• Published 8th Dec 2013
  • 2,207 Views, 96 Comments

The Forgotten Memory - Feather Note

A mysterious being is sent to a place where he has no knowledge of. Can he make it or is something going to happen that changes the destiny of all of those around him.

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Chapter I: From the Unknown Darkness Into the Heavenly Light (Edited)

All was darkness in a world that was made of nothing. There was no warmth of any kind and the lack of movement showed next to no life. The only living thing there was a floating figure that laid silently in the air. The figures’ back was to the bottom of the never ending darkness and it chest only moved intermittently, indicating that it was somewhat still alive.

Its thoughts were only that of a simple question. Why am I here? How long have I been floating in this darkness? Nothing ever happened here, he had no connection to anything and never experienced interactions with anyone.

All he could do was simply float in the nothingness that made up this prison of boredom.

A shining bright light appeared, blinding the figure as he tried to stare into it. The warmth felt so foreign to him as he mused, What is this feeling? It's so bright, but yet it feels so welcoming... a-and inviting!

He was pulled towards the light as something new replaced his vision. All he could see was the white light that overtook everything. Then all went dark again.


Everything was normal. The night was beautiful with the moon shining its spectacular silver light. It all was just another day for a group of ponies sitting on the hill.

"Oh, this is so exciting, a meteor shower like this hasn’t happened in such a long while!" The one who spoke up was a lavender pony, her violet eyes shined while a smile gleamed across her face. Her mane was a flowing violet with a touch of indigo blue, shining brightly as the silver light illuminated her body. What made her oddly different from the rest was that she had both the horn of a unicorn and the set of wings of a pegasus.

"Ah agree with Twi, these meteors are just so darn purty to look at!" An earth pony with sap green eyes said as she smiled at the blazing meteorites light reflected off the Earth’s atmosphere. Her mane was a straw yellow while her coat was a light bronze.

"Yeah, Twilight, these meteors are so splendiferous to look at!" The other earth pony, rejoiced in a very spontaneous and energetic voice with her glee filled light cerulean eyes. She had a dark pink mane, that complimented the lighter shade of pink fur.

"They look really lovely, but, um, aren't you all afraid that one might come down?" A pegasus with light pink mane and a light yellow coat worriedly murmured with a very nervous voice, her cyan eyes showing a shyness and worry that made her appear scared.

"Ah don't worry, Fluttershy, I'm pretty sure that we're not in any sort of danger, besides, we can get away fast enough if we do see one falling down." The other pegasus replied, her mane a rainbow of colors with a blue coat and eyes of hot pink. Showing the determination that this pony possessed.

"Oh, look at the colors those meteors show off, they would look so lovely on a dress." Added the unicorn in an elegant voice. Her coat was a light gray, her mane a dark purple color, and her eyes an azure blue that shone in the light.

It was nice, Twilight thought that spending time all together like this couldn't hurt every once in a while. She had been busy trying to learn about politics. Celestia wanted her to study for a national meeting with the griffon ambassador to Equestria. Knowing how difficult he could be, she would have to study up on both Equestrian and Griffon law.

An hour passed as the meteor shower continued until there were less and less showing up. "Welp, I better git back ta the farm, gotta get some sleep ‘fore I wake up tomorrow, gotta get some apple trees bucked."

"I also have to get some rest, a lady needs her beauty sleep, after all, I need to get some dresses finished for a shipment tomorrow for an important client, oh, by the way, Twilight, where's Spike?" Rarity asked.

"Oh, Spike? Well, he went to Canterlot to help Celestia deliver some messages and letters to some of the royalty." Twilight replied, smiling. She was proud of Spike for the new role he had gotten himself.

"Well, I, um, have to go feed some of the animals at the cottage, see you girls later." Fluttershy spoke softly.

"Oh, I get to bake a cake tomorrow for a guest that is coming, I'm gonna make sure it’s so scrumdiddlyumptious!" Pinkie Pie ecstatically chimed

"I have to get ready for my performance tomorrow." Rainbow Dash deadpanned.

"What do you mean, Rainbow Dash?" Rarity asked.

"I get to help the Wonderbolts do a performance tomorrow, its gonna be so awesome!" She said as she flew around before spinning out of control and hitting the ground. "I'm okay."

"You coming, Twi?" Asked Applejack

"I'm going to stay here for a little while longer, I want to make sure that I jot down every single one of these meteors."

With that they left, leaving Twilight to stay behind and observe the remaining meteors that were still coming down. She was surprised at how bright the meteors were getting, they usually didn't get this intense when streaking through the atmosphere.

"Wow, all of this is so cool, never before have I seen meteors like these burn so bright. Ooh, that one was amazing." She kept looking at the spectacle that was playing out before her. "Oh my, that one there is really shining bright, and another one, wow, look at that.” She was scanning the sky as more of the meteors streaked through, but one certain light trail caught her attention. Wait, what is that?"

Twilight was looking at something she never saw before. A figure with the same light trail as the meteors fell among the others and strayed away from its path out of the sky.

It kept falling until she realized that it was heading towards the Everfree Forest. She saw it go down, but there was no explosion, no sound. Whatever it was, she had to investigate it.


Everything was blurry as its vision went from light to dark while it tried to lift itself up with its hands, but fell back down. It was losing focus and falling ever closer towards unconsciousness and no matter what it tried to do, sleep was drifting closer. It fell to its side and saw something running towards it, but all it could do was wait. Then everything went dark once more.


Twilight came running to the area where she saw the object of interest crash, but could not believe what she found there instead. It was a figure covered in a black cloak, she was so astonished that she didn't realize how important an event like this was.

"Oh, my gosh, this… this is just amazing, whoever or whatever this is, I just can't-!" She then squealed with excitement and jumped around with so much glee she almost tripped herself.

Something that bothered her was how she was going to get it home. Hmm, maybe I could levitate him with me to the Library, but that would take longer. I hope this thing can handle teleportation.

A light raspberry aura enveloped her horn as she concentrated on where she would teleport them, then with a poof they disappeared, out of the forest and into the library. Twilight saw that the figure was fully there, making sure nothing was left behind.

Careful not to wake it up, she brought it down to the basement. There was a makeshift bed that she had set for another occasion, but right now it was the perfect thing to set this thing down on. She didn't have time to look at this creature, but now that she had paper to write down her observations, she spent the time to look a little closer.

"Okay, first obvious thing, this isn't a pony. It has two legs, two arms, and kind of looks like a minotaur, just without the fur."

Twilight then carefully pulled back the cloak at the arms and legs but what surprised her was that she had been right. There was no hair or fur on its appendages, but its feet weren't hooves either. They looked like, well, she couldn't think of what they looked like.

She then steadily worked towards what she thought was the face. She carefully removed the hood, afraid that it might cause it to stir. What she saw couldn't be from Equestria.

"What is this thing, its muzzle is just so… tiny." Truly, whatever it was, it had no similarities to any creature in Equestria. The eyes were smaller and its face wasn't extended like a pony’s. She had finally found hair but it was at the top of its head.

The colors were an intriguing mix of a forest green on the bangs which continued to endings of the tips of either side. The rest was just a light and dark brown mix that covered the rest of its scalp. She slowly and carefully opened the eyes and the color of the irises she saw were that of a forest green as well. But one thing she kept thinking about was what under the creature’s cloak.

Twilight carefully unzipped the coat and removed, it only to find that there was a second set of clothing. It was a short sleeved shirt with a few metal objects that looked like arrows hanging out the sides of it's shoulders and one on the right chest area. It also was a forest green color that had a brown mix to it, and under that was what looked like armor, but felt silky and had a white glow to it. The one thing that stood out was the heart shaped necklace that she lifted up to examine it. It felt like any regular jewelry, but it felt like it had a magic property to it.

"I never have seen such a weird type of clothing before, not to mention that strange magic that's emanating from its heart-shaped necklace, but why hasn't it moved yet?” Twilight then mumbled, “That’s strange, it should have responded when i moved its cloak, at least…” She went to check its heartbeat, and sure enough, there was a steady rhythm, but it was slow and faint. Either this creature was asleep or...

She decided to try something and came back with a small needle. Placing it over the visible skin of its arm, she stuck it in the creature, hoping it would move, but it didn’t respond, not even a flinch. When she removed it, a small amount of blood ran down its arm. She lifted a rag from one of the other tables in the room and wiped it away.

"Yeah, this thing's really in a bad coma, but how did that happen? It was moving when I found it, how did it end up like this?" Twilight just shrugged it off and gathered up her materials before heading back upstairs. She thought that telling any of her friends about this creature would surely create some fear and panic, so she decided to keep this a secret.


All was darkness once more, then sounds came into his mind. He began to see pictures and images. All of these things he thought were memories of his past, but instead they were images of different people. Then someone in his mind spoke.

A scattered dream that's like a far off memory. A far off memory that's like a scattered dream. I wanna line up the pieces-yours and mine. Then memories came flowing into mind even faster, everything about a boy that fought with some strange weapon, another who had become the master of that weapon along with a girl who was just learning about it. Other memories of different people came into his mind, all of them very strange. A new voice entered his mind this time.

You are alone, aren't you? But do not be afraid. He didn't know what to do about this mysterious voice. He looked around trying to find the source. Do not worry, I can give you purpose, you just need to reach for it. A name appeared unfamiliar to him then a X appeared and combined with the name, turning it into a new one.

Then he found the voice within him. "Xaniel. My name... is Xaniel."


A couple days had passed and still, he was the same. Twilight began to worry about this new creature. She hoped that it wouldn't slip away in its sleep, but it seemed that it would not wake up. She began to regularly check up on him as a precaution, making sure that he was still there and not, well, she didn't want to think about it.

Things were somewhat normal, she visited everypony to make sure not to worry them. Time passed by and soon it was late, she headed back home after talking to Rarity. Spike had finally come home and she asked how it went.

"Eh, it was kinda boring, all these ponies that were receiving those messages weren't all too friendly about what Princess Celestia asked them." They entered the house when Spike asked, "So, Twilight, how was your week?"

"Oh, you know, just same old same old."

"Well, that's what I thought, if you need me...” He gave a yawn. “I'll be in my bed, getting some much needed shuteye."

"Alright, Spike, I'll be there in a sec, I just need to check on something real quick."


She walked downstairs to see if everything was fine and the creature had stayed the same, no change in anything. Twilight checked all of its vital signs to make sure it was still there, everything was still normal, but it seemed like his arms were getting thinner. She worried that if it didn't wake up, it would starve and… "No, I won't let it end that way, I'm gonna make sure that this thing survives!" She said with a defiant look on her face. She quickly ran back upstairs and into the kitchen. Grabbing a various amount of cooking items, she made a gooey substance that resembled something like a pudding that was smooth and thin. She went back downstairs and poured it down its throat.

After some time she saw something unbelievable, on the face of the mysterious creature, a smile appeared. It was almost heart warming, and it made her smile, like it was thankful for the care she had provided. She went back upstairs to her bed and thought about it. She felt like what she did was accomplishing something.


Everything was coming back to him, he began to remember everything, but not of who he was or any family that he could remember having before. Not even the pictures or images of the other strange people. The voice he heard before came back to him. It is time for you to wake up. On the morning of the next day, your eternal slumber shall be lifted. With that, the voice left and he was thrown back into the darkness.


Twilight woke up earlier than usual that morning, not by any noise, but a feeling that something was about to happen. She went downstairs to check up on the creature and saw that it was still in the same condition.

She was filled with hopeful thoughts that it would survive through this coma that it was in. She wanted to learn everything that this being knew, but she guessed that it would not happen. Twilight turned around, a look of disappointment and sadness on her face, realizing it would never wake up.

Then as if on a silent command, she heard a shifting noise and turned back. The creature had moved slightly. Its hands were twitching. Twilight began to have a spark of hope. More movement came from it as she realized it was getting up. She got closer, and watched on in awe as the creature began to come back to life.


All was dark still, then light began to pierce his eyes, it slightly stung his vision, but he adjusted to it. All he saw was the roof of some building he was in, then when he looked to his right, there it was. A colored pony staring at him with such questioning eyes, but he also appeared to be dumfounded.

"Uhh, hi there, how are you doing?" The pony asked.

That actually confused him, he would never had imagined a pony would ever have the ability to talk.

"Look, I know how this seems, but don't worry…you, uhh." She turned around, whatever was going on with her, she was really worried.

"Umm, are you okay?" The being inquired.

She quickly turned around. "Wait, you… you can understand me?" She asked, dumbfounded. Knowing that he would have to say something, he began to form a word before she interrupted. "Oh, sorry, I forgot to say my name, I am Twilight Sparkle, and you would be?" She asked, more nervous than she’d ever been in her entire life.

"My name?" He murmured, turning away to look at hands.

"Do you have a name"? Twilight inquired.

He looked back at the pony, then the memory of his name being given to him came back. "My name is…Xaniel."

Author's Note:

Hey there everypony! Long time no see! Well, I have decided to redo some of the earlier chapters in a more grammatical way. Not much will change though, don't worry about that. I just need to improve the grammar, but in other words, I'll shall be deleting each chapter after I have redone them on GDocs with the help of TehSporkBandit.

So that's all these notes will contain, so until then, I'll see you all later!