworthy, until you become purified, like them. Their Holy Word is but one method by which they spread their faith, and it stems from their Sacred Book. They worship He Of The Many Countless Faces, their terrible God of Greater Heaven, who they proclaim is the greatest god of all... but they are wrong! Compared to us, his glory is nothing!”

Gymbr rose his head proudly, eyes glowing as the soulstone core in his chest thrummed, and then Antares asked quietly: “And what powers the Pious, and their faith?”

The god smiled calmly, nodding as it leaned forwards and replied: “Yes. They claim they are powered by 'faith,' by their numbers. The more there are, the stronger they believe they become as a whole. Because they believe themselves to be one, to all be part of their self-same 'god.'”

Silence spun out for a few moments, before Antares said with almost gentle seriousness, that made his words cut all the deeper: “So really, you're just afraid of something that's not even stronger than you, but rather something that has a different kind of strength than you, right? You're panicked over the idea that there's something that might one day be able to challenge you.”

Gymbr frowned at this, as Celestia said softly: “The Pious are different from us, alien from us. But the Pious have never been hostile towards us and have been the victims of attacks ourselves; I'm curious, Gymbr, what does your army comprise of? How many servants do you have at your beck and all, and what kinds of creatures are they?”

“We do not need an army to conquer.” Gymbr said icily, shaking his head slowly before he calmly gestured at the Three Fates. “These three are more than powerful enough to achieve my aims. And we will achieve them with or without you.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Dusk stepped forwards, raising her head as her mane flared and twisted around her before she said coldly: “You are not what we were told to expect, at all. I expected you to be more intelligent, Celestia. And more and more, I question why my master would want to have anything to do with you.”

Celestia smiled grimly at this, then she replied equably: “Well, considering what you seem like, Dusk, then I think I'll choose to take that as a compliment. Besides, I feel the same way: there's little that any of us want to have to do with you.”

Dusk narrowed her eyes dangerously, and Twilight Shadow dropped her head forwards, looking almost pleading for a moment as she said quietly: “Please just listen. We should work together... you should be honored by the fact our Lord Gymbr desires to work with you. That Lord Gymbr has asked you to be equals alongside him when he could easily be your masters.”

Luna snarled at this, baring her fangs as Scrivener Blooms narrowed his own eyes dangerously and Twilight Sparkle looked up in disbelief before she whispered: “How could you be... how could you think like that? How can you even imagine that anything like this is okay?”

“Because this is freedom. This is strength, and now we have a place where we belong. Because Lord Gymbr has saved us, and granted us power.” Dusk picked up, then she looked over her shoulder at the god, saying almost tenderly, her rage seeming to vanish at the sight alone of her proclaimed master: “He has become everything to us.”

Myre and Twilight Shadow both nodded firmly, and then all Gymbr turned his eyes back to look from Luna to Scrivener, balancing its cold gaze between them before it said softly: “We have come to you, and asked you to be our allies. We have great plans, and we are here to defend you from an enemy. An enemy who will threaten us all... who does threaten us all, whether you will recognize this or not.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Gymbr closed his eyes and bowed his head. The creature tried to make itself humble, tried to drop itself low... but it looked awkward, uncomfortable, like it was trying its hardest to pretend for their sakes but it couldn't quite manage it.

They all gazed at it, as the Three Fates looked at their master with surprise, then all shifted uncomfortably before sighing and lowering their own heads. There was silence for a few moments as they studied each other, and then Gymbr forced out, in spite of how much it clearly hurt him to do so: “We are asking for your help, and for your faith. We are asking you to help us fight a threat that is coming to all of us... in the only way we know how. With darkness, and suffering, and hatred. With raw power. You must help us destroy it. You must help us... consume it. You must help us... bring chaos to the universe, instead of order. Chaos is growth; order will destroy.”

But neither Luna nor Scrivener felt moved, as Twilight Sparkle only shuddered... then her eyes flicked worriedly up as Innocence uneasily stepped forwards, the young mare licking her lips slowly as she whispered: “What... what are you? Why do you want my parents so badly?”

“I don't just want their aid. I want all of you.” Gymbr said quietly, slowly straightening and turning around... and if the way Gymbr looked so hungrily at Innocence wasn't bad enough, the Three Fates made it all the worse by the way they formed a wall with their bodies, not just between Gymbr and Innocence's parents, but their daughter as well.

Innocence stared at Gymbr, and Gymbr looked back, a slow smile cresting his muzzle before he whispered: “You want our power, don't you? Yes, look at you... Antares was born the antithesis to Midnight Hour, but you are even greater: you are Midnight Hour reborn, but tempered, earthen, stronger, you are-”

“Stop it!” The shout didn't come from Luna, any more than it was the sapphire mare who launched herself forwards: it was Twilight Sparkle who crashed down between Gymbr and the young unicorn who had begun to stumble almost dreamily towards Gymbr. Innocence was startled out of her daze, flinching backwards as Twilight snarled at the god, her stitches pulsing over her body as her wings trembled and her eyes glowed. “She is nothing like Midnight Hour, nothing! And she is a thousand times better than you could ever be!”

“I want to save your children. I want to help you. You are the ones who will not allow me to do this.” Gymbr replied quietly, but he looked strangely hurt by Twilight's reaction, even glancing nervously back at Twilight Shadow as if to try and reassure himself. His Twilight, his twisted disciple, gave him a loving, servile smile, visibly fawning over him, and the others shuddered at this even as Gymbr didn't seem to think anything was wrong with this. All he did was relax a little, then turn his eyes back towards Twilight Sparkle, gesturing over his shoulder at Shadow and saying eagerly: “See the happiness I want to bring? The strength I want to bestow? Meaning and power, I promise it to you all. And all I ask is that you stand beside me. That you allow me to prove I am not your enemy.”

Luna and Scrivener traded looks as Celestia stepped up beside Twilight Sparkle, and Antares strode forwards to lightly pull his little sister back, the glossy-black stallion's eyes locked on the god. Gymbr's emerald gaze was trying to stare through Twilight Sparkle, trying to gaze at Innocence, and the young mare didn't seem to know what to do: whether to draw back behind her brother or step forwards towards this monster that... she wanted to believe in. That offered gifts and temptation she could barely resist...

“I do not desire to be thy enemy, Gymbr... but we do not desire to be thy friends, either.” Luna said quietly, straightening slowly as her eyes locked on the god. “So I will propose this. We do not interfere with each other. We shall remain neutral while thou does thy business, and we shall see to ours and investigate these claims against the Pious. As much as I am concerned over what thou hast done and what thou asks... I shan't deny further contact. But 'twill be on our terms, and not in such a great show of power that it sends my minions of darkness into such panic.”

“You should thank me, Luna Brynhild. All I did was show you who your true friends were... who you should give gifts to, put your trust in. And why you should have done more to bind the cowards to you, teach them to bow to your will.” Gymbr responded even as he continued to stare towards Innocence, and then he straightened as he turned slowly to face Luna Brynhild, shaking his head slowly as he met her eyes. “We may accept your terms. But we will not alter our plans. You may not approve of what we have decided is the best course of action to ensure we are capable of defeating the light when the time comes... to ensure that this world will not be taken over by forces of self-proclaimed good.”

“And if you go too far, Gymbr, we won't hesitate to stop you.” Scrivener Blooms said quietly, stepping forwards. The emerald irises of the creature turned towards him, and their gazes locked, both fearlessly meeting one-another's eyes. But even though this was a god likely far beyond both his strength and comprehension, this was also a creature half-him, half-Luna: this was made up of everything he knew and loved and hated, and that was why he couldn't let himself be afraid of it.

Finally, Gymbr gave a cold smile, raising a silver hoof that clicked loudly apart into a gleaming claw. It gestured calmly to the side, and the Three Fates looked up in surprise before they all nodded in synchronization, turning similar smiles over their shoulders towards their master.

Then they all turned and strode calmly off in a line as a portal ripped open in reality, the three mares passing into this. Dusk and Twilight Shadow held their heads high and straight, gazes ahead, but Myre tossed a sour look over her shoulder before she vanished into the swirling rift of energy.

The portal sparked closed, leaving Gymbr standing alone on the pool of water, his eyes roving back and forth before he said softly: “We will not hesitate to do what must be done. We hope that you will reconsider your position and assist us in the future. We hope that you will do better to reserve judgment when we next meet, and accept the gifts we desire to give.”

Scrivener and Luna both growled at this, and Twilight Sparkle shook her head, taking a step backwards towards her daughter. The Lich only tensed all the more as Gymbr turned calmly towards her, and then the creature smiled, leaning forwards and saying softly: “We hope that you will benefit from our teachings in the future. We shall pass on to you all our strength.”

It was all too clear that the creature was speaking to Innocence, and Luna, Scrivener, and Twilight all gritted their teeth. But then Gymbr lowered his head, shaking it slowly as he said softly: “We shall leave our invitation open to you all. We shall hope that you change your minds, and decide to join us in the future. We will be waiting.”

Then, without wasting any further words, Gymbr flung himself upwards and flapped his wings hard, soaring high into the air before he vanished in a burst of radiant energy. All eyes were drawn upwards, staring into the space where the god had simply vanished before Twilight shivered and wheeled around to face her daughter.

“What are you doing?” Twilight whispered, and then she shook her head quickly and looked at Antares, saying hurriedly: “Take your little sister back inside. I want you to look after her and... and someone's going to have to take a message to Heaven, is Excelsior still here?”

“Morning Glory!” Luna shouted, and the demon emerged from the darkness almost immediately, approaching and looking serious and ready to accept whatever orders that the sapphire mare was about to give. “Send out this message, all who fled are no longer welcome in Subterra! Not unless they are willing to pledge loyalty anew and promise to aid in the defense of our home!”

Morning Glory bowed her head low as Antares stepped forwards and squeezed Innocence's shoulder, beginning to pull her away. Innocence barely budged, however, before she looked up and asked almost desperately: “What's going on? Gymbr, I... I thought that Gymbr was supposed to be an ally, or.... why did we...”

“Because Gymbr was an ally, but never a friend.” Scrivener said quietly, then he shook his head and instructed quietly but firmly: “Go with your brother. Twilight, maybe you should go with them, too. Celestia and Luna and I... we can handle talking this over right now. We'll figure out who to get in contact with.”

Twilight nodded after a moment at this, turning worried eyes towards her daughter as Innocence shifted under her brother's grip, beginning to open her mouth... but then Antares firmly squeezed her shoulder again, and the young mare closed her mouth when she looked over her shoulder and saw the look that her sibling was giving her. Instead, she just kept her head down and stayed quiet even as the Lich approached and murmured: “Come on. Let's go, okay? Let's go.”

Scrivener Blooms and Luna Brynhild both watched as Twilight hurried over to their children, protectively ushering them away as other demons nervously began to come forwards. Celestia only stood with her head bowed, lost in her own thoughts for the moment as Morning Glory studied the soul-linked ponies for a few moments, then said quietly: “That foe is a foe beyond even my strength. It's the kind of enemy even I would be hesitant to pick a fight with, unless I wanted a glorious death.”

“Glory be.” Scrivener muttered, and then he shook his head slowly before trading a quick look with Luna, exchanging thoughts and images and ideas with her before they both looked up and the charcoal stallion asked: “Before you leave... what did you sense from Gymbr?”

Morning Glory halted, frowned for a moment as she lowered her head... and then she smiled icily and shook it slowly, saying ironically: “Familiarity.”

With that, the Destroyer turned and headed back towards the Thorn Palace, and the two ponies turned towards Celestia as she drew herself out of her thoughts and looked up towards them, saying quietly: “We need to do more than just warn Heaven and Hell. We need to set up meetings with both Hel and Terra to discuss what's happened and find out what they know. We also need to search Valhalla for any possible clues, with or without Terra's permission. Gymbr is a threat not just to us, but to everything we've built if he's returned to his old ways.”

The others nodded, and then the charcoal stallion added in a mutter: “And that goddamn soulstone core in his chest...”

“Aye, I could feel its pulse in mine own horn...” Luna shivered and shook her head quickly, her starry mane swirling uneasily around her as she tried to block out the eager whispering from Nightmare Moon, who wanted to sample Gymbr's gifts... “We... but damnation, Kvasir was... was nothing more than a paper pusher! How could he have hid-”

“He hid a lot of himself, Luna. And he was the rightful King of Valhalla.” Celestia said quietly, before she lowered her head and frowned, muttering: “Do you remember the wedding?”

“Oh, aye, that is a great argument for Kvasir having any personality whatsoever. His wedding to Terra was an Ironjaw ceremony, Celestia, 'twas not really-” She halted, then frowned when the ivory mare held up a hoof sharply and cut her off.

“There was a unicorn present at that ceremony that I've never heard of, who played the role of Kvasir's best stallion. His name was Gemini. He talked to Kvasir alone, shortly before we found out about the attack that took place in Valhalla.” Celestia said slowly, and Scrivener and Luna traded surprised looks before the ivory mare gave a grim little smile. “Don't worry. I remember you were both occupied with causing trouble.”

“Aye. Do not remind me, 'tis shameful that I was not at Valhalla's aid when she needed me... damnation.” Luna gritted her teeth, then she shook her head and muttered: “And what brazenness; what fools we were to miss the creature, especially under such a... a mocking name, a foolish disguise!”

Scrivener only shook his head, closing his eyes tightly before he grumbled: “Yeah, and it knew we weren't going to catch on to it. But what worries me a lot more is whatever the hell he's got in his chest, that... that Kundalini.”

“That's a precise word to use, Scrivener. And I'm getting the sense it might be an accurate one as well, which is all the more worrisome.” Celestia murmured, shaking her head slowly as she looked uneasily at the stallion, then she turned her eyes towards Luna, adding in a hesitant voice: “And it's not that I want to say anything... it's not that I believe there's anything wrong with your daughter, Luna...”

“Then say nothing.” Luna said forcefully, her eyes flashing as she looked over at Celestia... and to the surprise of both her and Scrivener Blooms, Celestia only nodded and lowered her head politely. Luna shifted a little uncomfortably in surprise at this, and then she sighed quietly and lowered her head, mumbling: “Well, thou... hast my thanks for not arguing with me. But I suppose too, thy words have already found their mark.”

Scrivener Blooms smiled faintly as well, and the ivory mare said softly: “Ultimately, I trust you both, which is why I'll respect whatever you decide. And I adore your daughter, but Innocence... was drawn to Gymbr. I don't mean anything bad by it: after all, Antares was drawn to Gymbr when he was younger, too, wasn't he? He trusted him... I think he still trusts him.”

“Because Gymbr is us.” Luna murmured, and then she sighed quietly and lowered her head, closing her eyes tightly. “Gymbr is us. Damnation. I know neither what to say, nor what to do. I do not even know whether or not Gymbr is enemy or friend... only that his words chilled me, Celestia, and I fear what he may do next. For as bold as I may speak... I know well that Scrivener and I are no match for his power.”

Celestia lowered her head in thought, and then she shook it slowly and said hesitantly: “His words are bothering me, though. If he wanted to attack us, he would have done it then and there... Gymbr doesn't mince words or waste opportunities. He clearly doesn't need an army, but he hinted that he had one... maybe more. And with his ability to simply open portals, he could bring those forces anywhere he wants. But he's acting like he needs more... I can't tell if he's honestly afraid of something that his powers or sheer numbers couldn't overwhelm, or if maybe it's pride and prejudice driving him...”

Scrivener and Luna both shivered, neither liking the thought of this as they both looked across at Celestia, but the ivory mare only shook her head before turning and gesturing silently for them to follow. And Scrivener and Luna did, knowing only that they had to figure out what was going on and come to a decision before Gymbr returned... and only hope that they were able to deal with the consequences of whatever choice they made.

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