• Published 16th Apr 2014
  • 4,620 Views, 1,402 Comments

The Descent into Madness - FenrisianBrony

After almost four years, Rainbow Dash is forced to return to the 41st Millennium, in search of something stolen, and something lost.

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The Devil You Know


The war on CGhT-257492, or the Pacification of the Crag, as it was to be known in the records of Pa’Laa, dragged on for another three weeks after the disaster at the Command Centre. The reinforcements Aun’Nan had brought with him had saved the Ethereal’s from death, but they hadn’t been fast enough to stop everything. All of the high ranking Fire Caste members of Pa’Laa had been there, the three Crisis Suit pilots had been the next in command after Shan’Ta, and none of them had survived.

Shas’O Shan’Ta had been lucky and had survived the attack, but just barely. Even after all this time, he was still in intensive care, kept in a stasis even after he was returned to Pa’Laa. No one was sure when, or even if, he would be revived again.

The Fireblades on the front were still active, leading from the front as always, but they had needed someone able to look at the entire theatre of war and make decisions. The Ethereal’s had helped, but there had only been one member of the Fire Caste high enough ranked to fulfil that role.

That had been a month ago, the entire Sept had since been returned to Pa’Laa for some much needed recuperation and rearming. New Fire Warriors were being added to the Sept’s ranks as fast as they possibly could, but they were still limited by the simple passing of time, and it would be almost a planetary year before the next batch of soldiers would be ready to be transferred into the Pa’Laa battle roster.

Likewise, the auxiliary units had almost been entirely wiped out, and they hadn’t even been that numerous to begin with. At the last roll call, there had been seven kroot, twelve Vespid and two Demiurg ready for battle. There were more in the other castes of course, but that wasn’t much comfort to the depleted Fire Caste.

In light of their weakened defences, the Pa’Laa Sept had been forced to rely on other Sept’s Fire Warriors for defence in case the unthinkable happened. On paper, it made sense to have more troops on standby, as it made the planet defensible, but that didn’t mend the massive blow to the honour of the Fire Warriors of the Pa’Laa Sept. There was nothing in any official reports of course, but anyone with even a hint of military knowledge could see that the Sept’s native warriors were demoralized. Aun’Vesa and Aun’Nan had been working tirelessly to change this, but so far, all their efforts had met with little success.

These were all the least of Applejack’s concerns now however. The Pa’Laa Sept would survive, it had weathered these storms before, but every other time it had had an experience O at the helm. Now it had Applejack.

From all the records she had studied, across the entire length and breadth of the entire Tau empire, there had never been an alien to hold a rank even close to an equivalent of Shas’O, and yet here she was, in the central headquarters for the Fire Caste, Aun’Vesa and Aun’Nan standing around the central holo-table with her.

“The first training Cadre is proving receptive to our new accelerated training regime,” Aun’Nan brought up a readout, seventy-two names showing in six separate fire teams. “At this rate they should be at minimum readiness for the battle roster in under two weeks, although that’s still behind what we would normally consider battle ready.”

“Don’t rush them, train them to normal acceptable standards before deploying them,” Applejack sighed. “A few more weeks won’t make a difference, and I will not see the Pa’Laa Sept flooded with inexperienced and undertrained troops. It’s bad enough the Sept will be going back to being almost completely unexperienced in battle.”

“Very good,” Aun’Nan nodded. “There is also the matter of our orbital defences, our surface guns have been suffering from the lack of maintenance, Aun’Vesa has been in charge of this.”

“Indeed,” Aun’Vesa nodded, stepping forward and changing the holo-display to a battery of surface to orbit cannons. “This is Tor’Kan Array, one of twenty such batteries around the planet. Along with our long range anti-ship missiles, they are our first line of defence. Tor’Kan array has recently been showing marked drops in efficiency, brought on by our lack of available Earth Caste operatives.”

“Wait, the Earth Caste is suffering now too?” Applejack massaged her temples, removing her hat and placing it on the table. “Why?”

“Well it’s mostly a matter of the Fire Caste needing reinforcements,” Aun’Vesa began. “Many of the Demiurg who were assigned to the Earth Caste applied for reassignment to the Fire Caste to help bolster numbers. I granted a large majority of the requests on a strictly temporary basis, they’re currently undergoing accelerated training and will be back at their original posts by…”

“Get them back there now, if ya please, Ethereal,” Applejack cut in, barely looking at Aun’Vesa. “At the moment, I’d rather any attackin’ forces found it harder ta get to the planet, rather than havin’ a few more soldiers to fight if’n they get planetside. Orbital defences are now a higher priority than reinforcin’ Pa’Laa’s Fire Caste. We’ll just have to rely on the other Sept’s for a bit longer.

“Are you sure that’s wise, Shas’O?” Aun’Nan asked, warily glancing over at Aun’Vesa.

“It’s as wise a decision as ah can make right now, Aun’Nan,” Applejack sighed, wincing slightly as a surge of pain ripped through her chest. “Now, if y’all will excuse me, ah have ta go see the doc again.”

“We have many other things to discuss…” Aun’Nan began, before trailing off as he caught Aun’Vesa’s gaze. “…but Aun’Vesa and myself can handle the immediate work. We will ensure that what is discussed is forwarded to your quarters.”

“Thank you, Ethereal’s,” Applejack bowed her head to both of the Ethereal’s in turn, before heading out of the room, leaving the pair behind.

“Aun’Vesa, a word if you will?” Aun’Nan called out as the door secured itself.

“Of course,” Aun’Vesa nodded, bowing his head slightly. “I apologise that it has taken such a turn of events for us to speak to each other face to face.”

“Do not mention it, you have been busy advising Shan’Ta and keeping an eye on Applejack, I have been busy with my contingents. And you really do need to stop bowing so much, we are equals after all.”

“In my books, experience trumps rank, Aun’Nan,” Aun’Vesa pointed out. “And you have over half a decade more experience leading Fire Warriors than I. It is why I asked for your assistance in such a time.”

“And I am glad to give it. My contingents are capable of carrying out their tasks without my direct intervention ,” Aun’Nan nodded. “But that’s not what I wished to speak to you about.”

“You wish to know about Applejack, yes?” Aun’Vesa guessed.

“You’re correct. You know her far better than I do. Is she ready for this?”

“Ready? For taking over a Sept that is on the brink of collapse as the first ever non-Tau to hold her rank? I think ready would be pushing it several steps too far. Will she rise to the challenge though? That’s a better question. I’ve yet to see her be beaten by anything fully, and she has been through a lot.”

“If she’s not ready, surely there are others…” Aun’Nan began.

“Yes, there are other Tau. We have a host of Shas’Vre and Shas’El, but none have her experience, and none are capable of taking their trials to become an O yet. It could be close to a year before Applejack has a replacement, not that I think she needs one. She is one of the most competent soldiers I have ever seen, and right now we need that.”

“And we need to keep her on side, it is the will of Aun’Va,” Aun’Nan pointed out, Aun’Vesa stiffening at the mention of the name.

“Have you not heard?” the younger Ethereal asked solemnly.

“Heard what?”

“Of the events at Mu’gulath Bay,” Aun’Vesa sighed, before looking around. “Come, I will speak to you privately in my quarters. This is not something for all ears.”

Without another word, Aun’Vesa turned and headed for the exit of the room, Aun’Nan close behind him, a look of worry and interest written across his face.


Applejack bit her lip and let out a low growl as the medic inspected her body. Her armour lay in a pile in the corner, having taken almost twice as long as it used to take to remove it thanks to her still tender skin. Most of the fur on her chest and sides had been burnt away, her skin still showing the signs of boils and burns, but it was far less irritated than it had looked a few weeks ago.

“Well, I don’t know what else I can say, Shas’O,” the human convert stepped away, beginning to make some notes on a datapad. “The burns and boils are definitely just superficial now, they may be painful, but that is all they are. I suggest you keep having your drones apply the cream I gave you last time, but that is all.”

“Thanks,” Applejack winced as she stood up, licking her lip to make sure she hadn’t broken the skin while trying to stop herself from crying out. Finally satisfied that she hadn’t, she began the laborious process of donning her armour.

“Ah don’t suppose y’all have anythin’ fer stress do ya doc?” she chuckled as she got dressed. She meant it to come off as more of a joke, but when she actually voiced the words, she realised that there may have been some flicker of hope that he actually would give her something.

She shuddered slightly at the thought, she had seen soldiers who had become far too reliant on calming drugs, either being taken off duty, or staying so calm in battle that they didn’t even bother to duck. They didn’t last long after that.

“I’m sorry, Shas’O, but with the painkillers and antiseptics that you are already on, prescribing you anything different and on top of those would almost certainly lead to complications and bedrest. I imagine that given the current circumstances, you don’t want that.”

“Yeah, ya got that right,” Applejack chuckled softly. “D’y’all need anything else from me, or am ah free ta go?”

“You’re always free to go, Applejack, you are the Shas’O, only the mighty Ethereal’s may command you now, and even then, they are closer to strongly willed suggestions.”

“Ya know, ah don’t think I’d ever hear a Tau say anything even close to that,” Applejack chuckled, properly this time. “The Ethereals givin’ suggestions rather than orders that is.”

“But I am not Tau, and neither are you,” the human point out with a smirk of his own, lifting Applejack’s oversized pauldren and helping her attach it to her armour. “I will ensure that the drones are updated with your new prescription, a quarter less of both the painkiller and antiseptic. Keep up with the washing to keep the wounds clean and your exercises to regain your muscle strength, and I think in another three weeks you’ll be back here to be signed off.”

“Thanks again doc,” Applejack nodded, clamping her helmet to her flank and donning her hat, before heading out of the room, a slight limp in her step as she went.

Her old suit of armour had been almost utterly destroyed in the battle on Crag, those bits that were left deemed unsavable by the Earth Caste, necessitating a brand new set to be made for her. For two weeks, she had worn no armour at all as the forges worked to provide her with the suit she now wore, now she wished that she could go back to those clothes.

Her old armour had been worn in over years of service, the padding had moulded to her form, and the additional servos on the legs had served to make it feel like she was wearing nothing at all. This suit felt clunky by comparison, and quite a bit wider, as evidenced by the fact she kept knocking into things as she walked passed, although Koghad had another idea for why that was.

Three weeks in command and you’ve become fat, lass. All those fancy meals above the rest of us little guys going straight to your flanks, eh?

Koghad had spent the rest of that week in the infirmary, being treated for two very distinctive bruises on his chest, and a severe case of damaged ego.

Applejack couldn’t help herself anymore, and let out a laugh as she entered her new quarters, or Shan’Ta’s old quarters, whichever way one looked at it. All of the wounded Shas’O’s personal effects had been moved to the hall of heroes, though they were not yet on full display. It would stay that way until Shan’Ta either recovered enough to take up his old position and return to his room, or he passed beyond the need of it.

“Greetings Shas’O Applejack,” the rooms personal drone was on her the second she crossed the threshold. “Your medication has been dispensed and placed upon your table as per usual. New requisition orders from the doctor were received and have been acted upon, resulting in a smaller amount being dispensed by a margin of…”

“Ah get it Delta-Seven,” Applejack sighed, pushing the drone aside. “Ah’ve been to the doc, ah’ve spoken with the Ethereal’s, ah’ve done everythin’ ah had to today, so unless ya get a message that can’t wait, as in marked Urgent or Ethereal, ah don’t want ta hear anythin’ until wake up tomorrow. OK?”

The drone didn’t make a sound, bobbing slightly as it acknowledged the command before heading off to continue with its chores of keeping the room perfectly tidy at all times.

Grateful for once that the drone didn’t have enough of a personality matrix for conversation, Applejack headed over to the table, starring at her meal and the pills beside it. It was true that the food prepared for a Shas’O was hundreds of times better than that given to the rank and file soldiers, but that hadn’t stopped Applejack feeling guilty about getting the food. She didn’t feel like she had earnt it justly and fairly, as every other Shas’O had. She had been gifted it by default, and to be given the prize without putting the effort in to win it herself didn’t sit right with the workpony she had once been.

Nevertheless, she couldn’t deny it tasted good, and after swallowing the pills she began to tuck into the cavern grown vegetables. Almost as soon as she had taken her first mouthful however, Delta-Seven floated over, his red ocular display fixing itself on Applejack.

“This had better be important,” Applejack growled, glaring at the drone.

“Affirmative,” Delta-Seven bobbed as it spoke. “Message from his mightiness Ethereal Aun’Vesa reads as follows: Applejack, please have your drone call me as soon as you get this. Priority Yarl’kat.”

“Well don’t just hang there, call him,” Applejack snapped urgently. Yarl’kat was the second highest priority warning Pa’Laa had, and while it meant they weren’t under attack, it was still urgent enough that she couldn’t just put it off until morning.

In a few seconds, Applejack saw the drone stop bobbing as its eye turned blue, Aun’Vesa’s voice coming out if it’s speakers instead of its monotonous whine.

“Applejack, our sensors picked up a lone ship incoming many hours ago. The matter was relayed to fleet Command, and it was eventually given permission to land at our central cavern. The passengers are not a simple matter though, and it will be far simpler for you to see what I mean than for me to try and explain to you. Meet me at the Eastern guard post as soon as possible. Aun’Vesa out.”

The drones eye returned to its normal red glow as it returned to its duties, Applejack letting out a long sigh, before turning to face it.

“Keep mah food warm, ah still want it when ah come back, ya hear me?”

“Apologises, but the doctor specified that these pills should be taken with a meal. You have not received a meal since mid-day, meaning you do not fulfil these criteria. I must insist…”

“Insist all you want, ah’m goin’,” Applejack snapped. “Now do what ah said, or ah’ll send Koghad ta deal with ya.”

With that, Applejack headed out of the door, breaking into a gallop as soon as she exited the building. Her armour rattled slightly as she ran, causing her some discomfort, but mostly she was just happy to have her blood pumping again. It took her almost ten minutes of soldier running to reach the guard post, a time she potentially could have halved if she had caught a transporter, but it also could have been doubled if she had just missed one.

Coming back down to a walk, Applejack strode past the saluting guards, entering the antechamber and instantly catching sight of Aun’Nan.

“Shas’O,” the Ethereal nodded in recognition of her, before turning and walking towards the main chamber with her. “Aun’Vesa is with our new visitors, he’s just up ahead.”

“Ah don’t understand what’s so important about some newcomers,” Applejack muttered as she walked, her head spinning slightly from the lack of food, heavy running and the pills on an empty stomach. “Ah’m sure a member of the Water Caste could have…”

She trailed off as the doors to the main chamber slid open, Applejack’s eyes simply gliding past Aun’Vesa and the guards that were surrounding him as her mouth fell open.

Applejack stared at the six newcomers in equal parts confusion and shock, coming to a halt beside Aun’Vesa without a word. The first three were unknown to her, although their species wasn't. The first, a human, bearing scrappy remains of an Imperial Guard uniform that looked like it had once belonged to the Elysians if Applejack was remembering her study of the Taros campaign correctly, and possessing two bulky bionic eyes, both of which were focused on Applejack, and somehow managing to convey sadness even though they were nothing but blue lights. For the first time, Applejack was grateful that he bionic eye was almost indistinguishable from her biological one, as opposed to such a clunky replacement

The next two were Eldar, that much was plain, but that was all Applejack knew of their kind, this being the first time she had ever seen one up close. Both wore near identical battered and broken armour, the males being slightly more blackened, while the females seemed to have been raked by hundreds of tiny blades. She also bore a spindly looking pair of bionic legs, and a defeated scowl upon her face.

Applejack didn't know who these three were, but she had a pretty good idea, and it was not filling her with hope, especially as her mind processed the other members of the group.

Spitfire, Lightning and Scootaloo stood before her, each of the Pegasi looking awful, some more than others. Scootaloo looked as if she was in the best condition physically, her strange armoured bodysuit in good condition, and her muscles clear under the taut clothing, but her eyes displayed an inner pain, one far more painful than any physical injury.

Spitfire and Lightning were certainly not lacking physical injuries however. The latter had scars crisscrossing her body, extra attention seeming to have been paid to her face, making Applejack shudder. Even the Adeptus Mechanicus hadn't cut her that much, this hadn't been scientific, this had simply been sadistic. Even Lightnings injuries were nothing compared to Spitfires though. The older mare had far fewer scars on her body, her face entirely unblemished by scars, but the one she did have was far deeper and more profound that any of the multitude Lightning sported. Her entire right wing was missing, save for a small nub of bone and scar tissue that occasionally twitched in time with Spitfire's right eye. This hadn't been cut off cleanly, it had been ripped, the skin around it showing signs of having been stretched beyond what it was capable of, and there was no sign that there had been any medical care afterwards.

"S-Spitfire? Lightnin'? Scoots? What are y'all doin' here? What happened to y'all?" Applejack asked, her voice hoarse as she struggled to comprehend the unexpected situation, before she finally voiced the question that was burning in her mind.

"Where's Rainbow?"

"She'll be coming," Spitfire scowled, her voice nothing like what Applejack remembered, having lost any sort of joy it may once have held, replaced instead with pain, barely contained anger, and something else that Applejack was having a hard time pinning down. Sorrow? "You need to get ready, all of you."

"Get ready? Fer what?" Applejack asked in confusion. "And why isn’t she with ya? What happened, who did this to y'all?"

"She did," Scootaloo whispered, looking up at Applejack, tears starting to form in her eyes as she finally voiced what everyone else had been trying to out into words to Applejack. "Rainbow did this to us."

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